THURSDAV, OCT. 3Oth. 1958 TNT CA~ADTM~ STATESMAN. ROWMANVTLLE, ONTARTO PAGE ELIER Gardon Àgnew, Editor Phono 3821 7'?ewcasdle S'actai anc1 £J'esotai Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Godfne y who cele- brated the Sth anniversany of their wedding quietly on Tues- dlay, Octaber 2lst. Mn. and Mns. George Allun and Miss Rowena Bragg xere ini Toronto ast Wednesday where they atterîded the furn- enal ai the late Mns. Roy Short'. Mns. Shott was a sister of the late Mrs. Frank Allin. Mn. and Mn:. H. C. Agnew and son John of I-avelock. vis- ited iast Wednesda v xith Mr. and Mns. Gordon Agnew. Mn. and Mrs. Donald Jase and famnily of Bramnpton, were Sun- day visitons with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jase and ±amily. Mn. and Mns. Frank McMul-1 len and familv of Scanborough, wene Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mns. Albert Peance and iamily. Mns. G. H-. Hodgson spent the weekend visiting with ber daughter and son-in-law. Mr, and Mns. Ron Pingle and famn- ilv. Bowmnanville. Mr. and Mns. Ross Cowieson of Toronto and Mn. and Mns. Clarence Tamblyn of Cambray spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs, VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Voiers' List Posted Clerk's Notice of Fia-st Posting of Voters' List VOTERS' LIST, 1958 Munieipality o! Newcastle County o! Durham Notice is hercby given that 1 have complicd witb Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that 1 bave posted up at my office et Newcastle an the 6tb day af November, 1958, the list cf ah persons entitled ta vote in the Wad Municipality at municipal elections and that sucb list re- mains there for inspection. And I bereby caîl upon al Votera ta take immediate pro- ceedings ta bave any errons or omidssions corncctcd according to law, the lait day for appeals be- ing the 2th day of Novemben, 1958. Dated this 6th day of Navemn- ber, 1958. MRS. NETTIE BUTLER, Clenk af the Village of N ~tle 44-21 4,500,000 Motoriste They eooy tôp. rbYlhprotection and pck-bottom rates on auto ýmmurançe. Do you? Cati DIRK BRINKMAN Mill St. N. ~J Telephone 3671 Newcastle N"a F. b ~i nm o an MornetoUlqniIt9gN I'qpS 1P. Tamiblyn. jThe Rev. R. J. Scott cf To- ronta, guest preacher at the United Church Annivensary Services was dînner guest an Sunday with the Rev. M. C. Fisher and family. Mn. and Mna. F. L. Agnew nf Petenborough visited with Mn. and Mns. Gardon Agnew on Fri- day. Mn. and Mrs. Leo Gray cf Oshawa and Mn. and Mrs. Herb. Deyman of Lindsay, spelit Mon- day with Mn. and Mrs. Pency Tamblyn. The Rev. and Mrs. R. J. Scott of Toronto and the Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Fisher and Wendel!. were spper gucats on Sunday wihM.and Mrs. C. T. Fath- engill. Mn. and Mns. Jack Gobeen ai Bowmanville, called an ber mnthu'r and father, Mn. and Mn., Percy Tamblyn on Sunday. The Sigma-C Boys Gnoup af the United Chunch will be mak- ing their negular monthly Pa- per collection on MondaY even- ing after supper and residents wishing ta dispose ai old ncws- papers or magazines whihe et the same tume helping the boys' gnoup ta finance thein organiza- tian ane requested ta have their papens stnongly tied in bundies and placed at the roadside by 6 p.m. on Manday cvening. The fricnds of Mrs. Percy Tamblyn will be sonry ta lean that she is a patient in the Mem- anial Hospital in Bowmanville end will wish ion ber a spcedy and compîcte recavcny. St. George'1s W.A.'Plans Card Party NEWCASTLE-The members oi the Evening Branch ai St. George's Womnan's Auxiliary met In the Parish Hall on Wcdnes- day. October 22nd for e seWing and business meeting. The meeting opened witb the W.A. prayen and the Lond's, Prayer followed by tbe reading ai. the minutes ai the lest meeting and the treasuren's report. -A report a! the Little Help- ers' meeting was given by Mns. D. R.' Dewdney. She aaid that it bas been decidcd ta bhold four Little Helpens' meetings eacb year. The next meeting of the W.A. wîll be beld on November 5tb when calendans will be sold and collection ai dues for the com- ing yean will begin. Initial plans were discuscd for the 1aponsoring e! a cand party by the Branch in the Penith hall in Novembcn. The meeti*x was brougbt to a close with the sea-ving of ne- fa-eshments. Spencer Corsetiers .Regi. 1931 MRS. J. E. RICHARDS 3 NMLL ST. ORONO PHONE 127 VIGOR OIL CO. LTD. NEW 10W PRICES NOW IN EFFECT PRE19IUM QUALIT STOVE QIL 20c per> 16 i- per gal FOR DELIVERY Phone Oshawa RA 5-1109 S AVE! ON WALLBOARD FOR WALLS*** CEIIINGS LESS THAN Seyour local luvnber or building supply dealer. G'cYPROC IFIREi-PROTECTIVE WALLBOA&RD McGregor Hardware .04W Limited ss ING ST. W. PHONE IMArket 3-3386 Lions CNIB Canvass Nets Campaign $207' Plan Hallowe'en Part y NEWCASTLE - The canvass af the village cannieui out last week by members af the New- castle Lions Club on behahi o! the Canadian National Institute for the Blind naised a total af $207.35 ta be used in this anea ta combat the drcad dîscase of blindness and ta assist those who are soafaflicted. The canvassers report a neadv response fromn villagers bath ini the canvass for funds for tac C..N.I.B. and the Lions project ai gathcning old cyegalasses for the Glasses Bank which are col- lectcd and shippcd ta underde- veloped countries xvhene , cycs are examined and iitted with praper glasses by the Eye Con- servation Committees ai the Lians Clubs. A lange number ai old glasses wene 'collected in this drive in addition ta the money collected for' the C.N.I.B. Halloween Party Tlle next project for the Lions Club is the annual Hallowe'en ta be hcld in the community Party ion children (and adults) hall on F'iday (tomoraw) evening October 3lst. et 7.30 p.m. when some 15 pnizes wifl be given for costumes and e good time is assured fan ahl and treats will be given to each persan present. The Lions Club bas conduct- cd this party each year ta keep the chihdren enterteined and off the streets on Halowe'en and has been most successtul in put- ting down an the numben af pnanks played thus keeping pro- perty dampage fa a minimum. It is intenqed ta be a iamily party and ail citizens are urged ta came and bning their child- ren ion a night ai fun witbout destruction. Merchant 1Juvéniles Win Lakeshore Title Another title was added ta the winnings ai the Newcastle Merchants Jjuvenilc Basebal Tcam in Bowmanville on Sat- urd«Y when the Bowmanvîlle team bebind by a score ai 15 ta 0 in the 4th inning, fonfeit- ed the game which was the se- cond in the best two out a;i thrce series. The wcatbermafî iailed ta co-operate and the boys wcre iarced to play in wet cold wcatben not conduckive ta good basebaîl. Thus, having won the Juven- ile "C" Cbampionship ai On- tanio the Newcastle tcam bave now won the Lakeshone Ju- venile Cbampionship in wbich tbey bave bcen playing this summer witb tcams in th;e "A" and "B" categany. Carleton did the mound du- tics for the Merchants, with D. McCulough recciving, allowlng only anc bit and no bases on balla in the 4 innings, whlle their teammates made only one errer in the field. B. Osborne, Bates and Abbott cach had a turn on the meund for Bow- menville allowing a total, of 9 bits and giving up 8 walks in the four innings whlle their teammates made three errera and se the bascball season ends locally fan another season and according ta Saturday's wea- ther. not e bit tao soon. Good Attendance at Anniversary Services Newcastle United Church' NEWCASTLE - Anniversaryi services in the United Chuncb were wdll attendcd hast Sunday. The Chunch was well iilled in the marning when the Serviceý was conducted by the Minister, Rev. M. C. Fisher. The gucat minister was Rcv. R. J. Scott, B.A., B.D., ca-minister of Carl- ton St. United Cburch, Toronto. Mn. Scott is beard every other Sunday manning aven radio sta- tion CKEY. Mn. Gardon Bat- chelor. also ai Toronto, was guest soloiat. Two solos werc sung by Mn. Batchelor, and a beautiful anthemn was rcndened by the choir, under the direc- tion o! Mn. Norman Williamns, anganist. Mn. Scott took as bis subjcct in the morning -The Body and the Spirit". Referring ta the Chunch o! yester-yeans. the pea- pie wbo made up the congrega- tion in the yeans thet succeed- cd its iounding in the yeer 1824, Mn. Scott said we belong ta the Cburch that is beth visible end invisible. In ealien times, Christians livcd in conscious prepanation fan Heaven. Today. the cmphasis is upon lite, bere and now. The human body is renewed evcny seven years, the speaker said. Rcterning ta van- ious passages of Scrîpture, Ma-. Scott made it clean there will be given ta the S15irit an appro- priate body et the genenal re- surrection. A goodly num-ber of p4rsons ettended the evcning service whcn Mr. Scott prcached an eut- standing sermon on the subject: S< vou went ta get married?" The Newcastle chôir sang two 'beautiful antbems. Pictures of California Shown to Auxiliary ORONO - The President, and much enjoyed by those Dorothy Watt, opened the reg- present. ular monthly meeting of the During the evening the girls Evening Auxiliary recently with worked on cancer dressings and an apprapniate poem. it xvas stated that more aid white The rail cal. minutes of Iast cotton for this project would meeting, and treasurer's report be most acceptable. was given. Lunch and a social hall bour Edith Sherwin, corresponding braught the meeting to a close. secretary, read letters of ap- preciatian fram Katherine Ard- ro n r.Alice Richards. An ~AVTC invitation wvas extended from B A K T C the Afternoon Auxiliary ta at- tend their Thankofferinýg meet- Twenty children and two lea- ing an November 4th at 7:45. It ders attended the Mission Band xvas also announced that the meeting Tuesday evening. Mrs. Oshawa Presbytcnial meeting 'H. Kyte was in charge. The was ta be held on Oct. 21. Itijchapter from Study Book "Hene was suggested that Hilda Tamb- Cames Dirk" was entitled "The lyn be asked ta go as a delegate.I Schaol Picnic". The Devational Group 3, Kathleen Rainey'si taîk wai based on "Be Ye KindI group, then took charge of the one ta another." After the clos- meeting, with Isobel Challice, ing exercises the game "Wind- her assistant taking the chair millsý' mentianed in the stary and leading in the Devotional. was pîayed. The scripture xvas read by Olive Milîson and K. Chapman sang Seen mothers. two visitors, avery lovely solo 'God's Hand a. eerlyune.hîde is EverywhIlene". The medita- 3oined the Explorer. girls for their tion -Keep Up to date" was made Initiation and Star.ý Ceremonies very interestmng by Isabel Chal- Thursday evening. Meeting op- lice. Prayer by Joan Couvier ened with a sing-sang led by bnouglit the devotional part of Mns. Richard Van Camp followed the meeting ta a close. by the repeating of the Explorer A chapter of the study book, purpose and motta, reports and "The Christian Saga in Japan"I business. The initiation and Star proved very interesting as pre- Ceremanies were conducted by sented by Eileen Billings. Mrs. F. Butt and Mrs. R. Van Eileen then introduced the Camp. Mrs. Roy Taylor as ne- speaker for the evening, Miss presentative from the W.M.S. Catherine Stewart of the Sixtli spoke a few words ta the Ex- Line who toak us on an imag- plarers. Rex-. Philp Romeril also mnary trip ta Cali fonia, also to spoke ta the girls. taking as bis Man;tana, with heîr pictures subpect. ".Let Your Light Shine", which she had taken wvhile ofl and led in prayer. "Jesus'Bids these trips henseîf. Miss Stew- uShine was sung and the art showed some local pictures Cheu xloeselre h x too whicli were very beautiful Cpeiti oede rdth x Mrs. Philip Rorrieril addressed IN LIGHTER YEIN a joint afternoan and evening At a Commun ist partv' meet - W .M.S. auxiliary Thanksgiving ing in a rural area in East Ger - meeting in Ebenezer Wedr.esday,. an od fr:pc go ta Mesdames Glen Larmer, Ernest mnany. nol ape ott is 1'Larer, Philip Ronieril, Stuart feet and asked ta bc told iv arm ther communisrn could bc de- IDonrell and Cecil Hill attended fine asan deolgv hat~%jthe Faîl Raly of the Eastern ceeded in a straigîht lne or iv"nt Scino saaPebtr round in circÂi. W.M.S. in Newtonville Tuesday. ThtWas a <N ueto" Sincere svmpathy I'a extended one partv c:vy Mrs Geo. Saunciers and familv hni., -communisair can onlv b- in the death of Mr. Saundres :n cornpared ta a liagh ne', Part Perry Hospital on Wednes- never ta a cirecie." dar . -Thank He&u-en for t:ha". the, Mesdames Ray McLaughlin. farmer brea*:heci,'A s'l.VnMe-Laughlirn. PhilipRo'n-e'- lire has zot tu corn to au eadxi Wilber't Archer and Cecil 8QmOLmO."Hill, attenaied the Oshawa Fa-es- St. John's W.A. St John's WA met in the Pan- ish Hall an Thursday evcping Oct. 23. with 18 members pre- sent. Devational was given by Mns. Graham. Trcasuncr's report showcd a substantial balance in the bank. No minutes wene heard fnam the Sept. meeting duc ta the absence ai the sec. Mrs. Banc. Reports werc neaci an the resuits ai the Variety suppen. ah- s0 a report on the Deanery meet- ing at Newcastle, Sept 25th, by Mrs. Graham and a Deaneny aficens' repart o! meeting in Port Hope by Mrs. Langfcld. The offer et -la gif t et a stoe for the kitchen fnom Ma-s. Carter was gretefuhhy accepted. Mcmn- bers were reminded tp bring in their Thankoffcning bty&.es. De- cided ta hold a bazaar same' time in Novemben. Alsa decided ta hold cuchene parties in tLhe Parish Hall during the wiinter months. Rail cal was answered by a donation for the bale which w-as te be packed during9 the week. Decided ta hold ail winten meetings in the attennoons. Mec- ting closed with prayer and ai social heur tollowed. Refresb-1 mer.t- wcre Ferved by group Il with Ma-. H. Bailey conven.ang. bytery Womens As.sociation se- mii-annual meeting ini Wbitby United Church Thursday. Syrnpathy is extended ta Mn. Harold Ponteous and tamily ohi the death of Mrs. Ponteaus in BowManville Saturday. Several fram, here attended the funeral service in Bowmanx'ille M~onday.' Mr. S. Post, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin, Lloyd and Earl, and Mrs. Albert Wright vislted at the Gif- fen-Mack Funeral Homne in Ton- onto, Sunday afternoon where the body af Mr. Melville Jackson was resting. They also called on r. nd rs.William Law- renscin while in the city. Mn. and Mrs. John Hamilton, Mn. and- Mrs. Lewis Swain, Mn. Herb Swain and Mrs. Oakley Carley attended the funeral of Mrs. James Swain of Valentia in Lindsay on Sunday. Mn. and Mns Roy Taylor vis- ited Mn. and Mrs. Gamnet Mur,- ray and girls and attended Oak- wood Annivensary Sunday. Several fram here attended Nestîctan Anniversary Sunday. Services will be beld on ahl four Lpoints of the United Church tcharge next Sunday et the re- Lgular bours. Baptismal service Lwill be conducted in Blackstock at 10 a.m. Mn. and Mr. Ernest Larmer attended the wedding of their nephew, Wallace Larmer and Miss Joan Reynard in St. Geo- rge's' Anglican Chunch, Oshawa, on Saturdav afternoon. Sunday aiternoon Mn. and Mns. Ernest Larmer. Mn. and Mns. Glenn Larmer visited the Elford cousins at Cambray. Mr. Ami- brase Elford celebnated bis lOOth binthday on Oct. 21. Mn. Will had a binthday in October whcn- be was. 96 and sister Miss Lizzie was 101 last January. Mrs. Freeman Hepburn and Mrs. Wallace Slute, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Jas. and Miss Ger- trude Henry on Weednesday. Mrs. Slute also visited Mrs. Thos. Smith. Sunday visitons of the Henrys were Mn. and Mrs. Mer- edith Henry, Tononto. Mr-. and Mrs. Boswell Stani- land andMn. and Mrs. Fred Bra- zien, Toronto, visited Mn. and Ma-s. George Staniland Friday. Mesdames* Roy Turner, Blake Gunter, Ernest Swain, John Bal- lingal and Neil Bailey enjoyed a Sang ançi Dance weekend In connection with Girl Guides and Brownie Leaders et Doe Lake. Mns. Fred Hamilton spent the weekend cf Oct. 17-17 at a Crni- missioner Training apa o Lake.gCapa o High iSchool pupils enjoyed a Tni-Sehool dance of Millbnook- Orono and Blackstock at Orono Fniday night. Miss Canal Lamb and fniend Lindsay viisted ber aunt Mrs. Thos. Smith Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright spent the weekend wlth relatives at Bancroft. The ONO club meeting is ta be beld et Confie SwaIns on Nov. 6, instead of Nov. 13. Mrs. Geo. Fowlen visited In Teeswater over the weekend. Mr-. and Ma-s. Stan Hall, and family. Tyrone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm and family Sun- day. The Scouts are very grate fui ta all wbo assisted in collectîng papens and bottles and those wbo loaried their trucks and cars. Some changes bave taken place in 'the village. Mr. and Mrs. Ray MèGili bave moved te Osh- awa, Mr. and Ma-s. Frank Mc- Cormick moved ta Bowmanville. Mr. and Mns. Goldwin Faint and famnily, Toronto, visited ber parents, Mr. and Ma-s. Osmond Wright, Sundav-. Mn. Merlin Bailey. Winnipeg, wbo was attending some busi- ness meetings in Toronto lest week, spent Sunday nt home. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mount- joy, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mount- jay spent Monday with their sîster, Mns. H. Graham and Miss Venena, Taranto. Miss Marilyn Archer, Whitby, spent the weekend with ber grandmotber Mrs. Wilbert Ar- cher. Mr. and Mns. Elmen Ar- cher and boys visited ber Sun- The Orono News ?elepbouè 127 Congratulations to Dr. and end with Mrs. Thornton Wil- Mrs. Wi lam Keith Tyosn Brampton. the former Miýss Mr. Donald Sherwin and Mr. IGwendolyn Joan Chatterton,; Ro McTavish. Brandon, Man., Re.Non their marriage Sat-1 were Ruests of Mrs. 1\. Sher- urdav, October 25th. 1958, a' 1Win and Laurence last week. Orono United Church. Rev. Ba. Mrs. A. Crombie. Toronto, il , E.o~ng officxated. visited her sister, Mrs. Wesley Mrs. Albert Randail, Whitby. j Ellott. wlio spent the past two, weekst Mrs. P. Lunn and Mrs. Geo. fwith her sister, Mrs. H. W. Mur- Henderson are patients in Mem-. ray, has returnedi home. oi al Hospital, Bownianville. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn with Mn,. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awdte, and Mrs. Lloyd Atchison, New, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond tonville,- attended the 4th Clapp, "'yrone, visited Mr. and Wedding Anniversary of Mr. Mrs. D. G. Hooper Sunday and Mrs. Roy Tamblyn at Bea- evening. verton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Millson, 1Roxanna, Young daughter Off Lin dsay, forrnerly of Orono, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wpitt is M called on sev'eral old neiga- Sick Children's Hospital, To- bours and friends here last ronto. week. Mr. George Armstrong, Timn- Mrs. Don ald McLaren whlo mins, is visiting bis mother, was visiting ber parents in Ken- Mrs. John E. Armstrong. ara. returned home by 'Plane. Mrs. Wilis Jones, Newton- Miss Joan Cook, Peterbor- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Car- borougli, attended the Medical man Cornish and ramily. omlaQue'Unvriy vxe~Mr. and Mrs. Jh unr Kingston, on Friday and. this Keene, iie* rs week is spending a few davs Wm. Mitchell last week. visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Mr. and Mis. D. Pollard and Rutherfordan miy Dale, have moved to an apairt- Mrs. Wm. Amitrng I. s ment in Bowmanville. DArmsrong, Mrs.nE Miss Kate Foster visited Mrs. G. oopernd Mrs. JhohntE. John E. Armstrong and Mr. and Arsong iie r and Mrs. ono Mrs.G. M Linon.Arthur Zavitz. Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chatter- on Friday. ton were among the out of Mrs. Myna McCullouch left town guests at the dinner given today by 'plane to spend tne for Miss Gwendolyn J. Chat-. winter in Bradenton, Florida. terton bride-elect and (groom- The Afternoon Auxiliarv of to-be) Dr. W. K. Taylor. at the'ý the W.M.S. of Orono United Granite Club, Toronto, by Dr. Church will hold their Autumn and Mrs. Cecil Collin-Williams, Thank-offering meeting at Missnt. oer edan 7.45 p.m. Nov. 4 -in the Sundav Mis A.Cooer.KenalandSchool Auditorium. 'SeveralI Newcastle, is visiting Mrs. C. L. members of Trinity Auxiliarv Powers. will bring the program. and Mr. Arthur Clough, Belleville, Trnity Ladies' Quartette will spent the weekend with Mr. sing several numbers. Other and Mrs. A. Clough.1 Auxiliaries have been invited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitcbell ta attend. spent Sunday with Mr. and _________ Mirs. J. H. Belle. Orillia. Mrs. W. L. King, Bradford, was a luncheon guest Friday ZO of Mrs. A. L. Hooey. Mrs. Elsie Wilson, Toronto, The Tyro boys sbowed films and ber son 0./S. James Wil- at the Sunday Scbool on Sat- son, Montreal. visited ber sis- urday afternaon and also had ter, Mrs. H. W. Murray 'on Sun- a sale of homemade candy. day. Mrs. J. Scott and Ellen, Osh- Mrs. C. L. Powers bas return- awa, visited at Hans Geissber- ed home after spending a week ger's. with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Staintan, Toronto. David and Douglas, were sup- Dr. and Mrs. John H. Leslie per guests at Leonard Sbaw's, and Susan. Peterborough. spent Oshawa. the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Samson. Wm. Rîddell. Toronto, visited at Russell Per- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gamney kin's. visited Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mrs. Clarke Moore, Oshawa, Andron, Toronto. Jerry Moore, Scarborough, spent Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell a few days at Keith Stainton's. and family spent the weekend Mrs. R. C. Stainton was hast- at their cottage, West Lake near ess for a plastic demonstration Picton. 1an Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lamnb and Mr and Mrs. Fred Rykard, Karen, Toronto, spent the weeke- Iarrington Place, visited a:. *News a FaciS a FamiIy Futures The cIiIstincIen mIt@cônt On* NorWOy St. Boston 15j MOS. Soed yout tiempop.r for *ho tim checked. Erecloed finm t chak coV ,aoney oede.1 yo 1 6 nmouth$90 miI.4O City LZon oe _______________________ M FOR. SALE 2 Sons of this Outstanding PolIed Bull BIRMINGHAM METEOR X Senior Herd Sire ai Gloriadale- Farms Weighing 2065 at the BLUE RIBBON SALE Baker Farms, Hamnpton, Ontario Saturday, Nov. 1, 1958, at 1:30 p.m. SIX DULLS These two bulls are Governnient performance tested and therefore qualify for the Government's Bonus which applies on ail performance tested bulis up to 3313 % of the purchase price with the maximum Gov- ernment payment not to exceed $200.00. Take advantage of this bonus to buy a good PoIled Shortborn Bull at the right price and dehorn your next crop of calves. These Bulis are haif brothers to Gloriadale Meteor 5th, the bull Gloriadale refused $6,000.00 for last year. GLORIADALE FARMIS LIMITED Port Hope, Ontario f UEL OIL - TWENTY-FIVE FEMALES SELL TRUMDAY, OCT. 30th. 1938 TRE CANADTAX STATESMAN. BOWMAN"MILE, ONTARTO Hans Geissberger'a. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cov*r- Iy and Karen. Ebenezer; Mrs. William Preston, Courtice, Mc&. Delbert Flintof!, Kedron; Mrs. Wes Carneron, visited ther auntl, Mrs. William Michael, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas and Kimi, Scarboraugh. were sup- per guests at Russell Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Rav Walters. Toronto, were weekend visitons at R. C. Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Killen, Mrs. Michael Nemis and Debri Ann, visited at Wilfred Frank's. Scarborough. Messrs.,Johni Gerry and Phid- lip Gerry, Toronto: George Mor- ton, Teeswater. visited at Mrs. F. B. GlaspellFa and Mrs. A]ex McMas ter's. Mrs. Alex McMaster, Joan and Ross. Mrs. F. B. Glaspeil visit- ed at Geor~ge Hilts, Oshawa. Owing ta the rainy weather on Saturday the fellows didnVt get any more soda laid on the nexv football f ield. Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Stainton and Clarke. attended a birth- day celebratian for lier brother Jim Moore at Mrs. Clarka Moore's, Oshawa. Stephen Poloz, Oshawa, vis- ited his cousin, Laurie Stainton on Saturday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Stainton attended a party at Keith Pol- lard's, Oshawa. on Saturdav night. Mr. and Mrs. Wiltred Frank and Davd. c Scarborough, at Robert Killen's. Good Reading for the Whole Family IE PACU wxm