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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1958, p. 3

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MfUDAY, om qui, 1993 *¶'7!E CANAD!AN STAT~MAN flO WMA? ITI.I! V~WPA~TII A jUI WERRY - LAZENBY At Sydenham Street United Church, Brantfond, recently, qPobert Bruce Werry, son cf Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Werny cf Osh- awa, teck as his bride, Ruth Bernice Lazenby, daughten cf Mrs. Harold Lazenby cf Brant- fond, and the late Mn. Lazenby. The Rev. Norman Kelly off i- ciated, assistecf by the Rev. Roy Rickard cf Belleville. The wed- ding music was played by Mrs. G. M. Cook cf Brantford and Miss Patricia Chesney cf Ham- ilton sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "The Wedding Prayen". Given in mnanniage by har b-other, Mn. Keith Lazenby of London, the bride ware a beau- tiful combination cf bouquet taffeta and hand clipped Chan- tilly lace. Delicately scalloped lace styled the sabrina neckliine and the bouffant skint was en- hanced with a de'ep insent of lace. A cap trimmed with pearîs and iridescent sequins beld berý s'lk illusion veil and she car- ried a hybrid white orchid wth white carnations and leaves. Mns. Keith Lazenby cf Lon- Phone MA 3-5778 don, was rnatron-of-honor. The other attendants were Mrs. Mau- rice Jebson cf Beaventon and Miss Marjenie Miseneer of Brantfond. The ballenina gowns wonn by all the attendants were fashioned on identical lines cf seafoamn crystal charmn featur- ing V necklines and short sleeves. They wcre matching picture bats and carried baskets cf white and-pink gladiolus pe- tals andà ivy. Mn. Norman Gibbs cf Water- loa, acted as best man. Usher- ing were Mn. William Wenny of Oshawa and Mn. Claude Lazen- by cf Brantford. A reception was held in the cburch annex where the bride's mother received in printed silk witb sapphire feathered hat and a white carnatian corsage. The bridegcroomn's mather wbo as- sisted was in lioney beige silk with brown accessanies. For the honeymoon trip to, Port Carling the bride wore a printed cotton diÉess witb brawn accessanies and a pale green shar-tie coat. Mn. and Mrs. Wer- ry will live in Toronto. '.o7y Jýasi4 ton Shiow Sponsored by Bowmanville Business and 'Professional Women's Club in LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE on WED., OCTOBER l5th 8 p.m. FURS COURTESY MARTEN'S FURS LTD. Admission 75e Refreshments Served I. ~Jj Smith Beverages Limited Bowmanvillie AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR. BETHANY Mr. and Mrs. James McKin- non wene on balidays last week visiting relatives and friends in Ingersoil, Port Huron, Mount Brydges and Flint, Mich. Mns. R. R. Bonsteel, Mrs. Oscar Johnstcn, Mns. Thomas Jackson, Mrs. George Waddell, Mrs. Henry Jakeman and Mns. O. Spencer were representatives fromn the United Churcb Wc- man 's Missicnary Scciety at the W.M.S. Presbytery Rally beld in St. Andrew's Churcb, Peter- borough, cn Tuesday. Mrs. T. IL. Vaughan, Miami, Fla., is the guest cf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jennings. Mr. Milton Wright, .wbo has been ill at bis home, was taken ta Civic Hospital, Peterborough, on Saturday. His many friends are wishing hlm a speedy return te bealtb. Mns. Thomas Jackson left Thursday te remain until Mon- day with ber cousins, Miss Flor- ence Kennedy and Miss Jessie Kennedy at London. Mrs. Bessie Parker, Markham, is visiting with Mrs. Winnifred Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jack- scn and sons Rcnald and John spent the weekend with Mrs. Ina Gribble at Lambeth. Rev. J. S. Lindsay and Mns. Lindsay, Hastings, were Sunday guests with Rev. R. R. BonstgeI and Mrs. Boristeel.-- -1' NE WTON VILLE Mr. Ted Lane along with the other players cf the Newcastle Juvenile baIl team enjoyeda free trip ta the Saturday anc Sunday games of the Wcnld Series in New York, in recog- nition cf their winning the On- tario Championship.. Mrs. Frank Millican, Miss Donna Porter, Mrs. Willis Jones, Mrs. Gea. Stapleton and Mr, Wallbridge, teck the conducted tour cf the Durham Inspector- ate No. 2. They visited the Rocki t'ardens of Hamilton and Nia- gara Falls and the Sir Adam Taking Vitam inls? Take the kind that give y'oI 9 titaknins, Iiver, and 12 mrnralsd. Rexali Super Plenamins cau hclp yoir. whole famfly maintain resistance to infection dtiring these coungh and cold days! Are you feclng as %veiI as *' . yotu 1link you slîould? If vou tire ea.,il .. if yoti catch colds toù rcadily, yotirnay nerd a vitamin supplerrient. A dailv Super Plenaniins tablet, witîi addcd B12 and ïron, is helping thousands of meti, Worncn and children ta kerp tup tîîcîr rcsistance tole4 Infection. i.~ Na otîier vitamin product knoivnigives yoit more l'or your monev than îRcall .Super Plenarnihis. T'hcy're Canada's most papular vita- mins. Cuiaranteed ta satisfy w -.your mney back. Super Plenamins Regutar CoSt as littde as 3' per day. i IFamuly-size battle cf 72 tablets. E'onomy bottie cf 144 tablets. Five weeks supply of 36 tablets. For children 6 to 12 Super PlenamInu JUnior- 9 vitamins, calcium>, pbospbolotu and iron- 144 tablets. . . . 5~6 tablets.* . .. . $4.95 $7.95 $2.79 $3.49 $5.69 $1.99 t I. Bowmanville' WALKER - COLLARD The marriage of Marilyn Joan Collard, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colard cf Oshawa, and Marvin Wayne Walker, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Walker, cf Bowvmanville, was solemniz- ed on Sept. 26 at St. George's Memoral Churcb. The Rev. C. D. Cross officiat- ed and the wedding music was played by Mr. Matthew Gould- burn. Given in marriage by her fa- ther the bride wore a gown of white Italian lace over taffeta styled with a long-sleeved jack- et. A crown of satin filigreý studded with seed pearîs held ber fingertip veil cf tulle ilu- sion and she carried a white Prayer Bock with red rases and white streamers. Miss Vicky Jarvis of Osbawa wha was the bride's only attend- ant wore a waltz length bluie brocaded dress with a white feather bat and carried a nose- gay cf blue and white chrysan- the mums. Mr. Gary Vaughan acted as best man. Usbering were Messrs. Keith Suttan and Layne Walk- er. A reception was 4ield at the bride's parents home an Rich- mond street east. For the occa- sion the bride's mother ware blue printed silk. The bride- groam's mather was in a gray' waol dress. Bath wane white feather hats and corsage of nases. As the couple left an their wedding trip ta Gaît and points west the bride wvas wearing a, blue wool dress with a blue feather hat and matching ac- cessories. Mn. and Mrs. Walker will live in Oshawa. The local congregation' cf Je- bovah's Witnesses is sending a numben cf delegates ta their canference at Lindsay. The Lindsay Collegiate bas been en- gaged for October 10, 11 and 12, and ten ather congregationý1 will alsa be participating. The'local presiding minister, Mn. Michael Holinaty. says that the highlight cf the convention will be a public address at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Octoben 12, by Mn. V'cton White on the sub- ject "The Watch Towen Socie- ty in God's Purpcse". Mn. VWbite - Beck Power Plait. -Z Mn. and Mns. Frank Reader cf Oshawa, spent Sunday witb Mn. and Mrs. Clintan Farrow and Gien. Grant Wade bad bis tonsils removed at Memorial Hospital, Bawmanville, an Wednesday. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Field cf Toronto, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Mr. and Mns. Fred Hender- son and family, Peter and Ca- raI, moved loto their new home last week. Mn s. Wilfred-Wood spent a few days witb her mothen, Mrs, tChas. Reid, Toronto. Miss Joyce Payne underwent an appendix openation at Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Tuesd.îy.Mr Mr. and Mns. Pbilp andMn 1 and Mns. Hancock, Toronto, jwith Mrs. Etta Clarke on Sun- day. Next *Sunday, Oct. l2tb cur Church Service will be with-1 drawn for the Anniversary at Shiloh. *Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Stapletan and Mn. and Mrs. Herb Gilmer of Bawmanville, wene recent visitars with Mn. and Mrs. Rob- ert Gilmer. Caurtice. Mns. David Denault wbo was seriously ill in Port Hepe bas- pital for several weeks, passed away on Monday, Sept. 29. Funeral service xvas beld at the Geargae Funeral Chapel on Wed- nesday, Oct. lst, with Rev. R. CWhite in charge. Interment was in Port Hope Union Cern- etery. The sympathy cf the coin- munity is extended te Mn. Den- ault and farnily. Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Wilfred Ccx wene Mn. and Mrs. Rcnald Cox and family of Pickering, Mn. Stanley Ccx cf Markbam. Mr. and Mns. Ennesti Jones and Mrs. Elsie Izzand, cfi Toronto. Mns. Lenncx Vasey cf Port MacNiccl wbo bas been spend- ing a few days witb ber par- ents, Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Staple- ton. neturned home aven the weekend, accampanied by themi. Mn. and Mrs. George White and grand-daughter, Doris Oli- ver, and Mn. and Mrs. John Patterson. cf Bcbcaygeon, wene necent visitons with Rev and Mns. R. C. White. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer,j Mrs. C. M. Jones, Mrs. Truman Henderson. .Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Mrs. Sid Lancaster and Rev. anJ Mrs. R. C. White, attended the ongan recital beld at Kendal IUnited Church Friday evening.j Mn. Frederick Geohegan cf Tù-I rente. %vas the organisL, is the' district representative for' the Watch Tower Society in Canada. He is a careful 'Bibl'e student and is well qualifiod to speak on this subjeet. Mr. White lias been a full time min-i ister of Jehovah's Witnesses fr some 20 years. After gradupt- ing from the Watch Tower Bii- ble School of Gilead. Soutn Lansing, N.Y., in 1947, hie went to the Philippine Islands ta do missionary work until 1953 when hie returned ta Canada ,wher hie bias since been serving. PerI sons of good will are urged taoi hear his address. Most of the sessions will take the form of ministerial traini:ig for the attending delegates in order ta increase efficiency in presenting the good news of God's Kingdom by preaching from house ta bouse in th2! manner of the early Church. On SE6turday an address or the importance and significancc of baptism wilI be followed by the water immersion of those desirinig ta symbolize their de-j dictia inthe only scriptural way. The facilities of the Lindsay! I.'O.O.F. Haàll will be used for the preparation and serving of bot meals and willing volunteers will look after the vast amount of work involved. >Aedical Mirrot *Poisonous Fbsh Q. Ihiumereed ihat certain .1resh filh aee poisnouis. la there an,' way ta.teilu hich jf4I are poisonotss? 'A. No. Many tropical marine Iishes that are used as food in one area may bc violently toxic or~ poisonous in another. There 'as no simple test for dctermining iwhether a particular type of fish caa be caten. Moterial in, MEDICAL MIRROR il based on various 3cieniic pubiications and does flot necessorily refllct lhe opinion o alil doctors. The dia gwsis and treatment ot diseuse requ ires the skill and leowledge aehich only a physicien con applir b,' personally auteading the patient. Letters wiIl be answered in these columns anonymnously.ý Direct your inquiries to 3. Downey.Raiston, M-1). SCiENCE EDITQIts, 7.0. BOX 394 1Madisoi Sq. Stb. New York 10,NMY INE SIGNE IOWUAN ILLE ODOOBRANO. 28 King St. W., * YELVERTON vote to revise the Rural Co-Qi,- Sept mber Bri al i Tri ityerator mailing list te give a Yelverton was represented em more complete cavenage cf the Sunay t he arvstHon'~farmers in Durhàrm Courny. Sunda at he Hrves Hom Durham Federation is te ri Sercesb at St. Mary tertain ail the contestants in the Chunh a LifcrdZone finals in the Prince and On Friday evening the Jan- Princess Contest-P.S, It still etville W.I. held a delicious isnt t ce late ta Met ycur entîy * ~hot chicken pie supper in Or in-it's flot a beauty contest. ange Hall. What a feed! A full accauiit cf the Zone 5 WV. A. Meeting meeting held on same day at Y elverton W.A. was held at Lindsay was given by the Pre- the boeeof Mrs. Maurice Nes- sident. Delegates fnomn Durham Ibitt at Nestieton with an excel- t in attendance were Mns. Di lent tunnout cf membens. Mrs. ' ton Dorneil. Bruce Taylor andi IMary Moore presided. Mrs. M. Harvev Malcolm. Delegates ta IRowan convened the devetional. forthcoming annual meeting tai Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel cpened with be held in Toron * o were named. prayer fallowed by a hymn. Plans were firialized for the Mrs. Rowan gave the scripture tke baquet annual meetir.g, lesson with the 23rd Psalm. Miss ta be field at Yelverton on Nov'. Annie Rcwan gave a reading. 29. A nominating cammittee ta A Thanksgiving reading was bring in a suggested siate cf of- given by Mrs. Jas. Sheekieton. ficers for 1959 was likewise ap- I Mr. Bostel sag a oopointed. Mrs. Dalton Dorreil "Bless This House". Miss Em iHenders ccntributed a reading fand devotional was olue with prayer. Business deait with the Dur- ham Federation annual ban- quet ta which the ladies will cater at Yelvertan on Nov. 29. Committees were named. Plans were completed for aur own L turkey supper. Next meeting, * invited ta Mrs. Myra Page's. Hostess for the extra bounitifui lunch-(5-layer cakes no less.), 3 Isabel Wilson, Bernice Gibson and Helen Nesbîtt. Prcagrm canvenor, GertieWAT R fg Cabe-'a poem "'The Countrv Church", poem, Eileen Malcolm, "Wings", another reading and a contest by Certie. Pictured fcllewing their wedding in Trinity United Sunriay evening dinner guests Chuch n SturaySepemer 0, re r. nd rsat ~the W. H. Stinson's were *Ubraal fetime Chuch n SturayýSepembr 2, ae M. ad.Ms Mr. and Mrs. Robt., Stînson cf minprn James Edward Murphy. The bride is the fermer Shirley Loftus, Mr. and Mrs. Walte~r e 23 jcweir Marie Whyte, daughter cf Mrs. Mary E. Whyte cf Florence, Wright and girls cf Blackstock, _____iio N.S., and the grcom is the son cf Mr. and Mrs. Hubert, Mrs. Morris Bud Walker and Pecso Murphy cf Bewmanville. girls cf Lindsay. ajse jHolidays are the order cf -waterproof* the day this forthcoming weelx, Shock resistanit at Yeiverton. Looking forward ta mator trips in vaniaus direc- Wt $5950 Durham No. 2 Teachers~ tions including a day or two at CWýar1coa1 dia[ $695 Otional) aeteAtRowans, t( At Nia gara Convention Stnosadth oadMl calms. Miss Doreen Perrett, teacher1 of Niagara Falls public schools. Malconia' was the scene cf an - cf Part Britain school, was 21-1 The group visited Ont 'aria Hy- invatio~nat of Martians but af ected president of the Durham1 dro's new Sir Adam Beck ge!i- Boons and their accamplices-- No. 2 Inspectorate Public School 1 erating station No. 2 Fniday at- a welcome back ta Vader Boon Q Teachers' Association Friday att1 term'oon. j .ust returned from a tnip ta tne the annual convention beld at Other officers ta serve the 'Netherlands, ful af Dutch news Niagara Falls. associaticn in the caming year -eggs 18 cents ,a piece, oranges More than 100 teachers fnomn are C. A. Halmes, the area in- at 25 cents and a suitcase full the inspectorate, which includes spectan, hanonary president; 1 of Dutch treats. Welccme vi.i- Port HoTpe, Millbrook, Newcas- Ronald Munra, Newcastle, im-1 itors were Mn. and Mrs. Hank tle and the townships cf Hope, mediate past president, Mrs. iBean, Hank Baan Jr., Miss Cavan and Clarke, left Thuns- Anne Kennedy, Millbrook, vice- Cristine Boon. Miss Annie p day afternoon for Hamiltoni, president; and W. H. Jordan, Mieir, Mr. AIda Nasato cf Ccoks- where they visited the batani- supenvising principal cf the Port ville district. the Roy Werny cal rock garden before pnoceed- Hope public sehools, secnetary-' and Debbie Hull. ing ta Niagara Falls. treasurer. Durham Federation News Friday marning the teachers Elected ta the executive Were D lurham County F. cf A. met visited classrooms cf the Nia- Mrs. Ethel Carleton, Newcastle; On Thunsday evening October gara Falls schools and at their Mrs. Beatnice McLelland, Wel- 2. at the home cf Mn. and Mrs. ton-Brock hotel they were ad- Port Hope; and Ms Betty good attendance cf directors. _____________H.__Brown,_______________Stewart, _____________ President Bruee Taylor chaired EL dresed b H.Brow. inpecer Sewar. Mllbrok.the meeeting. Minutes of lastSt regular and executive meeetings Kin,- Confeornce in Lindsawere read by Secretary Clan- S.W y 1 ence Allin. It was dcided by Planned by. Witnesses RR'S .LERY Bowm anville i Ge yourfamlly suj ly today! AvqIkW, obly aiyour taiUD DMW $Îre SU »,,RY &LOVELL MA 3-5551 -J--J-- il has had the Earles for hospi- tality and lovely lunch. The highest tides in th'e world, in some seasons ranging up to 99 feet, occur in the Bay of Fundy. For the . .. BEST DUYS anywhere it's ART'S CAR MARKET 194-196 Church St. BowmranvilIe p - -TffE CANADUN STATZSMAlq. BOWMANVMIY, ONTAMO ip A Mir n"Mim 1

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