~US»AY, OCT. îlOt. lUS ?WW fAWAflTAW WI'A'rI~VAW. 'RnWIffAVVTIT~U flWY'AWTn cSocia/l& £/)erso naI Phone MA 3-3303 Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nicks andI Lions Club Binigo, Monday, -tisa spent the holiday weekend October 2th in the Lions Coin- inï Algonquin Park. munity Centre at 8 p.m. 20 Mrs. Charles Depew is vi!t- games, $5.00, two special games, ing h niece, Mrs. Fred Ren- two jackpots of $25.00 each. Ad- lier, ~ &rlington, Virginia. mission 50c. 42-1 Mil . Robb. Oakville, was Mr. Otho Brown, Detroit, a Thanksgiving guest of Mrs. Mich., spent the weekend in X. D. Snmith, Jackman Road. town visiting his mother, Mrs. Mrs. D. M. Palmer is spend- Charles Brown at Strathaven ing a few days with her daugh- Rest Home, and his uncle, Mr. ter. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aines. W. J. Berry, King St. East. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. McNichol, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stire, Osha- Toronto, were holiday guests wa, spent Thanksgiving Sunday of her sister, Mrs. W. E. Gerry. with Mr. and Mrs. .Arnold Etch- Mrs. J. Ross Stutt has return- er and family. Mr. and Mrs. ed.from a pleasant visit with Earl Pilkey, Claremont. were relatives at Lexington, Ken- Saturday guests of the Etchers. tucky. 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Catorj Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cox, Windsor, visited his mother Mrs. 'Toronto, were Thanksgiving F. Cator, Thanksgiving week- guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. end. Mr. Alan Cain, Santa Brbcck.Barbara. Cal., also spent the, Miss Helen Geikie, Toronto, weekcnd with his grandmother. was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Miss Tanva Goddard, Toronto, Wilbert Hoar, for Thanksgiving and Mr. Ross Adair, Montreal. weekend. spent Thanksgiving weekend Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Smale and with Miss Goddard's parents, family, Cityview, Ontario, spent Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Goddard, tle weekend with his mother, at their cottage, Lake Catcha- M"'ý. C. J. Smale. coma. Mr. Robert Noble has just re- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ashton, turned from a seven-day visit to Larry and Sharon. Toronto. had liamilton, Bermuda. Mr. Noble dinner with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Went by air both ways. Babcock on Saturdlay on their Mr. Hartley Lewis, Uivesity way down to snend Thanksgiv- of Toronto, spent the holiday ing Day with Mr. and Mrs. New- weekend at home with his mo- ton Ashton and family at Nap- ther, Mrs. Agnes Lewis. anee. Mr. and M-s. Arthur Wytin Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Neill rc- and family, Brantford. sPernt turned a week ago f rom sen the holiday weekend with her ing the summer at their cottage mother, Mrs. C. W. Tait. at Hawli Lake and will be at Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jackman, home now in Bowmanville. St. Catharines, visited his moth- Over Thanksgix.7ing weekend er Mrs. Frank Jackman, Division their daughter, Mr. andMs St.. on Thanksgiving Day. Marcel Laieunesse and daugh- . lioliday weekend guests with ter Chantel, were visitors. Mr. and'Mrs. W. R. Strike were Dr. Dorothy James, Mr.C Mr. and Mrs. Percy Elford, To- H. Haddy, and Mrs. J. B. E.1 ronto, and Miss Agnes Cassel- Staples, Toronto, were in Bow- man, Waterloo. manville over the weekiend Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, when they visited Mrs N. S. N~ancy and Jimmy, Chatham. B. James who was taken to spent Thanksgiving weekend Memorial H-ospital, Bowmari- :%vith Mr. Hall's parents, Mr. and ville, last Thursda.y. Mrs. James~ Mrs. James Hall. is reported progressing favo ur- Mr. and Mrs. Russell G. Wil- ably. liams, Niagara Falls, N.Y., spent Mrs. Charlotte Forder has re- 'T'-ks-ïvînc, with Yl-. --,rijVrrý. turned from spending two. P. E - Green.field and Mr. and weeks with her daughter, Mr. MrsIrFrank Williams. and Mrs. Don J. Wright and baby Patricia Ann, Camp Pe- Miss Dona Dilling and Miss. tawawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gary, Marjorie Lane, Ryer-on In+; Hancock, and Mr. and Mrs. Doni tute, Toronto, spent the week- Lake, Newcastle, were week-t end wlth the former's oarents, end visîtors with the Wrights. Mér. and Mrs. Rance Dilling. r.AeMasWligo bf.and Mrs. J. R. Thompson,; st. Al tex Mirs, Wxelinco St. Catharines, and son Mr. J,!0ofh the n qe xpe r yin (Jocko> Thompson, Queen's Uni- haiga ase iy i 'versity, igsowere wen¶dI lom orThanksgiving. An- guests of Dr. and Ivrs. 1'.eitf Slemon. miss M ~Williott and Mrg. 1L. A .MOXIugal spent last week ini c~ter with the former'*s istlf', Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Warder and niece, Mrs. E. SWright.__________ ST JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) 8 ana tI - ROLY COMMUNION le end il - CHURCH SCHOOL EVEN5ONG REHOBQTH REFORME[ Scugog Street, MORNING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL AFT] "Back To God 8:30 a.n. every TrinityVni2 Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Organist-Mr. Arthur Colli 11:00 A.M. - MORNING "You Can Take 7:00 P.M. - EVENINGV "The Curse of H 12:10 P. - SUNDAY S A FIENDLV WEL Seven new two year terni members of Teen Town execu- tive were chosen at the Teen Town dance Frida.y night. They are Barbara Hughes, Jim Mas- terson, John James, Mary Mit- chell, Merridy Mutton, Barbara Brown and Charles Trim. Re- mainder o! the council com- prises se,en o! last year's exe- cutive who have one more year in office: Linda Brooking, Roy Atkinson, Greg Cooper, Rex Willatts, Pat Marr, Monica SchlingEensiepen and Ruth Go- heen. Dan Cattran, last year's mayor, will also hold a post on the council. It is learned !rom a bulletin issued by the Peterborough Ki- wanis Music Festival, that the two British adjudicators for 1959 will be Mr. Ronald Biggs and Mr. Henry Cummings. The syllabus will be available or Oct. 15 and contains a number o! new selections. Copies &f music may be perused at the home o! Mrs. A. D. Vaisey, 641: McKellar St.. Peterborougbh. There is a new class in the corsection this year, for chrhchoirs from a commun- ity o! 2,000 or less. It is hopcd' to have severai entries in this class in 1959. Another new class is for Tonettes. This will be found in the Recorder section o! the syllabus. Mr. J. P. Lovekin, President o! the Durham Club of Toronto,' bas asked us to extend a special invitation to aIl natives o! Dur- ham County to attend the club meeting at the I.O.D.E. Head- ouarters, Lowther Ave., on Tbursday. Oct. 23rd at 8 p.m. The speaker is Mr. W. B. Green- wood, Chie! o! the Division of Parks, Dept. o! Lands and For- ests, whosc subject will be "De- velopment e! the Provincial Parks System in Ontario". This subject should be o! special in- terest to Bowmanville and Darl- ington citizens due to the de- l velopment o! the new provincial park on the shore o! Lake Ontario in South Darlington Township, bordcring on High- way 401. 1It is o interest due to the an- nounicement that Prime Min- ister John Diefenbaker had been honoured by bcing made a 33rd degree Mason last wcek that the father o! a Bowmanville resi- dent received a similar honour. The late Dr. Alfred T. Colville, father o! Dr. Robert Colville, Division Street, received his 33rd degree in Massonry through Lord Sandhurst, then British General Master, in recognition o! bis special work during the plague in Bombay. Dr. Robert Colville, Bowmanville, was a member o! the Guard o! Hon- our for King George V when he went to Bombay, India, to open the Alexandra Docks. He served as a cable operator dur- ing World War I. plants were given to Mrs. Majrs Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woolley, in the spring by a friend who Mr. and Mrs. Colin Taylor, Mr. 1moved away. She planted them Tom Park and Mr. and Mrs. tout in the garden and brought Herb Colmer who were among themn in before the first !rost those on the Buffalo weekend this Faîl. One bas six blooms bus trip, attendd service on on it, and the other, five.i Sunday morning at the Ashbury Manyfrieds wll b ver Methodist Church. Many other Manyfrindswil bever Canadians were also present and sorry to hear that Mr. C. . Iail received a special welcome Dudley o! Courtice suf!ered a !rom church officiais and mem- coronary thrombosis while he bers. The service was a special and Mrs. Dudley were at their Canadian Thanksgiving one, and cottage at Stoney Lake on a!terward the Canadian visitors Thanksgziving Day. He was tak- were invited to join in a co!!ee en to Peterborough Civic Hos- hour with re!reshments in the pital where he wili be for at Sunday. School. A reai coinci- least three -weeks. Latest re- dence was that Mrs. Benedict, ports on Wednesday were that wife of the chie! steward o! the he was resting fairly comfort- church who was one o! those Mrs. Jim Ewing, Seven Is- ried in Tyrone, Ont., and she lands, Que., spent Thanksgiv- and hen husband were celebrat- ing with her sister, Mr. and ing their 43rr1 wedding anni- Mrs. William Lewis and fam- versary. She is the daughter o! ily. Sunday visitors with Mr. a Bey. Mr. Stamp, an evangel- and Mrs. Lewis who called to istic minister from Colorado, see Mrs. Jim Ewing were Mr. whyonhdasumrhoea and Mrs. Boy Van Camp, Mrs: yoe Isa Crago, B ase Line: Mr. and Mrs M. Rabb has toid us of Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, Betty Lou a neetn niet hl and Gail, Mr. and Mrs. Ber-t anintreting incwatidentuhie Snowden and family, Maple vMsr.ngand Ott awats summ Gern Grove. Mrs. Wes Down. and IanMr.BbssoGe, Paul Ebneze; ad Mn Wane.lost bis wallet in a park there. Piead, Ton. ndM.Wan;He is a member o! the lst Cub 'Pickrd, own.Pack o! Bowmanvîlle and his membenship card, signed by Bob Evans, Cubmaster, was in the wallet, but no mention from II~U~ mA~Iplace o! residence. The park CHRITIANattendant who found it turned it in at Scout headquarters and "someone there named Mort-1 CHURCHhock who used to live in Bow- Bownavileworked at.The Statesman officei and was Bob Evans' Cubmast-i er," Mrs. Babb said in tellng% The S tatesman. Yes, indeed,i M.Bert Morthock was a vahued -10:00 an English reporter on The Statesman staff for many years, and is now - 7:0 p.. - utchwith the national headciuanters 7:30p.m » Dtcho! the Boy Scouts Association at Ottawa. Mn. Mortlock was ,ER MORNING SERVICE active in Scout work while in Bowmanvile. Mrs. Rabb says, "One smail boy was certainly giad to see bis wallet returned, complete with money." Hour" Broadcast . L Visitors with Mn. and Mrs. B Sunday, C.F.R.B. Mrs. Albert Neal o! Huck- nall. Nottinghamshire. England. ______________________While in England during World War II, Mn. Burk, who is now manager o! the Toronto-Dom- inion Bank here, was entertain- cd sevenal times at the farmn hoVe o! the Neals at Newstead fedC urch Abby former home o! Lord Housiander, B.A., B.D. and airmen during these years and have since kept in touch ison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. with a number o! them. The heants for Canada, having been out here on a farm in Saskat- chewan for 25 years prion toe the War. Mn. Neal still owns ac h al! section o! land in Saskat-U WORSHIP chewan and he and bis wife came out in May this vear to VV1visit their poet.Wiei If wiin Ion fCanada, fthev bave called on a number of Canadians who stav-v cd with them during the ward WORSHIP j ears in England. Mr. Neal is a I vast president o! Hucknall R'm-h tarv Club, and was guest with t [ollow Words"I Mr. Burk at Bowmanville Ro-P tarv Club meeting ]ast Fridav.P Mrs. Burk. a native o! England,C also enjov.ed the Neals' hospi- SCHOOL tality while waiting to loin hera husband in Canada following ti the wvar. and botb were delight- B LCOME TO ALL ed to have the opportunitv of!% ren)a ' N g a littie o! the kinci- e( rcss thev had rf-ccîvpd !rom this warm hearted couple, Celebrate 5Oth Anniversary Robson Car Preview' Man people from Bowman-- ono; 6. two pounds of choco- ville and the surrounding dis- la tes, Gerry Lunn, Orono: 7. 21 trict attended the previwo onso hcltJ.Bray 1959 Buicks and Pontia punso!chclae, . acly at Robsons Motors shl Limiteci, iowmanville: 8. two pounlds of King Street, on Friday and chocolates, M. Gober. Newcas- Saturday. The svelte lines, lux- tle: and 9. a carving set, Lorne urious appointments, and the Kerr, Bowmanville. new comforts of the cars were much admired. On Friday evening a dcli- cious lunch was served by mein- COMPETITIVE PIR bers of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion. The president, Comrade Anne Piper, and Comrade Florence Knight, the past president, were the con venors, I 11 1 The lucky winner of the draw for the new 1959 Vauxhaîl car was Joseph R. Vivian, Janet- ville. Other winners in this draw were Walter Pingle, Hampton, two pounds o! cho- colates; Ken Nickerson, Bow- SEILV LE manville, a gallon o! Prestone; SEILV LE Harold Bennett, Bowmanville, a gallon o! Prestone; Guy Cook, Newcastle, a fender mirror; F. ________________ C. Caldwell, Toronto, two lbs. o! chocolates, and Sidney Fer- guson, Newcastle, a gallon of A Prestone. The door Prize winners were: 1. a Pepsi Cola Cooler, Albert Sivesmth R R 3 Bwmn- PH SPI PLiX% ville; 2. an electrie percolator PH James Bell. Bowmanville; 3. an electriec dock, H. Pedweill Newcastle, 4. $3.00 worth of merchandise, Stewart Carson. WAMPOLE Bowmanville; 5. two pounds o! chocolates, Dennis Annaert, Or- PIOSPIIO-PEX Group urges "%Yes" Votes rL.MYx "Yes" votes for all five bal- lots in the election on November l9th will be "yes" votes for a more prosperous and dcmocratic Bowmanville, it was asscntcd at the meeting o! the Community Advancement Association ex- ecutive and ward committees on Tuesday evening. The meet- ing was held at the Balmoral Hotel and there was a large attendance o! workers. It was explained that if ai five questions are won there will be more prosperity for the people o! the town because there wiil be more local employment and increased payrolls. Also new industries will look more favorably on locating here be- cause employees would be assur- ed o! facilities provided in other. places. Glenhoinie Hughes is the campaign rfanager for the Com- munity Advancement Associa- tion. He is vice-chairman o! the Memorial Hospital Board, chair-j man o! the hospital finance conimittee, secrctary-treasurer o! the Bowmanville Public Libnary Board, and a member of Branch 178 o! the Canadian Legion. Members o! the Community Advancement Association are: President, Glenholme Hughes; Vice-President, Boss McKnigbt; Secretary, Jim Firth; Treasurer, Fred Cole; Executive: George Cawker, James Fair, W. A. Kilpatrick, Carl Leslie and E. J. Bundie. Chold DIes (Continued fromn page one) He is'a patient in Lincoln Hos- pital, Lincoln, Maine. His two daughters, Jane, 13, and Cath- erine, 7, are staying with Dr. Grayson in Lincoln. Jane wvas uninjured. Catherine was kept in bospital one day. The bodx' o! litthe Russell Mecks was sent to Bowmnan- ville and the funeral service will be held here todav (Thurs- day) at 2 p.m. ln Bowmanyille Baptist Church. The Niceks have lived in Bowmanvillè for three years. Mr, Mecks is cmn- ployed in the tool and die de- pantment o! General Motors of Canada, Ltd., Oshawa. Sgt. E. H. Haas, Royal Can-j adian Engineers, who is sta- tioned at Camp Gagetown, N. B., and bis wife Eileen, wboj wed in the accdsfcared sel- er in the asiend caffreinvoe- vere muits and wvere takeni to i hospital. The "Every Day" WaY tb REST TnRED NERVI Hectlc pace geting you down ? (t't go easy ta relax Ju St take PHOSPHO.PLEX9 Relieve that uf feeling. Enjoy life Smjle ai petty annoyance* D'a true PHOSPHO-PLEIC i8 the every day way le inE rlieve nflTuOLs tension 100 PUOSPUOfUX TABLETS WNith Bcompeund vIIo.,hw $4.25 50 TABIS $2.50 là ÇuLTEm IE $2.30 Wffl K. WWp & CU. tIW - i HERE'S HOW te heIp relieve discomfort after yow out, drink, amoke tee muchl Al 1ex. lWe Deliver SM en.-s Canadian Clubs might U nve..sfunction under one head, for u nveils 'in unity there is strength. That * would surely be a fulfilment of m aqueCol. McCullough's vision in P la q uethis great undertaking," she (Coninud frm. age ne) said. Mrs. Conant congratulat- (Coninud frm pge oe) ed the two clubs on bringing ected in front of the library to fruition the commemoration bulin.o! "your native son, whose buildng. ispark lîghted a great lire for They included. His Worship the warmth and benefit o! bis Mayor Nelson Osborne, who ex- onr. tended an officiai welcome o nr. behaîf o! the town; Hon. John Revlews Ristory W. Foote, V.C., M.P.P. for Dur-; Miss Galbraith reviewed the ham, representing the govern- history o! the Women's Cana- ment o! Ontario; Professor J. dian Club !ounded in Bowman- M. S. Careless, professor of His- ville in 1920 bv Col. MeCul- tory at the University of Toron- îough and mentioned some of ta, representing the Historie. the womeni who were promin- Sites Board: Mrs. Wilbert Tee- ent in its activities over th~e pie, Treasurer of Bowmanville vears. Miss Margaret Allen was Women's Canadian Club, whoi 'the !irst president. spoke for Mrs. Gordon Conant, vice-president o! the Associa- Miss Galbraith wvas Corres- tion o! Canadian Clubs wbo vas ponding Secretary for the first absent through illness: Misez four years, followed bv Mrs. L. Flora Galbraith, a charter memn-1 T. McLaughlin who beld the ber of the Women's Canadia n POst for the next 14 vears. Club-, Dr. George W. James, al Among other charter Mýembers charter member of the Mern'sl present were Mrs. V. H. Stor- Canadian Club: and Bev. Harold ey, Mrs. J. O'Neill and Mrs. Turner, minister o! St. Paul's D. R. Morrison. Unite'd Church, and a past pre - A fuller report o! Miss GaI- sident o! the Men'.s Canadiani braith's remarks and the ad- Club in Bowmanville wvbo gave dress given by Professor Care- a prayer of commemoration fol- less in wbich he told of the lowing the unveiling ceremony,. work o! the Historic Sites Mr. Diopeil paid tribute to Board, will be given next week. Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, Ividow o! Tea was served afterwards ini the first president o! the men's club. and to the late Mr. Jury. the children's section o! the botb o! whomn were ardent library, convened by Mrs. L. C. workers in the Canadian Club Mason and Mrs. Chas. Wight. movernent. Mrs. Jury was uný Mrs. George W. James, and able to bc presen. Mrs. E. G. Wîtherspoon. presi- dent o! the Women's Canadian Warmn recognition \vas also Club, poured. Mrs. L. T. Mc- given by Mr. Dippell to Dr. Gea. Laugahlin, acted as hostess, and W. James who was largely re- Mrs. Kenneth Werry, first vice- sponsible for the plaque's eree:- president, was tea hostess. The tion ini Col. McCullough's birth- table was ccntred with an ar- place. Mr. Foote also paid tribute rangement o! autumn leaves aîâd to the two charter members on Scotch pine. appropriate to troe the platform, Miss Galbraith Canadian theme and to thc and Dr. James. "I think some season. day a plaque should be erected i to you two," he, said smiling, Among distinguished guests "and I hope you live to the present were Mr. J. G. O'Neil, ripe olci age of a hundred and editor o! the Hamilton Specta- ten." Mr. Foote felt that t tor; Bey. T. Melville Bailey of was signitîcant o! an awakened1 Hamilton who is a regular con- interest in ouj heritage that an tributor of historical articles ta increasing number o! bistoricali that paper, and Mrs. Bailey: plaques are being erected. i Miss Nina Edwards, Burlington, author o! the history o! the Mrs. Gordon Conant's speech. first Canadian Club in Hamil- read by Mrs. Teeple, expressed ton: Mr. George Laidler. Hamn- the wish that the time would ilton, a friend o! Col. McCul- come when the men's and worn- lough. Fire Chiefs Check Shops For Hazards Emphasis was placed on t4 elirnination o! fire hazards lrorn business premises and homes fit Bowmanville duripg Fire Pré- vention Week, Fire Chie! Wal. ter Hackney told The States- man. He also pointed out that he and the Deputy Fire Chie! Frank Calver, conducted fine drills in ahl the schobls. 'Tire inspection really pays off," Chie! Hackney stated. He pointed out that the improve- ment over last year is remarlç. able. Throughout the week he and his deputy toured lhe town giving close ' inspection to buildings. Inspections Among the preniises checked were the Memorial Hospital and Nurses Home, the R. M. Hollingshead factory, the Pow- ell Chemical Company, the Spe- cialty Paper Company plant, the William Allun Wood Works, the Bowmanville Cleaners and Dy- ers, Ltd., the Balmoral Hotel, the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel, the Royal Theatre_,the Bowmanville Glove and Mitt Company, the Legion Hall, Me- Gregor Hardware, Memorial Arena, Garton Bus Station, Jamieson Tire Shop. Bowman- ville Badminton Club. and tne Brookdale-Kingsway Nurserias. Fire Drills On Thursday fire drills were conducted in aIl the schools. Times for the complete evacua- tion o! each school wvere as fol- lows. Ccntral School with 500 pupils and 13 teachers, 50 sec- onds; Vincent Massey School, 441 pupils and 12 teachers, 55 seconds, Ontario Street School, 404 pupils and 1l teachers. 20 seconds: Bowmanville High School, 736 pupils and 32 teacoi- ers, 50 seconds; Knox Christian School, 122 pupils and 4 teac'n- ers, 60 seconds. Every man is rich or poor ac- cording to the proportions be- twcen bis desires and his en- joyments.-Samucl Johnson. UICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE IlE sýO E AND REMINDERS, FOR TRIS WEEK SAVE MONEYonTHESE HINDS H & A CREAM, reg. 65c size ----2 for 98c ihe Qcfy baby povder mha ROLIT LOTION DEODORANT, reg. 98c size - 89c % ~ 'R WASH CLOTHS, 19e value - - 2 for 25c M R NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM, 6 oz. jar --- c ePROOF LUSTRE CREME, SHAIMPOO, 1.10 jar 89C u babY t' iskin I.D.A. COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES, Baha.a 100's, reg. 1.19 ------ -- - - 99c powdr ,uiu.ug A.S.A. TABLETS, 100's, 300's -- -- - --0c, 49c . DMAE a 0 a a a A HEALTHY BABY 1$ A HAPPY BABY Johnson' s Baby Powder 43e Baby Cream 73o 98c Baby Shampoo: Ibna Rinse 75c, 1.25, 2.00 Nivea, Creme 1 .21 SAVE on Ihese specials'. FREE! Trial size Mennen Baby Powder with the purchase of 59e size Q-Tips - 59e FREE! Trial size Revion Baby Powder with the purchase of Revion Silicare Baby Lotion 1.50 JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER Chafe - guard baby's delicate skin. Two 73e size tins 1.46 value 1.29 Evenflo 39e à9c Aqua Seal Baby Pants Chix Diaper Liners M«ead's mulcin 3.00 5.50 WHY YOU NEED VITANINS Vitamins are needed for the normal functioning of the body, they aid in growth, maintain the appetite and help build resistance agairist colds. Your I.D.A. druggist carrnes a complete stock of tested and proven vitamin preparations. Allenburys Haliborange 1.19, 1.98, 3.49 One-A-Day Multiple Vitamin - 1.40, 2.50, 3.95, 7.95 Vita Diet. 1.95, 4.501 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McG regor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Gillette 051/ettBlue I~" Blades L~20 loir SIl.0 1«l huudy DISPENS[i _ith <iuaparfmt_. f.o :.sd blae. Riola(ramet. 5 Iliées n ,the ~~atnedop- SUPER ýy. He DRY-OR~truck liCRY- CT- 1590 Trucks'. D rrolet Tri Phone Couri e Over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. 'Herbert F. Osborne, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, celebrated the fiftieth anni- versary of the wedding. On Saturday, there was a family gathering and, o~n Tuesday, neighbours gathered to make a presentation and pay tribute to this fine couple whio have been so active in comrnunity activifies. Full particulars will be published next weck. Many Win Prizes al, MAT. Ccer. lm lm TM CAWADIM STATESMM. 1301"&ANVn= ONTAPM - PAGE szmm 7