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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1958, p. 2

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Never before has an automobile manu- facturer made such sweeping changes two in a row. An~d neyer before has any car been new like this one. The 1959 Chevrolet is more than a restyled car - more, even, than a com- pletely new car. It's your kind of car. Shaped to reward your new taste in style. Designed to anticipate your desire for greater roominess and comfort. Engineered for greater safety, econo- my, case of handling and smoothness of ride.. Your first ook shows you that Chev- rolet says new like nobody else. New Slimline design brings entirely new poise and proportion to automobile st3 ling. Inside the new and roomier Body by Fisher you'fl find truly tastef ut elegance. And you'll have clear seeing from every seat. The new Vista-Panor- amie windshield curves overhead - and there are bigger windows ail around. (Intended for last week)1 Induction service for Rev.1 Ronald Harold Love was at-I tended by many members of Kedron congregation on. Thurs- day evening. The service was conducted by Rev. John K. Moffat. with the sermon prea- ched by Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson, and music bv Columbus choir directed by Mrs. Wallace Scott. Following tbe service, a recep- tien was held wben Mr. and Mns. R. E. Lee and Mr. and Mrs. E. Powell intreduced members of the congregatiens te Mr. and Mn.. Love, who were welcomed in their new pastoral relationsbip. On Sunday morning, Rev. R. H. Love conducted bis first cburch service at Kedron. Miss H-azel Rundie cf Oshawa, was soloist, and was accompanied by Mrs. Ross Lee at the organ. On Wednesday evening the Woman's Association met at the home of Mrs. Ross Les with several visitons and mnembers present. Mrs. William Woodt- ward led the devotienal period, with Mrs. Starr pianist. Pro- When you take the wheel, you begin to find that Chevy's newness goes down deep. A new steering ratio makes handling easier. New suspension engi- neering givcs you a more stable ride. There's a sweet new edition of Turbo- -]ide.* Eight V8's plus a new Hi-Thrift 6 that goes and goes on a gallon. New and bigger brakes. Even new tires! 't THUP.SDAY, OCT. 16th, 1131 S~GE TWOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAY<. ROWMANVfl.LE, ONTAIO A letter frcm the Bowman- ville Publie School Board was read at the meeting of Bow- manvile Town Council on Mon- day, Oct. 6th. The board inform- ed the counicil that It was con- templating purchasing proper- ty in the North End of the town from Wilfrid Carruthers for a inew Publie School site. The communication asked *bout streets that might b. ex- tended, or opened to service the new sehooi and the surround- ing area. There was discussion concerning plans for the exten- lion of present streets. and the possibility of new ones. The Town Council was un- animous in the beliet that care- fui planning pmust precede any comrrtment regarding such atreets because houses built arounci the school property should face the school. It was moved and carried that Coun- cillor Jack Brough and Works Foreman Lloyd Quinten meet with the Bowmanville Publie School Board and the town sol- icitor on the matter. Councillor Lloyd Preston and Councillor A. H. Sturrock weri aponted te represent the Town Cou4ncil at a dirnpr to be held in Port Credit, and to attend the following meeting when means to prevent pollution of Lake Ontario will be discussed. A communication was receiv- r' LF. uuINT ed from Ken Morris, secretary- manager, cf the .Bowmanvile Chamber cf Commerce. The let- ter refenred te the possibility that certain by-laws may need te be repealed or amended, andj volunteered that directors of the chamber would if Coundil se desired form a committee te go over the by-laws. The letter aise suggested that members of the Chamber o! Commerce Board wouid be wilI- ing te serve on a traffie advis- ory committee with Police Chie! Kitney. Councillor Ivan Hobbs said while he appreciated the offer he felt that the people most -n- volved should sit in when the by-laws were checked ovcr. Councillor Hobbs moved that the Town Clerk check through the by-iaws and refer them teoi Town Council. This was se- concled by Councillor O. J. Pres- son, and carried unanimnously. On the second section Mayor Nelson Osborne observed that it would be wise te obtain more information on the propose.d make-up and method of opera- tiens of the proposed traf tic ad- visory committce before its fer- ma tion. Reeve Wilfrid Carruthpri moved that the pelice adminis- tration cornmittee obtain tbe ne- cessary information regarding personnel and eperatien o! such a committee, study the matter, and bring a report te the next meeting of the Bowmanvile Town Council. KEDRON Dr. H. C. Stevens' Honoured by FeIIow Vets. Three mnembers of the Health o! Animais Department, Dr. J. E. Hendry, Dr. AUln Steele, and Dr. Ivan Woolsey, entertalned at a dinner on Saturday, Oct. 4tb, at Dr. Hendry's residence, King Street East, in honour o! Dr. H. C. Stevens Oshawa, a retired member. Members of the de- partment and their wives, and other veterinarians fromn Dur- hamn and Ontario County were gueits. Lovely auturan flowers de- corated the rooms, and a buf- fet dinner was served. Dr. Ste- vens was made the recipient of a mantel radio by his friends. The presentation was made by Dr. D. C. MacKay. Whitby. A corsage of beautiful red roses was presented te Mrs. Stevens. A special surprise reunion was arranged for Dr. Stevens with a fellow mnember of the same graduating cIassý from the Ontario Veterinary College, Dr. H. G. McDonald, Beddeck, Na- va Scotia. This reunion had been planned by Dr. R. G. Cowie. OBITUARY FRED A. PEDWELL Fred A. Pedwell, brother of Harold C. Pedwell o! Newcas- tle, died recently at his home in Tbernbury, Ontario. Bunial wvas in the Union Cernetery, Thornbury, following service in bis late residence conducted by the Rev. R. T. Gibson, nec- toc of St. George's Anglican Churcb. Clarksburg. Palîbearers were Harry AI- lan o! Thornbury and five members o! the Pedwell Plant in Orillia. namnely Messrs. Art Pedwell, F. Hodgkinson, Ruden Cook and Seuthwarcl. Though Mn. Pedwell lias net been well for some tinie, his passing, in bis 69th year, came as a shock te bis !amily. The impressive and solemn service, the bost o! beautiful floral tokens and the presence .f many friends and acquaint- ances of this wvell known and esteemed resident, gave recog- nition te the bigh values of ritizensbip and integrity which the late Fred Pedwcil exempli- lied. Long associated in business with the Pedweil Lumber 0o. of Oillia. in which bis eider brother Milton was the head. the deceased was well versed In lumberlng and bis counzel gneatly valued. Of late years he and bis wlfe had become inter- eâted in the cause cf cancer re- lief. and aided in the organiza- tion cf society interests in the district. He was aise a faithful mnember cf St. George's Church and served on several boardi. He was the younxest in a famnilv o! eight children born te the late ex-warden, of Grey County, Henry Pedwell and M.ns. Pedwell. Le! t ta mourn bis passing are bis wife. the former Hazel Menerary; ance daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Read (Gladys) of Bobcaygeon, two grandchildren, Fred and Mary Jane Read: a sister and two brothers, Mrs. Clara Siade of Torono, A-hford ef Owen I Snunod andi Harold C. of New- caie.. Nrews the bist Inh h 9tnco.fort *ED'TRADEMARKED FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE Yu con b. swe y,, ore g.fftln the world's fines# bord coat! Remembuthee s conomny ln quallly. A*k for it lodayl STOVE - NUT - PEA - BRIQUETS FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW AND SAVE STEPHEN F UELS PHFONE MA 3-5410 s.njIfu Office at C.N.R. Yards purchase of gas Vigor Oil SERVICE STATION CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Double Stamp Day Evsry Tue8day -Comae Out and Seo Our Dlsplay of Giftz - Complets Lubrication at a Reasonabis Frics STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION SIN IEKN M DSUNATS May Buy Property For New Public School ln Town's North End1 ROY W. NICHOLS Legion Ladies Auxiliary HoId lIth Birthday Party gram which had been arranged by the hostess, featured Miss i Bernice Chapman cf Toronto, who was introduced by Mrs. T. Sobil. Miss Chapman, who has re- sumed her position on the To- ronto Public School Staff, spent the past twc years teacbing in Germany. While there, she was privileged te enjoy varieus trýps which included one to Russia. Over 100 pictures. wbicb tiae speaker had personally taken.1 were shown te illustrate a m.ost intcresting address on the U.S. S.R. Appreciatien was express- ed to Miss Chapman, after many questions had been an- swered for the audience. Vice-president Mrs. W. Wood- ward, conducted a lengthy bu- siness period. Hostesses with Mrs. Lee were Mrs. B. Hit- chens, Mrs. J. Dyck and Mrs. H. Werry. Doubles Club met at Kedron on Saturday evenîng. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Maidman. Mr. and Mrs. W. Snowvden were amorig those who teck charxe cf thne evening's prcgram. Hypnotibt Harry Ross, was the feature~d entertainer, and Ben Hitcbens, Ted Maidman, Wayne and Wal- ter Parks, were assistants, with ail four being put te' sleep. Orchard men in the area are busy harvesting a fine crop of apples, cf exceptionaliy good quality, and those wvlo f ill their silos with corn are engaged in silo filling. l William Mountjoy is beincg wished a speedy recovery rom* surgery on Monday in the Shouldice Hospital. Mrs. F. Werry and Wilrna accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Werry to Beaverton on Wednesday where they were guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jebson. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Love and son Neil, have returned from- a holiday trip te Boston. through the New England States. J. Francis, Mrs. B. Receves and Mrs. E. Mountjoy plan te attend sessions this week for Sunday School teachers in Whitby 'United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry with Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Moffatt were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Al- len at their cottage on Lake Kushog. Mr. and Mns. George Knowles and Carclyn, and Jay Neill, Whitby, Mr. C. Kncwles and Lorraine, Oshawa, were Sun- day guests cf Mr. and Mrs. William Snowden. Mrs. Foster Snewdert ha. ac- companied her daughter, Mrs. James Pengelly and cbildren Jimmy, Muriel and Joe, te their home in Kapuskasing. A d*iihtfullY arranged Birthday Party was held by the Bowmanville Auxiliary te the Canadian Legion qn Monday Oct. 6th. More than 70 memn- bers enjoyed the annual event. A deliciaus turkey dinner was servecl by the Tartan Club who catered. The head table was centred with a silver basket of red and yellow roses and lighted by taîl tapers in crystal candle- sicks. Red, white and blue run- ners alonx the table added te the gala effect and gold letters3 along the front cf the table Plan Mer if Awards Merit awards will be gziven by the Bowmaenville Chan-bc:r o! Commerce te retail me- chants and manufacturers in Ëbit1 town wbc carry eut renovation1 or expansion projccts. The! awards will be presented at the annual mectin., o! the Bowman- ville Chamber o! Commerce at the first of next ycar. Announcement regarding the menit awards was made by Ken Morris, the secretary-manager,1 followig a meeting o! the boar d cf directors cf the Bewman- ville Cbamber of Commerce held recently. Plans were dis- cussed at the meeting for en- couraging commercial and ma.'- ufacturing erganizations te mo- dernize and expand the town. It was felt that the menit awards would be an incentive. ing the mnemb.rS of thé Port Hope Auxiliary's executive to the event. Comrade Mavin then spoke cf the csuarterly meetings of the joint executivez of Branch l'id of the Canadian Legion and the Ladies' Auxiliary te the Legion. He said the meetings are or value, ana give opportunities te discuss matters of mutual ut.- terest. cloth forrned the words '«Hap- py Birthday". The other tables were centred \vith crystal bowls of mxarigolds. The members were delightc-d with the costume jeyellery la- veurs they received. The president, Comrade Ann Piper, presided and others at the head table were the four Comrade special guests, Cern- rade LePage, president of Port Hope Auxiliary; Comrade Ab Mavin, president of Branch 178 cf the Canadian Legien; Com- rade Ed Rundle, the vice-pre- sident of 178. and Cern- rade Jack Knight, president of the Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band; Comrade Rose Bate, Zone Commander cf tbe Auxiliary; the following past presidents, Comrade Florence Knîght, 0cm- rade Edythe Rundle. and Coin- rade Ruby Palmer, the lst vice- president, Comnrade Helen Wâi- lis; 2nd vice-preside1i, Cern- rade Dot Fair, and the secre- tary, Comrade Audrey Bate. Comrade Ann Piper welcom- ed the executive of the Port Hope Ladie:ý' AuxiliarY te the Canadlian Legien and the othr special guests. She called on Comracle Annie Wright in wvbuýc housce the Bowvnanville Branca of the Ladlies' Auxiliary wvas formcd, toecut the Au3iliary's i2tb Birthday Cake. Comnrade Wright expressi appreciation cf the honour, and wished the Bowmanville Ladies' Auxiliary te tbe Canadian Le- gion many more ycars o! happy usefulness. Cemrade Ab Mavin thankcd the Auxiliaryv on bebalf cf Coin- rade Ed Rundie, Comrade Jack Knight and hiniseif for the Lii- vitations. He said it is wonder- ful te celebrate the Auxiliary's birthday every year with such an enjoyable l)arty. He aise ex- pressed approval cf the cern- radeship demonstrated i invit- Takes Over àt Glory. Ann'e Mrs. Charles Nesbitt is the new manageress cf the Glory Anne Shoppe on King Street West. Mns. Nesbitt succeeds Mrs. Bob Davies wvho se capabiy and pleasantly filled this posi- tion for several years. Mrs. Nesbitt is well known te many in town, and particu- larly ta Bowmanville shoppers. taîl. blonde, -pleasant yowig For the pust tive years she bas chap who assIsts Manager Cutit. been cauhier at Yeo's Meats bert McDonald. and Groceries. Somne years a-Io- _______ Mrs. Nesbitt worked in the la- MONUIMENTS AND dies' department cf the Couch. IEQULT Johnstou and Cryderman store, FN ULT where she assîsted Mrs. Sid MARKER!% Scott. Her experience in that. lire of work in addition to ber years of meetingc the publie fU~ should fit her wcll for ber new $TAFFORD position. \AFJ rts Mn. ad Mrs Nesbtt an twe sens, Gary and Ross, mov- ed te Bowmanville frem Nes- tieton 17 years acge, purch-asing a home on Scugog Street. About five years ego, they built a new home on Scugog", just south of Hampton. Mr. Nesbitt has been with the Bowmanville plant of Goodyear Tire and Rubben for several years, and Ross. axe 13, is also employed there. Gary. who is 21. is known te Domn- inion Store shoppens as thtb Door prizes were woil bv Comrade Beryl Hughes, Cern- rade Audrey Bate. Comrado Gwen Gibson, Cornrade Frani- ces Bruce, and Comrade Mar- garet Pernis. Comrade Susie Graham an'd Comrade Dorothy Richards and Cemrade Hilda Humphrey were the entertalnment convenors and bcd planned an excellent program of gamesq and amuse- ment. Comrade Ruth Osborne was the winner of the Hula Hoop contest, Comrade Gwveî Gibsen woni the Lucky Spot prize. and Comrade Audrey Fletcher wvon the paper plate scramble. The break the balloon centest wvas wvon hy Comrade Florence Knight and Comrade Dot Fair. The euchre prizes were won by Comrade Atnie Wright and Comrade Violet Sornerscales. Prizes for the fancy dress game were won by Comrade Ann Piper and Cernt- rade Edythe Rundle. Mrs. Nesbit There's stiil more! A new Magic-Mirror finish that keeps its shine without wax- ing or polishing for up to three years New. Inipala models. Wonderful new station wagons - including one with a rear-facing rear seat. And, with al that's new, you find those fine Chevé rolet virtues of economny and practi. cality. Stop in flow and sec the '59 Chevrolet. *Exfira-<os optior. Bel Air 4-Door Se-dan - new right down to its tires, Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Cars - ChievrÇ»',,)Truckg Bowmanville Courtice e e -% * ~ Uts O.K., w. have a X * ~' telephone Un sur bedr@Om tee e * e e e e e e e e e e e e ______ e e e e e e e * e * e To order, cail your * telephone business office. C ee e ~ Staff ord Brou. Monumental Wsrhm 318 Dundas St. E. Wbtby Phone Whitby MOhawk 8-35U~ what Canaida wants, Canada gets 'tr a Cliete. 159 CHEVuOLET VI :wO It's shaped Io the modern Canadian faste with a lean, clean silhouette, cris p new contours, beaud-( fully restrained accents. fI brings you more spaciousness and com fort with a new Rody by Fisher« It has a bright new sheen - a new kind of finish that keeps ifs lustre ivithout waxing for up to three years. New bigger brakes. fast new areas of visibiifty. New Hi-Thrijt 6. New handling ease and road steadiness. It's new right down to the tires! Freel Freel BLACK DIAMOND, STAMPS with every Att NEW Att OVER AGAINI - I 1

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