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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1958, p. 12

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GAInT 'EUFT IREU CAMAMAN ETATERMN. OWMANVn= EONTARTO TauRSMAT, OCT 2nd, 1958 ssi I, By Frank Mohun -Phone M 3.7070 BADMINTON SEASON OPENS FRIDAY Ail badminton enthusiasts attention! Get youi. racquets g and shoes out for the forthcomning season, which kicks off i tomorrow (Friday) night at 7 o'clock. Opening night will feature round robin play followed by a social eeig The first meeting was held last Sunday night when last year's executive board o~ President Don Venton, Vice-President Bill Burgess, Secretary ionalda Creasser and Treasurer Bob Sheridan, was returned ta office. Directors for the coming season will be: Don Allun, Glenn Hodgson, Mrs. Marion James, Mrs. Betty Lobb, Jack Munday, Charlie Rankine and Mrs. Anna Strike. At the meeting a list of prospective new rnembeis was drawn up, who will be contacted. If anyone wishes to play badminton and has flot yet been approached, the directors would- be glad to see you at the club this Friday night. The club will be open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights fram 7:30 o'clock, and Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons fromn 2:00 o'clock. This reporter was impressed by the excellent redecoratirig job on the main hall, whîch was accomp]ished by the hard work of the directors and several members. Don't forget the Friday opening night activities. Everyone is welcome. t t t * t SOCCER The saccer season ended last Wednesday night in Courtice, when the Maple Grove Club captured the Jack Reynolds Memorial Trophy, emblematie of the senior championship. for the third cansecutive year. The losing Zion outfit will receive the "Moe" Breslin Traphy again. Ray Preston, soon bound for the Hamil- ton hockey camp, was the big wheel in the champions' victory. Zion's young Bobby Nemis appears ta be well on his way ta star- dom, judging by his fine play in the playoff series. For the second year in a raw. Courtice took the Junior title and will receive the Ernest Werry & Family Traphy. i. t t i. i A DELAYED THANK - YOIJ Editor Johnny~ James haq nothing on Sports Editar Frank' Mohun. Last ýweek John reported same late news in the Bits and Pieces column. This week, this reporter is finally about ta get inta the good graces of Manager Archie Crossey and Coach Jimi Richards of the Bowmanville girls' softball team. I was asked three weeks aga ta pass an ta the merchants and people who aided the girls ta aperate this season, the appreciation af Jim and Archie. We would also like ta say thanks ta these two young fellows for the time and effort they spent in getting girls' soitball rolling in town thîs summer. Three - Time Winners of Darlington Sr. Soccer Crown iGoodyear Bowlingi With their leadingz bowler, Ron Maynard, boagged down ta a 497 triple, the Combines' win- ning streak was halted in a 5-2 upset victory by the Fan Beits. The Hose Room, maving into high gear, blasted the cellar- dwelling Machine Shop 7-0 to tie the Combines for top spot in the standings. Trhe Office team's highest bowler Howard Davev came through in the last frame of the first Rame as the white-collar hawlerg edRed the Lead Press by seven pins. In the thîrd game, Iow average bowler, Frank Mahun, repeat- ed Davey's effort with the mar- gin this time being five pins, as the Office took a 7-0 win, which might have gone eitther w a.. Arnold lobb added to his Le- Home & School Bowling ha an HE Si: Bi w BI Sa Bi H( D( A] B( For the third time in a row, Maple Grove's entry Stacey, Morley Richards, Don Marsden. Bob Carswell- E, in the Darlington Senior Soccer League came through back row, Norm Bothwell, Ray Preston, Dick Denhertog,- again this year, defeated Zion last week in the third and Aluin Lobb, John Fowler, Creighton Gray, Robby Vanden- final game by a 4-1 score at Courtice. Front row, lef t to berg and Bill Todd. right: Jick Munday, Barry Cowling, Don Flint, Alvin -B.H.S. Champs Break ManyRecords Leciii MEMORIAL ARENA I I BowmanvilleI PUBLIC SKATING 8 to 10 p.m. Aduits - 40e Friday, Oci. 3rd Saturday, Oct. 4th Wednesday, Oct. Sth ADMISSION Children - 25e Childrens Skating WEDNESDAY, OCT. 8th 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Aduits accompanying children - - - - 25e For the men of the family If they like solid comtort We sîncerely Lelieve that here or* ,th. boit Ibuyi1' of the ,.ason ,- U"Hev.Is a slip-on shg. you can Wear und enjoy ... anywh.r." bress Coswais A really distinctive dress shoe with all the built in com fort afislip- on g are design. In black caitskîn, with contrast- ing Morocco grain. $1095 1%e new styls bave 3us* arrived, so why not drop ini and mee for yoursel( how much Style and Comfot your shoe dbilar cau buy? W. feature FootweavbY HEWETSON 0f CANADA Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE DROP IN AND SEE OUR jlaturlizer cSioes. Latest Styles and Fashions for the..W'olnen of To-niorrow Bowling The week's bowling saw Bill Dates' bowlers down previaus- ly undefeated Frank Sam's' team by a 5-2 coi.nt ta edge inta first place. Despite Ernie Perfect's 334 high single game, his team went down ta a nar- row 4-3 loss, at the hands af Jim Fair's outfit. Tommy Gra- ham's crew callected their first points of the young seasan, ai- though dropping a 5-2 decisian ta Jack Geddes' bawlers. In addition ta Perfect's game. other high singles were rolled by R.. Evans (319), Dick Per- fect (328), Arnold Lobb (319 ' and Frank Samis (310). Pete Dobbins' big 835 total taak high triple hanours, foliawed by Er- nie Perfect (817); Lobb (814) and Samis (797). Team Standings Pins Pts. Bill Bates -- ---6685 10 Frank Samis - -5866 91 Ernie Perfect - 5975 8 Jack Geddes 5830 7 Jim Fair------- 5818 6 Tom Graham----- 5458 2 *Twelve new records were set by these champions at B.H.S. Track and Field meet last week, most of them by the boys. Yesterday, the sehool teams went to Port Hope for the Tri-Sehool meet, high in spirit&. that they would once again bring home many of the trophies. In this group, from lef t to right, front row: Senior Boys Champion Dax'e Estabrooks, Senior Girls Champion Beverly Smith, Intermediate Boys Champion Gary McCullough; back row, Junior Girls Champion Marjorie Stewart, Junior Boys Champion Alex Wiseman and Intermediate Girls Champion Virginia Brown-_____________ Open Seasons for Game AnimaIs, Fish Open Seasons an Game Ani- mais, Upland Game Birds. Mi- gratary Game Birds andI Clos- ing Dates oi Fishing Seasons for the Lindsay District. The following Seasons and Clasing 'Dates are effective in the Counties ai Haliburton, Durham, Victoria, Peterbor- oh and Northumberland. GAME ANIMALS Deer and Moose Counties ai Haliburton. Pe- terborough, north ai No. 7 Highway; and, Victoria in Town- ships ai Longfard. Somerville andI those partions ai the Town- shipsb~f Dalton and Digby north ai the Monk RoatI. November 3nd ta lSth. A deer hunting license is ne- cessarv authority ta hunt on take deer. Aspecial $26.00 deer or moose licence is authoritv ta take one moase or one deer in the above noted aneas. Deer OnIy Peterborough Count.v sout h lof No. 7 Hîghwayv and that par. tn ai Northumberland Coun- vnbr3rd ta 81hî. Shotgtms iI nv-eud during the open seasan for deer. Ducks, Geese, Rails, Coots, Gallinuies, Woodcock and Wilson's Snipe In ail parts of the LindsaY Forest District except Clarke MIGRATORY BIRDS and Darlington Townships af Durham Caunty. Commencing one-haîf hour before sunrise an Septemben 27th and closes ane-half hour aiter sunset December lSth. In Clarke and Darlingtan Townships of Durham County. Twelve o'clock noan, Eastern Standard Time, October 4th ta December lSth. Limits ai take per day are 8 ducks (one ai which mav oe a woad duck), 5 geese, 25 caats, rails and gallinules. 8 snipe and 8 waodcock. Possession limits are 16 ducks, 10 geese, 16 snipe and 16 wood- cock. UPLAND GAME BIRDS Ruffed Grouse, Sharp-Tailed Grouse and Spruce Iraritridge In all parts ai the Lnda Forest District, September 7- to Nmvnmber 1.51h. ilungarian Partridge lu ail part& 01tit~Lmcsa Forest District, September 27th ta Navember lSth. CLOSING 0F FISHING SEASON Speckied Trout, Rainbaw Trout, Brown Trout and Spiake In ail parts af the Lindsay Forest District the seasan clos- es the nirght of September lSth except that thene is an exteni- ed season for the taking af rainbaw traut in those partions af Durham and Northumber- land Counties south of Na. 2 Highway until November 3th. Lake Trout Season closes the night of Oc- tober th. AUl Other Species Except for the extended sea- son on rainbaw trout as abave referred ta, the seasan closes ta ail fishing for all species an the night ai Octaher isth in al inland waters ai the Caunties of Durham, Northumberland,i Peterborough and Victoria: Up- per and Lawer Dairymple Lakes, Lake Seugog and the 1 waters ai the Trent River. Common thought af a hanse- halder.. viewing the lire ru:ns of a neighbour's hause: "I won- der if 1 have sufficient insur- ance an my hause." Gaod think- ing it is, too, but dont fongetl that t idy hî~1fpn is afn excellent bonus ta tire insur- arice.i We must remind bowiers who ive not paid into the Home nd School membership to doi 200 games-Ena Etcher 255, lene Rundle 242, Bannie Mc- )nald 238, Sadie Bucknell 2223. 05, Marg. King 216. Team Standings obins ------_-6 ;arrows 4 iebirds 2 Vrens ___ 2 anaries2 Iuejays -_____2 Averages udie Bucknell ------ 200 oyce Lyle --- --------192. larb. Buttonshaw 191 elene Rundie ----188 anrs Polley ------ _ 185 lyce Hodgsan 183 aonnie McDonaid -____174 larg. King ---174 ,na Etcher 174 La Stephen -____ 163 gion League effort, by rollin.s the high triple of 699. Other high triples went to Art Spic2!r. in his first appeararice of t.19 season (693). Jack Honeyman (692). Howard Edmondson (689). John Stainto~ (673). Murray Rate (66'7j Ioward Davey (663) and H3Ij , Brom- ell (659). John Stainton's 301 game tock high single hon-ora, followed by, Honeyrnan (295), Lobb (280), Jack Bond (263), Jack Dunn (263) and Edmondson (255). High Averages Games Art Spicer 3 Farewell Blackburn -9 Jack Potts ---_____9 Ron Maynard . 9 Arnold Lobb 9 Howard Edmondson -9 Howard Davey - 9 Jack Dunn - -_____9 Maurice Canway 9 John Stainton ___9 Murray Bate ____9 Joe Piper - -_____6 Fred Smith ____9 Tom Graham 9 Jim Houck - -____9 Murray Grant Ray Westiake____9 Bill Shotter____ Jack Honeyman 9 Tcam Standings Pins Hase Room ___ 9451 Combines --9305 Fan Beits_____ 9139 Office ______8963 Lead Press 9375 ,Machine Shop - 8464 Avg. 231 212 210 208 207 207 203 19D 199 199 197 195 194 194 193 192 191 190 190 -Pti 16 16 12 12 5 2 Air, Rail or Steamshlp TI1C K ETS TO EVERYWHERE Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Bow anville THE NEXI KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGO 8:30 p.m. sharp FR1 DAY, OCT. 1th in the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE OVER $4,00O IN PRIZES INCLUDING A BRAND NEW *1958 FORD PLAN NOW TO ATTEND Here's Your Chance A TO WIN A 1958 VAUXHALL VICTOR 145 ONLY UNITS 5 S-OLD TO GO We advertised that every person who purchased a new or used car from us would be entitled to enter this Contest to win absolutely free a 1958 Vauxhali Victor.- When 150 units have been sold this draw will take place. OnIy 5 More Units la be sold and the draw is on.. Don'! Delay . . .. Corne in To-day Specials For This Big Week! 1958 VAUXHALL VICTOR SUPER Tri-tone paint, white wall tires, custom radio with rear seat speaker, fender niirrors. A locally owned car. OnIy 10,000 original mileage. Only $179m5' With New Car Warranty 1957 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan Trwo-tone paint, A-i condition, 15,000 original mileage Visit Our Showroom and 1see - 1959 BUICK Robson Motors Limited Pontiac - Buick - Vauxhall Cars - GMC Tr&ks 166 King Si. E. Bowrnanville RA 3-3321 & 3-3322 1" "THE CAR" ,Wýmx£o JL Vvrildvju 1

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