PAC~ RTWPWI!W TEE CANADIAY STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTA~O TH!YRSDAY, OCT. 2Srd, 1993 5 50 Hungry Visitors Gobble Gobbler During Thanksgiving Supp-er ORONO'- The Thanksgiving Turkev Suppe,- served at the Orono United Chur'ch on Mon- day evening, Oct. l3th, was en- joyed by five hundred and fi! ty visitors and citizens of the Vil- lage. They carne fromn far and near for this annual event and! the Village of Orono was liter-ý allv put on the map, when sev-1 eral hundred made their first visit to the village. The supper received a wide coverage througrh the press and over the air with the resuit that et least fifty per cent of those attending wcre from outside the area. People travclled from To- ronto, Osha'va. and as far away, as Huntsville ta enjoy the de- licious supper iserved by the wormen of this community. Hol- idax 'ers left the highway and camne into town for their Thanksgiving supper and one couple placed thei- home as Montreal. The vi sitors to the Village and Church supper were DOmi IR can cost at least as much as hospitai buils. can soar ta many times ward rate care. SThat's w hy we urge you ta add the very necessary MEDICAL SURGICAL SUPPLEMENTAL PLAN ta your Provincial Hospital ward-rate coverage FOR FULL INFORMATION ON THESE SUPPLEMENTAL PLANS WRITE Canada Healih AssuanceCorpoation Ken Kingston & Assoclates 378 Aylmer St. Peterborough, Ont. Please send full particulars on your Provincial Hospital Medical - Surgical Suppie- mental Plan. Name Address_________ Clip and mail this coupon now. Later may be too late, or 'phone RIverside 2-5415. well pleased and Viced many glowing remarks on the ban- quet style dinner and as to the neatness and beauty of the i Village. The Thanksgiving supper was under the auspices of the Wom.- an's Association of the Orona United Church with the assist- ance tram ail other church or- ganizations. The tables had as centre pieces bowis or red ap- pies and sprigs of biazing Moun- tain Ash bernies encircled hy green foliage. Turkey alang with side dishes of vegetables,, sa!- ads, relishes and cnanbenries laidened the tables, and not to ha forgotten were the numer- nus vaieties of pies for which the local women are famous. Twenty-eight tunkeys went over the counten as also did one hun- dred and tweaty pies. This year no oae had to wait and everything was *eIl ongan- ized. The Orono W.A. grass pnoceeds amouated ta $850.00. -Times. Mrs. A. Hooey Honored by Orono W.A. ORONO-The October meet- ing of the W.A. was held on Thursday afiternoon, October 9th with an attendance of 18 Allan J. Werry of Enniskillen believes he has the ansx, ladies. 1 the costs and reducing the back-breaking labor connectedv The President, Mns. H. Allen, and digging potatoes. Last week, he purchased the aboven opened the meeting by neadn g I Ern ie Cavanaugh, Bethany. An expensive littie item, it ] a Thanksgiving message, and, with prayen. She also gave tile a digger, and an arrangement for sorting the spuds, so th DevoMional message. The S3crip- bags are filled and tied, they are ready for shipment. Hisf turc reading was from the 65th A. Werry, standing at lef t, shows a campleted bag al Psalm, hymn 577 was sung, marketed with Canada No. 1 patataes. The Werry -famil "Corne Thou Thankful Peooiel Corne". This was followed by1 connected with patato growing for many years, but anly1 an inspinatinnal article, entitledl "The Cnown of Goodness" which W A pnesented Mrs. Hooey was most appropniate ta this with a small gift as a tokea of season of the yean when a1 appreciation. Mns. Hooey tbank- bountiful harvest had corne to ed the ladies present and satl: fruition. Mrs. Allen closed the sha bad enjoyed working with, T e O roi devotional with bymn 579 "All them. She will keep her office% Good Gifts Around Us". Tne tiîî the end of the year and secretany read the minutes Of hopes to get back ta some of' Telephont tha September meeting and the our- meetings. connesponding secretary, Mrs eiglodwtth Hooey, reportad sending out 1ý The metn coedwhth cards to sick and bereaved benediction.-Times. Miss E. G. Campbell, Lea-1 The resientcondctedthamin,-ton, Provincial Field Se- business which was mostîy Wiletams hw, W.C.T.U. r.E planning for the tunkey dinnar. LONG SAULT V1m sba, WCT. The members of the W.A.* are rsdn of Durham and On- very sonry that Mrs. Hooey i5 The Long Sault Club 50 hald tarinoPunties. ho vosited the leaving town to make ber borne 1 rn ulcSeolo rdy la Bowmanville. Mrs. Allen their Oct. meeting at the home were dinner guests of Mr. and spoke of the wondenful belp she of Mrs. Ethel Jobaston wîtb, Mrs. W. H. Rowe. bad been to ber. saying sha bad 7 members and visitors present. i Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kan- alwavs be willing to el uiesws jndced nedy and Wayne visited rela- whenever requested to do so. ieswMcLdutdbyMs tives in Georgetown for the IMrs. Carson, on behaîf ofthLaggan. A reading was given'weelkend. by- b Jane Woodl1ay. Miss Viola Gilfillan netunned FAST RELIEF FOR ACHINO MUSCLESI WeddingInvitations Tbeprsnco-engraved (1RATSED LEÈTTERItNGý Wedding and engaýgement anaouncements, hirth announce- nient-, confirmation invitations, golden anîd si1l er anniversary ann-i'incefieiits, etc. rfhermo..engraving, -~ (RAISED LETTERING) Looks and jeels like the finest hand engraving. Thj-fetters have an elegance and individuality oniy thse fincst hand en- graving can match. Therno-engraving (RAISED LETTERING>' Coss about hof as mitch as hand engrating, because it elimin. &tes the copper plate that niakes hand engraviagso0expensve VÇTD IT'S READY WITHIN THE WEEK 0f couîrse ',nu cao oruler nîatching enclosure cards, n epi Ion , te-o-e lank ou and at home cards, etc. >elect iùoi our giant caialugue ci flawlessly correct papers. Il distinctive styles of iettering. Weddings priced as low as 50 for $9.00 and 100 for $13.50, coiu- plete with double envelopes and tissue. Available at The committea for the Nov, borne last waek fnoma visiting , meeting is Mes. E. Murphy and bar nieca, Miss Viola Gilfillan. IMes. Jackson at the borne of Toronto. Mns. Barnett. The evening was Mn. and Mes. Wm. Eck, To- spent gatting tic itemns ready i ronto, visited witb Mn. and Mes. and making plans for the bazaar.' Wm. Mitchell on Sunday. Lunch was senved by Corn. and 1'rli R. M. Bryson. Harnilton, social Urne was bad. 1 î7sited Mr. and Mes. Chas. Mn. and Mes. E. Penwardea Cooper. and Anne and Mes. L. Penward- Mn. and Mes. George Morton an wane Sunday supper guests sp ent the weekend with Mn. and at Mn. and Mes. Roy Penxvarden, IMes. Allan McKay, Guelph. Pikrn Beach. Mn. and Mes. Stan Payne, Mr. and Mrs. C. Penwanden and Catherine and Bob Lynch, Bow- famîly wanae Saturday eveniag manville, wee Tbanksgivin- nitos at Mn. and Mes. Pauli dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. VnyNcwtonvilla. W. H. Rowe. MrandMs. Clay ton Brownj Ms. Carman Cornish as re-, and Linda, Mn. and Mes. B. am- turned borne frorn Memonial aron and Raymond wene Sunday Hospital, Bowmanvilla. aveaiag visitons at Mn. and Mes. Mn. and Mes. Archia Watson, C. Penwarden. Betty Annanad Larry, Water- down, spant waekead with Me. Mr. and Mes. R. Camaron and and Mes. Alax Watson. Raymond vzee Satueday aven-- Mes. John Bigalow, Kirby, ing visitons at Me. and Mes. Karl celabratad bar bitiday by Colbary. spencling the weekend with bar Mn. and Mes. R. Carnaron and son, Me. Pbilip J. Bigalow, Mes. Raymnond ware Sunday dinnan Biffelow and farnily, Pont Hope. guests at Me. and Mes. Lloyd Me. Wm. McLean. Tornto, Webb, Newcastle. father of Mes. Cecil Graham, Hallowe'en party will ha held passed away last waak. on the evaniag of Octoben 31st Mn. Douglas Lycatt bas ne- at Long Sault School. turned borna from a trip by ' plane ta New Yark City. Mes. Gondon Bentley, Pont Me. and Mes. Ban Madili at- Penny,, Mn. Doug Baatley and tendad tic funanal of bis fathen Miss Nancy Miles, Toonto, were la Toronto on Satunday. Sunday visitons at Me. and Mes. Ronald Taylor eatartainad at R ibsoa- a surprise party for Nail Hooay. Mr. and 'Mes. L. Campbcii, Neil's friands peected hlm Wbitby, weee Suaday supper with initialled cuff links and gucsts at Me. and Mes. R. Glib'Son. tie pin, peine ta bis ieaving ta _________________ reside la Bowmanville. Mes. Robent Allia, Mes. W. Nothing splendid bas aven H. Rowe, Miss Buaay Hughes, been achiived except by thosEc with Me. and Mes. Reg. Suttan, who dared believe that sorne- atteadad the W.C.T.U. Rally in thîng inside them was superior Nortirninster Churci, Oshawa, to circumstancc. - Bruce Bar- on Thursday aftennoan and ton. avening. Miss E. G. Campbell, ver ta cutting they gone bacl with grawing cbnditions, wil machine f rom men or girls ti bas a tractar, f rom the conv riat when the machine. In father, Ernest Audrey Carno ready ta be Beckett andF ily have been aperatar, Pere recently have, k into it in an extensive scale. This machine, under normal ,iii bag from 500 to 1,000 bags a day. It takes about eight to operate as the tops and other debris have ta be cleared iveyer as it speeds the potatocs on their way through the this photo, from lef t ta rightjim Rogers, Joe Stevenson, ,han, Lorraine Stevenson, E. A. Werry, Allan Werry, Gary Ron Luke. Not shown are the tractor driver and digger -y Swain and Jim McLaughlin. on Octobar 15 ia Hamilton, o! Northcutt and Smith Funenal the lata Mr. Wm. Raasbeeny, Home, Divsion St., Bowrnanville.j brother of Mr. James Ransberry. 1 equiem mass said by Fa- r S BMr. and Mes. Victon Hancock, ther Pyrema at the Ukraaian ao Nw ýwmavile, M. ad Ms. ar-Catholic Church oi St. George Id WaokNwcsle r, in Oshawa on Satunday morning, t127 andMrs. Glenn Hancock, aok- Oct. 18. Friends and relatives jworth, Mr. Egerton iacok attended fromn Toronto, Oshawa J Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wood, Mr. and Fort William ,and included Laaingon rovncil Fa1 and Mris. Bruce Haacock. Mn. Dr. ana MiC5. Stasiuk of Tononto. Leamngtn. rovncil Feldand Mrs. Robert Haacock, at- Secretary was the guast speah- jtanded the Holdaway-Beancl Paliheanens were Messes. Paul er. A very fine banquet was wedding la St. James Anglican Stasiuk, John Wytaykusz, Midi- servedo at 6 o'clock. Church, Orillia. on Friday ev- &el Stachyra, a1l of Toronto, and Mr. Herb Murray, husband of ening. The groom is a grand- James Coyle, Alfred Shrubb and Irene Whyte, passed away a t son of Mr. Egerton Hancock. David Brown of Bowmanville. his rasidenca Friday eveniag.1Me. and Mrs. Spence Gordon, Intermeat was in Bowmanville Funeral was on Moaday from! Miss Inez Gordon and Mr. Wal- Cemateny. St. Saviour's Anglican Churci. lace Bougben, Newtonville, vis- Intarmant Orono Cemetery. itcd Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gor- Me. ad rs.R. . Lgandon and Dabbie, on Saturday. IA Mr. and Mrs.,,; Mrs. Milton Dunbar, Peter M S. %Seymo~ur Sharon, visited relativesinrougbWsle iotbrmohr. Tweed on Sunday. OnMsWse Elot Zn Visit Takes Mrs. Hugh McIntosh and i Clarke Township teacharsj held their meeting at Beown's, daughters Anne and Prudence, Seolo ody ÂÂ < Pritchard and childeen, Mill- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Froste brook, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wa' visited bis brother, Mr. Fred ENNISKILLEN-Tha W.M. ; Miller. Froste, wbo is a patient la thc met in the evenrng, Oct. 14, at Tbursday avening at the home Geacrai Hospital, Sudbury, foi- the home of Mrs. Ross Sharp, of Mrs. L. Alidred a number of lowing a stroke iast waak. Mrs. L. Ashton, pnesiding. For neighbons and friands present- Mr. and Mrs. Simnpson visited the Devotional, Mes. T. Siernon cd Mes. A. L. Hooey with an thein daughten, Mes. Letty Car- took as han theme. "Thanlksgciv- alectric feying pari and steam tan. Pontypool. irig", with Mes. L. Xearn civ- i-on pnior to banr depantune for Rev. A. G. Donald and dau- ing the Bible reading. Mrs. M.,1 Bowrnanville. gbten, Miss Marlon Donald, Stainton, Christian Steward- Aogthe out of town guests Willowdale, were dinner guasts Arnoeag etLeiswddr Sunday of M. and Mrs. James at~~~~ th Lcet-aws din and son Norman. wena Mn. and Mns. James Hans icab banny, Montreal, Me. and Mr Kinby United Chunch Annual Ralh Tompon Mn aa Ms' Anaivarsany and Tbaak-offe- i Rossh Thompson, M. ackr ing Service will ha bcld next Tosrn pson, Mdrn. Mac- Suaday, Octoben 26ti, at 3:0 vin Raasbanny and family, To- pm n :0pm e.F rono, r. nd rs.Harld or-Jackson, M.A, BD, of Tyrnri. mat. n. adMns Hrol Fr-will ha the guest speaker at Ij dan Pot Pnn, M. ad Ms.botb services and tiare will bha'. _ Clifford Tannill, Hampton, Mns.spcamui James Lycett, Mn. and Mes. ___________music_ Frank Lycett, Mn. and Mns. Wil- fred Odgea, Mn. and Mrs. Rob- art Bebm, Oshawa, Mns. C. OBITUARY Lamnb, Bowmaavilla, Miss Au- drey Lamb, London, Me. and PAUL ZAMOLYNSKI Mns. Roy Mclntyre, Mn. and Mns. W. A. McMaster, Me. W. The deati occuned suddealy J. McMastar and Mn and Mrs. on Oct. 15, 1958 ,as tie rasult À GETHt M.AN 1TI<S NE I Bunt. Tornto. of a stroke, of Paul Zarnolynski,A EAWI,1USLY Me. William Reginaad Linton, at bis hom n a Simpson venue, AFRG T MTM B:Sc., husband of EvalineI Bowmanvilla. Ha was 69. Timm Linton, Toonto, passa d Mr. Zamolyask! cama to Can- away suddaaly October 14 ia ada ia 1910 fnom tie Ukraine bis 58th yean. Funenal service and settled finst in Ffirt William,«P was held on Fridiay, to tha To- Ont. Ia 1934 ha moved to Bow- ronto Cremnatoriurn. Me. Liaton manville and bougit the Chunch- is sunvivad by bis widow, ona ili Cawken fanm on Simpson son Harris, a sisten, Tva C. Lin- Avenue. Mr. Zaaiolynski wvas ton, Toronto, and brother, G. M. higshiy thought of 'oy bis neigh- - E V Linton, Orono. boues. He xvas an industrinus, ___________ Mr. and Mes. James Rans- quiet man. berny, Montreal, Mn. and Mes. Ha leaves a nephew, Dr. Tom Lewis, Mn. and Mes. Harold Stasuik, Toronto, and two sis- Ransbenry, Mn. and Mes. Lloyd tars in tie Uknaine. Ransberry attaaded the funenal Mn. Zamolynski nested at the -- Takin Much of the Work Out of Digging Potatoes IUMPS & SOFTENEIUA ONDON -CANADI JACK DROUGH PL UMBING Division MA 3-5615 and REATINO Street South BOWMANVJLLB ~=1 A faithiful fiend... bringing you daily cornfoit and convenience e. .your telephone! It is natural ta take for granted its littie every- dlay uses. Yet-perhaps it is ini these many lit/le ways that we are most olten reminded of the wonderfui value of that friendlly xenber-of-thefamily"-tlie telephanef. THE @UELL TELEPHONE COMPANV OF CANADA ship Secretàry. gave up-to-date information on tits lUne af work. Mrs. R. Seymour, a visitar in the village. prelsented thé new study book, "Concerns of a Continent", in her usual cap- able st « le. giving a short pre- viC\V f e ach departrnt. -'An enjoyable musical number was provided by Mrs. L. Ashton, accornpanied by Mrs. R. Or- miston. Guest speaker, Mrs. 3 Reed, Hamipton, tNyjierjde- Vghtui prsoalit,~~a very fine tal , 0 "v qy Cti zenshîp", bringing us as womren, many homely truths, where we can check our every day living and try for improve- ment. The trend of the times is shown in the change in name, of that important day in the week from Sabbatlê, to Sunda.y and finafly to weekend. A thoughtful reading was given by Mrs. E. Trewin and Mrs. W. Howells presented cur- rent topics from the United Na- tions Literature. Mrs. W. Loga-n closed the meeting with prayer. 1 1 TMMSDAY, OCT. 23M, IM TEM CAIqADIAlq STATTSMAN, BOTMANVT=. ONTAMO PAGE SIXTIM ir aie