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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1958, p. 11

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-, - -. -~ ,~-.- rw - 7WMHUSDAY, SEP". 25th. 1958 THE C~IADIA STATEMAN. OWM!V .. %JN rinPEEVK ';,ampions Given. Welcomfe'on Return Home Saturday evening was yet another big night in New- Erie ((Cart) Carleton, David McCullough, Ted (Kelly) castle when the Juvenile "C" Ontario Champions returned Lane, Charlie Trim, Robert (Westie) Westheuser, Morley from New Hamburg and were given a royal reception. (Mort) Lake, David Werry, Milt. Rainey, Brian Rowe, They are shown here ready to tour the town on the Fine Charles Crowther, Walter (Gibby) Gibson, and Jim Dean. 'Truck. Included in the group are: Manager- Irvin Mc- Missing fnom picture, Johnny (Sink) Sinclair. Others on Cullough; Coach' - D. G. Walton; Bat-Boy- Peter Mc- truck - Driver Harold Couch and Earl Foster. Cullough; Players - Gary McCullough, Paul McCullough,I W bote Village Welcomes OnMrxio Juvenile Champs Wif h Giganfic Celebraf ion .'NEWCASTLE-The new On- ,ério Juvenile "C" Basebal 'Champions were given a royal welcome on their arrivai homel Dn Salurday evening at 10 p.m. Vter winning the -provincial championship. Met at the in- tersection o! highways 401 and a rovthecampionstabee. gie Iad bthPoviciamponstabeeJ. Rt- r lice escor nto the village to e cheers of the large crowd W~ fans and wefl-wishers who 1NEWCASTLE - The United Clhurch is planning special ser- ices durlng the next f ew REGISTRATION FOR English Classes FOR NEW CANADIANS Tues., Sept. 30 at 8:00 D.M. at NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL had gathered to honour thein on their return. Congratulated by Reeve Cun- ningham and members of the village council, the champions were loadcd on the village Fire Pumper and given a merry ride up and down the main street by driver Harold Couch, with the siren screaming. Members of the tearn were then escorted to "The Flying Scotsrnan Restaurant" where. weeks. The first of Ihese wili be held on Sunday morning when Mr. Austin Birch, Field Commissioner for the Boy Scout Association will be the guest speaker. Local boys and girls organi- zaions wil brin up at the com- munily Park behind the Ontario Training School for Boys Band and will parade to the morn- ing service at the United Church. Those taking part in the parade wil include the Girl Guides and Brownies, the Sig- rna-C the Cubs and the Hi-C group of the church. The boys and girls and young people's group wil form up about 10.30 a.m. and parade ta bbc morning service at the Un- ited Church at 1l a.m. NEWCASTLE UINITED CHURCH Corne to Church tl A.M.- YOUTH SUNDAY Speaker- Mr. Austin Birch Boy Scout Field Commissionen Girl Guides and Brownies Sigma-C - Cubs - Hi-C Parade to Church behind B.T.S. Band WE HAVE MOVED R, B. RICKARD PLUIMBINC1. HEATING AND ELECTRIC Deaver and King Sis. NEWCASTLE, ONT. Phone 3938 I a b.V they were given a full curse chicken dinner with the com- pliments of the propritors Mr. and Mrs. John Heatlie. Both the coach, 1). G. Walton and the manager of the team, I. J. McCullough, are most pleased with the manner in whieh the boys have conducted themselves throughout the sea- son stating you could not have a more co-operaîlve buxlch of boys. Fans are remindled that, though this teaxn has won the Juvenile "C" championship. they are not finished for the season as the Lakeshore League playoffs have nol yet been conxpleted. Those interesled in good basebail are urged to watch for advertising of future games in this series and cheer tho> boys on bo finish the job. They have already won the first game of the three game series froin Cobourg and the winner maeets the winner of the Bow- manville-Oshawa senies for the league championship. Newcastle A uxiliary Canvass NEWCASTLE - More than $330 was raised in the annuai canvass of the village by the Newcastle Branch of the Wom- an's Auxiliary of the Memorial Hospital in Bowmanviile. This rnoney la raised by, the Aumil- iary for Jinens etc., for t.he Hos- pial. The local committee are most thankful for the reception they reoeived in the local homes and are particularly appreciative of the time and effort given by the oanvassers, Mesdames Fred Couch Jr., T. Brown, N. Rud- mnan, R. Williams, C. Megit, R. H.ockin, B. Tilîson, P. C. Harte- Maxwell, P. Rare, J. Rickard, M. Paterson, G. Kimbail, M. Hancock, I.» McCullough, S. Graham, S. Brown, T. Wallace, G. Wallon, A. Pearce, and the Misses C. Butler, 0, Thorn and M. Dewdney. Members of the local coi- mnilIce are Mrs. Irwin Colwil and Mrs. W. M. Rudell. Ability without direction.11, like a horse wilhoul a rider- Dofasco Dan.9 Lions Hosi to Zone Pl-an Sending Glasses To Citizen s of India NEWCASTLE - The dining- room aof the Quecn's Hotel was !illed to capacily on Thursday evening last as the Newcastle Lions Club played host to, the members o! Zone 10 south of District A-3 of the Internation-' ai Association of Lions Clubs for their September meeting. Following a delicious dinner, Lion President, Chas. ÇGilkes, conducted a verv brie! business meeting af the local club aller which he called on Lion Bren- ton Rickard, Zone Chairman, to conduct the remainder af the meeting. Lion Brenton explain- ed thal the zone is made up af the President and Secretary af each club and is a forum wbere- in these offîcers are able ta compare notes' and gain new ideas for the betterment af their local clubs. He called on the presidents in attendance, to air their problems seeking solu- tions from others who had avercome similar problems. Ac- tivities of the variaus clubs were also discussed.' The "Bank of Light"I was also discusscd, in wbicb, Lions clubs are gathering aid used eye glasses ta send ta Bombay, In- dia, whene tbe Indian Lions iClub are having underpnîvileg- cd persons' eyes exarnincd and flitted with suilable used glass-1 es. A motion wvas passed instrur-j tingz the Eve Conservation com- niittee of eacb club ta oubli cize this projeet and receive used yglasses and send ta the zone caairman, m-ho in turm will deliver same ta Lions Head- quarters for shipinent to India or any other uinderdev.eloped country' wbcre similar use may be made o! them. gel the feeling of their clubs and natify the Zone Chairntan immcdiatc]y o! thc number that mnight be expeeted ta attend . ilewcastle Social and (Perial !*Mr. and Mrs. Leland Milison 1 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jose Dianne and Gail and Mr and entertained on Saturday evei- Mrs. Lanson Millson attended ing for Mr. and Mrs. Stanle, the Lindsa.v Central Exhibition Chapman of Orono on the oc- on Saturday. casion of their twenty-fifth wed- Petty Officer Ray Alken of1 ding anniversary. Among those Halifax, spent the weekendi attending ta surprise the bride with his parents, Mr.. and Mrs. and groom of 25 years ago were Keith F. Aiken. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Welsh Mrs. P. F. LeGreslev return- and Mrs. Leamon Welsh of \Vili- edon Monday following a two, sonx'ille: Mr. Clair Chaprnan of weeks' visit with Archdeacon Orono;, Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Mrs. C. W. Balfour in Pe- Welsh of Simcoe and Mrs. Nor- terborougi. iman Goble of Waterford. isne ,,cJaJte o meii.tfl~.btAT R nnc a"w 0fop% church parade was lentatively set Ion October 19th in Newcas- Ne w Pack! Tender and Sweet! SAVE 4c tle if sufficient affirmative ne- Green Giant Brand Fancy 14 oz. tin plies are receivcd by the Zone Chairman. A Lion Jin Clarke. Deputv DislVi b! et s C orn 2 for 3.5c trict Governor aI Region Il1 Freshly Roasted! SAVE 6c spoke bniefly and anxounced the annual laîl rally aI District A-3 Beaver Brandlbceoba ta be hcld in the Edgewaterl» b el a Pavillon in Campbellford on I ~4f October 2lst. whcn an Interna- r' eanuts in h i2 9 tional Counsellor froin the State Bi utFa AE4 aI Michigan will be the guest riBsci Faure. AE4 speaker. . Party Treat lb. cello bag Dr. R. E. Jamieson, Deputy, Lp- Dsoket bonieyfta them ners1 .of t a l w 5 ste riGoern ortho! Cobcnri fl. ocol t a l . keeping bis remarks mainly to Stock up at this price SAVE lic inter-club vîsits stating he wasTes-St.8oz i conducting a cantest on a point re t.2 z i systein. He said bis objective biii for each club ta make at least 5 iterclu viitsduring the H les Peaches 3 for 8 9C ycar. rernendous Value - New Pack! SAVE 6c Part Hope's invitation ta hold Culverhouse - Choice 20 oz. tin the next regular. Zone meeting in Por7t Hope in, canjunction~ wit ther regular meeting o ICream Style Corn 3 for 49c Noveber21s inthe Queen's Hotel was excepted and the Economical Spread SAVE 4c meeting adjourned until that time. Golden Dew - Regular 1 lb. pkg. The following municipalities M a g wcre represented at the meet- Ia m o 9 ing: Bowmanville, Cobour..1 Iae2 o 9 Lindsax-, Millbrook, Newcastle, Omeince. Oshawa, Port Perrý' Values effective at your Dominion Store, Bownianville, Port Hope, Little Britain. and until closing lime, Saturday, September 27, 1958 Camobelîford. Ajax is a mcm- DOMINION STORES LIMITED ber of Zone 10 soulh but was absent fram the meeting. Mrs. Lois Pollard of Bowman- their home heré following a two ville. spent the %'eekend visit- weeks' trip through Westernl ing with . and Mrs. Allin Ontario to Chica,ý., accompan'.- Rowe and farnily. 1 ing Mr. and Mrs. Terry Gar. Mrs. H. C. Dennis accompan- wood and Lynne of Montreal. ied bv Mrs. Jas. Taylor of Lindl Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Bonathân say left on W'ednesday for C ands Cc.Watn'ii 'on. Alberta. where tA;w,. nT rento îh r.ndM. vJzit v:îitiiMrs. James Hay, iiN.iii lton wioaSu. nd Mr& sisler f Mrs. ennir. _______on____________ Chi'ldren presented for bap- tisin bN the Rev. M. C. Fisher F liarn Maieor Rbenrtson of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allin: Wil- Mr. and Mî's. Robert Brannin... Lori Kim. daughter af Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Dost: Susan Eliza- beth. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A pple iThonmas Gatcheil: Brian Peter, son of Dr. and Mrs. L.* Mik los: and Paul Allan. son of.Ir. and M"s. Howard Quinnex'.w e j Mr. and Mrs. Stanle « vPo> ell and Dale, have returned t'ao ,. Juveniles WVin Tiffe Defeafing New Hamburg In Two Sf raîghf Games NEWCASTLE-The Newcastle the semi-finals.1 down via the strikeout route! Merchants' Juvenile Basebali Ted (Kelly) Lane wvas on the! while 9 wvere given bases on Club won the Ontario Juvenile mound for the locals on Satur- Ibalis. R. Matthews wvas the top "C" Championship in New Harn- day with David McCullough re- I itter f or the New Harnburg burg (near Kitchener) on Sat- ceiving. Lane had a total of il teain having three bits for toui' urday afternooxi last when they strikeouts witb one man getting tixnes at the plate. defeated the New Hamburg a base on bails. Gary MeCul- Lane pitched a no bit, no run team 9 to 6 in the second game lough wvas the top bitter for gaine for the first four inningsi of the best 2 in 3 series of the the locals with 3 foi, 4 and David of the gaine but weakened con- OBA. Playdowns. Werry next with 4 for 6 limes siderablvi the 8tb and 9thi in- The locals had defeated the at the plate. nings. Following the garne lie New Hamýurg team in the The New Hamburg team had had the coaches, bat boy' and local park two weekis earlier in a brother battery with D.* fellow players autograph the the first game of the series. Matthews on the mound and R. winning al Previously they had defeated the Matthews doing the receiving. Newcast-e 240 010 002 9 Allistori team two straight in Seven Newcastle batters went New Hamburg 000 010 032 6 4th Big Week "Fail Food Fair" INLNVCAST LE-Mre rhave ben inforned of a bar cest apple tree Ciat, is ifull bloom at the end of Septemnber an Lié farrn of J. B-. Jose and Sons, Newvcastle. Mr. Francis Jose teIls us the freak tree. which, is ver ' snal], bore a sinall cranD of Yellow barvcsi apples last faîl but was about one month late in bra:'ing. Howex'er. blooming nt the end of Septeiber, and it was ln ful blooin last Friday. is more tbail can be explained by anvy of the local apple growers Who havé beeniiniformed of the phenoin- efloî. It is bard to tell wiîen a ,rce wIIîch blooms i late Sep- tembeî' -lit hear fruit! It wif bc interestin.g ta sec xvhat cornes of these late blooms on a tî'ee ;vhich sliould bmrnfr'uit in Juiy or early Augausi. Brbe'sEome Lake *duck, a gourmet's dli]ght, is neyer allovucd in the water because swimrning generates certain wat- er-resistaxit ails that affect the meat's flavour. FRESH PRODUCE 1S PECIALS California No. 1 Grade - Luscious Eatlng Adds zest to any meal SA VE Se Tokay Grapes 2 Pure Tomalo il or. bottle Heinz Ketchup 2for4,5c Ontario No. 1 Marsh 3 l. pal: Handy for sandwiches! SAVE 6c W ashed Carrots 1iu beal ancy Canadian'- Sockeye Salmc Children love it lni sandwiches! Aunt Sally's with Pectin Raspberry Jani Galtuso Broken Salad Olives D. S. L. Black Ce] Jlo pkg. of 100 ~'lbs. 25c [y bag 1 15C r 29C - 5C 16 z. arSAVE 4c Ontario No. 1 Grade - Excellent for Boiling or Baking 16O jr2.9c Marsh Potatoes 10 ib. ag 3 9c 5qt. basket Heaping 6 qt. basket 6 qf. basket 59C 69c 59C No. iPeaches Elbertas No. 1 Field Tom atoes Low'. Everyday Food Values Cut Bread Costs! Carry it home and savi Sliccd White 24 oz. loaf Richmello Breaid Save on Ice Cream! Richmello - "2 gallon square container Ice Cream New Low Price! Freshly ground I Richmello Coftee Mb. pkig. 7 5 c Early Morning Coffee lb. pkg. 65 Cj Ail merchandise sold at, your Dominion Store Limited is uncondit.ionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction 1A nesolution passed b'.'v Lic 1Ranking 1only 'th in size Newcastle Club recommen cing1 among Canaýa's 12 law schools, a Lions arnd Lione tte 4 7ne 1Dalhousie Uffiversity's law fac- Chure!' Parade w~as disý ed1 ultv has grad jated 10 provincial at sme engb '. i si: premiers and' three Prime Min- dent& oi the ciub5 anstruc, w ti sters of Cahada. 'c, 18C 89C T rai ning School Band To Lead Church Parade %'s tinl lashed Ready to Cook - No. 1 - cello bags m 43c Spinach 2Ifor 24 oz. jar SV6 The Famous Ocean Spray Brand - Choice i41c Cranberries lb. SAVE 8e Ontario No. 1 av .Bartlett Pears 1 CUT FOOD COSTS AT DOMINION TPM CaMADL« STATEMLAN. BOWMANVn.ýLM ONTARIO 1 1 à5c

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