-nR IU-ZLÂ1 LLX DLTATL.DIVLfAL, BLWMAN VffbJZ rNTAM a Pick Players for Minor Hockeys 22 New Tem 1 * Age grouPings: Atomn-un-i Danny Hooper, Robert Jackman, der 10, August lst, 1958 - 4'Glen Finney Doug. Sleep, Ron-' teams. Pee Wee-under 12. Au- nie Simpson, Donald Rogers, gust lst, 1958-7 teams. Ban- Ashley Osmond, Bud Depew, tain - under 14, August lst, Guy Parles, Dennis Tiernev. 1958-6 teains. Midget-under Coach- Jack Haves, Geo. 16, August lst, 1958-5 teams. Cawker. Total 22 teànms. Indians- Donald Whalen, 2. Ail League Games, two 201 John Taylor, Larry McDonald,' minute periods straight time. Alian Maguire, Ronald Shack- 3. Three minute rule in ef- elton, Ronald Webb, Richard fect in ail leagues. Lines must Wiggans. Randy Beauprie, be changed every three minutes Doug. Harness, David Burdett, (Buzzer to sound ta signify the Alan~ Brown, Ian McQuarrie, change). f James Rabson. Coach-Len Lu:- 4. No player must return to. cas. the ice until ail other plavers Rams-Billy Woodyard, Paul on the bench have been on the Charbonneau, Rickv Woolner,V ice for their three minutes un- Fred Bailey, Jack EÉlis, San d%, less there is a shortage of play- Garvock,. Michael Bothweli, ers. Paul Parker, Ronald Carter, 5. Plavers missing more than Melvin Wilson, Richard Burd en, 2 games without good reason Rickv Dewell, Dan Nowlan .will be released from the team Coach-Ted Fairey, Bob Mar and not allowed ta play withany jerrisan. other team. Hornets-Larrv Devitt, Mich- 6. A team flot having a min- ael Lavertv, Gary Wilson, Rax' mnust be a goalie) and on the ice Graham, Herbert Richter, PaiUl ready to plav by 5 minutes past. Huggett, John McGuirk, Pat-ii the scheduled time will defauht Meadoxvs, Roger Swvan. Wayne the game. Hunt, Warren Alder. Coach i 7. AlI games must start on Bob Rogers. time. If any teami starts lateý they will lose the time from E IE LAI their game.j Hawks (Atom AIl Stars) 8. Plastic face protectors must John Cunningham, Jamie Cob- be worn by ail goabies. ban, Phillip Manduck, Dou'9. 9.-Penalties - The C .A.H.A.1 McFeeters, Lanny Burns, Jeff penalty rule wb be in effet.' Gilhoolv, David Wright, Jo hnj i.e. If non offending team scorcs Ballantine, Wane Barret, vil a goal the penalized pla > er may Michael Cawker. Paul Lucas, ish( return to the ice. Minor Penal- Wrav Rendeli, Robert Large Bo ties-2 minutes from the timne Tommy Carter. Coach - Donýse the puck is put into piay. Ma-1 Gilhooly, Doug. Walton. se jor penalties-S minutes froni Bruins-Dennis Lemon, Bruce- the time the puck is put ilita Barm-ett, Gayland Tril, Jamn e.i play. The penalty for buarding: Ml)itoîald, Casev liertol, Fin &hall be five minutes. aboe John Gilbert, Ivan Mils, Ilar- lai 10. Body checking alwd old Couney, Rayrnon<1 Adc0c";, Tu only behind the defensive1 John Kilpatrick, Peter Vani- îey team'a blue line. stone, Henry Kooy. Micha el Doi 1il-Players penalized for Leddy, Kenneth McDonal d, lor, -profane anguage and fighting Danny Lemon. Coach - Tom ers, wibl draw an automatic thrpe Depew, Bert Johnson.US game suspension. Ranger s-James Kitney, Gre- us: 12. No overtime wiUl be play- gory Couch, Larry Simpson, Ot- W ed during league games. ta Richter Danny McDonald , 13. Any player found damag- Arthur Jackson, Walter Rîck- Bil ing Arena property will be sus- ard, Gary Richardson, Gardon Bi] pended tramn the league. Boyd. Wayne Down, Larry Lun- Van 14, Playofs - AIl teains in neman, Bradlev Lucas, Ron Sa each league will be in the play- Hooper, Randy Dewell, Don- rie, offs. ald Murphy, Jim Dilling. Coach ais, -Walter Goode. Coa ATOM LEAGUE Leafs-John Russel. Larry H Barons-David Wiggans, Bo- Lee. Dennis McDonabd, Bruce lar jys Wereszczynski, Jay Rogeri, Meadows, Stephen Jeffery, Rus ________________________Ricky Elis, David Rogers, Mich- Jaiy ael Shuttleworth, Alex Laird, ma, Norman Thompson, Ricky Lu- But cas, Wesley Lane, David Puk, Pea: Morris Honeyman, Thomas bru( Worden, Gregory Brooking. T ---- Canadians - Thomas Veitch, Dev Glenn Rabb, James MeIntyre, bled Robert Bothwell, Arthur Koov, Bro, Michael Russell, Ron Harper, cher David Tonkin, Leon Carr, Jackie Bra( jRose, Phill.ip "Bragg. Richard Scct Bailey, Gary Butler, Larry Per- Smi ris. Paul Sweete, John Lock- ........Wings-Joseph Kitney, Den- Cc nis Homeniuk. Larry Helbam, Ken Jira Magtire Ken, ile, a-Jin Sdy Cole, Wayne Elliott, How- Will ard Edmondson, John Huggett, Mut utJames Homeniuk, Ronald Rich- ell, We'ildrop very- ards, Terry Devitt, Wayne Har- Gra, rison, Robert James, Gregory Coac thing to nemp our FHornigold. ha Glant&-Lockle McNair, John Ra policyholders, Conners, John Cunningham, Mcl, Charlie Evans. Cris Quinton, Riel Gary Akey, George Moore, Den- Picki Folks who have bought nis MeFeeters, Barney Haw- Lee policies can count on us to thorne, John Burgess, Gerald Lar:, giv thir nsuanc neds MeDonald, Richard Perfect, Bill Paul giv thir nsuanc neds Crombie, James Brown, David nett. top priority. Whatever the Bridges, Brian Armstrong. emnergency-tire, burg!ary or auto accident-we re- spond to yomr call with swift, efficient service. STUAIRT R. JAMES INSURANCE Office MA 3-5681 Klnt Street 9. BANTAM LEAGUTE Pirates (Pee Wee AIL Stars) -Bill Depew, Danny Wilkin~s, Don MeMurter, Ricky Gav, Geo. Bail, Garfield Webb, 'Steven Burns, Terry Walton, John Hughes, Bill Buday, Peter Wer- ry, Irwin Colwell, Brian For- sey, Howard Burgess. Coach- Morley Oke, Ed. Rundie. Cubs-Don Marshall, Davidj Denn Vee David MrcFeeters Deael, rc aeviud, EnjeU Van Neil McGregor, Blayne Flint, Ted Znak, Glen Clarke, Lea' MacLean, Dan Hughes, Don Riekard, Ralph Cale, Larry Hatebv, Paul Peterson, Art For- an. Coach-Murray McKnight. * 1TT~T~AV n<9~ 9~t.i ¶O~ft Rotarians Tour Training School WEDDING ]REAL - COOLE Aquiet wedding took place iSt. Jh' Anglican Church Saturday afternoon, October 4, 1958, when Sandra Viola Coole, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.- Coole of Bowmanville. was un- ited in marriage with Gerald Richardson Heal, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Heal of Solina. Rev. A. C. Herbert perfarmed the' ceremony. The bride, given in marriage bv her father, wore a gown of white lace over satin, the scal- lopecl neckline trimmed with sequins and Pearl§ The fui! skirt was inset with panels of matching lace, and lace border- ed her fîngertip veil which telI tram a tiara headdress. She car- ried a cascade of red roses and white Shasta 'mums. Miss Barbara Elliott, Oshawva, was maid of honour, wearing a gown of opera blue taffeta with harem hemline, and blue shad- ed feather bandeau. Her flow- ers were a cascade of white Shasta 'mums. Mr. Robert Grif- fith of Toronto was best man. A reception was held in St. John's Parish Hall, when the bride's Mnother received the guests wearing a dress of cho- colate brown crystalette with tangerine accessories and cor- sage of rust and white 1'mums. The groom's mother assisted, wearing black and white crys- talette with winter white ac- cessories and corsage of pink and white 'mums. For their wedding trip ta the Pocono Mountains in Pennsyl- vania and ta New York City, shower. PRICE4Se wioes umid.;wg I.dwbg yïe novhome Sr iudeling blemm lie dWxk the prices of ~~~our~ ~ L Iubre.1 Mdibuilding Supplies at 0.1mw..W.( rulpfs uh.mequhty cornes 2x 'soça i 1 5.00 P@DUCrSLtd. N~ E& 34U &A 8-161 the bride wore a suià of opera blue wool with white fur hat and corsage of white 'mums, The couple wvill reside in Bow- manville. The bride. who is a graduaêe iof Bowmanville Business Schocl1, is a stenographer at the Good- year Tire and Rubber Company office, Bowmanville. The groora is an honour graduate in ý .ech- anical and Industrial Terhno- 1logv at Ryerson Institute whem e he also won several ehQla:- ships. Mr. Heal is e teyed with the Link Beit CoWx .my at Scarborough. Out-of-town guests attended the wedding from Prescott, Osh- awa, Toronto, Hamilton, Buf- falo, Detroit, Brantford, Streets- ville and St. Catharines. A number of showers were given for the bride prior to ber marriage. Miss Barbara Et- liott, Oshawa, who was assist- ed by Miss Mary Efliott, Mrs. S. Elliott and Mrs. B. Brown, gave a personal shower. A miscel- laneous shower was given by Miss Marlene MacDonald wha was assisted bv Mrs. R. Mac. Donald and Mrs. R. Abernethy. Mrs. F. Jamieson was hostess for a china shower attended by neighbours of the bride. Mrs. Jamieson was assisted by Miss L. Jamieson and Mrs. A. Mairs. The girls of the Goodyear office showered the bride with miscellaneous gifts and a pre- sentation wvas also made froni Goodyear office ,of a stag han- die carving set. Friends and re- latives in Oshawva were guests at the home of the bride's aunt. Mrs. W. Keeler. assisted by Mrs. L. Keeler, for a miscellaneous As part of their Youth Service programn, Bowman- some of the lads the intricacies of repairing a pair of lie Rotarians on Friday visited the several buildings and skates, while members of the club watch with interest. hops which make up the Ontario Training School for In the back row is Superintenderit John Morrison, who wos here. This photo shows them in the shoe repair explained the details of the institution. ýction xvhere shop instructor Matt Harrison is showing Liois--Davicd Elliott, Gardon inev, Elwin Whlie, Bob H;ýl- rn, Talbot Thonipsori, Ga ry ibb, Jlohn Acdams, Brian Brad- ,,Stephen Witherspoon, Gary own, Mark Bridson, Rod Tay- r, Wayne Wrayr, Larry Rog- s, Dav'id Allison, Bob McMan- ;Coach-Keith Shackelton. Braves - Albert Goodwîn, 'lter Ellis. Fred Shackelton, rle Keatlev, Brian Down, 11 Cobban. John Allun, Bob liieres, Gary Crombie. Larry imis, Dennis Gay, Doug. Hur- EPeter Bothwell, Doug. Nich- sDan Sweete, Alan Hooper. )ach-A1 Staeey, Joe Markle. Iuskies-Woodrow Perry, Al- nAndrews, Don Simmons, issel Bahl, Gary Griffin, .es Finn, Andrew Schaafs- aDavid Woolner, Donald tler, Gary Neil, Wayne mrce, Doug. Pingle, Bill Em- ich, Bill Berril, John Depew. Tigers--Jred Breown, Wayne îitt, Jim. Kinson, Fred Cob- Edick, Ron Wilson, Murray own. Pat Vinish, James Ar- er. John Lyle, John Phillips, adleyý Yourth, Jack Whalen, ott RudeIl, Ted Bate, Bobi iith. MIDGET LEAGUE Comets (Bantam Ail Stars)- in Veitch, Michael Dickens, n Coyle, Bob Sleep, David liams, George Kennedy, Paul ttan, Doug. Lane, Rae Pick- 1David Kerr, Jon Hancock, aydan Cobville, Gene Balson. ch - Harold Balson, Paul ant. taiders - James Lane, Bill L.ean, Larry Welsh, Ricky *ard, Bob Whalen, Blainie ,ard. John Bruce, Jim Scott, SRackham, Wendell Fisher, ry Piper, David Higgon, il Meîntyre. Coach-Joe Ken- juugcrs-JonTernune, John Goode, John Twist, Gord Run- dle, Ron Bryant, Don Smith, Robert Hager man, Tam Wilson, Bill Biekbe, Alan Cole, Brenton Hughes, Gr-ant Wright. Orphans-John Oke, Jim Me- Knigzht, Tom Stacey, Stephen Barclay, John Carter, Bill Brown, Larry Jamieson, James Rickard, Jack Hallowell, Bruce Ogden, Gerald Peterson, Nelson Yeo. Generals-David Gibson, Rab- ert Burton, Don Masterson, Da- vid Werry, Walter Gibson, Rab- ert Blackburn, Nornis Turner, Doug. James, John Dy kstra, Don Rudman, Paul Gearing, Doug. Gibson, Phillip Eldridge. 6iiIt stîoer PIONEER RA ChaI,, ti f wlt lh ,7/t cm tdi Orne light-but-tough afloY casting frein bar mnounting to rear handle! Here's your guarantee of the longest h.!. under the toughest eutting conditions - only with Pioneer R!Look at these other RA ufirsts" too . . . anap-off 7 bood for inâtant servicing case . . . big, pistan-ported.4 , power . . . you catit boy moré chain saw for your moneyl ,Test Pioneer tomorrow: Se. the famous Pioneer 'Mode! HC as Iow as $199.50 - 10% down Balance-on easy terms. SS. Morton & Son Bowmanville, Ontario Business Uîrectory- Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Ph.one MArket 3-3612 MONTEITH - MONTEIV-i RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-3527 Partners : J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. YALE, FRIEDLAINDER, Cor. King and Temperance Sts. HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A.t P. Friediander, B. Com., C.P.A.m C hi rop r acf ic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment D e n al1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. dally t09g-c VN tauoqd~ 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Le gal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville i Telephone MA 3-5791 1 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA .3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanvllle E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LLB. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointment only. W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Orono, Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. M or fg age s LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage Fundg Residences - Farms Business Properties Op fo me fr y KEITH A. BLLLETT Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office ilotirs: BY appointment Telephone MArket 3-3252 Mlonday 10 Saturdav 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. W'ednesdays: 9 to 12 Thursday eveniaze BLACKSTOCK The very large congregation in St. John's (Anglican) church last Sunday as members and friends assembled for the Harv- est Thanksgiving Service, were evidently delighted wvith the gif- ts and decorations, but were more impressed with the 'new look" in the church, for the in- terior walls had been re-paint- ed throughout the building. During the previous week, miany hours were spent doing this work in the evenings, some times until almost midnight. The work-team, organized and led by the churchwvardens, Messrs. Frank Staniland and George Wobfe, gave readily of their time and energy and skill, and a very credible job was accomplished Most successfully. The wardens were assisted -by Messrs. Tom Hoidge, Neib Bailey, Jack and Don Green, Fred Hamilton and Bryan Staniland, ta whom most grateful thanks are due, also ta those who most kindby lent scaffolding, planks and ather necessi tries so that the work could be done expeditiously. Visitors at St. John's Rectory for the Thanksgiving weekend included Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cha- perbin and family; Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Oline of Knob Hill, Scar- boro; Mrs. Helen Mais, of Trin- ity College, Toronto; and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mais and baby, from, Toronto. The "Hot Variety Supperl' sponsored by the Women's Aux- iliary, was held in the PanisU H'all on Thursday, Oct. l6th. I'here was a good attendance and the variety foods offered .vas very much liked .This was followed by a Euchre party and very thoroughly enjoyed by al ?VUo stayed and played. Prize vinners Ladies lst Mrs. Burn- ham, Port Perry and Mrs. Roy Taylor. Gents-lst Mrs. Harold Hamilton playing as a man. 2nd Harold Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner were called to Winchester due ao the illmess of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, Beaverton, were Thursday vis- tors and Mr. and Mrs. Will Dugan, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dugan, Lochlin and Vincent Archer, Bowmanville, were Sunday vis- [ors of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer. Mr .Wilbert Archer is spend- ig this week with friends in Le Minden district. A goodly number tramn here ttended anniversary Sunday where Rev. E. S. Linstead, Port erry, delivered a fine sermon ind Mrs. Harold Kyte sang two ;os in the morning. In tUe ev- rming another good sermon by ev. Linstead and tUe choir of ;t Stephens church, Oshawa, ýndered three fine anthems id a duet. Rev. P. Romeril preached in rt Perry Sunday morning. rince Albert in tUe atternoon nd Tyrone in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin LeNoury, lamilton, were Thanksgiving ,eekend guests of Rev. arnd Mrs. 1Romeril and Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. rison Taylor at the latters cot- ige, Rice Lake. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Scythe, ®rünto, were Stinday gutests of r. and Mrs .Will Farder. Mr. and Mis. Chas. Cox, Clev- mnd, Ohio, were Sunday guests EMrs. Gea. Crawford and Mr. d Mrs. W. Pearce. A large crowd attended the de of Mrs. Carl McLaughlin. turday and it was considered cry successful. Some of the la- es of the United church W.A. Id lunch through the afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. Jack Hill1 and nily, Hornby, visited Thurs- iy, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordoni îrrock, Sharon and Donnie, wmanvillk, Sunday witm Mr. id Mrs. Harold McLaughlin id family. Mr'. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright and family, Mr'. Boy Ferguson visted Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fer- guson and family, Toronuto, on Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Hill were, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stephenson, Pat- rica and Garry, Toronto, Mrs. A. W.. Stephenson, Willowdale, Mrs. Bert Brown, Detroit, Mr' and Mrs. L. Gibson, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorreli and girls spent Sunday with re- latives in Bancroft. Mrs. Henry Sperin and grand- daughter Jean Herbert Ather- bey visited Mrs. Darcy and Mrs. Russell Brown, Cadmus, over the weekend. Mrs. Albert Wright spent a few days in Toronto with friends, Mrs. Alex Flett. Fenelon Falls, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Gra- ham Saturday. Mr. John Carnaghan spent a few days with a brother mn Nor- wich. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simons, Pickering, visited Miss Hazel and Mr. Dalton English Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Clements, Norwood, were Sunday gueste of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mount- joy. Congratulations to, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Duivesteyn, (nee Mar- gret Pieksma) who were married in Emmanuel Reformed Church, Whitby, Saturday. Reception was held in Recreation Centre here Saturday afternoon and evening.. wishiug wom' ighteM this choie I *..an electric 'J clothes dryer will Heavy wet wash Ioads and weather worries are gone forever when you h ave an electric clothes dryer. Five cents worth of electricity will dry a full load of clothes .. spotless and sunshine-fresh. With an electric clothes dryer you'l have more time to devote to your family. Live botter ELECTRIIJALLY aLBEGTRICITY Dons 30 muGII. * OSTS 80ITTLe PAM EoTmmEE REAL ESTATE Residence NIA 3-5493 BowmaDviiIt. .1 --ý 1 q4m. CAVA"?Aw eppAnnm«RAW qp m ýý. ou R*