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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1958, p. 7

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TMUItS1JAY ~'L-r 2nd. i~w TT!E CANAflIAN STATESMAN. ~OWMANV!LL~. C~NTAR!D ~A 1L ceremony of the plaque honor. ing the memary af Col. Charle.c R. McCullough, founder of th£ Canadian Club mavement, tc bc held at Bowmanville'on Wed- nesday, Oct. i5th at 2:30 p.m.. under the auspices of the Wamnen's and Men*s Bowman- ville Canadian Clubs. Mrs. D. M. Palmer, Oshawa.1 days. 1Mis. C. H. Dudley will attend SPent the weekend with Mzs. 1 Po3tmaster and Mis. George the solo recital wbîch ber son N. D. Smrni.i Jackman Road. I F. Vice bave returned from Ray is giving in Carnegie Hall, Ap-; ~ ~~New Yr.o ensaOt Mr. ari , ts. S. Noîthey andi holiday at Virginia Beach. ok nWded' c rzon Bi]ly' -1bield, were Sur- paîently they left the area just'8. and will be accampanied by day guests of Mr. and Mis, C in time, because the district Mis. da Mae Eccleston of Grand Johns. wbeîe they were staying bas Bend, Ont. They will fly ta New Mi. and Mrs. M. L. Roenigk been threatened this week by a York on Tuesday. Ray bas rc- ceived word that tbe CBC are spent a few dav-s with Mi. antd 1 hurricane. 'going tu record the latter part Mis. H. T. Humby at Chandos i Mis Bort Syer is attendin.g of bis program in Carnegie Lake.j the Womens Service Confer- Hall, ta be broeadcast at a later Iriv'n Colwell, Carlisle Ave., once of the Canadian Cance.r date. This will be v1'tlcome ,;Pent last weekend witb h*s Sc y nai Dvso.a news for bis many followers fniend, Jim Harrison at Mount Lord Sýimcoe Hotel. Mrs. Syer in Canada. Ray bas also been Albert, Ont. is cairman o the omen engaged by the Toronto Syrn. Dr. and Mis. Gea. W. James Svie ork o te Bwm-phony Orchestra as guest artisi vi-ited their son. Mi. and Mrz.vlbac. 'for a Sunday "pop" concert in Wmý. G. James and family at We regret that the naines ct the Now Yeaî. Dcn Milîs, on Sunday two Past MationF of Durham . Mr. V J.O'RorkeandChapter, Order ai the Easterni MagtrGe r.V . ooken d .YStar, were omitted from the listi ENNISKILLEN have been visiting ber motheroftseaenigGndC p- Mis. Elgin Wight. t er Sessions -in Toronto. TheylMs e.v;tnadMs were Mis. Vivian Pickaîd and Mi.Rg Wlonad is The October meeting of the Mis. Greta Brown. Ron Walton, Kingston. visited Scout Mothers' Auxiliaîy will be Miss Muriel Reynolds. who 1 h former's parents, Mi. and *l'eld on Wednesday. Oct. 8 at recentîy graduated tfram the TronH. Stevens on their way ta 8 p.m. aftbe home of Mis. Carl School for Nurses, Guelph Ger- 1 ton who bter son TdrWat- Devitt, 35 Jane Street. oral H os p ital, bas isatendngTornt .oj University taking the Phaîmacy Attention-St. Paul's Jr. W.. the nursing staff of Mem-, Coursle. A. general meeting postponed o-il Hospit al, Bawmanvilep n ad Ms.Cc, am irntil Oct. 8th in S.S. Lecture 1 Miss Reynolds is a daughter of, Roomn at 8 p.m. Plan ta at- jMn. and Mis. W. B. Reynold., Bunetovstda.h tvn tend. Jr. W. A. Bazaar, Satun- Centre St. hoe dlay, Nov. 8th. A well attended public meet- 1 The Woman's Association was Mrs.Crag Lngile ig o theCitzen Comitte iheld at the home of Mis. F. Mr. îagLagueand f ioufthriizn Cmite Beckett an Tuesday evening, year aid daughteî Linda arîiv-1 was held in Trinîty Unitedi' ed by i ona1onigta Church on Tuesdav evening. AI Spt 23, with an attendanco of Anhar uikv, ay vrisit rMs ii ccuto h meigw 26. Devotional was in charge Lnall'smthre, tMis. Non- befublisbed in te mtngî wek ., of Mrs. Ivan Sharp on "Oui Langlles moher Mr. No- b pubishd i nex wek'sReasonable Service", writb Mis. znan Allun, Centre St., for ten! issue of The Statesman. T'.eA. Sharp taking the Bible read- next public meeting of the Cit'-, ing. Committeo who are ta zens' Committeo xii be beld canvass for blind are also ta in the Salvation Arm * Hall ori canvass for the Hospital. There PEIIVTCOSTà%L Tuesda 'y evening, October 2lst. jhJ3ta be no Octobèr meeting on at 8 o'clock. , 1 account ot the turkey supper. CHUR H .The warm September wea- 1Pnogram in charge of Group I, CH R Hther a apparontlyiy ue convenor Mis. E.. Wright; piano 21 Ontario St. Mn. Dougr Curl's raspberr.y solo by Mis. L. Lamb, *reading Rex'. G. E. Leno bushes la boa- again. On Tues- by Mis. M. Hobbs. Meeting day. Sept. 30, Mi. Cut'l, whi9 ciosed witb theme sang and A.M. lîves at 5 Nelson Stroot, East,- prayer. The treasuier's repaît 10 A.M. -sent in a large bowl of fîeshiy was giv en bý/ Mis. M. Hobbs. PROMOTION DAY picke'd iaspberries ta Mis. Mr,.. Miss Canal Begley entertain- IN SUNDAY SCHOOL bel Allen wbo lives with bar .ed a few school fnîends at her daughter, Mrs. Max Brown, atibîrthday Party an Manday. il A.M. - 7 P.M. 7 Nelson St. E. Mis. Allen colle- Mr. and Mis. John Siemon, brated ber 85th birthday oan Kathryn and Robent were Sun- EVANGLISTSept visitars with Rev. and Mis. EUNICE MEVERS Mn. and Mis. Leslie C. Cox, R. B. Green, Brighton. Salvation Mountain Lakes, N.J., bave been Mr. Pnd Mis. Leonard Staintin Healing Revival guests of his biother Mn. and Iand family with Mr. andi Mis. Mis. Elmer Cax andi f ot rota-1 R. Hope, Port Perîy. "The Cburch That Cares" tives while renewing bis youthb Mr. and Mis. Harold Patter in bis native country. Leslie adfmlHmtn r n Where Will You Spend xvas a brilliant graduate Eternity? B.H.S. around 1909 and bas re- Mis. Fred Ferguson, Bowman- .etvretired aft 30 yeaîs in ville: Miss Marie Bottreil, New- an executive capacity at the ateMr.EwnSdrck ______________________ head office of the Great Amer and Ruth, Orono, weîe witb Mn. ican Indemnity Ca. in mew and Mis. Carl Ferguson. ew Mn. and Mis. Laine Lamb STI JOHNS York City. were visitais with Mis. Roy M ýQ. N S iThe Bowmanville Catholic Dickey, Allan and Reta, Hamp-, Women's League wiil hold their ton.1 It~~1j annuai Bazaar tomarraw after-f Sonry ta report Mis. W. H. CH ÀeHnoon at the Lions Community Moore is an the sick iist. Wei Centre tram 2 ta 5 a-clock. wish ber a speedy iecovery. IIAtt ennoon tea will be served I Mr. and Mis. Arthur BrunI (Anglican) and there will be a number of with ber father Mr. W. Mark. booths with an ariay of attract- Part Periy on Sunday. ~ ~~ îI .., ive items for sale. There wiîîl Mr. and Mis. Gordon McKee, Eigilleenth srinui be a fancy work hoath, home Poart Penny, with Mr. and Mis. baking table, apran booth, a F. W. Werry. country store, religiaus articles J Mr. and Mis. E. W. Begley baoth, a section of good used' accompanied by Mn. and Mrs. O &~ -clofhing, and a'candy table,. jGardon Sh.unk, Port Périy, on- joyed a matai tnip throurth IIOLY COMMUNION Mn. and Mis. 1-arld Lake, Nothein Ontario aven the week~- Mn. and Mis. Mac Rabb, Mn. end. and Mis. Alian Cutbbertson, Mn. Mn. and Mis. Douglas Cox 10 I -and Mis. Don McArtbur, Mn. and famiiy, Bowtnanville; Mii1 CHURCH SCHOOL and Mis. Jack Meachin, Mn. and Mis. Jim Sunderlandi andj Nanm Meachin spent Saturday daugbter, Peterborough; Mn. and ovening with Mi. and Mis.. Mrs. Keitb Smith and tamil 7-Lloyd Danland and xveîe guests ï Orono, were Sunday xisitOr:ý 7 at a joint birthday party for Mi. 1 with Mr. and Mis. Ed.ý'Cox. 1 Daland and Eric and Elgie Mn. and Mis. Stewart Lamnb Lawson. Mn. and Mis. Henry accon;panied by Mr. and Mis. t Confir ationMcColI, Mi. and Mis. Douglas! Fred Holrayd af Hampton on- Fo:ý, i. nd Mis. Howard joyed a matai trip ta Algonquin Servie Arthur tram Woolen also attend- Park. ied. Mr. and Mis. Larine Griffin, Vistor - I Blackstack, weie callers aI Mi.1 THELOD1BS1 Word has been received that and Mis. Russell Griffin's. THELOR BIHOP ' Prof J. M. S. Caîeless. Deot. of 1 Miss Minnie Bates and Oliver 0F TORONTO HStoiy at te University Of Hubband, Oshawa, were wif b Right Reverend F. H. Toronta. will represent the 1 Mr. and Mis. W. Oke. Wilkinson, M.A., D.D., LL.D. IAnchaelogicai and Historic Sites Mn. Wilfiod Banks, Grace and ___________________J jBoard, Toronto, and will be the Beryl Weston, weîe Sunday vis- chiet speaker at the unveiling itaîs at Mr. and Mis. J. E. Gnf-' - - - - --tinis. Mr. and Mis. A. L. Weaîn and Susan weîe with Mn. and Mis. 5A. Telfer, Toronto, and callod on REHO OTH HRISIANtheir daugbten Miss Laina Wer t Grace Hospital. REFOR ED C URCHMr.and Mis. S. R. Pethick. M.and Mis. Orr Jeffery, Scugog Street, Bowmanville Part Peiry: Mn. and Mis. How- OrgaistMr.Artur ollson Mu. Bch. L..S.. jjoyed a visit wýitb their uncle go Ojanst-r. rthr Cllisn, us.Bac., .R..M. and aunt, Mr. and Mis. Hanry Beilaniy. Winnipeg. Mr. and Mis, W. Chapman. Mr-. and Mis. R. Shackleton, H-ampton; Mr. and, Mis. Alex, Faulkner, Alderwotd; Mr. and' 11:00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP -Mis. Ray Petit, Sharon and Stephen, Miss Cocule Petit, ;Toronto.,xvere Sunday visitais The Sacrameal of the Lord's Supper' 4witb Mi. and Mis. Gardon Shackleton when a party was beld' in bonour of Mr. W. Chap- "How God Gels Through" Mis Be&)thbig thay. r v aners" at Alton aven the week- end. 7:00 P.M. - EVENING WORSHIP IMr. and Mis. L. Saverv, Osha-s Iwa, w-ere Saturday evening vis- iairs witb Mr. and Mis. L. ';'!hy The Cursed Fig Tree?" Welsh. 'and famiiy were Sunday visitais A FRENDY N LCOM TOALLwith Mr-. and Mis. W. Black- A FIENLY ELOMETO LLburn, Haydon. Mis. Mark Blackhb4rn also spent the weck- _________________________________________end with them. cSocal & (ersonal Phone MA 3-3303 Mi. Wallen Kerr of Ashburn, CASLE -visited at J. Baker's. CAPSULESL t Mr. and Mis. J. Baker were ,,is th purchast' Of ~ Sundav guests of Mrs. Minnie ,tirp, - ---- Snowden, at Maple Grove. N 1.1e Donald Yel]owlees, Taunton, spray Sundayeeng .a Mis. Dr. L. B. Williams, Bow- 79c, 1. manville. Mis. J. D. Hogarth., qgila Ms. Sam Dewell, Hampton, Mr. 2.2 Weslev Powvell. Miss Mabel ý gg rm 1aPq~~EOOD 1 Mis. N. W'otten. HERE'S HOW f0 500' Save 71c o " hait' -SUE rolieve discomfort cafter you Fr4,y0 i SUPER STLfl!IW taf, drink, smoke to0 muchi 4.29 ýa 2.00 vaRUIT L-.DRY-OR WETI 33c ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ _ lSweb X -PLV.. Resident EOf~T__ ____ (Continueci tro am ae one) PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY htm. The beautiful floral tri- b es xtcre r'.m erous. ' The palîbearers were Sidney Lewis. Milton Morris, Jam-es Tamblv-n, Erv.est Bowen, Hor-ac Be1 fOrnad A ac es.a',o Ooo ai ex. McGregor, Drug Louis. MeGilI. Lindsay.. The g E. Davey. A. J. Tamblyn,R Waddell. W. E. Armstrong.,5Os- m..eiver tour Lcl DA rugStrPhn MA 359» car Rolph, Charles Tyrreil, ah _________________________________ 's . Iif was put in position. When in twice as much in the yeara' s ll Be I\arried in Jrono I *fl OSSIVOb place Bishop Webster sprink- when this church will b. en-t e led it with holy water, and cumbered by debt. A gitt of 0(Contî50uedtrom ed Dage o$1000 nw thes tlieper tay, Albert Liptay, Wayne Han-1 Chanters. the Bishop and hisj osity. If any of you have moree . .... Kitney, and Johnnie Connors'.1 plàce of the Cornerstone and vour wvell being, make a large solcmn Procession 1 started to make a circuit of the donation now while you have A irgecrod crnpsedofchurch as the Bishop sprinkledi the means and abiiitv ta do sr). rnemprsof he ongegaioni the foundations of the building Do flot wait until you are dead., othr îterste ciizes ~ with hoiy water. One third wav "May God biess you and has-, OMM- Bowmaville. andpeople frorn around the church the proces- ten the a hnw ilcm Bowmanviile. andsion stopped for prayers. This edywe ewl on V the surroundîng district were 1 to ope n this new St. Josephýs WifidCru-tid oeaRi t h ecn Church for Almighty God and presentReev of the way around. and ask His protection in full for thers represented the TownI at the iast third of the way. i, îhpWbtrcnidd tCouncil. It was a perfect suinnv Eisepal lesgso bseuirne n ued r- day for the event. psoa lsigSudeumntsddr- r ~Led by the Cross bearer and The procession returned inside ing the crernmonies were kindrv the alcolytes the procession pro I rht h rosta etfree of chatR by W. E s ~ceeded from the fteW rectory marke'I the place for the new; Fice, Waverly Road. to tlýe front of the church, uP altar. Bishop Webster knelt ini Dne tFIIgDtha tthe ramp into the large edifice prayer. The "Veni Creator" was At~wrsadne a ei ta te sot herethenewa]-sung and another prayer said.idered to the Bishop and ihe v's- tar wvili be placed. This was Bishop Webster then gave c iting dlergy at the lvi:ý ý marked by a large Cross. Episcopal B]essing to all thoSe Dthnn MtlRsarit With the Bishop standing in present. PreeinaisoeleRe r. rnd M. frot o th Crss he haners "Todav is a verv important, Frank Burcher, Hamiilton: Mr. sang Psaim 83. His Excellency and outstanding day in the his- Burcher is the architeet for thc Miss Marie Lewis, R.N., and William Kay Lycett sprinkled the area with holv tory of St. Joseph's parish*'. the newv chu-ch: J. J. Wilkinson. will be married in Orono United Church on Saturday, deandpu e mita rae on Ti eBishop of Peterborough said in, Tor-onto. the general contractor. October 4. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bishop and the procession te_ is ddss Wer.oewthad r.Wiksn;T ms Thomas Lewis of Orono, and is a graduate of St. Joseph's formecl and went outside trie vol'nIi a hc hsbe ob' hecnrlsprn Hospital, Toronto. She is a member of the nursing staff church to the table where the though the arifice o!,tedet and sav-.obet of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. Lycett is a so onrnoewsprprd ing of the congregation. Tt al a ritcl Mementosinntoxd bv a miniatur'e repliua of Mr. and Mrs. William Lycett of Bowmanville. He Miho ebers ndeox ý Great Event1 of the2 new St. Joseph*s churcli graduated in June, 1957. from Osgoode Hall and ihp Wbtrhne is "We congrafulate vou on tli, placcd on a 'gree'isward, witn crosier to the crosier bearer. ,eteeto h aigo h aevlofo presently with the law f irm of McMaster, McMaster and and reînoved his mitre. He then i geteeto h aigo h & elw foers outl:ning MelnyreTorotoand has his own office in Orono on blessed the Cornerstone and Corn,'rstone with ail the cerc- :1Ile su,..,oittding paths, and'tinv Mcltyr, Trotomad acros o ai sx sdesofmonies. The Cornerstone ha';j shade trees about it. This et- thked. ae ast sonwihalltrowse oA been blessed and piaced within ;fectivemiatr tbluws . -Photo of Miss Lewis by York Studios, Toronto. Photo of Mr. theewail of yourachurch. A 1u .r inidtbvredtabdleau iotv Lycett by LeRoy Toli, Toronto. metai case was placed in the îtewl fyu hrh o!srone vrdadylo __________________________________cavifv in the wall by Father praN' tlat this work begun wil! >îoses. Mýalane.It contained a historv rcr n b ruh o Silber ftravs conmrnmorati OLIA iof ron, P N.Lawie.Detoit I f the prs.ahsovfn perfect and sucecessfl conclu- the' la,-ing of the Cornerstonie. SO IAadEeetJoli, Newcastle. diocese. a cp of the Cne-s,. %a c presented to the Most Interment was in Orono Cerne- niai edition of the Canadian chrch, a bouse of od. W C r "IRoe nd B. 1. Webster, D.D.,. Mrs. N. C. Yeiiowlees visited tory. Statesman, a copy of the States-' pra ht a who worlshi hc e Bthop of eerboruh' adt at E. Hockaday's and kindly re- Nw rknT Vf man edition of September 25tiî iiirahhae.Albesn Fte aae y Mi. Wilkîn- membered them with a loveiy TeNe' Bosen IotîW ast contatning a photograph of fthe for the coîîgregation is ou son. îrevo]ving picture lamp on the Th e.BslLnpto new church and an advanco pra *vet- to Airightv God._______________ occasion of their 20th wedding ot Orano UJnited Church, accorrn- article regarding the iaying rf d Continue Co-operation _______________ anniversary and tiîey aiso rc- panied bx' Mr. and Mrs. Frank the Cornerstone. Polroid pic- "Continue to co-operate with ceived lovely cards from the Ardron, Toronto, went to Pe- tures of the actual ceremony. your pastor Io bring fulfiliment i Tr ilPm.mI fml.terborcugh on Tuesday after- and coins of the realm. Till of the plans for this church. We Tur Od*AriBA8NA Th famiy. or oonwhee h brke he ragc Po]roid pictures wore takoýn urge vou f0 continue your Col,- Th emoacepogan news to M'-s. Madison Hall, who and deveiopod irnmediately tributions. and remind vou that . lfii1 ash Sunday Schooi, Sundav after- i., still a patient in St. Joseph's duitinùi the ceremonv and weroe anv sacrifice now will mean a~ noon was arranged bx' Mis. D. Hospital there. includod in the metal box. greaf deai as the vears go on'. witb pietotsoDoan a T inplm ayed Mr. Hall is survived bv his The Litanv of the Saints wa.; The debt for the church is lar-1 shown. with Mrs. Wes. Yellow- wife, is onilY child, Mrs. Frank said. The Chanter sang Psalrn ger than was anticipated due îCLATSIFED Adron, Toronto, and two 126. The priesfs carried the Cor- ta the nature of the soul and trie lee xeain th cmmn ar grandsons, Madison Ardrin, neistone to the wall of the expense ..of construction. We hone MA 330 Pat Davis played the oana ge 24 ad A-a3Adro,3' for tho church service in the a church and fthe Bishop placod aanugevuteiv o i absece f te rgulr oganst.his right hand on the stone as cause by so doing you wiii save Next Suridav aflernoon at 9:45 p.m. Wor'ld Communion service wiii be observed. Sut'- COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE d av Sehool will be at LU:i oclock. Mrs. Addie Tink attended the church service at Orono wheni her great grandson David Goode, was christened. Follow- ing the service she was a guest at ftho home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Don Goode. . j RG TOE Several neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gor. called on them on the occasion of their diamond wedding an- nîverarv.SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK 1Mrs. Rov Langmaid and Mrs< Charles Langmaid, attended a A ftrousseau tea givon byr Mrs. Don Coole of Bowmanville. foi' ber da~trSandra whose Mar niage ia Gerald Heal takes place W-~~. m lorld Series on Or-tober 4. WAMPOL Special! The Woiien's Institute y1l Giltez.B.T. meet on Thursday night, Oct. 9 P OS U DIVJm TV th Qu baby pNder fhat The Three M's will meet aI III L[ ONE- the noine of Donna Vice on H *UUWUEx ~ 'luesday night, October 7. I.D.A RAZOR Mis. C. Hanier and Mr. Per-pettxiade RZRM IM cy Westlake, who underworent. n-ieePO F surgeiy in Oshawa Hospital ae a S ol.Pe reg, o. 4O Razor pr'ogleszing lavorably, iWAMTe . 45c R29c* ispnsrofP4In4r- Mrs. Robeit MHOSrPHORcE 19e ~ c Blue Blades ~ ~y e'io'i ren of Brougham, visited a ' WOS3eOPL* Handsome Bb John Knox s. 1CBb Mr. and Mis. Harvev Yeilow- L.D. Case leos anid daugliters. xwere Sux---- flM day tea guests of Mr'. and Mrs. !,v, Coonu 1 S am()O E. Larmer at Blackstock. iHSH"E Il.8ct D Mr'. arnd Mis, Charles Srnith98 and Anna, Mr. and Mrs. Jack TIRE S oz, reg. 9 bmith and sons, M'. and Mrs. O awa, visited Mr. ad i. .6 ' >a'ERE Cra-i doMmn LPULL ,t L...11 usaitaW Utniete. i,.tc.;' r at i Mr. and I\'Irs. Bruce Taylor'oilr5 ..~ VBG1 K and sons weîe baturday tea 16 0 g.. ar 25e HSIA10Soz gucsfs of Mr. and Mis. Bruc a li-t3 ado Montziorerv. L131L _1i.Daio '- 'i .1 J: 1; t, t' TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 190'WMANVfLLE. ONTARIO PAM wvvxý

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