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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1958, p. 7

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~Y1UEftAV ~ mi tOma TITI CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMMqVILL!, O?4TARIO Mr. Alan W;illamg,, olly- wood, Calif., is visiting relatives .,r&' friends inihiu hometown. ~ an oer~ red Martin, *Tornto 'te weekend with Mr.é1t. Ralph Ames and Jil. -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saun- ders, Waverley Road, spent the weekend in Wellington visitinx friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Roenigk s4ent Thanksgiving weekend with Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Hum- by. Burlington. Mrs. R. LeBlanc and daught- er Cindy, Knob Lake, Que., are vIsiting her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. E. W. Berrill. Mrs. O. Meredith, Mr. and Mrs. M. Vetzal and fajnily were Sumday visitors with Mr. Fred Sry and Mr.and Mrs. Bob Cal- "Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Miller aDd Debbie, Tyrone, and Mns. Iva Beckett. Town, visitet Mrs. Rose Feeley and Sarah in ilronto on Sunday. ZIMrs.- Geo. Mason and Miss M Hutchinson of Toronto, former- Itof Bowmanville, were ini r m . ST. JON'S CHURCH (Anglican) Laymenms Sunday * OLY CC 10O and 11. - w CRURCII MORNING E SCHOOL G ?RAYER 0 ?RAYER £Piersonal ýA 3-3303 town on Wednesday afternoon and called on friends. Mri. J. W. Noble and Miss Helen.Noble, Indianapolis, In- diana. and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fluker, Brockville, visited with i Mrs. Gus Bounsail racently. A meeting o! the Guide and Brownie Mothers' Auxiliary will be held on Oct. 29 at 8 oclock nt the home of Mrs. Rance Dilling, 10 Alexander Blvd. Mrs. C. G. Curtis, who is at Strathaven Rest Home. will be 91 years old on Saturday, Oc,. 25. Hearty congratulations ara extended to ber on the occasion of ber birthday. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James have*returned from a 39th wed- ding' anniversany trio when they visited their daughter, Mn. and Mrs. Ward Hoffman, at Ellwood City, Pannsylvania. Capt. and Mrs. Norman Cales returned Tuesday fromn the Salvation Army Annual Con- grass held in Toronto. It wa-s one o! the organizatîon's most successful affains in history. Mrs. <Dr.) Rundie and son Charles. Ann Arbon, Mich., vis- ited Dr. Rundle's parents, Mr. and Mrg. Walter Rundie, Well- ingtapn St., while Dr. Rundie at- tý-hded a medical convention in Chlcagb, Ill. Bowmanville Lionattas Club received an invitation to attend the open bouse last Thursday, Oct. 16. at the Children's Shel- ten. Port Hope, and the folloxv- ing attended: President Mollie Kent, Bea Vanstona, Ede Cola. Bonnie'McDonald and Pat Burk. Miss Lynda Miller bas ra- turiled aften an enjoyable thnee weeks' vacation spent visiting ber'cousins, Dr. and Mrs. Irv- ing enquist, Manhasset, Long Island. Lynda visited Canada House and the United Nations and other points of interast in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Allen, Ca- bourg, called on his aunt, Miss Margaret Allen, Beach Ave., on Sunday and showad bar the ma- vies they took on their thnea inonths' trip abroad. Rav. Can- on Allen, Oakville. was a visit- or with his cousin, Miss Mar- garet Allen, on Monday. - - - - - - - - - - REHQBOTH ,CHRISTIAN REFORMED, CHURCH I~,~gStreet, Bowrnanvile MORNING SERVICE -.10:00 .m.. Engllsh EVENING SERVICE 1:80* p.rn.- Dutch SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE "Back To God; Hour" Broadcasi 8:30 rn. vewyBunda, C.lRiB Trinity United Church Mnister-Rev. Wm. K. Houslander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison,. Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. 11:00 am MORNING WORSHIP àlopi . I * mir- i- _111 ouArtIvMy Wdoc 412:10 p.m.- SUNDAY SCHOOL .Trinity United Church congregatiôn will unite with .St. PauI's Ujnited Church congregation for the *evening Anniversary Service. e A 'IMIENDLT WELCOME TO ALL S124th Anniversary *QrSTe PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH SMinister - Rev. Harold A. Turner, B.A., B.D. eOrganist - Mrs. Reta Dudley, - A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. 9 :50 A.M.- SUNDAT SCEGOL é:*11:00A.M.- & ~"The Need of Our Time" IwAnthem "Remnember Nôw Thy Creator" by Adamis Solo - Miss Beth Travel of Oàhawa 7:00 P.M.- "How God Wins Man" 'Anthern "Corne Y. Disconsolate" by Schnecker Solo - Mr. Bernard Lynch GUEST PREACHlER 'Rev. p~. J. Joh înston, B.D.,DD * of Toronto Afri.udly wlCfl10te ail. President Mollie Kent presid- ed at the dinnar meeting o! the Lionettas hald at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel on Tues- day evening, Oct. 21. Minutes ware read by Secratary Berta Kelly and treasurer's report was given by Thelma Leslie. Plans were discussed as to possible projects for the club. The aven- ing concludad with playmng Court Whist. Inquasts were held at the Bowmanville Town Hall onJ Wednesday marning into the daath of Madison Hall, Orono, on September 26th, and inta the death of Ronald Strong, age 6,j Pontypool, an July llth.Th verdict brought in by the jury in each case was that death had been caused by an unavoidable accident. Hockey Mothers' Auxiliary are holding their finst meeting o! the faîl at the Lions Centre on Tuesday, Oct. 28. The new axacutive will ba installed at this meeting: Past President-Mrs. E. Rundla: President-Mrs. L. Nichols:, Vice-Presidnt- Mrs. D. Gilhooly, Sec'y-Mrs. H. Bradley; Treas.-Mrs. H. Col- well, Membanship Convnors- Mrs. J. Honayman, Mrs. J. Hur- rie. An invitation is extendad to ail hockey mothars to attend. Amon% thasa froni Canada who will be attanding the Gold- en Wedding annivarsary recap- tion of Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Pinch (former residants of Bowrnanville) in Claveland, Ohio, on Oct. 26 will ba a son, Mr. and Mrs. Genald. Pinch, Scarbonough: a granddaughtar, Mn. and Mns. Donald Cola, Bowmanville. Othen mambers o! the family naw rasiding in tha United States who will be prasent include a daughtar. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Gilson, Wick- liffe, Ohio: Mn. and Mrs. Alan Pinch, Parma, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pinch of Lake An- thur, Louisiana, and Mn. and Mrs. Horneli of Sarasota, Fia. For same tima now Mr. and Mns. A. W. Pinch hava been ne- siding at Sarasota during the winter and stimmering at thein cottage at Little Haxvk Lake, Ont. Thene are still traa-loving citizens in Bowmanvilla who ara wondering if all the tree cutting going on on town streets is absolutely necessary. Froni a town o! tree-shaded streets, Bawmanville is rapidly becom- ing a barren, ugly place, par- ticularly in the downtown sac- tion. The pavement in front o! the new post office and Toronto- Dominion Bank cannot provide the beauty and shade which tha trees did that ware thera. Now we sea that the trees by the Bank o! Commerce which hava enhanced the appearance o! this building and the building at the -rear, are victim-s o! the sama policy. Other treas an resi- dantial streets are also being ra- moved.. One cannot help but wondar if ah o! themn are decay- ing and dangenous. A visit ta many othar towns will prove that mast of thain streets have lofty treas, providing shade and baauty. Even in the haart o!f downtown New York City, on Fifth Avenue and adjacent streets, there are treas. Wby ail the destruction, instead of conservation, in Bowmanville? OBITUARY MRS. ORVILLE HOUPER The death occurned suddenlv on Oct. 16, 1958. in Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville, o! Myr- tle Mildned Hooper, wife o! On- villa Hoopan, 70 Scugzog St., Bowmanville. Mrs. Hooper was 46. Born in Bowmanville, Feb. 19, 1912. a daughten o! the late Fred ick 'Lyle and Winnifrad Trick, the deceased had lived hene all han life. She attended Tninity United Chunch. She leavas ber husband, Or- ville L. Hoopan, ana son, Lyla Hooper, a! Bowmanville, a sis-, tan. Mrs. John Tbampsort (Nel- da) o! Oshawa, also ane grand- daughtan, Funeral service was hald on Mandav, Oct. 20, at the Morris Funeral Chapal, Rav. William Hauslanden officiating. Friands and relatives fram out o! town wera present fram Onillia, Belle- ville and Toronto. Among the beautiful flowars wera tibutes fnam Bowman- ville Fine Depantmant, Local 189 of Goodyear, Waimslay and MagilI Prmnting, Oshawa; Dapt. 273, Goodyear; Ladies' Major A Bowling, Oshawa, Maton City Bowling League. Oshawa; Lend A Hand Club, Oshawa Rebekah Lodga 1,o. 3. Palibeanens were Messrs. Tho- mas Lyle, Louis Lyle, Frank Hooper, Francis Lee, Harold Lx-le and Fred Lyle. Interment was in Bowmanvilla Cametery. OBITUARY ALBERT MANNING Iveroralservice fon Albert Manning. wha died at bis borna in Darlington Township, Sun- dav, Oct. 19, in bis 88th year, was held Tuesday, Oct. 21, at Northcutt and Smith Funeral Chapel, Bown-anvîlle. Born in England. ha cama ta Durham Count.y at the age of six. Haeniarried Mar-Y Anne Bur- gess ini Dar-lington Township and spent the rest of his lite at Bow- mianvîlle. Ha was an amplayee1 o! the Goodyear plant, Bow- manville, fan many yeans, and f rom 1928 ta bhis ratinement in 1940 he wvas an emplavae o! On- tario Motor Sales in Osbawa. Hae vas a memben of Trinity United Churcb, Bowmranvilla. Pnedereased by bis wife 14 i ears ago, hae leaves a daugh- ter, Mrs. L. M. Sauch (May), ai Oshawa, and twa sons, Elton, of Toronto and Sam, o! Sault Ste. fM'arie. Rev. WVri Houslander o! Triii- itv United Cbunch, Bowman- ville. conducted the service. PaIlbeaners were Donald and James Souch (grandsons>, Mor- lev Burgess and Arthur Bur- gess oif Bowmanvjlle. Alan C larke. Bowmaniflla, and E. IWinacott. Hampton. Interment waa in Bowman- Vilà CeS. Mrs. Joyce Lyle Wîns First Prize ln Cartoon Con test The response to the big- Cartoon Contest in The Statesman, started last week, was tremendous. Far more entries than expected arrived at the office on Monday and the contest judges bail a wonderful time sorting themn out. As will be seen on P age Nine, Mrs. Joyce Lyle of Bownmanville won the $10 in gif t certificates this 'week for her suggested titie. She had the words f rom the advertisements picked out in perfect order and enclosed a purchase slip from one of the merchants listed on the page. Unfortunately, sonie entrants apparently mis- understood thé rules and neglected a few things. Here is the routine. First, go through the advertise- ments and pick out the words that seeni out of place. Then, put them together in a sentence which fornis the titie for the cartoon. Then, think up a different title for the saine cartoon. This is the one that wins you the money, but you must have the correct titie ifrom the words before you can qualif y with your suggested one. Enclose a sales slip if yon want to qualify for entry for the $100 prize at the end of the contest. Ail clear? We hope so. Try again this week. Many people have' told us they enjoyed the first week's search for words. West Durham Teachers Tour Quaker Oats Plant At Annual Convention On Fniday, October 10, aven 100 public school teachers in West Durham jounneyed to Pe- terborough by car. for the an- nual convention of their insti- tute. The teachens assembled at the Queen Many Scbool in Peter- bonougb at 9 a.m. wbene they wene assigned ta aithen graded or rural scbools in the Peter- borough area, ta visit class- raams in action. Soma teachens in the gnaded scbools had thal opportunity o! visiting special classes o! science, home acon- omics, industrial arts and re- medial work. At naon, ail teachersrcn vened at Mark Street Unitedj Cburch fan luncheon. Head ta-1 ble guests included Mrs. E. Argue, president o! the West Dunham Teachers' Institute, Mr. D. J. Hynes, Supenintandant o! Public Scbools in Peterborough, Mn. K. O. Birkin, Inspectan o! rural schoals in Petenborough, Mr. B. Nelligan, teacher at the Peterborough Teachar's Col- laga, Mn. T. R. McEwen, ins- pectar o! Durham No. 1, Mn. M. Slute, past president of In- stituta, Mn. Grant Campbell, prasident-elect of the W. Dur- ham Taachen's Institute and Miss Myrtle Hall, secnetary- treasurer o! W. Durham Teach- ens' Institute. A short business meeting was held duning the afternoon, when a slate of officers for the com- îng year was prasented by Mn. Neil Bailey as follows: Hanor- any Pras., Mn. T. R. McEwen, Bowmanville: Pres., Mn. Gtant Campbell, Nestieton; Vice-Pres., Studies in U.S.A. Eev. G. L. Vogan We have been intenasted ta laarn, that Rev. G. L. Vogan, who for the past four years bas been professor of Old Testament Languages and Literatura at St. Stephen's Collage, University o! Alberta, has secuned one year's leava o! absence ta spend a year at Boston University whene ha bas been acceptad as a candidate for the degrea of Docton o! Theology. While ha will be ne- tunning ta the faculty o! Uni- versity a! Alberta in July, 1959, aacb summen ha shah nreturn ta Boston until bis dagrea bas been completad. Mrs. Vogan, Pbilip, Sandra and Stephan are this year residing with hlm at 745 Commonwealth Ave., Boston 15, During 1952-53 Rev. Vogan was the very popular pastor on the Janetville - Pontypool - Man- vers Station United Chuncb past- oral charge. CNIB Blitz (Continued frora page onel ed the canvass. "Ha has done a wondenful job, and ha has been ably assisted by the Cam- paign Treasurer, Jim Bell, who is alsa treasuren o! the Bow- manville-West Dunbiam Advisory Board ta the CNIB," Mr. Wil- liams said. He explained that the pro- caeds from the ane bouu' blitz canvass this week were higher than the proceeds neceîved in the weak long campaigu last year exclusive o! donations from service clubs, lodges and bus- Éum amui'a omationh. r Mrs. O. Moffatt, Bowmanvilla: Sec.-Tneas., Mns. Arnnald Tay- Ion, Nestieton;, Directons, Mn. Roy Turner, Bowmanville; Miss Margaret Aiken, South Darling- ton: Miss Anne Moreland, North Darlingrton and Mrs. Mitchell, Manvers-Cantwright. Mn. B. Nelligan. science teach- an at the Peterborougb Taach- ens' Collage, was guest speaker, and was intnoduced by Mr. Roy Turner. Re delivered a verV fine address on the "Importance of Science in the Sehool Curri- culumi". He was thanked bY Mrs. J. Venning. The remaining part of the afternoon session included a tour of either the Quaker Qats or Western Clocks Companies. st. PcuuI'sç (Continued from page one) as a Minister and in 1930 came to Toronto as Minister of Eglin- ton United Church where ha served for 25 years. He has travelled extensivaly in the British Isies and Palestine, and for some years was one o! the International Exchange Preach- ers in various churches in the Unitad States. Six years ago he was summer preacher in St. Michael's Parish Church of Scot- land in Musselborough, Scot- land, and this past summar he was guest preachar in White- abbey Presbyterian Church, Bel- fast, Northern Ireland. Ha has been Presidant of the Toronto Conference of the Unit- ed Church o! Canada, President of the Upper Canada Bible Socety, and Lieutenant Gov- ernor of Kiwanis. In fraternal activitias ha is Past Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodga of Canada in Ontario, and Past Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Royal Arch Masons in Canada. The services will be conducted by the minister o! the church, the Rav. Harold A. Turner. Mambers of Trinity Church will attend the Evening Service and their minister, the Rav. W. K. Housiander, will assist in the worship. The music will ba undar the direction of the organ- ist, Mrs. Reta Dudley. The morning soloist will be Miss Bath Traveli of Oshawa, and at night Mr. Bernard Lynch will sing two numbars. The public is cordially invited to these special services at St. Paul's. Air, Rail or Steamshlp TI1CK ETS8 TO EVERYWHERE Consult JURY & LOVELL 15 Klng _St. W. MA 3.5778 1_ Bowmanvilie Elect. George Brown Head of Scout Assockîtion Arthur Jackson of Brighton, field commissionar for the \Baýy Scouts Association gave an\inp- tenesting address on the valýcs of scouting at the annual met- ing of tha Bowmanvilla B Vy Scouts Association beld at t'e Lions Community Centra _ Tuesday evening. The importance or gnoups sponsoring Boy Scouts, and par- ent participation were stressed by Mr. Jackson. Forrest Dili- ing showed AI. Flatchen's color- ed motion pictures of the Cen- tennial Parade. New Executive Nominated Bawmanville Boy Scouts As- sociation new executîve and axacutiva committea for 1958-59 were nominated. Those nom- inated ware: honourany pres- ident, the Rev. A. C. Herbent; presidant, George Brown; vice- president, Bob Mutton: secnetary, George Webster, trcasurer, B. L. Burk; executive cornrnittee,- Harry Saunders. Ted Miller, Mike Vetzal, Harold Watson. W. J. Cobbin, Clarence Hockin. Ken Sumersford, Aif Brown and Jim Callan. Following the meetingt a de- licious lunch was served by the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Bow- manville Boy Scouts Associa- tion. Mrs. Carl Davitt wvas the convenor. Mr. Herbert thank- ed the auxiliary on behalf of the association. Gel Your Price For Your Liveslock through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 Bowmanville Citizens "VOTE NO" Commillee Public Meer *à n For Prayer Christians of ail Denominations are nrged te attend Wed., October 29Ô 3 p.m. helci at The Salvation Army Hall 35 DIVISION STREET COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Il J~UIl ~IfI1 O] H DI«- SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK $1.-85 GET FAST RELIEF with GIN PNLLS FOR THE KIDNEYe Reg.. size 69ec Economy $1.09 4~ HARMONIZE NOW voil can get DaT gry4 toilet tissuer in vour favotirite bath towel Colouirs- PINK, YELLONW, (11EEN or BIJIn - as weII am mwhite. And I'Isey is "elean rut" to tear eveilly -no shrcdding. no0 waste. 2 for 35 c SOFT LIKE KLEENEX* *Reg. TTude Maks Tissu«s IVELYN IHOWARDI> ULI> UKLAM 1 pound jar regular 89c______ HALO SHAMPOO 7c 98c, 1.95 size 79c..___ Alex. McGregor, We Deliver Your Local I.D.A Drug St6,re iRc 1.29 [go:---: --- --- IT'S TIME TO BUY YOUR Christmas Cards BOX 0F 50 COLOURFUL CARDS WITH ENVELOPES 98C as illustrated- C ISLIM'N' THIN ____ 21 for 1.00 Box of 21, 79c Other Assortments 39e to 1.98 COURH and CGLD RENEDIES You.r I.DA. druggist has a coniplete stock from which to choose. Drugs Phone MA 3-15792 « SPECIALS!f SUAVE Women's Hair Dressing >Not Greasy! Regular 1.00 79Oc >LYSTRE CREME LOTION SHAMPO 59 >.79c value - ----O 9 VITALIS HAIR TONIC 69e size plus comb ___69C 20c OFF WILDROOT CREAM-OIL53 73c tube 53c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY 6" MORE MENBUY BRYLCREEM THAN AMY OTHER HArR IN THE WORLD TM CANADIAN STA71MJAN. BOMUNVMtn ONTAM PAGE SEVEN . THIl MAT- eWýlf- 22rdL IM 1 1 OMM vv

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