4 -Tau WDAY. DEC. 4th. leut TEE £CAZUD&x <STATESMAN. DOWMAmnVTLE.ONTAMX PAGE TWENT-THMw Eleciion Carda of Thanks *the Electors of own cf BowmauvlIIe* I wish to express my apprecla. lion tilose who voted f or me M E.ZLWÀa Day. 1 thank you for yotý!Wonfidence ln re-elect- hig me to a fourth term as Counciflor. .takeh tht. opportunity of 'WLngyou aMerry Christmas and a Mrppy New Year. Kelth Lathangue. 49-1 T. the Electors of the Town cf Bowmanvllle: Your vote of confidence at the poils on Monday has given me be- opportunity to serve on Municipal Council for a second term. It i. gratufying to know that 1 have been able ta con- tribut. to your satisfaction i the. service of our community. IXéy I alsa pay tribute to those who accepted defeat li such a oportlng manner. fIl extend my thanks and Bp. rciation to ail who supported nieand to cach a Happy Christ- ýzn4s and successful New Year. Ivan M. Hobbs. 49-1 T. the Electors cf Clarke Township: 1 wouid like ta take thi. op- portunity of thanking ail those who supported me i the recent Townsçhip Election. Wlshing yau al thc Compli- ments of thc Seasan. Russell Savery, 49-1 T. the Electors cf Clarke Township: 1 woulci like to extend my appreciation to those who sup- ported me at the polis on Mon- day and also to those who work- ed an my behalf. Wishlng yau the. Compliments of the Scason. John W. Stone. 49-1* To ihe Eleciors of Clarke Township My sncere thanks for the confi- dence expressed la iving me my ,7Dt1%ensecutive acclamation to Clarke Concil. As ln the past, 1 wiIl endeavour te serve to the best cf my ability for oe more yréae 1 take tht. medium of contrat- ualating Deputy-Reeve Walkey ou his acclamation, aise the Couneillors-elect. Messrs Stone, Savery and )(;",nt A speclal wori of a ;~kion f or the eo..operation j-assistance I aaoreceived from Mn~ Hart- We4i1 Lowery. who has retired _/fer the present due te ili heaith. SEASON'S GREETINUS TO ALL Reeve James T. Brown 49-4* T. the Electors of south Darlington 'School Ares A sincere thank you, with Season's Greetings toalal. Leslie Coombes. 49-1* To the Ratepayers of Darlington Townshp: I would like to thank all those who support. me on Election Day and gave me an opportun- ity to serve the township as School Trustee on South Darl- ington School Area Board. I take this opportunitY to wish you ail a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Herb Mackie. 49-1 To the Batepayers cf Parlington Township. We, the members of your 1958 Cauncil, wish to thank ail those Dent, 378, Russell Savery, 494; J.Stone, 594; W. Eiliott, .254. School Area Trustees: -H. liarold Dean, 211; Lawrence Grecnwood, 197; Truman Hen- derson. 154. Mr. Savery and Mr. Dent were also members of the 1958 Clarke Township Coun- Cil. Orono Police Trustees. R. C. Forrester. H. M. Mercer. and Sidney Rutherford were &Ul re-elected by acclamation. HOPE TOWNSHIP Re-eve Victor Wilson and De- puty Reeve George Staplcton were given acclamation. The resuit of the election for the three seats on the Hope Munici- pal Council 'vas as follows: Lloyd Kellogg. 263; Ellwooi Gray. 2' Fred Bamsey, 239,. Mac W ;1 ~5. Schoofý stees North Hope Area:-Hcfvard Quantreil, 146; Ewart Rb'binson. 116, Allan Stmith. 111, Clayton Eliott, 80; Willam Frrew, 74; Laurent Leon, 40. (Contlnued fromn page one) Despite the'heavy snow 1,677 Bowmanviiic voters went to the poils on Monday. Actually more people voted Uhit ycar than they did in the. Municipal electiari last year. Alick Lyle, the Town Clerk, stated that tI 1957 the total vote inthe icMunicipal edec- tion hene amounted ta approxi- mately 1,500. At prescrit theme are 3,8591 ro picon Uic Bowmanvtlle unicipal Voters' List, and only 40 per cent o! those entitied ta vote did s0 on Monday. A to- tal of 1,677 people voted an thc question a! Sunday Sports, and this includcd 42 rejccted bal- lots. The number of people whoi pollcd their Council were1 jected ballots votes for Town 1,658, and the re- numbered 19. I.. .~ mil West 1 108 93 West 2A 114 126 Wcst 2B 103 109 Northi 1 149 121 North 2 158 138 Northi 3 148 150 South 1 169 157 South 2A 113 71 South 2B 130 120 Totals 1,192 1,085 SUNDAY SPORTS - - 966 926 904 832 Against, 1,034 60 .61 71 79 63 71 115 99 72 93 71 801 125 119 73 55 94 86 744 743 For, 601 HELP WÀNTED Applications will b. recelved by the underslgned ln the appli- cant's own handwriting up te 5 o'ciock p.m. DECEDMER 10, 1958 for the position cf Probaiionary Police Constable Qualifications required: 1. Proof of age, between 21 anid 35 years. 2. Canadian Citizen or British Subjcct. 3. Education - 2 ycars of High School or its equivalent proven by certificate. 4. Health - a certificate from a iegally qualified medical prac- titioner that you are physically and mentaliy fit to do police work. Height 5 fi., 8%k inches. 5. References from threc pen- sons as to character. Starting date, Jan. 1, 1959 40 heur week. Saiary $3,200 per annum ta stant and benelits, Blue Cross, P.S.I.* Life Insurance and Pension Schemes. Signed, BERNARD R. KITNEY, Chie! Constable. 49-1 Brin g in, Ail Fox Tails You'II Receive $ 4.00 Each But Don't Remove Bone A petition signed by 750 peo- ple in Bowmanvîlle, Maple Grave, Tyrone, and Bowman- ville East Beach, was ncceived at the meeting o! Bowmanville Town Council held in the Caun- cil Chamber on Monday even- ing. The petition requested that the Town Council apply ta the federal depariment o! Publie Works ta have the liarboun cen- trance liere improved. It point- ed out that it is even too smal now for pleasure cra!t ta enter, and that only canoes can do so. On motion o! Councillar Jack Brough and carricd, it was decided ta have the Town Clerk write and make the request ta the department o! works, and that the member of parliament for Durham, Dr. R. P. Vivian, also be cantacted. Will Colleet Fox Tai. The matter o! fox bounty collection was dlscussed. Reeve, Carruthers siated that Couruies Council had decided to give a $4.00 bounty for eacli fox tail with the banc still ini it. The County Council ta pay $2.00 a! the bounty and the other $2.00 to be. paid back ta the County Couneil by the Ontanio goverri- ment. It was decided that the Works Foreman, Lloyd Quinta-n set up a collection agency in .town ta pay the bounty on fox tails in Bowmanville. The ab- ject o! the bounty is to encour- age the climinaf ion o! as many foxes as passible because of the prevalence o! rabies. A letter from the Council o! the City o! Woodstock was ne- ceived reciuesting that Bowman- ville Town Council, support a petitian ta the provincial gov- emnment asking that considera- tion be given ta some method Durham County Club Minutes of 60 Years Recall Names, E vent s By Aleen Akcd As you knaw this is tIc six- tiefli annivensary ycar for To- nonto's Durham Caunty- Club. Looking ai those many years by deling into the minutes o! past meetings we acquire th&e wisdorn o! hind-sight. Going- back f0 tIc fiftieth anniversary, the opening meeting or Oct. 28, 1948. reads as follaws: "Dr. F. C. Trebilcack, In apeaking at the fî!tieth anni- versarv o! tle Club named Dr. J. L. Hughes, Mr. Thos. Yeiiow- lees, and Mn. Wallace Maas as the fourders. 011cr mer who took a promirent part in the activities and organization thraugrh the past fifty years in- cluded Mr. W. Ciemence, Dr. L. B. Wiiliams, Mr. Ewart Pollard, and Mm. Don Linden. Eariy Membership Dr. Trebilcock, by memaory, mcrtioned mary more who have taken a promirent part through hai! a century and in listing these rames will no doubt brng back memories ta mary Durhamites. Thev are Messrs. D. W. Armstrong, W. E. Austin, H. Cooper, Copeland. Craig, O. Henderson, Hoar, Sol Jeffery. Masor, N. McDonaid, A. W. McLeod, G. W. McLaugh- lin, J. A. McFeetcrs, J. H. Fair, A. N. Rowland, F. Truil, 0. Worden, Wickett, Dr. F. Cale, Rev. F. Chapman, Insp. W. El- liott, Dr. J. Elliatt, Dr. Field- ing, Dr. C. Gilmour, Dr. Herr- ing, Dr. F. Mariow, Dr. McGill, Dr. D. D. McDonald, Coi. Stew- art, Prof. John Squair. Princi- pal Scatt and many others." "The Durham Club wheri firsi organizcd met in thcemm- bers' homes. and this necessi- tated curtailing tle memben- ship, but as urne went or il was decided ta branch out. and meetings were held once a month ai Sherbourne House. La- ter they were leld at the 1.0. D.E. Headquarters." Prof. John Squafr One o! those promirent meni- bers just mentioncd who scems ta have contributed the masi ta collecting the history of Dur- hiam County was Prof. John Squair. Going back arother twenty years toaraourd fhe thirtietl anniversary we fird on No)vember 18, 1927: "The members were enter- laired with an histonical, musi- cal and dramatic programme. Prof. Squair gave a talk illus- lnated witli projections or sone o! flie older personalities of Durham Couris. The list tn- cludeci sane o! the Smîths of Smith's Creek now Pont Hope; Col. A. T. H. Williams o! Narth West Rebellian fame; Thomas Ward, final negistrar o!flice Coun- ty; John Rosevear and T. D. Cnaig, M.P.P's; Rcv. Dr. Ormis- ton, Richard Lovekin, Major S. S. Wilmat, and Hart A. Mas- sey o! Newcastle; Robert Fair- bairn, first post master o! Dar- lington, and Rev. Cephas Bar- ken, editar o! thc 'Observer', Bowmanville." "In addition ta flic portraitts there wcre aiso interesting gnoup picturcs sudh as the Or- ana Company of Volunteers i 1867 under command o! Capi. J. L. Tuckcr; the County Cour. cil o! Northumberland and Dur- ham ir 1876; The Pont Hope Cricket Club 1881." Tîrce morfla after fIat meeting la recordcd thc death o! Prof. Sciuair, Fel. 16, 1928; "TIc meeting was anc o! the besi wc have had ts seasor but we were ail verv sorny rot ta have aur good and faithful memben Prof. John Squair with us, le laving passed away vcmy suddenly flic day lefore. Bath thc Prof. and Mrs. Squair lad acccpted tle invitation ta bel wif h us ai Mr. Washington's. Thc following resolution o! Resolution of Sympathy The !ollowing resolutiori of sympathy ta Mrs. and Miss Squair was movcd by Dr. Jas. L. Hughes and secorded by Mn. T. E. Washington, That tle members o!flice Durham Club desire fa express tîcir deep re- gret ai tle death o! arc o! aur oldest members Prof. John Squair. For marc thari thirty years lie iaok a deep intcrcst ir aur Club. No other mari bor li Durhiam Caunty dld 50 much ta bonrnthe district o! lits birth,i ta record thc noble work o! the canly pioncera and fa preserve tIc historic records a! thc de- velopmert o! lis native cour. ty. He will live long in aur memanies as a thoughiful, kird and caurteous gentleman, whose winsome amiies lielpcd 10 igît flic leants of lis fierds." Not only are we remembcred for aur adhievemnents but for aur smilcs, whicî also are recorded i flicminutes! And so thc Durham Club cor.- tinues on; aur President Jim Lovekin, continues île same interest in île history of Dur- ham as did Prof. Squair;, ment- bers continue for mary yeas- mudli longer than in mosi clubs-tIen allers fake tflii place. Penlaps the fircat o! cp- taphs wlich might le necorded in the minutes could read '"Not for lis achievements alone was lie remembered but for lis smiles." A smile will go a long, long way. b Stenger's Aged Bull Creates Great Sensation Almost Defeating Cha mp Onie of the outatandinfi Jersey cnhlbitors at Uic Royal Winter Fair was Rudoîpli Stengen and Si, Enniskillen, Ontario. Their aged bull. Eriniskillen Royal Motta, created quitc a sensation in Uic ring when hc very nearly dçfcated Uie famaous show bull, Carnpburn Major Carom, owned by Mns. F. A. Scliulman of Bra- ntfford, and B. H. Bull and Son, Brampton. Carom was just back Ifrom Uice States after a success- fui tour, starting out by being grand champion at London, grand at Chicago and again at Columbus, Ohio. Then to corne ta the Royal and nearly be de- throned by a local youngster caused quife a sensation intrihli ring for some fime. However, ne. Ri sh wi gL tal on sel an whercby the Governor-n.Coun- %go cil for Ontario shahl proclaîmira thc commencement and terni- ination dates for daylight say- if ing in flic province. has Reeve Wilfrid Camnuf lers lii stated thaf lic believed uniform- ed ity ir this matter would be a good thing, but lie explained that he was dcfinitely again'qt daylight saving tîmne being ex- iended ta thcerd o! October. This would rot be ini the intter- ests o! the farmers, nom is it good for school children, le said. The extension o! daylight saving time is only o! intenest ir larger urban centres, lic add- ed. Thc move for extension had been made by.-Torantý,. and ha gave the opinion fIat Toronto should flot be allowed ta force its idea on this locality. It was moved and caried that Woodstock be infarmed fIe Bowmanvillc Town Council ~ would support fthc request for uniformity o! daylight savtng time, but that it is definitcly against It being extended beyord the end of September. It was movcd by Dcputy' Reeve W. David Hiqrgon and seconded by Councillor Ivan Hobbs that tIe tawr arrange graup insurance faor people on; town relief under the Ontarioa Hospital Insurance Plan. A let- ter lad beer received from the Ontario Hospitals Service Com- mission with tle information that for a small rate sudh peo- pie could be covered. It w as poînted out that it wouid amount fa only 60 cents a month per persan. Thc Town Coun-cil received a communication from the Cen- tral Lake Ontario Conserva- ' tion Authority that it is nouv readýy ta receive the 1958 levy. The levies for 1958 being set* oui at hli the normai amoun t. It was maved bv Courcillor 0.I J. Presson, and seconded by Deputy Reeve Higgon that TownX Council make the paymcrt o! el $41.41. This was caried. 41 By Mary Nelson "Happy new year!" The cry ecloed and re-ecdlocd down the street as Penny made hem way toward f1 bus stop~ Everywhcne about lier peaple' were light-hearted and gay andi busily wishirig their friends good; fortune for the coming year She buttoned hier coat ai the neck and fumned up fli cocl- iar. It was a bitterly coid dayi and she told hersel! she would be happy ta reach home and stay in for fle icrgît. Let fliose- witli pioncer blooti go oui and stand in the raw wind dowr, at Dayton Circle just to blaw a' silly liar at midnight ostensil- V. ly ta usher in flic new year. ! Penny liad always been krown at home as a sensible girl with yI good common sense. She was proud o! that reputation and now that she lived liflic city alorie sIc was more dctermined, flian ever fa live up ta it. She didn'i want ta become a sophis-t ticated, worldly wise city girl.I Thus, she summed up ment ally,' if was just as well she didn't go 1 out. "Going oui toniglit, Penny?"* The words interrupted lien thoughts and sIc tumneci ta greet Ruby, a !dllow worker wha was always goirig oui witli someone: she cailed "lBeanie". You could! always fell Uic status o! Ruby's, romance- by hem mood: if aIe was exuberanita toch point a! beirg giddy, she was going ta sec Beanie thaf night; if she was quiet and pet ularif, shc hadn't heard !rom him, and if sIc was downnight rude witl ai sarcastie twist f0 every remark 1 sic made, then they lad quar- 11 Motto ended 'up *with reserve grand champlonship honourt;. This is a real honour for an out- standing show like the Royal Wlntcn Fair. Other prizes won by the Sten- ger herd wene seventh prize dry Uiree year old Enniskillen Royal Moily, sixth pnize progeny of dam on Uic praduce of Don Head Maily's Oxford May, seventh prize senior get of sire on Shal- omar Royal Prince 2nd, and sev- enth prize dairy herd. It was thec bull Shalomar Roy- al Prince 2nd that really put the Enniskîllen herd on the mnap. In this herd he has sined many outstanding animais that have won prizes bath north and south of the International border. eled. she asked under lier breath. Penny smiled. "No, I'm not, Ruby liadn't meant any offense tuby," she nepiied. Odd that -she was sîmply so wrapped he should feel sucli emptiness up in lier own little world that ithin her *as she said the she feit sorny for anyone who iords. She noted Ruby's quick had no Beanie ta which to ding. lance o! sympathy and if mnr- She was essentially a gezperous ted hem. 1I don't know any- persan and now Penny had de- ne here," she defended hem- liberately hurt hem. As she tood in the middle o! the sidewalk, angry and discour- f aged, she saw her bus speedingi reclclessly down the street and withouf another thoughit to any- / !/ f ~ one cIsc she liurrîed tow'ird the corner. "Wait, oh, wait!" she cailed, running breathlessly. No anc else was waiting, how- ~'ever, and he careened sharply off the curb, hurrying on his Sway. "Oh, dean!" She bunst Sinto tears at this new disampoint- ment and reached blindiy for i4Y.<3~~the curb. ....... But hem foot missed and came1 i< cown on a sheet of ice sending a ler into an astonished heap in testreet. For a moment she wvas too, stunned to move. She heard1 fooisteps hurrying past hem andcî managed to sit up dazedly. Ai mari knelt down beside hem but lis face was a blur o! features. "Take il easy"',lie admonishcd, - placing an arm. acrass hem back. But ber foot missed and came She fried to, focus hem eyes upon down on a sheet of icepo him wlien he cnied, "Penny! Wliy, Penny Lindsay! What in If. Tîcri addcd curtly, "Anid Uic world are you doing out nyway, I wouldn'i dream Of liere?" oing out in such ghastly And then cverything cleared eatlier." and she saw the handzome. Ruby shrugged. «Oh, well, blond features o! a former you feel that way about if . .. school friend. "Oh, Ala-n!" appy ncw year, Penny." She Tears fumbled over ench other urried away before the wrefcli-lin hasfy exit. He'helped hiem to d girl couid make any response. hem feet. "Gee, it's good ta see Now why did I act so nasty?" someane from the oid home CRACK UP CARS - Jack Baillie, former chef at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel, dropped a card to The Statesman from his new home in Vancouver, B.C., to say that they were settled and ready to take in the Grey Cup football game on Saturday. Apparently, thcy had a difficuit trip out when involved in an acci- dent that ditched all three cars in thiratyFou- ately, no serious injuries resulted. prpry otn + t +t t f Classifi'ed Ads Sundcuy Sports Wedding Initations Tbermno-engraved (ItAISED LrmtEiNeC,' Wedding and engagement announicements, birth announce- mrents, confirmation invitations, golden and silver anniversary announcements, etc. (RAISED LETTERING> Looks and feels lîke the fipest band engtravinÏ -TW.Iettdu bave an elegance and individuality oniy the laet haad S. 3raving can match. Thermo-engraving (RAISED LETTERING> Cosus about hall as mueh as hand engraving, becus tift hm1iÏb'? ates thc copper plate that makes haud engravingsoezpmau*. AND IT'S READY W111UN THE WEEK Of course you can order matching enclosure cards. reception, respon5e, thank you and at home carde, etc. Select from aur giant catalogue of flawiesuly correçt papers. il distinctive styles of lettering. Wedding priced as low as 50 for 39.00 and 100 for $13.50, co> plete with double envelopes and tissue&. Avaiable at à a.. t ~ tawn. Ilve been so doggonc lonely,"l he toid her, manipulat- ing the handkcrchicf skfllfullly around her nase and eyes. " I'm ionely, too," -she. gasp- cd. 've ony'een here a month." "Say! What- aretyou dolng ta- night? Anything?" "N-no>thing."e Her heart, sklp- ped a beat in anticipation. "lThen why don't wc go somne- whcnc and talk over aid times? Gee, I'm dying ta hear some gossip about Uic Turners and the Mitchelîs and ail the rest. Will you, Penny?" And Penny smiied ha ply this time. "Yes, Alan. EPen this ghastly weathcr cauldn't stop me fromn talking over aid times with you." EDDUT COMPANT TATS Commons Report. )&. Laron: As the. E. B. Eddy Company js-the most Important industry in the City of Hull we want it ta remain where it 15. We cati continue to siteot changes- and lmprovementsin the surroundings such as have been taking place in Uic leUt 10 years. I have fromn Mr. Web. ton the promise that lie wiI continue to make Uic surround- ings more attractive to thoue visiting Uic clty.. I express the earnest hopc that the commission willlb requested by the 'Goverftment. ta make no attempt ta remove this company from thc CltY oi Hull.________ Help Wanted Elect Russell Honey New Vice President Central Ontario Liberals Russell Honey was elected division. Ken Ross, and secre- vice president of the Central tary-trcasurer Robent Temple Ontario South Liberal Associa- both Belleville lawyers. tion, western division, at a ne- Ini the absence through illness gional meeting held in Belle. of the party leader J. J. Winter- ville last weck. President of the district ls' meyer of Kitchener, Col. Wii. Dr. C. McVicker of Peseronto.'liamn Abel of Toronto, was the Vice president o! the eastern.1gucst speaker. Mx itânabin îlddm