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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1958, p. 17

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MHRSAT, oCT. 9otIh, 19 JLM'St-&AMAN 15T3TSA.Â, D'J W17BLffVLLLL __________ w- Cussifiàed (,,omingEvent: Enfield W. A. w9l bold bazaar ArItX.- schoî iF evenhng, Nqov. 7th at 8 ol STurkeayh0Iépterat xK -nitad C ov. 5. S, froni 4.30 Tmicketa $1.51 715C. The Sbiloh W.A. Tui'key pen wbich was to hava hald Nov. 5th, bas been ce laed. Chartared bus ta thea ý-Winter Fair, Nov. 15th. raservations Phone Mrs.1 Colmen, MA 3-3265. Dance ta Clara Nasbitt's] Makars, Tyrone :al Satu Nov. 1, 9-12. Sponsored by B.A. Gants 75c, ladies 50 Countice United Church turkey supper is on Sotui Nov. lst, fnom 4 o'clock til arc served. Admission for aduits, children 50c. Lions Club Bingo, Moi Novemben 3 in the Lions( munity Centre at 8 p.m. games $5.00, 2 special ga 2 jackpots o! $25.00 each. mnission 50c. Friday, November 2Ist,1 School Comnmencement in I-igh School at 8 o'clock. serve Wednesday, Thunsday Friday, November 26, 27, 281 the High School play. Woodview Community Ce -Monster Bingo. Twcnty ga -twenty dollar§; five garn thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, two jackpots at $250.1 pËizes. Next Monday, 8 r Red Barn, Oshawa. 4 Regular weekly bingo1 Tbunsdays except third -,, in the month which will held on Tuesdays in the Ur Hall. 20 regulan games two $25 jackpot gamas. game unden $3.00. Admis! bOc.3 The Darlington F oo t b Laague annual cup presentoi and dance will be held at Sa' Com.munity Rail, Satunday, Iý 15, 8:30 to 12 p.m. Music, ba providad by Bruce Ger and orchestra, Oshawa. Adn sion $1,00 per penson. 4 The Annual Sole o! Wonk the Blind, Friday and Saturd Novemben 14 and 15 will ha h in the Rydro Shop, unden uspices o! the Bowmanv West Durham Advisony Comr tee ta The Canadion Natia Institute for the Blind. 4 theizr Friday kdock. 44-1 ýedron erved iO and 44-1 Sup- bean 44.1* RÎoyal For H. T. 44-1 ~Fusi rday, rL.O. )C. 44-1 * b ot nday, il ail $1.50 43-2 nday, Com- S 20 ames, Ad- 43-2 High the Re- and , for 41-7 entre ames es- ,and Door 46-t! held veek 1ba nionr andM Nor ;sion i 37-tf E ohl Iina Nov. will nov mis- loy the mit- mnal 4-2 Go-se & clR n ooi Sai., Nov. Isi, 2 p.m. P. LOCKE, %4 mile north of . Ontario Training School 44-1* Newtonville United Chu]r wllhold Annivensary Servi( en Sunday, Nov. 9, at 10 ýa and 7:30 p.m., guest speal Rav, M. C. MacDoneld, B., B.D., o! Toronto. Special mu in the monning by the loi choir and Rosenaatb Mole Qua tette, In the evening. Visiti ar e wlcome. 44 Plan Ita attend St. Paul's E ening W.A. annual bazoar ai Inect the new Christian Ed cIon rooms, Saturday, NE 8, 2:30 ti11 5. Afternoon tea a coffea servad. Home bakin Christmas deconations and gifi "'neanly-new" clothing, planl candy, dolis' clothing and toy 44 Dance ai Solina Hal Saturday, November froni 9 - 12 JIM FISHER'S ORCHESTRA $1.00 Par persan 1 ~44. TO HENRY KOSS and The Honiesteaders Saiurday, Nov. isi ai Befhany Hall Featuring modern and oid tymi rouhid and square dancing Dancing 9 tili 12 Admission - 7,5c 44-, ta music of Gary DeLorme and HIS ROCK-A-9ILLYS at the HALLOWE'EN DANCE Friday, Ociober 3lsi at Ponfypool Town Hal] REGULAR DANCE Saiurday, Nov. Isi 44-1 Wanted OAT or whaat stnaw, any qat ity. Contact Lloyd Chapman, Colborna, Ont. Phone 395. 44-1 WANTED.-12 cttle. ta feed for winter. Apply Anchie Hoy, Pontypool. Talephone Betha.ýy j20 r--41. 44"i* DEAD and crippled faon stock, jked up pomptly. Phone MA Ty,1679. Margwill Fu' Fan, Business (go rtunity WE ned effe asin- Write Stonehouse Chinchilla. 111 Paddington Ave., Torono 32. ,r We would lika ta thank ou y friands o! Cartwright for thi rbeoutiful gifts given ta »s s 1Oui' recant showar and socia evaning. n franc and Bruce Witherly. 44-11 The faxniiy o! the late Mr Edward E. Downay wish ta ex. press thein sincere thanks anÈ appreciation for the kindnesc and syxnpathy shown tbem dur. ing their nacant beneavemant. 44-1 1r May I express My slncere appraciotion ta those who sen' me cards and gifts on my 91si birthday. A special tbanks to those who halpad moka xny party such a happy occasion. Mrs. C. Curtis. 44-1 We would like to thank ai: friands and neighbours for their kindness and sympothy during our recant beneovement. Alsc many thanks ta F. F. Morris Ca. and staff for their helpfulness. Elsieaond Albert St. Pierre, 44-1* MY sincene thanks ta Dr. Fenguson, nurses and staff o! Memonial Hospital, the ministens Who visited me, relatives and friands for gifts, flowens, and conds whila a patient there and sinca returning home. John Hoayer. 44-1* I would lika ta thank my friands and relatives for the cards and flowers and for trans- pontation given my wi!e while I wos in hospitai. Also ta Drs. Keith Slemon and W. Show and R. A. Gui and nurses in Bow- monville and Oshawa hospitals. Percy Wastlaka. 44-1* Crds of Thank I would like ta take this portunity ta express my sin< gratitude ta the many friai relatives and nefghbours d ing my necent sad bereavem( Special thanks to Rev. Rar A. Turner and Dr. Alian B. E vesten. op- rîds, dur- ant. rold Syl- nMrs.- Myrtie Fowlan a and family. 44-1* Il Will the volunteer canvass- v ans for the Annuol Blitz o! the ; Canadian National Instituta for 3the Blind please kindly occep t *the grateful thonks o! the Bow- manvilia-West Durham Advis- ory Comnittea for their gen- erous gift o! tima ta heip the blind pansons o! Canada? Evary dollar you coliectad is usad ta aid someona less fortunate. 44-1 My sincare thanks ta Dr. Howard B. Rundle, the nurses and staff o! Memonial Hospital, for excellent cane and considema- tion duning my sojourn n Ma. marial Hospital, Bowmanville. Thanks aiso ta Rev. John K. Moffatt, the 6B Guide Company and Brownie Pack, ta friands and relatives for thain thought- fulness. Sinceraiy, Lillian E. Hayward, 847 Masson St., Osha- wa. 44-1 I want ta take the opportun- ity ta tbank ail my relatives and friands who gava me such lovaly gifts. A special thanks ta my sister-in-law Jean Wooliten who gave me a birthday party at han home and also Helen Langlois aled Jean and Abner Langlois wi o spant the evaning wlth me ot my home. I appreciatad it so much and I want ta tbank you ail. Mrs. Barbara Dupuis. 44-1 Financial 11 174~j/:0 arwihdt h i anarwtucf datetha asetsio the estate will be distributed 8~ ~ ~~o IneeiPadO aving regard to- the claime 8 InferestPaid thatbave then been received. DATED at Bowmanvilla, On. tGUARANTEED taria, the 23nd day o! October, :-2 TUST ERTMATES 1958. -2 TUSTCERTFICTES LAWRENCE C. MASON, TERM 3 TO 5 YEARS Barristar Etc., 30 King St. W., Box 29, THE Bowmanville, Ontario Soliciton for the Adnîinistratrlx. STERLING TRUSTS s__ _44-3___ Camp., 372 Bay St., EM 4-W7495o en 43-2 ________________________ SMALL fanm, about 15 acres, _________________ with bouse and boa. Write G. Taîsma, R.R. 2, Newcastle. ae HYGENIC supplies - (Rubban 441* goods) moiled postpaid in plain FOUR-noomed aatet w sealed envelope with pnica list.jarte, w Six samples 25', 24 ape bedrooms, woud pay $50 on -$60 $1.00. Mail Orden s pl.T28 espr month. Reated, built-in cup- Nov-Rbbr o.,Bo 9,Dapt.-, boards, must be central. Write -1ilon.-RbOn CotBo.9 Ha-Adventisan 891 c/o Canadian - lo.Ot 1-52 Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- Pin u ig manville. 44-2 ARTHUR Collison. Telephona _____________Sales__ MArkat 3-3900. -36-tf Hamb Cameron, Tynone, will Rep irsbeha aving o sole next week. See bills for funther poticulars. 1EL adLou's TV Antannae _____1 Installation. Phone MA 3-3942. The Durham Farmens Seventh 40-5 Annual Foul Feeder Sole will be RADO ad tlevsio reair.beld at the Durham County Prmp RAI snerevis ionc pîs Sale Anena, Orono, on Thuns- j Prmptserice Pik-up and day afternoon, Nov. 13. Furth- dalivery. George's, 85 King St. an notice laten. 4- E. Phone M~A 3-5713. 29-tf 4- REPAIRS and rawinding, onm- I have neceived instructions aturas turnad toalal mokas o!f rom Mn. Hugo Uebelhiant, Lots electric motons. Riggon Elac- 8 and 9, Concession 8, Hope trie, 38 King East, Phone MA Township, lst farm east o! 3-5438. 24-t! Campballcroft, to seil by public auction on Saturday, Nov. 1 atf REPAIRS t alal mokas o! sew- 1:30 p.m., his entire bard o! Ing machinas. Frac pickup and Holstein niilkars and springens, delivery. Lavarty's Bangain mnilking miachina, balad boy, Centre, b9 King W. Phone MA grain, etc. Funthen particulars, 3-7231. 44-tf sea bills. Terms cash. Jack 1Raid, auctioneen. Lawrence Han- 24-HOU[R expert rapair Tle-'. ris, clark. 43-2 vision Service, toalal makas. Al j Parts ani wonk guarantaad. Sixteentb Annual Blue Rib- Television Service Cao, MAnket bon Shothorn Sala at Baker 3-3883. 50-t! Farms, Hampton, Ont., on Sot- REPARS t ai moks o!ne-urday, Nov. lst ot 1:30 p.m. 35 REPARS t al maks ofre-salacted Registened Shonthorns rîntrsdonatilod o -7 buils, cows with calves ot meca;milking coolers. Hig- foot. bned and open heifens, both gon Elactrie Limited, 38 King hornad and polled. The Ontario St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-t! Governmant wull pay % o! the ~ gurchase ~prc% on some ofthe this Cae. Jack Baker, Mgr.;j SHEEP from farm o! M.%. Wind, Auctioneers, Duncan Brown , Liberty St. North. If found, Sbaddan, Ont.; Ted Jackson. I pleui Ph=*e MA a3290. 44-i w Por 2YaOnt. 43-21 rc? cas .M. .A., Isic ýcal r-2 lu- Ov. .nd 'ta, rta, Ys. -2 Ur e at >1955 PONTIAC for qulck e ,y Ai condition, law mileage, day guarantee, $1,200. CoU1 twecn 8 and 9 o.m. and alter , MA 3-3154.4 SPECIALS-1958 Marcury Ha: top Damonstroton, $700.00 list pnica; 1950 Ford Coi 9radio, new excbanga mot Trucks: 1951 Marcury 1/.1À 1955 GMC %.2ton. Cow Equipmant Ca., 134 King St. Bowmanvilla. Phone MA 3-56 Work Wanted JHAND and m'achine knittil fPhone MA 3-3460. 44. I DRESSMAKING rapairs a >alterations. Talephone MAnà 3-5352. 4 WILL cana for childnen inr home wbiie mother works. Tel ,phone ML. 3-3047. 44 CARPENTER work, new roc ing, noofing rapains, paintir Free estimatas. Phone MArI 3-5212. 44- PLUMBING, haating, aave tnoughing; freea s ti ma t Harvey Partnan, Tyrona. M 3-2240. -12- CONCRETE and maon wor New work or rapair. P. O. Bc 1083, L. Turner, Phone MAri 3-5820, evenings MA 3-5605. 25- CUSTOM digging with bacl boa for saptic tanks, waape: watar and sewer and othi trenching.' Ron Rowe MArE 3-2725. 44-1 Plasiering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORI R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-503 6-1 Anger Construction Co LTD. COMPLET£ BUILDING SERVICE BRICK WORK BLOC CHIMNEYS - CONCRET] AND. CAEPENTRT DOUG - MArket 3-3373 ROY - MArket 3-2273 27-t: Ads Cars for ,*ùe 1950 XUSTIN. Phone MA 3-3058 aftar 6 p.m. 4 '54 CHEV. in very gaodl dlition. Phone MA 3-5136. 4 '56 "VELOX" Vauxhail. AI Hanmpton, first house south cemetery. 4 '37 PONTIAC, good nioton. ply at 81 Ontario St. after 4 on Phone MA 3-3692. 4à ALLSTATE Auto Insura Save 20%. Six months ta 1 For personal service at y home cail Oshawa RA 5-2i coilect. Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F CAR] McLAUGHLIN, late o! th, Township o! Cartwright, An th County o! Durham, Farmar, de ceasad, who diad at the Town, sbip a! East Whitby, on on abou the twantiath day o! August 1958, intastata. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R. S. O. 1950, Ch. 400, Sac. 51. Craditons and othens luavin, claims against the aboya astatt are required ta send particulari and full proof thereof ta tht undersignad on or befona tht first day of! Deceniben, 1958 aet Mn._ and Mrsl.MolyK- Mr. and Mrs. R. Camenon and You ar -ivi b visif u show Raymond were Sunday suppen get tMn. and Mrs. Gordonannw Baken's. adiseci h e eouin Mns. R. Carnaron and Ray- mond wene Fridoy supper Fec m l a iycr guest4 at Mr. and Mrs. Murnay Fec ml a iycr Adams, Bowmanville. Mns. E. Penwarden and Anne e LOW COST - BIG MJLEAGE and Mrs. L. Penwanden, were Thunsday supper guests at Mn. and Mrs. R. Camneron. The Long Sault Club 50 la- Save Money Drive a& dies held a bazan on Wednes- day, Oct. 22nd in Tynone Sun- day School oom, opened by Mns. Jackson, which consisted à o! aprons, pilow cases etc., and- also a bake sale and aftennoon tea, which was very success. fuI. (D~ur i' lkis alwe" Mn. and Mns. John Carrigan, Frsh, rch end sw.., Bowmonville, were Satunday In thé youn sts words evening visitons at Mn. and Mrs. jt's sticty "ll re.t" Harold Murphy. Mn. and Mrs. W. Vaney. wera Sunday a!ternoon callers at Mr. and Mns. Paul Vaneyk I Newtonville. hand that bas biCen short- in rendaning services & othens Mý 154 should not be stretchcf out in * , auast o! high places. - J. L.cFkhart. N _______GOD. 1 1 ý -1 For Rent ENNISILLEN Toronto ispent unday wmlthn her HÀYDON HOUSE for rent. Phone MA Mr.Land Mm GNo man.lh 3-5476. 44-1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adams, Bo- eeSna usso r and Mrs. Norman Wand fa wmanille Mr andgi.. Do Tornto wer Su dy andsofMiy.Tornd oMr. iesand Mfa- HEATED apartrnent. Phone bmnil;M.adMs o is aunt, Mrs. S. G. Niddereryrri and flUY ootM. ai Mr - MA 3-5784. 4.j Lee and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Geo- Mary.Gog Beti an fmly I ge Lee, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. ~~ M.Ji ae n Taunton, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. TWO-roomed heated apartment. !Malcolm Elford, and family, Port rktApply 101 Scugog St. 44-2 Perry, were visitons with Mr.MiMs.Jean BakeroSoonna; Mis rket and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Mary Peters, Bowmanville; M' Mr. nd rSardon Wuper 4-1* THREE unfurnished rooms,i Will Taylor, Salem, were Sun- Tonoto, weMre.atu raysupplor - heated. Apply 219 Liberty St.1 Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry, day visitons with Mr. and Mrs. gUstos.atM. and Ms. LlJ.Oyd con- North. 43-2 Mr. and Mns. H McComb. Tor- Sam Dewell.Astn.MradMs.RJO- 4-1* _ onto, Mr. Vernon Henry, Bar- miston, Enniskillen, spent Sat- - STORAGE space for approx- ry, Liaidsay, were with Mr. and Miss Kellar spent the- week- urday evening at the Ashton ppyixately 6,000 hampers of apples. Mrs. A. Sharp. end at ber home at MarYsville. borne. Linda Sharp, Enniskillen. ip p0fy Phone MA 3-.5476. 44-1 Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Mr. Ms Dorothy Virtue, Bow- wlth her gnandparents for a few HEATE* room suitable for anid Mrs Ross Sharp, is visiting nanville sperit the weekend days. A-gentleman. Phone pnivileges. with their sister Captain and wt e ut n.A .Bl Miss Francis Potts, Jimmie p.m. Phone MArket 3-5543. 44.1* Mrs. Harry Gregg, Glenbunnie, att and Mr. Billett. McDonald, Sharon and George 4-1 * _____________ Maryland. Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Mn. and Kennedy, Collingwood, were Su- THREE-ROQM heated apart- Mr. and Mns. S. R .Pethick, Mrs. Bryce Brown, Jean and nday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. J. ince. ment, pnivate entrance; reason- Miss Nancy Wood, were Sunday Bobby, Oshawa, were Sunday Potts. Mr. Thomas Potts havng pay. able. Vacant now. Apply 47 vistons at Mr. and Mrs. Howard suppen guests of Mrs. Joe Chap- spent a week witb bis son, ne- 180 Hos2ySt 44-1* Pethicks, Uxbnidge. man. turned home to Collingwood on 2-80 PRMETinNwtnile Mr. and Mns. Howard~ Stevens Mrs. L. Colville, Barrie; Mr. Sunday. ~, h~ron~an bt.. ~rtewere visitors of Mr. and Mrs. ad Mrs. T. <ernny and daugh- Mrs. Stella Durby, Niagara 30e Cne 5r0.4- tended the tunkey dinner, King Mr. anid Mrs. Merwin Mount- Martin, Mn. and Mrs. Bud Cliff, b-Street 'United Church, Oshawa. joy on Sunday. Dundas and cousins Jimmie and ir 5. STABLING for twenty head of Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg, Mn. and Mrs. Albin Clemnens, Luella Myles, Essex County, vis- 44-1 cattie, bedding supplled. .Doug Providence; Mrs. I. G. Travail, Bowmanville; Miss Carol Wri. ted Mrs. Martin also. rdMackie, R.R. 2, Nestieton. Phone1 Miss Beth Traveil, Oshawa; Rav. ght, Enniskillen were Sunday Mn. and Mns. Leslie Graham, off. Blackstock 8 r 13. 44-1* and Mrs. R. M. Seymour, were lIs.L- teddTritUiedCuc ofvisitors at O. C. Ashton's. ve ie C L-stevied orniSUntd moning ach, HOUSE ini Bowmanville area, M M r d Cox, and fam- Mers. Thee. soEnlkl-wentceironandson, Greigr )tor. hydx.o, on good road. Write lwe iMr and Mrs e r.Teo lmn nikil hntergrnsn rgr ton; Adventisar 892, c/o Canadian iywr r.A.n; Mns. Fred SmthClub-. John, son of Mn. and Mns. James wan tatsrnn, PO. ox 90, ow-Laws, Serlng.Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert: Graham, was baptized. ,E., nianville. 44-1 * Mn. and Mrs. Roy Hope, and Mn and Mrs. Allyn Taylor and Mrs. N. Collacutt, Mr. and 689. - 1faniily, Port Penny, wene Sunday Lna omnilwr us r.J ieadfml n 4-1 THREE room apantment on visitons with L. Stainton's. LofdMrB.annd lle, were gueSmt.Mrs. EJ.aGîles, nd fmîyandle -King St. West in Bowmanville. 1Mr. J. A. Werry,Mnadr.o Mr. and Mrs. Hse mt.Ms maTbBwavle Ail conveniences. Apply 4101 Norman Wright, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reid and wVre Sunday supper guests at Athol St. E., Oshawa. Phone Mr and Mrs. Norman Hodmes to daughter Canolyn, S c a rboro, Mr. G. Tabb's. -RA 3-3559. 44-1 visit Mr. Ambrose Elford, Cam- were Sunday visitons with hi's Mr. and Mns. W. Blackburn1 ng. ibray who was celebrating his parents, Rev and Mrs. F. Reed. and family, Mrs. K. Cowling at- 1.1* ATTRACTIVE thnee - noomed 10oth Birthday. Mn. and Mns. Russell Wright, tended S a 1 emi Thankoffering and heated apartment, centnally lo fradMs erLm ndTnnwn usso Mr. anci Service, Sunday aftennoon and cated. Sepanate bath and en- Br . n a ln rs vithLam r.and TMrns Cecil Semg esonwee s p r g ets a M . a d -ket trance. Immediate possession. ,Betn alnwt r'adMs ei lmn eespe ussa r n -tf Phone MA 3-2436. -1~ Mrs. Lonne Lamb. Mn. and Mns. M. Terry, Osh- Mns. Farewell Blackbunn's. - Mr. and Mns. Lyal Bnocký awa, wene guests o! Miss L. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Straw- my THREE-noomed apartment, bath Mra nd Mrs. Reg Bnock, Linda Reynolds and Miss Florence bridge and family, Hampton; Mn. ale- and pnivate entrance. Thnee and Brenda, Mn. and Mrs. Rer- Werry. and Mns. Sulas Trewin, Bowman- ý4miles west o! Bowmanville on man Haass. Bowmanville; Mn. At Mrs. S. G. Niddeny's, Mn. ville, visited Mn. and Mrs. Wm. )of- Hýighway 2. Immediate posses- and Mns. Sarn Piper, Judy and and Mrs. Wilbert Craig, Salem, Trewin and Mr. and Mns. Wal- in.sion. Telephone MA 3-2810. Sherry, MaPle Grove; Mr. and Mn. and Mns. R. Fernandez, ter Lovenidge. ,kt43-2* Mrs. Ray VanMeer, and Randy, Debbie anid Ronald, Toronto. Plans are Ïbeing made for .1l* COTTAGE on private grounds Providence Mn. Jim Kinsman, *Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Adcock Masquerade panty. les- to rent. To be wintenized. Nean- Cgurti ce; Mn. and Mrs. Roy Mc- vîsîted Mn. and Mrs. W. Hanni- Mn. and Mrs. T. Tabb, Onono, ly ew.Funisedor *nfrn GilMiss Raya McGill wene son, Pont Penny on Saturday. visited Mn. and Mns. Richard es Suda ly new. Furnishedn whn MNeionn MunH.urn-m UA ished. Hydro. 401 close. W rite un y di en u ss o! M .ad ?A happy time was spent b n M N i n r . C os a -!Advertiser 890, c/o Canadian Mrs. Keith McGill, being the oc-MisEvneBroetntne ncnly -Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- casion of Dale's, second binth dab 24 girl friends at ber home on Mn. and Mrs. Bent Asbton and ,rk.manill. 4-1.Miss Sandra Werry, was Mon. Tuesday of las t week the occas- Lee, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. L. rk. mav- e.4- day aftennoon guest o! Miss Lin: ion of her l2th Binthday. Graham, Mn. Henry Ashton, ket CHOICE two-bednoom, heated da Logan,. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray and wene suppen guests at Mr. and apantment. Handwood and tile Mn. and Mns. Gordon Yeo, and Miss N. Rorn wena Sunday even- Mns. Arthur Read's on Sunday t!floors, natural fineplace, very Ted attended the Colville-Emn- xng dinnen guests o! Mn. and in honoun o! Mn. Ashton's 8lst pnivate. Available Febnuany tey Wedding in Bowmonville on Mns. Jackson Wray and girls, binthday. 'k- lst. Write Adventiser 885, c/o Saturd ay. Oshawa. Congratulations to Mn. Henry rs; Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box Mn. and Mns. E. A. Wennyan Sunday visitons with Mn. and Ashton on bis 8lst bitbday Oct- en 190, Bowmanville. 44-1* Betty aewreStr a vnd Mns. Jack Lyon wene the Rev. oben 29th. f. Bom orR n ing dinnen guests of Sydney and Mns. Ted Kersey and fam- Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Vanstone. - ____________for________ Lancoster's, Newtonille. ily, Scarboro; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Tilley GENTLMAN referedhome Mn. and Mrs. Frank McGill, Po2len and family and Miss Gra- and John, Enniskillen, Miss May pivileges. Breakfast if desired. antd Don, Miss Clara Page, Ton- ce rersey, Oshawa. Bown, (a former school tea- Phone Bowmanville MA 3-3647. nt;M. and Ms. Howard Bra- M. and Mrs. Harry Freeman, cher at Rydon) and friends, L44-1* dley, MoPle Grove, wee visitos Bowmanville wee Sunday gue- Geenwood, visited M. and Ms. of Mrs. E. Page. sts of Mn. and Mrs. Chas War- Richard McNeil and Mns. H. M rg g sMns. J. E. Richards Orono wasren. Crossman. l30gge a callen at Mrs E. Page's. Rev. F. J. Reed was guest min- Mns. C. Gannand, Mns. Lloyd Mr. and Mns H. Copeland, isten at the Courtice speciol Slemon and Mrs. Alfred Garr- tf IMMEDIATELY avaiuable for' Thankoffering Service on Sun- ad attended the W.A. Conven- -finst montgage on impnoved Oakwood; Mn. and Mns. M. Suth- ( Stown on rural pnopenVy, $3.000, erland, and family, Toronto, day evening. tion at Wliitby on Thursday. Jand $2,000 in sapanate mortgag- wene necent visitors at Mn. antd In the recent Canvass for the Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Siemon as. Five yean open; intenest IMrs. L. Stainton's. Blind conducted by the Women's attended the Nestleton Anniver- payable semi-annually. Lenoy Mr. and Mns. Arthur Brnt, Institute, onound $100.00 xvas sony Services Sunday morning Hamilton, Broken, Onono 1 r 16. visited Mr. and Mns. Harold Lan- collected in the Hompton com- and were dinnar guests o! Mn. 44-1 mer, Burketon. munity. and Mrs. Ralnoh Sadlen. L Mn. and Mns. Don Cann, and The Northenn-Six Club, 1loy- Mn. and Mns. Ross Ashton IE family, Bowmanville, Mn. and don, with thein husbands wene and family, attended Bunkaton, LO G AU T rs. Roy Hunte, Grand Vlley, ntetained at the ore o! M. Thankoffering Service and visi-ý LONG AULT with Mn. and Mrs. C. Fenguson. and Mns. Cecil Slemon on Sat- ted Mns. Edna McLaughlin. Mr. ob. eCelad ar 1mrue erusnreuredhoeunday evening. Mn. and Mns. Alfred Garrard Mns Rot. cClllod, an , ruc enengsothetundmea Women's Institute meeting at Mn. and Mrs. L. Gniffins, Bla- Lfspent a week with her dough- frams nd inga teleumyr thsTudaincrgofbe kto, na -tan. Mrs. Orme Miller. Mns. IGadVley hsTusayi neo the Mksock andayr. el Gam iJames Young, Tara; Ms. James Grant, Marlene, and Brin Nontbgoup. Topie to be taken M.adMs eleGaa McLeod, Owen Sound, M. and Martin, Bowmnville, spent the by rs Hodgson, Roll call-My wee Sundày dinnen guests of!a -Mrs. T. J. MeClelland and weekend with their Grandpar- aoit pr. Mn. and Mi's. James Gaham, Lgirls, Lonne Park, wene Sunday, ents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt. ie guasts o! the Millers. 1 Mn. and Mns. Pat Tresise and ie Mn. Gordon Baker received girls, Oshawa, were Sunday vis- a telephone coîl fnom bis bno - jitons at N. E. Wright's. ther, Mn. Allan Baker wbo r e- Mrs. E. M. Slemon, attended it cently anived home fnom gp Hampton Anniversany and was ;,where he had been 'stationdU a tea guest of Mn. and Mns. Rajs- for over a yean. ken Smith. Mn. and Mns. R. Cameron and' ýg Raymond, were Sunday spe ýe guests o! the Bakers. spe HA1PTON S Mr'. Dick Evens. Toronto, ýe called on Mn. Robt. Sim Fmi- Thankofferfng Servie ýe day o!ternoon. The chunch Faîl Thankoffer.. 3, Mn. and Mms. Clanenve erad- ing Service held on Stnday af- If Iey, Bowmonvîlle, wene Sundav tennoon was foinly wall attend- dsupper guests o! Mr. Robt Sim. ed, and was conducted by our S Miss Groce Smith spent a paston the Rev. F. J. Reed, with couple o! weeks with relatives, guest ministen Rev. W. K. Hou. at Brampton and Inglewood and islanden of Trinity United Chu- >UMIPS & SOFTENERI JACK DROUGH 1"LUMBING and HEATING Division Street South MA 3-5615 BOWMANVI[LLB 1 Bowmnanville. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon% attenided Burketon Thankoffer- ing Service Sunday evenlng. Sunday School Sunday morn- ing at 10:30. Church service us- ual trne 3 p.m. Mr. and Mms Walter Rahm, Tyrone, M4r. and Mrs. Clem Rahm and Ailison were Sunday vistors at Mr and Mrs. Ray Gra- harm's. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rahni visited William Dawson Jr. at Bowmanville Memorial Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rabmn and family were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dawson, Orono. Wqter isn't good for fighting an oil or grease fire. It spreads the flame. Instead, smother the fire with a rug. Don't rush ta the door with a blazing pan. 7'he flame may blow back ini your face. CANAD) -lu TM r-AmAnTAM RopAnir-quAv ibtimzAm y Pm à%ýjLýý LONDON à 31A 0/1

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