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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1958, p. 9

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; THTJRSD AT. OCT 9thIi 95 THE ANADAN SAT~AN RlWMAPJVT.T. r~W~A - - -- . PAGEL~ NDM~ Central School Wins Championship As Town 's Three Public Schools Compete in Track, FielId E vent s lic Sch e Bowmanville Pub-- - - I hQld a Most success-, Total - 82 77 20 fuiTraU ad FeldDayon Champions were: Sr. Boys- Wednesday afternoon Oct. lst Blaine Pickard Central School, in the spacious grounds ut Vin- Ilpoints; Sr. Girls - Evelyn cent Massey School. The pupils Jones, Ontario Street Sehool, 7 from Central. School, Ontario points; Int. Boys - Bob Sleep, Street School; and Vincent Mas- Central School, 8 points; Int. sey School took part in the ath- Girîs-Margie Pickard, Ontario lotic events. ' Street School. 12 points. No ald Children with some of their records were brokon. touchers were in charge of the The events were as follows:- well Patronized vegzetable booth., white elephant table, booth forI Senior Boys jams and tinined goods, and tie1 Running Broad Jurnp-Blaine refreshment booth. Pickard, Larry Walton, Don summary ftettlpit Smith; 75 yard Dash-Blaine earned in ail Senior, Interme- Pîckard, Larry Walton, Bill diate and Junior events bhows Burns, Pole Vault-David Wool- Central School to be high witth ner, Don Smith, Ted Brown: a total of 82 points. Ontario St.. Standing B'road Jump - Ted Schocl was the runner-up witl, Brown, Don Smith, Brian Smnith-, 77. High Jump - Blaine Pickard, The sumrnary is as folows- Don Smith, Ted Brown; Soft- bail Throw - Larry Walton, Cent. Ont. St. V.M. Blaine Pickard Alan McMullan; Junios 7 13 4 Relay (Central) - Blaine Pick- Int.- Girls 11 21 3 urd, Alan McMulan, David Tnt. ]Boys ----- 24 16 2 Woolner, Bill Burns. Sr. Girls . 16 18 2 Sr. Boys ------- 24 9 9 Senior Girls Standing Broad Jump-Enid Tangeider, Dianne Fergusor' Patsy Kilpatrick; 75 yard Dasti' They Ar'e Ail -Evelyn Jones, Carole Wi lkins, Patsy Kilpatrick; High Jump- s E ALs Trixie Semplonius, Evelyn Broad Jump-Patsy Kilpatriick, Each car was bought Eveiyn Jones, Dianne Ferguson: for ail ~ Softball Throw -Carole W il-,ý especialiyfo lyu kins, Connie Henning, Diannei lucky Bowmanviile and Ferguson; Relay, 200 yards surrounding area folks. (Central) - Patsy Kilpatrick, Carole Wilkins, Trixie Semplo- So corne see . . . nius, Georgina Fowler. Corne buy Intermediate Boys High Jump - Danny Jones ART'S Robert Sieep, Put Vinish: Run-1 ning Broad Jump-John Kilpat- CAR NAR ET rick, David Kerr, Larry Hately: CAIR MAIR T 50Daid KrrDash-Rbesna;Soft- 194-196 Church St. bull Throw-Larry Vesna, Lar-j Bowmanville ry Rogers, Gerald Harness; Standing Broad Jump-Pat Vin- ______________________ish, John Kilpatrick, Larry IHatehy; Polo Vault - Robert VIGOR,,OIL CO. LTD. NEW L0W PRICES NOW IN EFFECT PREM1UM QUALIT STQO/E CIL. I0c 'FUEL CIL 1162 C FOR DELIVRY Phone OsFuawa ý,RA pet gaL per gaL 5-1109 g' Il Sleep, Graydon Colvifle, Doug Nichols; Relay (Central âchooi) -David Kerr, Robert Sleep, John Kilpatrick, Larry Rogers. Jatermediate Girls Bail Throw-Margie Pickard, Carol Vance, Elaine Biggs; Standing Broad Jump.-Margie Pickard Bonnie Mutton, Curoi Van ce; 50 yard Dash - BoQinie Mutton, Carol Vance, Margie Pickard;, High Jump-Jean Colo. Margie Pickard, Janie Oliver, Running Broad Jump-Margile Pickard, Bonnie Mutton, Len- ore Fowler, Reiay (Vincent Massey)-Sharon Cully, Nancy Kelly, Jane Oliver, Anne Lan- thangue. Junior Girls,50 yard. Dash, 8 years-Diane Scriver, Vincent Massey School; Beverly Forgu- son, Ontario Street School; Jill Nichols, Central School. Junior Boys, 50 yard Dash, 8 years-Billy Morrison, Central School, Karel Waversveld, Ont- Lario Street School, Geral 'd Gib- ner, Ontario Street School. Junior Girls, 50 yard Dash, 9 years-Linda Morris, Ontario Street School; Diane Piper, Ontario Street School, Jo4nne Woodward, Vincent Massey. Junior Boys, 50 yard Dash, 9 years-GodIrey Jenkins, Cen- tral School; Robert Large, On- tario Street School; Lewis Bruce, Ontario Street Schooi. Junior Events-Central School 8 yr. Girls 50 yd. Dash-Jill Nichols, Janice Moses, Gail Mas- ters. 8 yr. Boys 50 yr. Dash-, Bill Morrison, Ronald Shackle- ton, Kim Spencer. 9 yr. Girls Dash---Virginia Slemon, Nancv-, Williamns, Ann Martyn. 9 yr. Boys Dash - Godfrey Jenkins, David Burdett, John Purdy. Shoe-kicking Race, 8 year girls -Jîll Nichols, Susan Martyn, Marie Quinton. 9 year Girls- Cheryl Gill Ann Martyn, Ger- trude Cale. Bean Bag Throwing 8 year Boys-Billy Morrison. Ken Martin, Donald Jamieson. 9 year Boys-Frank Shane, Lar- ry Kennedy, John Purdy. Junior Events Ontario Street School 8 yr. Girls 50 yd. Dash-Be- verly Ferguson, Joanne Piper, Goorgina Mutton. 8 yr. Boys 50 yr. Dash--Gerald Gibner, Gary Baker, Karel Waversveld. 9 yr. Girls 50 yd. Dash-Diane Piper. Linda Morris, Ave Thompson. 9 yr. Boys 50 yd. Dash-Robert Large, Lewis Bruce, Ronald Simpson. 8 yr. Girls Shoe Kick- ing-Lynda Graham, Joanne Pi- per, Linda O'Connor. 8 yr. Boys Bean Bag Throw-Karel Wa- versveld, Allan Culver, Gary Wilson. 9 yr. Girls Shoe Kick- ing-Corrine Sweep, Penny Jef- frey Patricia Peterson. 9 yr. Boys Bean Bag Throw-Teddy Nickerson, Danny Ferguson, Robert Large. YÙnior Events Vincent Massey School 8 yr. Girls 50 yd. Dash-Di- a J. C. PORTER, Manager ane Scriver, Carol Beliman, ILorraine White. 8 yr. Boys 50 yd. Dash - Brian Saunders, Koîth Leno, Danny Hoopei. 9 yr. old Girîs-Jili Ames, Mar- tha Witherspoon, Jo Anne Woodwvard. 9 yr. old Boys--Jeff Gilhoo]y, John Builantine, Doug McFee tors. Shoe-kicking Race 8 Year Giris-Susan Meadows, Mary Oke, Carol Belîman. Bean Bag Toss, 8 year Boys--Doug Tighe, Paul Charbonneau, Lee Lemon. 9 year Girîs-Brenda Virtue, Bonnie Mathewson, Donna Colo. 9 year Boys-Rny Lathangue Bill Smale, Francis Cowles. Primnary Events Central School Running Race, 5 year Boys- Tommy Stout, Wilfred Landry, Michael Cowles; Running Race, 5 Year Girls-Donna Lyle, Deb. by Snowden, Susan Mountjoy; Running Race, 6 year Boys- John Morris, Bruce Welsh. Gary Chisolm; Running Race, 6 yea r Girls - Dariene Masters, Gail Linton, Laurel Abernethy; Run- ning Race, 7 year Boys-Ste- phen Jenkins, Ricky Spencer, Ronald McMullen; Running Race, 7 year Girîs-Juanita Tice. Shawn Leddy, Linda Grace; Boan Bag Race, 5 year Boys- Tommy Stout, Michael Cowle, Danny Whitehand; Bean Bag Race, 5 yoar Girls-Donna Lyle, Crystal Cooper, Debby Snow- den; Kangaroo Race, 6 year Boys-Charlîe Cattran, Doug- las Parker, John Morris-, Kan- garoo Race, 6 year Girîs-Dar- lene Corson, Jacqueline Knight, Debby Taylor; Balance Race, 7 *voar Boys-Dennîs Brown. Ric- ky Spencer, Bobby Tunstahl; Balance Race, 7 year Girls Shawn Leddy, Jean Landry, Juanita Tice. Primary Events Ontario Street Sehool Runnin,9 Race, 5 year Boys -Mike Donoghue, Bobby Har- ness, Kenneth Rowe: Novelty (Boys 5 yr.)-Mike Donoghue, Kenneth Rowe, Rodney Lang- lais. Running Race, 5 year Girls -Linda Kelly, Frances Hon- ning, Ellen Cowan, Novelty (Girls 5 yr.) - Ellen Cowan, Frances Henning, Meridy Bute; Running Race,' 6 year Boys - Darwin Wight, Tim Taylor, Bruce Simnpson; Novelty (Boys, 6 years) - Bruce Simp3son, Wayne Peterson, Wayne Pao- den; Running Race, 6 yoar Girls-Ann Meadows, Linda Carpenter, Judy Sellers; Novel- ty (Girls, 6 years)-Darla -Ba-1 con, Judy Sellers, Linda Bur-' toh; Running Race, 7 year Boys .-Ronnie Thertoîl, Michael Cawker, Gregg Cordon; Novel- ty (Boys, 7 years)-Bobby Car- ponter, Michael Cawker, Borys Wereszczynski; Running Race, 7 Year Girls-Ann Reader, Mar- iy.RonninKaren Shred, Novelty (Girls, 7 years)-Ka- ren Shred, Barbara Deboo, Ave Lycett. Primary Events Vincent Massey Sehool Running Race, 5 y ear old Girls and Boys-Freddie Fagan, Cathy McMurter, Sally Firth; Running Race, 6 year Girls- Patsy Nolan, Francine Burns, Diana Cowles; Running Race, 6 year Boys-Steven Forsey, Paul McArthur, Gary Leno; Running Race,. 7 Year Girîs-Nesta Hon- eyman, Mary Jane Kilpatrick, Janice Allen: Running Race, 7 year Boys-Sýandy Brown, Lar- ry Devitt, John Vance; Bean Bag Race, 5 year aId Boys and Girls - Freddie Fagan, Julie Harrison, Nancy Hooper; Skip- ping Rope Race, 6 year Girls- Jennifer Saunders, Patsy No- han, Francine Burns, Hopping Race, 6 year Boys-Jerome Bul- lett, Randy Forsey, George Bri- tain; Running Backwards Rtace, 7 year Girls - Janice Allen, Mary Jane Kilpatrick, Sherryl Davis; Wheelbarrow Race, 7 year Boys-Barry Virtue and Billy Woodward, Sundy Brown and Larry Devitt, Paul Bridges and Tommie Puk. BLÀCKSTOCK- N~EWCASTLE BILANCII 1 Church at Butedale, a village 250 miles north of Vancouver on the Pacific Coast, sh6wed her colored slides of several impor- tant -places *and scènes in this Indian village and other points of interest en route. Joyce gave ,a most interesting anid educa- tional commentary. After .lhe closing, lunch wýas served and ail enjoyed discussing the won- derful mental trip taken with Joyce. Mrs. Dalton- Dorrell, vice chairman, pttended the serni- annual meeting of Durham and INorthumberland zone of Fed- eration of Agriculture in Lind- say Thursday. Miss Joyce Graham - Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Grahamý and Mr. and Mrs. Wîlbert 'Tomas, enjoy- ed a 350 mile drive. through Western Ontario over the week- end. Joyce will be havizig more beautiful color pictures of this part of the country soon. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bird and Janet, Brookiin, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rutherford and Allan, Oshawa, and David Ballingal, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Geo. Fowler. Mr. Ed. Freelen, Kirkfield,, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. M. Hanlan. Mr. and Mrs. John Carnaghan and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Little and family, Agin- court, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Belyea and Nancy, Bronte, caiied on a~ number of relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Venning, Mrs. John Rahm and Mr. Orr Venning, Thursday evening at the Kane Funeral Home, To- ronto, whe-e the body of a nilece, Mrs. Fred Wright, was restin. Brenda Malcolm, Yelvertonl, spent the weeekend with Carol Rahm. Mr. A. Gibson. Stayner, was weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lucas, To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Martin,- Oshawa, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venning. Mrs. Osmond Wright visited her daughters and families in Toronto and accompanied the Goldwjn Faints to Midland 'for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Leslieý Mount- Joy and Mrs. John McKee, visit- ed friends in Peterborough Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahrn, Paul and Carol, and Brenda Malcolm, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm, Sunday. Mrs. A. Balson, Solina, spent a few days with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer, Mrs. McDougald, Mrs. Balson and Mrs. Ernest Larmer visited relatives in Midland. Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Hoar, Or- ono, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer. Mrs. Harry Dawson and son Bill, Fraserville, visited her sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Wer- ry. Sunday. Mrs. Fred Bailey spent, the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. Dawson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain, Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. Cjarenre. Marlew, Thursday-. Uoly. Communion' was admin- istered in both Anglican and United churches Sunday morn- ing. Next Sunday, Oct. 12, will be Harvest Thanksgiving ser- vices in both churches. Rev. Philip Romeril will be the speaker in the United ut 10 a.rn. and Rev. C. E. Olive, B.Sc., will be guest speaker in St. John's ut il a.m. Mr. Olive is rector of St. Peter's Church, Knob Hill, Scarborough. Canon and Mrs. Chaperlin ro- turned home Saturday from their holiday in Jamaica. Mr: and Mrs. Stuart Dorreli enijoyed a drive through Nor- thern Ontario last weekend. OBITUARY JOHN N. NEEDHAM John H. Needham passed away ut his home 49 Centre St.. Bowmanville, on Sunday, Sep- tember 28. 1958, in his 88th ye ar. Mr. Needham enjoyed good health until a year ago. Up to that time, he was active-for his years, *and retained a keen mmnd. Though emigrating from his birthplace of Sheffield, Yorkshire, England, many ),ear5 ago, ne stili followed English sporting events with great en- joYment through Englîsh papers sent to him here. Mr. Needham was a son of the late John and Mary Need-1 hum, born Nov. 23, 1870. As a' lad of 12 he was apprenticed in the knife business in Sheffield, and also learned the scissor forging trade with his father. At the age of 28 he came out to Walden, N.'Y., where he work- ed with the New York Knife Company. Mfter two years he nioved on to Freemont, Ohio, where he was in charge of a de- partment' with the Jacksoni Knife and Shear Company. He was sent from there with other representatives to start a [ branch at Brantford Ontario, where he met and mnarrîed Alice Creasser who had come out from England to Brantford with her parents when a sma11 child. To- gether they wvent back to New 'York, State for seven years, re- turning to Brantford in 1912 where Mr. Needhum was with the Brantford Scale and Slicer Company, He was appointed by that eompany to corne'to Bow- manville in 1919 to help set uLi a sirnilar factory here on Church) Street. Mr. Needham remaîned with the Bowrnanville branch of the Slicer Company until it closed in the 1930's. During these Years he devel- oped a side line of sign painting into a full time trade, and, h;s beautifullv executed work, par- ticularly in gold leaf, becamne well known. Several of Bow- manville's church sign boards stand as a memorial to bis skill. Mr. Needham later worked with the Simpkin Cabinet Company for a tirne, retiring when he was 81. He was stili painting signs. however, at 84 when he and Mrs. Needham celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary, Sept. 10, 1955. He leaves bis wife, the former Alice Cresser; two sons, Cedric of Syracuse, N.Y., and Harold of Quebec City; and a niece, Miss Donalda Creasser, who has been like a daughter of the family making her home withI them since 1928. There are also five grandchîldren. Rev. Harold Turner conduct- ed the funeral service on Wed- nesday, October 1. at the Mor- ris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville. Friends attending from a distance inciuded Mr. and Mr.s Frank Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tyler of Syracuse, N.Y. Among the many beautifuil flowers wvere tributes from Cru- cible Steel, Syracuse N.Y.: Goodyear Supervision Club, and Goodyear Recreation Club, Que- bec City: General Motors of Canada Limited, and G.M. Parts Biiiing of Oshawa; George Bal- lantyne Bros. Ltd., Victoria, B. C.; Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Bowrnanville. Palîbearers were Messrs. S. R. James, John M. James, Roy C. Lunney, W. S. Coiville, Frank Smith, and Clarence S. Oke. In- terment was in Bowrnanville Out AL MUST MAKE ROOM FOR THE NEW 1959 PLYMOUTHS SHOWING NEXT WEEK OnIy 3 New 1958 Plymonths Leit 1956 Plymnouth - 6 cyl.- 2 door-- - - 1955 Plymnouth - 6 cyl. 4 door 1952 Plymnouth - 6 cyl.- 4 door - 1950 Chev. Spec. - 4 door - Radio - Directional Signais - Clean ---- 1950 Pontiac - 6 cyl; 2 door - Radio 1949 Chrysier - 4 door - Radio - Autoinatic.- New Tires - (Good) 1950 Chev. - 2 door1 As Is 1949 Chev. - 4 door Running Fair 1949 Ford 4 door f Cheap 1952 Fargo - ',-ton Panel --------- Fargo 3-ton Stake $1,545.00 1,195.00 345.00 245.00 395.00 250.tÔQ Palmer' Motor Sales Chrysier - Plymnouth Cars and Fargo Trucks 20 King St. East Phone MA 3-5487 a >1 eaerFOOLINIandFREZI ~'DID YOU EXPECT A WARM HC _ YOU BOUGHT YOUR HEATERI FLOQe~ IÇY ,COW?. eAIRE..YOUR CEIUmGs-ovEa- IIEATED? IS YOUR HEAT GOING UP TH1E QIMEYI, eARE YOUR FUEL BILLS TOO HIGH? WHY WAIT UINT IL NEXT YEAR? SWCH NOW-TO A >E W/ MASON 36 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5408 IOME WHENM, HARDWARE Ltd. The September meeting of the United Church W.A. was held ut the home of Mrs. Merrill Van Camp Tuesday evening. Forty- three enthusiastic ladies arrîv- ed elaring a pouning rain and after the meeting claimed they were well repaid for coming out. The president presided for -the opening exorcises and business. The roll caîl was well answered by '.hat I Arn Thankful For". The township W.A. convention which is ta be held in Blackstock Nov. 13 wag discussod. Faîl Raily in Whitby Oct. 23 was announced. Ar.y who could attend rally contact the president re transportation. It was decided ta serve lunch ut Mrs. Carl McLaughiin's sale Oct. 18. Also decided ta hoid the annual bazaar in the Re- croation centre this vear some evening during the third weék. of November. The scripture reading, pra- or and devotional paper wore given by Mrs. Harold McLaugh- lin, who based hon rernurks on "Gâo y e into ail the worid andi preach the gospel". Those few disciples coulti not have attain- ed the success they diti without the power of Jesus in their lives and teachings. Nor can we, but with that power ive can accompiish much. We al have talents. Each one is born with the ability ta do some- thing well and Jesus will use aIl. Thero are rich ta heip the poor. strong ta help the weak,. etc. With a full life of helpfu4- ness we have no tirne for evil. Mrs. Earl Bradburn thon pro- sided anti calleti on Miss Joyce Graham, wno wiîh three other Young ladies from Bav of Quinte conference spent seven weeks this summor on a trip ta BritishJ Columbia inlu ding two weeks caravaning for the United More than 4,240,000 PERSONAL LOANS, since 1936 Who inuy ohtain a Peri.aulg u,1 Anyone of good character who lias a regular income and can meet the monthly deposits. How t.ohtuin ua loua At any brandi of The Canadian Bank of Commerce Whot dees u loua cost you? Six per cent per year deducted in advance. IIfow do you repuy? Equal xnonthly deposits, as you earn . .. at any one of our nearly 800 branches. Life insurance pays off the balance of your loan if you di. Pereonal Loana are made for: 0 an automobile 0 medical or dental bils a home furnishings e consolidation of debta 0 taxes e travel e school feca Or for any other worthwhile purpose *THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE ,TÎERE'S À BRANCH NEAR YOIJ -AMANVILLE BRANCH - H. G. HACKING, Manager rj%%XTI t'411,11b Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of Sept. 29 to Oct. 5:- Admissions-- - - - - - -46 Births, 4 maie, -4 fe male 8 Discharges----------- 57 Major operations --------15 Minor operations- 18 Emergency treatinents.------- 14 Visiting hours 2.30 - 4.30 p.m. and 7 to 8.30 p.m. GCelt our Price For Tour Liveslock through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 Cerne ~ery. Clearing jur- THE CANADIAlq STATISIUX. BOW14ANVn.Lt- ONTARin 9 Il 20 King St. East Phone MA 3.5487 0 36 King LE

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