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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1959, p. 6

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THE CANAD1AN STATESMAIq. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO ½"HUESDAY, 3AW. lSth. 115, Jack & ii Banquet Speaker Describes His Ideal -Canadian The Rev. Richard D. Joncs kept the 119 persous attendingt the anrïuai Jack and Jili Club banquet on Tuesday evening, Jan. 6, entertaiued in a fart inoving speech filied with amusing anecdotes but alsa containiug food for thought. Mr. Jones is the Dîrector o! the Canadian Council of Chris- tians end Jews, bas travelled widely, and known and worked with veople of many different faiths. Hé was bain in Eliza- beth, N.J.. andl ordaincd intoi the Mcthodîst rinistry in th,3 U.S.A. in 193.4. He bccame al Canadiin citizen a little over a yeai ago. Mr. Jones has spoken in Bowmarvile ou sev- e'a1 occasions. The oanquet was held in the Sundav Sehool auditorium cf 'Trinit.7 United Church with Jack Dunn, who with his wjýe Evelyn, was the 1958 presideut, presiding. With them at the head table were the speaker; the minister and bis wife, the Rev. William K. Houslander and Mrs. Housiander; the new pres- ideuts, Jean and Bob Stevens; and Elva and Ken Hockin, re- cording secretaries. Mn. Hock:u introditced the speaker, wha received bis 'ducation at Wes- leyan, Boston and Northwes'- ern Universities in the U.S. and halds the degrees ai B.A., M.A., end B.S.T. Mr. Joncs has been associated w.ith the National Conference ai Christians and Jews since its inception. Aiter quîpping for same min- utes on the fact that he had been asked ta speak on this oc- casion same months ago, indi- cating that ho had at least been in the first ton namos suggost- ed and not the choiceofaidos-1 ]poration, Mr. Joneýz went an to give club members a few thoughts on the ideal Canadian.1 Fun Out of Lite "To my mind, an ideal Cana- dian is a persan who gets fun out af i le and fin-Is enjoyment in bis own home and with his family," be said. "He should also fi-id enjoyment in his own work, though ta a won-an I suppose a dirty shirt is stili a dirty shirt." Nevertheless, Mr. Jones feit that ejoyment iu ane's work ia vitally important, as is a sense ai humour. Spirit of Understanding Speaking of bis own work. Mr. Jones said that he had aiten iound mort excitement than he had bargained for, and told some bilariaus atonies ta prove it. Seriousiy however, he added that he finds great satis- faction in building a spirit af understanding betwecn ethnie and religiaus groups. "To be P grreat Canadian, it ia necessary ta have friends ai ail kinds, ai ail races and faiths," he said. "I have iniends among the top business and politicai figures ai Canada, but I arn alsoaa friend cf the Chinese gentleman Who enjoys the asat draps from the bottles at the back door if the Silver Rail. My office is up abave, and as I frequently ar- rive befare the front doar is unlocked, I meet my Chine3e friend in the alley quite aiten. In Brothcrhood Wcek, I preach- cd at the Fred Victor Mission in the morning and Timothy Eaton Memorial Church at night. 1 feit equaliy at home ln bath." he said. A Love of Canada A love o! Canada is also a requirement ai a good Cana- dian, Mr. Jones statcd, aud added that he thought New Canadians aiten appreciated this country more than those born here. He himnself took the 30 WMIAN VILLE FROYAL, A3-59, MON. TO SAT. - JAN. 19 - 24 Natinees Wed. and Sal. - 2 p.m. The film that's full of thills! % Some neyer seen by man eo! WALT DISMEYS SALUT! TO CAUAS NOMT Two Shows NIghtIy st 7 and 9 p.m. Highly Recommended to Al TRIS THURS. TO SAT.- JAN. 15 -17 "villa", (Cmnemascope and color) Starring BRIAN KEITH, CESAR ROMERO "Thundering Jets" with REX REASON, AUDRY DALTON and the Men of the U.S. Air Force "Villa" at 7 and 9:30 "Jets" at 8:15 and 10:45 Extra - Sat. Mat., "Capt. Video" - Chapter 4 Take Extra VITAMINS 0 a..NOW Fer Adulis WampolI's Extract 1.50-2.75 Vitules____-__52 Vi-Cal-Fer _-___1.95-4.951 Beminal Tabs -- .50-3.75 4lphamettes --- 1.00-1.85-3.50 Scott's Emulsion 1.00-2.00 Bubhle Bath 79o Vacuum Bottles 79e Lustre C rerne 98c size - 79c For Children Trivisol 1.55-2.80-4.00 Polyvisol 1.95-3.95-4.90 Tri-VI-Tabu __-__1.50-4.25 Halibarange -- 1.19-1.99-3.49 Mulcin ---1.00-3.00-5.50 ADC Draps -___ 1.60-2.85 For Coughs & Colds Creophos __ - -____1.50 PertussIn __-____75c-1.25 Benylîn _----__85c-1.50 Buckley's Mixture '59c-85c IBuckley's White Rub - 59c Vicks Rub -_ ----- 59e Brome-Quinine -49c-79c White Pine and Tar -.-75e Buckley's Capsules 45c-89e Ban Deodorant 1.25 Resdan for Dandruff 1.25 Enden shamipoa 1.69 89e COLGATE"PASTE 89e BRISK TOOTH PASTE LADYS NYLON BRUSH 5 HAIR COMBS Dolh for 89C AUl for 89c One-A-Day Brand Multiple Vitamins 1.40 - 2.50 - 3.95 - 7.95 COWLING'S1 HrONE G C1' Wrk pu jMA 3-5695 DRUG TOI TaussEs big step of becommng a Canadian citizen on Oct. 21 1957. Mr. Jones was born in the U. S. and spent a good part of his lif there. It xvas an even bigger step for his wife, one of whoie forebears was a signer of the Declaration af Independence. "lWe have many racial groups in Canada," said Mr. Jones, "but it is not a melting pot. F our and a half million Freneju Canadians don't meit easily,'1 he added with a grn. "Each group maintains its ide'i- tity, but there is unity in di- versitr"." A Person of Integrlty The ideal Canadian is a per- san of integrity and righteauJ- ness, Mr. Jones continued. He urged those present ta do their part ta elect men of this type to politîcal and other offices. An ideal Canadian is also God- fearing, he said, and urged par- ents ta set a good example for chlldren in their homes. "If Canadians try ta incorporate these aualities and use their influence ta spread themn, I think Canada will hold its own and also make the whole warld a better place in which ta live," hie said in conclusion. Mrs. Douglas Kemp fittingly expressed the appreciation of the club ta the speaker. The president in adding his thanks, also took the opportunity of presenting a cheque to Mr. Jones for the Brotherhood work in which he is engaged. Little Penny McCabe of Whitby who performed at the> Centennial Variety Show, en- tertained with three clever dance numbers in attractive costumes. Penny is just ten years aid. Mrs. Ken Sumners- fard scng two solos, "Enjay Yourself" and "Try Smiling", accompanied at the piano by Mrs. À. A. Merkley. Jack Dunn introduced the visitors present, and after thanking everyone for helping him durîng his termi of office, called on his wife, Evelyn, '.a say the last word. This Evelyn did, in rhyrne, then introduced the new presidents, Jean and Box Stevens. Bob reealled events of the past year and a1so took a look forward at plans for the new year. Jean introduced the other members of the new executive who are: Honorary President- Rev. and Mrs. W. K. Housland- er; Past President, Ev and Jack Dunn, Vice Presidents, Ethel and Daug Wight: Treasurer, Betty and AI Lobb; Rec. Sec., Elva and Ken Hockin; Carr. Sec., Jean and Keith Billett; Bulletin Editors, June and Bi-1 Bragg; Membership Committee, Grace and Clint Barrett; Social Committee. Ruth and Bob Wil- liams, Kay and Tom Rehder. Anna Strike reported on plans for Cornz-a-Poppin', and Merle Slute gave the year's fi- nancial report. Earlier in thse evening a sing-song was enjoy- ed, led by Ai Strike with Ev Dunn at the piano. The W.A. catered and served the dell- ciaus dinner. The tables weré attractive with white and ried carnatians, and white candleà in crystal candelabra. 13 Newcomers WiII picék New Warden The warden af the Unitcd dounities of Northumberland and Durham will this year be a representative fromn Durhamn and alreF.dy three possible candidates have been suggest- ed: Reeve James T. Brown of Clarke Township, Deputy- Reeve Garnet Rickard of Bow- manville, and Reeve Victor Wilson of Hope Township. Election for warden will take place on the afternoon of Jan. 20, when the council meets for the first time. Aiter the election, meetings of council will continue Wednesday and Thursday, with a final meeting ta be held, if neccssary, on Fni- day. This year, the 42 member council has 13 new members, three oi whomn are reeves and 10 deputy-reeves. The three new reeves are S. J. F. MeMil- lan (Alnwick), R. Burnham (Hastings), and George Dean (Monaghan South) . A fourth member o! the council, former deputy reeve W. D. Higgon (Bowmanville) now returns as reeve, succeed- ing former reeve W. D. Carru- thers, who was clected mayor of Bowmanville. Ncw deputy-recves are -John Brough (Bowmanvilie), P. An- son (Brighton Township), F. K. Denyes, (Brighton Village), C. D. Thompson (Campbellford), B. Gibsan (Cartwright), G. Phillips (Cramahe), Tom Jones (Cobourg), William Jibb (Ham- ilton), G. H. Rass (Murray), and Carleton Rowe (Seymour). -Examiner. MO VIE REVIEW «WVHITE WILDERNESS" ROYAL THEATRE Monday - Saturday, Jan. 19 - 24 Matlnees--Wed. and Set. Z P.M. This timciy and excellent truc-lile adventure filmcd in color is Walt Disney'& salute to tCanada's North. Photographcd on the roof of the world, the top of the North Amenican Continent is shown with its glaciers, the animais that inhabit the aiea in winter such as the wairus, the white polar bear wbo is considered king of the arca, the white whales, and athers like the lemmings, birdE, musk ox, woives, caribou, aud the wol- Thne truc story of one si, A few weeks &go, ,alan .anvrla, en Englishman ly blrtb now living la Taranto, came apon titis hadllne la bis dally newspaper: '9Bank of Moatreal Deposite Top the. ilrea Billion Mark". A depostor nt the B of M idne. shortly after his arrivai ln Canada Ove years ago, Mr. Janvria was prompted S- by the beadline to write a letter to Gardon R. Bal], president of the B of M, outllnlng bis experiences as bath a depositor and borrower at Canada'u f frit bank. W. thought Mr. Janvrln's story of bis struggle against adverslty was worth reetnand with bis permission, have made it the basis of this advertlsemnt. FnoE YEARS AGO, shortly after bis arrvail n Canada witb bis wife and three children, Mr. Janvnin had occasion to cash a choque at bis local B cf M branch in Toronto. "Although I had told the manager that I was just an im- migrant," he recalîs, "ho invited me ta open an accotint, and It was gratifying ta nme ta feel that my confidence in the. future cf Canada was recipracated by the Bank of Montreal. Two or three weeks later I opcned an account at that brancb." Like most newcomcns ta Canada, Mr. Janvrin had only cnough capital when ho arrived ta get himself scttled, and eventually hc found himself short ini meeting the final pay- ment on bis car, whicb was essential in bis new job as a salesman. Sa bc talked over hi% problem wth hi% B of M manager, wvho considered him a good enough risk ta advance him the money he needed. But let Mn. avrin continue the story in bis own words: 'I mention this because bankers arc sometimes charged with being little more than moneylenders and usuners, but in this instance, I knew .~,...~ , ~that the Bank of Montreal .~was acting as it were on bebalf of the people of Canada in helping m to get established in mucb the >same way as in pioncer days the Bank of Montreal must bave advanced funds ta immigrants ta purchase sed, a few implements and myea tcam cf borses. "Soon afterwards 1 An average Canadan familv, Mr. & Ms. Janv,,,, gave up selling, disposed and the :wo younger children relax ai 1«Vin thear cf tihe car and teck a .,onfortable Traono apartment. regular job by night, while miy wife by day quite lit- erally took the hales out of daughnuts. One of us was able always ta bc with the children, twa of wbomn were net thon cf scbool age. 'Fifteen montbs later we decided t. abtain cheaper rantai accommodation outside Toronto. A çar, howevcr, New Officers Installed At, Legion Ladies' Aux. Due ta the scvereiy cold wea- ther the attendance was smali. er than usuai at the meeting o! the Ladies' Auxiliary af the Canadtan Legion, held au Mon- day e',ening at the Legion Hall. Camrade Anu Piper. who has been president for the past two years, thanked the members for thp support given her dur- ing her terms of office. She specially takd Comrade Florence Knight, the new pre- sident. for the assistance she had given, and wished ber luck during the caming ycar. Comrade Knight thanked the members for electing her pre- sident, and promised ta do h2r best for the good oi the auxil- iary, and to implement the or- ganization's aims and ideais. Comrade ]Rose Bate, the Zon2 Commander, presidcd at the In- stallation o! the following of- ficers: Sergeant-at-Arms, Com- rade Edythe Rundie, lst vice- president, Comrade Helen Wal- lis; 2nd vice-president, Com- rade Audrey Bate; treâsurer, Comràde Ruby Palmer; pat president, Comrade Ann Piper; executive members, Comrad1e Grace Murdoch and Comrade G. Belscy*; aud the president, Comrade Florence Knight. Members o! the executive wh2 were unable ta be preseut et this meeting will b2 instaléd at the next meeting to be held on January A9th. Comrade Ada Dadeon aud Comrade Rase Bate were nom- inated and elected auditors for the auxiliary. The application for mcmbership o! Mrs. Anne Wolnik was accepted and she will be initiated at the next meeting~. Comrade Ann Piper was namned convtnor for thse Burns Supper to be heid on January 24th. Comrade For- ence Kilpatrick waa appoiuted flowcr fund conversor. Comrade Vi Flet cher was the lucky winner o! the draw. A deliciaus lunch was served by Comrade Grace Murdoch. Ed. Rundie Installed As President of Legion By Zone Commander "We have the privilege of be- ing members of a great institu- tion, the most exclusive service club i Canada," said Zone Commander "Dude" Hilis of Port Hope, in his remarks ta the newly installed officers cf Branch 178, Canadian Legion. He stressed that the abillty and intellect that had bectin shown in winning wars couid naw be used in peace. Comrade Hills pointed out the newly elected officers should keep in mind these five important items in carrying out their duties: Ability, Clean Hands, Despatch, Patience and Impartiality. The speaker went on to con- gratulate the members of Bow- manville Branch on the work verne, who operate better dur- ing other seasons o! the year. They are shown playing with and teachirug their young how to stay alive, searching for food etc. The camera work ta be seen here la truiy remarkable with some o! the views hard ta be- lieve. Smnart editing turns the mass ai footage into a film that hoids interest high througbout for ali vicwcrs young and aid alike. It's camie, seriaus, thrili- ing and ful af animal adven- turc, presentlng a hast ai un- known facts about animais neanhy a&l are familiar witb. Cohor adds to, the efiectiveness o! this entry which la highly recommended to the entire family. they' had done in completing their new building, one of the finest in the district. Now, you must work that rpuch harder in being of service to your community. Zone Commander His came to Bowmanville Thursday night as Installlng Officer, belng as- sisted by Acting Sgt.-at-Arms Cedric Smilth, Cobourg, and es- corts Comrades Locke and Falls, Port Hope. They muzt be congratulated on perform- ing a very impressive cere- many. Those officers Installed to conduct the business of Branch 178 for 1959 were: President, Ed. Rundie; lst Vice-President, Frank Burns; 2nd Vice-Presi- dent, Don Wright; Sgt-at-Armas, Jack KCnight; Padre, Rev. A. C. Herbert; Secretary, Rau Rich- ards; Treasurer, Jack Rtc.; Bulletin Editor, Don Marsden; Executive: W. Mairs, D. Mairg, J. Fair, G. Hughes, G. Graham, Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of Jan. 5 to Il: Admissions ________42 Birtbz, 4 maie, 2 female - 8 Discharges -______41 Major operations 7 Minor aperations -- 14 Emergency treatmeuts - 6 Visiting hours 2.30 t. 4.30 p.m. and 7.00 ta 8.30 p.m. E. Sheehant, J. Firth and .1J. Miller. Preuident Ruftdle made these eomnmittte &plbOntments: pop. py, Frankc Burns, Bingo, Don Wright; Canteen, E. Sheehan; Sports, W. Mairs, J. Knlght, J.1 Firth; Speciil Events, G. Gra- ham, J. M ~er, Membcrship, G. Hughes; Set-vice Offilcer, R. Mt- Kn liht; .ubliclty, G. Graham; Pblic. Speaking, A. Mavin;, roper , D. Mairs; lEntertain- ment, J. Fair; Legion sponsor- ed Cub Pa k,ý R. Lockhart; Fi- nance, J. Rice, C.* Stewart,'C. jOke. United Counties Receive Grant" For Aged Home 1"he Hon. Louis Cecile, minis- têr et public welfare, bas an- nounced that a grafit ai $103,- ý25 has been made ta the unit- ed counties o! Northumberland and Durham te be used in the construictioft of the new $400,- OÙ~ wing tô the home for the aged. The grant, Ken Symons, counties' clerk, said last week, la one o! four or five which are made at varlous stages o! construction, anc being made at the time af excavation andl foundation work, another Wh the* Wall' have been cxpE. and another whmn the roof Wa i.- on, and 80oen. .Contract price of e, in à$420,376 and U.fiI I rnst be added the ea nishing, plus arçhi tc és $25,750 which wfl1 r aet* tai cost to $504,9. O-~ amount the provincial Vp~ ment will aup l 252,4760 with a similar &Mountte . raised by the united c.ufttlum. Occupancy of the ne* wifth is expected ln late Februtr. FAST RELIEF FOR TIRED FEE mnal1 borrower. .and.VMYHANRK îThe Success Story of Julian Janvrin... 1 . lulian Janvrin is the ast persn in I the world to say that his is a success story. We think it is. But you can judge for yourself, would then bc essential. Again the bank went along witb us. rny bank manager, for the confidence it placed in us and foi "Two years ago the landiord of the bouse wc wcrc renting thse hclp, encouragement and courtesy it has always cg- decided ta, seil the bouse. tended ta us. Again the Bank of Mont- -Te me it i.n n surprise that the deposits real belped us and advanced of the Bank cf Montreal should have topped the. the down payment that pre- 3-billion mark, for although from the short terni vented aur home being sold point o! view 1 myseif am not yet in a position aven aur heads. to make large deposits, it may well be front the "~This summer my son, - long terrni point of view, that my son, as a rep. baving passed thnough six resentative of the coming generation, niay bc ini grades in three years at . a position ta do as other sons of Canada are public'sclbool, sat for the " nôw doing." competitive entrance exam- ination to a school for The B cf M is, cf course, proud ta have "Gel to kézow yaur banker, says Mr. Janwin. which 1 would bave ta pay -Yaur best calittralisj hii canfidence. A sport. 4 played its part in Julian Janvrin's succesa stary, an annual fée.. . For this, lime free-lance ,p'iler, he spendse ini n ns or and is grateful ta i for allowing us ta publish to, m nlag ma Ar is typewrl:er while the chiWren study. it ta indicate smorn f the many ways in which indebted ta the Bank of Montreal, for in June my financial Canada's first bank works witb Canadians-new and aId alike circumstances were such that bad 1 net been confident cf -ini evcry walk of lif. tram coast ta coast. my banker's support, 1 might not bave even Mr. Janvrin's story pro. cansidered sending i to this school. ~ ~ "- . vides a sincere and unsolicited "W. bave now again moved into Taranto -- testimonial ta the fact that ta be nearer the scbool, but aur circumstançes *"When >'ou ask for a boan ai bave improved, inasmuch as aur teenage daugh- the Bank of Monîreat, >ou do ter has naw left high scbool cf ber own wish not ask a faivour". and is now working; and as tbe two yaunger Wben maney is a prab- children arc naw at scbool, mny wife in the New lem with you, wby not sec yout Year wiIl bc in a position ta ta ke an office job. B of M manager? Ifyourprop- "This is nat a success story, for the strug- osition is sound and reason- gle, believe me, is stili on. But aur bank account ,.. able there's nioney for you ai is nowin better shape thanit bas been for the past thteEBof M... ai the bo>vest five yeans and will naw perhaps bear scnutiny. raier and on the faire3i ternis. *" amn nw, therefore, at Iast in a position p'neyèîdabaptJa,,,ri,'nie wgg, his.yo.ner ta write to thank My Bank and in panticular #ister, Patricia, Is a gludent ai ène of Ceniday top preparatory ichôools, hanks te a timeIy 8Dof M' anaVi PersonalLom &V n L ' Wl NTER'S THE TIME for a farm improvenient lan e when there's more time to do the job e and skilled help is available Fain Improvement Loans, backed by the Dominlu Goverument, are available from your bank-up t. $6,000 at five percent simple interest, and repayment periodu up to lu years depending on amount borrowed and the purpose of the loan. Thee loins cover the purchuse of an typoe of f mm equipment and improvement t. the faim hmtS md faim buildinMa IAUJ EMME OWNERS are eligible for ROME IMPROVEMENT LOANS, under the Nat!"ia Houuing Act, availableý through your bank-up. t.e $4000 and up to 10 yearu t. repay.I Why wait for spring DO UT NOW! MLA&à.% Issued bY authovf of -iâg u $i&e Mûute of Laboir, C" '1 ) ýýDAV, J«. 13th, 19» TRE CANADIAN STATESMAlq. BOVMANVELL& ONTARIO PAGE STX

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