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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1958, p. 16

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w4lm - TM CANADIAN STATWLAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAMI fHU)~SDAY, SEPT. 25th, 1958 FORSEY-Charles and Ernes- tine Forsey are happy to an- nounce the birth cf their son, Derrick Camenon, on Sept. 2th, at Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- ville. A brother for Charlene. 39-1* JOYCE-Mr. and Mrs. Vernon H. Joyce (nee Blanche Crowe), are happy to announce the birth of a son, Steven Mason, on September th, 1958, at Monroe, Washington. 39-1 * KEMP-Doug and Blle are happy to announce the birth of their son, Kirk Charles, at Me- morial Hospital, Bowmanville, on September l4th, 1958, a brother for Sandy. 39-1 McCARRELL-Harlan and Bar- bara (nee Curtis) wish to an- nounce the birth of their son, Dwa;'ne Harlan, 6 lbs., 3 ounces, on Sunday, September 2lst, at Peterborough Civic Hospital. 39-1 * SMITH - Frank and Verna Smith (nee Dowse) of Colum- bus are happy to announce the arrival of God's gift of a son, Eric Walter, born at Oshawa General Hospital, Friday, Sept. l9th. A bother for Brenda. 39-1 WRIGHT-Don and Donna (nee Forder) are happy to announce the arrivai of their most cherish- ed gift, Patrecia Ann, on Sept. 22nd at Pembroke Cottage Hos- pital. 39-1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Russell Osborne, Newcastle, announce the en- gagement of their daughter Eleanor Ann, to John Edward O'Neil, son of Mr. and Mrs. William O'Neil, Bowmanville. The marriage will take place eanly in October. 39-1* Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Empey, Tinumins, Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter Beatrice Jean to Colin John Col- ville, son of. Mrs. Colville and the late Colin Colville, of Bow- manville. The marriage will take place on Saturday, October 25th in St. John's Aénglican Church. 39-1* Deaths ENGLISH, J. Meredith - At Community Hospital, Port Penry on Tucsday, September 23, 1958, J. Meredith English, formerly of Cartwright Township. Rest- ing at the chapel of McDermott- 'Panabaker, Pont Perry, for service on Fniday at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery, Cad- mnus. 39-1 In Memoriam CRAGO-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Wm. Eber Crago, who passed away Sept. 2lst, 1951. We little knew when we woke that morn, The sornow the day would bring For the cali was sudden, the shock severe To part with one we loved so dear. -Lovingly remembered by wife and family. 39-1 GOFF-In loving memory of a dean wife and mother, Jennie Goff, who passed away 21 Sept. 1955. Three years have passed since that sad day When one we loved was called away. God took ber home, it was His will, But in our hearts she lveth still. -Her memory is as dear today As in the hour she passed away. :-Sadly missed by hem husband and family. 39-1 HEARD - In loving memnory of a dean father and grand- father Wesley Heard who pass- ed away Sept. 29, 1957. His weary boums and days of pain, His troubled nights are past; And in our aching heants we know *He has found sweet rest at last. *--Sadly missed by Gerald, ,Yvonne and grandchildren. 39-1' McROBERTS-In loving memory 'of our daughter Linda Mc- Roberts who was taken from us September 27, 1954. God took ber home, it was His will But in our beants she liveth still. -Always rcmemnbened by motb- er, Dad and Jean, grandmother and grandfathen. 39-1*' WOTTEN-In loving memory of a dean father, William George Wotten who passed away Sep- temben 26th, 1947. The depths of sorrowv we cannot tell 0f the ioss of ane we loved so wlli, And while he sîeeps a peaceful sleep His memory we shall always keep. -Ever remembened by thet family. 39-1à Personcl WHY PEEL OLD? Peel Years Younger. Ostrex Tonic Tablets1 revutalize thousands past 40.r OnlY 60c. At all druggists. 1 373 t MEYGENIC supplies - (Rubberc »Oods)nmailed Postpald Ini plain0 sealed envelope wxth price list t, Six samples 25c, 24 samples e $1.00. Mai] Order Dept. T-28, c NOv.-Rubber CO., Box 91, Ham.- S wSto, Ont. - 1-52 t Coming Events Turkey supper at Solina Hall, October lst, 1958. Admission: $1.50 - 75c. 35-5 Reserve October 29th for En- niskillen turkey supper. Tickets available from W.A. members. 39-1 St. John's Anglican Church Guild Bazaar, Thursday, De- cember 4 from 2 - 5 in the Parish Hall. 39-1 Dance in Tyrone Community Hall, October 4th, sponsored by Hall Board. See particulars in next week's paper. 39-1 Orono United Church Turkey Dinner on October l3th, Thanks- giving Day, from 4 o'clock on. Admission $1.50 and 75c. 39-3 Elizabethville W.A. are hold- ing a hot turkey supper, Wed- nesday, October 8. Admission: adults $1.50, children 75c. 39-1 Wednesday, Oct. 22, Club 50 will hold a bazaar, bake sale and afternoon tea in the Tyrone Sunday School room from 2 to 4:30. 39-4 Plan to attend St. John's Ang- lican Church annual turkey din- ner on Thursday, Nov. 6 in the Parish Hall. Sittings, 5, 6 and 7 o'clock. 39-1 Lions Club Bingo, Tuesday, October l4th in Lions Commun- ity Centre at 8 p.m. 20 games $5.00, 2 special games, 2 jack- pots $2500 each. Admission 50c. 39-3 St. Joseph's Bazaar, Lions Centre, Friday, October 3rd, home baking, candy, aprons, country store, lucky draws, fancy work, good used clothing. After- noon tea. 39-2 Organ Recital, Kendal United Church, Friday, Oct. 3, 8:15 p.m. Mr. Frederick Geohegan, Toron- to. Aduits 50c, children 25c. Refreshments. 38-3 Haydon Thank-Offering Serv- ice this Sunday, Sept. 28 at 7:30 p.m. Rev. M. C. Fisher, New- castle, guest speaker. Music by the choir and Miss Margot Rankine, soloist. 39-1* Shaws Home and School An- nual Market at Mrs. Ken Werry's, Kurv Inn, Saturday, Sept. 27th, starting at 9 a.m. Home baking, vegetables, apple cider, preserves. Proceeds for Shaw's School. 39-1 Ontario Farmers' Union An- nual County Meeting for Dur- ham will be held at Cavan Hall on Sept. 3th at 8 p.m. Mn. Gordon Hill, President of On- tario, is guest speaker. Every- one welcome, especiaiiy ladies. 39-1 Woodview Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dollars; five games- thinty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Regular weekiy bingo beld Thursdays except third week in the month which will be held on Tuesdays in the Union Hall. 20 regulan games and two $25 jackpot games. No game under $3.00. Admission 5OC. 37-tf The Bawmanville Citizens Committee is holding a meeting at Trinity United Church on Tuesday evening, Sept. 3th, at 7:30, to which the public is in- vitcd. Mn. R. McConnell of the Tempcrance Federation, Toron- ta, will be guest speaker. 39-i A Fur Fashion Show sponsor- cd by the Bowmanville Business and Professional Wamen's Club on Wednesday, October lSth at 8 p.m. at the Lions Community Centre. Furs by caurtesy of Manten's Furs Ltd. Admission 75c. Refneshments served. 38-2 Bus tours: Saturday, Octaber 4tb, bus trip ta Bobcaygean, Peterboroughi and surraunding districts; Saturday, october i ltb, bus trip to Buffalo for Thanks- giving Weekend, hotel accom- modation inciuded. Reserva- tions fon the Buffalo trip must be made well in advance. For information please Phone Mrs. H. T. Clmer, MA .3-3265. .39-1 Articles for Sale STAKE body, 14 feet, good con- dition. Phone MA 3-2493. 35-tf APPLE boxes, new. 1,500 at 75c each. Phone Orono 1 r 6. 37-tf BABY carrnage, Gendron, with mattress, gray, like new. Tele- phone MA 3-5484. 39-1 BABY carrnage, Gendron, silver gray, like new, $20. Phone Newcastle 3576. 39-1* DOUBLE bed size studio couch; walnut dinin g table and buffet. Telephone M A 3-3527. 39-1 NO sweet corn ready until eanly next week. Orders taken. A. Wood. Phone MA 3-2971. 39-1* McCLARY combination coal and gas range, dual oven, excellent baker. Phone MA 3-3865 after 5. 39-1* HARDWOOD cuttings, large truck load delivered anywhere, $10. Caîl Oshawa RA 5-1526. 38-4 SAVE on lumber, direct from miii to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13tf KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf DINING-ROOM-suite, $25. Two chrome kitchen chairs $6. One drop side couch $6; Phone 3761 Newcastle. 39-1 ANTHES Imperial coal furnace, with regulator. In good con- dition. Reasonable. Telephone MA 3-3067. 1 39-1 FOUR 45-gai. oul drums with taps, $10; also 1 fibre rug 9x6, good as new, $7. 81 Elgin St., Bowmanville. 39-1* TRUMPET, King-Liberty, good condition. Best offer. Phone Alfred Bell between 4 and 7 p.m., MA 3-5684. 39-1 HULA Hoops, guns and amn- munition, new and used bicycles. McNulty's Sports & Cycle, Bow- manville. MA 3-3531. 39-2 ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and smiall. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. *43-tf ROUND dining table, buffet, kitchen china cupboard, boy's blue suit, size 16, small house dog. Phone MArket 3-2684. 39-1 * INSULATION, blowing mcthod, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf NEW Holland forage harvester, with corn nase and hay pick-up. New knives, good warking con- dition. Glen Larmer, Nestleton No. 2. 38-2 SCOTCH pine seedlings for fal planting. Christmas tree stock, $14 per thousand. Sam Manetta, Pontypool, Ont. Phone Betbany 20 r 111w. 36-tf TWO wheel trailer, steel frame, signal and stop lights, fendens, spare wheei and tire, $75.00. W. Oliver, Newtonville, or store at Crooked Creek. 39-1* ADDING machines, typewniterc, cash r e g i s t 9 r s, caiculators, cheque writens, filing cabinecs, office fumniture. New and used. Repairs toalal makes. Frank Office Equipment, 177 Church Street, Bowmanville. MArIret 3-3986. 8-tf TRACTOR Tires-We service and seli every make of tractor tires: Goodyear - Generai - Fine- stone - Goodrich - Dominion. A-i retreads - 6.00x16 - 6.70xl5 at $10.95. Jamieson Tire Shop, King and Silver Streets, Bow- manville. 24-tf TYPE WRITERS - Remington portables, 4 models, free demon- stration at $1.00 down and $1.00 a week. Up to 20% off on dem- onstrators. Oshawa Business Machines, 329 Simcoe St. S. Phone RA 8-1211. Evenings RA 5-9748. 36-4* Elna Sewing Machines For Home Demonstration Phone Dennis Tierney D A N C E MA 3-3084 (Cali after 5:30) to HENRY KOSS 9f andth Hoeseadrs BOWMANVILLE Home Im- and he ameteaens pravements..We carry a com- AI.plete line of floor and wall tules, S aturday, Sept. 27 t lnilgs, "Vina" rug floor cv at Ponfypool Hall doos, awnings and ralings. Copeeinstallations. For free. estimates telephone MArket Featuring Modern. Old Tyme,i 3-2753 or drap in at 22 Division Round and Square Dancing Street. 21-tf Dancing 9 li 12 K v Admission 1 - 75c TU n E1 Recetion39-1Choice Young Roasf ers _______________ Ail weights - Dressed Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gomr will p TT TM .TV be at home ta their friends and PHL F I NNEYL.LJ..J neighbours, Sunday, Sept. 28tb AL RV fnom 3 p.m. until 9 p.m., on the MALiRV accasion of their 6Oth weddinge Ake -55 anniversarv. 39-,Phn Akt35 8 Auction Sales 1 4t Auction sale of furniture at ETRSA Petbick's Auction Shed at En-1 lu i m Doors nîskillen on Saturday. Septem- ber 27th. Dining-room suite, n idw beds and mattresses, dressers, an Widw two sewing machines, Quebec Selstrn o $95 Cook stave, Quebec beater, týwO l-tonDor$95 iù space beaters, kitchen chairs, Windows from $20.00 Up table, stepladder, garden toals, '~i~"M )1'L eight-day dlock, washing ma- ~ ra bhine and many other articles.i al ap MA3 16 Sale at 1:30. Cliff Pethick, aqur- FE SIA tioneer. 39-1 FEEESIMTE Articles for Sale ONE gray baby carrnage. Phone MA 3-5702. 39-1 POTATOES, No. 1, $1.50 per bag. Phone MA 3-7040. 39-1* OIL space heater in excellent condition. Phone- Newcastle 2986. 39-1 MIXED slab wood, $12 a cord delivered. Telephone Newcastle 3776. 39-2* DRY light wood in stovewood lengths, $10 per load. Telephone MA 3-2849. 37-tf WATER, hard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf REGISTERED and Commercial Genesee wheat, seed rye and grass seeds. Swain Seed Clean- ers. Phone B]ackstock 89 r 11. 37-4 FIFTY Hybrid pullets, six months old, now laying over 60%. Apply Francis Jose, New- castle 3266. 39-1 ALSCO-Canada's outstanding convertible storm-screen win- dows and doors. Lorne Allin, 1 Prince St. 39-1* ONE Chef-Master four-burner electric stove, used only two months, and one refrigerator, 81/2 cu. ft. Good condition. Tele- phone MA 3-2764. 39-1 No. 1 IPEARS for sale! For can- ning and eating. $1.00 to $1.50 per bushel. Lewis Clark, Gore- vale Orchards, R.R. 3, New- castle. Telephone 2195. 39-1* HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Lîmited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf ANNUAL Sale, dolîs haîf price, Friday and Saturday, October 3rd and 4th, 10 a.m. Dolîs on display from Saturday, Septem- ber 27th. McNulty's, 6 King E. 39-1 HYDRAULIC wagon hoist, new, still in its original wrapping. Also pumping windmill in good condition. Both items to be sold very cheaply, W. G. Bowles, Nestleton. 39-1 DO your own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo method) from Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf SPECIA-New 812 ft. Culti- vator, on rubber, reg. $365.00 for $265.00. Tractons: Massey- Rarris Model 30; Machinery: 4- bar Side Delivery Rake, on nub- ber; 2-furnow Hydraulic Plow. Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 39-1 ]FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL Automatie Meter Dellvery Stephen Fuels Phone MA 3-5410 Office at C.N.R. Yards 30-tf TILEWORK CERAMIC WALLS Tiled Floors of ail description Vinyl, Plastex, Rubber, Jaspe, Marboieurn. Fiexichrome, Mastic Red Quarry - Ceramie Supplied and Laid H-. G. HEAL R.R. 1 Hampton MA 3-2902 25-tf NEW SKATES ALL SIZES in MEN'S - WOMEN'S BOYS' -GIRLS' TRADE-INS ACCEPTED Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 King St. W. Bowmanville TOWNE TV Antennae Sales, Installati'on and Repairs Bill Leask MA 3-5522 40 CONCESSION ST. E. 39-tf FUEL OIL SSTOVE OIL Automnatic Metered 24-Heur .Deivery Seirvice A. H. STURROCK SAND SONS IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER Phone MA 3-5516 Sturrock St. BOWMANVILLE O- lg Articles for Sale SHOTGUN, 12 gauge, Stevens. Phone MA 3-5035. 39-1 ALL-WEATHER coat. size 16, brown, reasonable. Telephone MA 3-5228. 39-1 LARGE Quaker oul stove, blow- er attachment, $35. Telephone MA 3-3075. 39-1* TWO-furrow tractor plough, new condition. Priced to sell. Phone MA 3-3098. 39-1 CHESTERFIELDS, $139;* bed- room suites, $89; Sealey mat- tness, $38.88; Simplicity washers, $129; trade-in refnigerator, '$59; book-case $15: rangette, $12.50. Murphy Co., King West, Bow- manville. MA 3-3781. 39-l* FOR TUE BEST IN... ALUMINUM get TRIP-L-TRAC WINDOWS $21.00 up For Free Estimates Cal COWAN EQUIPMENT CO. 134 King St. E. MA 3-5689 BOWMANVILLE 39-1 SPECIAL! For those quickly pncpared meais during the fail season BARBECUED CHIOKENS 21A_ ta 3 ibs. $1.69 Phone ordens in advaîxce to MArket 3-5578 Bowmanville Frigid Locker System 73 KING ST. W. 37-tf Cali Colonial Now FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ON CANADA'S FINEST - DOORS me luminumiLsai Combination WindowsWANTED 100 acre farm, 85 acres work- WANTEDable, 3 acres wood, 90' x 40' Doorsand A ningsbank barn, pig pen, hien bouse; Dors ad a nng 6 roomed frame bouse, hcavy DOWN TO EARTH PRICE wiIiUd. J anged $6,500. Terms r Manufactuned localiy in 100 acre farm, 80 acres work- Coloniai's New Whitby Plant able, river, 100' x 30' barn, water Quality, Service and Satisfaction Jf steel stanchiqns, etc.; 7 roomed GuaranteedAN brick home with furnace, run- ning water. Pnice $9,500 with Display Courts S E R Ltenms arranged. 7 ce ok RON MOFFATT H RE 100 acre farm, 7 ce ok ;fBW AVLE MA 3-2425 able. river, 100' x 30' barn, watem OSWHAAWLL bowls, implement shed, etc.; 9 289 Park Rd. S. RA 8-8571 sC T Hraomed frame home with bard- SCOTCHwood floors, hydro. Price Plant - 515 Bnock N., WHITBY $12,500 with temms. Mo 8-48911- 200, 140 acres work- 38-tf f able, 60 acres wood, creek, 82' n ]UNE<J x 40' bank barn, implement shed, pig pens, silo; 9 roomed é, WHY FAY MORE? brick home with heavy duty The Price Is Right! C H R I ST M A S wirid. rice $9,500 ihtrs FOR HE FNES QUAITY100 acre farm, north-east Bow- FO TEFIT QAITY manville, 75 acres workable, TR T RE E S stream, 100' x 36' bank barn, f ~double hien bouse, garage, îm- WOflTNERl lITDflfi plement shed; 8 raamed brick WUI'JJLI. VVI,<JUYYhome with furnace, hcavy wir- ALUMIUM CMBINAION d. Asking $20,000. Terms an- SELF-SORING6 roomcd insulated borne, WINDOWS AND DOORS centre Of Bowmanville with FULLY, GUARANTEEDino atn hardwood and tule floors, 4 piece infor ationbath, modemn kitchen, laundry $14.00 Up tbeeti water heater. FO FEEETIATSand 7iooe home in village nonth FOR FRE ESTIATESOf Bowmanvulle with furnace, AND DEMONSTRATION hardwood floors, running water, CALDallmodern kitchen, storms and cAL screens. Pnice $6.500 with low down payment. BILL EASKTwo 4 naomed frame homes, 40 CNCESION T. E defilseast of Newcastle, on good size 40 CNCESIO ST E.lots. Pnice $3.000 with very low down payments. MArkt 3-5229 roomed insulated home west M Arkt 3-522obBowmanville on highway, con- 39-tfverted for 2 families with bard- Wood floors throughout, 2 kitch- Cars for SaleG O G J N S U ens, with running hot and cold 1940PONIAC eda in oodIy decorated. Asking $10,500 1940 P onICdatn in good with terms arranged. resoaly A -37. 39-1 Balmoral Hotel 5 raomed, welI built bungalow inNewcastle with i furnace, 'ýALSTTE Aut Inurnce hardwaod floors. bathmoom, "aLL20STA Auo nsura ac. modern kitchen, electric water For personal service at your heatr. arae. ric amuag home caîl Oshawa RA 5-2802, BowmAAUanvlÂAd cd. collect. 2-tf 38-4 5 raamed new home with new E_________________ il fumnace, 45' x 3,5' barn on SPECIALS-1952 Cadillac Con- \Aanted to Rent 1 I/z acres of land, near Bow- vertible,___________________A-1 manville. Price $8.000. vertble fuly euipcdA-i5 raomed home north Bow- condition; 1948 Chev. 4-dr., SCHOOL teacher wishes ta ent manville on 2 acre lot on paved $85.00; 1949 Ford 2-dr., $285.00; twa or three bedroom bouse in street with small barn. Asking Trucks., 1952 Chev. "2-tan; 1951 town. Write Advertiser 872, 950wt o onpyèt Mercury 1l ton. Cowan Equip- 1c/a Canadian Statesman, P.O'.50 vt lwd1 pyet jment Ca., 134 King St. E.. Bow-,'Box 190, Bowmanvi]le. n9-l* Besides abave mentioned we manville. Phone MA 3-5689.ihae promtly20 oe 39-1 TEACRER wishes ta rent garage ta choose tram. centrally iocated. Apply AdvenrI Contact Lost tiser 849, c/o Canadian States-h . eW t _______________ma:î, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- Jh T eW l maRG Clie dosnmlville. 33-tf' Realtor and General Insurance vicinity Ontario St. Reward. tscsl Poe34 'Phone MA 3-5255. 39-i Pet forS l aemn PIGEON strayed from 37 Nel- GOOD Border Collic pup. Tele- Donald MountJoy, Bowmanvllle son St., young Roller, brownish phone Blackstock 76 r 2. 39-i MA 3-3950 j md, white blotcb in face, white - Daniel Boehm, Canton flights. CPF legband. Any in- SEVEN months puppy to good . Phonte Welcome 2328 formation please telephone Mr. home, children*s pet. First house Ross Davidson, Town Clerk Blaisdeli, MA 3-2094. Reward.1 north of MacDonald's Store on Bethany do 9-1' Manvers fli t39-1- 39-1 Articles for Sale1 A&PPLIANCESý Keivinator AUTOMATIC DRYERS Reg. $289.00 Sale Pnice $209.00 Kelvinator AUTOMATIC WASHERS Reg. $359.00 Sale Pnice $289.00 Keivinator WRINGER WASHER with Purnp Reg. $179.00 Sale Price $129.00 Kelvinator REFRIGERATOR 121/2cu. ft. Freezer Across Top Fully Automnatic Reg. $499.95 Sale Price $379.00 Chef Master EL ECTRIC RANGE 30" Deluxe Reg. $310.00 Sale Pnice $194.50 Guerney 30" ELECTRIC RANGE Reg. $285.00 Sale Pnice $185.00 Guerney GAS RANGE Reg. $249.00 Sale Price $189.00 Corne in and see our selection of PHILIPS TELE VISION COWAN EQUIPMENT CO. 134 King St. E. MA 3-5689 BOWMANVILLE 39-1 Wanted to Buy USED piano in good condition. Apply to Miss Mary Niddery, MA 3-3930. 39-1 SEED-We pay highest pnices for Red Claver and Timothy. Submit sample and see us before you seil. Stewart's Seeds, Bow- manville. 38-tf HIGHEST pnices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, fea ther ticks, scrap iron, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-tf ALL kinds of live poultry want- ed. Top Toronto prices paid at your door for large or small quantities. We have our own market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone collect ta Bethany 7 r 13. 28-tf Real Estate for Sale FOR moderate priced homes and buildings Phone RAndolph 5-9877, Oshawa. 18-tf SIX-noom scmi-detacbed b-rick bouse, hardwood floors through- out, modemn kitchen and bath- room, pictune window, oul heat- ing, garage. Apply P. E. Green- field, 2 Carlisle Ave., Phone MA 3-5521. 39-1' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Praperties Sold. Rented Manated and Appralsed L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle' Ont. Two bloýks nomth of traffic signal Leask Real Esiate 2 storey brick house, central, 2 separate apartments, 4 rooms in each, sunroom, good garden. Good income home. 8 room house, near sehool, 4 bednooms, mantel, insulated heated sunporch, oul heating with hot water. Reasonable tenms. 5 room bungalow, brick, ncw oul furnace, roomy lot. $6,900.00. Terms on balance. Store, groceny, good location, 6 rooma bungalow attached, new oul funnace, $2,000 cash. Balance easy terms. We have lots, houses, bunga- lows, fanms, etc. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvile MA 3-5919 or 3-5522 39-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board FARMs - FARMS - FARMS We have farms from 35 to 600 acres in Durham, Ontario, Victoria and Peterboro Counties. Christmnas tree farm opportunity 150 acre farm with 87,000 Christmas trees planted. Thous- ands ready to cut. Ail Scotch pine have been pruned. House, barn, stream and gravel pit, $17.000 with temms. Bowmanvllle 12 miles. Brick income home. Owner bas 5 rooms for bimself plus $80 monthly from rent. Central location. Double garage. Only $10,500 with $2,500 down. We have businesses of all' types in this area. Drop in and talk your real estate pnoblems over with us. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 Bowmanvilie 39-1 g i Real Estate for Sale NEW ranch type, attached gar- age, brick bungalow, Liberty Place. Apply J. J. Flett, 29 Centre St. 39-2 SIX roomed insul-brick, house in Pontypool. Bathroom, new gas furnace, modern kitchen, double garage. Phone Bethanyr 14 r 12. 39-2* ALMOST new 7-room, i1½ stoney, insuistone frame house with 4-piece bath, combination wood and coal furnace, hard- wood floors, modern kitchen, sizeable garden; 1/ mile fronx school, church and 7A Highway. 15 miles north of Bowmanville. Pniced reasonable. Apply Ralph Malcolm, 885 Hilliard St., Peter. borough. Phone RI 3-4650. 38-2 120-ACRE productive d a i r y farm, spning ceek, bulk milk contract. 40x9O bank barn, will tie up 40 head of cattle, steel stabling, water bowls, paved barn yard. Implement shed 25x60. FuIl line of modern equipment. 8-roomed modern- ized brick house, situated north of Bowmanville on 7A. WilI seil as going concern or other- wise. Phone Blackstock 8 r 12. 39-10* Pel er Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. L. Bowmanvflli Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J1. A. Barton MA 3-3098 Nice 3 bedroom bungalow with garage in a nice location. 0i1 heating. 4 piece bath. Alum- inum. storms and screens. Large living-room with fireplace. Ask- ing $11,500.00. Require sub- stantial down payment. 5 room 11/2 storey very central. Gas-fired forced air heating. This is a good buy at only $7,500.00 with good ternis. Wan1ted! Small home shopping for cash client. Act at once. Good income home, very central. Rot water heating. Two apartmnents, 2-car garage. Only $3,000.00 down. 0Barb Shop and dwelling in Jsh king only $9 ,000.00. $20-4&own. Compact 4 »room home in Burketon. Very suitable for ne. tired couple. Asking only $4,000.00. Terms. 39-1 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER, Split-level brick, under con* struction, N.H.A. financed. Seo us for funther particulars. Priceci at only $14,500. 100 acres, productive clay loam, level, insul-brîck house. 7 rooms; two barns, 35 x 60 and 40 x 30; stream, with excellent place for large pond, Asking $11,500. 100 acres, tested for tobacco, two bouses, good bank barn. This is in the heart of tobacco country adjacent to new high- way and would make one of the best of tobacco farms, consider. ing location, buildings and sou. Only $12,000. 6 acres of valuable land, beautifully located, just off clovenleaf of 401. Pniced to seli. Contact office for funther par- ticulans. Only registered lot left at Cedar Crest Beach. P r i c e $ 1,050.00. Build your own sum- mer cottage and save. 38 acres orchard, in top con- dition, this year's crop near 15,000 bushels. We consider this the chance of a lifetime for an energetic person. Pniced to sel]. Excellent termis. We have many more homes, farms and businesses. Call i 52 King St. W., Bowinanville MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Salesman, Jno. HUIs9, MA 3-'2495 39-1 Nursing ïHome BIRTIIS . GAGCV4NT MARIIRAGES .DEATNS 31.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAM$ $1.00 Plus 10c a lino for verso DISPloY Clausjfjed at $1.50 pea with a mninimum cf one inch. Addcitionaj insertions ut the sains rates. AIl ClassUied Ads must be la this office not later. than 12 o'clock noce. Wedn.sday Send cash. stamps or moneyode and save money. Clip this out for handy relerence Mctucugh Frldal '~ m. to 5 P.m. $aturday 8:30 a.m. ta 12 Noon Dial MAzket 3-3303 fer Classified Ad Service r à-1 1 8 11r .. 1 r d-« 1 IV .. 1 r &-t 1 1 fflwn" "ÎUXSI)AY, SEPT. 25th, 1954 WINDOWS

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