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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1958, p. 18

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PAG m~mz.w THE ~ STAT~MA?( ~flWMAIavn .T.~ f~U'PA ~TV% Durham Shows L During 1 Convincing evidence of the growth of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham was given recentiy by United Counties Assessor, T. G. Shields. In the space of seven years- 1951-1958, the population grew from 61,060 in 1951 to 73,768 in 1958-an increase of 12.8 per cent. While some of this repre- sents a natural growth, Mr. Shields said, some resulted from foundation of new industries in the area. In a county breakdown, Dur-- ham showed an increase of 12.8 per cent, from 28,223 to 36,236 while Northumberland had a.a O W In g been installed, enabled the over- zabethvile and Wesleyville sup- much appreciation. The solo flow. seated in the lower hall, pers but ads mn the paper part of the choir anthem was -p o p u la t io n G rto hear the services equally well. should clear that' we hope. Sev- sung by Mrs. Ken Dinner. g o recptin fllwed wih M.A. last Wednesday night to enjoy flowers brightened the church Wakrtheir bountiflpe. on a duli day. Rev. A. W. Hard a irg eUn crea se of 12.8% pouring tea. A pleasant hour Two Redl Cross qufits weeig was in Ottawa attending Sta rts andfrindmet friend. The Tuesday. anniversary cake made by Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ashby left Vlll Raby, a member of the congre- on Saturday afternoon for Ro- P N Y O L[ C a Past Seven Year Period gaticon, was cut andpassed for chester where they wiîî attend Daýe __________________________portions__the__________ofMr. Ashby's un- Mr. and Mrs. Charies Rusk 11.4 per cent increase from 32,- wer requested for friends and cie, Harold Couchman. Mr. and family have moved into ouýr The first d a te 1958- 837tve tof37,442 present, ail oid Cucm v ho was weil known village recently. Mr. Rusk is 59 season held by Branch 178 837 o 37442 associates of Zion whose hearts in this district, died suddenly no stranger here. For several o! the Canadian Legion held ini towhsoft the 1951 pou- L O 4f were with us though unable to on Friday evening, Sept. 19. years he resided on the Chas. the Legion Hall on Saturday fonsigus win braets51pou, l i h urch C o d d atterd. During the reception Rally Sevice asflonMdcelBest f:rm. ld Faii', *ulentr e t chalin follws: k(3)50:BihoeMnlre ds R t r ea Zionfies fa50and 60Pheyseciao r dermo!riadceivora w is vsssmgRosbetHe-w ar idchrgemo!deaane - (1,727) (63)5 50ar Brighton27) eeralwsfliwd h W h ments. The crowd enjoyed a (1,77; ,25 Can rig.822) ,2044: lZoitso 5 n 0 a oloe. Scripture was in Toronto. He is recovering Clar7; C(2,64 1,8256:2raah2F,044:.L A years ago were present and read bv Bill Barrowclough, from shingles and had spent sic by Ted Taylor and his or".'~ (lare93 6)1; a3,566: (523) r Cn 1IÎahevI spoke, recalling their boyhood *îstory told by Honnie Austin, some time in hospitai. Robert cestra from Ajax. 81,9323 19;Haldin (5,263:) For Iii ,uwn igversa y days, oid tîme friends and and ail were led in prayer bv reports attending the races and Announcement was made 8.23, alimad 2.36)2,63:neighbours, with big-hearted Marie Austin. Glen Clarke and bail games in the big city. during the party that two 'of Ha2i208) 2,72Mav4s.105.76) Tefolwn s utabie h oigmsc Ms hs hospitality - ail past history Paul Austin to>ok up the offer- Mr. and Mrs. Archie Whitmee, the people present had birth- (2.208) 2775; Maners (1,74) The fllowing i just a rinowthebutn'twassip.ieasinhastonthebuing.aMadge inoss, tehong.isitedRosshawavivisitedhafriendstehereenon daysononys thattdate.te.eeptember 1.941: South Monaghan (615) report by your correspondent, Baby sang sweetly the solo, friends and relatives o! those with Mr. and Mrs. E. Barrow- Saturday. 0h Tey wr Ms.Jc 62:Mra 301 ,8*Pr fteZionUntdCuc (Hope "Blue Galilee". Selection by recailed. clough for the weekend spoke Mr. and Mrs. Austin Worr o! Rice, Hampton, and Bob Lock- cv (2.179) 2.210, SeyrnOur (2,.- Township) Centennial Aini- the Weicome Mixed Quartette At the close o! evening servie to the boys and girls of her trip Cavan visited with Mr. and hart, Bowmanvile. Ail present 4 15) 2.51,9. versary services held Sunday, "Father Take My Hand and Lead lunch was served the mnembers through many countries. This Mrs. Alvin Olan, Sunday. joined in singing "Happy Birth. The population increases for Sept. 14. Me" was weii rendered. An- of the choir and others. Con- was quite opportune for the to- Mrs. Lily Richardson is home day to You". the five villaszes are: Zion, Sept. 14, 1958-An his- them, "Let Jesus -Corne Into gratulations, good wishès and pic of the day which concerned again after visiting friends at It was also announced that toricai day for Zion United Your Heart" was sung by the goodbyes ail said, the crowd de- the world family. Madge will, Lotus. She is improving slowly Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hilditch, and Brhor n 2.127) 17 Colt-nCs urch as it celebrated its iootfl choir. Mrs. H. Raby was organ- parted and this was"tendo leave Toronto in October for fromn arthritis. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westover (85'89:Milrok 79)81. year of service to God and hu- ist. a perfect day",. Engiand where she wiil spend Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rennie are were celebrating their wedding Newoastlc (895) 1,015.nt. The evenlng service was equal- at least a year before goinq having a vacation with his anniversaries. Everyone offered In the four towns of thee two The weather was delightful ly weli attefided when Rev. E. home to Australia. Plans were daughter in Kingston. them congratulations and best coutie. he oplatong notlan d attendance broke ail re- C. Keîîoway, B.A., Cobourg, was S E IL made to attend the Sund.ay L.O.B.A. 1314 held their reg- wishes. coite.tepplto rw'cords. The church, freshiy dec- in charge. with Rev. A. W. Hard- E L Y I E School rally at Perrytown on ular meeting on Wednesday. This dance is the first of a is as follows: orated and with colorful autumn ing assisting. The agcd waiî Sept. 26. They are planning for a dance sre ob edmn¶iydr Bomni1e (,1) ,0:fîowers becorningiy arranged, of Zion again echoed the strains Symnpathy is extended to Mr. Church service will be with- and banquet in November. ing the fail and winter season. Port Hope (6.327) 7,509; Cc- was pleasing to the h Pr oeMi Harry Austin whose brothe7, drawn here next Sunday for Mr. Bull Loary and Mr. tArt The next wiii be a "'Hard Times fo(,1893,408. I eP v. J. I. MacKay, B.A., B.D.. Voice Choir, with Éreat volume Mr. Jim Austin, passed away Morrish anniversary. Sunday Root o! Buffalo, U.S.A., were Dance" the third Saturday ______(3,192)_3,374. D.D., Toronto, was in charge Of and rich tone, favoured with last week. school will be held as usuai. weekend guests of Mr. Elgin evcning in October. morning service. Bey. A. W. special selections, accompanied A committee meeting was The service on Sunday morn- Budd. __________ The chimes in the carillon in Harding, our own minister, as- by Mrs. Murray at the piano. held last Friday night to make :ng was conducted by Mr. We were pleased to see a film the Peace Tower o! the Ottawa sisted. A solo by Mr. Larry Hall worn more plans for the turkey sup- WýalmnsleY of Port Hope, whose of tobacco harvesting at Mr. If you do not think about the parliament buildings range in The home choir, assisted by jthe hearts o! everyone. per. There has been some con- message on the text "One Thing Andy Sutch's farmn on Channel future, you cannot have one.- size from 10 pounds to 10 tons.1 Welcome Quartette, providcd1 The P.A. *systemi which had"fusion about the dates of Elh- is Needful", was heard with 12, Peterborough. John Galsworthy. Shop at...0 STAINLESS STEEL DOUBLE BOILER Reg. 9.95 "KLEEN SPRAkY" SOOT DESTROYER 1'.ç1. Rapidly removes soot from sgj any coal or oil fired furnace. ~.j Simple, safe and easy ta use. S Saves fuel and money. IFALL STAINLESS STEEL. SAUCEPAN i STAINLESS STEEL SKILLET &COVER6 Reg. 9.95 "REXDALE" STORM1 WINDOWS Reg. 2.75 ýe 48,91x'72" 36"" x 72" I3 5ý. 3 for 1.00 49!)ea. STORM SEAL lilial TAPE Reg. 95C 79C "KROMEX" AKE COVER Reg. e9 ~' ~ : Large clear glass alurnue polished wîth black knob. "FOAM FLEX" WEATHERSTRIP SETS 3-plece set-plastic foam adhered ta wood strip. two 7' lengths, one 3' length. Reg. 1.98 CAULKING GUNS CARTRIDGE TYPE Reg. 2.19 PRE51roNREG. 2 Gais. OnIy Each Customer Pieuse... No Phone Orderç CASH AND CARRY ONLY' rutKoAisLE AIR DOOR BOTTOM, Mluminum & Vinyl SIze - 3"x 114"c Reg. 79c 65 1 l r 'REXDALE"-1 CARTRI DGES BLACK GREYA WHITE 45C UNITS Reg. 2.75 GUARANTEED LIGHT BULBS BEDROOM FIXTURE t"REXDA LE"" FuIIy Guaranteed Top Quality Aoniances at DISCOUNT PRICES' "REXDALE" A UTOMATI C "FRY PAN Fingertip Automnatic temperature control. Deep square design. Comnplete with cover a n d c o rd . " E D L " "REXDALE"ELECTRIC KETTLE 8«50 Large, easy to fi Sspout-cool bake- lite handle-easily jc I e a ned chrome Sfinish. Long life '~~""alod el1e ment. Cord attached. STEAM"REXDALE" AUTOMATIC IRON Easy ta fuli - featherweight - instant switch from dry ta Steamn. Temperature control is accurate and automnatic. 61 reversible cord. "REXDALE" HEATER FAN ~ Reg. 24.95 dAuSmatic temperatur. control--atarts auto- 50 at.60-eycle only. TrOASTER îRefl1ectdr type thermostat controI easily adjustable f o r -ust - right"- shade every time. PLA&STic. PAINT PAILS1 Easy to clean -: paint will flot ad- here ta pail. 6,9c ILEAF RAKE 22 SPRING STEEL TEETH Reg. 89C 77C McGREGOR- 95 King St. W. 'IRWIN" ELECTRIC DRILL BIT SET Reg. 5.98 3.99 LANTERN L' PAINT ROLLER AND TRAY Reg. 2.49 J -98 SPORTSMAN WITH SIGNAL FLASH ERS Powerful sealed beam unit in shock absorbing r u bber mount - swivel flasher - d u al switch. Complicte with battery. ILIGHT- SET2 2 H Roc. 2.98 2 2 "DUST-STOP" FIBERGLAS AIR-FI LTERS Effective and economnical SSS SSs'Four popular sizes. 1SS.S4~j~~j 16" x 25" x 1" ,kS 20" x 20" x 1" Yy~":" .9mc 20" x 25" x VI 1.29 m«Ch HARDWARE LIMITED ALARM CLOCK 30-HOUR MOVEM ENT Reg. 2.69 2,19 SET v Modern "Key-,n-knob" design. Polished brmn sh. OUTDOOR WALL Phone MA 3»3386 MCOREOOR'S HARDWARE FOR THESE SPECIALS MORE VALUE FOR YOUR HARDWARE DOLLA H THESE "BARGAINmHUNTER" SPECIALS PR, EýSTO NE A N T 1 F R E E Z E Àobb.- j ,KITCHEN 1 PACM ]UCOMM TEM CANADUN STATESMAN. BOWMANVnJAL ONT,&l:tTn i à 1,79

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