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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1958, p. 15

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TmTRMnAv n~'r 1a~h tisa ~'W PA~DAflAM flAT MA?~T ~OWM.&15V1LLU ON'I'A~R!O PAGU 1WF~ Lions Club Members Told Details of C.N.1.B. Activities mhe splendid work donc by, the Canadian Institute for the' Blind was described in an in- I tcresting address gîvea by Bob Paeden, Peterborough, at a dii.1 ner meeting held by the Bow- manvi*j Lions Club on Mon-i day Oct. th at the LionselFrnmunity Centre. Mr., Paeden, who is blind, is fieldi secretary for the Peterborough District o! the C.N.I.B. Members of the Bowman- 'Ville-West Durham Advisomy Cemmittec te the C.N.I.B. wemel special gucsts. They were in- tmoduced by the BowmanvUle Lions Club president, Ralpli Mclntyre, who presided at the dinner. Ralph Carruthers, New York, brother o! Reeve Wilfrid C'a-ruthers, was aise a guest. Blitz Drive October 2th A cheque fer the Lions Club donation of $100 to the annual C.N.I.B. Fund campaign was pesented te Lion Don Williams, the chairman of the local Ad- visomy Committee ta the C.N.l, B. The C.N.I.B. Blitz Drive will be held in Bowmanville on Mcnday, October 2th from 7 te 8 o'clock in the evening. Winners of the hockey draw were, October llth, Art Hoop- er and Murray Tighe; October l8th, Pete Barmen and Earl Mc- Queen; Octaber 25th Bill Ste- yen and Ed Foran, and October 29th, Lawrence Rehder and 1Bert Syer. 1Lion Claude Kilnier chairman of the Lions Sixht Conservation Cammittee, was in charge a! the pragmam. The speaker wasi inti'oduccd by Lien Jim Bell, who spoke of the geod work donc for Uic b7lind by Mr'. Pae- den. Valuabie Service Since Its foundation in 1918, the C.N.I.B. bas given valuable service ta Canada through its womk for the blind, aad others with severe sight handicaps, Mr. Paeden told the Liens meeting. He emphasized thetact that the C.N.I.B. program provides as- sistance te people o! all ages. Tmained womkers visit and help pre-school afflicted chul- dren i their homes. Parents eceive guidante wlth poblcms they must, face with patience and understanding. They are told o! the good future. possible for sight-handicapped chidren. School For Bllnid Children with ten per cent or less sight are sent to the Ontario School for the Blind at Brant- ford. The C.N.I.B. will help fi- nance the child's training at the g M ORDER NOW 0 and assure your home having a stcady supply heat ail wintert USE THE BEST LIQUIFUEL FUEL OIL school if the parents are unable- to do se, the speak~er explaincd. The Sehool for the Blind is under the direction o! the De- patment o! Education. The placement committee !inds gainful employment for the Young blind people upon their graduation from the school. The committee bas convinced maay employers o! the usefulness of trained blind people toi indus- try. . Overcome Handicap Mr'. Paeden told of the womk of the C.N.I.B. in* regard ta stands and cafeterias in Ontario. More than 300 people' with sight handicaps are employed in titis work in this province, the speak- er stated. He recounted several case histories which exempli- fied the valor and Persistence needed te overcome the attitude o! despair whea blindness strikes. The mai ority of the al- !lictcd have lest their sight a!ter middle Ille. C.N.I.B: home teaehers in- struct housewivcs how to over- corne the handicap, and train thcm te be able ta look a!tem their homes and families des- pite it, Mr. Paeden pointed eut. He described the C.N.I.B. talking book service, which has a circulation o! 200 a day in the province. It is available ta re- gistered blind persans in this area, the speaker said. They can obtain this service by con- tactîag either members of the Bowmanville-West Durham Ad- visemy Committce ta the C.N.I.B,. or members of the Lions Club. Mr'. Paeden told of the C.N. I.B. residences for the blind. The fii'st was luilt in St. Cath- aines, and now theme are others in many of Uic -larger cities of Ontario. Two bllnd persans from this district live in ane o! the residences at present. The companieashlp and com-dort a!- !orded by' 111e there is invalu- able, lie explaiaed. Tribut. te Lions HIe paid tribute ta the work donc by the Siglit Conservation Committee of the Bowmanvillc Lions Club, and the hclp given it by reports framn district nurses. He alsa told o! Uic fine work donc by other Liens Clubs in this connection. Local boardsanad committees .fveluntary womkeme have been foi'med ta assist the C.N.I.B. Bowmanville-West Durham Ad- ,visory Commaittec has been ac- tive for over 25 years, Mr'. Pae- den said.* The transportation given Uic blînd, and the finan- cial assistance donatcd ta the C.N.I.B. is dceply appreciated, the speaker, told the meeting. Lion Ernest Bradley thaaked Mr'. Paeden for his interesting and cloquent addiess. An ad- tractive gift was presented to the speaker from the Liens Club. ENNISKILLEN Prompt Dellvery 24-Hour Service Stephen Fuels* SCXN R Bowmanvllle Phbne MA à-5410 with P!n LL'7E: .~LJ klifI Monday thru Saturday Buy one item at regular price - get another for onJy a penny more! Hundreds of items . medicine chest needs, vitamins, station ery,toys, toiletries, everyday needs. Corne ln for your ADVANCE SHOPPING LIST Check your needs. Reserve your merçhandise now and pick it Up during the sale. PHONÈ MA 3-5778 .* BOWMANVILLE manville, spent Sunday with B R EO Mr. and Mrs. . A. Werry. B R E O Mr'. and Mrs. B. Parrott, Bon- nie «and Murray,, Bradford, vis- Mr. and I(ra Geners, Chat- ited Mr. and MmÏý. L. Wearn. ham, who have been the guests M.r. andt Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, of Mr'. and Mru. A. B. Ribey for Ronïld arnd Ray, Haydon, Mrs. the past two weeks spent Thurs. Muriel Brawnlee, Leaside, were of last week, visting relatives Sunda5' dinner guests of Mr.. in Belleville. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston.' The C.G.I.T. group met in the Miss Pat Hosken, Blackstock, hall on Wed. evening Oct. 8 Mrs. N. Collacutt, Bowmanville, with 12 of the orignal mémbers Mr'. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin, rsnt n 3nwons h Heather and Dale, were Sun peena d nw CGIs.T day dinmier guests at Russeli meeting o exrisswlt rs Griffin's. Aerg xe sisth e w lt M.A Mrs. Reg Weaving, Thorn- Agetkn h eoinl hiil, visited with her parents, short busciness portion was con- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Sor- ducted during which there was ry Mrs. Moore is stili in hospi- a discussion on a name for the tai. group. Several names were sug- Mrs. W. Howells has returned gested but none seeffied to t borne from hospital.î suitable and it was decided te Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Seymour;' leave it over tili another meet- is with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. ing. During the crafts period, Wearn., the girls painted plant pot hold- Miss Lorma Wearn. Grace ers and decorated pamnted jars, Hospital, Toronto, spent Sun. and pine cones, in preparation day witli her parents. A. L. for the bazaar table. Aftdr Wearn's. cleaning up excercises, "Taps" Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton, was sung and a very pleasant Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence meeting came to a close. Glnn. Cadmus, Mr. and Mrs. The W.A. met at the homne of Fred Dayes, Blackstock, Mr. IMrs. Leslie Argue on Thurs. and Mrs. Wayburn Adams, Mr. afternoon Oct. 9. The meeting Sam Oliver, Bowmanville, were was quite well attended. Due recent visiters with Mr. and to the ilîness of the president, Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Mrs. Harold Larmer, the pfes- Mr'. and Mrs. Allan Werr.y dential duties were filled, bY and girls, were with Mr. and Ms oe hr a ut Mss RossiLeOke Tronte ~a lengthy business session in or- itsd Aleand ToWa tokevis-der to get plans arranged for Mod Aybr. ndWlerO o the Thank Offering Services on Mrna. adMs .W em Sunday Oct. 26 and the baz- were callers at Mr. and Mrs. À. aar. Arrangements were maade Werry's. forseveral of the members Mr. and Mrs. E. McNair, Mau' to attend the Oshawa Pres- reen and Lockie, weme week- bytery Convention in Whitby on end'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vern October 23. A lew articles for Seheil, South River. the bazaarwere handed in. The Mr. and Mrs. John Slemnon meeting clased with theme pray- visited Algonquin Park and er and lunch was served by Gr- Barry's Bay. oup 1 with Mrs. Argue convener. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. M ai oferS S Geners, spent Sunday with Miss Others SJUterain CONVEYER BELT. SERVICE ed a few friends with euchre West German Bulletin. and bingo on Frmi. evening Oct. A bookshop in Frankfurt, spe- 10. cializing in pocket-sized edi- MrI. and Mi'.. R. Bone spent tiens and gramophone records, Sunday with Mr. and Mi'.. E. R.ý has introduced a new gadget teo White, o! McLaughlin Fisheries, boost sales. In future, the cus- ln ihohrgetMs tomer will ne longer need to ianBwothr.guastdMrs. ask for a certain book but may Lilla Brown, Mnd. andy Mr. simply press a button and a 0FredBrowandRandy, i'. conveyer beit with a display o*Mcrano! Coldters. of some 1,50b bright-colored Mran Ms.G erM. books wiil start moving sloW- and Mms. A. E. Ribey spent Mon- ly past him. Should a book take day visting rel atives in Toronto. his fancy, he need onîy press Mrs. Idella MacDonald and another button fer the beit to Darlene, Oshawa, were week- corne te a haît se that he May end vistors of Mr. and Mm,. B. hclp himself. Hubbard. Mr' and Mrs. Bobt. Bell, IN LIGHTER VEIN Mrs. Ethel Wilson, Mr'. and Mrs. "'our weeks age I was Sb Frank Allison, ail of Oshawa rua down that I could net even weme Sunday visters o!fIlrs. spank the baby", wmote a wo- Pearl Avery, and Mr. and Mrs. man to a certain manufacturer. George Allison, "But alter taking three bottles ,Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Carter of your .wormdeful tonic I arn and boys, Whitby spent Sunday now able te thmash my husband with Mr. and Mrs .E. M. Adams. in addition te doing my other Sunday vistors at the horne housework." of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard Mlsat 'averne Orchard, Mr.' anid Mme. Elwyn Dickey, and Velmna, Bowmanville, were with Mr. and Mms. Milton Stainton. Miss Jean Reid, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Raîpli Virtue, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey McGiUl. Mr'. and Mi'.. A. Leadbeater, Mm. and Mm.. Lloyd Leadbeater and family, Tomante, Mr. and Mrs. M. Brown, Bowmanvile, with M. and Mrs. Arthur Lead-...... . .. beater. Mr. and Mi'.. Caneron Oke, Oshawa, Mr. and Mms. Clarence Avery and family, Burketon, were Suaday dinner guesta of Mm. and Mi'.. Albert Oke. Mrs. O. C. Ashton lias retui'n- cd home fram hospital. Viitors with Mr. and Mrs.. O. C. Ash- tan wcre T*r and Mrs. Stewart Rodman, Scugog Island. Mms. E. C. Ashton, Maple Grave, lias been with thc b. C. Ashton !amily this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee and Oshawa, Mr'. and Mrs. Kcith Ferguson and family, Mr. Zack Adams, Bowmnanville, were with Mm. and Mms. Walter Oke. Mm. Walter Ferguson is e- cevering nicely sinoe lis oper- ation. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill and Dale, were Sunday guests of Mr. andi Mis. Roy McGill. Mms. Norman Collacutt, Bew- manville. spent, the weekend with M. and Mms. Wallace Griffin. Mr. andi Mrs. Allan Martin anti family, Mm. andi Mrs. Carl Brunt andi family, Bawmaa- ville, weme guests with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright have returneti home !om vis- iting with their daughter, Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Cath- aines. F/L anti Mms. S. R, Kersey and boys, Ottawa, speat a few days with Mr'. anti Mm.. Haroldi Ashton. Mr. anti Mms. Lamne Lamb, Mm. and Mms. Ralph Lamb, were on a mater trip through AI- gonquin Park. Mrs. Vemna Forsyth and Ron- ald, Taranto, were weekend visitors wîth Mr. anti Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. Mm. and Mrs. Bll Begley, Ca- ole and Bruce, visiteti Mr andi Mrs. Ed Jennings, Acton. Mr. anti Mrs Carl Fergusen, weme witli Mr. andi Mms. L. Winkwomth, Barrie. Mm. anti Mrs. Edigar Wright were with Mm. anti Mms. W. San- derson, Columbus. Mm. andi Mrs. Ted Wemmy andi baby have returned home f rom spending thc summer at Cae- sarea. Rey. and Mrs. R. M. Sey- A ci mour were callera at Mr. anti Mrs. Walter Oke's. Miss Elsie Oke, Torante, is e th visitig wit Mr.eed the Mr. anti Mrs. Lloydi Slemon, Haydon. Mr. andi Mrs. Earl Tre- win. Dorea andi Donald, wereR with Mr. andi Mrs. F. Tos Mo MIr. and Mrs. Liovd saemnonR O andi Mrs. F. Toms. attended.En. field Annivemsarv on Suadaev. M$» Elenor Leigliton. ow were Mr. and Mi'.. A. Bry-' an, Çourtice, and Mrs. W. Kran- tz, Oshawa. Mr'. and -Mms. Eaml McCuaig, Allendale, called briefly on Mr'. and Mi'.. R. Bone on Monday . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gray, Toronto, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and 1Mrs. Frank Holroyd., Mr. a.nd Mi's. Stanley' Short, Olaad spent Sunday with Mr'. and Mrs. Eric Simpson. Mr,. and Mrs. F. L. Allison Port Hope visted with Mr. and Mrs. George Allison on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Roblia, Mrs .john Carter, Mr. Alden Hubbai'd and Kenny Sinclair at- tended the Thank Offering ser- vices at Enfield on Sunday. Quite a number frmnthe vill- age attended -Norwood Faii' on Saturday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Keaneth Roblin, and Mr. Alden Hubbard visited with Mi'. an dMrs. H. Trick, Lindsay on Tuesday KENDAL Mr. and Mme. F. V. Warren had as their guests Mrs. War- mca': brother, R. B. Scott and wife, and two sisters, Myrtlei and Helen Scott, all of Picton. Mms. George Mercer atteaded the funeral on Satumday of Mm. E. Rapley, la Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Postem, Jane and Mrs. Marlatt, were in Buf falo for the weekend. Mm. and Mrs. George Clark, Toronto, were at their sumnier home over the weekend. Mm. and Mrs. Charlie Roach and family, Lakeview, visited lier mother, Mrs. Wm. Mercer. Mm. and Mrs. Roy Foster ard family and his mether, Mrs. M. Fester. visited relatives in Slm- cee this weekend. 1Mms. Swarbmick was in To- rante over the weekcnd visit- ing hem daughtcrs. We are pleased that Mmi. Hat- cher Foster, who went inta Memomial Hospital, Bowmaa- ville, Thursday, for an opera- tien, bas came along fine and cxpects ta be home by Wed- nesday. Mm. and Mm.. Perey Thempsan and sons. North Bay, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Langstaf!. Mr. and Mrs. George Mac- Donald and family, speat a few days at Omemee. Mr'. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Ray and Marie, were with lis parents at Cache Bay for the holiday. Mrs. Ray Hughes and Gloria spent Sunday aftemaoon with Mrs. Luxon and Mr'. and Mms. John Thompsea. Miss Camolyn Foster, Oshawa, Miss Patsy Fester, Toronto, and Miss Phyllis Jackson, Peterbor- ough, were at their respective homes heme over the holiday. Sunday guests with Mm.. Ne- va Little were Mr. and Ms.. Aylward Little and family of Mamkham, and Mr. and Mrs. Bowmanville Bort Armstrong. Peterborough. Mrs. Neya Littie and Mrs, I Wm. Jackson enjoyed a pleseant trip and visit in -Chicago. Mr-. and Mrs. Cy Elsey and daughters- celebrated Thanks- giving with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mercer and family. Mrs. Wllbum Henry of New- market visited Mr. and Mme. Cecil Glass. This weekend Mr. and Mrs. Joc Yendmick and sons Wayne and Temry, moved into, their new home which they bult on the corner acmoss from Blake Alex- ander. We wclcome them back to Kendal. The Young People's held their meeting on Sept. 30, in the Public school when the follow- ing officers wcme chosen for thls Yea:-President. Miss Mar- garet Hayden; vice-president, Leonard Hoy; secretamy, Mrs. Gardon Langstaff; treasurer, Miss Diane Turansky. There was Sunday school but no chumch service here last Sunday as It was Shiloh Anni- versary. This Sunday. Oct. 19, is Kendal Anniversary servIces at 1l a.m. and 7.30 p.m. but note Young folks-therc will be no Sunday achool. Trust men and they will be true te you. treat them greatly and they will show themseîves te be gi'eat.-Emerson. 11 Ohevrolet TasK Forceý fo r 59 aRffiveel 'I ~ New might! N4ew models! New moneyaaving power! Chevrolet's mighty new Une for 'W9 roils in with wonderful new ways te ride high coets right out of your operation. You find a new work-whipping Iineup in every weight class, from spacious new Fleetside pickups and roomier panel bodies . .. tbrough brawnier series 50H and 60H middle- weights .. . to a touglier than ever team of Chevrolet heavy duty haulers There's sturdier new stamina in ail models, too,. tougher fraxnes and ailes, stronger suspensions to take ail the punishment 'your toughest echedules can hand out. Chevrolet bas mighty new mnoney-saving talents for Fifty-Nine, engineered into each one of the powerful new engine line. From the aptly named Thriftmaster Six, through the new and vigorous V8 range, you find freoh coet cutting advantages ini every model. Yes, the best sellers are better than ev... combining tremendous new develop- ments with the traditional qualifies that have made Chevrolet far and away Canada's number one truck. See your Chevrolet dealer today. He has the model that was made tofIlyour bill better thanany other truck you've ever known. ENERAL, MOTORS VALUS best yet of thé best W.NICHOLS Couri f M Flnest Quallty Stove and Furnace 011 for safe, economical heat Metered Deliveries TAG DAY to benefit UNICEF (The United Nations Children's Fund) Friday and Saturday Oct. 24 AND Oct. 25 Sponsored by BowmanvilIle Business and Prof essional Women's Club "For Ail the World's Children" i i *1 i I I 0~ I I CT. 590 Chevrolet Task'- Force "59 Trucks! Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Cars - Chevrolet Tri MMM7 TffUMDAT. OM. IM. 1958 "M CANADL4N STATESMAN. - 80"LANVMI& ONTAM IF Youm PARTUER 11ES. . wiIl the &lm b. endanered? Will essential capital b with. drawn; a stranger forced upon you in his place; aet.tlement dvifficulties with hie widow en- ccuntered? Busines amurnoe with the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada will sfe- guard yoyr firm tram asuch eventualities. Proteet your own firm .. . aU me today. Eanner Passaal Representative *A 3-n258 53 Browa Ut Bowmmanle r- PACM rnmmm

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