,~w, ~ -. -~ ~ ~. ~ ~4~fi~4 ~*é ~ -~-..~i~.*-*~u - PAGE TWELVz e e - e ~ImmIdJ By Frank Mohun MA 3.7234 * WORLD SERIES Weli, you can't say that you didn't read it in this column last week... However, perhaps we did cail it wrong after ail. Instead of the Yankees winning, it appeared that the Milwaukee tcam had only two players - Spahn and Burdette. In spite of six Braves' errors in the finall two garnes, the two mound aces, stili pitched well enough to overcome their teamn-mates' bobbles. In the final analysis,.this reporter wonders just where lh big Milwau- kee bats were? In spite of the Milwaukee pitching the New Yorkers stili collected homers. Just think what a Braves' homer would have done. Aaron, Adcock, Matthews and Covington were at bat many times, without a single circuit clout. How often would that happen? i. t - . GOODYEAR HOCKEY LEAGUE President Don Masters, along with the executive, is wondering just where ail of the hockey players whio signed up at the season's start, have disappeared. Several team rnembers have yet to play ini a game, and quite a. few fellows are wanting to play. Therefore, it bas been, decided that after this Sunday, anyone who hasn't pa-' ticipated in any games, will bc replaced bv someone fo the waiting list.frm i. t t j . IB. 0. C.'s The local entry in the new O.H.A. Intermediate' loop nmade their initial appearance at the Memorial Arena on Thanksgiving Day. Seventeen players were out for the initial work-out, which is a good turn-out in spite of the holiday weekend. Only one former flobson Pontiac player was out for the practice in the person of "Mort" Richards. Ail of last year's Junior club are welcomc at the next practice, as the Combines hope to carry three or four ex-Pontiac players, according to information which we have received. Several of last year's stalwarts were in action, including Playing-Manager Syd Arnold, Gary Copeland, "Wiener" West, Keith West, Maxie Yourth and "Robby" ýThe executîve hope to boister the team with a! couple ôf, cuts from Whitby Dunlops. Jackic Germiond, high-scoring ace of the powerful Brooklin Junior "B's' was one performer, who probably wil win a berth on the club, if hie continues to corne t the practices. If our inf or- mnation is correct, the namne of bhc Peterborough Jr. "A" star of last season, who made an appearance is Irvine. He is a rugged individual, for if we got the namne right, he was one of the best Juniors in the O.H.A. loop last year. Another prospect could possibly be District Game Warden Doug Powell, who had a fling in the A.H.L. "Ithogh he was not at Moncday's practice, it is hoped that "he will linesup with the B.O.C.'s this year. Bowmanville-Orono fans,,along with any aspirants j for a'berth on the tearni, are inivibed to watch or try out with, the club on Sunday, 5:15 - 7:00 p.m., and Monday, 6:30 - ý8:00 p.m. ;MEORALARENA Bowmanville PUBLIC SKATING 8 to 10 p.Dm. Adults - 40e t riday, Oci. 17th Saturday, Oci. 181h Wsdnesday, Oct. 22nà ADMSSION Children - 25e Childrens Skating WEDNESDAY, OCT. 22nd 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. accompanying children - - - - 25e ribers may pick up their tickets from 1 until Oct. 17. Remainder go on sale Saturday, Oct. 18 OFF TO A -FLYING START AND A 'ISFYING CAREER! ILLE~ NOEL.LOR w rt TEE CANADMANB - AIB OWMANYULE, oeITA» r> It's not often that we are able to report that a Canada Goose has been shot in this area. Apparently, it is a rare event. On Saturday, Ted Bird, right, was able to land this black and white beauty at Bowmanville Beach. If weighed 6 lbs. and had a wing spread of 58 inches. A nice Thanksgiving dinncr for the Birds. Constable John Bird, who is holding the wing at loft, was home for the weekend. He is attend- îng Poliée College in Toronto and expects to finish his course this week. Eastern Ont.- Men's Major BowlingJ lI ESome top notch bowling took Features .Snealu e place at the bowling allcy Wed- Hiz Single-This week, Mor- INTERMEDIATE "A"n flc.*ýday. Elton l3rock liad a bigs ley Vanstone 322, ths schedule, tiple 813 made up of 246, 2911, Fe oe36 November - ~276. Russ Oke followcd closely Fe oe36 Noemer--, crT <- I. - f~~, - Rizh Trin1f'1'his uîek. El- 3-Trenton ai. Napancr 3-Cobourg at i. igstoni 5-B.O.C. at Trenton 7-Napanee ai. Cobourg 8-Kingston at B.O.C. 8-Cobourg ai. Minden l0-Minden ai. Kingstonî 10-Cobourg at Napance 12-Minden at Trenton 14-Trenton ai. Cobourg 15-Kingston ai. Minden 15-Napanee at B.O.C. 17-Trenton ai. King-ston 19-Kingston at Trenton 20-B.O.C. at Minden 21-Kingston at Cobourg 22-Cobourg at B.O.C. 22-Minden at Napance 24-Cobourg ai. Kingston 26-Napance ai. Trenton 27-Cobourg at Minden 29-Minden at B.O.C. 29-Kingston at Napane December - 1-Trenton ai. Napane 1-B.O.C. at Kingston 3-Cobourg ai. Trenton 5-Kingston at Cobourg 6-Trenton at B.O.C. 6-Napanee at Minden 8-Napanee ai. Kingst.on lO-Minden at Trenton 11-B.O.C. at Minden 12-Napanee at Cobourg 13-Minden at Napanee 13-Kingston at B.O.C. IS-Trenton at Kingston l5-Cobourg at Napanee 17-B.O.C. at Trenton 18-Cobourg ai. Minden 19-Trenton ai. Cobourg 20-Napanee at B.O.C. 20-Minden at Kingston 22-B.O.C. at Napane 26-Minden at Cobourg 29-Napanee at Kingst.on January- I-Kingston at Trenton 2-vB.0.C. aI Cobourg 3-Kingston at Minden A~-Cobourg at B.O.C. 3-Mi-nden àt Napane S5-Kingston ai. Napanee 7-Cobourg at Trenton 8-Trenton at Minden 9-Kirîgston at Cobourg 10-Minden at B.O.C. 1-Minden at Cobourg 12-Trenton at Napanet 17-NapanCe at Mrnon J 4-B.O.C. at MTren 11-Trenton aI I8.0.C. 19-Cobourg ai. Napanec I19-BOr.C. at Kingston 21-Napanee at Trenton 213-Napanee at Cobourg 24-Trenton ai. Minden 24-Kingston aI B.O.C. 26-Cobourg ai Kin-ston 26-B.O.C. at Napanee 28-Minden at Trenton 30-Trenton at Cobourg 31-Kingston at Minden 31-Napanee at B.O.C. February- I2-Minden at Kingston ZB.O.C. at Navaîicr j4-Ki'ngŽton aiTruenton 4-Cohtirgat B.O.C. 6 -Miniden at Cobourg 7-B.O.C. ai Mihden 9-Trenton ai. Kingston 1-M'tinden at B.O.C. 1l-Napanec ai. Trenton 13-B.O.C. ai. Cobourg 14-Trenton ai Minden 14.-Kingston ai. Napanee 16-B.O.C. at Kingston 18-.-Cobourg at Trenton 20-B.O.C. at Cobourg 21-Trenton at B.O.C. 21-Napanee at Minden 23-Napanee ai. Kingston NOTE-Cl) Minden "Home" gaines ta be played in the Bob- caygeon Arena up ta and includ- ing January 3, 19be 'cvith 7951. JacU ay getuuîîg hot- 'cr every week had 768,' Mor- lcy Vanstone is having his best year and bowled 742. Ait Sam- ells, the big man on Dr. Run- dle's team had 741, Frank Sam- is 7393, AI Osborne 707. Wild Bill Oke. came uji wi . 03 Only three bowtr.70e ve 300 wii.h Morley Vanstone win- ning the money for his 322 score. Frank Sarnis had 308 and Pete Dobbins 307. Si Trcwin nearly broke the ail time record of 68 for a single -amne when he bowled 77. Si also won the low triple of the season, 404. Fred Cole had a single gaine of 111. Lasi. week Fred won high single game with 346, Harold Bennett. 109. AIley Chatter Last week in thîs columnn we meni.ioned that some of aur top bowlers 'Were not hitting the' dead wood. flow riglit wc wcre. We would like ta print the sc-ores of Dr. Howard Rundie bowled on Wednesday night ln league competition. We wouid also like f0 point ouf that How- ard is captain of his team ai-d has always been a contender for top averages. Game No. 1 137, No. 2 145, No. 3 143, grand total 425. Average 141 2/3. 'Nufi said. Pete Dobbins bas another member of the league chasing him for high average. This week Jack Gay moved into second spot with 246 for 15 games, just one point shy of Dobbins. AI Osborne is third with 241 andi Russ Oke has moved into fouri.h spot, 1 point behind Osborne. Larmer's teamn is stili holding down top spot and now bas 10 points. Russ Oke and Elton Brock's gang are tied with 9 points each. Russ Oke's teamn was tops this week with a single game 1334 and triple 3447. AI Osborne's team had low single score 950 and Bill Oke Iow triple 3083. Standing End of 5th Week First Schedule Team W L Larmer ~5 R. Oke___ 9 6 Brock 9 6 Bagnell 8½ 6'z Williams ------ 8 7 MeKnight ~ 8 7 Hailman 71,A71 Osborne 7 8 Milne 7 a Dale 16 Il Rundie 6 9 BOke-----.4 il Pts 10 9 9 7 / 7 7 6 6 4 Goodyeari r The pace-setting Combines addcd to their firsi. place mar- gin with a sînashing 7-0 win- over the cellar-dwelling Lead Press team. The Machine Shop mired in the cellar position wii.h the Lead Press, fared lit- tie botter against a short-hand- ed Office crew. The white col- lar bowlers set the Machinists down by a 7-0 count ta move mnto second place. As a resuit of the 5-2 loss, hung on them by thc Fan Belts, the Hase Room dropped inta a third place fie with their Fan Boit advorsaries. The next meeting boi.ween these two clubs has been billed as a grudge match. The Combines' Pote Bath- gate ahowed the way with a ton Brock, 813; this schcdulc, Bil Hearle 852. Low Single-This week, Si Trewin 77; this scheduic, Si Tre- win 77. Low Triple-This week, Si Trewin. 404; this schedule, Si Trewin 401. High Team 1-This week, R Oke 1334; This schedule, R. Oe 1334. High Team 3-This week, R. Oke 3447; This scheclule, Mur- ray Larmer 3648. Low Team 1-This wcek. A] Osborne 950; This schedule, Bruce Milne 844. Low Tcam 3-This week, B. Oke 3033, this schedule, Bruce Milne 2897. Averages Name Games Pete Dobbins 15 Jack Gay ----- 15 AI Osborne 15 Russ Oke ---------- 15 Elton Brock------15 Morley Vanstane -- 12 Bill Westlake . 8 Ernie Perfect ----12 Bill Hearle 12 Bert Eng]ey --15 George Piper 15 Russ Haîlman- 15 Alf Samelîs 15 Phil Cancilla- 15 Bil Steven ____15 Ross Wright -____15 Cuth McDJonald - 15 Reg Hearle là Don Bishop -___12 Murray Larmer- 15 Bud Moss-------- 15 Frank Samis ____15 Murray Tighe 15 Jack Parker 12 Jim Leveit_____15 Russ Lane -là Ralph Kelly 15 Dave Mc'Knight - 12 Kari Bickeil 15 Ted Bagnell 15 Ross McKnight .15 George Stephens 15 Bill Oke 15 Hap Palrner ----_ 15 Dr. K. Slemon 15 Mcl Dale ------- _ 15 Clarence Oke 15 Harry Gay 12 Pat Yeo ___-12 Paul Chant ____ 15 Bruce Milne 15 Ab Piner --- 15 Harold Bennett.--15 *Bob Williams - 15 John Stainton ___15 Ed Leslie ----___15 Ave. 247 246ý 241' 240 239 239 239 239 228 225 223 220 220 219 218 218 217 216 216 215 214 213 212 212 212 211 211 211 211 211 211 209 208 208 207 207 206 205 205 204 203 203 203 202 202 201 rBowling -I 689 high triple, including the i.h single garne of 295. Other high triples went ta John Stain- ton 688, Bil Shotter 680, Tom- my Graham 654, Stu Carson 653 and Archie Cowey 638. High single scores were rolled by Archie Cowey 290, Fred Smiith 283, Bill Joil 264, Art Spicer 250 and Bill Shotter 248 and 24. Teint Standing. - ?ts. Combine& ___30 Office __----_______23 Hase Room _________20 Fan Belts ________20 Lead Press _________7 Machine Shop 7 TEUWA, 0Wb lmI Goodyea r Hockey Lge. Ties, il appears, were the or- der of the day, in Goodyear Hockey League action, Sunday afternoon., The, front-running Mats and runner-up Fan Beits were unable to score on rival îgoalies "Slip" Rowe and- John Fowler, as the teanis battled to a scoreless standoif. In the second half of the dou- ble bil, the last place Office crew. picked up their f irst point of the Young season with a come-from-behind tic against thec Hose Room in a second place tic, the highest position for them i the last two years. Mort Richards opened the scoring for the Hose teamn at the 5:40 mark, and then combined with captamn Gord Sellers to set Clint Ferguson up for the se- cond counter, less than two minutes later. Defence stalwart, George Heath started scoring operations early this season, by blasting in an unassisted effort at -14.15, as the Hase Room ran up a 3-0 lead. Little over twominutes later, Ted Fairey personaily put the Office back into contention, when he scored twice within 15 seconds. Don Masters and Bob Marjerrison assisted on Uic first goal. Ferguson passed to Jer- ry Marjerrison to send the Rose outfit into a two goal lead. Goalie Curt Vanstone claimed a rare assist when his clearing pass to Bob Marjerrison result- ed in an Office score by cap- tain Masters. Ron Burgess con- verted Masters' pass for the ty- ing marker, ten minutes before the end, with bath teams bat- tling down 10 the wire in an attempt to, tire flic winner. Teint Standings W L T P ts Ma'ts - _-_--- 2 0 1 3 FanEBelts __00n2 2 Rose 0_____ n OO2 2 Office 0 1 1 1 LeaditgScorers G A Pts Don Childs (M) .5 1 6 Bill Lyle (M) 3 3 6 Don Forder (M) 1 5 6 Don Masters< ) 2 2 4 Lloyd Hamilton (H) 3 0 3 Ted Fairey (O) 2 1 3 Clint Ferguson (H) 1 2 3 Gord Sellers (H) - 1 2 3 Gary Cooper (H) --0 3 3 Memorial Hospital. Weekly Report 9 For the week of Oct. 6-12: Adm issions ---------- ---- ---- 48 Births, 2 male, 4 female --6 Discharges -------- 49 Major operations 7 Minor operations -il,19 Emergency treatments -- ---18 Visitmng hours 2.30 - 4.30 p.m. and 7 to 8.30 p.m. The town of Gimli, Manitoba, was named after the residence of the Icelandic god 0din and the word means "the place where all good and brave men go after death." I Ladlies' Mai LiaI Mond.y night, Lyd.ia ]Rates' bb>wlers edged Norma Gay's teamn 2-1, and Kay Beau- prie's crew dropped Helei Dunnas outtit by the same 2-1 score, to leave Bates and Beau- prie still tied for 'the league lead. Howe»er, last week saw a third teani, captained by Lor- raine Martyn shutout Berniece Budai's bowlers 3-0 to force a three-way Mie for the top~ spot. Wilma Bates' team scored the night'a only other shutout win over Joyce Major's pin-drop- pers. In other action Hilda Brook decisioned Doris Joli, 2-1 and Betty Westlake dropped Onie Etcher by a one game margin. Barbara Buttonshaw's 264 game took high single honours, followed by Joyce Tennant 259, Lorraine Martyn 256 and Duaine Palmer. Lou Lyle knocked off the night's high triple with a 661 to- tal. Other high triple efforts were chalked up by Joyce Ten- nant 622, Kay Stephens 622 and Onie Etcher 629. 200 Games Barb. Buttonshaw 264; Joyce Tennant 259, 202; Lorraine Mar- tyn 256, Duaine Palmer 253; Lou Lyle 250, 219; Onie Etcher 248. 210; Jean Musial 248, 201; Lola Wright 244; Mary Harrison 244: Del Vinson 241, Norma Gay 236:, Sadie Bucknell 226; Wilma Bates 224, 205, Doris Joli 222; Ena Etcher 220, 211, Myra Coo- per 220; Dot Brooks 217-, Hilda Brock 216; Peggy Haynes 216; Kay Stephens 213, 207, 202, Ann White 212; Beth Chartran 212; Muriel Holiroyd 212; Eva White- head 210;, Kay Beauprie 210; Betty Westlake 205. Shirley Bickel 205; Molly, Henderson 204, Lydia Bates 204, 204; Hil- da Simnick 202; Audrey Os- mond 202, Ruth Barclay 200; Audrey Bickell 200. High Single - Barb Buttonshaw - 264 High Triple Lou Lyle 661 High Average- Doris Joli --- -- -- - 213 Team Standings Lydia Bates Il 13729 Kay Beauprie il 13646 Lorraine Martyn 11i 13529 Onie Etcher-*-- 9 13743 Betty Westlake B 82i 13743 ."1 EK9en -'s Ifen -'s WÇear , 37 Kin St. W. Phone MA 3-55» jè jor Bowling]7 LWilma Bat« - a8 13«88 IDoris Joll -____7 13265 .Joyce Major - 3% 13197 LBernioe Budal - à5 13589 Hilda Brock - 5 13245 Norma Gay 5 12357 Helen, Dunn 4 13758 Doris Joli - 213 One Etcher 212 Bernice Budai --. L 211 Lorraine Martyn 205 Lou Lyle -______204 Hilda Brock._______199 Lydia Bates ______199 Joyce Tennant _____198 Myra Cooper -_____191 Sadic MucknefU_____187 Ruth Barclay 184 Peggy Haines ______184 Jean Musial _______184 Kay Beauprie - 183 Eva Whitehead _____183 Lola Wright 183 June Baker ______183 Shirley Bickeli_____182 Dot Brooks --______181 Thelma Forrester ____181 Ollie Patfîeld ______181 Joyce Lyle 180 Mary Harrison _____179 Ann Gay -______179 Norma Gay --______178 Emma Bromeill______177 Ena Etcher -----_______177 Betty Westlake ______176 Loi: McLean _____175 Helen Dunn -______174 Muriel Holroyd 174 Duaine Palmer ______174 Jean Luxton ______173 Helen Piper 172 Dorc Mutton _______172 Wllma Bates _______172 Joyce Major 172 Shirley Davis ______171 Essie Cox ________170 Kay Stephens 170 Helen Vivian 170 En Stringer _______169 Marion Slaght 168 Eileen Holroyd 168 Mary Wilcox ______167 Berniece Terry 167 Audrey Osmond _____167 Stella Brown _______166 Vel Miller ________165 Del Vinson ______164 Audrey Bickeill_____164 Joan Engley 163 Ella De Jardines 163 Mel McNulty ______163 Hilda Simnick _______ 6 Dolly Brooks ______161 Barh Buttonshaw ____160 Babe Brown -____160 The Nexi Kinsmen Clu-b SUPER CAR BINGO. in the -PETERBOROUGI MEMORIAL CENTRI on Fridcuy, Oct. 24th 8:30 p.m. OVER $4,000 IN PRIZES including a BRAND NEW 1959 FORD Some lucky person on Oct. Z4th will drive home this beautiful 1959 Ford. The first 1959 Ford to be marketed in the Peterborough area. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND r 1 r .oie