Tml C"AinADISTATISMAI. 3OWMANV!LL. ONTAEI AESV1ME Ray Dudley's ReciI Brings Praise Froii Sy Bidte Cunruthers Lunney Sittinoe -in New Yomk'a faro- e d Ca8Mgi Hall on the even- ing o~ 8, listening ta aur pian-imst,, Ray Dudley af Bow- manville, play a brillant and varled récital prograin was ane ét thé great thrilJ.s ai a lifetime tôt us. WC had seats la thé tien of boxes, directly in iront oi whéf'e Ray at et the Steinway grand piano. lI aur box, among other friéndly people, was Stew- art Naîl, a young Australian Wha la with Columbia Artists Management and assistéd with arrangements for this concert. He la naw locatéd in New York~, but first met Ray at thé P.bym1 Consenvatary lI Toronto. Amont Thosu Présent xI tié second box ta aur leit Wàè threé very proud people: Raày's mother, Mrs. C. H. Dud- ley; li& fiancée, Miss Frances Young ai Oxford, Narti Cano- lina; and Mms. Ida Ecclestan of Otand Bénd, Ont., who lias been a good friend ai Ray's since aie first necognized lis talënt whilé le was still i lis téens. In thé box next ta us Wéii fôun people alan vény in- terestd inRay: Miss Mildrcd White, of New York, woio laa nièce ai Dm-. Gea. W. James -Al Bowmanville; hem friénd, Miss Elizabeth Wood of New Yor-k; and Mn. and Mns. James A. Phillips Jm., af New Yor-k, Mn. Phillpa béing a nephew ai Dm-. James. Other Cainadian and Ameri- can tniends of Ray's were also I tic udience and went back stage ta cangratulate lin at the close oa is concert. TIé crowd, a good one fon a élo récital, Stewart Naîl told us, wéne appneciativé tirough- out, giving Ray several curtain caîls mter éach group af num- bers. Carnegie Hall is a beautiful concert hall in thé aid tradition (11 Wéa built in 1892, the mon- éy pmovidéd by niulti-inillion- tire Andrew Carnegie) li semi- circuhar shape, with two tiers 6f boxes and twô galieries ris- Int aboyé thé floor. 'rie décor la. In creani and gold with crm-- son stage cuntains. Tie corri- dors are "halls of famé", thé W "l&ls covèned witli pictunés ai gm-oit niusicians and éxcérpts fmom music' manuscrlpta, sign- ed by tîcir composera. What Critica Suid Ray's pragm-am was anc which showéd thé vérsatility and breadth -ai iiLt lent. Thé New 4,500,000 Motorista Chooae State Farm Why? Th»Yen ~joy tcô. imatch protection and rock-bottom ratés on auto hnurance. Do you? Ca.U .* DIRK BRINKMAN Miil St. N. I~I Téléphone 3671 Newcastle U d um md tmi "tucuu York musicercitica, about tli hardeat la thé worid toam praise froni, were quite gêner. ous li tlir elviéws. Thé Ne% York 'rimes nan Ray's picturE and John Briggs said ai tht Schumann Fantasia Op. 17 "'rhe pianist's nrmankable abil. ity taý coax cantabile sound! froin lis instrument was wéll demonstnated in the apéninp and closing movéménta ai the Fantasy. Thèse are Sehurnanr at his lynic béat, and tiéy iad a sympathétic and skîllful in. terpreter last evening. Mn. Dud. ley's abiity to achèeve tonal variety, as in tic Fantasy, alsc brauglit striking coloristic et. fects ta thé Debussy gmoup wih includéd 'Brouillards' 'La Puerta del Vina' and 'On. diné'." Thé New York 'rimes cniti also said of thé Haydn Sonats in E Fiat. "Hé la obviously al éasé in the Haydnesque idioin bucidity and élégance charac. tèrizéd hi, phaying ai thé sana. ta. Hé las a feeling for the chassical ldiom, and la able tc impant it ta listéners. It was a plisléd performance ai the sonata." Differing Styles Francis D. Penkins of the New York Tribune comménted: "While nat adventurous, Mn Dudley's pragran illustnated hi ability in four wideiy difféning musical styles. Hé gave an un. pression af a notewarthy taleni which séémed tully déveloped from a technical point ai view, while his Interpretative pow. ers wene béat displayed during. thé latter part ai thé cvening.': This included thé Debussy qm-aur and twa Liszt numbérs, 'Fun. crailles" and "Mephisto Waltz", The New York Tribune cmi. tic eontinued, "lI tic Debus gnoup técînical néatness anc lippccabie lucidity wéré coin binèd with an éminent com. mand ai fine shades ai volume and colon which cantributed tc a ven.y pnomîsinÈ réalizatian a: fine expressive distinctions." Louis Biancoili in thé New~ York World Telegnain said: "Ray Dud.ley gave an éxtraor- dinary dlsplay ai keyboand an- tistry in music by Debussy anc Lisz't. Hé la a giitéd musicar wti loads ai tedchnique anc aènsitivity." 0f Debussy's "Brouillards", hé commented, "This was pianisin of fine cal- oring and phmasing ai subtlîe nuance, a wéalti ai allusive saund. Sa it wént la two othéx pièces by Debussy, theé gmoup cnding witi a reading af 'On- dine' ai reniankable perception, flexible rhythm and exquisite but strong textume. 'rie twc Liszt numbens wem-e again a revelatiofi ai power and feeling. Thé music maved witi a giani stnide and thé technique was dazzling." Reearding Made Sa thëeç. y.ow hbave w-hat thé Ne* York cnitica feit about thé evéning. We taiked ta thé To- ronto Star's Hugh Thonson aitènward and yau will fînd lit review elscwlerè li tus issue. We féit, pénsonaily, tiat Ray was putting everything inta ths ,Carnegie Hall performance, anîd thé résulta wcne bnilliantly satisiyin.g. The second hali ai thé pro granim was necondéd biy thé CBC and wilh be hearcd sametimé latér an CBC radio. Ray respondèd ta prolonged applause at tIe conclusion af his necitel witi two encores, and played twa mare for good mneasure, whici, wemé warmly reeeived. Thé last was lis own "Cononation Mamcl". This was Ray's second mp- ad ftmrily vIsited with Mr. àMd Ms. Walter Doyle, Richvàlé, ýaiion Carne gie Hall 1 aurday night.una DU. and Mrn. Cecil Jêffery, Mr. andMm tPn Dol per guests o . Mn.d Mrs. AI n Ne Yor . Cr*t brt Bryant, Oshiawa. i ýpearance in Carnegie Hall, but Perioaui Stdeligta Sprî * a and, U.S.A., vii- j ,vhsfirst solo recital there. In We must tel you that on AU itetl with Mr. and bjrs. Roy Il Ma,1957, he was Ruest artist these peregrinations. Stewart Van Camp, Mr. 4nd Mrs. Sâm Ar Nail was "flower boy", carry. Van Camp and M r. and tÉrs. r e ihthe New York Philhar- ing a beautiful bouquet of roses Gordon Van Campx, for -a few ,emonic Orchestra. which liad been sent ta Ray by days. e flackstage hu fiance, Miss Young, for hlm Mr. and Mrs. Sam Van Camp. t Carnegie conoert. Stewart, a accompanied by MrÉ. Depè*, [S With many others, we troop- tall, amiable Young maxn, look- Bowmanvifle, are spendirig a Il ed backstage to congratulate ed charming carrying the bou- few days with Sain Va Camp'. g aur Canadian pianist. At Ray's quet wliich Ray said gave hlm aunt in Maryland, U.S.A. f( e invitation. my husband and I inspiration at ecd intermis- IMr. and Mrs. Keith trow- el i went on with a small graup of sian. Ray also recaïved a langée neil and Donald, Finch, viàlted ' d friends to a party given for liini landful of congratulatary. tele- with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brow- t ï- by the officiais of Commidnitv grarns which lie hadn't liad neli last weelc. 1- Concerts. Alter this, wé called time ta read wlien we leit hlm. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jetfery 01 il it an evening and returned ta Perhaps it wouid hot be amnis. and Gary, enjoyed a motor trip io aur hotel, but Ray and his par- to say here that Ray's fiancée along tlie Seaway and t6 Ot- 1- ty went on ta a dinner at the la one of the . prettiest and tawa, and visited tièînds in ,home of Miss Mildned Difling. most charming girls wé have Pembroke returning lamé 'who is the "first lady of the ever met. and lier Southern thraugh Algonquinl Park àvèr - larp". accent is a deligît. the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Howrdà Bràd. ley and Mr.mdMs.Céi a Mils enjoyed a thrté-dày fft- SCounty Farmers' Unions t6rtrip truhNwYr nt MaÈtèr Briia Ëtadley yiaitàd with Mr. and Mr&. Bih Pi Hearý Ontario Presiden and famiyand hla grandrnio over the weekend. AtFetF liM eig Misses Barbara adJyea a At Frst F il M e ting il$ and brothers, spént thle weekend in Part Perry with 6 e The first meeting af the faîl thé implement industny and fil- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sliunk. 1 *season for the Durham mem- ty-seven and a quarter million1 The Evening Auxiiary will bers of the Ontario Farmers' dollars ai impléments were 1meet on Thursdlay. Oct. 21 at a Union was held as a countv man ufactured. In 1952, there 'thé home oi Mr$. Wallace Mun- 2 c 9 meeting in Cavan on Sept. 3ti weré 16,223 employées and the, day. - Swith a goad attendancé. Special, total production liad .iumiped ta iMn. and Mrs. John Warzaw- tguest af thé eveninigwa the one hundned and forty-nine ski, Oshawa, and Mrs. Kelthh provincial président, Mr. Gar- and a hall' million dollars, ne'Biekie and famiiy, Bawman- don Hill ai Varna, who was in- stated. vile, visited witli Mr. and Mrs.a :troduced by Mr. Lewis- Wood, Criticizé, Gaverntnent F'i'd Wright.F ,the county dit-ector. Ciiimo he ééa o- Mn. and Mrs. Don Sloggétt i Mr. Hill thanked the direc- rtcs ftc ea o- and family visited witli Mr, anda tors and mémbérs for thé a-érniment and some Members ai Mrs. John Noble and iamily *onB p tie wrk onedurng he ac- Panliament came into Mr. Hili'à udy - yerkd one durnthe past a ddres. He d.clared that Prime 1Su. nd Ms Rsy.oi,1 yeas radotiino the reen-zto Minister Diefenbaker. lad pro- Carol, David and Bob, acdoam- dous growtliai the oaization mised parity prices for farmers, pAnied by Mr. Roy Tnoski spentJ whic nowhas 20 lcals Hépnior ta his élection, but aiter- thé wéekend wtiM.adMs dstated that thére have been wards. n Ms.0 forces trying ta discaurage the ad had established an 80 James Plain, Orangevillé. -farmers from arganizing, forces percent pàrity ceiling, with the Mn. and Mrs. C. Barr spent fi which latér aften many méet- support pricés going only tý the wéekend with her parents,v e ings, have become active su- the processars. Hé descnibed Mn. and MrÈ. Alfred Tenthorey, L 0 otr n imesa h the actions of M.P's. At.coim- L'Amble, Ontario. tania Farmérs' Union. mté etns sepnra- Mn. and Mrs. G. Martin and V Thé work af thé Farmers' Un- ing comics or novéls. That is Lirida, werè Suniday dinnen !on was dealtwith ful1y by the 1 the way they earni théir $10 ,000 guésts oi Mrs. Wonden, Èaw- speaker, who described thé an-1 a year. Praise was voiced tor manville.L nual représentation made ta Mr. Pearson anid thé nteémbers Mn. and MrS. C. Martin and si the~~~~ AgiutnoCfnltea the opposition for thé i n-. Linda, wene Tlianksgiving 13 thi giutrlCoffite f teres t in *improving thé tr-,uet fM.ndM.A.. rthe House ai Commons and othen n' oito,1iimàse i linstieofand.Dandle, ). d présentations made ta acquaint ýespstô,Wt PCa hiteadDree po.I governnients with farméers' pro-1 word af pralse ion CCP léadén iMr-. and Mrs. Lloyd White- blems. Mn. Hill also gavé hîs, azn Argue, wha, lie descrlb-, man, Oshawa, spent ',h ankggiv- vie*s on marketing boards éd as an expenienced farmen ing with Mn. and Mrs. Jack ewhich, hé said, hélp the faar n d té0oly M.P. quà1lied ta Whitemnan.8 ensbu cn o nthng antahk on agriculture li the House Mn. and Mrs. Jack WhitemanB e es bt cn d nthig isotrlof Cammons. Mn udywt i ohr ras setting prices is concérnedsenSuaywtlimter pbecause they were nat able tc 1He complained that goveri-! Mrs. Pearl Whlteman. negotiate witli processors. As a. ment action'ta increàsé thé sub- 'Mn. and Mn.. Ken Kuhnke result, gavernmént interven- sidy for gald minera by' twen-, and Bette Ellen, were weèkend tion must be rélied upon in ty-five per cent hâd received g uésts ai lis parents, Mn. and some cases. only smaîl print li the papers, Mns. Charles Kuhnke, Douglas. Et Should Work With Labor but whén Panliament gavé a* Mn. and Mrs. Wahhr Bath- Mm-. Hill described fully thé $1.00 per seeded acre subsldy. well entertained 1Cr mothen, tresons why farmers and la- Up ta a maximum of $200 per Mms. William Tonkin, on thé barshul wrkt9eterii afarmer, this news lit many occasion ai ber birtliday lasi comnian cause. Two thirds' aofrotpgs ndy Mn. WaUly and Norm Both- thé labor'farce are farmers on In canclueion, thé speaker' well weré on a hunting trip at- .»ons.-and daugiters of relatives stressedi---tt-me ed for fanmérk' Sams Lake. > f férmers, lie deciared, ail In- ta. join togethér in organizing! Mna. B. Wiséman, Torônto. tenested in impmoving thé stand- ta look aiten their own~ business.' visited lien nièce, Mnm.WIlly ard ai living for evéryoné. Thé Farmérs must educate them-, Bothwell. implement industry's develop- selves not only In agriculture,, Mn. and Mns. Mél Holmés anc' ment sincé 1945 shows that la- but alâa in thé business af sell- fam ily, spent thé weekend at bar is flot the main reason fan1 îng on thé home and world mar- thein cottage at Matawaska. Sthé increased cost ai farm ma-, kets. This can bést be doné Mrs. Etta Haihatane, Madoc. chinery which has jumpéd the, thm-augh an orgânizàtiont- suci spent a few days with lier dàu- farmers' production casts. In1 as thé Farinera' Union, sald Mn. ghter, Mns. Èàd Holmea. 1945, 13,554 were employed in Hill. Mn. and Mm-s. Ran MeC&rthy. ___________________________________________ Rackingha , N. S., vitlted with Mr. and es. S. Russell. Sunday visitons of Mr. and Mrs. S. Russell were Mr'. àad f ~Mii. R. Westaway, Mn. and The (Irono NSewvs Mns. Bert Douglas, Cameron,- and Mr. anid Mm-s. Erie Freèborn. Telehone127Lindsay. Telehont127Mn. and Mrs. Tom HM ain'm d ______________________ familY, South Monaglân, were wekn uestg of Mn. and Mn.. Mr. and Mn.. W. W. Watt and Churdli nean St. Mary'.Jim Li-£v emty. daugîten spént thé holiday Mr..and Mns. 'E. J. Hénidenson Ms o ols i n wekn ih n.Wt' pr Miaultn sàwvétd chael, Minden, spen't thé ,,weeken with Mr. WattweekrndanwithghMrs. Tom Colliit. enta, Mn. and Mrs. T. G. Stewart, Mn. and Mn.. Orville Chatten.- wMkn 'with Mrs omé, osawa. Toronto. tan and Canol on Tlianksgiving visitéd witl Mn. and Mt&. J. Miss Marjonie Haitige, Toron- Manday. 'ois t x, Mn1ad7m-.Clas -WA Mr*. Noral JaneH-nc ck, Mn. adM. aadW Arduie Watson. Mn.. Watson, S coti. *a58ny orj1 ,IJItviiie. Bety An nd army.'r0 an UitdCurl Chuncli servicè on Sunday took Mn. and Mn.. Albert Arnold, nivérsany Service wiil bé held thé iandm ai Harveat tnkàlv-o Toronto, visited Mn. and Mn. next Sunday, Octâber l9th. Rév. snervied wats whattondae. Na Robt. tliancôck anid fiamlly On A. G. Donald liai a widé back- af Cadmus anniveraary. Satunday. ground of expérience. He holda Mn. and Mro. Gea. Kerrand Miss F. Cuttéli, Toronto; Miss Militam-y Cmoas for outstandlng BrcYletà,o udy Aima Cuttéhi wlth Mn. and Mrs. service during World Wan 1. Hée 0 evrô.o udy J. C. Gamey spént thé weekend lias alaô had a succesà l col and n.adMrs. Ptrîpl Ma at thé Golden Pheàsant badge, en as newspàpenre"porter and cl .-dalyPtbnugi, Huntsville. boy'. workén. ms wèîî as a and Mr$. Raé Malcolm af Jan- Mrs.RuthElla Hamm Blew- îruitîul ministry ià hesrvc etvilii an Môndày viuited wlth Mn,.fRtte service Mn..mnd Mrs. Vie Malcolm said étt, wîfe of Mr. Athur J. Blew- itéChrhfamîîy. étt, passéd away in lier 8Ist L__________ . Joblin visltèd with Mn. and yéar at Mémnorial Hospital, Bow- m.LodHneJriad manville, an October 9th. Fu- M P E G O E 'Nlor ey nSud. eral was on Saturday irn M PLmRO E Mi. LlrndetitBronJandMis*fl Onono United Churcli. Inter-.n metf anmdMs Iment Onano Cemétery. Mn. and Mrs. Sami Castle,,Manie Marlowe, Osaa, wee Mn. and Mn.. C. V. Wilson Paul and Rodger. Peterborough, weekend visitons of Dr. A. P. and iamnily spent the long weék- Mr. and Mrs. William Mornison Bowles and Mns. Mackie. end at their cottage, Mink bake. and Hanry, Misses Mary Souti-1 Miss Hazel Camscadêft. BOw-1 Mr-. and Mrs. Frank Wenry, weli and Susan Campbell, OsI-imanville, ià staylng with Mn.. 71rnvisted Mn. and Mm.. D. awa' weré Sunday visitons witl Mackie and othen fiinds end TyanMns. L. C. 'Snowden. irelative. ion a féw day. G. Hoapén an Monday. Mn. and Mms. J aclcIlllidgé and 1 Mn. and Mrs. W. G. Bawléo Mm-s. J. E. Richards spent Sun- sons, Mn. and Mn.. W. A. Me- Ivisfted lis dauglitet, Mn. and day with Mn. and Mm.. A. Ancl- Master, Mr. and Mns. R. A. D!c- 1 Mnm. D. Sheep, Barrie. en and iamily. Lindsay. Intyné. Mary and Sandy, To-,i Dr. B. P. Bowlés, Mi',. Mackit Mn. and Mn.. Reg Suttan. onta, were Thanksgiving visit- i and Miss. Hazel Canscadon viait- Grimsby Beach, upent thé long ons with Mn.. L. C. Snowden ed with Mn. and Mm-%. W. Han- wéékénd witli Miss Bertha Mn. and Mm. C;! ii JefiérÏY nah and Mm-s. Sialon, Bétliany,. Cain. attended thé Golden Wédding onMndy Mm-.and rs.Wm. Mitchell l Anniversary célébration for Mr., __________ spent the %wéékend with and _Mns. He ~ri.~..e. fMr il XlTWi~~d ons.éer ifrhoe on Satur- Whateven enlan*eà love willl jMr. MithellIwas guest goiôit day, evening. aisô exait éou.rmgo - S#Muenlj Ron Brooks Tells W.. Story of Egg Hatchery Màple Grave: President Mrs. Iloward Cryderman conducted the business af the October meet- ing of Maple Grove Womnen's rInstitute. Roll cail: IName an lndust- riai plant I would like ta visit" wras iairly well answered. Sev- eral notes were read thanking lhe members for work of the Éood neighbars' committee. Mii. Howard Bradley and MIrs. Morley Fintoff, committee aor the liospital canvass, repart- ed $261.13 coilected. A motion was carried to give a donatian to the Girl Guide and Brownie organizatian. Following reàdlng of area convention resolutiotis, ageneral discussion took place befôre a motion waà carried ta ive deleitàtes votiftg power on Mr$.F. A. Stevèns of Canàd- ian Industriès and Agriculture standing coimittée, taok the LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrm.Géorge Van Dlith wrere Sunday caliera at Mr. and MvIs. W. Vaneyk's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Peniwarden and Anne and Ms. b. Penwar- den were Fniday evening visit- ors at Mr. and Mrs. Morley Kel- lét's, Janetvillé. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brown, and Lindà were Saturday sup- per guests at Mr. and Mrs. E. Penwarden's. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson were M'onday dinner guests at Mr. and Mns. J. R. Parkinsons, !enella. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson and Jean, Tyrotie, -and Eileen Begley, Bowmanville, were Sun- day visitors at Mn. and Mrs. Bill Johnson's. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Smith and Jackie, Ajax, were Monday visit- ors at Mr. and Mrs. McLaggan's. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cook and family, Oshawa, weré Sundây visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Mc- ELaggan's. Briari Sm~ith, Ajax, spent the weekend with Murray MeLag- gan. Mrs. A. M~ortson 4nd Mr. H. E.axton, Troronto, were Frlday suppèr kuests at Mr. and Mrs. D. Dan ielson's. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron anid Raymond were Sunday suppèr guests at Mr. and Mrs. Murray Adams', Bowmanvllo. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Adams, 3owmanville, and Mt. and Mrs. R. Cameron attended Norwood ,air on Monday and also. visited fniends in 'Peterborough. Sandra, Gibson spent the wéekend with lier sister, M~rs. Johin Wrighit, Bethany. chair for ýhe eroerm.' Mns. A . Banés rndad n article on the motta "Don't whlne, make- it shine," whlch was pncpared by Mn.. Stuart Morton. Faces act as windows fain which aur souls look out; when lufe is livéd near ta Gad thèse windows ah lac. Just as sparkling win- dows give a lift ta tic bouse- kéeper, so à shining face givés out thée.helplul lift along thé road ai 111e. This fine motta concludéd wîth a veny appra. pmhté poein. Mra. Stephen Doyle gave two humoraus readings "Thé Feathér Beds" and "Whén Paw in Sick." Mm-. Rani Brooks gavé an in- teresting histony of artificiai hat- ching aiflien eggs and with thé assistance ai Mm-a. Brooks sliow- cd pictunes of thé différent éléc- trie latching cabinets witli in- tenion vîéws which havé béen and are usèd at thein Omchiandi Hatchery. 15ictumes wene also shown of thé modem-n laying house built this yéam- to replacé thé anc destroyed by fine. Mr'. Brooks was pleaséd ta answm- question. iollawing genéral talk an thé poultry business which was ai valué ta thé consumera ai éggs and poultry. Mns. Stevens thankéd Bon. ane of aur promninent Junior Fariner., an ibehaîf of thé mem- bers and comnientéd mast tav- orably on lis ability, as a speak- er. Refreshments were sémvéd by thé committée in change whîle a social timé was enjoyed. STARK VILLE Saturday aternnon a wedding ai interest was obaervéd in New- tonvillé' United cdurci wlen Mm-. Raymond Tnim ai this com- munity and MisÈ Marié Brown of Newtoniilé wére united in manniagé by Bey. R. C. White. Best wishés are extended by al ta Mn. and Mm-s. Trim. Thé anniversany service at Shiloh Suniday aftennoon was welh Attended. Newtonville clair supplied spécial music wiicli wàs gnéaàtly appreciated along witli a Ëolo by Mm-s. Laie Stapheton. Rev. E. C. Kèlloway, Cabàurg taok as lis subject "Thé Incredible God". Flowegro fat thé occAioni wem-e thosé fram thé Trim-Brown wédding. Mm-s. W. Prouse, Mn. Chanlie Prousé, Osaca and Miss Noreen Prouse, Toronto were guests with Mr. and Mm-s. Morley Rat- insori Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. C. Yulé and Di- ane, Oshawa at Mn. Wm. Sa- ,ey'. Mn.. Walden and famlily, Hamn- ilton andl Miss B. Williams, Tar- onto, were holiday visitors at Mr. Fred Todd's. Mn. an&Mrs. A. Turner, New- castle, Miss Norma HalloweU and Miss Gwen Stark at Mr, Lhew Hallawell'a Sundaý. Mn,. G. Smith, Mm-s. I. Fat- row, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Wihlis Farrow, Newtonville at Mr. Percy Fannow's aftér ser- vice at Shiloli. Mn. and Mm-s. C. Hoît, Torôntis visted lier mother, Mn.. F. Stône. Mn. and Mrs. Bnian Caswell at Mn. Alec Martin's, Newcastle, Saturday evening. Mn, and Mm-s. Albert Rôgknm and chldrcn, Oshawa ipeht Sunday at Mn. M. Shutka's ànd Miss Olga Tnimble and fiind. Oshiawa were guests on Monday. ELIZABETH VILLE On Wédnesday evéning wé hâd aur turkéy suppèr. Evényone was kept busy most ai thé Cv- ening. Our only disàâpéixt- ment was that the Male Quar- tette tailéd ta appean but Mm-à Wright ably f illéd in with in- strumentals an thé organ. On Tuesday and Wédnesday Mrs. McAllistén and Mn.. TVik- son atténdéd thé course* at Bowmanvillé for ôur new unit, "Working Wlth Wool." Mn. and Mm-s. O. Mércee àt- tendéd Simcoé Faim- &n Satur- day. Mm-s. FOwlér la visting mtt E. Fowlen's. Mr. and Mm-s. E. Fow- ler lad a Tha?.iksgiving dinref Sunday. On Monday théy spent the day with Mn. and Mm-s. Tiickson's. Mn.. Sam MeMiilan held a. ifamily gathering aven thé week- end, thé last at the fanm, as théy are having a sale Oct. 25. Mn. and Mns. Ken Tréw and ,fat- ily, Mn. and Mm-s. Bertrain Tnew and family, Sudbury; Mn. and Mns. G. 'réw and ftmily, Mn. and Mm-s. Smith and f arnly and Mm-. and Mm-s. Churchlèy and son, Part Hope, wém-é there. Miss Donna Mencén. Alan Mer- cen and Béryl Thickson, Tbn- anta, spent thé wéékénd àt honie. Mn. and Mm-s. b. Muldréw ànd daugîter Marilyn, Oshawa; Mn. and Mm-s. W. Muidréw, Oshawa. spent thé weékend in thé vil- lage. Marilyn braugît à girl friénd with hem-. Miss Canal Elliatt, Oàiimwa, had Miss Gloria Qumnttiilfor thé wéekénd. Thickson's lad a sack hôo on Friday evéning for thé young folk ta welcome Béryl homeé. Mns. Norm Smith and famiy lavé arrivèd main Blggar, Sâ*k., and are spéndîng a inanth vitit- ing in Belleville, Tomonto,. dar- dén Hil and hère. Mns. Smithi is thé daugîtèn o! Mn. and Mnr& Lockwood'. 105erM bd. It. 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