?HUESDAY, OCT. lOth, 1958 ~. CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARYn PAflU U'TVU The first Senior Citizens' meet- ing of the 1958-9 season was C ~reld at the Lions Community ~ê Centre Onî TVesday evening. Oct- ober 7&.gLnd was well attended by abd' sixty members. Mrs. Elmer Banting, acting as Mistress of Ceremonies, *opened the meeting iy wlcoming ai] lormr members, and extending a very special welcome to a ziumber of friends attending for the first time. Mrs. Banting flnf intnoduced Mrs. A. A. Mer- J. H. ABERNETHY PAINT AND WALLPAPER 33 Ki"a st. W. MA 3-5431 FNWWCAI .kley, wbo accompanied by Mr. 5M. Beaton at the piano, gave a beautiful recital of two fav- ourite old songs "Sunrise and You" and "Love's Garden of 3Roses". These were thoroughly 1enjoyed iDy everyone present. 1Following this Mn. Fornest Dil- >ling pnesented some films of the Bowmanville Centennial parade and other festivties, plus. some lovely views of Ontario and New York State beauty spots, ne- viving happy memories of the past summer. Af ter thanking Mrs. Merkley and Mr. Beaton for the lovely musical interlude and Mr. Diii- ing for bis interesting pragram, Mrs. Banting intnoduced Mns. George White, newiy elected presidnt of Club -5, to the group. Mrs. White, after adding ber welcome to the Senior Citzens, went on to thank two ladies for donating card tables for use at the meetings thîs year, and also thanked those. members who had -handd in "Betty Crocker" box tops which Club 15 are collect- ing to raise money towards5 buying more needed card tables. The meeting then divided up in to groups for cards, crokinole and other games, whiie Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson conducted a dis- cussion group in the Green Room. Mrs. Hutchînson described her recent trip ta Scotiand this; summer, and evenyone who beard ber was full of praise for ber vivid recoilections, many remarking that it was the next best tbing ta being there. The meeting closed with the serving of lunch by the spon- soring gnoup, Club 15, assisted by vanlous ladies from the Sen- ior Citizens. It is bard ta decide wbich group gets the most en- joyment fnom these evenings togethen. Peace is the golden wisp that binds the sheaf of blessings.- Kathenine Lee Bates. NADIANS. cliasses in BASIC ENGLISH AND CITIZENSHIP begin Th5pu4ay, Oclober 23xd - 8 peme Central Public School Sponiored by PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD ONTARIO VOTE- UNDER LIQUOR LICENSE ACT, Town of Bowmanville NOTICE OF REVISION OF VOTERS' LISTS PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 74, of the Voters' Lists Act, 1951, of the revision of the Voters' Lists for the Town of Bowsnanville. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that sittings will be held by the Revising Officer at the times and place set forth in the schedule hereinafter set out. Any person qualified to vote at the pending vote under the Liquor License Act to be held on the l9th Day of November, 1958, in the Town of Bowmanville, and whose name bas been omitted from, or incorrectly entered in, the enumerators' lîst of voters, is called upon to attend at the times and place hereunder mentioned for the purpose of having his name enrolled upon the Voters' List to be used at the said vote. Complaints which have been properly filed with reference to names wrongfully entered upon the enum- enators' lists will be heard at these sittings. Voters' Lists for the Town of Bowmanville have been posted at vanjous places witbin the said town anid will also be open for public inspection at the office of the Town Clerk at Bowmnanville during office bour s from this date until the 3rd day of November, 1958. SCH EDU LE., Sittinga will be held. for ail Folnt Sub-dlvlsions In the Town of Bowimanville between the hours of il a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on WEDNESDAY, THE 29th DAY 0F OCTOBER, 1958. and between the houri of il a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on MONDAY, THE 3rd DAY 0F NOVEMBER. 1958, in the Council Chamber lu the Town Hall in the Town of Bowmanville. Registration and Revising Officer JUDGE M. A. MILLER Clerk to Revising Officer A. J.LYLEow tnie e Clerk's Ofice, o anil Prepare Location for HistQric Plaque f HAYDON« Mn. and Mrs. Bent Ashton, Eddie and Lea, Mrs. Stan Wool- lîngs, Toronto, Mn. Henry Ash- ton, were guests at Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Read's on Thanksgiving Day. jMr. and Mns. M. Smiley and family, Hamilton, Mn. and Mrs. Clem Rahm and Allison, Miss Lily Tabb, wene visitors at Mn. and Mrs. Roy Grabam's on Thanksgiving Day. Dr. and Mrs. Cornigan and family, Tm~onto, spent the *weekend with Mn. and Mns. C. Rankine. MRshtMurie Brownlee, Mn. Ra* stn Leasidle, spent the weekend at Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Elgie and Ter- ry Thompson, Toronto, at Mns. W. Tbompsoi1. Mr . George Bertrim and Georgie, Taunton, spent the holiday with bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. M. Bertrim. Miss Knight attended the Teachens' Convention at Peter- borough on Friday and spent the weekend and holiday with ber sisten, Mr. and Mrs. K. Brown, Toronto. Mrs. W. Thompson and Gail Thompson spent Thanksgiving iwith Mr. and Mrs. Frank Os- mond, Bow manviile. Mrs. Lloyd Slemon attended the funenal of ber cousin at Port Huron, Michigan. 'Mr. and Mrs. Chanlie Gar- rard were Sunday dinnen guests of Dr. and Mrs. Mickle, at their cottage nonth of the village. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and famiiy, Mns. Edna McLau- Ighlin, Burketon, vîsited Mn. and Mrs. Harold Wight, Oshawa, on Sunday. jMn. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon at- tended Enfield Anniversary service Sunday. Mrs. K. Cowiing returned on Saturday evening frormn Mrs. D. Colbary's Santa Monica, Cali- fornia. Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Garrard wene supper guests at Mn. and Mrs. C. Garrard's Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray, were Sunday visitors at Mn. and Mrs. R. Or- mistoni's, Enniskillen. W.A. October meeting was held Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Ceci Slemon, Hampton, president. Mrs. Lloyd Slemon opened the meeting., Devotional was presented by Mrs. Arthur Thompson. Mrs. D. Cameron was in charge of program. Lynne Read played a piano solo. Mrs. A. W. Pres- cott spoke on "Are We. Good Stewards". Meeting closed and lunch was enjoyed. Plans were made for the W.A. Bazaar Ln Novemben. Sunday School and Church Service wiil be withdrawn on Sunday, it being Tyrone Thank- offering Service. lMr. and Mrs. H. M. Rice, Ri- verside. Mrs. C. Rice. Bowman- ville, visited Mn. and Mrs. D. Cameron nr. and Mrs. D. Camernn Iwere Sunday visitons at Mr. and 1 Mrs. C. W. Downey's. Shaw's. Canada is Near Top in Alcoholism IPresident Watson Kirkcon- neli of Acadia University iný Wolfvilie, N.S., says Canada is rapidly becoming "one of the most alcoholic of nations." He said Canada bas 200,000 alcoholics "with at least five each who suffer with and be- cause of him, hence 1,000,000 suffers. Dr. Kinkconneli was speaking *Thurs, ta 200 delegates attend- ing closing sessions of the Na- ftionai Convention of the Womn- en's Christian Temperance Un- joli. He said Canada's drinking population bas be en an a steady increase. In 1943, it was 59 per cent and 75 per cent in 1956. *The United States shows a de- dline, 67 per cent in 1945 and 1 5ý per cent last yean. "While we consume only 70. per cent as much been as Great Britain.. we drink 25 per cent more wine and nearly twice as much spirits." jPoliticians in power have corne ta feel that in solving bud- getary pnoblerns "tha' gold in them thar sti1Ja.99 Housewif e Rates Social . Register Can Join for $25 A local bousewife was -all-a-flutter last week. It's her last chance, the impressive letter said, but she might ascend to the permanent strata of upper society and have her name included in the Social Register of Canada. And she could buy her way in! For the insignificant sum of $25.00 (no, the mortgage isn't paid, a few bills are outstanding and shèe has no domestic help), the littie woman who operates in suburbia-can rise to fame over- niglit. She bas already received two letters from the Social Register in Montreal. She has to hurry. Time is limited as the first edition is scheduled for October 15, 1958. The first leter was flattering. It carefully omitted any mention of money. It said, in part: "In recognition of meritorious services to Canada: Your name and those of the members of your immediate family will be included in The Social Register of Canada, soon ta be published. "At this historic moment, when Canada's coming of age is implicit in the new responsibilities she is assuming all over the world, The Social Register of Canada is record- ing the names of those of her citizens whose social prestige is an irrefutab le warrant that they or their forbears have contnibuted significantly to her development. Must Be Gratifying "The inclusion of your name and those of the members of your immediate family has been initiated by a committee of arbiters whom we consider eminently well qualified to evaluate the social precedence of the citizens of your community. This must be very gratifying to you. And it is uniquely important to every member of your family." NE WTONVILLE Miss Alice Nesbitt of Toronto and Miss Ann Nesbitt of Osh- awa spent the holiday weekend at home. Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce attended the funeral of bis aunt, Mrs. Susie Sargent of May- nooth on Wednesday. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Moase of ,Lindsay and Mrs. Richard Moase of Toronto with Mrs. G. W. Jones on Fniday. Mns .and Mrs. Donald Elliott and ber father Mn. Dave De- nauît motored ta North Bay for the weekend. Miss Dorothy Stapleton of Kingston spent the holiday with ber Parents, Mn. and Mrs. Geo, Stapleton. Congratulations to Miss Shir- ley Marie Brown and Mn. Her- bent Raymond Tnim who wene, married in Newtonville United Church on Saturday, Oct. i lth, Rev. R. C. White officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones spent the weekend w4h Mn. and Mrs. Bud Jones of London. Mr. and Mns. Murray Porter and Donna with friends at De- trait for the holiday. Next Sunday, Oct. 19th our service will be withdrawn for the Kendal annivensary. Mrs. Mary Uglow was pleas- antly surprised by ber nieces on Friday, the occasion being Mrs. Uglow's 78th birthday. Mrs. Cecil Jones and Mrs. Can- treil of Orono, Mns. Don Powell and Miss Mary Powell of Eliz- abethvili were present. Mn. and Mrs. Bryan J. Noble of Scanborough spent the holi- day with hen parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ovens. Mr. and Mrs. Ceci White and Putting down ber disb towel, Mrs. Suburbla dream- Mary Ugiow on Sunday. ly surmised the honors that had come ber way. She read Vistons with Mns. Gea. Ovens over the nomination form on which she was asked ta pnint Ian Sunday were Mn. and Mns. such important data as family names, orders, decorations 'Jit ofeChanson, Mn. and s or prof essional designation (Hah!); academic degrees, Rd il our an son Mihael of club memberships, etc. Toronto and Mrs. Abe Jackson Alarm registered when she came to the category of Milliken. "Name and Address of Country House.'f Oh, well, she Mn. and Mrs. Bill Wade were lived on a corner and could use either street for lier iudyget ihM.ad Ms address. Jim Casweii. Arr~ ome or spperafte a brd dy intlie Mrs. Mabel Leushnen fNa Arrving hm fo upratrahr ainhegara Falls is spending a few plant, Mr. Suburbia, who could recognize a racket when days with ber sister Mrs. J. T. lie saw one, quickly squelclied bis dream girl's plans for Pearce. social register recognition. The argument raged over several weeks and was just about simmering down, when the second letter arnived. B A K T C It informed the housewife (who now was convinced Fia l h ecesfo tbat she would always be a drudge and nothing more) that Fia i the teachScoos ens romPt YES "Your naine is to appear together with certain erborough. The fonenoon was biographical matenial" in The Social Register of Canada. spent touring Public Schools. And NO, "the bound volume will not -be for sale, but will Dinnen and business meeting be issued in connecétion with membership. Witli so little was heid in Mark St. United timelef beorepubicaion yo ar no inite toreqestChunch. Mr. Nelligan a teacher timelef beorepubicaion yo ar no inite tareqestfnom Peterborough Teachens' your copy of the first edition." College was guest speaker. Af- The letter went on ta urge Mrs. Suburbia that sbe ten they were escorted through kindly accept or decline membership in The Register by the Quaker Oats plant. returning the enclosed chelque for twenty-five dollars, A great many of the Public signed or unsigned. The chieque would ensure "that your School -pupils were able ta en- joy the Hîgh School Track and copy of the Social Register will be sent ta you an publica- Field Meet on the Agricultunal tion at no charge." grounds where Orono, Millbrook Sa wben her busband arnived home from work that and Blackstock were competing. night, lie was greeted by cries of "They want ME! ME!" Veny fine Thanksgivîng ser- from bis ever loving wife. vices wene held in bath churches "Yali! Well fix the dinner," lie grawled, "yau know .Sunday morning .To fonm a bea- tiéaiiy decorated with fali fruits, we bath can't afford ta bowl this year."l!-Simncae Reformer. utiful setting bath wene antis- ______________________________________________ vegetabies, grains etc. Special -~~music had been pnepaned by the chairs and churches wene filied and Rev. C. E. Oline of Knob PIRR Iq% 3-136 Hill church, Scarbora in the for Anglican and Rev. P. Romeril in F R E E Thanksgivng sermons. we with ber daughter Mrs. Cecil Pickup Hyde, Toronto. and Misses Jessie and Betty Mc- Anthur; Pearl Wright; Doreen Delivery Service VanCamp, David Swain and LUBRICATION Toranto and Catherine Bailey Whitby spent the weekend at OIL CHANGE their respective homes. *TIs im.y BE AMANS WORn.o, CAR WASH 'Mrs. Jerry Warne Winnipeg SUT niE S16 PStCIENTAGE 'S FISK TIRES is spendîng a month witb ber IN" iàand parents Mnr.and Mrs. John Ham- BATTERIES ilton and Bnian. Mr. Warne ex- pects to join them fan the last week cf ber hohidays. Mrs. W. Gîliies, Miilbrook spent Friday calling on aid friends in the village. Glad ta report Miss Gertrude I Isum Henry able ta be home from M TI N Miss Audrey Havens, Burbes$. ~1V~Jville was weekend guest of Miss Joyce Graham. Mn. and Mns .Bert Smith Tor- onto, Mr. Vincent Archer Bow- manvilie; Mn. and Mns. Elmer Archer and4 lanùly Whitby vis- Sixty Senior Citizens Attend First Meeting Sponsored By Club 15 Several attended Norwood ited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Ar- cher and Mr. Dever over- the weekend. Constable and Mrs. Kenneth Strang and Tom who have re-ý cently znoved frnt Winnipeg to Ottawa spent the weekend wlth her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer. Sharon, John and David Lar- mer spent the weekend and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer and Paul visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowden, Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dunbar and Denise Scarbono spent Sun- day with the Roy Ferguson's. Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wanna- maker, Seagrave an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford and Mary Lou and Miss Helen Crawford Port Prny visited Mrs. Gea .Crawford and Mn. and Mrs. Wes Pearce Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Richard Van Camp visited ter parents, Mr. and Mrs .Roy Morrow Hilton on Sunday.. Mrs. Drummond and two dan- ghters Toronto were Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. John Carnagban and famnily. Several from here attended the plowing match in Chrysler last week. AL down payment wilI hold any gift until Christinas Hooper's Jewellery & Gift Shop 29 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5747 new, amazing ' JUST A#JUST* by Up ta lOw . .. the only wey you could adjust your bra was ta lot it out in back-or hike up the. straps. But shot didn't give you fit, in front where you really noed it. Now.*..a revolutionary new bru gives you "customn-flt" .. .in front. ltYs Just A'Just by Exquisite Form ..the one end only bra that actually changes ifs size ta pedfectly fit end flatter your very own contour. No ather bru in th* world con do this. And as extra added comfort. . .Just A'Just has ail. eIastic-back and sides. For a "custom-ft" bra eta o rdyqnade price . .. come in today end see the versatile... .ad justable JustA'Just Style 257, embroldèred cofton, 32-36A, 32-40B, 32-42C$ 9 Style 256, .mbroidered nylon marquisette,. A, 8, C, cups $3.95 *Pot. Pend. BRESLN LADIES' WEAR 7 King St. W. Bewmanville MA 3-5854 Fair 'on Saturday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Henry. Shirley and Paul Raeboro vis- ited Mrs. Jas. Henry and Ger- trude Melville and Doris Griff- in Suflday. Mr. and Mn. John Mew and Jane, Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bea- cock. lÇIr. and Mrs. Bob Ford, Ro- berta and friend speent the weekend with Mrs. Robt. Ford gwho returned to Toronto with them for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stani- land Francis, Brian and Nancy spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.L. Hammel Montreal. MN0NETY AVAILABLE FOR NORTGAGES Ralph -S. Jones Barrister and Solicitor 65 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 9me MAT, OM. ifth, ion "M- CMADL« STATY.9UM, BOWIL&NVnZ.% ClqTARTO ................ The well-worn steps of Bowmanville's old Post Office Works' employees are shown here making the site ready -now Public Library-were removed last week to make for the plaque. From left to right: E. Fowler, H. Patter- room for a plaque honouring the late Charles McCullough, son, carpenter-foreman Kenneth Whitney, Newcastle, and founder of Canadian Clubs. It was unveiled yesterday, R. Wallace. Wednesday, Oct. 15th. Provincial Department of Public -Iff 1 PAGE rMU v