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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1958, p. 11

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TEFAY, OCT2n&, iMi T CANAMAN BTAT~MAN. ~Ow ANvff.L~ O!~TAWT~ ftU bosaAgnew, PAh Social and Mr-. and Mrs. Adam Cassie of Brampton wome weekend visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard and Erie. Mn. C. Reg. Lovekin was in Burks Fanls last week where he was a jucige at the annual Fail fair. Mn. Lovekin wîll be in Toronto next woek judging at the Royal Wintem Fair. Alfred Alexander, infant son o! Mrs. Alfredi Adain and the late Alfred Adair, is a patient In the Sick Cbildren's Hospital in Toronto. The Sigma C group oxi the United Church wlll be making thein regular collection o! old Papers andi magazines on Mon- day- evenln.g next a!ter the supper hour. Residents are ne- questeci to bave all thein olci papers andi magazines securely tied anci placed at the noadside on M!onday evening so that the castde 1ffersonal Sigma C boys mnay pick them up andi dispose o! them. Mrs. Mary Ash is visiting lni Toronto with hem sister. Mrs. R. G. Wright. Miss Coma Butlen was in To- ronto on Tuesdav a!tonnoon on business for the Newcastle Memonial Library. Congratulations to Mr. Wil- liam H. Cowan who is clebra- ting the 92nd annivensary o! his binth. Mn. Cowan is a woll known figure around the vil- lage andi his firm stop belies bis groat age. Mn. Robent Cameron o! To- ronto, was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt and famlly. Mn. andi Mrs. H. C. Pedwel and Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Ped- well attended Mn. H. Pedwell's bnotben's funoral Wednesday in Tbornbury, Ont. Aniglican Auxilaries *36th Annual Conference In Newcastle Last Week On Thursday, September 25th, the 36th annual conference o! the Woman's Auxiiary o! the Anglican Church in the Dur- ham - Northumberland Deanery was helci in the Parish o! Clarke, the bostess branches being the Afternoon and Evening bran- ches o! St. George's in Newcas- tle andi St. Saviour's in Orono. Beginning at 10.30 a.m. a ser- vice o! Holy Communion was helci in St. George's Cbureh, the celebrant being the Rector, the Rev. D. R. Dewdney assist- ed by othen clengy o! the Dean- eny. There weme 115 delogates present at this service !oilow- img which, ail proceeded to the Newcastle Community Hall, where a box luncheon was served. The a!temnoon session o! the confenence began at 1.15 p.m. wîth the anery Presîdent, Mns. R.% Alis o! Millbrook, presiding arLy.,ýtending a wel- corne and gýéetings to all dole- gates, and othens, on behalf o! the Deanery. A very cordial welcome to Newcastle was also' extended byi Miss McIntosh onf Sbehal! of the'hostess branches. « The outstanding speaker o! the afternoon was Dr. Leonard Hatfield, General Secnetary o! the Council o! Social Service andi the author o! the book, "Ho Canes" wbieh is the Study Book for the 1958-59 soason. Dr. Hat-1 field. gave a Msot inspiring andî instructive addess on the ver- fous phases of! Social Service wonk in- the churcb. Other1 speakers included Mns. W. M.2 Pope, -Diocesan treesurer, whoi touched on various aspects of the financial needs of the W.A. and Miss Napier, Field Secre- tary of the W.A., whose special work is the organization of branches in new parishes, and visiting and reviving the work beinýg done in the older parisn- es. Mrs. Nicholson of Port Whit- by, of the Dioscesan Deanery Offices fresh from the Domin- ion W.A. Annual in Toronto, gave an interesting talk' on the importance o! the work being done in each Deanery-The sug- gestion of the Diocesan Board was brought forward that a Deanery Little Helpers' Serre- tary be appointed in each Dean- ery to relieve the pressure on the "Little Helpers' " Secretary. This suggestion was acted upon with the appointment o! Mrs. C. Bettles, 145 King St. E., in Bowmanville. Requesti for Lit- tle Helpers' Supplies in this Deanery should henceforth Ie sent to her. Mrs. Fallis gave a condensed report based on information sent in by the Secretaries o! the 28 parishes in the Deanery. An invitation was received from. the St. George's W.A. branch in Grafton to, hold the 37th annual meeting of the Deanery there. At the conclusion o! the Con- ference the benediction was pronoun-ced by the Rural Dean the Rev. H. Bedford-Jones of Cobourg. Afternoon tea was served by the hostess branches bringing a most pleasant in.formative meeting to a close. NEWCASTLEUNITED CHURCH COME 'ro CHURCH I1 ANM. - LADIESr SUNDAY Speaker - Mrs. (Dr.) J. If. McKinney Brooklin Membors of the. Friiendship Club, W.M.S. and Woman's Association will attend the service in a body. *0 : Fo Mhnsgvn Wewl ae6-8l.ratn oloe ed fo orTaksiigdne *las plcires a o Saudy Oc.Mt Dlvr H. W,* PLT ]Pon Clre33 WE HAVE il YOCIef Ontario Ci Up set Cobc ln League NEWCASTLE - The Mi chants Juvenile "C" Champic of Ontario on Monday evenij added another to their strii of seven wins without a sine loss when they defeated t' Cobourg Juvenile "A" entry the Lakeshore Minor League oust them from the play-offc The Newcastle team nc meets the Bowmanville tea who recently eliminated t] Oshawa Team in their sen final series. The final seri with Newcastle meeting t] Bowmanville Lions is expeeti to start the latter part of ti. week and should be a wort while three game series._ George's ning W.A. PlansPay NEWCASTLE - Memnbers the Evening Branch of George's W.A. met in the Pa ish hall on September 24th fi a regular business meeting. Ti minutes o! the previous mee ing were rend and officiers' r ports given. A Thank You cai was received by the Bran( from Mrs. Charlotte Hendry. The Dorcas secretary repor ed she had- received a requis tion from the Prince Albert Il dian School for a boys' outf! After some discussion it w; decided to continue this wee: A letter from the Dioscesa secretary was also rend. The President drew attentic of the Branch to the fact t]. Cornerstone of Humewoc House had been laid by t] Bishop of Toronto. Humewoo House i.s a home for unmarrie mothers which had been sui ported by the Branch. A Thar You note was received by th Branch from Nancy Skeldin for a presentation gif t. Plans for a euchre party bE ing held on October lst, earr in for considerable planning ar discussion by the members. An it was announced the next nE gular meeting of the Branc would be October l5th.« .The meeting concluded wit the serving of refreshments. Youth Groups Fo rm Parade To Service NEWCASTLE - A vemy fin showing was made by the Yout] Gnoups as they paraded to soi vice in the Unitedi Chu.rch oi Sunday morning led by thi Bowmanville Boys' Traininý School Band. The parade fonrm eci upi the Communýity Par] andi paraded to church, for soi vice. Others in the parade includoc members o! the Girl Guide andi Brownies, the Sigma-( and Cubs Boys groups and thi High C Young Peoples' Gnouj andi the Mission Band. A specia service was conducted in thi churcb with empbasis on Yout] with Mn. Austin Burch, Pro, sident o! the Port Hope Bo) Scout Association as gues speaker. At the close o! the servicE the now flag o! the Girl GuidE group was dedicateci to the son- vice of God and Country. Next Sunday is Ladies' Sun- day at the Unitedi Church when Mns. (Dr.) J. H. McKinney o Brooklin will be the guest speaker andi the members o! the Wometi's Missionany Society, the Friendship Club and the Woman's Association o! the Churcb wili meet in the Sun- day School Hall and attend the service in a body. Though spe- cial emphasis wil h laid on women in the Sunday monnins service, a cordial welcome is extended to overyone to attend. Story of Fire Prevention, Program Timeci originally te the an- niversary o! the Great Chicago Fine on October 9th, 1871, Fine Prevention Week has been pro-ý claimeci by royal proclamation in Canada and by the Presidont o! the United States since 1922. Actually, a Fine Prevention Day wvas first observed in Nova Scotia, Ontario and Saskatche- wan andi in 1919 a national royal Proclamation was issueci for the day. To a former Canadian, Rev. T. Alfredi Fleming, now retincd at 84 in Cievelanc. Ohio, but one time resîdent o! O;wen Soundi, Ontario, goos mueh per- sonaI credit for the "steam" behind the e!font's establish- ment. A 1909 fine in an Ohio school, killing 173 ho- cause. a janitor forgot to koep an exit unlocked, gave Mn. Flem- ing the germ o! the idea. It is a thIng o! no great difi- culty to raise objections against another man's oration . . . but to produce a better ini its place is a wonk extremely trouble- mome.-,Plutarch. Walte Wrigt. The deceaseci always haci a -i Missi Viola Gilfillan bas ne- Mn. and Mrs. Russel Moun~t- kinci word andi cheeny smile for turned home !rom visiting her joy spexît a couple o!fcinys last ai'l who knew ber andi will be niece, Miss V. Gilfillan, Toron- week with !niends in Norwood. fgneatly misseci by a wide cincle to. Misses Joyce Graham and! o!f fiends. She was the last sur- Mn. and Mns. Harny Bellemy, Doreen Van Camp attended a ' vivin 9 memben o! a family o! Winnipeg, who are visiting re- ne-union o! Caravan Wonkens, one ýýister- and five brothens. latives and fnienis -in Orono, at Alton oven the weekend. Surviving are her family, ar.e the guests o! Mns. M. Shen- Mn. andi Mrs. Courtney Gri- Melville Invine o! Lindsay; Ruby win and Laurence. bam, Mn. andi Mrs. Wilbur (Mns. Weylie McKeown), Mono Mrs. Wm. Carr and Johnnîe, Toms andi Mns. Fred Toms and 1 Road»; Olive (Mrs. Bruce Heas- Mr. andi Mrs. Roy Palmer, Miss Mrs. Earl Trewin o! Enniskil- j hp), Nestleton, eigbt grand- Anne Kears and Mrs. Lee len visited at the furneral home 'childnen andi seven great grand- Kerman, Paul andi Linda, Port in Toronto on Sunday, where childnen. Hope; Miss Shirley Bathgate the body o! a cousin, Miss Olive Funeral service was held from andi Mn. Jack Williams, Bow- Toms, was resting. the Mackey Funenal Home, manville, Mrs. Bd. Dean, Mr. Rally service was observeci Lindsay, at 4:00 p.m. on Sept. f andi Mns. A. B. West, were in the United Sunday School 1,5 with Rev. P. Romenil o! guosts o! Mn. andi Mrs. Ronnie Sundav monning. The Primary Biackstock o!!iciating. Inter- West following the baptism of department sang a lovely chc- m ent xvas in Rivenside Cemetery thoin daugbten, Patricia 'Kim, et nus, "Be Careful". Mns. Rici-~ at Lindsay. Onono Unitedi Church on Sun- ard Van Camp tolci the story Palîbearers wene Messrs. Wey-j day morning. "M)r Fathon's World" illustmat- 'lie McKeown, (son-in-law), and1 Mrs. John Bigeiow retumned ing it on flannelgnapb which five grandsons: Norman and 1 to hon home at Kirby on Satur- was mos.t interesting and helr-. Allan Irvine, andi John, Lionel 1 day a!ten spending the past year fuI to aduits as Wvell as the! and Howard MeKeown. in Ottawa with hem son Wilfred. he IrnitainDneo.h Mrs. Bigelow and family.' Thjntito DneofteMn. and Mrs. Chas. Simpson, High School was well attended IN LIGHTER VEIN iAitarnont, Manitoba, rotumneci Friday night and ail appeaned Shocshine boy: "Shine yourf home this week after an extend- to en joy it. Grade 10 was host1 shoos mister?"1 ed vîsît with relatives andi to Grade 9 and the nest of Pedestnian: "No." frfiends. school. One highlight of thej Shoeshine boy: 'll shine Mr Herb Murray and Mr. evening was a Hula Hoolp Con-1 'em so you can see your face Gond* Atkin are patients in test. This was won by David, in them." ,memonial Hospital. Bowman- Ballingal.1 Pedestnianm 'ýNo." ville. Mr. Gordon Paislev gave a Shoeshine boy. -I don't blame Mn. and Mrs. Neil Wood, t.ravelogue and showed pictunos you." Lakelield, visiteci Mr. ad Mrs. , wner Believed Drowned Jof his recent trip to Europe in Burketori United Church Frn- Mr. and Mrs. Zack Adams,Q Blain and Bryce, and 'Master ' ' ~ Roy Brinkie, Bowmanville, were Sunday supper guests o! Mr. ~ .. and Mrs. Fred Dayes and fam- . Mr. Jim EaM5 and Misses Bye ~ I cQuinn and Jean Ford, To- ronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. . 1Robt. Ford. . * 1 Don Green left Saturday un teJnor Farmers' Provincxil.àI ha m p ionI i nitdations tour of U.S.A. Don is the representative for ~~ 'rDurharnCounty. ourg'A'iearr visited Jack GenSnà l ~ugternoon. 3 Dr. C. E. Hill and Mrs. Hill Ilayclovns Richmond Hill, were Sunday guests of Mrs. David Hill and 1Mrs. .3. A. Devitt. er- Carleton ipitched the routel Mr. and Mns. Murray Byers ns for the Newcastle team on Mon- and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stron-g ing day coming up with six stnike- i enjoyed a trip, to Little Cur- ing outs in the seven inning fix-1 rent, Manitoulin Island, Wed - gle ture in Cobourg, allowing three nesday to Fniday and attended the bases on halls and hitting two., a cattle sale there. in batsmen. Brie Carleton pitched' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ýStrong to a twa hitter while his team- and Mr. and Mns. Oscar Graham s. mates were chalking up six visited Sunday at the Ralph ow hits. Dayes funeral home, Toronto, am Waghorn on the mound for where the body of a cousi, the the homesters in Cobourg struck Mr. John MeNeillie, was rest- ni- out four batsmen while giving ing. ies up two walks whlle his teami- Ralph Strong and Doreen Van the mates made three bobbles in the Camp have returned to Victoria ed field to Newcastle's nione. College, Toronto. his R H E. Mrs. J. Weir, Brooklin, and h- Newcastle 5 6 0: Mrs. H. Hawkin visited Tues- Cobourg 1_____ 2 3 day arid Mr. and Mns. Howard Franklin on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leitli Bers. B LACKSTOCKMrad r.MloHna. The Adult Anti-Polio Clinic Joan o! Blackstock, Joyce o! Dragging operations held in the Recreation Centre Oshawa, and Nora Lindsay, Jodoin, 29, of Newcastle, w Monday was well responded to. were guests at the Witherley- Monday by William Lake. An exceptionally large number Emmerson wedding at Nestieton district for almost a year,m availed themselves of this op- Saturday. The O.N.O. club c a- Hgwy401. Recently, h portunity. Dr. Charlotte Hon- tered for td M dns. Perc Van a orivllQee, ner, Medical Officer o! Health Mr. andMs ec Va atLrinleQ bc w or Durham and Northumber- Camp, Mn. and Mrs. Keith Van fromn a trailer at Bowmanv: St-ladassisted by Miss Flaxman Camp, visited their cousins the that afternoon. Ross Cobbl ar and Miss Purdon, health nurses3, Elfords, at Cambnay and Oak~- shore on Monday, said he fradministered the "shots". Some wood Sunday*. Eight of this 'e o h aiso h ...Cu family are living, the youngest afternoon. He said 'Jodoîn o!telaisotte-NO.Cu almost 80asitdinrgsrain veans old and the boat was located. Searchei asitcenrgitaio. adeid est 101 years.mecd rgigudrO Ld Monday night the Guidesad Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harris and FieCef ragnk Miler O: ch Brownies held a combineà dVerna. Mr. andaMrs.iMervyn meeting and invited their mo-lVGraaMr.and on fnieds n believed Jodoin's boat may ths.ors aroe-rs- Fenelon Falls Saturday. water. He could not swim. den ofGuie eecuive opn 1Mn. and Mrs. John Hambly, ed and addnessed the meeting. Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. A.______________ t.The first part was a typical Dawsoln, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. asmeeting s the mothers might Roy Taylor, Mrs. Fred Bailey, k.s see just how they are conduct- Mrs. J. Forder. Mrs. Velva Bai- an received. Connie Swin rpre- r. a MH.M Lagh'T he OIroi entative as Brownie mother, were Saturday. evening guests on presented first year star ta o! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey.elpb he those who had qualified for it. Mr. and Mrs. John Hambly, eph od Kathleen Donrell, badge secre- Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. he tary, presented the Brownie se- Bailey, Mrs. Fred Bailey, Mrs. od cond year stars, Doreen Palk, J. Forder were Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wool- ed secretary o! Guide executive guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Roy ley, Mrs. Jack Cox and Mrs. P- pnesented Guide !irst year stars,. Taylor. Trenouth, Bowmanville; Mrs. ik District Commissioner Ivy Mr. and Mrs. Forbes McLau- Milton Gray, Mrs. Kennedy Gray he Hamilton. presented the Patrol ghlin and two children, Oshawa, and David, Cadmnus; Mrs. Hanry lg Leaders and Secondens with visited Mn. and Mns. Milton May, Port Hope, visited Mr. lanyards and whistles. A flying Hanlan and Donna, Sunday. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton. e- Up ceremony was held when Mn. and Mrs. Ed Strong, Mns. Ted Wilson and daugh- le Janice Byers, Cheryl Metcal! Bowmanville, visited Mrs. Geo. ter, Debbîe, o! Ernesettle Green, id and Joan Suggitt neceived the Fowler, Sunday. Plymouth, England, annnhed at d Golden Hand and the latter Mr. Jack Hooey, Cameron, Malton by 'plane on Sat irday e- two their Wings. Ail three are andi sister, Mrs. Smith, Beth- and is visiting Mn. and Mrs. C. chnow Guides. any, Miss Mable Van Camp, To- U. Wilson and family. Thnee new officers of execu- ronto, andi Miss Helen Van Mn W.NaOaws ~h ivewer apointedTresurrCamp, Oshawa, visiteci Mrs. W. visiting bis daughter. Mrs. Wm. Jean Kyte; Brownie Làeader, W. Van Camp Sunday. Armstrong and Mn. ArmIstrong. Elaine Bailey; Guide Leader, Rev. and Mrs. Milton San- Ms nhnBeeti a DorthvManow.dersont Toronto, called on their tient in Memonial Hospital, Mission Band met Tuesday brothers andi sisters on Tues- Bowmanville. after school with 15 ehildren day. present. Meeting opened by Mn. and Mrs. Bert Smith, To- Mrs. Willis Jones, Mr. and learning the Band Purpose. Mns. ronto, spent the weekend 'with Mns. Melville Jones. Newtonî- Kyte tolci the story o! "Dirk Mn. andi Mrs. W. Archer and ville, Mns. Z. Canlow, Whitby, and His Friends" alfter which M. Dever. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cornnsh. Port finger puppeits o! the eharacters Mn. andi Mrs. Herb Swain Perry, Mrs. John Connish, Mrs. in the story were made. Closed and Miss Miim, visited Rev Chas. Hutton, Miss Minnie Con- wlth a worship period. and Mrs. Milton Sandenson anci nish, Mr. and Mns. Roy Winten e Couples Club met at the home Beth on Sunday. . andi Robin, Mn. and Mrs. Fred th o! Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thomp- Glad to report little Janet Lycett and sons, Mn. andi Mrs. rson Wednesday night. A newv Turner is recovening nicely Wm. Irwin. were luncheon )n executive was elected: Presi- a! ter the accident Saturday guests o! Mn. and Mns. Carman e dent, Mn. andi Mns. Neil Mal- when a pile o! cernent blocks Cornish following the baptiswv gcolm: Secnetary, Mr. and Mns. feUl as she was climbing oye" o! thein son, John Carnman, at 'Ernest Swain; Treasurer, Mn. i te hl lyn iea Orono United Church on Sun- ýk and Mrs. Stuart Dorreil. Mn. seek. She nequireci three stitches day morning. -and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy were in hen foreheaci andi bas sev- Mn. and Mrs. Russell Van conveners for the evening. As, eral bruises. Horne. Whitby, held a birthday d ecreation, court whist was __________ party last week in hoorno! Mns. Splayed then a discussion .was Van Horne's mother, Mrs. Fred Cbeld and lunch served. Closed ~ IU R Tamblyn of Orono. Those at- P Romeril. JMn. and Mns. W. Wilbun, il Mn. and Mns. Geo. Rutherford MRS. J. W. IRVINE Mn. and Mrs. L. Crydermnan, le and Allan, Oshawa, and Mrs. Mn. B. Ferguson, Mns. J. Cowl- ,h Geo. Fowler, were guests o!l Mary Ida Irvine o! Nestleton ing, Mn. W. Bunnett and Mn. F. - Mn. ani Mrs. Dve W~n ept nteneci into res-t on Spteimber Cyemn no News in. 127 Chas. Wood. This district was shoeked and saddoned with the suciden pass- ing o! Mm. Madison C. Hall following an accident in front o! bis home on Friday evening. Mn. and Mns. Roy Fonrester andi daugbtens, Mr. andi Mrs. Bill Carman and sons, with Mr. andi Mrs. Orville Chatterton andi Carol, spent Sunday at Fenelon Falls. Mn. Ross Taylor, Ottawa, spent the weekend with bis wife and chilciren who are vis- iting Mn. andi Mrs. Chas. Tay- Dlon Mn. and Mns. Henb Duval and childnen, Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Mencen andi Valenie, vis- iteci Malton Airport, on Suay Mrs. Mary Agnes Gay,mo- er o! Mn. James Gay, Orono, passeci away at the Stnathha- yen Rest Home, Bowmanvilie, in hem 98th year, on September 22nd. Funeral wag from Lafig Memorial Chapel, Orono, with interment in the adjoining cernetemy. At Onono United Churcli Sunday monning Rev. Zasil EI. Long baptlzed Patricia Kiz~ West, daughter o! Mn. and Mg3. Ronnie West, Maureen Bu *e. beth Shetler, daughten O! Mm'., andi Mrs. John Shetlen: Diane Victoria Taylor, daughter of Mn. andi Mrs. Ross Taylor, Ot- tawa, John Carman Cornish, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Carman Comnish; Cindy Lorraine West, daughter o! Mr. andi Mrs. Dean West, Amy Irene Morton, dau- ghten o! Mn. andi Mrs. Richard Morton; Davidi Charles Arin- strong, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Charles Armstrong; Murrnav Wayne McLaren, son of! Mr. aAd Mrs. A. McLaren-, Douglas Rob»-- ont Rutherford, son of Mn. andi Mms. Robt. Rutherford; David James Goode, son of Mn. ar.d FRESH KI LLED MEATS BEEF - PORK- LAMB COOKED KEATS - GROÇERIES FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PAINTS - HARDWARE GLOVES - WORK BOOTS - HUNTING MÔOTS CAPS - JACKETS - SOX SUBURBAN COATS. 5% DISCOUNT ON ORDERS $5.00 OR OVER - NO CREDIT J'ho Work Clothes thert lafl et au ufard Weart %Big 887 OVERALLS WORM SHIRTS. WORM PANTS (O9 THE WGRKING MAN Hatsgh's "Big 88" Overotte ore p.'emlum grade ovorails - cen- bihilng Haugh's Sonforized GoId Label cloth and flet workman- shlp . .. Extra fuit cut for. more comfortable fit, witth the **Tug-of. war" crotch and hecvy dlernend bar tacks at cil points of strain for longer Wear. Your best overali boy, because Haugh's "Big 881, ame betterl Kirby General Store and Hardware NORTH ORONO W. A. Reid Phone 3 R 15 Orono MOVED RB. RICKARD PLUMBING, HEATING AND ELECTRIC or. Boaver and King Sis. NEWCASTLEý, ONT. Phone 3938 were continuing in an effort to recover the body of Real v'hose upturned boat was spotted in Lake Ontario on "Frenchy" as Mr. Jodoin was called had been in this wvorking with Peacock and McQuigge Construction Cô. Ôri ie injured a leg and was on cômpensatfon. His home was here he had relatives. Mr. Jodoin's boat was unloaded vile on Sunday and several people saw him on the lake lIedick, whose boat was used to haul the wrecked one to saw Jodoin off shore at Newcastle Beach late Sunday nwas heading southeast at that time in the direction th e ers combed the shore line without sucess and then tom- )ntario Provinci ai Police supervision. This photo shows )f Newcastle pointing to the large hole in the boat. It is y have struck one of the rocks near the surface of the ý.O.P.P. Constable Jack Picard is inf charge of the search. ------------- mmw -1 1 l' 1 st.1 Evei TM CARAMM STATEMWAN, 1ROWMANVMLE. 019TAMO IRMM ifflý

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