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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1959, p. 9

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~?EUflSDAY, ,TAK. lut, 1959 ?~U eAN AflIAN RATE MAIL ~f>WMANVTLLE. OftARlO - ~Aam N~ .1urch, Ladies Organize . Ps ut Ma pie Grove iII&LE GROVZ-The ladies 'èT United Church of Maple ~~e.have been formed into rÏeles or groups to work ta belp maintain the Cburch and pro- i ote friendship in the commun- ity. Bey. Hsrold Stainton chose the head executive. comsisting of: Presldent-Mrs. Cecil Miii.; Secretary-Mrs. Harvey Brooks; Treasuren-Mis. Howard Brad- ley. The firsS meeting was held on ]Déc. 1, Pt the home ai Mrs. Gordon Beecb. The executive Of thit group will be: President -Mrs. Gardon Beecb; Vice- President--Mrs. Lawrence White; Secretary-Mrs. Dave Bothwell Jt.; 'Treasuer-Mrs. Ron Brooks. Trhis group whicb comsists of the ladies on No. 2 Highway from the ovenhead bridge east ta Souis Road West, and nortb où GraLvel PiS Rd., will hold their meetings the first Tuesday of each moth. The second meeting was held et the home af Mrs. Bert Snow- den oh Dec. 2. Executive af the Ér aup wIlI be: President-Mrs. Bert Snowdem; Vice-President- lirs. Jack Hunrie; Secretary- Nesileton Siailonl Holiday visitors %vere: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mairs and Ç rmfly, Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. ivan Mairs an.d family, Erin- dale and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs and family, Port Perry, wijth Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mairs. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bruce, Seagrave, and Mr. and Mrs. Ru- pert Byers, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Mr. &nd Mrs. Robert Ford, rLiýoZonto, with Mr. and Mrs. M4 Beth Proutt of Lindsay, John of Bowmanville and Don with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Efliot and David, and Dougie Davison of Waterloo College with Mr. and Mrs. R. Davison and Mr. and Mxrs. C. Gist. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams and farruly an.d Mr. and Mrs. Wlbfrd Vin and farnily with )Jr. and Mrs. George Bowers. Mies Dorothy Harris, Toronto, anid Mrs. George Forder with Mr. Andb Mrs. Jasi Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Freelove anrd Ted, Peterborough, and Mr. and Mns. Perce Huibert, Toron- to, with Arthur Huibert. .1 Mrs. Herman Samei, Messrs. Arthur Hyland, Herman Rod- rmar, Little Britain, and Non- man Lyorss, Uxbnidge, with Mn. andM M. Cecil Wilson. Caflers &150 were Miss Joyce Gnahamn, Mr. and Mrs. Richard VanCamp, 4nd Alfred Samneils andb Christ- ine af Bowmanville. nand Mrs. Herbert Hooey, et Tour Prico r Tour Liveslock through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phono MA 3-3303 -'M PNT aIf it's fit for a king OMeen und princes, too If', a cinch aur milk Mokes a hif with you. Mn*. Joan Rue; Treasurer- Mrs. Ken -uhnke. This group consists oh the ladies north o! the highway with the exception of Gravel Pit Rd., and will hold their meetings on the third Thursdag of each month. The tird meeting was held on Dec. 15 at the home ai Mrs. Clifford Swallow. The executive of thi. group will be: Presdn -Mrs. Clifiord Swallow; ie President-Mits. William O'Neil; Secretmry - Mn.. Cunningham; T-easurer-Mrs. S. Morton. Thisi group consists of the ladies ioutb ai the highway and will hold their meetings on tbe first Momday of each moth. Each gnoup will be named at their firsS officiai meeting. The highway grToup wiil hold their firsS meeting at the home ai Elizabeth White an Tueàday ev- ening. A joint meeting ai the tbree groupa ill be beld aS thé cburch an the third Thurs- day of Januany at 8 o'clock. We simcerely hape ' "iat the ladies ai Map le Grave United Church wiil considen this an invitation ta came and join in aur effort ta betten aur cbunch and com - munity. Mrs. Jas. Farder, Mn. and Mrs. George Walfe, Brian gnd John jwith Mr. and Mns. Harry Mc- Lmughlln and Lawrence. Lawen- ence lef t ta spend New Years witb iniends in Nova Scotia. Mn. and Mrs. Neil Werry Car- ol and Lsrny and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bmiley with the Grant Thompsons. Miss Rase Mauntjoy xith Mn. and Mn-ý. Lorenzo Mountjoy. 1 Mn. and Mns. Jas. McMullen and Carl, Mn. and Mrs. Maur- ice Samelis and Sharon with Mr. andb Mrs. L. Hyland. Mns. W. E. Beacock, Miss Olive Beacock, Mns. Tanves, Mn. and Mn.. John Beacack, Mn. aspd Mn.. Tom Cale, Oshawa, and Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Beacock and iantily, Part Penny, with Mn. and Mn.. Lloyd Beacock and famiy. Mr. and is. Bob Prossen, Randy and Ricky, with Mn. mmd Mrs. Keith Haoey, Port Perry, and Mr. and !Mns. George Pros- ser. Mn. and Mn. Harold Craw- fond, Ben ancb Steven, wlth Mn. and Mr.. Ivani Crawford, Osh- awa, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Crawfond, Orono. Mr. and !Mn.. E. Wood wlth Mr. and Mnu. C. Harvey and Mr. and Mn.. W. Smith, Toronto. hMn.. Grant Thomp- son with Mrs. W. H. Johnstan, Pefferlaw, snd. Mn. and mns. Russel Francis, Beaventon. Mr. and Mns. Chas Gist with Mn. ansd Mns. Francis Giat and family, Laing. Mn. andb Mn. Carl ElUott and David with Mn. andb Mrs. Harold Elliat sndb family, Leaskdale. Mn. and Mn.. Bruce Heaslip with Mn. andb Mn.. Wiley Mc- Keown and famîily, Mono Road. Mn.. Nelson Marlow with Mn. and Mn.. Frank Symnons ancb family, Bowmanvllle. Mr. andb Mn. Donald Thomp- son, Mn. and Mns. Jim Fallisanmd family with. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bradburn sncb family. Mn. and !Mn.. George Bowers witb Mn. andb Mr.. Lomnie Chap- man, Paul and Jimnule, North bay. Mns. Mildred Colley, Patnieia, Ly'nda andb Vinginia, with Mr. and Mn. Philip Lanugfeld and girls, Taronto. Heather returned for a holiday with the Colley girls. Mrs. S. McKee andb Miss Mur- icl with Mn. mmd Mn.. Ray Bar- ber, Countice. Miss Muriel left Sa sPend thie New Year holiday with Misses Hazel and Rhoda McKee in New York City. 1& v. and Mn. .Ronald Camp- aio Elliot Lake called on 1, Xiids in the village mmd visit- ed with Mn., ad Mrs. Herron at the Manse. Mn. and Mns. Manvin Nesbitt were gucsts of Mn. and Mn.. John Beacock. Mn. and Mrs. Oliver Robrer, Warr ~-nd Douglas visited in Mitchll a>ànd Tillsombung. Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Rabrer ndc ismily celebnated with the Nor- man Rohrer immily. Sympathy i. extended ta Mn.. Ivan Proutt and family in the deatb ai ber fathen, Mr. Harny Tornance, Lindsay. 6 We are pleased ta know Chris- tine Supple wms able ta neturn home mter spending thnee day. in Part Penny Hospital with pleurisy. Congratulations ta Mn. amd Mrs. Percy Hulbent wha were mannied the day mter Christ- mas. 1Yuletide Wedding at Trinity In a Yuletide setting in Trinity United Church, Helen Ruth Cole was united in marriage with Grant Stephen Herron on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 20, 1958. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. John Douglas Cole of Bow- manville, and the late Mr. Cole, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Herron of Courtice. -Photo by Ireland Studio, Oshawa JIERRON - COLE A bridai basket of white cbrysanthemums flamked with standards ai the same fneslî fiowers and decorated Christ- mas trees formed the setting in Trinity United Churcb, Bow- manville, fon a weddimg an Sat- unday aitermoon, Dec. 20, when Helen Ruth Cole, daugbter ai Mrs. John Douglas Cale of Bow- manville, mnd the late Mn. Cale, was united in marniage with Grant Stephen Henron, son of Mn. amd Mn,. John Hemry Hen- non oh Countice, Ontario. The Rev. William K. Houslanden pcnfarmed the double ring cene- many, and Mn. Arthur Coilison, cbunch orgamist. played the weddimg music. Mn. Ras. Met- calf ai Bowmmnville, sang "Thie Weddîng Prayer", "The Lord'. Pnayer" and "The Wedding Hymn.Pu Given in marriage by ber uncle, Mn. Ernest Werry ai En- miskillen, theu bride walked clown the white canpeted aisle, the pews on eitben side beimg deconated witb timted rcd chrys- anthemums amd sprmys ai .11- vered Christrnaq tnee boughs, alsa white satin ribboms. For the occasion she wore a full length gown ai gardenia white silk velvet sweepimg into a cincular train, desigmed with slim bod- ice havimg a round neckline and long lily point sîceves. The gracehul sklirt billowed over s crinoline. A white velvet crown held ber double tiered waist length veil ai tulle illusion, and she carried a cascade ai starlighit white nases cemtered witb Christmas ned carnations. Mn.. Robent Emberson ai Guelph, Ontario, was matron ai hanor ian ber sister and the other attendants *er-e Miss Jean Cale, the bride's sister, and Betty Gibson, bath of Bowmmm- ville; misa Mrs. Frank Lucas ai Petenborough, cousin ai the bridegroom. They ail worm identical waltz lengtb gowms of hally red silk velvet styled on princes. lines witb round meck- limes, long sheath sîceves amd biliawimg skints. Matenial irnrn their gowns iasbîomed their mushroom bats and shirrcd mufis, which were crcsted with clusters ai white chrysanthe- mnums. Miss Sandra Werry, small cousin ai the bride. was ilowen girl. wemning a short fui] skirt- cd frock ai gandemia white ,ilk velvet taving s sash and bustie baw ai hollv ned velvet. Shie worc a white velvet bandeau. with red flawer trimmimg, and ELIZABETH VILLE Our Sumday Sebool bad a pot luck supper folawed by Christ- mas tree and Concert ior the îyoungsters af the Commurtity. About 50 saS clown ta supper aiten which Rcv. Wright bac! a film fan the cblîdren faliowed with a nunuben given by,.each class in the Sunday school. Ana- then film wvas seen aS tic close. Santa distributed gifts and can- dy bag.. Since aur school burn- cd, bh ai ofthe childrem bave been sent ta Beech Hill the other bah ta Osaca. Each school had a smail aftermoan concert on Thunday and Fniday respec- tively. On Manday last week the 4-H club girls beld their ,meeting in the basement ai the church. Miss -Lampman, Home EcSonmit. yiâetd with a Thé she tae earried a ahlrred mnuff af holly nec! velvet cnested with clusters of white chrysanthe- mums. Mn. Liritar Heran oi Osh- awa was best mmn fan bis bro-, ther, anid the ushens wcre Mn. Allin Cale ai Bowmanville, brother ai the bride, Mn. Régin- ald Hîliman oi Toronto, cousin ai the bnidegroom, amd Mr. Ken- neth Tink of Bowmanville. Týue neception was held in the Sunday Sceel roams ai Trin- ity United Church, where the bnide's mother received thie guests wearnmg an afternoon dness ai mist blue siik crepe with matching chiffon accents, a bat ai sapphlre blue velvet having a mnatching feathen brim, and corsage of shel Pink chrysamthemums. Assistimg was the bridegroam's; mothen who chose delphinium blue satin brocade, gney squirrcl peck- piece, small bat ai sllvened dus- Sy Pink and corsage of Pink carnations. Mn. Houslanden as master oi cenemomies oiiened grace, and the toast ta the bride was pro- poscd by Mn. Ernest Wenry, ne.spanse made by the bride- groom, who in tun tossted the bnidal attendants, wblch was responded ta by Mr. Linton Herrori. White tulle iarmed the setting for the thnee tien wed- ding cake flmnked with white tapera in crystal cancilelabra centcning the bridai table. Ar- rangements oi red chrysanthe- I muras with mmtcbimg candies graced the tables for the guests, and the wedding dimnen was senved by Tynone friendI3 ai the bride's mother. Followimg the reception the guests were en- tentaimed aS the home af the bridc's mothen, Ontanio Street, Bowmanville. For the honeymoon trip ta Flonida, the bride travelled in a princess lime dress ai tur- quoise French woal with match- img bat and she worc the bride- gnoom's. git, a bnown musknat fur jacket. A corsage ai white chnysanthemums completed her ensemble. On thein returm the couple will reside in Courtice. Guests were present irom Pc- terboro, Toronto, Courtice, Osh- awa amd many other Ontario points. The bride is a graduate of Peterborough Teacherc' Col- lege, and teaches at South Sinu- coe Street School, Oshawa, andi the bridegroom is conm,,t,.-, with the Psy Department of Gemeral Matons ai Canada, Limited, Oshawa. girls goS their skints cut out. Lunch was senved. Most oi the children are borne 1 for holidays. Also Miss Benyl Thicksom and Alan Mercen, Ton- onto. Mn. snb Mre. Jackson Pea- cock and boys are speniding the holiday with bis parents Mn. an~d Mn.. V. Peacock. Mr. Jackson Peacock le head aof the History Dept. in- Kapus- kasing High School. Mr. sndb Mn.. Sam Moore, Toronto, mrrived Tuesday te spend a couple oi days with Mn. and Mrs .Thickson. Miss Donna Mercer, Tononto, also arrivcd home ta apend a few days with ber parents Mn. andc Mrs. O. Mercer. Rev. Wright conducted Christ- mas services lut Sunday sndb New Year's services Dec. 28. He spoke en Missions on Sun-, day. We &U mnJor the ntices Iwhlch ho has been mailing weekly ta tell us, what goes on throughout the circuit as well as what is coming. Congrega- tional Meeting for here will be Jan. 7 at 8 o'clock. Ail the 111gh School students are ta be congratulated 'on their standings, especlally Danlene 'ýT ick onwho headed ber class Chriatmàs Visitors: M~r. and Mrs. H. Quantrili and family with ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott, Oshawa. IMr. and Mrs. V. Peacock wt M.and Mrs. Honey, Markham. IMr. and Mrs. White and boys 'with her fatnily Mr. and Mrs. Hye, Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mercer and family with ber sister and famn- !ily, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Minis, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Beatty with Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty for jChristmas dinner, aiso Mr. H. WVhite. IMrs. Walters and Mrs. Smith Iwith -Mr. and Mrs. H. Muldrew. Mn. and Mrs. W. Lewko at Thickson's. The iollowing held Christ- Imas and had most of their fam- ilies home for the celebration: Mn. and Mns. Harvey Muidnew, Mr. and Mrs. W. Longyear, Mr. an'd Mrs. Wilbert Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Russel White, Mn. and Mrs. O. Mencer, Mn. and Mns. H. Thickson, Mr. and Mns. Mc- Allister, Mn. and Mrs. Oscar Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Howard White. Mr. E. and Miss Mary Poyell had a Christmas dinner in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. Stick. Mr. and Mns. E. Lockwood and family, Toronto, called at Thicksonm. 7Th-ey spent the holi- day with their parents, Mn. and Mrs. H. B. Lockwood. BtRK TO Ikilfléd buantly and his ar w 1 son of Russell Griffin of Ennla. Christmas viaitors wlth Mns. killen. R. Davey were Mrs.. Mn. and Mrs. Erie Simpaon Sam Grant, Oshawa. and fainily spent Sunday visit- Mrs. Florence Caughill, Mes. ln~ relatives in Orlind. sr&. Chester and William Hos.- ýri,*tma.s visitora wlth Mr. kins, were Christmas dinner and Mrs3. Merle Hubbard were guests of Mr. and Mn.. John Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Vigar, Non- Sinclair and family. wich, Mn. and Mrs. Charles Gib- Mrs.- John Carter was Christ.I bons and Greg, Toronto. mas inne gust o herson Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bradburn, meras d d Mn rs.ue t er ow-Mn. and Mn..John Archr, Galeore and Mrs. Carter W- ene Sunday visitors of Mr. matunle. ter hmns. Carer and Mr§. John Walton. she nteraine herfamiy at Sorrv to report that Mrs. Wni. seetetainb er hom wht ere 1 15 a n the sick list supper. Th-e family included, j gain. Mr. and Mrs. George Carter The côrnmunity was sadden. and childrèn, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. ed hy the sudden passing of Mr. Carter and chlldren, Whitby1 Bert, Dean, in Oshawa General Mn. and Mrs. Kerneth Cangili1 Hospital on Saturday, Dec. 27. and baby, Toronto. and Fred. 1 Mr. Dean bas neot been enjov- Mr. and Mrs. t. M. Adafis ing good health, but bis illness spent Christmas with Mr. Snd was net consîdered ta be grave Mrs. Ed Cochrane, Raglan. until Friday, when he seemed Mrs. Esther Carnochan wasta be suffering from an attack hostess an Christmas Day ta of the 'flu. When hi, conditiautl Mr. and Mrâ. Wm. Stephen~son and farnily, Mn. and Mrs. Stan McCullough and family, Mr. John McCullougb, Mr. James Trick, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Harvey,g Oshawa, apent Christmas with Mrad Mrs. A. J. Turnbull ThanIftZ Mr. and Mrs ogLnad family spent Christmnas with To you in 15f relatives in Osbawa. Mrs. Ethel Bryan spent On this its Christmas with Mr. and Mri Orville GÉéer, Oshawa. l 5 eh Christmas visitors with Mnr.~9w and Mrs. R. Bane were: Mr. n iyy and Mrs. John Bell, Cobourgn myy Mr. and Mns. George Lawson, xe ihE and cbildnen. Mr. and Mrs.Eolwt George Wallen and Nancy, al of Mrkham. A tragic accident taak the life af Reg. Griffin on Christ- AK ' mas Day, when bis car was struck by the Dayliner car as 73 Scugog St. he was crossing over the rail- way tracks. Mr. Gniffin wasi Plain or Pimente 8 oz. pkg. C bateau Cheese Richmello - Handy Cheese S lices Christie's lRitz Biscuits 8 oz. pkg. 8 oz. pkg. 35c 29e 25c CRACKER BARREL CHEESE Old Cheese Mild Cheese 12 oz. Wede 9C 12 oz. Wedge Medium CheeseW ,dg wornnd, ho wau takmn *0 Osh. awa General Hosplta4 li a state oe uncanzclousneas. H. régaïn , consclousness and to a» appearances seemed ta be recovering. Ris death bas corne as a great chock toa ai whe knew hlm. He leaves ta mourli his loai, hie wlfe, and two sons, Bert and Tommy, his parents, Mr. and Mrà. Russell Dean. and one brother, Arthur. His brother George predeceased him two years ago. WANTED DNad. Cid and Cïippied FARbM STOCK Plélca hp Free ofCharte 24 limer Service Phone Collect Cobourg PR 2-3721 Peterborough RI M0280 NICK PECONI Petérbèreugb - Ont 9 a 58I 11.we Say: very Iast day. iope to do wel ,ui, cal, SHELLI eGARAGE MA 3-3231 .51C New Year's Party Sggestions 39c FRESH PRODUCE California No. 1, Snow White - Size 14'. ,Cauliflower, each 33c Florida No. i Green Pascal - Crisp, Tender - S Celery Stalkcs 2for The Famous "Ocean Spray" Brand Cranberries lb. pkg. Crisp, Red Celle Radishes 2 pkgs. Firm, Snaw White SParsnips pg Ontario Grown No. 1 .... . ..... Turnips 23c .25C 19C For Holiday Entertainlng watson's 9% oz pkg. 4 oz. pkg. Potato Chips 49C 25c. Spreads easily, evenly Kraft - Plain 16 oz, jar Cheez Whiz 59c, .yack'§ y oz. pkg. Chedarettes 25c Stock up on Bread Richniello White 24 oz. loaf Sliced Bread 18C Tilbest - Salted 16 oz. cello bag' Blanched Pean uts 49c Freshly Ground lb. pkg. Richmello Coffee 71éc Serve "Tea" over the holiday Richmello - Orange Pekoe Pkg. of 30 Pkg. of 60 Tea Bags 35c 65c, Imported - Norwegian - ln 011 %'s tiin Billionnaires Sardines 2 for 3 9c Sunkist - Concentrate Lemon Juice Coronation - Crispy White Onions Gattuso - Broken Scalad Olives Aylmer Sweet Gherkin Pcnie - Sweet kMixed Pickle 6 oz. tin 2Ifor 19C 12 oz. jar 35c 16 oz. jar 16 oz. jar 33c 29c 25c 's 16 0z. jar OMINIO..I I j 1' Canned Fruit & Vegetableî-, Green Giant Brand - Fancy - 14 or. tin Niblets Corn I for 37c Green Giant - Llngraded - 15 o& tin Fancy Peas 21for3 5c Horsey Brand 15 oz. tin Grapefruit Sections 2for 43c Libby's Brand - Fancy 13 oz. tin Fruit Cocktail 29c ~-j) j MAMMOT H SUNDAY NIGHT WES TERN JAMBOREE HillbiIly, Western, Camedy and Rock 'n' RBl Na need ta sit at home folks Corne and bring your friends to Club Bayview Whitby Every Sunday Night Special Bus ai 7:45 p.m. from Dowmaavillo $hmw Starts 8:30 pm. Free Parking JAN. Ist, 1059 Tm cAPADlAu eTATzsýux. nowmAsvn.Lr. oNTAiuo PAM mm F

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