THE AVADAII 'IAESMA. EOMA2<TLTTERSDAY, OCT. Soth, 1Ma Name Advisory Ch For Conservation( During Hampton *A Seven advisory board chair- men of the new Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority were named, at the authority's first business meeting in Hamp- ton, Tuesday night. Oct. 21. Chairmen for the advisory boards were selecled fromn the membership in an executivel meeting at Columbus. The new boards and chairrnen are: Water and reforestation, F. C;. -Smith (Darlington Town- ship). Land use, Edgar James (Pick- ering Township). Finance, Reeve William Her- on of Whîtby Township. Conservation areas and recrea- tion, Neil Smith (East Whitby Township) . Fish and wildlife, William Owvens (Oshawa)» History, O. J. Presson (Bow-, rnanville). Public relations and educa- tion, G. H. Bevan (Whitby). To Name Boards The chairmen were instrucled to submit a lisI of members for each board at the next meeting. Members of boards may be out- siders as well as members of the authorily. Temporary Secretary Walter Rundie advised the member- ship that deparîment regula- tions called for inclusion of the zone forester and regîonal agri- cultural representatives in the advisory boards. Members of municipal planning b o a r d s should also be invited 10 partici- pale in the advisory boards. Mr-. Rundle vas instructed by the membership to contact the district foresters for the Lake Simcoe and Lindsay areas and to notify them of their inclusion in the boards. Vote Honorarlum J. H. Winter, representalive of Whitby, was inslalled as a member of the executive. The membership also voted an bon- orarium of $1.50 per hour for clerical work for Secretary Rundie. Mr. Rundie will also receive the regu1ar rate of each mnember, conssting of $10 for each day meeting, $$8 for each' night meeting, and 10 cents per mile each way for car expenses. The municipal clerks will be notified of the authority's levy for 1958 and member munici- palities will be asked to for- ward the money to the author- ity. A new letterhead for the authority was also suggested by a member. Delegates Named The authority decided to send two members to the Ontario Conservation Authorities Con-. 60C m (Crime) CONTE - DIANNE FOSTER Aduit EXCIUA "SCOTLAND DANCES" (Color) Adults -$1.0- Students OHURS. - m6 RICHARD i airman M% Ballet Film Nov. 5 & 6 Unique and Beautiful ru t- -f "The Boishoi Ballet", play- ighlight from the . four-act iro u p ling at the Royal Theatre, Nov. "Fountain of Bakhchisarai", but * j51ad 6, at 8 p,,,, itcanbe alofive ,nru, items fr,, said that here is a production the Boishai repertoire not seen tuyuniqein film history. in London. d ee tiJ There have been. films ofT 'his, too, is a performance at' ballet before, films even of the which the incomparable Ulanova ference at Toronto, Oct. 27 to Bolshoi, but neyer one that s0 çlances every ih-nGwof Oct. 29, expenses paid. magically recaptures the excite- her greatest creations, "Gselle" Reee Wllim Hronas hement of an actual, performance, and "The Dying Swan". Reev WiliamHern asthethat at its climax bas one in-fimhsbe cbairman's nominee and Mr.istinctively rismng to one's feet Already thefim bs en P. .sson were appoinled by lin acclamation-as did the honoured on two occasions-by Chairman Owens as delegates. audience that tbronged the Roy- the presence of Her Royal Mr. Owens stated that he would ai Opera House, Covent Garden, Highness The Duchess of Kent be unable to attend the entire1 when the Bolshoi nfiade their at a gala performance at the convention, but would drop in [London debut in 1956. Royal Festival Hall, and by its on the first day. The confer- In one important aspect, tbe selection for showing at the 1957 ence program includes a tour of film offers a performance such Edinburgh Festival. Toronto and the Don ValleY as tbe theatre public rarely It is now destined to win new Authority. 1sees, for it includes not only the honours on its eagerly awaited Mr. Presson pointed out that full-length ballet, "Giselle"', and engagements throughout the the Department of Planning and the "Dance of the Tartars". the. world. Development would probably spend up to $20,000 by survey- ing the area next summer. Hel coenthttion wold be wf oth- Man vers Coun cil Deals fonein hatth epese othe while. - àla..D -EE a Trees Available Mr. Rundle told the mnig that trees for spring planting i would be available for the au-1 thorily in arrangement wîth thel department, but that the idea With Severai Letters on Varied Twp. Business OBITUARY NORA JANE SANCOC9 Funeral services for the late Mrs. Nora Jane Hancock, Orono, who died early Sunday morn- ing, October 12, were held Tues- day, October 14, 1958, at Orono United Church and later at Orono Cemetery. Mrs. Haricock had been in fail- ing health for some time. She died at Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, where she had been admitted a weelc earlier. The wife of Edgerton Hancock, she came to Canada, from Eng- land at the age of two years with ber parents, the late Robert and Jane Connacott. She mar- ried in 1901. She is survived by her hus- band, a daughter. Mrs. Myrtie Wood, Orono; six sons, Victor, Bowmanville, Harold, Belleville; Marlow, Newcastle: Glen, Wark- worth; Robert and Bruce, Orono; a brother, Norman, Seattle. Another daughter. Mrs. Leta Holdaway, who lived at Bow-, manville, predeceased hier 16 years ago. Pallbearers were ber six grandsons: Marvin and Mac Holdaway, Dick and Keith Wood, Garry and Ronald Han- cock. Rev. B. Long. Orono United Church, officiated. OBITUARY HERBERT W. MURRAY The funeral service for Hec-1 bert William Murray, Orono,t who died Friday, October 17, aI his home, was held from St. Saviour's Anglican Church on Monday, October 20th aI 2 p.m. Rev. D. R. Dewdney officiatcd. The laIe Mr. Murray was born in Kingston, and raised in Barry- field. He was a son of bbc laIe William and Mary Jane Murray. He enlisted in 1914 and serv- ed overseas until 1919 when he came ta Orono. Except for a few years in Oshawa be had re- sided in Orono since that lime. Mr. Murray was married in 1922 to the former Margaret Irene White, who survives him. He is also survived by a broth- er, Roy Murray, of Barriefield. He was a member of Orono Nodge, No. 436, I.O.O.F., for 37 years. He was also a member of Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 409, and the Canadian Legion Branch No. 178. Lodge, No. 436, I.O.O.F., for 37 Mr. Murray was caretaker of Orono Cemetery for over 20 years. He died at his home after a lingering illness. Memorial services were held by bbc Odd Fellows and Legion on Sunday evening. Palîbearers aI the funeral service on Monday were Messrs. Kenncth Randaîl, James Ran- daîl, William Bonk, Wbilby, William Miller, Gardon Watson and Milton Morris, Orono. Inter- ment wvas in Orono Cemebery. Among the beautiful floral Iributes were bhose of St. Sav- iour's Anglican Church, Heabh- er Rebekah Lodgc No. 334, Orono Lodge No. 436, I.O.O.F., Loyal Orange Lodge No. 409, Canadian Legion Branch No. 178, Orono Business Men and Neigh- bours. LEABNED RIS LESSON Eddie Keen in the 'Edmonton Journal One city motorist believes the saying, l'experience is the best teacher". When be appear- cd in traffic court for nol pay- ing a $10 fine for speeding in a scbool zone, Magistrale McCul- la asked why the fine had not been paid. "I wanted to appear in court and be taught a lesson',' the inoborist replied. 1111l fine you $20 and costs. Is that enaugh of a lessan?" asked the magis- trale. "Tbat's fine, sir. there'Il be no repetibian of the offence." Lieut. Col. Angus Duffy WiIl Be Guest Speaker At Armistice Dinner dMMUUEMUMUMMMUUUiUMMMMUIIUUU.UIUUUUUM.UUUUUUUEU4- I Low Prices 9 size Lustre Creme Woodbury Shampoo j,, price- Vacuum Botties --- ---- - - 300 ASA Tablets ___ 98e size Vitalis ---- Vicks Enden Cough Syrup 69c Wampole's KoId Ease lVampole's Extract 1.50-2.75 79e 59e 69c 79e 49e 80e will be held in the Canadian Legion Hall, Queen St., on Sat- .irday evening, Nov. 8tb. A treat is in store for those attending as it was announced thal Lieut. Col. Angus Duffy, O.C. of the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment, will be the guest speaker. He is well known to members here as many of themn served with him in the last war, and are bis personal friends. A turkey supper will be served p.d entertainment is being arranged for afler dinner. Tickets now on sale at the Legion Hall. Legion members are in for a, busy weekend as Friday even- ing, Nov. 7 and Salurday ail are expected to do their part i the Poppy Drive to hei n fortunate comrades and their families. Saturday evening isi the dinner and on Sunday. Nov. 91h, there will be three church parades. Sunday mornîng Legion mem- bers will parade to the Cenotaph for Remembrance Service and laying of wreaths. Parade will continue on to Trinity United Church for Divine Service. In the afternoon, a Remembrance Service will be beld in the Ang- lican Church, Orono, when Padre. Rev. A. Herbert, will be the special speaker. The branch lias receivcd an invitation frorn the wardens and congregation of St. John's Ang- lican Church, Bowmanville, to attend the evening service. At this lime a bronze plaque wvill be Special Value 89e, Colgate's Faste with Frce Hair Brush 63e Gleem Faste mith Free Nail Scrub with Free 5 Combs Shampoo For Coughs & Colds1 Buckley's M/ixtue Rb 598e 98c-1.69___ Jackle&'J WiteCou S----k59e .Syrup ------- - 59c-98c Coldene Tabs.------- 1.25 Coidene Llquid - 1.10-2-59 Pertussin - --- 75c-1.25 Pinex Prepared --60c-1.00 Shaimpoo 75c-1.25 Ban' Bufferin -. 39,-79c-1.23-1L.89 eDeorant Coricidin Tabs. -- 75c-1.%" 1.25 was still premature. Manvers Municipal Council certain roads; the ad Mr. Winter suggested tnat received many communications of purchasing more sn( identification cards for the mem- at its regular montbly meeting and the amount of m bed.o he aproied 1 obtain on Oct. 7, at Bethany when ail hand 10 take care of pes f He proecî. btin1members were present. . Reeve deparîment until Dec. pries or he rojct.Argue was in the chair. Minutes A motion by Jakeman The next meeting of the au- of the September meeting were ed by Malcolm thalt t thority was set for Oshawa, onl read and approvied. be allowed $25.00 for Nov. 18 at 8 p.m., probably at The following communications talion and out of po the cily haIL were received and read: J. Stan- penses ini connection ley Dix, Sec'y-Treas. of the sisting of Mr. Sluar V.C.D.H.S.A.B., stating that the Q.C., in securing inf TYRONE oard could take no action at for the Township's Sa' YR NEthis lime in connection wîth the High Schonl app, TYRNE-Rev Dr S R. ol- anvers request 10 pay the lu- carrîcd. lins of Angola, Africa, was guest ,tinuandof tansratndof aMoved by Brown, speaker Thursday evening at Ty- nmbr of stdenalenig by McGill, that the Ri rone UnitedlbrookhandeOrono High Treasurer be authorizei roe nie Curh.Rv.Col-iSchools. cheques for the follo, mns a graduale of McGill UnIiv- W. C. Becker Equipment Co., counts: crsity, Monîreal, was ordained re letter soliciting the repair a minisler of the Congregational îwork when it is nceded, on the Registrar of Deeds. lisI Church of Canada, he xvas the IG.M. diesel motor in the new fers and information last minister of that church 10 be jgrader; N. & D. Health Unit, en- No. 12, Janetville, sent ouI by the Congregational closing copy of a new by-law la Cavano, 1 sheet ofE Board of foreign Missions, but is empower a municîpality ta order for hall roof, $3.l11 now in the United Church oflthe removal of undesirable Counties of N. & D., hi Carnada. He has been in Angola buildings and structures. tion, $7 1.25; Township( for 31 ycars in the evangelical Lake Ontario Dcvelopment relief charge-back, $9.E work, Iheir home while ini Can-I Association re report of pro- Ryan, Q.C., High Schoc ada s i Otawa Re. Fed aci gress; Town of Lindsay re pay- fee, $2 17.50; Ross Dav son, introduced the guest speak- ment of fire brigade for attend- High VocholNAppea] er. Rev. Walter Logan of Ennis- ing fire at Janetville; Dept. of Ra oce o 1 killen read the Scripture. Rev. Aýgriculture re grant of $434.59 Alfred Johnslon, on Fred Reed of Hampton led in in connection witb the Warblc salary, 1958, $300.00; y' Prayr. ev.Colins avea msî ly Spraying; N. & D. Heallh postage re tax bills, et inter esling odlreesgvalso se Unit monthly report; two appli- H. Malcolmn, sheep iclresfth ade ountyand peop- i calions for rural hydro service $35.45, H. Malcolm, sho pitrso tecul ndpo-ad others. attacking sheep, $5.00; le. Friday Rev. S. R. Collins a Mr Richard Jones interview- Accident Ins. Co., Tre and Rev. Fred Jackson visited cd tihe Council in connectionl $25.00; George Smith, four of the district sehools. with a brush problem on a itor's salary, 1958. $7 Rev. F .J. Jackson altended isîreel in Janetville Ibat is oh- verne McKinley, fencE the Qucens Theologlcal Alumnii structing the view of motorists $55.00; H. B. Preston, fe Reunion at Queen's University aI when approaching the county ing, $5.00: Lloyd Fali Kingston Oct. 21-22.i road. The Counicil decided to viewing, $5.00: Treas. Mrs. J. Woodley and Pat, Mrs. tlook int the malter and have 13, school money, $30( Harold Murphy and children the brush cut. Davidson, on sal. acc. visited Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Lin- The Council and Road Super- Ross Davidson, bal. "2 sday, Toronto. f intendent discussed aI length $200.00. the gravelling of the roads in The meeting adjour Toni Janczyn received mord of 1958: the brush problem on November 41h aI 1:30 the passing of his faîher on Sun- day last, Martin Janczyn of Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian allen- asace.Job less M y G t$ ded a birthday parly Saturday cvening in honor of lis mo- theî-, Mrs. Chas. Vivian at the home of Mr. and Mrs. BruceIfL abor Min isters ( Vivian, Bowmanville. Milliken. Mrs. Arnold eb geLyd adPal Zo, i-Persuade ola U îted Mýr. and Mrs. W .Park, Sr.i Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCoy,. Labor Minister Starr, predict- $30 week now is paid Brooklin, visited Mr. and Mrs.i ing somewhat less unemplo.v- son, with at least or N. Woodley. mient Ibis Winter thani last, is dent. earning $57 a Mrs. W. Theisburger lefI Mon- planning to ask Parliament's nmore-up to the 1,, day to attend a college class rc- approval at its next session 10 top. union at Pittsburgh Ibis -week increaseuepo en su- ernsnIbsct anà is aiso visling lier ibrother, ance benefit rates. 60 cents a week int Mr. and Mrs. James Affleck. InJ an interview lasI week, he! whether the 'y earn $5 Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott and also disclosed that he put the or $70 or somewher chidre vsîtd M. nd rs.A.proposaI up ta Unemployflient tween. But all are e] V. Edwards. Welland. Insurance advisory commitlee-tesm raeo e Mr. nd Ms. ohn illsat-last July. The commitîce sevecal tended two showers SalurdaN ek g xrse t ao evening for their nices, Mrs. Jack of such changes. O' neil and Betty Osborne held Mr. Starr said Ihat, provid- at tlhe home of Mr. and Mrs . ing he was able to win Cabinet Leslie Guy, Oshawa. 1i approval, he would propose two Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brad- additianal unemployment ili- ley. Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. surance benefit levels above the Da\wson Beckett and famnily,i current $30-a-week maximum \4aple Grove. Mr~. and Mrs. Don- 10 the session of Parliament ex- ald amb Eniskilenvistedpected la open in inid-January Mr. 0.mBecet ndilenviled on Il was considered unlikely the M Mr.O.Becet an Avila 11Cabinet would oppose Mr. ____ Su nday. -d Slarrs plans.A iRev. Fred J. Jackson pi cachied The top benefit rate would at Kirby on Sunday., Tyrone becomie $36 a wcek. The other H À choir assisted at the evening new one would be $33 weekly Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lamb. Port income categories thc new rates iCredit. Mr-. and Mrs. Jack Welsh would apply. - and family. Mrs. Everett Welsh, But it is likely wage earners and Mrs. George Alldread. brackcts will be assesscd a Mrs. Rose Middleton ,Toronto higber contribution for the un- is ý-isiting Mrs. Edith Murphy Ibis cmployment insurance fund. CHILDIREN xveek. This would mean correspond-j Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hatherly ingly big'her contributions frorn and Joyce, Newtonville visited employers and the Federal gov i ý-Mrs. Annie Hatherly. ernment.I Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright The wage ceiling aI which, wvere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ce- eligibility for unemployment in- cil Slemnon Sunday. surance now ceases is $4,800 an- Mr. and Mrs. George White nually.I B IG and daughiters. B o w manville Fund Not Over Drained with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry Mr. Starr saidi he does net Stinda,. believe the unemployment in- -,\I. adMs omnLa surance fund bas been drained TaLiton Dentthe eeked w ta a dangerous level. Mr.and s. Athur oee ma. t ldrntl ttal sm$600,-HEA Gladto epor Jaes Wod-000,00.lie aid andtheactuar- E D le v returncd home on Sunday ies who keep their eye on thb from the Toronto General. fund consider the danger zone Mvrs, Ivan Rowlcy and Joan, begins aI about the $500,000,000 Paigrave, visited Mr. and Mrs.1 level. Bcrt Johnson. The present maximum unem- Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary and ployaient insurance benefit_ cf Fran viitedMr.and rs.A. 31 C-:15 P.M. JUDGING 0F COSTUMES - PRIZES HALLOWE'EN COSTUME PARADE NOVE Off AT 6:30 P.M. EDý BY BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL BAND TO CREAM 0F BARLEY PARK HUGE FOR BONFIRE TREATS -FOR THE CHILDREN FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Sponsored by Bowmanville Cenfennial Commliee DOWMANVHl ]RDYAL u -9.. TRIS TRURS., SAT. - OCT. 30 - NOV. 1 Teenage idol, also entertainment for aduits plus New Color Cartoon Two complete shows at 7 and 9:15 Extra show on Friday at 4:30 CHILDREN'S MAT. SAT. AT 2 P.N. "Bogus Bandits" LAUREL AND HARDY COMEDY MON. AND TUES. - NOV. 3 - 4 "Camp on Blood Island" Brutal Japanese prison camp tale also "The Brothers Rico" WED.-mTi NOV. 5 ,HE MOST A pxUL CZW t.f .M'l lO~ F ed to e $v . ti '1 Oum rI Cuve"'Grdofi n teGNde" i Afron~t ,Fut"'. 1 kh SO I 191 ING WATWA PoILNAin AO C.AOVt - --%., e llMýeî - 1 1 1 - M"M'm- 90,79 rAtiis Gerilol Wampole's Makes !ou feel stronger Phosphoplex Llquid or Tablets For tired, run-doi%,n nerves Liquid or Tablets 1.35 - 3.29 - 4.49 2.50 - 4.25 Hot Water Bofules- 1.39 - 1.98 - 2.39 COWLUNGS PHONE ~SOE WE FIT MA 3-5695 DRUG STORE TRUSSES MAMMOT H LLOWE'ifEN PARTY DAY, OCTOB GATHER AT VINCENT MASSEY SCHOOL THZ CAMADUX STATESM". BOWIL&NVILI IPA "M gm that congregation who gave their lives during World V/ar II and those who, ser, Special speaker at this sers t will be Canon r)C.~ Boulden, M.A. , 1E, of Poxli Hope. W Vice-President Ed. Rundie presided with 2nd Vice Jim Fair and Sgt.-at-Arms Ernie Perfect assistîng in the initiation of five newv members: Edward Dawson. George A. Dunlop, David O'Flynn, Ron Evans and Ken Davis. A donation of $10.00 w-as vot- ed to the C.N.I.B. Campaigii. It %as announced that the Bo- manville Legion Branch wvill sponsor a Public Speaking Con. test if local schools will co- operate. This is a Dominion- wide programn with Legion and the local branch is verv i nterest- cd in getting it started here. MO IfE Y AVAILABLE FOR NORTGAGES Ralph S. Jones Barristcr and Solicitor 65 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 ER 1 ý spenctin,-, a wet:kL wiuà, Ly" - «&&ý - - -- - - m ý e