>-tr-r -n. - r-- -w -..,-,~ -- -,-- -- -~ v. THMSAN, A!N. lut,1050 A ew weeks ago a groupI tions cou: .5et 'after a warship service in Mr. Ewa: 'V4e Sioh Unitedi Church anti Orme Fal isussed the question o! what R. R., wo could be donc ta bring finan- cominga cia) aid to a young man, Bobby resohutia> Falls, who is in the Bowman- the como ville Hospital seriously injuneti thanks t( as the result o! a car accident. raise the As an outeame af that im- une far pramptu gathering, the minis- tions. ThE ter, Rev. R. C. White, was ask- cd foc Uh eti ta cunvene a public meeting. On mat A meeting was helti in the this amoi Starkville School anti the Bob- iteti in th by Falls Benefit Funti was or- Orono. ganizeti. known Mr. Ewart Robinson was Benefit electeti as chairman and Mr. Falls wa,, Orme Falls as secretar.y. Co- trustee lectons wcne appoInted ta sal;- (Laten b, cit donations from the variaus Falls ahl districts anti areas. countersiý On Tucsday, Dcc. l6th trie the comr atijourneti meeting reassembîcti and the collectons bnought in The fo their îists af names anti tona- contnibul tions. tnibutei:- It was decideti that contribu- Na. 1( STUART R. JAMES INSURANCE REAL ESTAT! Residence MA 3-5493 Bowmnanvillt Klung Street E. Orono, Mr. anti Rebecca Dr. anti Mrs. We Mr. anti1 Mr. anti Mr. anti No. 2, lowell,1 Arthur 1 l'H? fA N7A fl? A MA','A resu A W fv A L ON.1. IM? mACIt Vvm SM. tJC fwLon l CSa mp4 a 2TV AEn&L& W k çnllnw r-&-Yv Falis Dene fil Fund ulti stili be matie anti irt Robinson anti Mr. lls bath of Newtanville ruld recelve any forth- amounts. A unanimous en was adopteti by which riittee expresseti sincere to ail wha helpedti) ctotal amaunt ta a f ig- .beyond ahl expecta- he total amount repart- ,e Funti was $3,179.50. tian It was decitiet that rnunt shoulti be depos- he B.ank ai Commerce, The accaunt ta be as the Bobby Falls Funti. Mr. Leonard as ta be appointed as anti administratcor. by the request of Mr. 11 checks were ta be .gned by an officiai of imittee). llowing is the list o! ors anti amaunts con- Collecteti by Bill Reid, Ont. 1Mrs. Jack Reidi$ 30.00 Lotige. Orana 25.00 Mrs. Taggart-- 5.00 es Elliott- 5.00 Mfrs. O. W. Rolph 10.00 1Mrs. H. Hooey 5.00 1Mrs. Bill Reidi 25.0 Collecteti by Ross Hal- Bowmanvilie, Ont.: Falls -------------- $ 5.00 Lavenne Souch 5.00) Rloss Hailowel 5.00 Mcs. J. E. White 5.00 Sam Smith ---------------- 5.0 Hugh Kelly - - it Herb Gilmer 5.00 Harry Farrow . 2.00 W. Lang ----- 2.00 Siti Nichais - ~2.00 Ceci) Vanatta --------- - 2.0j Theotioce Stephen,3..- 1.00 Na. 1 Coliected by John Thompson Milt. Robinson, Bill Turansky, Roy Fosten anti Ar- thur Thompson, Kendal, Ont.: Etina anti Milton Robin- son .-- ------------------ $15-00 Allen Foster 20.00 Wm. Jackson .2(0.00 Blake Alexandier . 50.00 Mrs. Wm. Meccer 10.00 Hatcher Faster 10.00 W. Tebble 2.00 Bert Hoilanti---- 1.00 Miss Burns 1.00 John Carscadtien _ 2.00) Fred W21rren -------- 5.00 Mrs. Joe Mvartinchl 1.00 Pontypoo) Baker ---- 1.00 Fnank Miller 1.00 Sam Seanl ------------- 1.00 Mns. James Swarbrick - 1.00 Mrs. Frank Stoker 1.00 Gardon Langs ta!! - 1.00 Roy Slcep ----- 5.00 Mrs. Idia Marlatt ___ 20.00 Fred . Cox ---- 5.00 Sam Geach----------- - 5.00 Mrs. Mary Luxon - 5.00 Albert Morton ------ 1.00 N. Barristow - . 1.00 Wellington Farrow - 10.001 Boughen Family 5.001 L. Harris ______ 5.001 Lawrence Farrow - 5.00 C. A. Glenney - 1.00 Coe DeWith 5.001 E. Couroux -_____ 5.00 Norman Troat ____ 5.00 IDon Vinkle -__ 2.00 No. 2, Collecteti by John Wilfreti Woodi 2.00 Thompson, Milt. Robinson, Bill Shiîoh W.A. - *______ 25.00 Turansky, Roy Foster anti Ar- Mrs. Frank Stone___ 15.00 thur Thompsan, Kential. Ont. Vern Stone ___ 15.00 Roy Foster ~ 20.00 J. McNab 2.00 W. Turansky 20.00 Cecil Carveth 5.300 James Hoy 10_____î.0() Rev. & Mrs. Pike 5.00 Wm. Hov- _____ 30 Morley Robinson- 25.00 L. Greenwood __ 2.00,Mrs. Wannan & Jean 5.00 J. B. Thompson 2.00 Coilecteti by Hugh Stapleton: J. Stapleton 5.00 r. .Ugo 1o R. McMacken1'00MsW.Ulwm George Mercer ~2 flOI Mrs. Ruby Reidti--- 3.00 B. Miigan - 300o Mr. Lloyd Clystiale 5.00 Charlie Ross 50 Mrs. J. T. Pearce 1.00 R. Wilson _____ 2.0jRey. R. C. White 5.09 C. Thertell _ 500,( Mrs. Rena Millican - 1.00 A. DePaepe 1.00ouMr. Gordon Martin 10.00 Charlie Gay _________ Stanley Jones 5.00 Kendal W. 1. 5.0A,.eM.Jones ___-10.00 John Henderson - 2.00 Melville Samis 10.130 G. Metcaife 1.00()Newtonville W.I. 215.00 Gus Wilson 5.00__ so Howardi Elliott 2.00 James Luzon 5.00lo Jack Kimbaîl 5.60 Jack Carscadden 10.00j Wm. Stapieton 5.00 Fred Boyti------ 5.00) Cecil Stapleton 5.00 Lloyd Glass 10.00 Jas. Imiach -.~ 5.00 A. Low --------____-- s ouI Jack Cornish . ..5.00 Wess Cathcart 2.00 !Wtt. A. Hallawell - 5.00 Ross Patton - ---- - 5ý-00 Wiiiis Farrow 5.00 Ted Watts 2 00 Ros.s Brown--- 5.00 Joe Popvitch M Clin tan Brown --- ---- 5.006 Bil____ - ----- D. Wayne Eliiott 2.0 BiHd Curis 500 Sidney Brown . 5.00 Mrs. L. Boyti 2.J00 Donald MeDonalti 1.501 Athur Saper 3.t) - H. W. Stapieton ---- --10.00 Ray Hughýs -----1.00 Tracy Embiey --- 5.00 Bill Lewko -.(__~ 0))C. R. Farrow----------- --- 10.00 Vernon Peacock 10.0 Murrav Porter ---i---1.00 Howard Quantril .ç(, Mrs. G. McCuliaugh 1.00 Russel White 5.,)() Anthony Ton--------------- 2.00 Milford White ..2,00 Murra >v Barrie --- ---- 2.00 M. McCaliister - 5.00 C-. Lane_.------------------- -5.00 Reuben Beatty 2.00 Caliecteti by Mrs. Percy No. 3 Coliecteti by 'John Harris: Thoinpson, Mult. Robinson, Bill- Mrs. Agnes Boyd 2.00 Turansky. Ray Foster anti Ar- Mrs. Ames ------------ .59 thur Thompson, Kendal, Ont. Mrs. Eric Johnson----- 1.00 Ada Sec- îooMrs. L. S. Mikios 1 00 Roamss etty -- ---- --- 2.0 I .George IVW'ton 1.00 Ros Baty .5 Ms.Stanleý_ len 10.00 Jimmy Beatty ------- 2.50 IJ. Anderson 'ý3mith 10.00 Walter Longyear 2.00j Fran k Cooper ---------- - 5.00 Ken Saper ------------- 5.00 John Rickacd ---------- 5.00 Mel Wilson - --- 2.--- 0 Richard Lovekin --- 3.00 Carman Bell 5.00 Russell Honey............- -_2.00 Jack Elliott---------- - 6.00 Canadian Statesman: Alex Joncas 1.00 (John M. James) --- 5.00 Bruce Elliitt ----- 10.00 Ted Woodyard--- 5.09 IGeorge Palmer--- 2.00 Harv Jase------- 5.00 Bill W;nn 1.00 Albert Pearce -------2M0 Bob Winn 1.00 r.PryBon10 Neti Foster.1____- 00ooMr.NecytBro--n-1.00 Roy Mercer 1.0NCaenceAi ~10.00 Jae Garczynski ~2:00 Clarlece Al ----un ----- - 1.00 John Thompsan 20.00 Chr.Hlen Woo---------1.00 Ken Trew 2.00George Butler------------ -1.00 Richard Manning 1.00 Frank Hoar_.------ 5.00 B.en Hyr-------___ _12.00 j Mrs. Walter Riokarti .50 G. C.thcac - 5.00 Mrs. Pauline Storks 1 0 R. BL Hy .0 Mrs. Arthur Rednap 1.00 C.Ble .0Francis Jase -------- 2.50 Bihl Carey 5.00 W. R. Carveth---------- - 5.00 Reg Elliott ------ 5.00 Austin Turner--------- - 10.00 Mcs. L. Watters ------ 1.00 Newcastle Lionette 25.00 John andi Mary Baulke 2.00 Newvcastle Lions - . 25.0t) B. Watters ----- -------- ý Mrs. Everett Joli --- 5.00 Mary Garczynski200Mr. Lloyd Stephenson 2.00 Sarah Greenwoati 1.00 i r.W uke ------ 10 Carl Langstaff ~2.00 iMrs. W. Buorter----- 1.00 Velma Lawecy 1.00 Mrs' Merkiey Clark .50 Ruth Burley 1.00 Mrs' John Awde . 2.00 1. S. Margies 10.00 IW. F. Rickard--------- 5.00 Long Bros. 5.00 Archie Gienney --- 5.00 P. J. Hilîs _____ 1.00 Char-les Barkhause . 5.00 Lyall Carc 5.00 Mrs, George Fergusan -_ 2.00 Durham Motors____ 10:00 Mcs. G. J. Spicer Ray Martinell --____ 2.001 Toronto---------------- .500 Orley Trew-------- _ 2.00 M niMs .Ty Henry Sheppard - 1.00 lor Roseneath - --- ----. 10.00 Fred heelr . ----2100 Mr. andi Mcs. S. A.Sher- Elizabethville W. wnRaeneth0.00.0 Mrs. Annie Evans 5.00 Collecteti by Russell Savery: Perey Burley ------------ - -2.00 Chachie Bullock 2.00 No. 5, Collecteti bv John John Mercer------ 5.00 Thompson, Mult. Robinson. Bill Wm.' Savery 25.00 Turansky, Ray Foster, anti Ar-j Miss Perrin . 25.01) thur Thompson. Kendal, Ont.: Bill Morley --- 100.00, Cecil Tebble --------- Mrs. F. Bnimeambe Ben M atiil -.--------- John anti Roy Patton- Anson Gilroy -- ------ Frank Mikula Don Cathcact Mcs. C. anti A. Thomp- son. Martin Mandr Larcy Mantiers Harvey Weîmeir- 2.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 10.00 1.00 10.00 20.00 2.00 5.00 No. 3 Colîceteti by Ewart Rabinsc- i, Starkville, Ont.: Hacoldi Barroclaugh - John McMullcn anti D avid ..------- Fred Duchnez C. Zuber.......---- Delbert Fishiiegh Steve Liska----- Walter Klawanitz Wm. Trew - --- Boris Pantiof! Walter Fnonz Ajex Pandof Laverne Woodis--------- Newtonvilc Garage - Milton Wannan ------- 2.00) 5.00 1.00 1 00 4.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 5.00) 5.00 2.00 75.0 5.00 No. 4 cohiecteti by Morley Robinson, Starkvilie, Ont. 1 Gardon Trim John Stark Herb Reid --- - Clif! Fonk ____ Jim Stark Gea. Clark Cifiord Reidi- jAi!. Dobson ___ jA. L. Hooey Harvey Farrow A. Langstaf! - -- Noreen Prouse ---- Mrs. E. Prouse & Shas. Carl Pandaff ---- Lloyd Hallowcl Arthur McKay Bert Trim ------ Warren Carson Ken Andircws Llew Hallowell Howardi Farrow --- Reg. Falls ----- Mrs. Eva Farrow - Siti Ha]howefl Les. Reidti - ------ R. Hollingsworth Frank Hale --- -- Miss B. Hallowell Lamne Peaden-- Joe Jihieson Cecil Robinson Bill Hale............------- ,N& Mrs. Chas. Hait- les arg.Hoît Geo. James ------------ Brian Caswel.--- Mike Shutka ---- Miss N. Hallowel Ambrose Robinson- Katie Stewart Lorne Totit---. Mr. anti Mrs. Ahbin -- Helen HalloweIl 10.0-1 25.00 10.00t 10.00 25.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 2.t0 20.00 2.00 10.00 10.00( 5.00 4.00 50.00 25.00 1.00 5.00 100.00 5.00 5.00) 2.00) 10.00 15.00 1.00 2.00 100:00 10 Ou00. 10:001 1.00 -20.00 5.00 2.00 100.00 1.00 25,00 5.00 1.001 10.00 Pete Kessley Wilbert Ogden D. Liznik ____ Ewart Robinson - Sam BRoyko Jim Brown Tony Vasilof Helen Kaczorowski- Fred Totit Orme Falls Harolti Souch ____ Albert Souch - ---__ Hugh Westheuser Marjoaie Westheuser- Herb Paetien. Clarence Gilmer - Fred Rypstra John McKelvey W. Wybenga.......----- Viola anti Elva Muitirew Harry Waie ------ - *Russell Savery -___ Lawrence Hoaey Mr. H. Bonathan - P. Hare -----_--- M. Wahker------- Howardi Quinney Seltion Parker.---- Mrs. Edith Ferguson Mr. Ray Gooie ---- Mrs. J. Baskecviiie -Mrs. Fathergili -- Mcs. W. J. Clemens Miss Fergusan Mrs. Awtie ___ Mrs. Mîlls-on.---- Mrs. George Allin Mrs. Ed Hoar - Mrs. Nettie Butler Mr. Heatly......---- Mr. Lamne Johnson Mrs. Rutiman ----- Mr. Hawarti Toms Miss E. Lackhart Mr. Sowden---- Brentan Riekarti- Kari Weyrîch----- Mrs. Doreen McLean- Marilyn Walton ----- Loueiha Bastock --- Mabel Cobbietiick Emma Lunn------ Mrs. V. Stapleton Kay Kimbaîl ---- May Sinclair ------- Eve Bonathan ----- Mrs. Duval ------- Otia Laing---- June Alîtireati------ Mrs. D. Shaw -- ----- Muriel Patton---- Ruby Brunt -------------- Jean Britton ---- Mrs. H. Mercer --- Mr. W. L. King -- Mrs. George Smith William Beman ----- Mrs. Parker -- Mrs. --Philip Ruth Hancock Mrs. Thorne Mrs. Rogers - ___ Frank Parker -__ Mcs. Scott Mrs. Rinch Mrs. Farrow ----- Mrs. Dickinson------ Mrs. Irvine Colwill Mrs. Irvine Allin Mr. Law - ---- Mrs. Tom Wallace Dariene Bowen -- M r. Fisher -------- --- J. H. Lawery- Tom Lowden --- --------- Pearl and Gertie McMul- len ----- Mr. McQuinn ----- Carl Tamblyn---- Bihl Wannan - Orono Redi Cross John Murphy -------- Brenton Farrow Percy Farrow - Carl Totiti Lawrence Savery Wm. Robinson--------- Bob anti Geralti Marjer- rison------------- Wilfred Paeden Lorne Perrault - Mrs. C. Tennant Mrs. M. Linton Siti Lancaster 10.'00 5.001 1.00 85.90 5.4,0 5.00 5.00 10.00 '15.0 25.00 50.00 .50.00) 2.00 25.00 5.00 20.0 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 50.00 10.00 2.00 5.0f) 2.00 2.00 50 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 .25 2.00 1.00 .50 1.0 5.00. 1.00 26)0 1.00 .25- 5.00) 25.00 1.00 .50 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 1.001 1.00 L.O0 2.00 1.00 1.00 1..0 2.00 2.00> 1.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 10.0o .50 1.00 1.00 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00) 2.00 2.00 .50 .50) 1.00 5.00 10.00 1.00 10.00 1.00 5.00 10.00 50.0 40.00 10.00 20,.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 2 .00 10.00 10.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 $3,179.50 Fresh Tomatoes, Corn Beans, Grown in Yukon Mouth-watering corn on the cob, juicy ripe tomatoes, tasty garden beans-that's enough ta make any man lick his lips. Serve 'em in the Yukon anti they make a meal fit for a king. IJader Plastic Fresh vegetables were on the menu at Whitehorse this ycar. They wece grawn untier two- gauge polyethylcne plastiecocv- ereti shelters at the Fetieral Ex. perimental Fanm there. It was the first time since the farm was estabhisheti in 1945 that corn reacheti matunity for table use. While tests were preliminary, they indicateti that certain tend- er crops may be grown in, the Yukon. Plastic shelters provitie wanmer air anti soul tempera- tures. less soil moisture lnqq constructed, with a door at anc endi anti a ventilator opcning at the other. A soi) heating cable was instalcti in the garden plot o! anc. For comparison purposes, two open plots were useti also-onc with a soil heating cable anti the other without. Langcst yield o! ripe tamatoes was obtaincti fnom the plastic- covereti shelter with the heat- ing cable. Corn produceti more small cars than manketable ones. Beans tievelopeti welh untier these conditions, pcobabhy because of the heat anti reduceti light. TYRONE through evaparation, and pro Mr. andi Mrs. S. Rahm andi tection from late spring anti chiltiren, Blackstock, Mr. andi early fall frosts. Mrs. S. Hall and chiltiren at Heater Used Arthur Rahm's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs% and Two tent-shaped shelters were b:oys, Mr. and I4rs. Richard Gibbs and family, Mr. anti Mrs. THERE'S A SONG IN THE AIR Thamas Gibbs and Chas. Bruce, There*s a songz in the air at The Jae.czyn's for Christmas. There's a star ini the kl Mr. and Mrs. R. Clapp visit- There's a Mther's deep ry, ed Mr. ànd Mrs. Gardon Clapp, And Bay's w ryerBelleville, for Christmas. They Andtlte star rains its fire while were guests of Mr. anîd Mrs. Ihe beautiful si-g C. D. Hodgson, Bowmanville. For the manger of Bethlehem Mrs. Florence Scott spent cradies a King. Christmas with Mr. andi Mrs. James Graham, Bawmanville. Ther&'s a tumuit of jay Congratulations ta Mr. andi O'er the wanderful birth, Mrs. Haralti Skinner on their For the Virgmn's sweet boy 35th Wedding Anniversary. jIs the Lord of the earth. Mr. and Mrs. H, Philp, Miss Ay! the star rains its fire while Jean Philp, Mr. and Mrs. Da- beautiful sing, vidi Phasey and Wayne, were For the manger of Bethlehem dinner guests ai Mr. andi Mrs. cratiles a King! Gerald Philp, Morganston. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood! In the light of that star and family, Ken Chamberlain Lies the ages impearled;, anti Vivian, Oshawa, Miss And that song from afar Phyllis Maynard, Bowmanville, Has swept over the world. Mrs. W. Miller, with Mr. and Every hearth is afiame, and the Mrs. Roy Maynard. beautiful sing, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspell, In the homes o! the nations Grant anti Gwendolyn, attend- that Jesus is King! eti a Christmas party at Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspell's, Zion, andi We rejaice in the iight, an Christmas Day were guesis Anti we echo the sang of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reynalds, That cames down thraugh the Port Hope. night Mrs. Maude Harris, Whitby,j Fram the heavenly throng. I Mrs. G. Speight, Oshawa Mr. Ay! we shout ta the lovelv anti Mrs. Don Stainton anti evangel they bring,- sons, anti Mr. Luther Stainton, Anti we greet in His cradie aur were Christmas guests ai Mr, Saviaur and King! and Mrs. Henry Stainton. r-b Josiah G. lioland. Mr. A. V. Edwards, Welland; 't.A. E. Edwards. London,fd F fh s.n T.rstmat. hM.ad u d it senT.crotta. ih rat Mr. and Mrs. George White and daughters, Bowmanville; Miss Florence Werry, Hampton:i B r d u m Mr. anti Mrs. F. Werry, Mrs.J1 A new varlety cf patato has S. T. Hoar, spent Christmas with perd nteCiair cn Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Hoar. -theareioth ne Caada50. en Mr. and Mrs. H. Phiip and 4 h ifhsic 90 jean, were tea guests Christ- Fundy, developed under the mas Day of Mr. and Mrs. Ron- National Potato Breeding Pro- aid Philp, Nestieton. grani, is smooth, slightly netted. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue shallow-eyed, ellhptical type anti and John, with Mrs. C. Shaw, attractive appearance. Oshawa, for Christmas. Hith Yfld Mrs. Pearl Virtue spent Maturity is early ta miti- Christmas witli Mrs. T. Finti- seasori It bas a high yield of lay. Thornh ii. aktbeptte.Iisred Mr. and Mrs. V. Davenport mreal aaos ti ae and boys. Richmondi Hill, visit-j ed Mr. anti Mrs. Henry Stai- argaret, Oshawa, visiteti with tan. Elaat r.M. anti Mrs. J. Norris. Ms laBeckett adMs Mr. anti Mrs. Wilf Brawn, W. Miller with Mr. and Mrs. Barbara, Wentiy anti Cindy, Douglas Miller and Debbie. with Mr. anti Mrs. Gerald Bal- Mr. anti Mrs. John Mitchell son, Suntiay. with Mr. andi Mrs. Bob Watt, Sorry ta report Miss Jenni- Oshawa. Christmas family gathering pher James is sick with the was helti at the home o! Mr. chicken pox. anti Mrs. W. H. Taylor incluti- Frientis of littie Miss Chris- ing Mrs. R. Burgess anti Mr. tine Newton, daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. Bert Stevens, Hamp- andi Mrs. Murray Newton, of tan. 221 Hallett Street, Whitby, for- About 20 close relatives o! mer residents of Courtice, are Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Skinner happy ta learn that she was gathered at the home ai their well enough ta spenti Christmas son Lloyd on Saturtiay even- at home. Christine has been ing, Dec. 20, ta surprise thea seriousiy iii in the Princess an their 35th wedtiing anniver- Margaret Hospital, Toronto. sary. They were presenteti with Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Wilkins, several lovely gifts after which Dan, Trudy, Randy anti Jill, a social evening was enjayed, Hampton; Miss Mary Wilkins, followed by a delicious lunch. Oshawa; Mr. Bob Fairey, Bow- Mr. anti Mrs. W. Park, Ce- maniville; Mr. Gordon Brown, cile anti Douglas. visîteti rela- Toronto; Mr. anti Mrs. Bob Bry- tives at Peterborough, ans, Patti anti Gordie, with Mr. andi Mrs. David Phasey Mr. ai Mrs. Wilf Browhi. anti Wayne, were guests ai Mr. Rev. Haroldi Stainton o! and Mrs. C. Wood, Orono, at Ebenezer Church, baptizeti twa Christmas. chiltiren on Christmas Sunday; Mr. anti Mrs. John Broomne Davidi Lloyd Down, son o! Mr. anti famnily with Mr. anti Mrs. anti Mrs. Lloyd Down, and De- C. Johns, Bowmanville, for bora Ann Osborne, daughter Christmas Day. o! Mr. anti Mrs. Raymond Os- Mr. anti Mrs. H. Phiip anti borne. Miss Jean Philp with Han, anti Miss Luise Wehnert, Toronto Mrs. W. A. Goodfellow, Cati- University, Mr. Roli Wehnert, rington. Ryersc>n Institute, Toronta, are Mr. anti Mrs. H. Skinner, holidaying with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner Mr. anti Mrs. R. Wehnert. anti famnily with Mrs. L. Good- man, Bowmanviile, at Christ- mas. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm, B Burketon; Walter Cochrane, Be S f Bowmanville; Mr. anti Mrs. Alex Pergrer anti chiltiren, Hain- f ilton; Mr. anti Mrs. Ciem Rahm anti Allison; Mr. anti Mrs. Ron- ald Rahm anti chiltiren anti Mr. New Year' anti Mrs. Ken Rahm anti fam- ily, at Walter Rahm's. u COURTICE The annual Christmas Party o! the l8th Scout Mothers' Aux- iiiary was held at the home o! Mrs. John Baker. Bni reports were presenteti by Secretary Mrs. Harolti La Chapelle anti Treasurer Mrs. George Rey- noldis. Games wer, played anti prizes awactied. Rc!neshments were serveti by Mrs. Carmen Thompson's group and ex- change of gifts. Next meeting will be on Wetinesdiay, Jan. 14 at 1.30 p.m. at Mrs. Thomp- son's, Truil's Roati north. Mr. anti Mrs. Wilf Brown anti girls attendeti the Baw- manvilie Boy's Training School Christmas party, Dec. 22. Eachi chilti receiveti a gi!t from San- ta. Miss C. Noble, Grade i teach- er is holidaying wîth hec par- ents in Kickhanti Lake. Miss A. Mornison is holiday- ing with her parents in Hali- burton. . Congratulations ta Mr. anti Mrs. Grant Herron (Miss Hel- en Cale) who were marnicti in Tcinity Uniteti Church, Bowý manville, recently. Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Eiliott. Wanda anti Jimmy; Mr. anti Mcs. Charles Eiliott anti Lor- caine, spent Christmas with Mr. anti Mrs. Elliott, Oshawa. Mr. anti Mrs. Ralph Ormiston anti family, Bowmanvihle, Mr. anti Mrs. Gardon Osborne anti Linda, Hamilton, Mr. W. Rab- ertson. Lindsay. also Mr. antij Mrs. O. Robcctson anti Carol, spent Christmas Day with Mns. A. Wilkins. Mc. anti Mcs. S. Hatigson anti chiltiren, Mr. andi Mcs. N. Had- gson, Oshawa; Mr. anti Mrs. J. Kehoe, Michael anti Tammy. spent Chcistmas with Mn. and Mcs. J. Nonris. Mc. anti Mrs. J. Gay and'~ family, Mr. anti Mrs. Gortion Chartran, werc with Mr. anti Mrs. Cecil Robinson, Ajax, for Chcistmas. Mr. anti Mrs. C. Tooley antid Thanks. As this, our Centennial Year, cornes to an end we take this opportunity to tlaank our friends and custorners for their continued patronage To show our appreciation we announce our1 JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE WATCH NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE FOR DARGAINS GALORE!1 WINNER WAS No. 33. Person holding this number may pick up prize by calling ut store and producing ticket. EKien's iTlen 15 King St., E. lVear Bowmanville I -New Spud dericton highý in cooking quallty. And It carries the gene RI for resistance to late blight. The four other varleties de- veloped recently under the . Âeeding program nt Fiederic- ton, New Brunswick:. Canso, Keswick, Huron and Avon. Ail were evaluated under the national potato variety and seedling trials, administereti by the Horticulture Division, Cana- da Department cf Agriculture. Licence Limited Fundy was licensed and re- leased in the Maritimes after eîght years of testing. Further investigation is required before distribution in thle rest of Canada. Canso and Keswick, develop- ed for late bllght resistance, came out about eight years ago. The Huron, releaseti last year mainly in Ontario, is resistant ta common scab. Avon was in- troduceti earlier this year and is a superior fall-chippmng po- tato. There are about 48 licenseti varieties of potatoes in Canada. MONUMENTS AND> FINE QUALIT? MARKERIR 0 FaT AFFO RD AEEïm BROS. Stafford Bras. Monumental Warks 318 Dundas St B.. WbltbY Phone Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 ~s Festivities use STE VENS' TAXI MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW PHRONE MA 3-5822 We are fully equipped to get you to your destina- tion in any kind. of weather. Our drivers are experienced and careful. 100 King St. E. Bowmanville 1-; - t I j To ail our Customers! Preston Van Moving BOWMANVILLE NE W TEl!'!CGNMENCING January 51h, 1959 nt thts OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE (Enrolment Very Lin'ited) Choose from following courses: CLERK-TYPIST STENOGRAPHIC SECRETARIAL JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PR! VATE SECRETARIAL Individual Instruction Cômplete Modern Equipment - Placement Service to Candidates - Act Now ... Register by phone or i person Dial RAndolph 5-3375 111 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa 0 0 To ail our Friends and Custornersi BRESLIN'S Lillan Denbhy . BWMANLLE Louise Lyle Ruby Woodward Edith Breslin