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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1958, p. 10

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PAGE TEN -~Tml CANADIAN STATMAK, EOWMAIqVLE. ONTAIO 9,nna n v c.'Jcx.n ,s' 2.>& q., *UUs 'ruTTDCnAV r~iw .,,..a iêem Bidding Brisk During Purebred Hoistein Sale As 52 Cattie on Block On Mondav afternoon, Octo- ber 13, fifty- two head of pure- bred Holstein cattle sired through the Quinte District Cat- il Breeders' Association and consigned by breeders in the Quinte District, sold for an average of $443.00 The general opinion that this was the Most outstanding group of cattie of- fered for auctizon by the users of the Quinte District Cattie Breeding Association was borne out by the sharp bidding at the sale. The fact that the first thirty heads sold for an average of $500.00 indicates that good quality and good demand were both present at this auction. Top priced animal in the sale was a three year old beifer con- signed by Spencer Griffiths of Napanee, Ontario. This heifer sired liv the Excellent and well proven bull, Willowslope Man- O-War Pabst, sold for $810.00 to Mr. Francis R. Baker of R. R. 7, Kingston, Ontario. A two year old heifer consigned by WANTED Dead, Old and Crippled FARM STOCK Plcked Up Free of Charge 24 Hour Service Phone Collect Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough Ri 2-2080 NICK PECONI Peterborough - Ont. 91 King St. W. Bertram Hoskin of Cobourg, Ontario and sired by the popu- lar Regasborne R. A. Royal Gev- ernor who bas serviced almost 40,000 cattie in the Quinte Dis- trict, was purchased for $725.00 by Mr. G. E. Greene of Hawk- crst Farmns at Agincourt. A six year old cow, sired by the same bull and consigned by Mr. Geo. Armstrong of Newburg, On- tario sold to Mr. J. M. MacIn- tosh of Aurora, Ontario for $675.00. This same man pur- chased the top selling female in the 1957 sale. Allan McComb and Son o! Bellevile consîgned a two year old daugliter of Ros- afe Domino which sold for $700 ta R. B. Glaspeil o! R. R. 4 Bow- manville. Again this buyer had indicated bis satisfaction in previous purchases in that be has purchased at at least two of the Previous sales with one o! bis former purchases later de- veloping into a cow which gra- ded excellent. Aithough several of the cat- I tic were purchased by Ameni- can bidders, it was interestingc to see sucb a high percentage o! the best consignments remain in the east-central region o! On- tario. This series of sales was in- stituted four years ago wit.h Hays Farms Ltd. of Oakville as Sales Managers. Any cattie consigned to the sale must lie off spring of the Quinte Dis- triet Cattie Breeding Associa- tion which conduets an artifi- cial insemination service in the 'I farming area stretching frer Gananaque ta Oshawa. With the sharp interest showi at the Fourth Annual SaE there is no doubt that this ser ies wiil continue ta be an an nual affair.--Guide. BETHÂNY Mrs. Ada Urry, Tarantc spent the weekend with he brother and sister-in-iaw, Mi and Mrs. Clarence Rowan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnard Peterborough, were Sunda, guests with Mn. and Mrs. AI Ian Beer. Mrs. Rboda Jobnston, Peter borougb, visîted with her math en, Mrs. Fluena Davis and Mrs Hilliard Bristow for the weeli end. Guests with Mr. and Mrs Mervin Porteous on Sunda 1 were Mr. and Mrs. Keiti Thorndyke and Miss Mariq Thorndyke, Mimico; Mvr. anc Mrs. Basil Earle and Miss, Ju. dith Earle, Islington. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Edmund! and family visited witb bis ma. ther, Mrs. R. Edmunds at Miti. brook on Sunday. Mrs. Edmunc:ý lias just returned from an ex- tended stay in Saskatoon, Sask Sunday guests with Mr. ané. Mrs. Walter Rowland werE Mr. and Mrs. Jack Staples, Lin. dsay, Mr. and Mrs. A. Holden Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Monk, Pc. terboroughi, spent Sunday witt, bis father, Alex. H. Monk. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Capstick and family, Uxbridge, werE Sunday gucsts with Mr. andi Mrs. Milton Weatherilt. Mrs. Victor Grandy, Lindsay, spent Sunday with her sister-in- law, Mrs. J. C. Cummiskey. Mr'. and Mrs. Norman Wilson and their daughtens, Norma, Anne and Barbara, were with Mrs. T. J. Jackson for Sunday. W.M.S. Meeting Mrs. Mervyn Porteous enter- tained the members o! the Wom- en's Missionary Society o! the United Cburch for their meet- ing last week with Mrs. Otto Spencer presiding. Mrs. Edgar Beer was in charge of the study pcriod whîch tvas devoted ta the new study book "Our North American Neighbors" whîch covens the entine continent and gives a summary of changes that have taken place since the days o! the eanly settlers and the nced for more extensive mission work. Mrs. Clarence Rowan bad charge o! the wor- ship service. There was a goed response ta the appeal for spe- cial thank-of!crings at the rhanksgiving scason. Follow- ing the closing devotions tne lxostcss served lunch and a so- cial bour was enjoyed. It Lg the task of the sturdy Pioneer to bew the tal oak and to cut the rough granite. Future ages must declare what the Pioneer bas accomplished. Mary Baker Eddy. In winter J-M Spintex Insulation will pay you big dividends in home comfort and big savings of up ta 30e on every dollar spent for fuel. Next summfer, Spintex wiil serve you equally well. It will keep your rooma up to 151 cooler on hottestdays. MA 3.5497 Spiritex handies easily, fits snugly be- tween joints, studs or raftes... you can instail it yourself. For descriptive folder visit your J-M dealer isted below or write Dept. BA.; Canadian Johns-Maziville, Port Credfit, Ontario. 8-3127 McGregor Hardware Ltd. MA 3m3386 1N OIRONfO - GEONO FUEL & LUNDER. LTD.I Ph. 1.4816 - Phono 166 rn e, 2r Select Delegates for 4-HClub Week in Toronto Five 4-H Homemaking Club girls and fine 4-H Agricultural Club boys have been selected ta attend the National 4-H Club Week in Toronto, beginning November 15, 1958. The Homemaking Club dele- gates, selected on the recom- mendation of the Home Econ- omists, are: Ruby Scheel. R. R. 2, Arnprior, Renfrew County; Lois Lennon, Puslinch, Went- worth County; Joan Marie Aîk- ins, R. R. 2, Creemore, South Simcoe County; Barbara Mur- ray, R. R. 1, Holyrood, Bruce County; and Jean Baker, R. R. 2, Moscow, Lennox & Adding- ton County. There were thirty Agric'ul- tural Club candidates, twenty- seven from southern Ontario and three from riorthern On- tario. The delegates were select- ed on the recommendation of the Agrîcultural Representa- tives and by personal interviews before a Selection Committee composed of T. R. Hilliard, Di- rector of Extension, Ontario Department of Agriculture, A. M. Barr, Principal, Kemptvilie Agricultural School; and E. L. Woodley, Director, Western On- tario Agricultural School. The successful candidates are: Paul Rowe, Ice Lake, Manitoulin District. Grant Richardson, R. R. 4. Dunnville, Haldimand County: Maurice Francis, R. R. 4, Sheiburne, Dufferin Caunty; John Burton, Vars, Russell Countv: Eddy den Haan, R. R. 2, Loretto, South Simcoe Couin- ty; Kenneth Moore, R. R. 4, Waterford, Norfolk County; Francis Doris, R. R. 8, Peter- boroug.q County; Donald Hem- ingway, R. R. 3, Brussels, Hu- ron County; and David Reid, R. R. 2, Renfrew, Renfrew County. The Ontario Department n! Agriculture sponsors anc dele- gate, to the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago. with a 4-H Homemaking Club member alternating with a 4-H Agricul- tural Club member each year. This year, Carolyn Oke, R. R. 3, Exeter, Huron County, bas been chosen as the Ontario delegate. The Congrcss will lie held from November 29 ta De- cember 5. Durham Breeders Win Several Awards At Holstein Show d Dunrobin and Elmncroft Farms, eBeaverton, won the Premier Exhibitor award at the 17th alu nual E t -Central Ontario Champions hip Holstein show beld October l5th at Peterbor- h ough. The runner-up was Or- van Chambers, Wilfrid. Cham- Sbers won the Premier. Breeder ebanner, wvîth James T. Brown, d Newcastle, runner-up. Orvan Chambers also show- ed the Grand Champion cow «and Dunrobin and Elmcroft F.trms the Grand Champion bull. R. R. Denniss, Oakridges, had the Reserve Grand Cham- piaf bull, and F. Roy Ormiston, Brookiin, the Reserve Grand Champion cow. Ontario won the County Herd class, failowed by York, Dur- 9ham, Northumberland, Lennox & Addingtan, Victoria, and Pc- terborough in that order. The rCham-pianship Show brouglit togethýer the top animais !rorn the ten county black and white days in the East-Central On- tarin district. There were 231 head shown by 71 exhibitois making it the largest o! the 17 shows from, the standpoint of exhibitors, and second largest for animais. beaten only by the >1954 show when 236 head wcre shawn by 70 exhibitors. Com- petitian was extremely keen, and tbe awards wcre well scat- tered, -noless than twelve di!- ferent exhibitors winning at least anc a! the cighteen inrli- vidual classes. Undoubtcdly, this was the best show !rom, the standpoint o! quality In the entire series. In n aming the Orvan Cham- bers' winner in the agcd cow in milk class Grand Champion, Judge J. M. Fraser, Streetsville, drew attention ta ber great size and scale, together wîth exccp- tional dairy quality, and an udder good enough ta win ber the Wm. J. Murphy traphy as best uddered female of the show. This cowv was Way Brook Ducbess Dolly, who, bas been classificd "Excellent", the bigh- est ratine attainable for body conformation. She was anc o! the group that made up the winning get-of-sire for Cham- bers, by Eimcroft Tradition. The Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Championship went ta Balsatn Brae Pluto Sovereign wha beaded the dry aged cow class for F. Roy Ormiston, Brookiin. Site was the AIi-Can- adian Aged Cow in 1956, and was praised by Judgc Fraser for bier wonderful body confor- mation including a particularly good rump and a fine dry ud- der. The senior yearling heifer elass provided bath the Junior and Reserve Junior Champions, with Romandale Farms, Gorm- ley, taking the Junior Cham- pionsbip on Romandale Refiec- tion Daisy, and Neil T. Mal- colm, Burketon Station, the Re- serve Junior on Racket Willa Pabst. Daisy is a well grown- out heifer with a lot of dairy quality, smooth in the shoulder and carrying a level quarter, while the Malcolm heifer is very deep in the body and good In the rump. Rosafe Preceotor, who was th,, Ail-Canadian Aged Bull o! 1957 made an outstanding Senior and Grand Champion bull. He is a big, strong buil, smooth at the shouidcr, with sizc and sub- stance throughout, and walking on a good set o! legs. The Re- serve Senior and Reserve Grand Cbampionship went ta the win- ning twa-year-old, Kinrara Roy- al Prince, shown by R. R. Den- niss, Oakridges. Prince is a very smooth, welj-'balanced indivi- duai. being particularly good in the legs. Two outstanding bulîs headed the senior yearling class, the winner being Ramandale Reflec- tion Sparkie, owned by Roman- dale Farms, wvhile in second place \vas Rosafe Heptad, own- ed by James T. Brown, New- castle. These two went through ta thc Junior and Reserve Jun- ior Championships. Bath are sons o! the "Extra" sire, A.B.C. Reflection. Sovereign. Sparkie is a weil balanccd bull,. vide in the rump, and filled behind the shoulder, and walking on good legs, while the Reservuini.-r ;.aiod in milk class. Wm. J. Mur- rphy, Lindsay, had the first dry .three-year-oid, and Dunrobin aand Elmcroft Farms the xin- i ning dry four-year-old, while -Romandale Farms showed the -!irst prize dry two-year-old. B. W. Naylor, Maple, bad the rwinning junior heifer cal!, To- rello Puccini, King City, the first prize senior heifer cal!, and Orvan Chambers the winning junior yearling heifer. As rnentioncd above, Orvan Chambers won the senior get- af-sire on the get o! Elmcroft Tradition, while W. A. Pether- ick & Sons were second on the get o! Aimerson Sovereign Su- preme. Romandale won the jun- ior get-of-sire on a group by A. B.* C. Reflection Sovereign, and A. J. Finn, Napanee, took the progeny-of-dam ciass with a pair o! aged cows that included the second pnize aged caw in milk Monjovin Sensation Pabst Dinah. Norih Nesflefon A very pleasant evening was beid iast Saturday niglit in the C.O.F. hall when many friends and relatives gatbercd ta hon- aur a newly wedded couple, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Witherly. An intercsting pragram was rendcred by local talent cor .- sisting o! music, baton twirl- ing, readings and singing. Irene and Bruce werc presented with several gi!ts from the commun- ity including two iamps, and a shower o! towels and tabiecloth; from W.I., sugar and cream set with tray, from W.A., a silver lazy susan. Dancing was enjov- cd and a bountiful lunch brought a vcry pîcasant time ta a close. Friends from a distance included Mr. and Mrs. H. Witli- erly, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stuti, Bowmanviile, Mr. and Mrs. Mer- vin Bird and famiiy, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black, Cour- tice. Our fricnds at Cadmus were blessed bY beautiful weather and good congregations at their anniversary services yesterday. A good number fromn here at- tended. Mrs. Carl Bradley and Mary and her mother, Mrs. Annie Lang of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong on Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. Zach Adams, Bowmanville, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Assel- stine and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton called on the Viv Mal-, colms Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Vie Malcolm called on her grandmother, Mrs. Robt. Kerr and Walter Sun- day afternoon. Mrs. Kerr is sick with pneumonia. We wish hEr a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Johns and Billy visited ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuckey, Frankford, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Brown, Oshawa, called on Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson on Saturday. Mr. Norman Malcolm, Toron- to, called on Mr. and Mrs. Vie Malcolm on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emer- son visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black, Courtice, on Sun. day. Rickard Herd Wins Awards At Norwood Exhibiting at the Norwood Regional Shorthorn Show on Thanksgiving Day, the herd of Garnet Rickard, Bowmanville, brouglit home a gooclly number of the awards. This show is open ta exhibitors from Durham, Northumberland, Peterborough, Hastings and Prince Edward Counties. Included in the Rickard wins were: 2nd, mature bull; 2nd, senior yearling bull: lst, sum- mer yearling bull; 2nd, junior bull calf; 3rd, mature coiv; 2nd, two-year-old cow; 2nd, senior yearling heifer; 2nd, junior yearling heifer: lst and 3rd, sum- mier yearling heifers; 2nd, sen- ior heifer caif (and Reserve Junior Champion fernale of the show); lst and 2nd, junior beif- er calves. Celt our Price For Tour Liveslock through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 Developing New For Cattie According to the Ontario Vet- erinary College, research per- sonnel at the Veterinary Virus Research Institute in New York State bave recently issued a pre- iiminary report on a new cat- tle vaccine. The vaccine bas been developed to immunize cattie against leptospirosis, di- arrhea and infectious bovinc rhinotracheitis. The latter';_ sease is not common in Ontaio but leptospirosis and virus diar- rhea are assuming an increas- ing importance in tbe list of diseases affecting Ontario cat- tle. The fact that a triple vaccine has been developed and given in one inoculation resulting in both successful immunizatiori and cafety is an important step forward in the control of animal diseases. Triple vaccines have been used in hunian medicin,0 for son;.e time, buýt ,±às is thr first report of theîýeî& in thT immunization of Undue procrastination indi- cates that a man does nat se& his way ciearly. undue precipit- ation, that lie doca flot see it at ail -Shakespeare. z' use COOr [[[OS $400 off per ton on ail CO-OP dairy and beef concentrates and premnixes (T'his offer expires November 3Oth) Cash in on this 'get acquainted' offer and convert your fult granary into extra profits with, a Co-op balanced foodingl program. Grains are deficient in some necessary nutrients. Co-op Concentrates make up these deficiencies and give you increased milk and meat production - greater profits for you. Durham Farmers'f County Co-op Phone '137, Orono q 5* _ _ 4 q -jEXL ATTENTION FARMERS! You May Now Book Your Orders for NEW MACHINERY and Take.Spring Delivery! If Mrs. Brown is going to make the trip with "Mick" to Nassau he will need a few more sales . .. so now is your chance to buy that much needed machinery at great savings to you. and take spring delivery. Tractors - Combines - Other Nachinery W. H. Brown CASE DEALER Johns-Manville Spintex home insukitionÙ' ,will save you money this wvinter GET JOHNS-MANVILLE SPINTEX INSULATION FROM IN ORGNO - LUNN'S HARDWARE IN NEWCASTLE - P. G. NEWELL LIJNDER CO# Ph. 3456 àli -MiMÛ Vaccine

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