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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1958, p. 14

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PAGU TO~E~ CANAD -N .-.- -9. - -W- v fL.FA7ZIU J>AXUL.%p -Shorfhorn -Caif Brings $500 At Mumford Sale Recenfly One of the features of the Shorthonn reduction sale at the Fairacres Farm of C. H. Mum- ford, Hampton, was the selling of a junior heifer cal! at $500. This 8 month old baby was an added entry to the original of- and attracted keen bid- ding. She went to Hi Ho Farms, Phoenix, Maryland, where her sire, Louade Gambler, is a member of the bull battery. Second high of $465 was paid by Roy Strong, Bethany, for a very good young cow with type and substance. Thirty-two head, many of them younger animais, made an average price o! $292. The av- erage received for 15 cows was $364. New breeders making their first punchases took no lessU than 11 head.4 Purchasers included: R. W. Gardhouse, Milton; W. J. Rus-1 sell, Unionville; G. S. Hunter, Brooklin; John Sims, Cameron; Lloyd Fowler, Woodville; Albert Palmateer, T we ed; M. S. Michael, Pickering; Ralph Davis, Hampton; C. E. Tink, Hampton; D. A. McGregor, Newcastle; Andrew McClure, Woodbnidge; John Howden, Columbus; A. M c Kay, Newtonville; Ro y Strong, Bethany; M. J. Stainton, Bowmanville; W. H. Merry, Mii- ton; Eldon Free, Burketon; Lorne Pimmett, Indian River; Wayne Beckett, Bowmanville; Roy Coulson, Thomasbung; Mar- elibar Farms, Libertyville, nlm ois; Tom Baker, Hampton,I and Hi Ho Farms, Phoenix, Mary- land. Colour texture and carefre. living.- - they're- cil yours Wlien you decorate with Wallpaper. J. H. ABERNETHY'S Paint and Wallpaper Store 33 King st. W. Phone MA 3-5431 MANVERS STATION Mr. and Mrs. John Muir and Mrs. Watson, Brampton, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnston iast week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGili and family, Barrie, spent the week- end with Mrs. W. Bradley. In the ramn and fog early Thur- sday mornîng three young men from Oshawa had a miraculous escape when they missed a curve in the road at Bradley's corner, rolling the car over two or three times, causing considerable da- mage to the car. Mrs. Earl Argue attended the funenai of ber aunt, Mns. Clarke in Lindsay on Friday. We were quite interested in the article in last week's Statesman about Rev. Lindsay Vogan tak- ing a course in Boston. He was a very populan minister on this circuit in 1952-1953. In a Ietter from the Vogans two years ago, he was looking ahead, if the op- portunity arose, of goinv to a university in the U.S.A. for one more year of academic studies necessary for a Doctorate. Now bis ambitions are being realized. The very best wishes of the community are extended to Rev. Prof. G. L. Vogan. Mr. and Mns. Harry Hutchin- son, Lindsay, were Sunday din- ner guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Porter. Coming home from Ponty- pool anniversary Sunday night, three lovely fawn ran across the road in front of the car, about bal! a mile west of here. KEDRON The final morning service fc this year was conducted at Kec non by Rev. R. H. Love, to large congregation. Wolf Cul of A Pack, Oshawa, led by Mrx Harman attended in a groul Three infants received the sac rament of baptism by the mir ister - Fabian Leo Hobmani son of Mr. and Mrs. Sebastia Hobmann, and the twin-sonsC Mr. and Mrs. Nikiaus, baby Wal ter Ruedi and Charli Frank. RE latives and friends from a diE tance were present for the christ enîngs .Frank Hancock was solo ist, accompanied at the organ b- Mrs. R. E. Lee. Howard Farndale began hi terma of office as superintend ent for the Sunday Scbool hour witb Eleanon Mountjoy as pian ist. Harold Werry concluded hi term as leader qf Aduit Bibit Class meditation. Next Sunday the Sacrament o: the Lord's Suppen will ibe oh. served at the 2:30 p.m. service The following Sunday on Nov 9, the annual Thankoffering ser. vice will be held. The young people's class ga. thered in costume for a Hall- owe'en party on Tuesday even- ing in the Lower Hall, with pro- M d1- a1 .s. CS. . 1- t-. il- )y Yard, Main Office and Showroom COURTICE MA 3-2130 Downtown Office Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA RA 8-1617 SALEM IWe were favoured witb fine Sfweathen for our Harvest Home r, service on Sunday. Speciai music hwas provided by the choir. A is Jquartet composed of Mn. and le Mrs. R. Shackleton, Mrs. Twist and Mr. -Bob Craig favoured Swith a selection. Rev. Basil Long, -Orono gave a fine sermon in wbich be stressed that we shtuld not take our blessings or God 7- for granted but sbould be very thankful for them always. V'ie church was nicely decorated with flowers, leaves, fruit andI vegetables the centre o! interest *being a large loaf of "Nassau" bread provided by Mr. and Mrs. I L. McMahon. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Craig (nee Sonja Ja- cobson) who were marnied last Satunday in Knox Preshyterian Church, Oshawa, with the ne- ception foilowing the wedding at Haydon, with Mr. and Mrs. F:. Blackburn. Mr. and Mns. L. McMahon,1 Town, with Mr. and Mns. E. Twist. Mn. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster and Donelia, Newtonville, Mr.I an d Mrs. C. Welsh and Betty,j Miss Barbara Bathgate, Town,j Miss Grace Blackburn with Mr. and Mns. S. Buttery and Mns. J. Lancaster. Mr. and Mis. Donald Long, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Bob Craig. Mr. and Mrs. T Jacobson, Whitby, Mn. Bill Fenguson, Bla- ckstock, Miss Genda Craig, Osh- awa were Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig. Mr. and Mrs. R Shackleton, Hampton, Mr. Gordon Shackle- ton and Fred with Mn. and Mrs. K. Shackleton. Mrs. Nettie Cole, Miss Stella Blackburn, Town, with Mr. and Mns. Gerald Shackleton and Mrs. M. Blackburn. Mr. Lawrence Sciualr was a Sunday visiton with Mn. and Mrs. 1 Roy Langmaid, Solina.' Mn. and Mrs. W. Craig enter- tained the ibridai party of the Craig-Jacobson wedding follow- ing êhe rehearsai on Friday ev- ening. Miss Doreen Richards is visit- ing for a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mns. George Sellers, Town. 1 ENNISKILLEN Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Moore were 47 years marnied on Oct. 28. Mrs. Moore who had been in Memorial Hospital, for some ti- i me, came home on thein anniv- ersary day. Heanty congratula- tions are extended to Mn. and Mrs. Moore in honour o! thein anniversary, and also to Mr. Moore wha celebnated his 85th birthday on Oct. 23. IThe C.G.I.T. held a party nt the home o! Mrs. W. Logan on October 24, with 21 present. We enjoyed several contests and ga-1 fmes under the leadership o! Lin- da Yeo, and Linda Stainton. Thej l ucky pnize wvinners were Sheila ICox, Cheryl Rowan, Vicki Pick- ering, Elenor Heard, and Lisa IKnudsen. Mll enjoyed a lunch of bot dogs and roasted marshmai- lows . Next meeting wiil be at! the church on Nov. 4th, 7 p.m. Doris Wight moved a vote o! thanks to Mrs. Logan for a plea- sant evening The evening clos- 1 ed with TaDs. Service Club. was held at Ihe' hompF of MNrs. A. WVerrn.' on 0,-,. 2U wi10 rmembera anidone vià- filiary drive was $38.75. Miss Lorna Yeo, Oshawa, spent Saturday with Miss Mary and IMiss Elenor Leighton, Bow- manville, and Mr. Grant Werry, were guests on Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Ralph Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wry Toronto, were weekend visitors of E. A. Werry and callers at Ahlan Werry's. rce Won by H Teams ýompefition gram and decorations arranged by Alan Francis, Eleanor Mount chèr, Mrn. R. Bishop was aw- arded the costume prize. Gran and Robert Spencer led ini wor-D r a singing with Jeanine Werry at the piano. The lunch con=ittee was Donna Reeves and Sue ApAtG e h pleton.Teun,~ ~ tG ep Mavs reunayounger dau- At the Inter-Club Compe- ghte of r. ad Mr. Alerttitions at the Ontario Agricul- Tregunna, was united in marri- era17 1958 te, Du rdam Cont age on Saturday afternoon with 4-H7 15,Dai Duhm out Colin Smith of Oshawa, form- e-dary Caif Club Team plac- Engind. he rcepton second in competition with erly of Egad.Terpin5 teams. Donald Welsh, R.R. was held at the home of the Bowmanville, was the high bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. AI-nni hecmeiiowt bert Tregunna, for immediate re- score of 492, out of a possible flatives and local friends. I 520. His team-mate was Ron- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis ald Welsh, also of R.R. 4, Bow- and June were guests at the To- manville, who had a very close bin-Cookson nuptials and recept- score also. The winning team ion, on Saturday afternoon in was the Peterborough Dairy Seagrave United Church,' when Caîf Club team with Barbara Shirley Cookson became the bri- Mann, R.R. 4, Peterborough, de of Dennis Tobin. and John Allin, R.R. 1, Douro, Mr .and Mrs. Stanley Moffat, as members. Oshaa, ad Mr andMrs.Ev: In the Beef Club Competition erett Mountjoy were among there were 38 teams and the Strathroy Beef Caîf Club was guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hoh- first, from Middlesex County, manin following the christening while the Millbrook Caîf Club o! teir on, n from Durham placed 33rd.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Glover are The members of the Durham* e<joying a holiday trip with Team were Helen Strong, Beth- friends, to New York City. Mr. and Mrs. William Werry and sons were Sunday guests itor present. After the business of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Jackson, peridd a Hallowe'en social was R.R. 1 Lindsay. enjoyed. Mrs. S. Lamb, and Mrs. Rev R. H. Love and family R. Lamb, were in charge of the attended the funeral at Strat- games a n d prizes. Everyone ford on Tuesday of his mother, came in costume. Those winning the late Mrs. H. W. Love, who prizes for costumes were as fol- passed to rest on Saturday'even- lows;- Mrs. Aima Yellowlees, ing, October 18, at ber home, Mrs. E. Robson, Mrs. W. Logan, 122 Mornington Street, Strat- Mrs. E. Cox, and Mrs K. McGill. ford. Lunch was served by Mrs. E. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe Nair, Mrs. E. Cox, and hostess. were among Sunday dinne'r Next meeting at Mrs. E. Cox, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walton Nov. Sth. Pascoe ,Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, Mr. Miss Beryl Mountjoy, London. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Donald is spending the remainder of and Doreen, attended Nestleton her holidays at her home, Ked- Anniversary and were dînner ron, after returning by plane guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph from a week's visit with friends Sadler, Nestleton. in New York City. Mrs. E. Nor- Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Seymour, ton and children, Markham have 1were Saturday dinner guests of been spending a few days withf Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bull, and Brian Lee and Lynn Farrow famiîy, Oshawa; Mrs. Pincott, of of Guelph Agricultural College England ,were with Mr and Mrs. spent the weekend witb Mr. and W. Howells. Mrs. R. E. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron, Miss Olive Luke, Toronto. was Brian Lee, Guelph, Miss Lynn a weekend guest of Mrs. J. Starr.FroPt edwr Sn Mr. Starr is a patient in Oshawa Farrow, Prt Cedtwer.Sun- General Hospital. Md.ay diner gessofM. n Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Love Mr. AanWrr.HoadOe and childreni were dinner guests and family, Oshawa, were with of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Booth, Osh-i Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke. awa. at a family birthday cele- TeCmag o h ln bration.was $58.00 and the hospital aux- WANTED...0 EYE OLD GLASSES -q M. 0 a. the new 1959. ML' TL'O wiII be on display FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. ALL DAY SATURDAY OCT. 3lst NOV. 1lst 0 This is your opportunity to see the most exciting EQUI PMENT MA 3-5689 , 'a FOR BOWMAN VILLE LIONS CLUB "BANK 0F LIGHT PROJECT" Bring your old discarded Eye Classes down town and deposil ihem in boxes which are placed in ail local stores for your convenience. LENSES AND FRAMES ARE ALSO ACCEPTABLE Announcing <SHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Everything la improve your home and belfer your living .. . For qualify, savings and complete selection, soe us soon! OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD, Au i car for 1959 . . . the new Meteor... as these cars have already been sold they wiII be in Our showroom for the two days only . . . and others are flot expected until later this year. 0. COWAN 134 KING ST. E., BOWMAN VILLE Co* any, and Allan McCamus, Cav- an. In the Swine Competitioni there were 26 teams and the Listowel 4-H Club placed lst, with a score of 957. The Dur-. ham Team composed of Jim' Rowan, Bowmanville, and Bruce Bowman, Enniskillen, placed lOth with a score of 859. There were 40 teams taking part in the Grain Club Compe-, tition and we were pleased when the Durham 4-H Grain Club, with members being Lorne Tink, R.R. 1, Hampton, and Bill Tamblyn, Orono, placed 5th, with the Almonte 4-H Grain Club, from Lanark, being Ist. The group was under the direction of Mr. Bey Gray, presi- dent of.-the Durham Cot.nty 4-H Club Leaders Association and A. O. Dairymple, Agricultural Representative, Durham County. GEORGE T. BAUNDERS The death of George Thomas Saunders of Cartwright Town- ship occurred in Port Perry Memonial Hospital, Oct. 22,1 1958. Mr. Saunders who wasl fifty years of age had been in very poor health for the last three years. He was born in Oshawa, March 17, 1908, a son of Mrs. Harriet Gutsoie and the late Richard Saunders. He wvorkec in General Motors for 25 years where through disability he was pensioned off, but still worked whenever able on the farm two miles west o! Black- stock. commonly known as Egvpt (school section). He was a member of St. John's Anglican Church, a war-1 den for several years and Sun- day School superintendent until his death. Surviving are hi.s wife, the former Rose Brown. and three sons, Ernie, Leonard and Don- ald; one daughter-in-law, Ca- rol (Mrs. Ernie Saunders) and one grand-daughter, Karen; m two brothers. Richard and -Carlyle. h. OBITUARY "M C-AMADIM BTATIOM". BOWMANVEL= ONTAMO goutrvmev% A qp PACM VOUATMM Leonard of Oshawa, and four sisters, Edith, Rose and Mary of Oshawa, and Annie, R. R., Port Perry. Funeral service was held in 1St. John's Church, Blackstock, Friday, Oct. 24, conducted by Rev. Geo. Nicholson of Whitby, and Canon Chaperlin. Two hymns were sung, "There is a Green Hill Far Away" and "The Day is Over"'. Interment was in the Ang-. can Cemetei-y, Blackstock. Pali. bearers were six nephews, Buc' Kemp, Sid Sau.--*Roy Saut . ders, Bill 1,4 Jhby, Keg, Brown and Dn 1 Nn There were many beautiful floral tributes froin -friends and relatives as weil as wreaths fnom General Motors of Can- ada and The Retail Credit Co. Friends and relatives were present from Toronto, and Ro- chester, N.Y., as well as nearby,ý points. A diplomat is a man who ne-ý members a lady's birthday, but forgets her age. The greatest o! faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none.

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