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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1958, p. 5

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THTJRSDAY. 0f!'!'. 22i& 1m58 THE CAWAD!AN STATESMAIT. EOWMANVILL!, ON¶'ARTO PAGE P'IVD Mr. & Mrs. H. Osborne Honored a! Parties On »5Oth Anniversary *PENNINGTON - OSBORNE- Called upon ta acquaint the .~tthe residerice of the bride's bride and groom of the thoughts arents in Bowmanville, Oct. and feelings of the assembled ~4,r 1908 , W%>innifred, eldest friends, Mrs. Ross Pearce pro- daugh ~~ rw enn- ceeded ta read aloud a master- *tn, w ~ in marriage ta fui and extremeiy vell compas- .H0erbert F. Osborne of South ed address entitled - "This is .Darlington. The marriage was Your Life". This account con- ,conducted by the Rev. D. O. tained a general life story of the -Crossley of Whitby. bride and groom from a period *In October 1958, friends and prior ta their marriage 50 years relatives gathered on two sep- aga, ta the present day. In the r *ate evenings at the ResidenceI book which Mrs. Pearce elab- § Hr1 t n ini son orately constructed of the ad- on the Base Line where the dress, were many incidents and .entire 50 years of their marriedI events cf their life together, life have been lived. On Satu- commencing wvith the original day evening the relatives and aceount of the xedding, their *,IongZ-time neighbours gathered twentieth and fortieth wer1ding to pay their respects and hon- celebrations, and a scries of piC. our the couple. At the proper turcs af Herb and Winnie and 't'neth brdeand groom o their family down through th, .the occasion took their place - years. rectly behind the table holding At thle conclusion of this elo- a three tier wedding cake, made ouent delivery. Gordon ar and decorated by Mrs. Gorcoan Harold prezentcd ta their par- ,Csborne. ents a television set, a gift of *The grandchiIlrn, Linda, the guests assembled. Herbert Kennth ad Lla ten crnearase tîrst ta thank the friends . foi ward ta prcen2t and pin a fcr the honour they had b2stow- ~corsage on each g-.andparent. cd uppan hîm and bis wife, in '~Mr. Charles Osborýne fulfilled ccmiug j,,1ta theri home that even- the position of chairman in aý inrr, and for the tributcs \hc *very capable manrer, sparklin i,, b U cn menticndi h d i-bis seriaus rema-ks w.ith ha: - es. n'tu-n lie paid tribute riarous incidents and le ibs- ta thz frien-s a 'd rcighibours .ed on past visits ta th's hori?. With \hm leho hd been aszo- Following bis int-oduction, ha itdavrte50 years of ma- called upon Mrs. Harald Staîn-i ried l",fe in the cormunity. H,~ ýton for a solo. and with Miss 1 contended that aId age was not Louise Osborne at the piano, ta ho dreaded, that if a ma MIrs. Staintcn obligzcd with tvio ' .s a -iibhv, fine associates and numbetrs, "Bless, This House",l frends, and grandchildren ta and "l'Il Walk Bes1de You". Iti keep hlm yaung, along with was at the request of the bride1 good hcalth, ore mav enjov lite that Mrs. Staintan sang the for- 1ta the fullest. At this time. Win- inwer number, as she was presentj nie also added bier wards cf atthe 20th anniversary of the thanks ta the friends present .ouple, and bad favaured the and welcorned thenta thcir gathering at that tirne witf this hame. selection. Rev. Harald Stainton 'xpt'ess- be Ihrifty . . . be wise We carry full lune of smnart luggage for hoth men and wornen. Priced Righi for Thrifîy Buyiatg Don't Delay . .. Corne In To-Day Jewellery & Gift Shop_. ed his pleasure at being present again at a wedding celebration of this couple, as he bad been minister an the Courtice Circuit 30 years previaus when another anniversary was held. Following Mr. Stainton, manv others of the assemblage païd tribute ta the honoured couple, after which Herb was persuaded ta recite one of bis readings. He chose for the occasion, "How I Came To Get Married". and thi.s was received with great applause by bis listeners. A bounteous lunch was served bv the ladies, and it was near mii)- nigcht when the guests fromn Port Hope, Toronto, Hamilton. Whitby and the local areas of Oshawa and Bowmanville fi- nally loft for their homes. It came as - a complete sur- prise ta th 's couple an the fol- lowing Tuesday evening, ta ro- turn home around 8 p.m. f'am a neighbour's where they had been invited for supper, ta dis- caver aver 60 of their friends of the comrnunity comfortablv scated therein, and waiting for them. Due ta the unavoidabie absence of the pastor, Mr. Chas. Osborne actcd as chairman. and in bis remarks stressed the con- tributions made by Herb and Winnie over their lifetime ta their cburch, ta local arganiza- tions and communîty affairs, and ta the arts of music anci literature. Lloyd Down came forward ta reidf son-e linos of poetry coriî poscd by that hoasehcld for tire accasian,, which sct forth thuc reascns for tfie iî'trus:on in,:) the Osborr'e homo that cèvcning. At the conclusion cf this rear1- ing, thorce were brougqht into the roomn a lai ce easy chair anî a TV lamp, Fifts of the cam- mnunity ta Hev-b and Winnie. The partaes responded in turi, very suitably, but wîth more hesitation than the former ga- therinc, the e!ement of su.- prise Leing quite apparent. Many neighbours were calleci upon, and expressed sincere pleasure and a distinct privil- cge ta be present on this occa- sion. The groom was requested ta ropeat the selectaon ho had deliverod on the previaus even- ing, and did so, giving much merriment ta the assembled guests. Fruit and cand y wre served by the ladies and after a happy hour, ail left after ex- tending ta the happy couple of: 50 ycars marriage, congratula- tions und a desire that they.. might enjoy life ta celebra te anather miiestone at sixty years. In addition ta the fine produc- tion lm bock form, composed by Mrs. Pearce, a tape recording was made of each evening"s cercmony, and these wiil a1so ho enjoyed ta the fulcst by the family ini the years that lie ahead. Rural Grandmother (Continued fromn page four) tred people interested aniy in what affects me or mine? Loy- aity ta famiiy is admirable but must ho submerged in loyaity ta the tribe, and loyalty ta caun- ty-at times lost in the camman interest of ail mankînd through- out the world. We cannot de- rnand priviieges wc would with- hold from aur neighbours. Is it because wve have acquir- cd the despicable habit of abus- îng aur public mon? Not bt,- cause they particularly deserve it but bocause ive feel more im- portant? This is now sprcàding ta tako ln the public spiritad mon froely giving of their time and talents on non-political. groups. Shame on us. Our pub- lic business everywhc-e is be- ing han dlod more and more by lawyers. Perhaps they are tLic anly ones mentally adjusted ta Air. Rail or Steamshlp TIC K ET S I TO EVERYWHERE Cansuit J UR Y & LO0V E LL 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Cutting the Ribbon To Officially Open Darlington's New Hall In the top photo, Hon. John W. Foote, M.P.P., f or Durham has: ceremonies, Major Foote, Reeve and Mrs. Roy W. Nichols. In the lower just cut the ribbon at the off iciai opening of Darlington Towr'ship's Muni- phota, the guests on the verandah of the hall and some of the spectators cipal Building and Community Centre on Wednesday, Oct. l5th at Hamp may be seen, prior to the ribbon cutting. Mr. Rundie is introducing ton. Frorn left to right, Charles L. Warren, chief carpentor on the job, the speakers. Mrs. Rundie and Township Clerk Walter E. Rundie who was master of -rhoto by ne,.:iccr__ withstand the terrific pressure tax money can ever buy. of taday. H-ere we are sitting on a live 1,i Are we suffering fromn nega- volcano with the Governmcnt! tive conscrvatism? I chose that investing billions ta kcep the word carefully as the anc to Peace. The Govornment knows con\,ey my mcaning sa no ana_ and we know withaut intel- please jurnp at me. As 1 undotc- ligent well trained yaui tha bau stand it, conse7vatisrn in its die the weapans that noney is ideal form holds only ta the best wanted. They are the anes wvho that lias corne from out tho past keep Canada free and prevent1 and accepts the bcst aut af the those proofs of awnership Lý0 daily change wh1ch makes for carefully guarded in aur Regis- pragress. Negrative conversatisrn Uv Office from becarning le.ýS hoids tenaciouslv ta the past valuable than the paper tib y whetlher goad or bad just bo- are written on. cause it is the past, strangles ail Clarke will have ta fight the' 'effart ta move forward, change, attitude of defeatismn sproadilîg achieve, or ta reform. This y!- ail avor us if she is coing ta clous paralizing farce must brc pull out of this mess of jumblod canstantly fought or a commun- ideas. Our minimum goal is ail ity just becamos stagnate thon the same, that of equal chance, deteriorates. for ail of Ontario children na Educating aur youth is a bi~g matter wbere they livo. This task, an elephant in size and means sticking togethe r, the castly. Howevcr, we do nat have weaker sections aided by t'-2e ta e:-.amine it as blind men eacn strarîger. If schools have ta be ci' up with a cistorted idca built in this sehool avc L't us of what it looks like bccauze build thern and stop wastirg the area we studied was so re- rnonev needlessly. Here i Ncv- stricted. Lot us raise aur sights I tonville we"1 are not asking for and gct the true picture. That anythiri we wauld not glîdlv is v.-h'<,t aur forofathers cid when help aili other parts af arca ta thicv ut the first log house -get. Our village knows tf-at ai sclhcool. \Ve havc.i-'t yet miatciî- bcst slie con nover e::prýct ta cd their sac-Îifice. ho maGrc than soie other v'n To iaeed liicw chools is a suburb. She intends hawever healtby sigri and a natural an2 -ta be a respectable suiburb for a County. Clarke Township where soiid people will buMl liko evory other tawnship is and vaise their families. We grawing. Medical men mnay tell thereore feel we have a right us there is no such thing as ta request and ta get a good growing pains but a country sehool. I ar n ot offering anj certaiily gets them. Arc wve infarmatian on the oth"'r afraid ta graw? zchoa]s hiite area because I ain Thrn anather question 1 rns! .not acquainted enaughi with ti'i ask. Who pars taxes ta bu.Id facts ta be in a positian ta du'( sehols? Landawners of course. sô. but I do knaw aur awn, while thev are an the land or sehool and ils need in-ýide and it lavs idle. When reriled, the aut. I know it as, a formier u renter pays, ither beside ý,. ie pil, parent, trustee and ca're- i-cnt, or ticd up in the rent bi- taker, in the present a dle. grandmotber and coach ta twa We bad a monev vote during littie boys trying ta learn bowI the suainor and m'y blodr pres- to build the Engilish languac. sure is stili up-Na, 1 did not 1 They are onlv two of the sev- have a vote but rny reactians oeral wba will pay the prico for ta what happened ta me per- years ta came, for not jgotting. sonallv was anc of amusement. through overc-owding and iack Here for 37 years I had been of tirne for spocial attention, strutti.rig up and dawn tile the foundation laid in Grades stretls of Nowtonville as if 1 1, 2 and 3. owr.ed a piece of ber. Came ta In the rnid twonties the school discaver I only happened ta be three mnan board, tired of year- rnarried ta an owner. These de- ly reports of school's condition flating experiences are good for decided ta save ta buîld. About the soul-they kecp us whittled 1928 the Powers Tbat Were rap- down ta size. ped us on the knuckles and told The money vote îtseif is what us it was illegal ta save or ga- angered me. It may be the right ther the money Sa we obedient- and lgal tbing ta do but that Iv, shippod the money back into is only because we have not the pockets of the ratepayers. had the vision or courage ta Thon rame depression and world change it. It is a hand-me-down war when building was impos- law fram the Family Pact days sible. Since the School Area in carly Canada. If the Gentry Board taok over they have done off that daY had bad their %va their best ta cape with the sit- Kingk' Callege (Unive"sitv ofuto iht partiality but Toroiî0o ta the ncwcrner) woud îanl1' \ith more people moving b lave been restricted ta the few.. in carne the crisis. Thirty years A nuimber of selfless saddile back ago we wore nat allowed ta prechrsamirg whoim wasý save ta build. Todav we are Rev. Edpe nResokp tnat being allowed ta borrow te for 'ail of Canada. Renters in build. Just what are we sup- those days were bard ta ke posed ta do? track off. This rnone * votetught I really question the right of u:3 that land ownrers with ro- nv Govcrnrnent badv ta 'e I pertîv changing hands as rapid- fujse ta grant xvhat bas been i l- Pz it is todav .-,: equali'.-as recommended hv a Board fune- 1 ard ta kccp track ai. Parenti 1 tioning for that express pur- Iha% e a i ight to . irne ,a'- about pose. recommended bv the ln- enot~A <f the:r cY:ld!rc!,' >aector of Public Scbools of the I h<th rix ers or- not. In tin-vý Dstrict and 0. K*d bv Depart- off ci - îîî teze are the ones wo 1 ment of Education unloss a tha- are aýed Wtu- acri.fice raore thaü rough persorial investigation of the situation has beon carried c d, Dr. L. B. Williams, Profes-1 add hospital. Lot us kecp their out by at icast anc of that Gov- sor Squair, Dr. Currelly, aur truc sense of values, build first erning Body. There isn't a prab- Governor General, Rt. Hon. Vin- things first for fine well ud- usted mon and women are stili lem facîng us whîch a cool bead, cent Massey, the late Dr. IIer- the miost important produot. open mind and coura «geous un- bort Bruce, mentioning just a selfish heart could nat salve. fewv. Our forefathers built Yours sincerely, Dur'harn County is proud of( home, church and' school and Rural Grandmother, the great sans she bas praduc- in that order. Todey we wouldl, (Agnes Burley) MOREO PA- VIGOROUS and WINEY - CUSTOM GROUND ft t mj& xtra sF3j,-eials A&P Nectar TEA 13AGS Reg. 89c-SAVE 14o pkgof 975C Self Polislî Reg. $1.19-SAVE 14o JDHNSON'S KLEAR 32 -,, tn.0 5 A&P Fancy i Reg. 2 tins 33c-SAVE 7c WHOLE KERNEL CORN 4 14-oz tins 59c Jane Parker (Large 8", 24-oz. Pie) MINCE PIE Jane Parker ,SPANISH BAR CAl (3 Varieties) ANN PAGE BEAN.1 Reg. 59e-SAVE 4a each 5 SC Reg. 35c-SAVE 6o KE each 29c Reg. 2 tins 35c-.SAVE 6o S 6 20-oz tins 99c BAG Produce SÇpeckgl Fresh, New Crop, No. 1 Grade, L.ouisiana, Tender, Round, String Iess GREEN B"EA&N S 2 1bs 3 5 SUPERO-RIGHT MEA T SPECIALS For Frying, Roasting or Broiling, Gib!ets Removed, 21/2 to D.-lb Avere CHICKENS OENlA b 3 c aoke Reay toServ Ail Gaod, Smakied Rindiets SIDE BACON Sweet Pickled, Vae Pac Cottage Rolis No Centre Slices Remnoved lb 69c SMOKED hnPotn ib 5 3c HAMS 1b49C Bull Portion lbo 59C Prices gln ThisAd Guaranteed Thirough Baturday, October 25th, 1968 I __________________ ESLIN'SLADIES' 7K E LOwNWEAR 7 E 1 W.NA 3-5854 THU LSDAY, OCT. 23M. 1058 PAGE Fr« THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN. IROWMANVnýIX, ONTARIO

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