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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1958, p. 12

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'4 4-4*-4 - '~.' - , -.-- " ..-.-*-.---. ....-. - -. - .. --- - - -..- - - -- . PACM IE CVETME CAADNNSTATUM. EOWMANVflI, OWTAMO HRDY.EP.5t,15 - - - -- ---- ------ -- --____ __ ___ __ _ Me SPoRTrOPlCS BY Frank Mohun - Phone MA 3.7070 - Saturday afternoon, this reporter unexpectedly wound up at the Dufferin County Fair and just as unexpectedly saw an acquaintance, by the naine of Dr. Gordon Gilbertson of Dundalk, 'who had an entry in the harnese races. He told me -that his horse named "Ambitious" was fast but anything but ambitious, and was liable to balk or head for the stables the first time a round. With tliis kind of advice, a betting person like myseif: (remember Florida's dog races?) just had te pick "Ambitious" to win. Not only did this fine horse come in first, but he won two, races during the afternoon. There is only one drawback to this' horse's "tale". No betting is allowed at the Dufferin County Pair. Attending the Fair wes Prime Minister John Diefenbaker and his wife. As 1 seid to the Prime Minister later on "If you'Il legalize gambling when Fm a winner I may vote for you next time". As this was the tirst occasion on which I had ever seen Mr. Diefenbaker, and I remarked as te how impressed I was, it certainly is the least he could do. t t t t . GOODYEAR HOCKEY LEAGUE 1 Beca use of the fine response to last weeks cail for players, and the herd work of the executive, the Goodyear Hockey League will operàte again this year. Starting time for the Sun- day double-header has been changed to i o'clock, which is much more suitable than lest yer. Four teams will play a 16-game schedule. commencing on October 5th. The first and second place finishers will meet for the league championship. The entry fee of a buck must be paid before any player is allowed to partici-j pate in the opening game. A rule has been re-instated which mekes it compulsory for each player to play in et least 10 games, barring illness or injury, ta be eligible for the play-offs. Capable '.Tim" Cox will again handie the refereeing chores. t t t t t TOWN LEAGUE HOCKE Y The Town League executive have planned a banquet f or Saturday, Oct. 4th at the Belmoral Hotel. Time is 6:30 at a cost cf $1.75 to each person. Trophies wilI he presented to lest years winners. If you have not been already approached, contact your team representatives, who are: Larry Chant, Frank Burns.-Lloyd iQuinton and Jack McNulty. The leegue rolîs into action on1 1ýrhursday. Oct. 9th, with games every Thursday betwcen 7:30 and Il o'ciock. The Town Works Dept. has formed a new entry, replacing Courtice. t. t t. t. t The Lions Juvenies are the enly basebali team hin town to be stW lpaying. A.nd when they play here this Saturday at the Vincent Massey Park against Walkerton, the Ontario Juvenile 11B" championship will be on the line. Garne time is 3:00 p.m. The Lions roared back from a 10-0 second game beating ta down Oshawa 3-0 earlier thîs week. The victory advanced the locals inte the lcague finals against the- winners of Cobourg and New- eastle. Congratulations ta the Newcastle Club, who, led by Lene, Werry and Carleton, captured the Ontario Juvenile 11C" titie. -Tom Cowan's Marvesters shouldn't teed toc bad about los- Ing their OBA. series to the IMdland Indians. Pitcher Dyment and shortstop Deschamps led the Midland entry ta the Ontario Intermnediate "A" Champion8liîp. XIUJ'1Ef I IANi.LIlNG* 'The B.O.Cs' are t ti looking for -àemach to replace jim Crombie, who told us earlier this year that he would be unevail- able for coaching duties thig season. The fans ahould benefit from an interlocking schedule with new teams, which is being worked on at the present. Further news la expected on the EB.O.C. situation next week. Jed Wilson will handle the eoaching duties of the Bow- rnenville Juveniies again this year. AI Clarke, former manager of the apparently defunct Junior Pontiacs, will manage the Juveniles ably assisted by Ab Mavin. Any player eligible for Juvenile play should contact AI at MA 3-5407 or Ah et MA 3-3433 regarding a try-out. The first practice session is carded for Oct. Ist et 6:00 p.m. MEMORIAL ARENA SKATING 8 te 10 p.M. Children - 25e Adults accompanying children .-.-.- . 25c -.. / r 1~ M r ~m * Ae' ISoccer Highlights Goodyear Hockey I Schedule 58-m59 J Ortober - First two teems to be in the 5-Off ice - Mats pleyoffs, which will be arrang- Fan Belts - Hose e d et the end of the regular 12-Hase - Office scheduie. Mats - Fan Belts Teams 19-Office - Fan belts Office-Don Masters (Capt.), Mats - ose Cux-t Vanstone, Dan Girardi, 26-Hose- Fan Beits Jim Clarke, Moe Richards, AI- Office Mats vin Stacey. Ron Burgess, Ted November - Faircy, Bob Margerrison, Lau- 2-Mats - ose rie Gerbe, Frank Mohun, Jack Office- Fan belts Bond, John Osborne, John 9-Fan Beits - Mats Lunn, Russ Lane. Hase- Office Fan Belts - Bruce Cole 16-Office- Mats (Capl,). John Fowler, Jiggs Fan Beits - Hose Cowling, Erv Brooks, Alex I 23-Hase- Office Alexander, Bill Nicholson, John Mats- Fan Belts Mason, Bob Sheridan, Gary 10Ofice - Fan Belts Lane, Don Prout, Gary Cooper. 1 Hose- Mats Bill Cale. Byron Brunt, Bob December - Johnson, Ken Sommersford, Don 7-Fan Belts - Hose Cowle. Mats - Office Mats-Don Childs (Capt.), 14-Mats - Fan Belts Harvey Rowe, Terry Masters, Office - Rose Bud Perfect, Bob Carruthers, 21-Hase - Fan Belts Joe Whyte, Bill Lyle, 'Bob Fair- Mats- Office ey, Archie Crossey, Ron Haynes, Don Forder, Jim Murphy, Ber- January ry Mason, Lloyd Stainton, Gord il-Office- Fan Belts i Smith. li Mats -Hase Hase Rocm - Gord Sellers 18-Hase- Office (Capt.), Vince Vanstone, Gea. Fan Belts - Mats Heath, Lloyd Hamilton, Barney 25-Office- Mats Woodward, Ken Gimblett, Mort Hase- Fan Belts Richards, Clint Ferguson, Larry February - Chant, Tom Gould, Gea. Sellers, 1-Fan Belts - Office Jerry Marjerrison, Chopawick, Mats - Hase Pete Stacey, Reg Willets. Teenage Bowling The boys were reallv scatter- ing the pins Saturday afternoon to rack up the best performnan- ces in the Teen Age League, since the loop was formed last year. Jim Moorcraft put toge- ther games of 231, 220 and 262 to fashion a terrific high triple of 713. Other good scores were rolled by Larry Piper (263, 200); Doug Shirk (234, 233), Lowell Highfield (238, 244)-, Terry Black (224, 200); and Ben Thompson (223, 226), Doug Shirk's team decoined Lowell Highfield's pin drop- Pers 5-2 to break the existing deadlock betwcen the two teams for f-*rst place. Don Bag- nell's bowlers stayed winless, dropping a 7-0 loss to Larry Piper's outfit.' Ben Thomson's team, shutout last week, turn- ed the tables to register a 7-0 shutout victory over Ken Park's bowlers. In the girls' division, Linda Brooking repeated as high sin- gie winner with a 217 effort. Also turning in another repeat Performance from lest week was Barbare Brown with the high triple of 544. Barbera Brown's team vaulted into the top spot with a 7-0 whitewash job over Jo-Ann Leddy's win- less aggregation. Connie Os- mond's outfit skidded into sec- ond place as the resuit of a 5-2 loss et the hands - of. Virginia Brown's team. Teenage Boys' Standings Pins Pts. D. Shirk ____ 5475 12 L. Highfieid 5456 9 L. Piper ----- _ 4961 9 B. Thompan 5269 7 K. Park .5029 5 D. Bagnel _ 4247 O Teenage Girls' Standings' Pins Pts. B. Brown -- - 4040 10 C. Osmond - 3962 9 V. Brown ____ 3841 9 IMixedl Lecague BowlingI Senior half. Maple Grove's best thrust A determined Zion soccer of the encounter, paid off when club upset the champion Maple Dick Denhertog converted Ray Grove applecart last Saturday Preston's pass to narfpw the night, scoring a 3-1 win right in count less than two iç1 'utes 1 Maple Grave. The well-descrv- later. Hank Hoogkamp sJond ed Zion victory deadlocked the goal on Nemis' third ass put best of three series et one game the game on ice with five each. The third sudden-death minutes remaining. encounter for the 1 e a g u e Jno chàmpionshîp was playcd lest Jno night in Courtice. After playing to three con. The winnrs shifted their secutive tis, the pennant-win- line-up around - a move whîch ning Courtice Juniors took a 3-2 paid off in the fine play of full- wvîn in the fourth game played back Mike Nemis. Up frn Th ursday night in Maple Grove. Junir str Boby Nmi ronts There was only one goal differ. ed for ail threc goals, while ence bctween the two clubs, but goalie Dave Esterbrook played a that marker was enough'to give sound game. However, it wvas a the Courtice Club this year's fine tcam effort with the de- Junior title. The winners led fendng campin hone tam -1 at the half on goals by Nom-i being outplayed for most of the Dai n ra owcraft, gamne. Zîon's aîertpasn against a single reply by Zion 's plays were the deciding factor. Bbei.Dvs eodga of the night in the second haif Garret Bowmeester scored the proved ta be the winner. Mac- only goal of the first half et the Lean scored for Zion. IS-mînute mark on a pass from __________ Bobby Nemis. Zion's Henk Hoogkamp made it 2-0 after 10 People get the most kick out minutes of play in the second' of life who do the least kicking. * Now is the Time ij Ladies' Major Bowling Lydia 'Bates had a big night Individual Scores at the alleys last week, as she Name Average came from nowhere to take Lydia Bates 239 over the leadershlip in the aver- Doris. Joli 220 age departrnent. Lydia's 308 Onie Etcher - ---215 high single game led her team Lou Lyle ----210 to a 3-0 shutout wîn over sister Joyce Tennant 203 Wilma. The victory shunted Joyce Lyle ----208 Wilma's crew out of first place, Eva Whitehead 202 with Lydia taking over. Hilda Broèk ----197 Shutouts by Onie Etcher over Bernice Budai 194 Doris Joli and Betty Westlake Em Stringer --- - 190 over Helen Dunn, moved the Betty Westlake 188 two victors from deep in the Mary Harrison 187 second division into a second Helen Piper 187 place tie. Berniece Budai's Jean Luxton 187 bowlers downed Norma Ga's Lola Wright 18(; cellar-dwellers 2-1, and Ka.v Ruth Barclay 184 Beauprie's outfit decisioned Duaine Palmer --------- 184 Joyce Major's team bv the same Thelma Forrester ---- ----- 182 score to also share the runner- Kay Beauprie 182 up position. In the other con- JeMajrome---i-----------182 test Hilda 3rock's pin-droppers Ena Etche --179 were defeated 2-1 by LorraineESaieBcneli- ----179 Maryn' bwles.Ada Richarad 178 High triple honours went to Dot Brooks -_____ 178 Onie Etcher with a 736 total, Babe Brown 177 followed by Lydia Bates (736), Ann Gay -----------176 Louise Lyle (691) and Betty Audrey Osmond 174 Westlake (667). Audrey Bickell 174 Thelma Forrester's 306 effort Ella De Jardine 172 took runner-up position to Mary Wilcox- 172 Bates in the high single race, Shirley Davis ------ 172 while Betty Westlake carded a Eileen Holroyd - ---171 267 game, and Onie Etcher Peggy Haines - -- - 171 rolled up a 262 score. Marie Yeo --------------170 Wilma Bates ---- 170 200 Gaines Del Vinson- 170 Lydia Bates 308, 209; Thel- Doella Brookwn ____ 169 ma Forrester, 306; Betty West- Helen Prks 168 lake 267, 202; Onie Etcher 262, Julne Baker167 244, 230: Ada Richards 258; Kay ephaers-___ 167 Joyce Lyle 248; Lou Lyle 243, aShire Bekeil167 238, 210, Joan Brunt 238; Au- Aurey Burnsl 163 drey Biekeil 236-, Ruth Bar- Vel Miller 163 Clay 236; Helen Parks 233, Helen Dunn _____-163 Joyce Tennant 231, 227, 200: Lois McLean ___-162 Duaine Palmer 231: Hilda Marion Slaght -_____161 Brock 230; June Baker 230; Bernice Partner m6i Eva Whitehead 228-, Emma Norma Gay 6 'Bromeil 227; Joan Englcy25e lMNly 160 Sadie Bucknell 224; Doris JoII Helen Vivien --------- --160 220, 208, 203: Helen Piper 218; Team Standings Ella De Jardines 218; Norma Name Pins Pts. Gay 216: Audrey Osmond 214; Lydia Bates 5496 5 Kay Stephens 214, Joyce Major Onie Etcher .L 5542 4 208: Helen Vivien 208, Dorc. Betty Westlake 5531 4 Mutton 208; Greta Luxton 205; Bernice Budai ---- 5502 4 Beth Chartran 203: Ena Etcher Kay Beauprie 5320 4 202: Lola Wright 202; Dot Vir- Wilma Bates ---- 5322 3 tue 202. Lorraine Martvyn _--- 5110) 3 High Singlé-Lydia Bates 308 Helen Dunn------ 5497 2 Hilda Brock-- - 5429 2 High Trîple-Onie Etcher 736 Joyce Major 5332 2 High Average-Lydia Bates Doris Joli ___ 5300 2 239. Norma Gay ~ 4819 1 We haPe tallTdR to service ail your ignition needs. CHECKS: *BATTERY *VOLTAGE REGTJLATOR *GENERATOR *STARTER Inquire about our Budget Plan A. BOYD, Prop. tOnie Etcher continued her (285), O. Etcher (243 and 272), torrid pace into the third week A. Spicer (252), M. Hickiing to leed Jim Richards' team ta (248) and E. Brock (239). a 5-2 upset victory over Art Spicer's outfit. Onie's 688 high Team Standing triple didn't pull Richards out wLPn t of the celler, but did put them WLPn t in contention. Brock ____ 7 2 8644 16 After capturing the first game Mitchell -- 5 4 8463 12 for their seventh sraight win, Bond ---__ 4 5 8048 10 Elton Brock's bowlers were Spicer ~ - 4 5 8089 9 stopped cold by Jack Bond's Etcher ___ 4 5 8171 8 team, in dropping a 5-2 dcci- Richards ---- 3 6 8686 8 s ion. Aeae Bob Mitchell's crew moved Aeae into second spot al elone, when Games Ave. they scored the night's third E.' Brock q_____ 9 235 5-2 win over Morley Etcher's O. Etcher - 9 225 bowiers. Merg Hickling came B. Mitchell ---- 9 213 up with hem best effort of the M. Etcher - -- 9 208 young season-e 248 game ta A. Spicer 9 207 put the third game on ice for H. Brock 9 198 the Mitchell squad. In addition A. Hickling ----- 9 194 ta Onie Etcher's high triple, J. Richards ---- 6 18q other good triples weme carded E. Cox --___ 9 188 by J. Nowlan (631), A. Sîc<j ove 8 (644), M. Etcher (644), B. Ed- C.M tan90 onsn (635) and 1Elton 'J. Bond - -- . 9 183 Bmock (624). J. Nowlen's 292. j.Co .....9 18 geme took high single honours iB. Edmondson 9 182 followed by B. Edmondson H'i Pronmel -- QO Welcome Wins Rural BaIl Tfilie Welcome had ta corn e frorn behind a 5-1 count et home on Saturday' afternoon before a large crowd ta finehlv defeat jNewcastle 9-6 and take the championship of the South Durham Rural Basebail Ijeague. Wclcome had scored e single run in the fîmst but Newcastle erupted for five in the third. HaFlwever, We]come got thmee runs in the third to miake it 5-4 and went ahead with a five-- rue autburst in the fourth. IThe best Newcastle could Imuster after the third xvas a sixth-inning singleton. Glen De- 'foe pitched an eî.ght hitter for the winners wvalked six andJ fclaimed thmee on strikes. Keith 'Chard started for the lasers but neddhIl from George Heath in the fve-run fouth. Welcome got oniv seven safe- tics but took advantage o f n ine free tickets %vhile onily fivet Went duwî uf -tîken;n Flovà Bebve f~~h om the i nners Ted Bî,oous fur INewcas-tle. Freemnan, Fuster and Stanley each had a saretv an d tvo va!ks fût the wumiers wd fHaniîlton %v.ith Ihi ce free tick- <ets and a s ii~ad Gustv, Wes with two binales led the i P. Gould ---. -9 G. Stringer -9 E. Stringer 9 E. Bromeli -____9 D. Bn d 9 C. Oke ---. - - - 9 R. Mutton -9 A. Sleep 3 L. Eldridge -. 9 D. Mutton ___ 9 P. Bartels 9 C. Evans ___-) R. Mitchell 6 B. Charles 9 F. Luxton 9 J. Evans 9 J. Eldridge 9 B. Chearles 9 A. Sleep ------- _3 M. Hickling - _ _ 9 A. Winnacott .6 A. Haldstock ____3 E. Winnacott 9 D. Edmondson --6 M. Nowlan 9 K. Luxton -____9 R. Spicer e 181 180 178 177 17Pi 175 175 174 172 170 165 165 165 164 151 162 161 154 151 146 145 142 139 134 1341 124 123 Ladies' High Single- M. Hickling ------ 248 Men's High-ý Single - SJ. Nowlaii,-- ---- 292 Ladies' High Triple- O. Etcher ---------8 Men's Hig-h Triple- A. Spîcer ------- ___- _6441 M. Etcher ____644 Ladies' High Average- O. Etcher -- - 226 Men's High Average- E. Br-Ock ____2.15 The man who thinks lic is in- dispensable should notice the hale his finger leaves after hie pull.,;it aut \Of tewtn 0ofa" as Dan. ,th ae. 'F A loft Jab connecte, murderouely.. The challenger moves ln, swinging, chopping .. . It looke like the end .. . But waitl! 1 Is It the end or the beginning of a great come-back? The sports writers f rom the Toronto Star are there ta f lash every detail of the flght ta you. The Star photographers are there to record the great moments. You get tremendous sports coverage ln the Toronto Star. More world and national news. More articles. Far, far more pictures. Penny for penny, page for page, The Toronto Star is Canada's best newspaper value.$ T WHATEVEPJVOUR INTER ST-SPORTS O 'R FASHION, WORLD AFFAIRS SA R OR NATIOýIAL NEWS-il iGETS MORE COVERAGE IN TH-E TORONTO FOR HOME bELIVERY TELE.PHOWE ZENITH 3-6800 OR WRITE TP1E TORONTO STAR, Il C41INA STREET, GSNWA 4 14 IThe New.. ARGUs 8m.m. Movie Projector I * Instant action forward, reverse and stili. i * Rapid re-wind. *Slip loading film gt.. i * F:1.5 wide angle lense. *400' film reel capacity. *ReallY light and portable. ONLY $99,50 Jury and Loveil 15 King- St. W. Bownmanvill.ý MA 3-5778 I im 1 IGNITION SYSTEM CHECKED TO HAVE YOUR We have installed a il, 1 -j VOLTS

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