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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1958, p. 13

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IMW CANADIAN STATIESMAN. DOWMANVT.LE. OARTO PAýZTW At 100, Operates Farm Aided by 'Kid' Sisters MrsFrd ouneman and Mr t.,l SRVICE CG. R.J. Pa'yne atîended a on 0 J J meeting ai the LOB.A. niLakt MA,3'883 M Several fioni here attende the funeral af Mn. Fred FoWlE STONE-STONE-STONE Build with stone, it adds dignity, value and permanence to your home, at very littie extra cost. Meirbo Stone Co. Ltd. of OSHAWA have the finest selection of Precast and natural stone ini Ontario qToe Y An bsiesitpastbyfofl Cr§fe Dae where SERVICE 15 dependable and guaranteed. USED.. CARS Special This Week! 1955 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN Equipped witb automnatic transmission. - Very good condition. (iood variety of late models froin wihicb to choose ALL AT REDUCE» PRICES BUY NOW - AND SILVE RobsonMotors Limited BU IC>- ON'TI C - ,...TRU'CK .AY jF MA .~. B~ ':~~~I. xx:-:2 r Joyce Lyle 215: 1Kay Stephens IY 14; Helen Dunii 213, 206: Mary ty- Wileox 208: Shirley Davis 205; Mel McNulty 202: Shirley Bick- ed ll 02;Dot Brooks 200. ofa Bawmanville on Mondas-. In- terment was in Pontypool Cern- etery. Millbrook Legion are sponsor- ing a Bemem.bîance Day Par- ade here on Sunday. Nov .16, at lla.m. ta the United Churcli. Ahi veterans are urged ta attend xvhetber members of the Legibn ornont. jMembers of the family sur- pnised Mn. and Mrs. Freeman Eddy (Esther Payne) an Satur- day cvcning. The Eddys bave purchased a new home in Orona and a housewarming was bad among the relatives. INesilelon Station Miss Muriel McKee,:- Oshawa, Ispent a holiday with ber mother IMrs. S. McKee. Dick Gucst of Guelphi and IDoug Davison af Waterloo Col- -lege spent the weekend witb Da- visons and Guists. IMi-. and Mrs. Harold Craw- fard. Ben and Stephen were weekenîd guests of bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Joseph Crawford. Orono. Mrs. R. G. Buschien, Avon ne- presentative, in this district cailed in the village this week. jMn, and Mrs. Jas. Tonikins werc recent callens with Mrs. Emerton on their w.ay home ta jToronto from thein cottage at- 'Coboconk. Mn. and Mns. Edgar Horne,C Oshawa, and Mn. and Mns. Geor- ge James, Bowrnanvilie, visited Minor Hockey l The Art Class meets everv Last Saturday morning mark- Fridav evening at Q:00 p.m, ini ed the first practice sessions ý0r the Lions Community Centre. the Minor Hockey teams spon- The class is under the direction sored by the Recreation Depart- of Mr. Arnold Hodgkins. ment and the Lions Club Mid- The fee for this class is $15.00 get Lealkâthe next practices for ten lessons or $2.50 per les- w.ll1 be this coming Satu - so n. da--ý ancTMondav' . Novernber lsl Choral Society and 3rd. Below is the schedu!eý The Choral Society is in need of the p:ract:ce times for the d.'1 - of tenons. If yvou are interestcd L d e1 1 ferent teams: in joining the Choral Society -A Saturday. November let please feel free ta attend anec cd es a Bantam o f the practice sessions. 7.,00 a.m.-Braves The Choral Society meeti 7:45a.m-Pirtesevery Monday in the Town Hall Alter a week'u layolf, due ta at :00p.m, uderthedirctin 8:40 a.m.-T8:00i f M.mHu Mr tn. irctonthe Thanksgivirîg holiday, the of M. Huh MatinLadies' Major League swung Pee Wee Don't forget the ChoaS- back into action last Monday 9.25 a.m.-Canadians ciety's Winter Concert ta belnight. Lydia Bates' bowlers 10:20 a.m.-Rangers held on Fridav and Satunday, downed Helen Dunn's teamn 2-1 11:05 a.m.-Leafs December 12th and l3th ~inthe and Kay Beauprie's crew de- 11:50 a.m.-Giants Bowmanville Town Hall. feated Hilda Brock's outfit by Midgts bilden' Crft Casss jthe same score, ta leave the vic- 3:30 p.m.-Dodgens The first session of the Chil- Itosst te frth eau 4:25 p.m.-Cometsj dren's Craft Class was held last By dropping a 2-1 decision ta 5:20 p.m.-Generals Saturday marning in the Bad- Wilma Bates' team, Lorraine Monday, November 3rd mintoni Club witb thirteen chil- Martyn's pin-droppers slipped ai Atom dren present. point Of the pace into second 4:30 p.m.-Rams The class is under the direc- spot. et etaest Nlior ocky Cachs 11lion of Miss Verna Foran. The il m e tty Waest1gaineys team Mino Hocey oachs Ichildren spent their time mak- imga3-0the aret gain bysor-a We are still in nced of twoi ing paper bag masks and a Hal- iG a3-0 esutoutlave N om coaches, one for the Huskies in'1 iowe'en Mural. Gysbwes etaei o the Bantam League. and anie1 Any children itreedin third place, only 11,, points for he cd Wngsin he Pe j.ioningthecrat casreed n back of the ca-leaders. Joyce WVee League. If vou are inter- vited ta attend this coming S anMajorisoliedone cer2- estcd in coaching cither af these Sat- and Doris Joli wont...rBer- tearday morningontartithetiee 1Sniece Budai by the same score, creation Office aI MA 3-5761. j:0am in the other games. AduitArt îassAudrey Bickle's 277 game AdultArt lasstook high single honours, fol- Anyone inîenested in jainin g UN[Pll oedb Ema roel2, 1nvýed t attnd oe oftheMlly Henderson 272 and ave- clnvtdtaatn ne, h Anniversary Services were age leader Doris Joli 266. lases tb sec the type ofworkIwl teddo udy p- Aîog tha isbeig dncby hisgrap.cial Children s service was en- n't quite make the 700 total, ber joyed in the marning with Mrs. 699 triple was still good enou-h Il 0 . Jahnston ai Bcthany in char- for high triple honouns. Other * i~r Z f. ge. Large co-ngregatiOn was pre- hih riples were rolled by Ber- aVDLL ya:u" sent in tbc cvcning ta hear Bey. niece Budai 688, Doris JOa1.1 662 I Basil Long ai Orono deliver a and Lorraine Martyn 655. vers- fine sermon Betbany Chair 200 Games werc much enjoycd in the ser- Audrey Bickell 277: Emmia Svice of sang. Bromeli 275, Molly Henderson Mn. and Mns. Ralph Sharp ofi1272. 205: Doris Jol 266, 209:' ceie'orated thein 23,-d Lorraine Martyn 262 ,226; Ber- l Wedding Anniversary aI their nice Budai 260, 224, 204; Jeanl home in the village. Thev werej Musial 259: Joyce Major 255,1I accampanicd b 'v Mr, and Mî-s. 1 220: Wilma Bates 251, 233. 215, Harry Hardy and Miss Marjonse 1yjdia aes 250: ay Bcauprue gucsts af M. and, Mrs. Eal Gil- Stinger 246, Lola Wright 246,1 fbank for Chicken Dinner on Sat- 1217: M uriel Holrbyd 245- Ena urday evening. Etcher 241; Marion Siaghi 239; P~R~pT/N >QWTSorry ta hear ai the sudden Hilda Simnick 235; Dot Brooks A7R -SCPON r asig fMr LwPuse' 234, 203; Ollie Patfield 229, 206: Cavan. This young fanmer failed Betty Westiake 228, 209: Dol I/Ita rally froni a heant attack an Crombie 227, 206: Essie Cox 225*, _________ Saturdav. Duaine Palier 223; Barb But- Christmas Tree Cutting bas tonshaxv 223: Lau Lyle 222; ______________________ sbarted localliy and loads have Peggy Haines 222; Mary Ijarri-! alreadv JefI far the U.S.A. ison 222: Greta Luxton 217:1 the Nesbitts. Association was held in bhe YeI- -A party on Saîurday cvening Miss May McKay. Toronto. îow School wesî, on Wcdnes- at the home af relatives was visited hen aunt Mns. John Dick-1 day, Oct. 8. with President held in honour ai Mr. and Mrs. ey and took ber ouIta dinnen. Mrs, Robent Bothwell in change. Russell Gimbîcu aon the occa- A numijer afilocal folk i'ailed The meeting opened xitb O- sian of their twenty-fifflî wed- at the funeral parlouns and ath- Canada". The secreîary*s neport dn ers attended the funeral of Mns. was given by Mrs. James Gcd dn anniversan',.* The happvy Harold Porteous in Bowmanvilie des and the treasurer read ber bride and groom werc present- cd with a tri-light lamp hrm on Monday aflernoon. Sympathy rpr n aksaeet chairs and moncy. Congratula-! is extended ta the famnily from Il was decided ta send dele- tions for many more happyi friends and neîghbours, gales to the Home and Sehau)l years Buss and Marion. Mrs. Milton Stephenson is' in Conference la be held at Eben- Lindsay Hospital and al banc ezer Chunch an Thursday. No- BMn. and Mns. Harvey Neil, she will ibe home soon. - vemben 13. Mrs. Bert Budai,wiBnroteir on n faiy Mns Mî-s. B. Samelîs spent last Mrs. *Robent Bothwell and Mrs. wand Mr so .neinl. - I Mr wcek with Mr. and Mrs. C. WVil-MaDnl will be the tbree son. Visitons with the Cecil Wil- delegates. The speakers will be Very sorry tothear that Mn. sosan the weekend were; Mis- Dr. Ra y, Peterborough, Mrs. Tr Forbes is in the Bown-anville' !-sGe n ui ison.Tr-M. Weathenhead, Provincial Hospital undergoing an, oper-1 anto; Messrs. Norman Lyons, President of Home and School ation. Uxbridge. Herman Rodman. Lit- Associations. Ail ladies inter- Verx' pleased ta, report thalt ested in attending this meeting Mn. ÉEd Holmes is improx îng. tie Britain: Mn. and Mrs. Cliffard are________________ticket Het, Fit an Chisine Far-through Mns. Robent Bothwell. view, Penna.. US.A.; Mr- and1 Mrs Aex husto, eneon il was announced that there TYRONE Falls. Ae hntn eeo will be an Auxiliary ta Ihc The Grant Thompsoni were in Boy Scouts and Cubs formed a-1 Congratulations ta Miss Al ei 1 Beveron n Wdnedaywit Maple Grove in the near fui Wood w'ho celebrateci lier birtn- an Wdnedav îtntune. Information max- be oh-daonWdea.Tudase bis mother, Mrs. Jas Thampsoîî. t.ained from Mn. Ed Lesl:e orvsoned eriester. . ead Mn. M,%I. Stanley Malcolnm and Mrs. Arthur Burgess. Heor b Rnd eie,aMptoand r 1 Herb Taylor called on the Bruce ebRnlHmt. Heaslips and the Nesbitt iamni!y., A donation ai $5.00 was x-ot- Mn. Percy Byers. Bowma n-, î-s. John McCalden !pAveï ed -ob sent ta help buy a 'le pnttewknd it a vllbe -th ween ft this wveek for Vancouver where paîn:ng in mienîonv aif(lie lal.e Mrs. Otto Virtue. she xiii soend t-e winter. Mrs. Adela;de McLaugblin. M.aî r.JmsMron Mîs.E.A. Wood v i.- Adnton ivill alsa be given and boys, Bowmanville. visited ited in Tononta wiîth n uvt the Male GaveGu:ds a:d1IMn. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. -Mn 1'd~. .Wa n : BTe. r,'cokint ai parenl,.; Gartb . Mole ai Hall's Lake,! nî'i M-~.C.~ -x- \V~on bx- Mr, Mo1lins', roam soent tlie weekend with Mn. vhn. evenic;- .idRMgs D. Daev- o Sundav zi1nnciýo two rdlf,0 V-sited r. bza to be held Noeier '_9Mi'and MnsD. BDaMe of un il B. R. %vd . was discu-sscd and the io!l.o\ii i 1Lake 1n hi .ne uss M: . .K'oi n Suîida.%-.baotlis were agneed iipon, ca,-" Moaia', Mrs. Ra vniond Davev. M-d, ri blin f; Eupod. hîton, '%rs. Sam Grant. Mr. a' h M-.i1 &'î 'iý-e anpobad.rg -ïBunk -~~~~~~ .m-c~i "i~n V~ lephant and country store.- Oshawa, were supper guests of c c Ïr1tte-A ecitile Louîise and Rosdann Patter- -the Daveyv's. '--r'n"0r ~ineYsfather ?%n. son, Cwve- Dupuis and Che r,. 1 Littlte Dehhie Miller and Ste- "F-'-i',~ . .- oi-sm aorc 'i Vul' a -; en Philljps, have lbad ithe mr!a- <~i- -- \~~- -- -'i ~ ar d a s- ies. -~. c i . " fjq1'ei- <'n h.s -72r'd b:rthàa, iL cad Niu~cp~.î~» t.~sf~-. I~ Lîîp,eîcd b, M:..-i Tue.-ciaj iast. wyarm, lit zipper fr( /$9.8 REVERSIBLE RED HUNTING COAT RqIP.WADERS RUBRER $8.88 HUNTERS' DINOCULARS "KOMMAN.%DO BRAND" 7x35 PRISMINATIC (OATED LENS 3-V JAR GUARANTEF (OMPLETE IVITH CASE AND IN CANADA --$695 àecreation Jýeviews By Douglas Rigg now you can have Warmer Floors with this automatic farm. This year they p1auted. hoed and harvested their erep of potatoes themnselves with just a bit of help fromn Elizabeth, who came from Oakwood te pitch in with the work. At the Party the tea wus served in cups and saucers b. Ionging ta their grandmother. Eliza Werry. who Iived ta be 99. The children inherited the cups and sauce's f-om their Oil Heater pjor Bowling Goodyear Bowling I Aversges The big leature of last Thurs- Hase Boom _________30 eName Ave. day night's action, was the large Office ._________29 'Doris Joli ______ 215 number of high single scores Fan Beits_________ 27 yBernice Budai -_____ 214 that were turned out. Howard Lead Press -________14 3Lorraine Martyn 209 Bromell's big 313 effort led the Machine Shop .______9 1Onie Etcher ______ 207 parade. Some of the other good Pins Lou Lyle -________ 201 scores were rolied by Ernie Cmie 16 Lydia Bates _______ 1.8 Hansen 285, Jim Allun 282. Tom Cseomine ____ 21-110 Hilda Brok_______ 197 Graham 279, Art Spicer 279 and Office -------__ 21142 MyVra Cooper 193 Bill Holroyd 268. Fan Belts _____- 212761I Kay Beauprie-_____ 190 The Office team's captain Jim Lead Press ____ 2119:3 3 Lola Wright 188 Allun, finally reached the pin- Machine Shop----- 20463 Joyce Tennant-_ ___ 186 nacle of success with the night's ihAeâs à flot Brooks_____- 186 high triple of 721. HowardHihAeae iOllie Patfieid - 185 Bromell's 698 was second, fol- Games Ave iPeggy Haines 185 lowed by Bill Holroyd 672, Pal Arnold Lobb -- 21 209 .Wilma Bates 184 Armstrong 668 and Joe Piper Tommy Graham - 21 2 05 kEva Whitehead _____ 184 664. Ron Mayngrd - 21 2051p rShirley Bickell______ 183 The Combines added to their Jack Potts 21 2031 ;Jean Musial _____ 183 first place margin with 1 7-0 Jack Bond_____ 21 2021 !Betty Westlake ____ 12 shutout win over the cellar- Bill Shotter 18 199 Ena Etcher ___i 18, dweliing Machine Shop. The Pete Bathgate 21 199 Emma Bromeli ____ 180 Hose Boom look over second Ernie Hansen 21 198 1 Jo.yce Lyle 1 go slot by knocking off a short- John Staînton 1 9 Mary Harrison ___ 1'79 handed Office team by a 5-2 Murray Grant---- 18 197 Sadie Bucknell --- ____1-9 counit. In the athier set-to, t'he Murray Bate ---18 196 Norma Gay--______ 178 Fan Beits were upset 5-2 at the Art Spicer --------- 15 196 Helen Dunn ___ 17,9 hands of the Lead Press. Howa-d Edmondson- 21 194 Joyce Major - __ 178 Team Standings Howard Bromeil 21 194 Thlm Frrstr 77Teams Pts. Howard Davey 15 193 MuelaHo]royd il 177 Combines.-- 38 Joe Piper - --- ------ 18 193 June Baker------------ 176 Emn Striniger--------17-i Essie Cox ---- 174 t. Duaine Palmer 173 *. 4 Jean Luxton --------------17 Mixed League Bowling '- Kay Stephens 1 Ruth Barclay 1 Audrey Bickell - 172 Onie Etcher was the whole Averages Helen Piper ---- 171 show, as she led the league- GmsAe Mai-y Wilcox - -1ledi gJim Richards' bowlersGmsAe Dore Mutton----------- 1 ta a slim 5-2 win over Bob Mit- E. Brock ------------2--14 1228 Marion Slaght 1701 cheli's second placer-s, in Frn- O. Etcheî'------24 22.) Shirley Davis--- - --- ------17 0Idav night's battie. In the duel B. Mitchell---------- 24 2J5 Eileen Holroyd ----- - - -- 1691 for the front spot, Onie came M. Etcher---------- 24 203 Audrev Osmond - ----------- 163i up xith the night's high triple A. Spicer ------_ '24 20" Helen* Vivian ---------------1l67ý of 793. including games of 319, J. Bond ---- --- -- 24 200 Stelia Brown --- - -- - 1-- 66! 234 and 240. Her 319 effort also Arnold Sleep 18 197 Barb Buttonshaw ---- 165, represented the high single, as A. Hickiling-------- 21 196 Doliy Brooks ------lr5 the mnaie section was farced to0 H. Brock----------214 194 Berniece Terry ------- 164! take a back seat. C. Mutton--------- 24 191 Vel Miller ------- -- 1641 Bond and Etcher had their E. Cox ------------ 24 191 ]bel Vinsan----- ----- 1(3 own private meeting for tlîird B. Edmondston ------- 24 13C Molly Henderson - 162, i place in the standings. Jack J. Richards ------------ 21 139 Hilda Simnick --- -----1-- 63ý Bond led bis teani ta a close H. Bronieli --------- 24 185 Norma Norri, -------- 163; 5-2 decision aver Morlcy Et- R. Mutton------- ------ 24 184 Joan Engley ------------------- 16-2 chcr's bowlei-s ta hold on to the E. B'omell--------- 24 181, Babe Brown--------------------- 161 showý position. while climbing, L. EiJridge 24 183 Mel McNulty------------- --- 161 tao within two points af Mitc11-1 J. Noxvlan --- -------24 1719 iligh Scores eh.i P. Gould ----------- --24 173 High Single - jA crage-leader Elton Brock. D. Mutton------24 1-13j Aud-ev Bickell ___ con i]n*iued ta bowl well, but hi;s E. Stringer ----- 24 173 HiLzh Tr iple- team ialsa continued ta slumr,, J. Cox ---------- ----24 172 Wilma Bates 6W9 dropping a 5-2 game ta Art Spi- Audrev Sieep--.------ 18 171 HihAeae-cer .s cellar-dwellers. C. Oke ---- - ---- 24 17O Doris Joli 2---------1 Behind Etcher. other sin-, G. String- --------24_ 24 Term Standings - gles wvere rolied bw Elton Brock i F. Luxton ---- 24 169 67î, Howard Bromell 673, Art! D. Bond -----------24 167 Lydia Bates ----- 13 16715 Spi rer 643, Jack Bond 610 and R. Mlizchell 21-) 166 Kav Beaupnie __ 13 16,508, Bob Mitchell 610. C. Evans 21---- 1--- _ Lor-raine Mart n - 12 16489 Coiîiýg un wi*th g-ood ile .1. Evans ----------- -210 Betty Westlake -1-112 161181 ere C. Evans 263,. Howard, M. HolroYd---------_1,5 161) Wilma Bates ----- 10 1672 Bronieli 2.53, Elton B'ock -211, P. Barteils ------ _ 24 159 Onie Etcher - ----- 10 16367l and Art Spicer 234. D. Chîarles 24 157 Doris Joli ------- 9 1604". Team Standings B. Charles - 24 154 Joyce Major --- _7"2 15995 1 A. Winacott -21 146ý Bernice Budai ------- 6 161691 W L Pýs Winacott ------- 21 145 Hilda Brock ----- 6 159(117 Richards ----------- 15 9 371 J'Eldridge --- --- 24 143 Helen Dunn ------- 5 166),6 : -------------- 14 10 ý'22 D Edmn stoxi ---- _ 21 142 Norma Gay - 5 14890- Bond ------- - ---- 12 1'2 30' M. Hickling ---------- 20 142 Etcher-------12 12'26 K. Luîxton -------- 4 1 Brock il n 1,2 M P E RO E Spcer--------8 1618R. spicer --- - ----- 21 110 MAPLE GROV Ladies High Single - Recent visitors with Mr. and1 lins, narrated by Mrs. L.M .Ece ------- 1 Mrs. Clifford Swallow were Mr. Guirk an childî-en's play habits Men's High Single and Mrs. M. A. Densem, Mr. w-as next an the prograin. . Ev-ans ------- 263 and Mrs. Ron Ferguson a rdc The meeting closed %vith th-' faniily. Mrs. Fred Ashton, Mr. Queen. Lunch xvas served by Ladies High Triple- Jack Ashton, Toronto, Mr. and the committee in charge. O Etcher ---------------- 793 Mrs. Elmo Ashton, Birming- The Girl Guide meetings arc Menis High Triple- ham icin.i full swing at M1apie Grave E rc 7 Mrs. J. D. Stevens and Mr-S. i with leaders, Mrs. K. Staîker, E rc--------7 Fred R. Foley, Toronto, arc-e Miss Lois Staîker. Bowman- *isiting with Mrs. Mark G ar - ville, and Mrs. Jini Geddes. dîner, Garden Hill, for a few The girls meet on Tuesday days. evenings. The leaders of thne "L ET G EO RGIP Mrs. Chester McGrath spent Brownies are Mrs. WaiIy Bath- II. a few days with relatives in' well, Brown Owl; Mrs.J. W Bai-rie, last week. Noble and Mrs. Jim Collîs, Miss Miidred Snowden spent TanyOlsH ea dquarterý the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.. Bath Girl Guides and Brown-. Sami Castie. Peterborough. les are selling tickets on a beauI Miss Sheila Munro and Mr. Mrs. Gardon Beech and on dis- ..i HIarrv De Long, Toronto, xisit- plta hi tr.Ti oa ed vit Mis Mldrd SOw-Association of Guides and den recently. Brownies were enrolled by Mrs. IVATERPRI The Oct'ober meeting of the Buttery, Division Commission-J 1HY R - Mvaple Grave Home and School er. H D OP $79-95 Up SAVE$ YOU MONEY-ASSURES YOU A ME EA TEP HON* MAKES AND MOVES HIAT to cold corners and liard-to. lheat places. Rias modern unes and amart fashion finish. FUEL-AIR CONTROL cut@ fuel couts a§ much as 25%9. 4ut. ma-tically adjusts draft to high, low, or medium fire. Carnfort costs so lîttie with ia COtEMAN CANAOA'S LEADER IN HOME HEATING RADIANT HEAT from @ide doors that open out for quieU warm-up - one of many features on Model 873, ab. OTHER EXCLUSIVES - famotîs Coleman Low Draft Burner - Directjonaire Power Blower - big furnace-type Heat Exchanger.. ail ta give you fineat automatie heating. Corne in and see thîs unusuali haiter Lander Hardware 7 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5774 ]E DO IT!" rs for your js ouLtfi't e8t JACKET \ j ~ -'~~ 0 for you SALE PRIC! $11.99 Reg. S21.95 Choice Shadecs Rust Brown -Sizes 36 to 16 THÇ HUNTER RI ' BBER Lace Tops ArhSupport flunter * J- riend COLEMAN LANTERN Model 200 Instant Lightlng! Rez. .$16,50 $10',88 Bowman ville Surplus Store 42 King Si. E. Phone MA 3-3211 ?TULRSDAY, OCT. 3oth, 1958 Ambras. Ellord's seven brn- thers and sisters threw a party at their farm near Islav just west of here ta celebrate his lOth birthday. Sisters Ehtabeth, 101: Marv Anna, 94; Ida, 91, Hester, 88, and Angelina, 83. served tea and cakes ta Ambrose and fis brothers, William, 96, and Charles, 81. Ambrose, Mary Anna, Hes- HEAVY NELTON PANTS Arny or Airforce New $5.9 5 - 't ~- ~ à QI e.-/,Uï7 [BOOT

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