'T~.. f t T r - -~ Pay Trihute to Retiri nq Mayor Durham County's Great Family Journal Several speakers poured accolades upan retiring Mayor Nelson E. Osborne, Ieft, an Friday, at an informai luncheon at the Flying Dutchman. The dinner was held for three purposes, to honor the ex-mayor, ta show appreciation of the long years of service given by former Town Clerk Alick Lyle and add an expression of gratitude ta former mayors of Bowman ville who survive. Mayor Wilfrid D. Car- ruthers is shown presenting souvenir bookends ta Mr. Osborne. You Neyer Know CAMELS? OH NO! By Elsie Carruthers Lunney When a lady telephoned The Statesman to say she had seemi animaIs that looked like cam- els beîng unloaded at the C.P. e. siding one day last week. the rejported was jarred out of a mid-Januany, lacklustre atti- tude toward the world, and *cried, "CAMELS." Yes, said the lady calmly. Did wve know anything about it? With one eye noiling. wild- ly ta the deep snow banks out- $] ade,' the reporter said weekly., andl hung "n. The lady did n3t Inake ber identity known, andi ,,iereporter couldn't helj4 won- ni"ing9, just wondeing- But a reporter neyer leaves pos.ibility dangling, 50 xve plhoned the C.P.R. freight agent anel phrasing the question eau- 'iously said, "Have you had a consignment of animais in the past week?" To which the ans- wer was no. "No-camels?" the reporter asked. "CAMELS!" saicd the freight agent. and the reporter explained and hung Up. In a moment the phone rane. Itwas the freighs agent. "N,) camels," he said, "but the Ex- press delivered two ilamas last wee k." And lhev did, to Keith Con- nell's Crearn of Ba'-lcy Park.i And the Ilama belongs to theî,~-- camel ffamily, sa the lady wasn't fa won. hellmabas no N humpandis ot as taîl, bu tit N w bas long legs and a long iieck, and enclosed in big crates as this gentleman and lady llar'-a were, cur informant could ý. i. forgiven for mistaking the ant- mals for camels. i Mn. and Mrs. Connell have acquired the pair for their zoo at the famous Cream of Banley Park, and as the female Dlama is expecting, there should lie a baby ]lama as well, about the end of M arch. The Ilamas were purchased from fthe Halifax Game ,Fýrtn near Boston, 'Mass.. and were shipped fromn there. Monday nîght Iby express, arriving here an Thursday, via Smith Trans- port. There are Ilamas at thc Rîverdale Zoo in Toronto, but other than that, these are be- liev,ed ta lie the only ones in this part of the country. They don't mind the snow, sceeming ta enjoy roiling ,ini it. In theýir native land o! South Amenica, they are used as lieasts of burdJen and can live high in i'the Andes. They have made thienselves quite at home at pthe Connell camp and should lie quite an attraction ncxt spring and summer ta the hun dreds of visitons ta this fam- nus park. Every Hospital Bed in Use Th e staff at Memnonial Hospital. Bowmanville, have ' I eçn having a hectic tirne lately trying ta find accommo- daj~on for'-the many patients requiring hospitalization. Qn Saturday, there were 10 beds in the corridors, some & ' hich are shown here, including two babies in one crib. i.increase in demand is attributed ta three factors, the Côld' .winter, the gnawing population and introduction of the 4ospital plan. Nurses and aides sho«'n in this photo inicltiàe from left ta right- Miss Rhoda Gor-don. Mrs. Janet Ma4arij.Miss Wose Groen and Mis. Marion Chard. Physician Bowmanvill2 s newcst phys- ician, Dr. E.' L. Ewert, openied his office this week in the Specialty Papcr Products build- Iing - . Teniperance St. He came hiere necently froni Rosthern, Sask.. wherc he practised for 12 yecars. His wife, the former Ethna Vrooman of Kingston and three childncn, daughter Leslie 14, Charles 10 and Andrea 6, au'- companied him. Dr. Ewert is a graduate of Qucen's University. He wras born in Lockwood, Sask. His cancer has included mnilitarv service overseas whprc le -wa-s a hleadquarters mclical liaison officer in northvci Europe and Ipter a member of the staff at Khaki College in E'ugilnd. Hc returned' to Canada il, 1946. He us a nember of tlic United Church, thc Masonic Lodge, wasl on the Lions Club executive in iRostlicin, Presici-int of Hostherii Brapciiof the Canadian Legion: for four years andl is anl ardent: curler, golfer and fisherman. i If any readcr,3 have a copy o!' the issue of Nov. 13 and have finished ,with it, The Statcsrnan would bce glad to have thecm, as this issue wa.s solci out and Ule have only thle file copv 0on hand. Mrs. Alin Sý riLn sj, enca1 Con vior for L'e Dc.yscrl Brid- ge beinz L'cl-l Ly Girl 1 cic:c o- calAsçctmu on s3turdlrA.. Luiii,'h crnvenor ij,3 ' R.Str- vens, tc1cpL'om'.'ý coux enor Mrs. Nelson Osiloine and pî'ize con- venor . r.Raid Anis., M] funds raised will bc'e ured to fu- ther Broxvnie and Guide v',ork 'r Boxvmanvýile. VOLUME 105' 16 -Pages Çt3tts and1 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1959 Liieces NO FLOODS YET - At noon on Wednesday, Works Foreman Lloyd Quinton stated that in spite of the rain and heavy snow, there had been no serious flood- ing. However, they are keeping a wary eye on the situation and rnaking certain that all catch basins are draining properly. At Vanstone's mill, the staff are alsa on the alert ta preve nt damage which could result' from the fast thaw. As one lady suggested: "For years I've looked for an old-fashioned winter, but this one is just a bit too much for me". 1i. t t t.- i. LIGHTS ON BIKES - Provincial and tawn police recently chargedtwo young cyclists for riding their bicycles at night without lights. They have informed The Statesman that they intend ta continue their campaign against this practice until bike riders and their parents realize the hazard they are creating. Sa, fathers and mothers, you might be wise ta check those bicycles in the garage ta make certain they are equipped with lights.that work at the front and reflect- ors at the rear. You may save court charges and, more important, seriaus accident and injury ta your children. t t t t t BUSY EXAMINERS - The newly established Driv- ing Examination Centre in Oshawa Shopping Centre is daing a rushing business these days. On Tuesday, they were boaked solidly for examinations until Fri- day, January 3th. Recent graduates of the Bowman- ville Traffic Clinic would be well advised ta submit their naines as soo n as possible. It is impassible ta just drap in and immediately start the drîving exam- ination. The place is now run on an appointment basis. t t t t t NO CHARGE - Prior ta the exhibition game with Lakefield * and BOC's on Saturday, there will be a Bantam battle between Whitby and Bowmanville. This weeèk, parents and friends of the Bantams will be able ta attend the fiz'st game withaut charge. They wilJ be asked ta leave the Arena fallawing the game or buy tickets for the BOC game. Incidentally, this Intermediate fixture, although an exhibition tilt, should be a dandy. Lakefield have always been a scrappy, fast-skating outfit. They defeated Cobourg last Friday, so the Combines wîll have ta move ta beat them. t t t t t RER MAJESTY COMING - Our thanks ta R. Percy Vivian, M.P., for wiring The Statesman that Her Mai esty and Prince Philip will be coming ta Durham during their visit., They will visit His Excellency the Governor General at his Part Hope "Batterwood" home July 25th, came ta Part Hope an'Sunday, Julr 26th and part of July 27th when they leave for Trenton. t* t t t TWO TIME WINNER - Mrs. Joyce Lyle, Rehder Ave.. Bowmanville, won her second $10 wonth of mercharidise this, week--by -submitting- he.C'rtor Capers title considered best. She also won the first contest. Participants should be reminded that they first pick out the misplaced words in the adventise- ments on page nine, until they have what they feel is a correct title. Then, they make up a title which they feel is as good or better. If they attach.a sales. slip from one of the participating merchants, it also qualifies them for a chance at the $10 tc0 be awarded' at the conclusion of the contest for the best ail-round suggested titie. . t t t t t STJLL IN DEMAND - Apparently. there is stili quite a demand for copies of Bowmanville's officiai history "A Retrospect". Ken Morris, Secretary-Manager of the Chamber of Commerce, advises that last weck î-equests fan copies were receîved from the Legis- lative Library at thé Parliament Buildings in Toronto and the Library at Queen's University, Kingston. t t . t * WATCH VOUR GOOD EYE - k~rs. Lunney in her stony about the arrivai of some Ilamas at the Cream of Banley Park didn't tell you one particulan habit these animais have. Like some uncouth hum ans, wvhen sameone annoys them, they dcfend themselvcs' or express thein disgust by spitting veny accunately at the abject or persan they dislike. The odor of the sputum is said ta be horrible. Sa, if you plan ta visit the Ilamas, either be nice ta themn or be prepaned ta duck. Fire Damages Frame Home at Maple Grove The home of Mr. and Mns. Ed. Holmes, Maple Grove Road North, ivas damaged extensively Wednesday a!- ternonln a fire o! unde- termined origin. Boimanville brigade wsas iiotif*ed of the blaze by Mns. Ed. Cox and Mrs. K. May- berry w~ho noticed smoke seeping from under 'the eaves. Wben firemen arriv- ed, they found no one home, but broke windows to get at the flames. ÉNEWC A S TLE GIRL ARRESTED FOR ARMED ROBBERY A New'castle gilSh ilev that rn ged the area, and block- Darrach, age 19, was arrested ed off ail main intersections. in Toronto or Tuesdav eecning The taxi driver told police and cliarged v-ith arme 'd roh- the gi had taken hîs cab at a berv A tax d ri%-r Law renc e Yongýe Street tavern and told RaVoi25 Churchi Street, To- h m to dr 've to the Lake Sho'-e. ro nto w~as ilso ar ested on ti, But atter investigation by De- same charge.D tect xe Sgt V. Henderson. and1 The ',oun;z red headed Dar- Detective Sgt. H. Hillier of the racb gi;rl told poI;c? thlat slhe hold-up squad Ravoi was alsoý A arrived in Toronto on 'vondav 1 charged wîth armed robber.v. from her home in Newcastle. The manager of the West She was charged with holdîngi Point Motel, Alec Velianou, up two men at gun point in Mimico, said a girl walked into the West Point Motel, Lake the motel office as he was Shore Road, New Toronto. talking - with a customer, Wxl- . She was arrested liy Sgt. Bil liam Gilbert. Kitchener. She Bodlex-, who stopped a taxi at asked about room prices and These seven former inayors of Bowmanville were Included in thîs picture, from Ieft. to right: Milton J. the Lake Shor-e Road, and then :).flled out an automatîc. honored on Friday eveningz at a special dinner P-t the Fly IEllîott, Geo W. James, W. Ross Strike, Sidney Little, Churcýi Strcc!. minutes afPeýr he said. The girl bandit took t the hiold-up. The Žerge0nt *N-.1; $277.00 from Mr. Velianou, and 'ing Dutchman. Not prczcnt were threc others w ho live Lawrence C. ¶dason, F. Morley Vanstone anid Nelson E. in one ci the. 10 police cars 1 $13.00 £rom Mr. Gibert. ini Bowmanville and one now residing in Vancouver. Osborne. lOc Per CODV NUMBER 4 i Garnet B0. Rickard Elected 'Warden.Uni*tedCounties -A First for Darlington Cartwrig ht Libel Action For $10,000 Merlin Suggitt, road superin- tendent for Cartwright town- ship, was plaîntiff in a libel ac- tion for $10.00 which was set for hearin.g before Mn. Justice Gale and a jury at the winter assizes which opened in Cobourg Monday. Mr. Suggitt is claiming dam- ages for alleged defamatory ne- marks published in a pamphlet dissemmnated by two members of the 1957 Cartwright township council in February, 1958. De- fendents are former deputy- reeve Jack Green, and Council- lon Fnd Tnewin .With them is named Wilfred Vine, Cartwri- ght township businessman. Suggitt alleges that the pam- philet was distributed iby mail and other means throughout the township. He is represented by R. W. Cass, QC, of Belleville. In a statement of defence, de- fendants state that they publish- ed notbing but true statements on the operations of a public servant. In this respect the state- ments made were privileged, they dlaim. For the first time since Darlington Township becaîne part of the United Counties, 108 years ago, it has its own wardcn this week. Darlington's Deputy Reeve for the past four years, Garnet B. Rickard of Shaw's wvas elected Warden of the United Counties of Northumnberland and Durham on Tuesday. He received 35 votes on the first balloting at Cobourg out of a total of 52. His opponents were Reeve H. Victor Wilson of Hope Township who recei'ved 12 votes and Reeve of Clarke Township James T. Brown who had five votes. This was Mr. Rickard's second attempt at the Wardenship. Two years ago, he was defeated liv one vote for ' the position by Reeve Lloyd Hooton of Cavan. On hand for the ceremonies were at ieast 10 ex-wandens, in- cluding Milton J. Elliott of Bow- manville. This is only the sec- ond time in history that a Deputy Reeve has been able ta win this election, the most im- port-nt in the municipal life of the counties. Mn. Rickard's career is well known in this district. He bas been a member of Darlington Council for eight years, four of them as Deputy Reeve. He is Past President of Bowmanville Rotary Club, Past Worshipful Master o! Durham Lodge, A.F. & A.M., Newcastle: a member of the Advisory Board o f the Ontario Agricultunal College, Guelph; bas served on the Board 10 Town Mayors Since 1929 Receive Souvenir Bookends At Testimonial Civic Dinner It was revealed last Friday that ex-mayors of Bowmanville must lie a hardy group of in- dividluals because ail of thein W. J. Berry is 85 W. J. Berry, Bowmanville's oldest King Street merdhant, celebnated his 85th binthday on Wednesday, Jan. 21. Mn. Berry is stili an the joli in his station- eny store, 43 King St. East, and is an active member of, the Senior Citizens Club. Up until a couple of ycars aga Mn. Berry xvas a great traveller. jounney- ing by hiniscîf to Newfaund- land, Hawaii, Alaska and other fan-off places. since 1929 are still living and very active, a situation whici miglit almost constitute a re- cord. This information was disclos- ed at an informal dinner at the Flying Dutchman attended by seven o! the*10 former mayors, all of wbom stili live in Bow- manville. Each was presented with a souvenir set ofbookends as a tribute fnam present coun- cil for thein past service, and in several cases, their continu- ed activity in municipal affair. Present Mayor Wilfrid D. Car- ruthers made the presentations. Others present included the present members of counicil. Specially honored was th ' immediate past mayor Nelson E. Osborne. Almost every anc, o! the ex-mayor speakers paid glowing tnibute ta him for the way be handled the official oc- casions during Çentennial yean. Tribute To Former Clerk The dinner also combined re- cognition of retired Clerk Alick J. Lyle who held that position' from 1932 until the end of 1958. Dr. Gea. W. James, Mayor at that time, recalled that it had been his plcasure ta hire M_. Lyle, ta replace his fathèr, John Lyle, who xvas clerk fon aven 30 years prcx-uously. Ex-mayors and the 'years of their tenure who attended in- cludcd Milton J. Elliott 1929-31, Dr. Gro, W. James 1932-33, W.I R. Stnike 1934-37, S. Little 1947- 48 and again in 1952, L. C. Ma- son 1949-51, F. Morley Van- stone 1953-54 and Ne]-on E. Os- borne 1955-58. Suirviving for- mer mayors who did not attend were H. L. Quinn, now of Van. couver, 1920-23, R. O. Jones 1938-41 and again in 1943, G. A. Edmondstone 1942 until Jul,' when C. G. Morris took over for the remainder of the year. Mr. Morris was also niayor for 1944-46. Almo;si Preclpitated Debate Possibly the most intere .in pýart of the evening mecludcd the addresses by the former mayors when they were pre3. ented with inscribed booketidg. Each !i turn recal]ed experien. (Continued on pagze seven> Join Tely Bingo Local people now have the opportunitv of enjoy- ing the "TeIy" Bingo and by so doing will help support the Bowmanville Kinsmien CIub's artificial ire prz- ject. The "Tely" Bingo ap- pears nightly in the 1,0- ronto Telcgram, and the 7th game is underw'ay. Cards may be hought at local stores. For a rom- plete Eist of pýare3 MI wero the cardq may he Purchas- ed here see page 13. -7, - -,ý ýXlý --Ir - I Seven Former Mayors Attend Testimonial Dinner .i*-~ .,~ 10e Per Copy NUMBER 4 Garnet B. Rickard