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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1958, p. 5

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- ~rwmr~rw'i-~r ~ ~ ?HUhS D e , lonTt,1 Hampton W. I. Visitors With Blackstock Group BLACKSTOCK - Wednesday ev%,ning somne seventy ladies Spent a very pleaesant evening »,he Community Hall when l3adies of Hamnpton W.I. vis-t- W.Blackstoc k' I'YII.Hostesses We&e Mrs.W Vi Camp and Mis.W. rcle- who received the guests at the door. The le- caU presidýnt, MrXs. Lorn? Thnompson, presided for the op- et!ing and business and extend- ed a warm welcome to the H'mjpton ladies. ,7he motto, "Choose your rut car ,efully, you may be' in it a lotig while" 'was replied to by MVIý. A. Palk. Roll cail was "My Thanksgiving Biessing". Names Me7e gathered of thoIse who wish tQ. take the bus- trip to annuai convention in Toronto Nov. 5. *es. A. Bailey was appointed to look after the Christmas gift f«our sister Institute in Eng- làhd. iMrs. Macnab, president of Hampton W.I., then presided for tièeir program consisting ofa piano duet by Mrs. Albert Cole BURKETON Private Cerald Ward, Camp BpQrden, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Pedersen last week before being posted to' British Columbia. Mrs. A. J. Turnbull attended the C.G.I.T. Raly at Oshaw.a on- Monday of last week. Mr. Walter Ferguson, Ennis- killen, who underwent surgery for hernia last week, has rc- covered sufficiently to return to his home. Mr. Ferguson is a member of Burketon Unitedi Cpurch. Mr. A. E. Ribey wlio has been stllfering with an infected chn 1s -imDroving nicely. 'Mrs. Leslie Argue and Mrs. A. J. Turnbull attended the in,* - tir.tion ceiremonies of the C.G.I.T. at Enniskillen last Tuesday eveng. - Mr. Walter Oke who has flot been enjoying good health since he had an attack of -pneumonia iri the spring is improving in health. 2There will be no church ser- WONEN! EARN BIG COMMISSIONS ý_IN YOUR SPARE TIME àTake orders from your -frlends, relatives, neighbours -for wornen's nylons, men's -and boys' hose, slips, sweat- ers, ladies', men's and boys' .ear coats, etc. Receive free ,everything you ned to start. ,,Write today. Hfarinony zK.îIIs ,Pept. W2 42 ëamden St. Toronto and Miss Mary Nîddery. two humorous monologues by Miss Niddery, two vocal duets by Mrs. Bell and Mrs. K. Caver- ly, accompanied by Mrs. Cole and a fine address by Mrs. F'. Reed on 'Ever-dayCitizenship". Each person is a citizen either by birth or choice of a country. A few ways to thing about- Do we kee p the ten command- ments or onlv part of them? Are you a good wife? Are you a good mother? Hoxv and what do you teach your children? Is your home a happy home? Whait kind of a neighbor are you? Are vou a community worker? Do yoit use your franchise? T-, each of these questions she gave most helpful suggestions. The current events for Black- stock were then given by Mrs. W. W. Van Camp. The Hampton ladies expressed thanks for the invitation to visit and pleasar.t evening. Blackstock thanked Hampton for the very enjovable program, after which lunchî was served and a social hour en- joyed. vice in Burketon United Church fQr the next two Sundays due to Anniversary Services in En- niskilien and Enfield Churche. Sunday School xviii be held as usu ai. The W.A. *will meet at the home of Mrs. Harold Larmer on Thursdav. Oct. 9, instead of in the church hall. Quite a number from the vil- lage attended Markham Fair on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor entertainied the Farmers' Unicn with a corn and wiener roast at their home on Friday, Oct. 3. Mrs. Leslie Taylor, Mrs. Roy Bone, Mrs. Leslie Argue andi Mrs. A. J. Turnbull 'attended a leaders' meeting with Mrs. W. Logan at the parsonage Oct. 2. Mr. and Mrs. H. Trick, Lind- say, called on several friends in the village over the week- end. Mrs. Maud Brown, Scugog Is- land, was a Sunday visitor of Mrs. Pearl Avery. Mrs. M. Hewit, Victoria Square, is visiting with Mrs. Florence Caughill for a month or so. Mr. Ernest Schwoeger. Ajax. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Van Dam. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Coul- ter, Northern Quebec Area, spent Thursday of last week visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey. Mr. Coul- ter will shortly be leaving for France where he will remain for four years. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone were Mr. and Mrs. George Laxvson, Gayle and Pattie. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallen and Nancy, ail of Mark- ham. Mrs. Willows, Mrs. WalVr Et Seriously though 0 0 a. 194-196 Church St. Bowmanville TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOMANVILLE. ONTARIO Five Generations in Elizabethville Farnily Not too many babies are fortunate enough to have a great-great-grandmother around to cuddle them. The lucky littl1,e lady in this case is Debora Fallis, hield in the photo by Mrs. R. F. Beatty of Elizabethville, her great-great-grandmother. Seated in front with ber is Mrs. Beatty's son, Mr. Wilbert Beatty. Standing on the right, is Mr. Beatty's daughter; Mrs. Marshall Fallis, Millbrook, and with her her son Trevor Fallis of Millbrook, who is the father of Baby Debora. Shaw's Home & Sçhool Has 25th Anniversary Shaw's Home and School As- sociation held its first meeting of the fail season in the form of a birthday celebration to com- memorate the forrning of the first association 25 years ago. This interesting evening was planned by the program com- mittee composed of Jimi Barnes, Mrs. K. Werry, Mrs. K. Squair and Alex Prout. The school was decorated with autumn flowers and a beautiful birthday cake was displayed on the platform. Newcomers and many former residents of the community were welcomed- by the President W. M. Rabb and several teachers of past years were asked to stand for a round of applause. During the business portion of the meeting tlw Treasurer Mrs. A. Wood gave a report of our finances. Once again Shaw's Community Market was a decid- ed success and thanks were ex- pressed to the helpers, donors and Mrs. Werry <or the use of her stand. We would like to thank the good folk of Bowman- ville and surrounding area who patronized our stand, and The Canadian Statesman for giving, and Mr. Storenbenburg, Victor- la Square. xvere Sundav visitorýý of Mrs. Florence Caughill and Mrs. M. Hexvit. The.- Burkek on hall club were the vicfors ini their szame with From a Used Car Dealer of Course! VOUR HOME TOWN DEALER Art's Car Market 'Sundav. Thursday-Fridoy-Saturday OnIy FREE LO S!è FAMOUS BRAND NAME TOP VALUE HIGH -TWIST NYLONS 51. Gouge Dress Sheer Bey. $1.00 Pair A well-known niaker (sorry we can- flot mention his namne) gave us this spectacular offer on this famous top value nylons. Buy one pair at the regular price of $1,00 and get one pair absolutely FREE. These nylons are dress sheer, perfect quality and high twist for longer wear, in a new -colour, anniversary beige. Sizes 9 to il 1 Two Pair OnIy Io a Customer BUY ONE PAIR $1I.oo GET ONE PAIR FREE Pu ~ m and Two Pair FREE BRESLIN'S 7 Ring si. W. LADIES WEAR MA 3-5854 front page mention to our event. The teachers for the coming 1year were introduced and are: Miss Margaret Aiken who has been with us for several years and we are pleased to welcome back Mrs. L. Atchison who taught here a few years ago. Mr. Otto Bragg was chairman for the program and called on the past presidents 10 corne to the platform. Mrs. Walter Rick- ard. the first president of the newly-formed association, was 1presented with corsage and the the gentlemen each received a boutonniere. Those prescent were R. K. Bragg, Kyle Squair, Alex ~Prout, Charles Gilkes. Ernie Gilbank, Lewis Woo d and Jim Barnes. Other past presi-' dents were Garnet Rickard and Orville Osborne who were un- able to be present, and Lawrence Cryderman and Ken Werry, both deceased. Miss Dorofhy Hoar, Toronto, who was the teacher 25 years ago, was present and spoke a few words. Mrs. Clarence Trigg (Berniece Gilbank) of Whitby who was the first pianist presid- ed at the piano for the opening and'closing exercises. In mentioning some of the past events and honors that have corne 10 Shaw's we were re- minded that the most recent xvas the choosîng of one of our local girls, Miss June Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wood, to be the Queen of the Bowman- ville Centennial Celebrations, a distinct honor indeed and the community is proud of June and the manner in which she dis- charged her queenly duties. Mrs. Farr (Marion Rickard), Toronto. was present f0 show pictures taken in Scotland, Eng- ]and and many countries of the continent. She gave an inter- esting commèntary on 'the ex- cellent pictures and we were pleased 10 have her share her experiences with us. Mrs. O. Bragg and Ruth entertained with two lovely piano duets. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barnes, newly-weds, were called to the platform and were presented with a coffee table and tri-lite lamp on behaîf of the folk of the community who wish them well. Both Mr. and Mrs. Barnes expressed their thanks. Mrs. W. J. Rickard cut the birthday cake, and lunch was served by the committee com- posed of Mrs. L. Ayre, Mrs. T. Taylor. Mrs. C. Gilkes and Mrs. E. Browes. Our next get-together will be the Hallowe'en party, Friday. Oct. 31, when young and old of the section are invited to corne in costume to enjoy the spirit of the occasion. The executive will handie the arrangements for, the evening. The next regular meeting will be Wednesday,i Nov. 5.1 PONTYPOOL The United Church was well filled for the Rally Day Service!I on Sunday with Rev. R. R. Bonsteel in the pulpit. A large choir of children with Mrs. Clif- ford Fallis as organist was much enjoyed. Eight children were baptized by the minister. They were children of Mr. and Mrs. James Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. Fre Youngman, Mr. and Mrs.Ke Fallis, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Rich- ardson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Bern- ard Neals and Mr. and Mrs.' Morris Gillis. Promotion awards were made 10 several of the1 Sundax' School pupils with thel 'teachiers making the presenta-f fions. Miss Eleanor Rowan )f 1 Bethany read an interestingý story to the children. Severai' young ladies who had formerly' joined the rhurch were present-i ed with their certificales. 1Officials of the church held a1 . m~eeting in the basenieit of the church on Tuesday evening. It i waâ derided to have te ani- versary service on Sunday, Oct. I26th. Officers of L.O.B.A. 1314 visited L.O.L. 82 on Wednesday f0 ma ke arrangements for a banquet which willV be held Oct. 29. The ladies will do the catering for this event. Sorry to learn that Byron Kellett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kellett, is in St. Joseph's Hospital in Peterborough after undergoing an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sharpe, Toronto, have been spending a holiday at their - home in the village. They are making ex- tensive changes on the rear of their home. The W.A. meeting was well attended on Thursday evening. This meeting was held at the home of the President, Mrs. Harry M. Richardson. Phone Roger 698 Weston- Rd.., Toronto 9-5392 Col lect PAGE I'IVD MO VIE REVIEW OLD VELLER Royal Theatre October 9 to 15 Family and Its Dog (Technicolor) Walt Disney*s newest pres- .entation is a delightful piece of fiction that is aimed at everv- body, man, woman and child. The youngsters will be over- joyed and the aduits will be surprised and charmed at what unfolds. Based on the novel by Fred Gipson, "OId Yeller" teIlis thie story of a dog and the Texns familv it adopts for a brief1 period. A thieving and rascal- lv hound, its f irst conquest is the younigest member, Kevini Corcocan, who wants a dog des- perately. His older brother, Tommy Kirk. thinks the ani- mal a bad lot and wants ne Part of himn, especiallv since he's busv takîng care of the farm chores with his father away. But Old Yeller proves to be intelligent, faithful, a hard worker and a lovable compan- ion and young Kirk learns to love him deeplv. A great deal of the picture is comprised of a series of adventures the fam'.1v, has wîh the dog and while- th*z gives it an episodie qualits', it doesn't detîact from the over- ail en-oyment. In his short tenure with thý famil.v, he batiles withi a moth- er bear when Kevin is plaving with her cub, a group of hogs when the older boy is trying to rope them, an irritated coxv who has just giv.n I§irth and a hydroo)hobie wolf. The last- named wounds Old Veller and it's only a matter of time before the dog gets the dreadful dis- ease and must be shot, most un- willingly, by the older brother. The adults in the small and excellent cast includle Dorothy McGuire as the patient, under- standing and warm-hearted mother, Fess Parker in the very brief role of the father see .n only at the beginning and end, Jeff York as a blowhard neigh- bor who is al talk and no ac- tion and Chuck Connors as the real owner of the dog who lets the boys keep i., But it is the two youngsters. both of whom are '"introduced"l in the film, that are particular- lx' ou'standing. They have none of the cloying sweetness or overdone precociousness so familiar with too many childi performers. These boys are real and endearing. Also helpful is the swift-pac- cd direction of Robert Steven- son who neyer permits the pro- ceedin.-s to hecome too sacchar- ine or cornxr despite its rural background. William H. A-nder-1 son was associate producer and Willi?m Tunberg wrote the screenplay with Gipson. Thev have ail contributed well 10 a wond,,rfully entertaining film. ENFIELDe old neighbours of Mr.and at a turkey dinner in the Solina Mr. and Mrs. Harry- McKeown Hall on the occasion of their 5th and family, Whitby, were at L. wedding anniversary. Every- Cochrane's. one spent an enjoyable evening, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Qake and and the community extends family visited xith relatives at rather belated congratulations Napanee, Belleville and Bow- to the popular couple. Our W. 1manville.. A. members catered for the din-, Mr. and Mrs. Y-Iosken Smith, nr Hampton, visited with the D. See Coming Events for our and E. Prescott's. Thanksgiving Service, Sunday. Miss Myrtie Tamblyn. Toronto, spent the weekend with her Mac's wife was iii and he was sister Mrs. W. Bowmar. running for -the undertaker. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cochrane. Ken '.But". remonstrated a friend and* Raiph, visited at 1. Coch- who miet him. "if's no under- rane s, Nestieton. taker you want. It's a doctor." Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Davenport, "Nay, nay". xvas Mac's repiy'. Kemble; Mr. and Mrs. Irvin "I canna' afford to deal wi' mid- Puckrin and Dennis, were with die men." Mr. and Mrs. H. Ormiston.- - _______ Mr. Doug Kerr and friend, Toronto, visited with the Pas- and Lee Spencer Corseliere ily were with the W. Whites, Rgti13 _________________________] Whitby. . MRS. J. E. RICHARDS Mr. and Mrs. R. Bea. Hamil- 3 MILL ST. ORONO ton. were weekend visitors at G. PHONE 127 Bowm an 's. _____________________________ 'H op r' Jewellery & 1 Gift Shop 28 KING. ST. W. PHONE MA 3-5747 Due to the faci' that our previous Auction SaleI was cancelled without notice - By no fault of oursI WE GIVE YOU THIS INTRODUCTORY OFFER! NO MONEY! NO GIMMICK 1 WATER LESS SET AN AMAZING XMAS OFFER' with every purchase of 9-PIECE SHEFFIELD STEEL CARVER A,, STEAK KNIFE SET Gold Plated and Bone Finished Handies Manufacturers Guaranlee REG. PuICE $49.95 *95 SALES Orders C.O.D. Where is the Most logical place to buy a sharp Used Car? COOKWARE REGULAR PRICE $49.95 FREE AL L FORi$ SPECIAL BONUS With every order received within 5 days you will receive Absolutely FREE One Pair of Micromesh Nylons, (State your size when ordering). PHONE 01 WRITE TO BRITISH - CA -NADIAN PAGE r 0

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