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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1958, p. 11

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TT~I'RflAY~tU!Pe lu en N A<DA TTA~ OMIVlE ??~OPG .V lewcastle Iocialcan/ Miss Pe.ggy Pearce of Toron- to spent a few days last week visiting with her mother. Mrs. H. R. Pearce and Mr. and Mms Albert -Pearce. The many friends o? Mr. Percy Hare will be sorrv to learn that he is a patient in Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mrs.. E. H. Joli is visiting with her sister. Mrs. A. H. Fish- er in Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Swan o? Weston spent the weekend vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs.. Gordoin Agnew. Mrs. H. R. Peance and Miss Peggy Pearce visited with Mr. Howard Allin last Fridav. Miss Hazel Barrie o? Oshawa, Miss Tucker Couch andi Mr. Walter Fenton of Toronto, andi Mn. andi Mrs Luke B. Gray o? West Hill were Sunda.v guests with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Love- ki n. The irownies have held four (fJersonaI successful meetings this fal with 12 new members. The new Tweenies are very willing and1 ambitious and are working verv bard ir, earn their pins. The older members of the organiza- tion are working on their Golcl- en Bar Badge a few having passed it at the last meetin2. Because the four week's for en- listing new girls has passed, any littie girls eight to 1l years o? age are asked to wait to join the organization until nex. Septem ber. Mr. and Mrs. John Stemp and Mr. and Mrs. L. Baggs o? Ux- bridgce visited with. Mr. and Mis. John Voutt and family on Tues- da. The Northumherland-Durham Health Unit is holding a Clinic in the Lions room o? the Com- munîty Hall this afternoon (Oc- tober 9) to administer second doses of polio vaccine for aduits from 1.30 to 3.00 p.m. Lions Club Members To Con voss for C.NOI.B. And Collect Eye Glasses Maia>s Carr-l-arris o? thei Staff College o? the Canadiari Army at Kingston was the guest speaker at the regular meeting o? the Newcastle Lions Club helti in- the dining-roomn o? the Queen's Hotel on Thurs- day evening last. He xvas ac- companied by Brigadier Eric Snow. Following the delicious din- ner. Lion President Chas. Gilker. presided for a business session duning which plans were dis- cusseri for the Church Parade and bandi concert being plan- neni bv the Zone for Oct. 19. Lion lrwin Colwill gave the final report on the Clubs Car- nival helti the end o? June ne- vealing a p't9fit o? $281.73. Lion Murray /P n rgave a report on the el ;7 peanuit drive which nletteti the Club $140 and Lion Phillip Williams was elected to fill the vacanrv ons the directorate left bv the ne- signation o? Archie McLaren. A motion was passed instruc- ting the Program Committee to invite the members of the Mid- get BaIl Club ta a future meet- ing o? the Club andi a letter e- ceiveti from D. H. Williamns %vith regard ta the canvass for the Canadian National Insti- tute for the Blindi was discuss- ed anti resulteti in a decision to make the canvass on Oct. 20. when Lions rnembers will 2x- plain the "Eye Bank" plan to the citizens and collect used glasses ta send ta underdevel- oped countries for use there under the supervision o? Lions clubs who will have the ,eves o? the natives examined andl supply suitable glasses from the hank. The canvass and the eye bank are under the supervision o? the Eye Conservation Coni- mittee. Citizens having glasses to donate to this cause are ne- quested to give them to anY mnember o? the Lions Club who will sec that they reach their destination. - Two new mnembers o? the club, Lions Ross Dickinson andi Dick Lovekin. were initiatedi NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH COME TO CHU.RCH Il A.M.- MUNICIPAL SUNDAY Members of the Village Council and other Municipal Bodies wiIl meet at the Cornrnunity Park and Parade to the Morning Service CHICKENS For Thanksgiving * We will have 6 - 8 lb. roasting fowl oven readv M for your Thanksgiving dinner Please place orders early for * Saturday, Oct. llth Delivery ~H. W. STAPLETON Phone Clarke 3030 Freel1 Free! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of . gas at Vigor Oil SERVICE STATION CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROM> AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-29)9 Double Siamp Day Evsry Tuesday -Corne Out and See Our Display of Gifts- Complete Lubri cation at a Reasonable Prie, STON&,QUp vALBL1INANY QUANTMT 4fW AT TRE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS M -- -M Municipal Sunday At United Church Nexf Sunday A.M. NEWCASTLE - Last Suinday was Ladies' Sunday, at the morn- ing service in the United Church when the women's.groupswere well represeiited at the special service. Mns. McKinnev o? Brooklin. President of the Conferenre Branch o? thp Womnen's Mission- ary Society, addnessed the wom- en and ahl membens of the con- gregation. speaking of the im-: portance o? the services rentier- ed by women in the eerl 'y Chris- tian Church anti at -the present time. Their service wves divided years ago: now there's atn tiency toward the unif)igo .ome se their wonk ln partnership. Mrs. McKinney referred to the lest two General Councils of the Uniied Church, and the deci- sions ireached concerning wam- en's work. Next Sunday will be known as Municipal Sunday when ti-e War Veterans, inembens of* the village Council, Sehool Board. Hydrô Commission, Fire Bri- gade, Community Hall, Arena' and Recreation Committees willi parade from the Community Park on King Street to ti'me church for service led by a Bandi. The service will take the form o? a civic andi Thanksgiv- ing Service to which everyone is invited. Enfertains Other Ladies' Groups At Evening Mleeting Members of the Woman'.i Auxiliary of St. George's Church and membero of the Friendship Club were'guests at. the Thank-offering meeting of the \Vornan's Missionarv Socip-1 Ty of the tUnited Church in the Sundav School Auditorium of the United Church on Friday evening, Oct. 3. . Mrs. George Allun opened the meeting with a verse "Where two or three are gathered to- gether in Thy name, there art Thou in the midst of them", followFd bv a short praver. T'he devotional sel-vice wvas conduct- Pd by mernbers of Group 3 with Mrs. Hare presiding and read- ing an appropriate poem. 'We are Builders". The Scripture lesson was read bv Mrs. Stan- ley Powelll mrith Mrs. Hare Riv-1 ing the commentarv and M.-5. Aif. Perrin leading *praer The discu-mion period which followed was led by Mrs. Foth- ergili. A vocal number sweet- ly sunz by Misses Candy Storks and Kathy Scott and accom- panied at the piano by Mrs. C. A. Cnwan wâs much enjoyed by aIl. The guest speaker of the evening, Mrs. Fred Reed of Hampton, wvas introduced bv Mrs. Archie Glenney and took as her topic "Christian Litera- ture". She showed and describ- ed various foreign language pa- Pers published by the Protes- tant Churches in Canada anl1 partlv supported by the inter. church Council of Women. through the offerfings given at the Women's World Day of Praver Services. She also told of Christian papers printed in Angola, China, India. etc.. and stories illustrating the intenFf> desîre -of the people there to learn to read the Bible. Mrs. George Allun conducted a short business Period when secretarial reports were given. Mrs, M. C. IFisher spoke of attending with some of t-ne other memberg the 5th anni- versarv of the W.M.S. at Tyrone and gave a short resume of an addre~s given by Mrs. LoveYs, into the club bv Lion Ken Ste- phenson and received their mýembership certificates and ipin s. Introduced bxr Lion Ken Ste- phenson, Major Carr-Harris o? Kingston spoke on the subject "Training Leaders for the Ca n- adian Army' ", dividing h isa- dress into two suh-heads, thie "Soldier Apprentice Plan" and the "Officer Training Plan" He outlined) the details of both planx to the members whorn, he said may have boys in rhind who would be interested in a service career or might. have some member of their familv who would be interested either now or in the future. Major Carr-Harris expiained that the Soldier Training Coursýe enables lads of 18 vears to ab- sorb higher education \ training in the services. He said 'they put in about one-third o? their time in academnic educa- tien, one-third in rnilitary training and the other thirdil learning !à trade.1 He said the Officer Trainingi Plan was for boys 16 to 21 years who had completed their Junior or Senior Matriculation and wished te further theïr education while heing paid ai: service personnel. He said either of these plans offer an ideal opportunit.v for boy" s te study a later career in busi- ness. The thanks o? the members was expressed bh«v Lion Fred Couch who also presented th-e usual hamper o? apples te the speake r. AREIAL Whm a lyare tro"el<l y bscache, that tired out feeling or disturb.d rosi, min3, MnY vome. tn te D.4d's Kidnoy pâle.Thcse conditions tan b. cauaod hy ozco.uarideandi vastes in liv sysiem mDoida Kidmoy Pilla shtumat the kidasys andi aid the.r noMal action .W rem.,ng toa ece,. Bide m4"vastes. Thonie .soa brithier, homsork lighiol Why don't X*4 u tri yDoué'? eU e one time president of the Con- ference Branch o? the W.M.S., at that meeting. The meeting closed and mem- bers of Group 3 o? the Societv served lunch and a social tinie was enjoyeti by the members and their guests. Riel Jodoin Stili Missing ln Lake -Ont. NEWCASTLE-Daily petmoils along the shores of Lake Oin- tario between Newcastle an'i Bowmenville with strang fi&d_ glasses have feiledti t find thie body i? Riel Jodoin o? Lorrair.- ville, Que. who is believel drowned in ýhis are&a nd wxirj has not been'seen since he wae. seen boating in the vicinitv o, Newcastle on Sunclay, Septemi- ber 27th. .Mn. Jodoin, an employ ee of Peacock andi McQuigg Construc- tion Ca., was suffering irom an injury to his leg and wes on.. compensation at the time o? his accident. The boat was foundi on the lake on Monday, Sept. 28. with a large hale ini it and this andi other dlues uncovered by the Police point ta a case of drowning. According ta Fireman Albert Naylor, who with O.P.P. Caon- stable Jack Ricard have beer. in charge of the deily patrals, Mr. Jodoin's parents hati been, to Newvcastle and Bowmanville and taken boat andti tailer home. The seerch has been tin- successful to the time o? writ- ing, Tuesday afternoon but pa- trois are being continueti in the; hope that the body will be sighted soon. HAMPTN Sordm AmswEdiior P..32 Make your fumily'sç THANKSGIVING the finest e ver! This week the countore and shelves et DOMINIQN art f airly qroann with gooti things to est. ~ Everythinq you'l noed for the ~i >; mont fabulous Thanksgivîng foet I imaginable. The teodeot, plump. . est. bout emtinq turkeys you con buy . .. cnimson craberries, q- .. don-f resh turnîpsanmd squash. k potatoos bak*d in thoir jackets and uoeod in butter. pumpkin pie, f resh Iruit . . . MM-M .. switch to DOMINION this week. Make your f amlys Thanksgiving dinner the saouleover. DOMINION HOLIDAY SPECIALS Stokely's - Fancy Pumpkin Serve chilled! Serve often! Hu - Fancy Tomato Juice Mr. ad Mrs RayServe with Thanksgiving Fo'v1! Mn. and M . Sellers and Ocean Spray - Whole or Jellied baby daughter, Brenda Jean, visited her parents, Mr. and Mr. . .Man nfm. ea nberry Sa Mr J.C Mca end ftatM. Armour is under the doctor's tTne n we cane with Pneumonia. Hope he Tner Pakd ok e a Syl will soon recover. Ne ak-Yrira tl -Mn.. Jack Hoajcen, Shirley oy anti Gardon of Kinsal. - flf Mrs. Anson Balson, Richmond F n y C r J. - W. Balson last Wednesda.v. Delicious Fruit Mns. Anson stayed aven until. Henley ac Thursday evening.Fac Mr. and Mrs. Bigneil and;r.5 daughiers Linda and Marlene,Fr i o k a Toronto, calied on Mn. and M -r j C ck a R. J. Hadgson on Saturday. Serve Often Mn. and Mn.. Hodguon aecomn- Lynn Valley - Std. panied Mr anti Mn.. Dean Hoti- gson of Bowmanville, on a plea- Park on Saturdey. APricots-Halve LONG SÀULT Mn. Bill and Chanlie Hillier anti Janet, Toronto, were Surs- day visitons et Mn. andi Mn.. McLailgan. Sorrv ta hear that Mn. Van- eyk is sîck in bcd. Mn.. Haroldi Murphy and femn- ily visiteti Mn. and Mn..Fred LSlve your mneai pickle perk tUp. Dyson's - Sweet 'Gherkins Serve Piping Hot Pie%! Maple Leaf Min cemeat Spreads evenly - Easily! 28 oz. tin 2 for 37,c SPECIAL 20 oz. tin. 2 for 25c 15o Yuce Il z. tin SPECIAL 23c 20 oz. tin 2for35c SPECLAL 28 oz. fin 39c Guara nteed Quality Meats-- PRE-DRESSED TURKEYSlb Grade "A" Ontario (5-10 Ibs.) Trurktey Broilers Pre-Dressed - 21,12fo 3 Ibs. Roasting Chickens Devon Brand Breakfast - 1 lb. pkg. R indlless Bacon 55C lb. 59c lb.3 7c 69c FRESH PRODUCE No. 1 Ontario - 50 lb. bag SPCILTahIe Potatoes- 15 oz. tin auR me a W Il Cks 2 for 45C Golden Yellow - 2 qt. SPECI.AL B ananas 16 oz. jar box - (approx. 4 Ibs.) SECIATi 99C SECIAL 29C Wa shed, Ready to Cook - No. 1 31cSpnoch' 2 Cello Bags29 28 oz. fin For Your Thanksgiving I)inner 4 *5 The Famous Ocean Spray Brand- Choice SPECIALCran bernîes lb. 2.5C 1T, rÏî5Wî, 1 Kraft Plain 16 oz. jar Ontario Grown Fanlcy Grade Mn. F.nti Mn. Harold Murphy AI Crisp, Juicy - Eating or Cooking - 6 qt. basket anti family vJ'ited Mn. andi Mr. VV l day. SPECIAL cnohA pe Mn. anti. Mn,. Modlin anti For Cooking Festive Fowl, etc.! - 12 inch, 25 ft. roll aionaN.I ucnsEt Caroline, Toronto,ý were Sun- Clfri o ucosEtn anti Anme. antiMand d's W rap 29 c Tokay G nopes 2 lbs. 2.3c Mn. andi Mrs. E. Penwarden e np warden, w'ere Sunday éveningz Economical Spread! visitons at Mr. and Mr&. R. Solo - Regular lb. pkg. Crisp, Tender, Marsh Grown, No. 1 Cameron. Large 1 . Mr. A. Campbell, Whitby, wag ie 9 aStR yGibs. M rgarine 2for49c Celer y Stalks 2' Mr StRa Gest et erhndsesldMn. aDmiinntoediiedi Mr. and Mns..John Wot.ten,f1 Values, effective et vout Dominion Store LAil 9 nicandise solld uaateyourDoiion00st faciten Bunketon, were Sunday ilIfd ucnifoalygaafedt gv 00 aisato ors et Mn. and Mtn. Biit Jôhn- Bowmanville, until closing tme, Safurday, Oct. 11, 1958 DOMINION-STORES LIMITED son. 1 Glati ta hear Kay Davey is home from the hospital. Mn. Molýaigan lfti Tuesday fon Vancouver. Mn. andi Mrs, J. R. Parkin- son, Feniella, were Monday din- ner guesta ai Mr. and Mrs. R.I Cribsoa. e eF 0ODCOSS A eMI e 1 Qeneral Brock Hatel.! Rector o? Bethany #nd was as- Mrs. Milton Tamblyn, Mrs.1 sisted by members o? the Bet)i. Wm. Irwin. Mrs. V. S. Robin-' any choir. son and Mrs. Stephenson, at- 1 The Autumn Rally of the T h e ron N e s tededthedelihtfl ta spr- Eatern Section of Oshawa '1 le IiI r no r Je v tned b t. d eh R. C.aPre sb «vterial will be i etn Church, Bowmanville on Fi-: ville on Tuesdav. Oct. 21. Morn. Telephone 127 day..*1 ing and afternoon sessions. Miss Mr. Wayne Hooev" , son of M,-.; Leota Werner o? Trinidad. vfll and Mrs. A. L. Hooey. returnezi address both sessions. It is hon. Mrs. Fred Mitchell and Mi;-- Lindsay, vîsited Mr. and Mrs. 1ta London ta resumne his stu- ed thqt a good representation Viola Noden, Toronto, spent thes Milton Tamblyn on Sunday. dies at Western University. from Orono will attend. weekend with Mrs. J. Noden. Mrs. Liuse McIntyre, De- Mr. Sam Brown has return-, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowan troit, Mr. Wm. Laing. Bowman- ed home after several weeks il are visiting their daughter, MC. ville, visited Mr. and Mrs.,Arir Memnorial Hospital, Bowman- and Mrs. Hilliard Simpson, also berson Gerrv. Hnokr. ville. Mr. and Mrs. Eari Hodgson, Mr. Mrs. Egerton Hnokr- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bellamv, M OIN E Y and Mrs. Donald Hodgson anti turned to Memorial Hospital on 1Winnipeg, have retuined to thei-, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bell inl Saturday«v. home thîs week after three; AVAILARLE FOR the Western States. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morton,! weeks' visit with relatives and' Mr. and Mrs. Morley Kellett visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold friends.NnnTG GEq and family spent Sunday witn Barrowclough and Bill, Wesley- Miss Helen Hancock and M. ýs N 50 AIE S Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller. ville,' un Sutiday. Janet Streefkirk spent the Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dix, Mrs. Fred Tamblyn with Mr. weekend with Mr. and Mrs.; Frank Cryderman, Mr. and MrS. Allan Hancack, Port Hope.B lp . oe Harry Cryderman, Bawmha;- St. Savior's Anglican Churci, Elhh oe v ille, attended the Sunday even- held their annual Harvest arrister and Solicitor D rive- A *ing service at Eaton Memoral Thanksgivinz on Sundav wîth' 65 simcoe st. S. Oshawa United Church, Toronto, ta hear Holy Communion at 9:30 a.n. RA 5-3523 Rev. Frank Cryderm'an. Teeeigsriewscn For Ho me0MWinnipgMr.S. Har Belard, ducted bY Rev. G. E. Meades, r____________ ion Millbrook. and Mrs. M. Sherwio, Inspectio visited Mr. ar.d Mrs. Chas. Ree - sor of Markham, at their cot- A man's home is his castlý,. tage near Minden. This tradition is saLieti to tChe Mrs. Harold Snell and sons, lA tesya hoef ire hard ornsper- TrontMrsKen Gasb an Jîr vnoK d Y o rshI pry ogrmeofivalutar orspcu- Tronto, aren visiti n d er mhhy K d Y o r ,e tions by local fire services. Mr. and Mrs. M. Burt. Lo" Whatever the progrrm, general don, visited ber grandfather, details of which are explained Mr. Amberson Gerry and Mis. You can't buy hetter USED CARS in this issue o? Canadian Fie Gerry. News, inspection of any home Congratulations to Mr. and isisubject to the fiendl vw is h Mrs. W. Kay Lycett, the former and it's onl3 rnoney . . . so let's have it. o? the owner or tenant, without Marie Lewis. on their marniaze expense or involvement o? any Saturday. October 4th, at Oron9) kind to him. United Church. Rev. Basil E.__ Fîre officiaIs of ail commun- Long officiated. -AU ities o? Canada find that re- Orono Public School pupils: A rt's C~ar M arket movar of ordinary hazards most had a holidayv on Friday when common to fires in the home the four teachers attended the are a most satisfactory way o? convention of the East Durham 194-196 Church St. Bownanville curbing the 'growing loss of ie Inspectorate * t Niagara Fa1L3 andt property. followed by a banquet at thxe_______________________________ CASArus STATUBUAN. BOWVAlqvtLtir4 ONTAM PAGI ILIC - TRUPMA'y. om eh. leu etitu Il,-.- -,-. -

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