PACI ! TE Tm eà*ANAN STATUBSUN, OW CMU.OAM m 1* Births ]BURGESS-Jack and AlIce arec happy to announce the arrivaI et their son Garfield John (Garf) on January 15, 1959, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- vile. A brother for Brenda and B3onnielou. 4-1 IDADSON-Bill and Marion (nee Tink) are happy to announce the birth of their son, John William, on Jan. 14, 1959, at ]Peterborough Civie Hospital. 4-1 bASTÉRSON-Glpdys and Tom gre happy to annotince the birth of their son, Randy Baille, on 'Thursday, January 1Sth at Me- inorial Hospital, Bowmanville, a brother for Jini, Alvin, Don, Linda and Gerry. 4-1* TIGHE-Christena and Murray are happy to announce the birth of twin girls on January l7th at Memorial Hospital Bowmanville. 4-1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Ceeil Samis wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Muriel Gail, to John David Spafford o! Toronto. 11rhe marriage will take place in Trinity United Church on Sat- urday, Feb. 14, 1959, at 2:30 p.m. 4-1* Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Venton announce the engagement of their daughter Audrey Ellen, to Lawrence Watson Murdock, son o! Mrs. Sarah Murdock and the late Mr. Gavin Murdock, Hami- Mlon. The wedding to take place on Saturday, February l4th, 1959, in Trinity United Chureh, Bowmanville. 4-1 Deaths LEY, William Samuel - At Sunnybrook Hospital on Wed- nesday, Jan. 14, 1959, William Samnuel. Ley, late of 14 Rother- ham Ave., beloved husband o! the late Minnie Ellins and dear father of Mrs. G. Smith (Mar- eaie), Mrs. W. Ross (Helen), Mrs. C. W. Scott (Dorothy) and William, Frank and Russell, all of Toronto; dear brother of Alonzo, Toronto. Rested at the Funeral Chapel of William Speers, 2926 Dundas St. W. (near lýeele). Service wvas held Sat- urday morning at il o'clock. Intenment Prospect Cemetery. 4-1 IESETT-At Orillia on Tues- c2y, Jan. 20, 1959, Margaret ]3lan-'he Proutt, beloved wife of the late George Nesbitt of Nestleton, in her 82nd year; dear rnother a! Mabel (Mrs. Robert Doaar) o! Orillia; Marjorie (Mrs. H. B. Morison) of Leaside and Charles H., Bowmanville. Rest- ed at Doolittle, Bros. Funeral Ilome, Orillia, for service Wed- riesday eveniflg at 7:30 o'clock then to St. John's Anglican Church, Blackstock,- for service on Thursday, Jan. 22 at 2 p.m. Interment St, John's Cemetery, Blackstock. 4-1 RINC-At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Thursday, Jan. 15th, 1959, Mary Adah Allin, in lier 8th year, beloved wife of J. Ernest Rinch and dear moth- er of Irene and Marion . (Mrs. Charles Gilkes), Newcastle. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Saturday, Jan. 17th at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 4-1 SPENCER-At the family resi- dence, Maple Grove, Ontario, on Thursday, January 15, 1959, Al- bert Franklin Spencer, beloved husband of Ella Rogers Munns, and loving father of Mrs. H. C. Hurlbert (Molly), Toronto, and Mrs. W. N. J. Grose (Kathleen), Wingham, in bis 81st year. The late Mr. Spencer rested at Mc- Intosh Funeral Home, Oshawa. Service was in the chapel, Mon- day, Jan. 19 at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Union Cemetery. 4-1 Tri Ms,- nT-rcn, __________________________ - - - - - . ~ I , . I.~ ~.1 I T~. ..i ~...A.....L... I..... ~I..1 - s fl - 1 rI1c -- ~ t A! 1 L. LL~I * n 4.i 4~ ~ I I #~Y~ TII? ~ I It~rTI ~ TII? rrTI~ I Ii~~TI I~TjTT~ II~Y ~ In Memorian STEPHENS-In loving memory ai a dear husband and father, Upton Stephens who passed away Januany 26, 1952. It's not the words, they are but few, It's the golden memory of you; Each flower and leai niay witber,1 Each evening sun niay set, The hearts of those who love« you Are the ones that neyer forget. -Ever remembered by the famîily. 4-1< WRIGHT-In loving memary ai a dean husband and fathen, Tam, who died Jan. 17, 1956. To your grave I oftcn wander And wish 111at you could speak But I stand alone in silence And picture you asleep. He who suffered is at rest Gane ta heaven with the blest. -Fondly remembered by his wife Annie, sons, daughters and grandcblîdren. 4-1* YELLOWLUEES-In loving i.:- mary ai Norman C. Yellowlees who passed away Jan. 21st, 1957. Swiftly, silently camne the caîl Without goodbye you left us aul, In God's garden now at reat Peacefully sleeping lies anc ai the best. -Lovingly remembered by bis wife and family. 4-1< Cards of Thanks Mrs. E. H. JolI wishes ta thank aîl the fiends who ne- membered ber with cards, flow- ers and gifts, also fon kind in- quiries and calîs. 4-1* Mr. J. Ernest Rincb, Irene and Maian (Mrs. Chas. Gilkes) wish ta aoffen thein grateful ap- preciîation for aîl the kindnesses received and sympathy extcnded ta thern in every way during the ilîness and at the passing of a beloved wife and mother. 4-1 1 wish ta thank friends and relatives for carda, flowers and itssent ta me while in the hospital, alsa those who visited me; special thanks ta Dr. Rundle, nurses and staff of Meniorial Hospital, Bownianville. Sincenely, Gladys Masterson. 4 1* I would like ta thank the nurses and staff o! Memorial Hospital, toauai who nemeniber- cd me with cards, flowers and gifts and ta neighbours for kind- nesa when I rcturned home. My special thanka ta Drs. Slemon, Rundie and Miklos. Dorothy Dewell. 4-1< 1 wish ta express my thanka ta relatives, friends and neigh- bauns for messages of sympathy, floral tibutes and kindness shown i any way. Also ta Rev. Jackson fan bis consoling words during my recent beneavement and illness. Mns. 'Richard MeNeil. 4-1 * I would like ta express sin- cere thanka for the niany carda, calîs, flowens and gifta received during my stay in Memoial Hospital. Also my thanks ta Dr. H. Rundie, the nurses and staff for their cane, and ta my neighbouns fan their kindness ta My famiy. Mrs. Norah Colbary.4- Repairs RADIO and television repaira. Prompt service. Pick-up and delvery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED television and radio service, toauaI makes. Sanie day service. Television Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 49-tf REPAIRS and rcwinding, arm- atures turned toaunî makes o! electrie matons. Higgon Elec- trie, 38 King East, Phone MA 3-5438. 24-tf Coming Events Reserve March 12 for the Women's Institute Kopper Kamn- ival. Tickets available now froni menibers. 4-1 4tb Bownianville Cub Pack Euchre Party at Memonial Park Club House, Wed., Jan. 28, 8:30 p.m. Admission 25c per persan. 4-1 Dance ta Clara Nesbitt's Mua- ic Makers at Tyrone Hall, Sat- urday, January 24. Sponsored by L.O.B.A. Gents 75e and ladies 50c. 4-1 * Bingo every Thursday - 20 negular games, two $25 jackpot gamea. No game under $4.00. Admission 50e. St. Joseph's Parish Hall. 4-tf The Junior Fanmera invite you ta dance ta the music of Jini Fisher's Orchestra in New- castle Hall,' Saturday, Jan. 24. Admission $1.00. 4-1 Came ta the "Snowball Dance" sponsored by Cartwright High Sehool at the Recreational Centre, Blackstoek, Fniday, Jan. 23rd, 8:30 Admission 50c. 4-1* Ahl intenested citizens are cordially invited ta attend the Annual Gencral Meeting of Bowmanvile Chamber o! Com- merce, Thursday, Jan. 29, 8 at Lions Comnmunity Centre. 3-2 Woodview Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games .-twcnty dollars; five games- thirty dollars; $150 jackpat, and twa jackpots at $250. Door pnizea. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Credit Union Chapter (Osha- wa) meeting ini Orono I.O.O.F. Hal, Monday, Jan. 26, 8 Speaker will deal with insurance in Credit Unions. Ail interested pensons are welcomed, partic- ularly Credit Union menibens. 4-1 Bring youn best girl ta a Val- entine Hot Turkey Suppen at Community Centre, Hamipton, Saturday, Feb. 14 at 5:30 and 7 p.m. Advance sale ai tickets only. Adults $1,50, Public School eilîdren 75c. For tickets Phone MA 3-2614 or 3-2856. Sponsorcd by Haydon Church. 4-1 The annual meeting of Bow- manville-West Durhami Advia- ory Board of the Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blind will be hcld an Tuesday, Januany 27 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall ta receive reports of vaniaus'coni- mittees. The public is cordially invited ta attend. 4-1 Reception Mn. and Mrs. Archie Glenney will be happy ta receive frienda, relatives and neighbours at their home, En-ily Street, New- castle, on Saturday, February 7 from 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 ta 10 p.m. on the occasion o! their 25th wedding annivrsary. 4-2 Work Wanted PLUMBINO, heating, eaves- troughing; free e s ti ni a t e s. Harvey Partnen, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 12-tf GRADUATE typist wishea full- tume work; would considen typ- ing, bookkeeping in amaîl office. Phone MA 3-7062. 4-1< RELIABLE woman d esi reas baby-sitting; will cane for child by the day. Mra. Victor Han- cock. Phone MA 3-5653. 4-1 CONCRETE and mason work. New work or repair. P. O. Box 1083, L. Turner, Phone MArket 3-5820, eveninga MA 3-5605. 25-tf Plasf ering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORIK «R_ T.-TAFT £lJ. JAAtIWIIIU &A4A. REPAIRS teaial makes ai scw- 1L i L£ BURDEN-In îoving memory of ing. machines. Free pickup and 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 rn ersnDvd Burden' who delivcry. Laverty's Bargain 6-tf y asdan son. avi 156 Centre, 59 King W. Phone MA IfIhdalthe wvorld ta give, 3-7231. 444!A ge ConstructionCo I'd give it, yes, and more, REPAIRS to ah niakes ai re- LD To hear his voice and sec his figerators, doniestie and corn- LD smile eca;mligCMLT And greet him at the do mrca; ilkn coolers. Hig- CMLT »-%. llI an ode o on. o Electnic Liniited, 38 King BUILDING SERVICE Ist aIlI an ed o de aven, St. E. Phono MA 3-5438. 25-ti BRICK WORK - BLOCK And leave behind ta ens o! HMES - CNRT love TV and Radio Service D CGARPENTR37 To the best son God ever plus OY - MArket 3-2273 Ilike ta think when life is donc ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS 27-tf Wherever heaven may be L T~T That be'll be standing at the LEN AND. LOU'S TV W ne door MA 3-394Z2cme Up there ta welcome me. 44 EDadcipe amsok -Ever rcmembered by bis lov- 4-4< EDd nippledfanestock Ing niothen and Rîcky and ,pceuppopl.PneM Christine. 4- vi otiaae Funds 3-2679. Margwill Fur Fanm, 41 __________________Tyrone. 13-t! FIFIELD-In îoving memory of IMMEDIATELY available for adean husband and father, Rev. firat niortgage on improved town Fank h asdwyJn 6 or rural property, $4,000, $3,000 FARMS WANTED 1958. h psedwy a. 6 and $2,000 in separate mort- 1958 b' cer smiîe, a pions- gage s. Five yean open; intercat WE REQUIRE ehadt ayer f6½%, payable semi-annually.- an wY.enoy Hamilton, Broker, Orono ar an Mie A helping hand tealal ho knew. 11 n 16. 2-4 Be was se kind, se generous and ______________ truc, 1 arm On earth he nobly did bis best. rersonai Frm -Lovingly remembered by wife r.- OR CLIENTS and daughter. 4-1 WHY FEEL OLD? Feel Yearsjo h ikrn-crooae Youngen. Ostrex Tonie Tablets c h iknn-craoae 'IITCHELL,-In loving memory revitalize thousands past 40.1jwhosc present farms have been c a eý, husband and father, Only 60e. At ail druggists. 3-61 ucaedfjidutilr Er'eî i'chl.who passed ------ .1______ purchased for indutril .Tr. 1-3i. n'HYGENIC sun.plie - -(Rubber rsdnildvipet It's net ilie v.rds thcy are but.goods) rnailed postpaid in, plainj fsealed envelope with price list. Please Cali us colleet. ';0 dý! menory o! you.,Six smls 2-124sampies1 "x -7 $f a wten 1.00. Mail Order Dept. T 18~ W ANadGBO t..ciîcvening sun may set, Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 9 1, Ham- I suran and Real saO T'iýh:!-r a oftho-e who loeilton, Ont. 15 nuac n elEtt P r h-encxs t,at never forget. Piano Tuning I W ibOt -t.vii.iyrc'mbered 1by bis >1 W ibOt %wite, q2aughtcr and son-in-law ARTHUR Collison. Telephone PHONE MO 8-3521 and grnildren. 4-1 KArket 3-3900. . 36-ti 3 4d.%V. Q làLLL0 lvIir-lmo;e r-rlà J.L T.*NIAFM L m ne1tprt[--t IerM MIXED hay for sale. Phone Blackstock 72 r 13. 3-2* MEAT slicer, cash register, scales. Phone MA 3-3911. 4-1w BOAT, 3½/ h.p. motor, $150. Phone Blackstock 57 r 13. 4-1 WATER for sale. Delivered. Phone Cliff Pethick, MA 3-2736. 45-tf H-AY for sale, 40c per bale. W. Eymann, Courtice. Phone RA 5-8288. 4-tf FRESH eggs for sale. Delivered in Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5250. 4-1* DRY light wood in stovewood lengths, $10 per load. Telephone MA 3-2849. 37-tf GOOD quality' mixed hay, 50c per bale at farm. Telephone MA 3-2403. 48-tf WOOL Specials! Don't miss the big bargains in wools at Good- brand Fabries. 4-1 WATER for sale, delivered. Prompt service. L. W. Beech. Phone MA 3-2788. 3-2 BULLDOZER blade, Ford or Ferguson, hydraulic, $175. Tele-' phone MA 3-5192. 4-1 QUANTITY of standing wood. Phone Eber Milison, MA 3-2645 between 3 and 3:30 o'clock. 4-2* TWO new nietal single beds with spring-filled mattresses, $25 each. Phone Newcastle 3186. 4-1 SAVE on lumber, direct from mil to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13tf KEYS eut automatlcally, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf WATER, hard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf APPLES, eating and cooking. Bring own container. Fruit house open, Friday, 9 a.m. 312 Lib- erty N. Bob Cale. 4-1 INVESTIGATE the new low, low prices of AIsco aluminum windows and doors. Lorne Allun, telephone MA 3-3871. 41 *1 Livestock for Sale PIGS for sale. Phone MArket 3-2885.4-1 ONE Yorkshire bag. Phone Brooklin 629 n 2. 4-1 SEVEN six-week-old pigs. Ern-] est Hockaday, MA 3-2985. 4-1 THIRTY weanling piga and bred aawa. Phone Clarke 31 r 03. 4-1 * MARE, seven years .old, good work hanse. Phone MA 3-5290. 4-1 * 100 PULLETS, 5 months old. Phone Newcastle 2110, south of Junction 401 and No. 2 High- waya at Newcastle. 4-1< FULLY experienced herdsman will do youn chones by the day or week, neasonable rates. Write Advertisen 908, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 4-1 Help Wanted WOMAN for cleaning. Caîl MA 3-5765. 4-1 MEN-Pleasant outdoor work. Average $2 per hour. No cx- penience necessary. Write Raw- leigh's, Dcpt. A-140-VV, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 4-1 AGGRESSIVE salesmen with car. Make big money by work- ing a Familex dealership, full- tume. You'll be in business for yoÙraelf and nealize trem-endous profits. Lange variety o! Cas- metica, Vitamins, daily neceasi- tics. Write for catalogue and detaila. Famiiex, Dept. 96, 1600 Delonimier, Mantreal. 4-1 LARGE United States and Canadian manu!acturing coni- pany nequires district managers for Clarke and Darlington Town- ships. Exceptianaliy high carn- inga. Guaranteed repeat bus- iness. Automobile essential. Agricultural or farming back- ground most important. Sales training given. Rcply ta Box 84, London, Ontario. 2-4 Permanent Position for Bowmanville Man Here's one of the finest oppar- tunities offered ta a man over 45 w'ho wisbes ta make a perm- anent connection with a major company whose solid and steady growth now demands the serv- ices of an additional man for the Bowmanville area. This Ls not a "'here today, gone tomorrow"' prapositian. There's1 no doubt about our future. Our4 business will probabiy double and redouble In the next decade.1 The man we want is 45 ta 65, neat, consclentioijs, owns a car and can take short trips ta the surrounding area. Earnings are open, depending on ability, but we consider this apening to be worth Up to$14,500in aYear This In a full-time job . . . it pays mighty weil. It is stimulat- ing and fiiled with big rewards fer honest effort. including a profit-sharing retirement plan, eompany-paid pleasure cruises, generous bonus Incentives, fre' life insurance, hospitalization insurance and, above ail, liberali earning checks maiied weekly! in advance. if you think you are our man, please contact D. S. CANNI'NG, President Panther Oil & Grease Mfg. Co., Box 711, Fort Worth, Texas. I- Business Opportunlity WE need people ta raise Chin- chilla they are flot rahbits)'. Write StonehouFe Chinchilla. 111 Haddington Ave., Toronto i2. i ~44-UL '51 CHEV. hardtop, good con- welRelEae dition. Phone MA 3-5363. 4-r edelRalEtl 1947 PLYMOUTH, four-door sedan, deluxe. Good condition. Heater, radio. Phone Orono 10316. 4-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months ta pay. For personal service at your home caîl Oshawa RA 5-2802, colleet.2-tf Wanted ta Buy CHESTERFIED suite in good' condition. Phone MA 3-5596. 4-1* ADDING machines, typewriters, cash r e gist e rs, calculators, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture. New and used. Repairs to ail makes. Frank Office Equipment, 177 Church Street, Bowmanville. MArket 3-3986. 3-tf APPLES FANCY SPYS - MACS DELICIOUS $2.00 per bushel Apply GLEN RAE FARM Bring Container 4-1 WHY PAY MORE? The Price Is Righi! FOR THE FINE ST QUALITY TRY WONDER WINDOW ALUMINUM COMBINATION SELF-STORING WINDOWS FULLY GUARANTEED $14.00 up SELF-STORING DOORS $49.95 FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND DEMONSTRATION CALL BILL LEASK 40 CONCESSION ST. E. MArkei 3-5522 es, service stations, general stores, etc. Salesmen : Maurice H. Pedwell Phone Newcastle 3851 Wm. A. Heron Phone 12, Brooklin E. Jeffery Phono 238, Colborne H. C. PEDWELL, BROKER Newcastle Phono 3856 4-1 De With Real Estate 50 acre fanm, near Kendal, with 100' x 30' bank barn, ma- chine shed, garage; 7 roomed insul brick bouse, 3-piece bath, running bot and cold water. Pnice $7,000. Easy ternis. 100 acre fanm near Rice Lake, with 2 barna, 75 acres wonkable, machine shed, pig pens; 8 rooni- cd însulbrick bouse, beavy duty wined. Asking $16.000 with tennis nrranged. 100 acre fanm on large river, 75 acres workable, 100' x 30' bank barn, water bowls, drive shed, ben bouse, etc.; 9 noomed franie bouse with bardwca)d floors, hydro. Asking $12,500 with ternis aranged. 100 acre fanm nean Millbrook, 75 acres workable clay-loam, 10 acres hardwood, streani, barn in excellent shape with running watcn, large ben bouse, double garage, etc.; 9 roomed home with furnace, 4-piece bath, bardwood floors throughout, electnie water heaten. AUl buildings in excel- lent shape o! repair. Asking $17,000 with easy ternis. 150 acre farm with milk quota, 90 acres workable, streani, 25 acres waod, L-shaped bank barn witb water bowls, steel stan- chions, machine shed, etc.; 8 roonicd atone bouse with run- ning watcr, hcavy duty wired. Price $15,000. Terma arranged. 7 noomed home with ail mod- enn convenienees, double garage, on 5 acres o! land, located on higbway. Pnice $8,000 with $4,000 down. 10 noonied bouse, newly dcc- orated, painted, etc., necently, with ail modemn conveniences. Asking $13,500 witb $2,000 down. 10 roomed bouse weat o! Bow- manville, ah ncwly plastercd, redeconated, etc., witb nîl mod- ern convenlencea, suitable for twa families, twa kitchens, etc. Asking $10.500 with ternis an- ranged. 8 roomcd 1½-storey home In Pontypool with new gas furn- ne, 4-piece bath, modern kiteh- en, bot and cold water, bard- wood and tile faonrs. New double garage. Pnice $8,500 with $3,000 dawn. 4 roomed cottage with con- tents in Pontypool, with kitcb- en cupboards, bydro. Pnice $2,800. Ternis. 5 noonicd ranch style bunga- low west -o! Bowmanville, ai- most new, witb necreation nooni in basement, ah canveniences. Asking pnice $12,000. Ternis an- rangcd. Contact: John F. De With Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle Phono 3341 Salesmen: Donald MountJoy, Bowmanville MA 3-3950 Ross Davidson, Bethany 'Phono 21 r 6 Dan Boehm, Gardon Hill Phone 6 r 111 TURNIP pulpen. Phone Orono 16 r 11, 4-1 PLAYPEN in good condition. Phone MA 3-3623.. 4-1 HIGHEST prices paid for used furniture, appliances, television, sewing machines, etc. Also selI and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, fea ther ticks, scrap iran, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-tf ALL kinds of live poultry want- ed. Top Toronto prices paid at your door for large or smal quantities. We have aur own market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone collect ta Bethany 7 r 13. 28-ti Lost BLACK, white and tan hound. Three miles north and east of Bowmanvîlle. Phone MA 3-5487. 4-l* BOX of electrician's tools, vicinr ity Cloverleaf of 401 and Lib- erty St., monning of January 19. Reward. Phone MA 3-3606. 4-1 Notices Notice ta rabbit hunters-$1.00 will be paid for each rabbit. Please be careful whén hunting on Nursery property. Brook- dale-Kingsway Nurseries. 46-tf Farmers - Businessmen ARE YOU TROUBLED BY Accouniancy and Tax Problems? Why nat let me bandie these at REASONABLE RATES! Bookkeeping, Tax Advlce Financial Statement, etc., etc. H. DeWITH MAIN STREET - ORONO PHONE 1172 4-2* Notice is Hereby Given that the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanviiie wiil applY ta the Legisiative Assembly af the Province of Ontario at Its next session for speclal leglala- tion validatinz and confirxning By-Law No. 1709 of the Town of Bowmanviiie, being a by-iaiv ta provide for the borrowing of $46,640.01 upon debentures ta pay for the construction of certain works on a local lm- provement basis and declaring the said by-iaw ta be lerai, valid and binding- upon The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanviile and the ratepayers thereof. The said works constat of sidewalks on High Street, Prince Street, Third Street, Simpson Avenue, Jane Street, Albert Street, Liberty Street, Fiett Street, and Orchardview Boule- vard, watermains on Frederick Avenue, Rehder Avenue, Third Street, Prospect Street, Waverly Road, Concession Street, King Street East, Saint Georze Street and Edsall Avenue, and a sani- tary sewer on Prospect Street, In the Tawn of Bowmanviiie. The existing debenture debt of The Corporation of the Town ai Bowmanviile 15 $1,041,203.68 and no part ai the principal or Iaterest is in arreara. The rate- able property of the Town of Bowmanviile according to the iast revised assessment ral la $7,219,000.00. Dated at Bownxanville, On- tario, this l6th day ai January, 1A*D. 1959, The Corporation of the *~Town ai Bowmanville. Orm Gerry (Realior) ORONO - PHONE;1191 WELCOMES YOUR ÈNQtliEg FOR Farms, Houses, Etc. IN AND NEAR ORONO_ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appralsed Real Estate Braker Phone 2566 - Newcuatle, Ont. Two blocks north of traf!ic signal Newcastle 5-tf James Nixon REAL ESTATE BROKER 9-room solid brick, hydro, sewer and water, basement, hot water heating, good lot on paved street, close ta school. Investi- gate this one. Immediate pos- session, $ 1,500 down, balance monthly payment at 6%. 47 Queen St. Bowmanviile Dial MA 3-5682 Box 941 4-10 J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER 118 King E. MA 3-32»0 5 noom brick bungalow opi Scugog St. AUl convenience1w To settle estate. 5 room bungalow on Liberty St. S. Ail conveniences. Large business block on King E. Particulars at office. We would be pleased ta list your property for sale. Give us a caîl. 4-1 Peler Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKE& GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - 3. A. BartoB MA 3-3098 Very compact 4-raom bunga- low with garage. Lovely kitch- en. Hardwood floors, full Ibase- ment, centraly located. Priced for quick sale. Terins. New 6-roomn 2-storey home with carpont. This home ha$ been built with the best ai work- manship and first grade mia- teniaIs. Equipped with two bath- rooms, fireplace, aluminuni doors, plate glass windows. Prie- ed to sell at only $13,900,00. Ternis. New 6-room brick bur I 3-room self-contained ). ment in basement. This 19!¶i~' one of the finer homes in Bow4e manville. Let the rent af the apartment hclp to buy this home for you. Consult us for sultable finançing. 100 acre fan riear BethaiIy with suitable buildings. Priced ta sell. Low down payment. 4-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Membens o! Oshawa and DlstrIct Real Estate Board Exceptional Farm Values 120 acres oi productive early garden land, 6 miles from Bow- manville. House bas ail city conveniences. Extra large bgg with stable room for 80 cattlê Cement silo. Asking on1t $19,000 with ternis arranged. 150 acres near Blackstock. Buildings in good repair. Sandy loani weil suited for tobacca growing. Stocked trout stream. Asking $22,000 with ternis. 216 acres with large lake frontage, Port Penny area. Good insul brick house, hip rooi barn. Must be sold to close estate. Askîng $20,000 with reasonable down payment. We have several pasture and Christmas tree farns prlced fromn $35 pen acre. Modern 6-room bouse lI Bow- manville, large lot $11,000, Easy ternis. Saw mill and lumber business. Fuily equipped, good contracta. $11.000 with $5.500 down. We have other profitable bus- inesses, summen resorts, service stations, motels, grocery stores, etc. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 8-3988 Bowmanville 4-1 Financicil GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFCATES TERM 3 TO 5 YBARS THE STERLING TRUSTS Carp., 372 Bay St., EMX4-7496 4-1 For Rent GARAGE, central. Phone MA 3-5996. 4-1 HOUSE, five rooms and bath. Near Maple Grave Sebool. Tele- phone MAket 3-3961. 4-1< HOUSE, Mill Lane, threc roonis and closed i porch. Oil heater, gas range. Phone MA 3-3771. 4-1 FOUR noom apartmcnt with bath and pnivate entrance. Tele- phone MýA 3-2228. Caîl aiter 6:30. 4-1 GROUND faonr apartnient, 55 Centre St., available March 1. Apply RAndolph 5-5427 - 123 Bnock St. E., Oshawa. 4-1 MODERN tbnee-room, pnivate bath. Sultable for single or double occupancy. $55 a month. 23 Temperance St., Bownianville. 3-tf IN Newcastle, lange three bed- raom beated apartment. Pnivate entrance. Ail conveniences, $65 nionthly. Available next week. Phone MA 3-5589. 4-1 APARTMENTS, ground floor; new built-in cupboards, tile floars, bathrooms and furnace; separate ontrances, lawns and gardens. Phone Newcastle 3891. 4-1<* DUPLEX, rebuilt, newly dec- onated, three bedroonis, living- rooni, kitchen, bathraom and garage, on main street, Orono. H. De With, Onono, Phone 1172. 4-1<* HOUSE, two bedrooms, heavy wiring, hardwoad faonrs, tiled kitchen, watcr on tap, built-in cuphoards, attached garage, mile eat ai Newcastle on No. 2 Highway, $45 per month. Phonte Newcastle 3771. 4-1< EIGHT acres more or lesa! fine garden land sauth ai Creani ai Barley Camp within the Town o! Bownianville. One hundred dollars per year. Has been worked for the past two years. Apply ta A. H. Glecoif, 174 Rit.on Ro2d S., Osbawa, Ont. -4-3 ELECTRICAL Repaira-Prompt service ta electnical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf WATER Service-500 gallons or 1,'10, gallons per load. Tele- phone MOhawk 8-4172 Whitby before 8:30 or after 3 p.m. 4-4 INSULATION, blawing methad, with rock wool. Workmanship guananteed. F r ee estimates. Hamry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf HEAýRINO aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and corda at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-t! USED washer parts, 1/ h.p. motors, $5.00 up. Repaira ta all, wningcr type washera. Guaran- teed reconditioned washers. Paddy's Market, Hampton. MA 3-2055. 4-4* DO your own faonrs and ruga- Rent a sander, floar polisher or rug cîcanen (shampoo mctbod'i froni Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bownianville. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf HAY 100 TONS AVAILABLE 4-ton order (or over) dellvered FRED MOORE Phono NAPANEE 911 r Il or BOWMANVILLE MA 3-3938 1-4< FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL Automatia Meter Delivery Stephen Fuels Phone MA 3-5410 Office at C.N.R. Yards TILEWORK CERAMIC WALLS Tiied Floora of all description Vinyl, Plastex, Rubber, Jaspe, Marboleum. Flexichrame, Mastic Red Quarry - Ceramia Supplied and Laid H. G. HEAL R.R. 1 Hampton MA 3-2902 25-t! FUEL OIL STOVE OIL Automatie Metered 24-Hour Deiivery Service A. H., STURROCK AND SONS IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER phone MA 3-5516 Sturrock St. BOWMAN %VILLE &U A. -~i--IItu1 lrlmm - I.Llwq-u à-lDt%.LLM; £%il bi%.Uqg 1 ýl - -1 1 %-fulb lui bjulcy