?I1URSDAY, OCT. 23id. 1958 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVLLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVUR GMron Àgnew, Ediior phione 3 r~iton United Pastor Coming Here on Sunday For 134th Anniversary m i ca ai NMWCASTLE-An important1 the occasion. The Rev. Mr. Scot tilestone in its service ta thie is associete minister o! Carlton onyuity illbe clebrtedstreet church in Toronto and is >n e ungry wil be cheete well known by manv in the vi- st'ecUngegation oteneSu- lage and district through the ,y when it will reach its 134th radia broadcasts from Carltrin inlensry.TheMetodit Cn-St. "The House of Friendsh'o" nnJersry.TheMetodit Cn-heard every Sunday morning, Tegation came ino being on oe the past25o30yas Te e Anson Gr8e4,asits iteMany will want ta take this op- Lev.Ansn Geenm is frstportunity ta meet Mr. Scott in inister. persan. The Rev. R. J. Scott of Carl- The 'generaus support o! ahI >n Street United Church in citizens is requested for the lornta will be guest speak- church which is ýa most impar- both mouning and evenine tant institution in anv commun- id special music bas; been pue- ity on this speciel anniversary ýared bv the conguregation for occasion and at ail times. Iewca st/e cSocial anc1 (Peesona/ Stiday visitcrs with the Rev. his aunt and unele, the Rev. and M. C. Fisher and familv were Mrs. M. C. Fisher and family. the Rev. ..l. Brahami of Scii- Mr. and Mrs. Il. S. Brittor. gag and the Misse.; Kdith Coti speîît Tuesday visiting ini 'To- .ranE anîd friends of TIoronîto. ronto Mrs. Jamnes Gable and da ugh- Mr. Jack Howlev of Newmar- ter Juan, anîd Frank Wienho[d ket was a wcekend visitor with of Uxbridge, were Sunday vis-, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gould and itor; with Mr. and Mrs. John aiy Voutt and famil.y.fai'. .lVr. anid Mrs. Frank Part- I Mrsý. Frank 1-bar who is a! ridje and daLîghtcr Carol of N2ý- 1 Patient in Hospital ini Toronto, paree visited with MuI. and Mrs. spent Iast weekcnd at home vis- Go.-don Agnew on Sunday. iting with her family. Miss Gertrude Campbell, Field Mr. and Mrs. Milis of Alta - Secretary of the W.C.T.U. was deana, California, visited with1 an overnight guest with the Rev.j their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. and Mrs. M. C. Fisher and fam- R. Carveth on Monday and ily on Monday. Tuesday. Ar. and Mrs. Charles Gilkes, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kesseler Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Rickard and Johnny and Mrs. George andl Mr. and Mrs. Philip Williams Smith, Newcastle, motored to wtre in Camîbellfoi-d on Tues- Minden and Algonq~uin Park and day evening attending a special enjoyed the trip, seeing somne nieeting of the Lions Clubs of deer feeding with people at tlbe District, tables. Mr. Jim Townsend of Cam- Mrs. Wilbert Hendn-v, Markhamn. den, New Jersey, spent a few called on Mrs. Geoorge Smith, ciays in the village visitrng with1 Newcastle. T E VILLAGE F NEWCASTLE EÏTERN STANDARD TIME nt 12:01 a.m. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 261h On this date ail citizens are requested ta turn their clocks and watches BACK one hour. D. J. CUNNINGHAM, Reeve. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Newcastle United Church 134th Anniversary Services SUNfDAY,_OCTODER 26 11:00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 P.M. - EVENING WORSHIP Guest Speaker at bath services Bey. R. J. Scott Associate Minister Caritan Street United Church, Toronto PICK UP A CARTON!! BEVERAGES ALL IN HANDY CARTONS six KING SIZE 12 OUNCE BOTTLES 41c VOUR DEALUR lIAS THE CARTONS OF WILSON'S " GINGER ALE * COLA * ORANGE " GRAPEFRUIT " CLUB SODA 58-1 Assessment Report Says Village Population 1134 NEWCASTLE-Accarding tc a report given ta the village counicil at its October meeting by the village Assessor I. J. Mc- Cullough. the village assessment on the 1959 roll is $93Û,500 and the latest count o! the popula- tion is 1,134 pensons. The waterxvorks survev re- port was read ta counicil and discussed at same length and left aven for funther study un- Toronto wilh be the yuest speak- second reeding was given a bv- law fon the licensing o! car trailens in the village. Tenders were opened for ne- pairs ta the Community Hall and on the advice of the archi- tects, Sproat and Rolph, the tender of the Cloak Construc- tion Ca. for $7,297.00 wes aie- cepted with the firm o! Spnoa' and Rolph ta supervise the wonk. FielId Commissione r Teils of Scout Work At Lions Thursday NEWCASTLE - "Scouts are clubs and other groupE. He trained to help others, be skilful said all Scout troops are spon- and be prepared", Mn. Jackson, sored by some organization. He the Field Commissioner of the said fromn beginning ta end the Boy Scouts Association told the boys are led "To Serve Others". membens of the Newvcastle Lions The age groups oft the Scout Club at the r r ular dinner organization start at 8 and con- meetingf heid ii tho cining-room tinue until the boy is 23. The of the Quccn's Hotel last Thîîrs-I Neivcastle Lions already sponsor day evcning. The Club had as a Cub group andi are now plan- their guesis Mu. Jackson, Mr. ning a Scout troop for the boys and Mus. A. C. S. Willianms of ta, continue thein tnaining. the Scout organization and Lion During a brief business dis-1 Don Williams ofBomîvl. cusion led by Vice-President 11r, Jackson said the Scout Ca.Iigli h bec Association is the largest Serv- thnoughi illness of the President, ice~ Club in the world having Lion Chas. Gilkes, Lion Don grusi 69 onrealou, Williamis spuke briefly thanking goup onre i U the club for their assistance in side the Iron Curtain. He said the C.N.I.B. canvass and mak- there are some Scouts behind n final arrangements for Mon- the Iron Curtain buýt Scouting dysBlt.Dngote lns boin i 1 glin these countries od the CBlitz. Dueofthe ilnes it is carried on under cover. He ConsterCatin ofite ioht said the association is carried CoervationComiittee. ionl on 1w 12 men who are elected PnyHn.woii optl from the meinber countnies, Lion Phil Williams is in charge, eachhavig thee vtes.of the canvass. After somne dis- eachhavng treevote. Icussion, a motion was passed Mr. Jackson said the as socia- instructing the property corn- tion bas a miembership of; more mittee to check on the piano in than 250,000 members, being the Lions rooma and report back sponsored by churches, service ta the club. Farncomb LeGresley to Head "Ham" Operators NEWCASThE-Farncomb Le- Gî'esley of Newcastle was ehec- ted pnesident of the North Shore Radio Club at its auînual meeting in Simcoe Hall, Osh- awa on Tucsdav evening last. The Club is aun onganizatian tak- ing in radia hem aperators froun the district iucluding Ajax, Whitby, .Oshawa, Claremont, Broiugham, Boxvmanville, Newv- castle and Port Hope. This club gives an opportun- ity for amateur radio opera- tons ta get togethen and discuss prabhems et Ibeir meetings.1 Tbey conduet contests. belp aat in civil defeîise projects, etc., and most o! the Iîams are equip- ped V.ith mobile equipment keeping thern in touch with other membens wbile drivirg from place ta place. The clutb mecis in Sinuoe 1Hbll, Oshawa. on thec second Tuesdey of eaeiî month et 8 p.m. and wouhd wpl. come interested visitons. Officers elected &.t the annUals meeting inc!ude Presiden,, Fanncomb LeGreslev, Newcas- tle; Vice President, Bihl Asbley. Pont Britaiii; Secnetary, ac Avis, Xhitbx'; Treasuner, Mikeýý Slienle. Oshawva; Bulletin Edi- toi-, Ted Brant, Wbitbv, anid Publisiien Ron Wragg of Osh- eawa. Lion ettes and Guests Heur Interesting TaIk On Cerebral Pals y Work NEWCASTLE-Twelve menm- bers of the Lady Lions Club o! Millbraok weue guests o! the Newcastle Lionettes et thein ne- gulan monthly meeting on Mon- day evening et tbc Queen's Ho- tel. Thirteen members and twa athen guests, Mus. David. Gray of Newcastle and Mus. Arkless af Osbawa. weue in attendance. Mus. Chies. Megit, the puesi- dent, conducted e short business peniod duning which the six pic- tunes o! the Quee and the Coat-of-Arms wliicb is beibg presented ta the Public Sehool were sbown ta the members. Mus. R. B. Riekerd won the ne- gular monthly draw conducted by the club. Mus. David Guay introdtuced the guest speaker of!theceveai- Clocks Return To Standard Time Sunday NEWCASTLE - With the end o! October drawing close the end of Daylight Seving time elso draws close and citizens are neminded thet ah dcocks and watches should be SET BACK anc houn before netiring on Saturdey night, October 25th, sa, blat they will be right an Suniday îornîiug. Davlight Seving Timne bas lasted a month longer this year, but it is uîot going te be anyv eesieu 10 edjust to tbc slower time then it wes otheî' yeaus eti the end nf Septemibeu.1 S<-0n-o, donit fouget ta get - that extra hiou of ýslEep yen hast lest spuing by turniuîg youn' dlocks and m-atches beck anc boun before netînlng on Satur- day nigbt. Six -Brownies Receive Goldeni Bar Badges NEWCASTI.E-At the reg- - Comnî i - H:H ic nî1;e iet.î: e wvag ccened bh- t1he sýnziig nf ie &rownie SIX bornâa.aci Prayer. ing. Mus. Ankless of Oshawa, who is president o! the Ceré- bral Palsy Cauncil. Mrs. Ank- less sokze on the xvork of tne Cerebral Pals.v Cauncil and showed films of the work be- ing dune in the chassroomn in Oshawa whene the childuen wene being assisted by instri.ctars ta walk and were being helped ta May~ things with thein hands. A hbysia tberapi.st was also shown exencising the limbs of small childuen, a truly worth- xvhile effort an the part of the Cerebnal Palsy Parent Council. As a token of the thanks o! the membens for ber mast in- teresting and informative taik and pictures a Rift was present- cd ta Mus. Arkhess by Mus. Mil- ton Welken. During the meeting the fol- lowing girls received their Golden-Bar Badge: Susan Flir1- toff, Janie Zweir, Hilda Ten Dam, Beth Powell. Beverly Riekard and Kathy Alldread. The girls had a study period and played a couple of games. A pow-wow was formed ta close the meeting ond the girls plan- rted for a hike on Saturday. On Saturday twenty-nine girls gathered at Honey Hollow ta begin thein hike. They sang songs, went up and down hill until they found a nice spot for their campfine. Here they had wieners and buns and marsh- mnallows. The girls returned home 'a tined lot' but anxious for anothen hike. RAI LWAY TIME TABLE CHANGES SUNDAY9 OCT. 26 Cmm* yow Ticket Aam fSr furiher infoMlle St. Georges Evening W.A. Holding Sale NEWCASTLE - The Even- ing Bnanch of St. Georîge's Woman's Auxihiary met in the Parish Hall on October l5th with 17 members present. Fol- lowving the opening prayers the minutes wene read and reports given by the vaniaus officers. Announcement was made that the Little Helpers would meet on Tuesdey, October 2lst. for thein regular fali meeting in the Parish Hall. The president read two let- ters from the Deanery president, and fnamn the Dioscesan treasur- er, expressing thanks ta the branch for its hospitality at the recent Deaneny meeting. There was same discussion re- garding church calendars and it was stated the Chnistmas banquet calendars have been ondered again this yean but have not yet annived. It was announced that the Afternoan Branch is holding a sale o! home coaking and a tea in the Lions room and ahi mem- bers o! the Branch were urged ta attend. It was announced the next meeting of the buanch wvould be beld on Wedinesday, Oct. 22, and the meeting concluded with the servîng of refneshments. Couples Club Hears Address On Wesiern 011 NEWCASTLE -- The October mneetiuîg, of the Merry Marcied Couples' CIlub cf the Newcastle United Church was hehd ini the SunOd.iy SchIoui Hall oui Wed- nesday, Octoiber ]Oth. A -ýhart businecss meetijng '.as conducted by Hlie pros-icîcut and a reading on ilie Tbanksgiving tiienie xvas given by Mus. Jean i fikerd. Thie gucst speaker fon the ev- enîuîg as Mn. E.,-.R. Lovekiiî who gave a veny floe talk on the subject "Oil In The West" which was mucn eiîjoyed by all preszent. Tie committee iii chargce of the meeting then conducted a "WTat's My Line" contest atter vhich delicious refresliments were served. KENDAL Mrs. Don Hinds and MNrs. W. F. Robinson, Peterborough, and Mrs. Annie Evans called ta see Mn. and Mns. Milt Robinson last Monday. Miss Catherine Stewart had Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Lofthouse and famifly, Oshawa. Mr. and Mns. Ken Saper wene guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Bert Th~ompson for Thanksgiving din- ner. Mrs. Alva Swarbrick was in Tanonto this wveek visiting her daughter Doris, Mi-s. Gardon Pnîce, who is unden observation for an operation on her heant in the General Hospital. Mn. and Mrs. Ray Hughes and Gloria had dinner Sunday even- ing with Mrs. Mary Luxon and attezided anniversary service. Mn. and Mns. Bert Thompson, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Saper and Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Paeden and Jean took in the fair at Nor- wood. Mrs. Martin Manders, Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Mrs. George Mencen and Mrs. Wm. Mercer attended the Open House at Hillcrest Lodge Pont, Hope, Thursday aftennoon. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Foster have returned from Teeterville. We were sorry ta leann Mns. Foster had ta enten hospital on arrivai up there for a short stay. With Mu. and Mrs. Bert Thompson Sunday, were Mn. and Mrs. George Sales (Audrey Rutherford) and their Ihree children of Woodbridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Paeden and Jean. The "Young Peoples" held their meeting Tuesday evening ind as a praject decided Ioa bnp cleani up and decorate thie church Saturday afternoon und- er the supervîsion of MiII Rab- inison who has been looking efter it. They are ta be con- guatulated on their fine decona- tions. Tfle~ sad car accident at Cruoked Cneekç Frida-:y e.eig %vien thniee youuig lads were ýo seuiousl.,' injUi'ed. was a grýAt shock to their friends here. Tl'le sympthyandprayers of 1b communitv are vthc ieboys. hopingf for their î.eço',,prv an(] also xith the parents in thecir houns of anxicty. The Hydro shut-off from 8 ta 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning cau.-ht quite a few folks napping (ia more ways than one). Quite e job ta get milking. separating, neot ta mention breakfasts done after 10:30 and get ta churcb by 11 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 19 xvas a lovely day' for thfAl vus-yServ- ices of Kendal United Church which wvas colorfully decorated with floweré autumn leaves and fruit and vegetables from aur gandens and fields. In the morning the Rev. G. W. Wright of Canton gave a very interest- ing discourse and held a special period of prayer for the lads in- jured in the car accident. Rend- al Choir favoured with the an- themn "Sangs of Joy"' with Mrs. Swarbrick at the organ. In the evening Rev. Geerlof Lakhorst. B.A., B.D., of Roseneath, held the rapt attention of the con- gregation with his sermon on "The Good Earth-'. The Rose- neath Male Quartette sang three fine selections which were much en.ioyed. There was a good turnout for bath services wîth many visitors from surrounding points, especially in the evening. Mr. and Mns. Gordon Martin- ell spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Hattie Mantinell. Mrs. Vance Allen and Terry and Mrs. Wm. Mercer had dîn- ner Suinday eveniig with Mn. and Mns. E. Couroux. Mr. and Mrs. Ruddy, Whitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Milt Rab- inson, Saturday afternoon. Miss Marion McKelvey, Toron- ta and Miss Lofthouse 'of Osha- wva, were guests of Miss C. Stewart, Sunday. NE WTON VILLE Mrs. Bill Wadle is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowma;a- ville. Mr .and Mrs. Roy Burley of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farr- Ow. Mrs. Trna Selwav of Tor- onto spent a week vwith Mr. and ivrs. Anidrew Reichirat.I Mr. and Mus. C1ulaîid Lanc spent hIe weekend with 'Mu. and Mus. Chester Hill of Buiffa!o. MVrs. Hauriet Medvaif of Port Ilie'ue is sPeîîd ilg a few da\y, lvii'. alid iù. liai1y L lo o f 0w.en Souiid \ere caliers or, ~Sinda.y icxetinng lon Pictoni. Mu. and Mus. Don Stapleton and faili! ' wîuili NMu. ý.od Mrs.' Lennox Vaýey of Port MeINicol for the xe~cd Mrs. Margaret Day and Mus. H-. Dean of Toronîto spent a few days with Mn. and Mrs. Clinton Brown. Mr. and Mus. Frnrk Gilm-er spent the weekend with Mr. and Mus. Lasurence Gilmer of Ridgc- ye'. Mus. Mabel Lcîîshncr who bas bf'en visiting lier sister. Mu1 s. J. T. Pepirce .rc'turned to Niagara Falls with them. Mr% and Mus. Ernest Werry and Betty Jane; Enniskillen wvere Saturday visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster. Next Sunday, Oct. 26 aur church service will be at 10 a.mu Mr .and Mus. Kalababa have returned from their trip west andà are spendiog a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tuf- ford. Messrs. Arnold Wade and Harry Holdaway left on Tues- day for Brandon, Man. Saturdav evening fniends ga- thered at the New~tonvi1le Corn- rnunitv Hall for a farwell card party for Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Henndeuson m-ho have moved ta Port Hope. They were presented %vith a set of chairs and a floor lam p. Mrs. Lenhard Raum ,Mr. and Mns. Thea. Raum and family. Toronto. and Mr. and Mus. We- hnert and s;on, Coîîrtice, were Sundav visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Relchrath. OBITUARY MRS. WALTER DAVIS The death occurred in Mern- anial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Oct. 10, 1958, of Elizabeth Kanie Davis. M"s. Davis, who was , had experienced a lcngth.y ii- n ess. A clau.ghten of the late John and lsabella Kane, she was born in Toronto on Marcb le, 1885. Mr. and Mrs. Davis xit;- their dlaughter, Mary Isabelle Davis, moved from North To- ronto ta Bowmanvihle ini 19-11 %vbiere the famnilv bas since ne- sidied on Mill Lane. Mr. Davis predlcccased bis wîife on Jin. 9, 19,58.. Mu;, TDavis \vas a iemlber of St. John's Ang,,lic-an Cburc 'i he:e auJ \vwas active ini the woik af the VW.A. su i vivin- uureler cdaiiglter, aM1,' v Isabielle Ia .Buw uuail- ville-: a h blti', mi-. Rlia!O 1 Kar) (eif fladt-iîton.1"oid, and two ite-.Mi-s..A. NI. Scottof Touonto, and Mrs. .Jamcs T. Hope\wl uf Halifax, N.S. A prix-aie funr-l service wval li']d ai, the Norticîultand Sritli Funeral Chapecl, Bownanvil!e, at 10) in on Saturday, Oct. 11, with Fervice at St. James Crc- matorium- in Toronto at ll.ýO a.m. Bathi services were con- ductcd by t he Rev. A. C. Her- bert of St. John's Angliedri Church, Bowmanvillc. Paîl- bearers wer e Messrs. Normanl jess, W. A. Rombough, George Davis and H. Minish. 1959 FORD IN EVERY WAY SC> BEAUTrIFULLY RIC3HT Beauty queen of the hardtop- the new Fairlane 500 Town Victoria SHORT LONG STRORE STROKE Short Strolce Design cuts fric- tion for langer engine life with gas savinga up ta 10%/'. Ford and only Ford builds a true short stroke Six in Canada. The Expressway Intoke Mani- fold on Ford V-8's delivers fuel to each cylinder by the uhartest, niost direct route for. amooth power without waste, This Is the car deigned to meet every kind of driving noed today. And it doe.. Beautifully. Completely restyled for 59, Fard ha.% a cdean crisp look with dignity and gond faste in every line. Standard engines, Six and V-8, run on regular gas. 'Hie standard ail filter stretches oit chanîges up ta 4,000 miles. New Fardomnatie is ligliter, more tc<-c nomical, his .11 ft-wenparis. 1'J'uie e Blendaire heaten b)lendis warm and -oit air ta give you thie exac"t tenîperature you want, instantly. See you.r Dealer àjid take a dtscovery di-ive. (Cgfatn fawuveiluj"afed a? 9M-,tife at md ? ard' e Sm mdeLi. opntiLTai ertr euit m e<ÀM.) CARVETHMOTORS NEWCASTLE, ONT. CO VERING BOWMANVILLE & NEWCASTLE DISTRICTS Your money buys a SETTER QUALITY and BIOGER QUANTITY whOit you k~J for Wilson s a loin. ""PMAT, OCT. "r& ion TM rANML4JR BTATIMU". BOV;bIANVnl.& ONTAIUO PAGE ICLJMM- 1-2