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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1958, p. 8

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PAGE ErnwP ?RU ~ANAfl!AN UA?~MAW. flBWVANVfl.~LE. OIITAmO THURSDAT, D~. 4tli, tSI, Natural Gus Threatens Part of Electrical Market Chairman Tells Delegates James S. Duncan, Chairman of Ont.ario Hydro, receptiy spoKe ta the delegates at the Conven.- tion of the Eastern Ontario Municipal Electric Association' in Brockville during whicbho Issued a warning that "natural gas is tbreatening ta destroy a large part of the electrical mar- ket while many in the industry smugly continue ta live in the PaSt." Since construction of the pipe lino from Western Canada be- gan the campanies who wili dis- tribute naturai gas throughout Ontario have been engaged ini a very active promational cam- paign aîmed at two particular graups. Tbe first, and pimary, group are the builders. Tbeýse are the people who are build- ing the approximately 60,6000 bouses which wili be built In Ontario tbis yoar. The induce- ments, offered ta the builders in the way oi lower costs, ex- tendedl credits, etc., with the re- sulting bigher profits have Pravod 50 effective that the vast rnajarity of these bouses wiil be equîpped witb gas furnaces, gas water beaters and many with gas ranges. The second graup is the bux'- er. With tbo objective ai mak- Ing these gas equîpped bouses acceptable ta tbe buyer a ver 'v intense and active advertising campaign bas been directed at the general public. This adver- tising bas force! uliy claimod that natural gas is the cbeap, dlean, modemn fuel. Sa effective bas this campaign been that these houses are finding roady buyers. What about these dlaims? Are they based upon facts or are tbey just gimmicks put forward ta promote the 'pro- duct? What about cheapness, i. gas cooking really cheap? In- dependent tests ecentiy caon- ducted conclusiveiy proved that gas for cooking is mare expon- sivo than electricity even when gas is purchased at the lowest available rate mn the Toronto area. Space Heatlng. As the electri- cal industry is currently engag- ed in the development of ma- tonials ta permit the camPet - tive use of electricity for bouse beating purposes, iA is intorost- ing ta note the resuits of a stu- dy made last year wbich ap- peared in the August 1957 issue ai the magazine "The Apart- ment Ownem and Builder" and evealed that the comparative cost of heating based upon one million B.T.U.'s was 48 cents for coal, $1.06 for ail and $1.20 for gas. The authar concluded bis article by saying "That gas is being adopted for beating in an increasing nûmber of private homes is due. not ta any ad- vantages possessed by gas, but Bo w anvlleChoral Group FcHR MS CONCERT at the TOWN HALL BOWMANVILLE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DEC. lIth and l3th 8:15 p.m. Hugh Martin, Director. ASSISTING ARTISTS: Bowmanville Public School Choir under direction of Mr. M. Beaton ADMISSION -. Aduits 75c No Reserved Seats Students 50e W I to aggressive promotion and public ignorance of the full facts of fuels comprion." D river Uteni Comments on the safeiy. I cleanliness and the modernit7ci T I- h gas as a hausohold fuel are un-To C r e r necessary. The recoras of ex- plosions, asphixiations and lires, caused by an open flame, speak for themselves. Starting Fei Two factors have greatIy as- sisted in the acceptance of gas The driver improvement work as a household fuel. The first of the Ontario Department of is Service. Up to the present, at Tgansport xviii be stepped up loast, the service given by the bégining February lst, as the gas companies has been excel- *provislce joins the more than lent. Trouble calîs are speediiy 20 existing jurisdictions with and officiently bandled with t he driver demerit point systems in resuit that complaints in this opération. regard are seldom heard. Un- The system has a graduated fortunately, the same- cannot process of remindîng drivers to be said for the electrical indus- drive their best at ail times. try. Many complairits are re- It is based solely on the recordi ceivod about the slowness of of convictions for driving offen- the supply atithority ini answer- ces over a two-year period. ing trouble calls.-ÇOInelaints Points are assossed ag convic- are also received about the high' tiox information arrives in the charges demanded by contrac- Department's recording branch. tors for service calls involviiig and. the number of points varies ropairs ta equipment or rewir- with the seriousness of the of- ing, many of these charges are fonce. This bas been calculated causod by difficulty experionc- f rom studios of Ontario's acci- ed in obtaining materials and dent expérience as well as stu- are the resuit of the lack af' dies of experience with point standardizatian of such items'I systems; elsewhore. as range eloments and switches A brie! summary of points by the manufacturers of electri- charged for variaus offences: cal appliances and by the largelDrupk drlving,' drlving whilo volume of cbeap materials, bath ability impaired, criminal domestic and importod, avail- negligonce, obtainingr a Il- able on the market. cence by fraud --- - -----12 The second factor is the ai- Failing to remain at scene of most universally held opinion accident ----------------------9 that gas is faster than eiectricity Careiess driving, rac1fg, ex- for such applications as water coeding speed limit by 30 heating and cooking. This is, of m.p.b. or more _ ------------- 5 course nat necessariiy true, for Fxceeding speed limit by example, in boating water elec- more than 10 m.p.b. and trically, fast recovery can be less than 30, failing ta readilv obtained. at a very law yield right of way. failure cast if the proper size beater ta obey stop sign or signal and tank are installed, aiso ligbt s, failuro ta report an modemn electric ranges can very accident------------------------- 3 favourably compote with gas as Speeding 10 m.p.h. or loss far as speed is concernod ai-d ovor the speed lirnît and ail of course electric cooking bas other maving violations ---2 many other distinct advan- the Ontario Plan is in thrco tages. stages: What can the olectrical indus- 1. Whon a driver has accu- try do about this situation? mulated six points be is sent There are many tbings, for in- an officiai warning. stance, 250,000 people in Canada 2. At nine points he is callad demive their livelihood directly from the production of things olectrical. They must be made~ in-industry education. that thei. rv E y E I jobs depend upon the continu irog successful operation ao the pioyees have recently purchas- ed homos equipped with gas Motorists are advised ta win- littie reaiizing that in doing sa terize their drivirig habits as i they *eopardizod their own, or wxell as their automobiles, Hon. their' fellow womkers' emnploy-IM. B. Dymond, Mînister of ment. Transport 'for Ontario, said ta-1 Everv manufacturer, evemy day in commenting on the first eloctrical utility, eve.rv contrac- snowfall af the season. tom. dealer or distributor musti Wben streets and higbways engage, not only bis own ro- are covered with ice and snow. sources, but the active partici- themo is no sounder advice*than pation of bis employées In a 'take it easy', ho said. Sveed too campaign ta prosent the facts fast for conditions is the lead- ta the public. ing cause of accidents at any Every responsibie builder time ai the year, but winter must boe shown that it is inl hi& road conditions make excessive iriterest, as weii as that ai bis speeds particulariy bazardous. customer, ta instaîl proper wir- I ae be io sfrt ing and equipment ta permit the I ae he iý sfrt buyer ta enjoy the modemn con- stop witb regular tires on loase- vonienco offered only by the ly packod snow than on dry use of eiectricity. Ho wilÏ find pavement, and ton times as far that it wiil provide clîvidenda on glare ico, he pointed out. ta bim in the way of ready Another dangerous threat ta cus.tomers. botter pricos, i- traffic safety is reduced visîbil- itv audU Uv b>.&w, rinor fomU .3 ~=- AND ON EVEN THE COLDEST NIGHT... Thouande of Emperlai people workc nlght and day to brlng you the low-prIced oil produots you have corne ta depend on Across this country, neariy 14,000 Imperial people are at work to supply your needs .in exploration parties... at research laboratories . .. in refinees ... on the road. In the oil fields, and in areas which might produoe oil, they are seeking to enlarge Canada's oil reserves . . . so that this country will not go without oul, now or in the future. In research :t : (Imperial hma more extensive facilities than the reat of the industry put together) . . . and at nino refineries, working 'round the dlock . -, they seek ta deveiop the products which wil keep you warmer, move you more convemient- ly ... and more cheapiy. For in ail their activities, Imperial people are con- stantly aware of the noces- sity of bringing you the produts you need ... at the' Iow prioes you have corne to, expect. 130 GINERAL WI4OLESAZ FRIICE ON.E PRICE sNDEX- 1148 1 '5.': '54 5 »Atraitfor Pri soa ndw ;ti@s Furnacecnit prices have n4dd steadv compard ta presR, ith inga on general. ý£SOIMPERIAL OIL LIMITED IMJPRIAI. OI019... FOR 78 VRARS A 8LEADR iN CANADA* OROWTH ierit System dto ,Effecf bruary i ini for a personal interview by a trained officer and may be placed on probation or be re- commended for licence suspen- sion for a short period. 3. At twelve points a three- month licence suspension wvill be mandatory. When the period of suspen- sion bas been served the driver will then be reinstated without points against his record. He will. however, receive a sus- pension of six months, ratherý than three. if he accumulates a further twelve points within a one-year period of licence reinstatement. A responsible driver bias nb-. thing to fear under the Points system. It would be necessary to have six convictions carrying two points each in a two-year period to receive the mandatory suspension of three months. Two years fromi the date of a con- viction carrying demerit points, those points are deducted from the driver's record. Driver, rather than owner, identification, must be estab- lished for appropriate action to be taken. The new demerit points system is a positive for- ward step in identifying the chronic violators and in taking constructive corrective mea- sures. As an integral part of the Highway Safety Program it seeks to correct those with bad driving habits, thereby making the streets and high- ways safer for pedestrians ai-d motor vehicle operators alike. Every reasonable means of ac- quainting the entire driving public with the purpose and op- eratian of the system xviii be employed, before it comes into effect. ce or-Snow - Go Slow winter equipment - lighits, brakes, tire chains, defroster. windshield wipers, heater andI battery. OBITUÂRY DR. FRANK COLE Funeral servIce for Dr. Frank L. Cole, 68, Toronto dental spe- cialist, was at the Turner and Porte'- Yorke chapel, Bloor St. W., Toronto, Friday, Nov. 8. Interment was at Prospect com- etery. oc. Colo. who practised at the Medical Arts building. died at_ langer boums a! darkness. defec- tive car lightîng systoms, aind tbe dark clothing worn by many pedestrians. In wintem, no driver can ai- lard ta relax bis vigilance for one moment, day or night. Dr. Dymond urged ail Ontario drivers ta abserve the follaw- in r2: ules for sale winter driv- 1. Think for yourself, and at the same time be on the defen- sive for passible errors on tiie tpart af other drivers. 2. On snoxv and ice. go slow. Even with the limited aid ai snow tires, or the considemaby greatèr belp o! einfarced tire chains. speed must be educed on siippery oad surfaces. This new Bel Air 4-Door Sedan, l 3. Lengthen distance between vehicles. Wben you follow close ta the bumper of the ca" ahead, you are inviting a rear- end collision in case the lead- 1îng driver staps suddenly. 4. Give your signal ta turn well in advance, realizing that.5 the following drivers back oi you ne' 4 longer distances in wbich t ".stop on wintom roaci surfaces. 5. Wben You have te stop, use a light pumping action. Jam- ming brakes on may bock theni «'r -W and throw your vohicle out o!f 6. Maintain windshieId wipem ammas with adequate tension and have goad' blades for clear. streak-fmeo visibility. Yeu mustNe see whore yau're going. N i 7. When starting out, get the "feel" of the road by trying your brakes wbile driving slow- ly, away from traffic. As yau A FULLP continue, adjust youm speed ta changing road, weather and traffie conditions. 8.-Keep yaur vehîcle in ef- ficiont opemating condition, pay-N E1 ing special attention ta vital creasod profits, and an enhanc- ed reputation as a builder of quality bornes. Remember, electricity is the only cornpletè and universal energy, it is the only energy which will provide for tbe safe, convenient and cpmfortable way afillue xvich Canadians have become accustomned ta. Lot us not retumn ta the so-called good oid days by rememberîr.g that, while gas bas undoubted- ]a place in our-general econ- amy. electricity for domestic use has many adv antagos flot avail- able in other fuels. In line witb tbe concept that the Electric Service League ;s the one agency common ta al af the industrv wbam, through its operations, is best equipped ta produce cancrete resuits on behaif of the industry, plans are being studied in order ta Jbroaden its scapeofaioporatior.s and ta render its services more effective in combating the pro- motional activities of the gas industry. If theso plans can be brought ta a successful conclu- sion real pmogress wil have been made toward -reaching this objective. The time has arrived when co-operative action is re- quired 50 'vaur support is rr!- spectfully solicited, concluded Mr. Duncan his CooksvMle home Nov. 25. Borniln Bowmanville. he ut- tended Borden Street school and Harbord collegiate in Toronto. HIe was graduated from the Royal College of Dental Sur- geons in 1917. He was on' the staff of the dental' college frorn 1919 until 195 2. HIe was a member of the Cooksville United churcli, the Masonic order and the Granite club. Dr. Cole is survived by bis widow. the former Clara Bean; a daughter, Mrs. S. Sîddle of Pe- terborough; a son, Donald B. Cale of Toronto, a sIster, Mrs. A. Stewart of Toronto. MO VIE REVIEW ROYAL THEATRE PERRI Thurs. - SaLt, bec. 4 - 6 Disney Speetacular (Technirolor) You've got to go, back as fart as ta the oarly Griffith, the. in- fallible director of whomn it came to be said of each picture as it camne along in soemingiy endless.order of release, "Grif- fith has done it again," to find a consistency so long maintain- ed, a standard so highly held, as Walt Disney's. And the thing it bas becomie regulation practice to say of each of bis .pictures as it comesi along iw seemiingly endloss and also endlessly varied release is a little diffrent-a little more« -than the thing that was said of the great Griffith; it is, "Dis- ney has done it agafn-and bot- ter." That is what the audience at1 the Academy Awards thoatre in Hollywood was saying of the great Disney last F'riday even- ing when bis priceloss "Perri." a life study of a squirre1, had run out its all otted 75 minutes of pure delight. Hi,% 'Terri" is flot an animal study in the splendid True-lifo Advonture series. He calis it "a true life fantasy," and he could have gone a step furtber, disponsing with *he word ,fantasy" altoge- thor. without violating the facts in the matter, for there neyer xvas a more accuratoly recorded, completely authenticatod life- story than the one the Disnev camneras tell of the first ful year. in the life of his heroinc. (Biography, if it weren't a stuf- fy Word, would be the one ta describe correctly the story told of "Perri.") This is, it should ho made cloar, no more frolic of a bio- graphy. It bas tragedy, fear, sorrow, catastrophy and misery in it, as well as glee, gaiety an.d good humar. The first trag.,è shock to folks who expect only happiness of Disney stories cornes early in the stary when the baby Perri's father givos býs life to save the family in their nest. (The great Griffith would have applauded this, earl.v kill- ing off of a loved character. ir WMat Others Say FLIGHT 0F IMAGINATION L.M., in the Irish Digest An uncle who dlaims to be the best shot in the world took me out for the first time. Sudden- ly, a lone phegtsant flew over- head. "Watch how the old master the interests of audience sus- pense thereafter, for it wvas one of his most. cherished devices. Tragedy and great drama strike often thereafter, flot always at Perri herseif, and flot always fatally, but always quickly, sav- agely, fiercely, and always with tremendous dramatic impact. The story, based on the book by Felix Salten, covers in de- tail and over-ali the life of all the animais and birds, flowers and trees, streams and stream- life in a certain section of forest ini the Utah-Wyoming countrv for one full year. It took nine master - cinematographers two full years to photograph it, and no synopsis from these keys is going to undertake to brief it. The picture was produced and narrated by Winston Hibler, whose narration, from his owr rhymed prose, is perhaps the finest narration ever given a motion picture. Direction is by N. Paul Ken- worthv, Jr., and Ralph Wright, and the writing is by the latter and Hibler. Songs. which have a good deal ta do with charm of the produc- 1 tion, are bv George Bruns. Paul1 Smith, Gîl George, Wright and, Hibler.1 "Perri" is a great picture, a mnagnificent picture, f6r every- body in the famly-every fam- ily-everywhere. bags one", he said as he tooli careful aim and fired. , But the bird flew on-unharmed. My unele watched in shocked silefice. then lowered his gun. and said: "Larry, you are wit- nessing a miracle. There files a dead pheasant.» BOWMANVI LLE BOY SCOUTS pAPER DRIVE Starting ai 6 p.m. FRIDAY, DEC. 5th Citizens are requested to have their old papers and magazines tied in bundies and placed on the boulevards in front of their homes. Your co-operation is appreciated. ike ail '39 Chevvies, lias saler, easier rofling T>'rex cord tire& Value ICH EVROLET and Mofe Spac1olnsIBodies by Fisher SERIES OFf ELEGANT IMPALA MODELS ~IITHHIIFT O INTHIODUCED New Magic-Mirror Finish on ail Models NEW V8 PERFORMANCE & DURABILITY Vastly Increased Areas of- Visibiity New handling, riding and steering ease EVEN.SMOOTHER,- STEADIER FULL CDII SUSPENSION see the '59 models at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer "s c-a;,! ISAFE DRIVING WEEK I TINK DEC. 1-7 TINCSAFITIY A IL.TIMES COURTICE i I 1'- r 'J ROY W. -NICHOLS BOWMANVILL% MURSDAlf, VrC. 4th, 1968 PACM Erti Tm emADUS . BOWMAuvni..& CMTAXM ...... .... At

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