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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1959, p. 16

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e---. ,.- - -- - - *- --..----.------..' * - - - V # '~ ~ - -. - AIr. avq 1TME CAADM aNTATàMLN, EOW 9A1YItLt OHTAR! TNUM~AT, 'I'AW. U. UD~W ~ Births CONNEL-Keifh and Barbai-a1 (Spencer) ai-e happy te an-i nounce the arrival o! their son, Thomas, 8 lbs., 1 oz., on Mon- day, Jan. 26th, 1959, at Mernor- ial Hospital, Bowmanvilie. A brother for Alan. 5-1 GRANT-Sam and Lois (nee Davey) are happy te announce the arrival o! a son, Arthur- Dpvey, 6 lbs., 14 ozs., at the Oshawa General Hospital on Jan. 24th. Tbanks te Dr. Irwin. 5-1 HUBEARD-Di-. and Mi-s. E. D. I{ubbard ai-e happy to announce the biith o! a daughfer, *Deri-yann, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on January 27, 1959. 5-1 PINGLE-Mi-. and Mrs. Oscar Pingle are happy te announce the birth of a daugbter, Janice Charleen, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, January 22nd, 1959. 5-1" TUERK-Frank and Virginia ai-e bappy te anneunce the airival a! Cynthia Cecile, 7 lbs., 5 ozs., on Jan. 18, at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. A sister for Clifford Cecil. 5-1 ZUIDERSMA-Mr. and Mrs. H. Zuidersmna are happy te an- nounce the birth of their son, John Arnold, at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on January 24th, 1959. 5-1 Engagements Mr-.. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan announce the engagement o! their daughter Madeline Ina Mae, te !r Robert Gerald May, son o! Mrs. May and the late M14 Reuben May, Scarborougb. Marinage will take place in Orono United Church, February 28th, 1959, at 3:00 p.m. 5-1* Deaths ALLEN - At ber residence "Drumi-alla", Beech Ave., Bow- rmanvilIe, on Safurday, Jan. 24, ' 1959, Margaret Frances Allen, in her 92nd year, daughter o! the late Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Allen. Service was beld at her late residence on Monday, Jan. 26 at 2:30 p.rn. Interment Bow- m-a vil le Cemetery. (Arrange- n- _nts by Morris Funera1 Chap- eh). 5-1 ]BELLMAN-At Memorial Hos- Pifai, Bowmanville, on Menday, Januai-y 26, 1959, Ruth Haines, beloved %vife o! Cecil Beilman, end dear mother o! Haines, W-%alkerton, and Janie (Mi-s. .John Kessler), Earl Grey, Sask. . Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bewmanville, on Wednesday, January 28 at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowman- ' ville Cemetery. 5-1 H-ALL, George Edward - On Tuesday, Jan. 13, 1959, at bis *home, 16 Glen Morris St', Toron- to, George Edward Hall, belev- ed busband o! Jennie Chick. Rested at the funeral chapel of Fred W. Matthews Ce., 665 Spadina Ave. Funeral servicei wvas held in the chapel, Friday a!temnoon af 1:30 o'clock. In- terment Mount Pleasant Cerne- tery. 5-1"* LOVERIDGE-Suddenly at R.R. 1, Bowmanville, on Tuesday. Jan. 27, 1959, Nancy.Jane, aged1 two months, beloved infant1 daughter o! Walter and May (Trewin) Loveridge. Resting at 'the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Private service in the chapel on Thursday at 2 o'clock. Interment Befhesda ,Cernetery. 5-1 TREVAIL, John Garfield- In the family residence, Taunton, Ont., on Tuesday, Jan. 27, 1959, John Garfield Trevail, beloved .busband o! Marguerite Thomp- !son Crossmian, and father o! eMrs. W. C. Skuce (Marguerite), ;Doreen and Sidney, in bis 63nd1 1 ear. Resting at the Armstronge Funeral Home, Oshawa, withf znemorial service in the Chapel,E Tbursday, Jan. 29 at 2 p.rn.1 Inferment Oshawa Union Cerne- tery. (Masonic srvie Wdn- Cards of Thankcs We would like te take this op- portunity o! thanking our many neighboi-s, friends and relatives 1er the lovely gifts, flowers and cards we received. Also te the Town of Bowmanville for the lovely flowei-s sent te, us and te one and aUl who helped make aur Golden Wedding Anni- versai-y, a vei-y pleasant event. Tbank you again. Mr-. and Mi-s. Frank Purdy. 5-1" 1 would like te tbank friends and neighbours fer ci and flowers my sta3 Port Permy Hospital, also to Kimrnerly, Dr. John Diam( Dr. M. B. Dymond and nur special fhanks te Marion ]Ronald who cared for me *week and ahi who helped in way. Mlrs. Amy Ginn. I would like te express incere thanks te the nurses staff o! Miemorial Hospital, to vvh- so 11kind-IN me rnembered 'v db cards, flovers, çifts - vue so kindly visifed in t ite hospital and si iC,'crne. A sp)ecial thai ee z;n. ir. Gi, ] I ~ainonand Rev. M. Mi-s. Loha Freenian. Pets for Sale ONE fempl- collie pup, LI months old. Phone M4A 3-39 My ards iy in ) Dr. lend, ises; lIn Memohram CULLY-In loving mnemory of my mother, Martha Cully, who passed away suddenly January 3th, 1951. Stili missed, loved and longed for. Daisy. 5-1 CURRAN-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Lottie Curran, who passed away Jan. 30, 1958, in Oshawa General Hospital. A beautiful meniory, dearer than gold, 0f a darling whose worth can neyer be told, Alone, unseen, she stands by our aides And whispers don't grieve, death cannot divide. Deep in our hearts hier memory is kept, 0f one we loved and cannot forget, And though the years may be many or few, We will always be thinking dear mother of you. -Lovingly remembered by hus- band, daughters and son-in-law Jack. 51 CURRAN-In loving memory of a dear grandmother Lottie Cur- ran, who departed from us Jan. 30, 1958, in Oshawa General Hospital. In tears 1 saw you sinking I watched you fade away, MY heart' was almost broken, You fought so hard to stay, But when I saw you sleeping So peaceful from pain I could flot wish you back To suffer that again. -Always remembered by Orvis Karen. 5-1* FIFIELD-In memnory of the late Rev. Frank B. Fifield, late pastor of the Pentecostal Church, Bowmanville, who passed away On January 26, 1958, at Memor- Jl Hospital, Bowmanville. Our hearts were heavy witb sorrow and grief As Our loved one passed that day. But this we knew, be had flot died Our Lord took him'away. Even tbough we knew our loved one passed From earth 's sorrows to heavenly gain, We miss himi now, but well meet up there When aur Lord'shall cail our name. The commission of tbe Saviour Is, be ye faithful tli I corne, For it's only to the pure in heart He bas promised a heavenly * home. For to those who love and serve our God' Fear flot when death's shadows steal, For earth can bold no sorrow That heaven cannot beal. -From many friends and loved ones who miss our Bro. but re- joice in the heavenly glory wherein the Lord bas called hlm: Mr. and Mrs. Williami Port- er, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kinnear and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. MacLead, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Grills, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ervin, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell and family, Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Alldread, Ross Alldread, Mrs. Greta Car- penter and Grace, Mrs. L. Clapp, Miss Vera Clapp, Mrs. Ed. Trimnble and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mickelson, Mrs. L. Dyson, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Webb and familY, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.i Perry and John, Mr. and Mrs. John Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley E. Fice, Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. Fice, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adamis and family, Mrs. G. Adams, Mrs. M. Webber, Mr.« and Mrs. T. J. Webb and family, Rev. and Mrs. R. R. Nicholson, Mr-. and Mrs. E. Willetts, Mrs. Sadler and Miss Vivian Sadler, Clarence Alldread, Alfred Webb' 5-1" KOZUB-In loving memomy o! a dear mother and grandmofb- er, Victoria Kozub who passed away Jan. 23rd, 1957. Every day i sorne sniall way Memories o! you corne oui- way Tho' absent you are ever near StiURnmissed, sf111 loved and ever dear. -Ever remembered by daugbter Doreen, son-in-law Ken and grandehildi-en Brian and Wendy. KOZt.B-mn îoving memory o! a dear wife and mother, Vic- toria Kozub, who lef us Jan. 23, 1957. Our- lips cannot tell how we miss ber, Oui- hearts cannot tell what te say, God alone knows bow we miss ber Inaborne thaf is lonesorne to-day. -Always remernbered by bus- band Bill and daughfers Sylvia and Carol. 5-1 In Memoraxn RICHARDS-In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Rachel Richards, who passed away suddenly Jan. 30, 1956. We lost a mother with a heart of gold Who was more to us than wealth untold, Without farewell she fell asleep With only memories for us to keep. We have lost but God bas gained One of the best mothers the world contained. -Ever loved and remembered by daughter Gertrude and grandchildren. 5-1 RICHARDS, Rachel Anne - [n loving memory of a dear moth- er, who died suddenly Jan. 30, 1956. Love's greatest gift-. Remembrance. -Sadly missed by son Norman. 5-1* RICHARDS, Rachel Anne-In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother who passed suddenly away, Jan. 30, 1956. In our home she is remembered, Sweet memories dling to her name, Those who loved. her in life Sdearly StiR love ber in death . the sanie. -Sadly missed by daughter Aima and son-in-law Ernie and grandchildren, Marina and AllUn. RUNDL-In proud and loving memory of my dear son and brother, Pilbt Officer Sidney Gordon Rundie, R.C.A.F., who was missing over Germany, Jan. 28th, 1945. Tenderly we treasure the past With memories that will always last, And when we cease to think of you, Will be when God has called us too. --Sadly missed and ever re- membered by mother and fam- ily. 5-4* TAIT-In loving memory of a dear husband and father Bill Tait, who passed away Jan. 29, 1958. God saw you getting weary, That the his were hard to climb, So He closed your weary eyelids And whispered "«Peace be thine." -Sadiy missed and ever remem- bered by his wife and family. 5-1 THERTELLà-In loving memory of a dear mother Amy, who passed away February 2, 1955. Years of striving, littie of play, Loving, giving' the whole of the way. A cherished smile, a beart of gold, To the dearest mother the world could hold. Happy memories fond and true, From us who thought the world of you. -Ever remembered by the family. 5-1 TRIMBLE-In loving memory of a dear grandmother, Mrs. John Trimble, who passed away two years ago, January 2Q, 1957. Rest in peace dear grandmother, Two long years have passed. You are gone, but stili are living In the hearts of those who stay. -Always remembered by grand- daughter Freda, Joe and fam- ily. 5-1 Work Wanted TRAINED practical nurse avail- able. Phone MA 3-7145. 5-2* PLUME ING, heating, caves- troughing; freae esti m at es. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 12-tf YOUNG maried woman seek- ing office work with typing ability. Mrs. Wilma Lewis. Phone MA 3-7256. 5-1* CONCRETE and mason work. New work or repair. P. 0. Box 1083, L. Turner, Phone MAi-ket 3-5820, evenings MA 3-5605. 25-tf TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Cleanouts - Deepening Compresser Work 500 Simece St. S., Oshawa, Ont. Phone RA 8-6974 5-2 * Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf Aniger Construction Co. I 'I'f1 and il A " the MITCHELL, Wr.-In loving B CIL MPL ETVIC any mernory o! oun dear father who BIDN EVC passed away Feb. 2nd, 1956. BRICK îVORK - BLOCK 5-1 God fook bum home, it was His CHIMNEYS - CONCRETE will, AND CARPENTRY Mny But in oui- heants we love hlm DOUG- MAi-ket 3-3375 ýand ~still. RYrAkt327 a ail His memory is as dean to-day OY-Mre3227t me As in the heur be passed2-t and Mwhy. P ro a me We offen sit and think o! hlm Pro a icc When we are ail alone WHY FEEL OLD? Feel Years anks For mernery is the only !iend one.OtxTniTals Rev. Thaf grief can calits own You nglie. osxniealts40 C.-Sadly rmissed and îovingîy -reaze Ofhous.Atadstpst 40. mer-bered by the family. 5-1 0. fal rgiss - 5-1" HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber McINDOO-In loving mernery geeds) rnailed posfpaid in plain o! a dear wife and mother Lena sealed envelope wifh pnice 1sf. -Mclndoo, who passed awvay Six sarno!es 25c, 24 sarnfhes îi-ee February 2nd, 1953. 0. Mail Order Dcpt. T-28. W24.1 -Ever remembcred by Ili No-v.-Rubber Ce., Eox 91. Ham- 6-1 tamily. &-l ilton, Ont. -1-2 Articles for Sale A~rticles for Sale QUANTITY of turkey manure. RODNEY Qats, $42prtn Phone MA 3-5058. 5-* Phone MA 3-2271. 51 IMANURE for sale. Any quant- ity. Delivered. Reasonable. Doug Bai-ton, Enniskillen. 5-1 QUANTITY of standing wood. Phone Eber Milîson, MA 3-2645 between 3 and 3:30 o'clock. 4-2* FOUR-burner electric stove. Caîl after six or on Saturday to Louise Hancock, Newcastle 2731. 5-tf SAVE on lumber, direct from mill to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13tf KEYS eut automatIcally, whhle you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf WATER, bard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-580~5. 31-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrical appliances. large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf MEAT slicer, cash register, scales, 17 cu. ft Kelvinator re- frigerator, ail in very good con- dition. Phone MA 3-3911. 5-1 WATER Service-500 gallons or 1,,'0 gallons per load. Tele- phone MOhawk 8-4172 Whitby before 8:30 a.m. or after 3 p.m. 4-4 INSULATION, blowing methôd, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clar-ke 2420. 39-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock cf batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf USED washer parts, 1/4 h.p. motors, $5.00 up. Repairs to ahl wringer type washers. Guaran- teed reconditioned washers. Paddy's Mar-ket, Hampton. MA 3-2055. 4-4* DO your owýn floors and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo method> from Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf ALUMA SEAL ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS AND SCREENS, AIVNINGS No down payment necessary until May CALL MArket 3-2198 TILEWORK CERAMIC WALLS Tiied Floors of ail description Vinyl, Plastex, Rubber, Jaspe, Marboieum. Fiexichrome, Mastic Red Quarry - Ceramie Suppiied and Laid H. G. HEAL R.R. 1 Hampton MA 3-2902 25-tf ALUMINUM DOORS WINDOWS, AWNINGS AND RAILINGS Variety of Floor and Wall Tules FOR FREE ESTIMATES Phone MA 3-2753 at 22 Division St. FUEL OIL STOVE OIL Automatie Metered 24-Heur Delivery Service A. H. STURROCK AND SONS IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER Phone MA 3-5516 Sturrock St. BOWMANVILLE 36-tf IVHY PAY MORE? The Price Is Right! FOR THE FINEST QUALITY TRY WONDER WINDOW ALUMINUM COMBINATION SELF-STORING WINDOWS FULLY GUARANTEED $14.00 up SELF-STORING DOORS $49.95 FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND DEMONSTRATION CALL BILL LEASK 40 CONCESSION ST. E. MArkei 3-5522 RADIO, six-tube, floor model, $15. Phone MA 3-3970. j 5-1 WATER for sale. Delivered. Phone Cliff Pethick, MA 3-2736. 45-tf BEATTY electric washer, excel- lent condition. Telephone MA 3-5080. 5-1* HAY for sale, 40c per bale, W. Eymann, Courtice. Phone RA 5-8288. 4-tf DRY ligbt wood ln stovewood lengths, $10 per load. Telephone MA 3-2849. 37-tf BED, spring and mattress in good condition, $15. Telephone MA 3-3789. 5-1 GOOD quality mixed hay, 50c per bale at farm. Telephone MA 3-2403. 48-tf PEA straw, $3.50 per ton. Tele- phone MýA 3-5629 or Canadian Canners. 5-1 * EMPIRE coal and wood cook stove, like new, reasonable; dol bouse and furniture. Phone Newcastle 2736. 5-1 CLOVERS & GRASSES: If you haven't picked up your order at! early shipment prices, Note- February prices are in effeqt next week. Stewart's Seeds, Bowmanville. 5-1* ADDING machines, typewriters, cash r e g is t e r s, calculators, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture. New and used. Repairs to ail makes. Frank Office Equipment, 177 Church Street, Bowmanville. MAi-ket 3-3986. 3-tf Comning Events Enniskillen Choir are holding a crokinole party in the church basement on Saturday, January 31, 8 p.m. Admission 50c, 25c. 5-1 Bingo every Thursday - 20 regular gamnes, two $25 jackpot gamnes. No game under $4.00. Admission .50c. St. Joseph's Parish Hall. 4-tf Meet your friends at Euchre Party, Tyrone Community Hall, sponsored by Community Board, Saturday, Jan..31, 8 p.m. Prizes. Lunch will be served. 5-1 Olde Tyme Dancing: Saturday, January 31, Coldsprings Hall. Jim Fisher's Orchestra. Keep in raind Claremount, February 21, 28, 9 sharp. Admission $1. 5-1 * Business and Professional Women's Club are chartering a bus to go to the "Ice FoUies", Wednesday, February 4. For seats and information caîl MA 3-3811. 5-1 .Bingo in St. Mary's, Port Hope on Tuesday, February 3rd at 8:30 p.m. Cash prizes $220 Plus jackpot of $180 with 18 numbers called, one Uine bingo. Admission 50C. 5-1 A Valentine Dance, sponsorcd by the O.N.O. Club to be held in the Recreation Centre, Black- stock, on Friday, Feb. 6, with Montgomery's Orchestra. Ad- mission 75c, students 50c. 5-1 At the Royal Theatre, Sat., Feb. 7 at 6 and 9 p.m.' (Two shows) and Mon.-Wed., Feb. 9-11 at 8 p.m. only-"Bridge on the River Kwai"l (Color). Best ýpicture of the year 1958. 5-1 Valentine Dance, Solina Com- munity Hall, Saturday, February 14, 1959. Jim Fisher's Orchestra. Lunch and prizes. Tickets $1 .50 each. For tickets caîl MArket 3-2447, MA 3-2486 or MA 3-2265. 5-1 Woodview Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dollars; five games- tbirty.dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Shaw's Home and Scbool Club will bold their Annual Card Party at the school on Friday, February 6 at 8 o'clock. Admis- sien 50c. Gaines for the child- i-en. Lunch will be served. Corne and enjoy yourself. 5-2 Lions Club Bingo, Monday, Feb. 2, in the Lions Community Centre at 8 p.m. 20 games $5.00, two special games, two jack- pots o! $25.00 each. lst jackpot, 12 numbers; 2nd jackpot, il numbers. Admission SOc. 5-1 DANCE ta HENRY KOSS and the Hamesteaders Saturday, January 31 at Pontypool Hall Featuring the best In Modern and Olde Tyme Music Dancing 9 tili 12 Admission * - 75e Cars for Sale '56 PONTIAC coach, excellent condition, $1,325 cash for quick sale. Specialty Paper Products Ltd., MA 3-3381. 5-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six montbs te pay. For- personal service at your home eaU Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf Lost Notices Notice to rabbit hunters-$1.00 will be paid for each rabbit. Please be careful when bunting on Nursery property. Brook- dale-Kingsway Nurseries. 46-tf The man who was given the wrong bat, a Bîltmore "fiat-top", at th@ check-room of the Canad- ian Legion, Bumns' Night, is asked to please Phone MA 3-5606 as the bat was a gift and bas sentimental value. Thank you. 5-if Anyone baving any Informa- tion as to the whereabouts of John Edward Lindquist, former- ly o! the Village of Pontypool, pîcase communicate with Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Murdoch, Barristers, etc., 5 Sim- coe Street North, Oshawa, On- tario. 5-1 Farmers - Businessmen. Accounitancy and Tax Problems? Why not let nme handie these at REASONABLE RATES! Boolckeeping, Tax Advice Financial Statement, etc., etc. H. DeWITH MAIN STREET - ORONO PHONE 1172 4-2 * Notice is Hereby Given that the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanviile wiii appiy to the Legisiative Assembiy cf the Province cf Ontario at Its next session for speciai legisia- tien vaiidating and confirming By-Law No. 1709 cf the Town cf Bowmanviiie, being a by-iaw te provide for the borrowing cf $46,640.01 upon debentures te pay for the construction cf ,certain works on a local lm- proveinent basis and declaring the said by-law te be legai, vaiid and binding upon The Corporation cf the Town cf Bownianviile and the ratepayers thereof. The said works eonsist cf sidewaiks on Higli Street, Prince Street, Third Street, Simpson Avenue, Jane Street, Albert Street, Liberty Street, Fiett Street, and Orchardview Boule- vard, waterrnains on Frederick Avenue, Rehder Avenue. Third Street, Prospect Street, Waveriy Road, Concession Street, King. Street East, Saint George Street and Edsali Avenue, and a sani- tai-y sewer on Prospect Street, in the Town cf Bowmanvilie. The existing debenture debt of The Corporation cf the Town of Bowmanvilie is $1,041,203.68 and ne part cf the principal or interest is in ar-cars. The rate- able property ef the Town cf Bewmanviiie according te the iast revised assessment i-ollIs $7,219,000.00. Datcd at Bewmanvilie, On- tarie, this l6th day cf January, A.D. 1959. The Corperation cf the Town cf Bowmanviiie, By Strike & Strike, Its Solicitors. 4-6 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the Estate o! Edward Eric Downey, Deccased. Ail persons baving dlaims against the estate o! Edward Eric Downey, Carpenter, late o! the Town o! Bowmanville in the County o! Durham, who died on or about the lSth day o! Octob- cm, 1958, are required to send te the undersigned at the address below full particulars o! the sanie on or before the fi-st day o! Mai-ch, 1959, a!ter which date the assets o! the deceased will be distributed having regard only te the dlaims o! which the Executors shahl then have notice. DATED this 22nd day of January, 1959. The Sterling Trusts Corporation, 372 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, Executors, by Apha I. Hodgins, their Solicitor berein. 4-3 Wanted to Buy HIGHEST prices paid for used furniture, appliances, television, sewing machines, etc. Also sel and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf HIGIMST. prices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap iron, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-tf ALL kinds of live poultry want- cd. Top Toronto prices paid at your door for large or smal quantities. We have oui- own mar-ket. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phione collect te Bethany 7 r 13. 28-tf Two fo Fifty Acres wlfh Lake Fronfage between Whifby and Port Hope. Private buyer. Write ADVERTISER 910 c/o The Canadian Statesman P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvilie, Ont. 5-2 Piano Tuning BEAGLE hound, eight months1 ARTHUR Collison. Telephone olci. J. Ba.rclay, MA a-5850. 6-1i MArket 3-3900. 36-ti Rleal Estate for Sale1 HOUSE and lot. Phone MArket 3-3309. 5-1 SOLID brick ranch style borne, six rooms and bath, located on large lot on quiet residential street. Apply 9 Frederick Ave., Phone MA 3.r5147. 5-4 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER We need listings of ail kinds. Give us a call. 52 King St. W., Bowmanvile MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Salesmen Ino. HBis, MA 3-2495 Len Hibbard, RA 8-1022 5-1 Pedwell Real Estate Large and es, service stores, etc. small farms, bous- stations, genera 1 Maurice H. Pedwell Phone Newcastle 3851 Win. A. Heron Phone 12, BrookIiu E. Jeffery Phone 238, Coibarne Hl. C. PEDWELL, BROKER Newcastle Phone 3856 5-1 Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanvilie Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 Very nice 4-room bungalow, centrally located. Hardwood floors. Modern kitchen. Nice sunporch. Garage. Very suit- able for retired couple. Priced to sell. New 6 room bungalow with basement apartmnent. This is a truly well built home and bas to be seen to be appreciated. New 6-room 2-storey home in a nice location. Truly modern in every way. Two bathrooms, Carport. Mantel. Ternis or trade. 5-1l McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board .120 acre farm with 110 acres workable, 10 room bhouse with modemn bathroom, furnace. Extra large barns with stable room for over 100 cattle, cement silo. Bowmanville 61/ miles. Only $19,000 with excellent ternis. 100 acre farm with 80 acres workahle, eîgbt room solid brick bouse, running bot and cold .water, furnace, bip-roof barn 65 x 35 with wing 50 x 30. Stocked trout streani, on good road, 15 miles froni Bowman- ville. Only $15,300 with ternis. Cbristmas tree fanm, 100, acres with 34,000 Scotch pine planted. $8,000 with ternis. 8 roomed solid brick bouse, central location, upstairs apart- ment rented to good tenants. Price reduced for quick sale. Building lots in Bowmanville and Newcastle. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 Bowmanvilie 5-1 For Rent GARAGE, central. Phone MA 3-5996. 5-1 HOUSE for rent. Phone MArket 3-3573. 5-1 FIVE-roomed bouse near Cedar Park. Phone MA 3-5155. 5-1w FURNISHED apartment. avail- able immediately. Phone even- ings, MA 3-3231. 5-1 GROUND floor beated apart- ment. Abstainers. Phone 3-5961 from 5 p.m. until 9. 5-1 HOUSE, five rooms and bath. Near Maple Grove School. Tele- phone MArket 3-3961. 5-1 MODERN tbree-room, private bath. Suitable for single or double $55 a month. 23 Temperance St., Bowmanville. 3-tf SMALL apartment, first floor, over Stedman Stores. Reason- able rent. Possession at once. Apply to L. C. Mason, Barrister. 5-1 * GOOD bouse, with bydro; ideal location, immediate possession. Write Advertiser 909,* c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 5-1 THREE-bedroom brick bouse, furnished or unfurnished, oil furnace, central. Write Adver- tiser 911, c/o Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville. 5-1" FOUR-room beated apartment, two bedroonis, living-room, kitchen, bath. Built-in cup- boards, tule floors, central. Im- mediate possession. No children. Phone MA 3-5822. 5-1 EIGHT acres more or less of fine garden land south of Creani o! Banley Camp within the Town of Bowmanville. Onel hundred dollars per year. Ha.s been worked for the past two years. Apply te A. H. Glecoff, 174 Ritson Ro'id S., Oshawa, Ont. 4-3 THREE-bedroom bungalow in Bowmanville. Garage, oul heat- ing,. fireplace. Feb. lst posses- sion. $90 monthly. Please state number in family in reply and position. Write Advertiser 912 c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190. Bowfalile. Ô-18 Real Estcrte for Sale EIGHT-;rooma house near schwo and business section. Phone MA 3-2794 or apply at 32 Church Orm Gerry (Realtor) ORONO - PHONE 1191 WELCOMES VOUR ENQUIRIES FOR Farms, Houses, Etc.' IN AND NEAR ORONO 2.- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE j Properties Soid, Rentel Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-ti James Nixon REAL ESTATE BROKER 7 room frame house, 3-piece bath, oul furnace, heavy wiring, basement, garage, garden, $7,000. Terms. Lot on No. 2 Highway west of Maple Grove, cernent basement, with sub-floor, roof and weIl, $2,000. 9-room solid brick, bydro, sew- er and water, basement, bot water heating, good lot on pay. ed street, close to school, i9140 mediate possession. $ 1,500 down. Income home. 47 Queen St. Bowmanvilie Diai MA 3-5682 Box 941 5-16 L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. 43 Park Rd. S. Oshawa Bowmanville bungalow, cent- raliy located, consisting of fam- ily size kitchen with cupboards, sink, bot and cold wate, heavy stove cable, etc. Living-room 121/ x 17 nicely decorated, bard- wood flooring, 2 bedrooms, 4.. piece batbroomn, full size divid. 'ed hasement,1 oil heating, electric hot water tank, storms and screens, large landscaped and hedged lot. Full asking price $7,500 with terms. Caîl Sid Martyn or Keith Peters RA 5-8761 or RA 3-9810. Courtice store and apartment, located on No. 2 Highway, large modemn store with shelvlng, light fixturc.g, tule foors, etc. Four-room unfinished apartment above, full size extx-, ~h base- ment, forced i w il heat. ing, beavy wirig n h floors, excellent opportunity for var lines of business. Full list price~ only $10.750, Ternis arranged. Cail ICcith Peters or Sid Martyr at RA 3-9810 or RA 5-8761. $900 down, 6-roomn bungalow witb l1% acres land, located close to North Oshawa City Limits, easy montbly payments, some finishing to'be donc. Now is the time to take advantage c"f this low price, $6,500. Caîl Keith Peters RA 5-8761 or RA 3-9810. 5-1 De With Real Estate DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, 12 cans quota, 100' x 52' barn wîth water bowls, 42-can bulk cooler installed, large machine shed, etc.; 7 roomed bungalow with ail modemn conveniences. A.sJ< ing $30,000 with ternis arrangeLi J DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, 8½/ï cans quota, extra large L-shaped bank bai-n with steel stanchions and water bowls, steel boxes, 2 cernent silos, machine shed, etc.; 12 roorned solid brick bouse withi furnace, etc. Asking price $30,000 with terms arranged. DAIRY FARM, 100 acres, .41/ cans milk quota, 100' x 32' bank barn, bulk cooler, drive-shed, etc.; 8 roorned brick bouse with running water, furnace. Price $16,000. Terms. 100 acre fanm, north-east Bowrnanville, 75 acres workable, 100' x 35' bank barn, double ben house, drive shed, large streani; 8-roomed brick bouse with fumnace, beavy wired. Prie $20,000. Ternis. 100 acre farm neai- Millbrook, c]ay-loam, 10 acres hardwood, creek, bai-n in excellent shape with running water, large hen bouse, double garage; 9-roomed borne with a 1h modern con- veniences, bardwood f l0a0 r 0 throughout. Asking $ 17,000. Terms. 4-roomed home witb garage on 5 acres land, located east Newcastle. Price $4,000. Terma arran.ged. 5 rorned bouse, east New- castle with oil furnace, beavy wired, kitchen cupboards. Price $4,500 with $1,000 down. 5-roomed brick veneer bunga- low in Bowmanville witb al modemn conveniences, on double lot. Garage. Price and ternis aranged. 5-roomed bungalow In Bow- nianville, flot quite finished, wf »h cil furnace, 4-piece bath, kitchen cupboards, i-unning wat- em. Asking $8,500 with $2,0QO down. 8-roomed very modern home in Pontypool wifh new gas !urn- ace, 4-piece bath, bardwood and file floors, modemn kitchen, elec. fric watcr heafer, çkc. Garage. Price $8,500 with down. 5-roorned bunga lc hnbgh- way west o! Bownu,5le wil. ail modern conveniences. a II atfached garage. Pnice $10,50, wîth ternis arranged. Contact: John F. De With Realtor and General Insu ran Newcastle phone 31.11 Salesmen: Donald MountJoy, Bowmanvills MA 3-3950 Ross Davidson, Bethany Phone 21 r 6 Dan Boehm, Garden 1HM1 Phone 6 r 111_- 04 1ARE YOU TROUBLED BY 1 Saiesmen:_ - . 1 1 lk -P . . a 9r% q ý . . 0 «0 . : IL Ar en 1 0 T MES U .1,7xw. ilibbAe - 1 1

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