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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1959, p. 17

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~tmSDA, AK. th, 1leu Classified d5 lefp WaniÏd EXp )CE practical nurse, iui ott -ne. Télephone 8. ~or appolnti4ent. *'CALLER" for Memore Park Bgo F 7rfday nights lat 8 .Weock Phne A,3.5718. . 3M or wonien, full or part tira.. No experience nece " . W. train you. No investjnent. Write !tawlelgh's, Dept. -140- Pi ,4005 Richelieu, MP trea1. 'e 5-1 TOUR area requires 4 dealer ta zervice well estal4shed clien- teIe. Numerou, advantaqes, -bigh conunissi ». Interesting profits are aw iting ambîtious dealers with . r large variety of Cosm34etteponics, Vitamine, hold ~cessities. Familex, ePt. 97, 1 0 Delorimier, Mont. LARGE United States and Canadian manutacturing coni- pany requires district managers for Ciarke'and Darlîngton Town- ships. Exceptionaily higli earn- Ings. Guaranteed repeat bus. Iness. Automobile essentiai. ýAgricuitural or farming back- gýround most important.- Sales training given. Pteply to Box 84, London, Ontario. .2-4 A Texas 011 Company Wants Man Over 45 For Bowmanvllle Area WE NEED a good man at once and we are wiling to pay top *arnings. We prefer someone between 45 and 65 ... who can make auto trips for about a 1,c ek at a Urne ... snd eau caRi 'Mn smaii town ludustrial and rural property owuens. Worth $12,000.00 ýOur top men in other parts er oeuntry draw exceptioai cana- .jngs up ta $12.000 lu a year. This opeulng ln the Bowmauvilic ares las worth Juat as much te thie right man. W. take care of ail deliveries aud collections. Pay carulugs lu advaxiee. Write a bouildentiai letter te IL 8 . SWALLOW, Presldent IP. Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texsa5-1 Wanted A STAND for bird cage. Pleame telephone MA 3-3144. 5-if DIA and crlppled tarni stock, licked Up proniptly. Phone MA 3-2679. Margwil Fur Fanai, Tyrane. 13-tf Ray Dudley Plays in Whitby frid* Evening Ray Dudley winITob. playlng Whitby amà Trotothis weekend.OnFl.y veng Tan 30,Bay Ili give a solo r- citai In Ontario Ladies' Colee, Whitby, for the Whltby Concer 1Association, ani on Sunday ai- ternoon h ewill b. guet artist ,with the Toronto Symphony Or / chestra, Dr. Boyd Neel conduct.. ing, at thc 'Pop" concert. Only thase with a season tick- et for Uic Whltby concert Assoc- iation. will be able ta attend Uic concert there. It is understood weason tickets at $5.00 are sthi available, and this wouid Include Friday's concert and anc more, when the Solway String Quar- 2Pt will b. Uthe -tists- 1FUcun atte1\ tue "o' on Igundsay afternoon 'n Toronto'@ Massey Hall howeeer. nhe pro- 'gramn wiil include Handei's Wa- ter Music Suite, and English FPoiksong Suite by Vaughuan Wii- liais among allier nunibers, and Ray wiil play the Pano Con- oerto in A Major by W il~.hs unable to attend will ]h"îr a par- tion of the program on ie CBC radio broadcast at 3 pÂL/k Don't forget to tune I. Ray ia cornblning concert work with teachlng at thc Selool of Music, University of Indiana, et Biomrington. Livestock for S FPTEEN shoats. Phone 3-2544. EIGHTpi, six weeks straw. Pogne MA 3-2388., in Wood. PUREBRED anid grade Ho] srners. Cows and he LRalph His, Enniskillen. 3-2871. Repairs RADIO and television rel Prompt service. Pick-up delivery. George's, 85 Kin E. Phone MA 3-5713. GUARANTEED television radia service, toalal ni Sanie day service. Telev Service Ca. Phone MA 3-ý IREPAIRS and rewiriding,i atures turned ta al make electrie motors. Hi g gon1 tric, 38 King East, Phone REPAIRS toalal makes of ing machines. Free pickup delivery. . Laverty's Bar Centre, 59 King W. Phone 3-7231. REPAIRS toalal makes of frigerators, domestic and mercial; miking coolers. gon Electric Limited, 38 1 St. E. Phone MA 3-5438.l TV and Radio Serv plus. ANTENNA INSTALLATI( LEN AND LOU'S MA 3-3942 MortgageFund. IMMEDIATELY available first martgage on improved ti or rural property, $4,000, $3 and $2,000 in separate m gages. Pive year open; inte 61/2%, _payable semi-annui Leroy Hamilton,, Broker, Or 1 r 16. Business Opportun. WE need people ta, raise CI chula (they are flot rabbi Write Stonehouse Chinchilla, Haddington Ave., Toronto E Posîpong Hearing On'Vof The date of the hearini et a motion te set aide th, reaults on two question whlch were voted on unde the Liquor Licence Act las November l9th ln Boiw nianvîlle bas been postpon ed to March Sth te suit ti the. convenlence of A.J Lyle. Mr. Lyle was thie Return Jing Officer for the piebis cite on November 19th. Hi will be away on a Sout' American crulse at the timg of the date orlglnaliy se for thie hearlng. Februarý 16tRi. Judge J. deN. Xenne. dy granted thîs Potpone. ment at the request of thi lawyer for the Communit3 Advancement Association Kenneth G. M. Rosa, B.A. LL.B. WESLEY VILLE Tue annual meeting cf t clurch congregalion was he in the church hall on Tuesa! evenlng, Jan. 20, witl about present, There was mudli discussi, concemnung efforts ta 'renovs tle dhurcI in tle nexi ycar, ai reports were reccivcd on wh plans were being made. Rev. W. Harding prcsided and mi Utes et tIc last meeting we rcad by île-secretary, Leena: IFor- a Better Buy IN U5ED NEW and CARS TRY Palmer Motor Sales 20 Kinsg St. East Phono MA 3-5487 Bowmanville 2 - New 1958 Plymouth Sedans 2 - 1958 Demonstralors - Privai. AT SIC DEDUCTONS 1954 Plymouths - Pushbutton - Radios- Clean Three to Choose From 1985 Ply'mouth Sedan 1954 Maivoer Sedan - Automatic - 2-ton. lffl«;;Sedan - Good Condition Ail Clean and Serviced. Guà~ranteed. '51 Chev. Sedan '50 Chev. 2-Dr. & l52 Faxgo %-ton Panel AT A Fargo 3-ton Stake 1J CRYSLER - PLYMOUTH SIMCA DEAULMR !LS IS A PRICE .FARGG il TEECANDIA< TATESMAN. DOWMANVnl.LE. ONTAIO _________PAGMenSvmUTW Lions District Governor Gives Challenging Addr'ess DuringHis Officiai Visit. I MAe 5-1 old; Aust- 5.1* istein eifers. and Ig St. 29-tf and akes. isionl 3883. 49-tf es of Elec- MA 24-tf sew- and rgain eMA 44-tf fre- co!n- Hig- King 25-ti rice D11S TV for town ,000 ort- erest aiiy. rono 2-4 Lity !in- )its). ,111 12. 14-tf e Ig e in r st Le em t 'y t t 'y the lie 1 i L ident, and Walter Rundle, 3rd vice president, called an the chairmen of the commiltees under their jurisdiclion ta re- port on activilies during tIc past six montIs. Golden Opportunities "As a Lions Club you have golden eppertunities te do seme-. thing really important," Dis- trict Governor Thonipson told the meeting. "But you must start working on il today. You Must oct yeur best. do your best, live your best ancG think your best, for taday le definite preparation for tomorrow and ail tIc tomnorrows that are ta follow," le said. "Lins International la nt active, and I sincerely belleve, the mosl representative of al the splendid service arganiza- tions. It teok a lot et hard Town Manager's Function Clvi c Guesîs Heur On Council Management Plan At Rotary Municipal Meeting The B ownia n ville Rotary Club's annual observance of the club's "Municipal Day" at the luncleon meeting held aI the Flying Dutdhman on Friday was a most intcresting event. Hie Worship, Mayor Wilfrid Carru- tIers, Uic ollier members of Uic Bowmanvilie T o w n Cauncil, Mayor Gifferd of Oshawa, and local civie officiais were among the special guests. President Rex Walters coiled on Mayor Corruthers wlio than- ked the Rotary Club for inviting Uiem tte cunction, ond intrô- duced Deputy Reeve W. David Higgon, Deputy Reeve, Jack Brough, Councillors 0. J. Pres- son, A. H. Sturrock, Lloyd Pres- ton, and Ken Nicks. lie expres- sed regret that Councillors Ivan Hobbs, and Keith Lathangue were unable ta be present. Hie aise introduccd Bob Reynolds, the Town Clcrk, Ken Morris, the industrial camnssioner, Pire Chief Walter Hackncy, Cia- rence Oke, the assessor, and Lloyd Quintan, the works fore- mon. Thc Mayor explained that Police Chief Bernard R. Kitney had been unable te attend be- cause oft us duties. Norman O'Rcurke, chiairnian et the Bowmanvilie Public Scha- ol Board, introduced the other members oethe cboard, Stuiart R. James, thec secretary-trea!;ur- er, Arthur Heoper, Robert Kent, Clark Wilson and Plaul CIint. Hie stated that Uic meventh main- ber, Rance Dilllng was unable ta be present. Lawrence Mason, chalrm&u Of Uic Bowmanviile Planning and Developinent Board., lntroduced the secretary, J. Albert Cole, and the ether memibers of the board, Glen Lander, Ivan Hobbs, Ex- Mayors Nelson Osborne and Morley Vanstone. Chairnian et the BOWManvlille P u b lic Utilities Con-mmson, Milton J. Elliott introduced the members ai thc commission, Ma- yor Carruthers, W. Roas, Strike, ist vice-chairman aif thc Ontario Hydre Commnission, and George1 VanBridger, manager of theà Bowmanville P.U.C.1 The recentiy appointed chair-1 mian of the Durham County Dis- trict High School Board, A. A. Strike, introduced thie other le-1 cal members, L. W. Dippeli; tUic sccrctary-trcasurcr, Walter Rey- c nolds, Alec McGregor and Berti Parker, 1h. two lait ln absentia.. t Mr: Walters introduced Jacky Lander, Ohima f the Bow- 1 nanville Recreation D e p art- 1 ment, Douglas Rigg, director of s Recreation for Bowmanville, ') Bob watt, chairman eftheVAr- N' ena. CommIttee, and George Vice ~ Oughtrcd. Reports on the year'm work were rcad by clerk cf ses- sien, Mrs. E. Barrawclough, Sunday School secretary George Tufferd; M. & M. -Treasurer Mre. P. Snell; W. A. Treasurer Mrs. Ken Ashby. In the absence ef sinie officers, reports were read for daurd treasurer Ar- nodi Thomndyke, W. A. secre- tory Bemniece Bemi; Save The Chuidreri treasurer Mrs. K. TuIt. Ail financial reports showved a good balance and ac- tivities of the year ehowcd a healthy growth. Sunday ScIool averagre allendance was 52. Most of the officers accepted their Dositions for another year witî two new stewards ai3- poinled in view of îhe added responsibilily for this year. Thcy are John Groeneveld and Allan Clarke. The Mothers' Club of Port Britain ScIool wcrc bumy quilt- ing a ver-, unusual quilt last week aI Mrs. R. Seultîorpe's, and Wesleyvilc W. A. were working on another at Mrs. E. Barrowclough'm which was fin- ished on Jan. 26. Lasi Monday afternoon's teni- perature and wind was just right ta terni those unusual things callcd snew rollers. Il wos spooky ta sec snow ral down tle r oad ahead et you as If Invisible Iands were rolliing il in a iovcly fluffy roi! like a quilt baIl of catton. The. iey reada have made transportation very difficuit fer cars and pedestrians tee. More than one nerson lest his bal- ance and dignity in a hurry but we hope ne one wam *erlôuuly hurt. chairman of Uic Bowmanvilie Library Board. Never fletter Handicd "We Rotarianls appreciate the work you are doing for the pub- lic, at considerable sacrifice of your tume. Never have the ai- faire af the tcwn been better haridled. We extend aur very best wshes for continued suc- cess in carrying on your respon- sibilities this year. You do us honour by being present here tedeY," Mr. Walters stated. Other guets present were Lloyd HaYnes, Oshawa; Chris McKay, Port Hope; Roy Farran, Obhàwa, and Stewart Grcig, Garden Hill. Tii. birthday cf Clare Garton, a member of the Urban-Rural Comrnittee, and of thc Attend- ance Comunittee, was observed. Bob Reynolds and Lawrence Masan were thc winners cf the hockey draw. The president gave a Welcome ta Rotarians Charles Carter, Sr., who had sustained an accident on Novem- ber 28th, and hied been unaible ta, attend meetings of thc club ince that Urne. In introducin. Uic special speaker, Ken Morris statcd- that W. David Hlggon and his coin- mittee had been in charge of, arrangements for thc "Munie!. Pal Day" meeting. The speaker was Ken Needham, Oakvilie Town Manager. Mr. Needhanu w: born in Miami, Manitoba, but rnoved, ta S&rnia with his famîily when hie was stifl a youngster. lie toid cf Mr. Need- harn's service in the ECAF dur- lng World War il arid that lie entered municipal work In Sar- nia in 1947. Hie became Oak-j ville's f irst town manager mn 1956, Mr. Morris stated. Management Plan In an iriteresting o.dd!ress Mr. Needhùan gave a vivid account of "The Council Management Plan." Hie firat gave tue hlstory of local goverrnent In Canada. Hie stated thet It began In this province 110 years ago in 1849. Mr. Needbsan remarked that the structure of local government hae changed little since tlhat time. Responsibilitlen Incrcased The speaker pointed eut that local governinent had beerý cre- ated originaUlr by people ta do on a collective basis what mndiv. uals cannbt do. He explained LIhat whlle the structure bas re- inainedthe sanie the responsi. bilities ot local governnuent have greatly increascd over the stance et increase thiat In New York in 1823 there were 23 ser- vices, and In 1940, 394. Al ever Ontario the work of Municipal counicils lias shown a similar Patterrt of £rowtli, le sald. The Thfte --t There arm three elements of ocal governrnent, Mr. Needhamn tated. The. municipal council is the f irst, the policy setting cie- ment. Anether is comprised of thc civic servants, thie workers çho continue in ail weather their efforts ta give good ser- vice, thc speaker asserted. "7eeThe Executive 'Teemust b. a third au- thority, an crecutive 1*, posa on the directions of council ta the civic workcrs. In meut Ontaio municipalities this la done by standing coirnittees, In mome by Eboard of contrai, and In others 'y a town manager," Mr. Need- harn reiated. The council management plan Was flrst planned In the early art cf this century, and Sum- ýr, Nerth Caroline, apnointed town manager in 1912. In Dec- ?mbcr, 1958, it was ainounced lat there are now 16,000 town nagers in thc United States, fawall, and Canada. Of this lumber 50 are Canudian," Mr. reedham, told thie meeting. Sarnia, Niagara Falls and hatham, were Uic firat In Ont- to ta atart the Couricil Mani- kgemnent Plan. Naw there are 12 >wn mnaegers in the Drevince. hc speaker said. Fie added that is plan le aima being uscd suc- .ssfully lu many places In Eur- >Pe. Hie told cf the duties andi re- oonsibiiities of the position. paration of îhe budget and re- ports. "Today, business is cern- piex and it is important te ob- tain specîaiists," he saîd. A vote of thanks wos moved ta 1h. speaker ferhIls informa- tive address by Morley Van- stone. Thc president of the Ro- tary Club, Rex Walters, aise tîanked Mr. Needham, and pre- sented hi with a copy of "Bow- monville, A Retrospect." wOr* Ou thie part aofcountiess nuxnbers of Lions îemnbers everywherc for aur association to attain thie top position It holds today. Coatinued MH*r< Work it was thie Lions uflparallel. cd record of communilty service and activities tRiat has been re- sponsible for our being elevat. cd te the top ln ths service club field. And it is going to require ccntinued liara work on the part ef ail International, Dis- trict and local club officers and members te heip keep arnd re- tain that lead. "There are thoe who sin- cereiy believe that it is perhaps more difficuit to remain in the lead, once you have taken the top position thon it was te reach il in the first place. 1 amn inclincd ta believe thot in mosl cases that is truc. When y)u are a leader, there seem te be thôse who like lu take a crack aI you. When you are a leader, you are tle target for many. WIen you are on top many are envious of your position, they want te be where you are whe- ther they deserve il or net. Psy For Prominenco "That ie part of tle penalty thal you and everyene cise has te pay for your leadership and prominence. Keeping these facts in mind, Lions, I adnionish you te adopt and personaily practice this mette: "T.N.T., Today Not Tomorrow." AIl higher motives, ail worthy ideas and useful sug- gestions that comne imb your B.H.S. Ba'sketbaiI I mimd, will b. of no av*i f youl do net put tiiem into practice, and certainly Uic beet turne for cai-rying eut your gaod int*n- tions is ncw. Start today, Mr. Thompacri urged. "Now as a Lions Club, nia- turally ycu desire that certain major objectives be reachcd. YOu desire to have your wvei- tare, bind, boys and girls, and ail other committees have their tMost succesul year. Thase ob- pectives ln ar.y club are simply waiting, waiting for someone ta start work on theni today. Today ls your day as well as mine, the anly day that we really have any assurance af. Today le thc day in whicl we mnust do aur part, if it is ta be done.What aur part may be in the great overaillPicture, we rnay flot fuily uanderstand now, but we do know this, we a..e lier., today is here, and now is the tume. And when you spell now backwards you have WON. Try iu Front oai "umph"» "You elouid neyer accept any office, or any assignmer.t that you cannot put your whole leart mbt. Do checrfuily what- ever work is given you ta do, and live up ta the expectations cf this community. Put some 'try' in front cf 'umpli' and you have triumph. How many tumes have you heard the saying 'l'i do that tomnorrow, tomorrow wili be better. Wîth some peo- pie it is always tormorrow. To- morrowv we wiIl tee better. To- nîorrow our work should be in better order. Tomorrow vwe'll gel the committees together. Tomorrow we'l nake our plan.3. More than 1,900 years ago, iii 45 A.D., Marcus Martial wrote 'Progress is retarded because toc many people put off until tomorrow that which should be donc today.' "I amn sure that Stephen Grel- lct expresses aur sentiments when he wrote: 'I expect te pass througrh this worid but once. Any good thing, there- fore, that I can do,, or any kind- ness I con show te any fellow being, ict me do it today. Let me net defer, nor negiect il, for I shah net pass this way again.' Hie remarked lIat the Lions motte is "We Serve", and the Liens mission is te add happi- ness ta others, comfert sorrew, and relieve want. If these things are net donc today, le- morrow may b. too late. Hie exherted th. Lions ta makc greal plane for their club and Check these PLUS SERVICES Sia-Dri Bas ent WaIls PermaTread haument Floors Install Floar Tii. New Kitchen Cuphoards Siorage Walls Insulaie and Relin. Garage Pik Paint Those Dingy Booms Ceiling Tule for Tkose Cracked Coilingu Alnminum or Wood Combination Doors We have the fines! in "Do-Il-Yourself" Tools and Materials Our experts will be happy fo help you with your planning - or - Our Home Improvements Division will handie the job from star! to finish including sub brades. Financing for eilher plan available now No payments Until April 301h OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED Downtown Office and Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 8-1617 BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2130 *DOW?<TOWN SHqÔWROoM OPEN FRJDAY TILL 9 P.M.* Yard, Mai Office and Showroom COURTICE RA 8-16111 In an lnspirlng address 011 "T.N.T., Today Not Tomor- rowv", Albert Thonipson, King. stan, advised his feilow Lions neyer to put Off until tomnorrow any good thing that can be done, and should be done ta. day. Mr. Thompson is the WIons District governor of A. 3. He was introduced by International Councillor Herb Goddard. at the dinner meeting held by the Bowmanville Lions Club on Monday at the Lions Commun. ity Centre. Six members of the Peterbor. ough Lions Club were guests Rt the meeting. Ross Oliphant, Charlie Bailey, Bill Sisson, Geo. Ariss, HaroI d Freeman, and Jim Burns, the latter Is a for- mner resident of Bowmanvjlle. MVurdoch Beaton, Bowmanville, ,vas also a guest. The winners of the hockeyl draw wcre: Saturday, January 31st, Don Laird and George Vinieli; Saturday, February 7,1 Neil McAllster, and Walter Gcod; Wedncsday, February il, Howard Jcffry and Gardon Strînger. The birthdays of Lions Jack Brough, Ralul Kelly. Lamne Van Driel and Mayor Wilfrid Carru- tIers were ceiebrated. Lion Bob Mutton on behaif cf the club presented a guifte Lion Ralph Kelly for his new baby. Plans wcre dicussed for a car draw ta be held by thc Lions Club. The tiret prize will be a 1959 Oldsamobile, and the seflcr's priza will b. $500. TIc draw wlll be made at the Lions Carnival te be heid on Juiy 18th. Lion Jack Roughley was appointed chairman cf the corn- milIce in charge ef the draw. Glen Lander, lst vice-presi. dent; Joe Cooper, 2nd vice-pre- Br DavIi.Mliie Well it seenis -that this past week lias been a big one for B. H. S. On Friday, J'an. 23rd, Picker- ing visited B.H.S. and lost tWo out of the three games. In the Bantamn gaine, Terry Black was outstandng, scorng three out of the 31 points. Johin Twist also played an excellent gaine. The final score wus 31-3. In the Junior division G~r McCullough excelled. In thie tr- st quarter lie scored six outof seven points and contlnucd ima- king outstanding shots later in the gaine. This gaine was ane of the most cxcitin.g of the year. Johainy James brcaklng the tie with a fowl shot te win thie gaie for Bowmanvihie, 33-32. Johnny piayed a fine "anie and won the admiration of thie entire crowd. Congratualtions are due thc whoie teai for their fine playlng and4 aima the Pickering players who showed great spor- tsmanship even after loslng the gamne by sucli a smal nargin. B.H.S. was unable ta take the Senior geme, iosing by a score of 60-17. High scorers ivere John Mason and Robert AlUn for B. H-.S. By the looks of previaus games the Senior team is not do- ing as Well as it couid. Let's see a stronger effort made next Urne boys! On TuesdaY, Jan. 27, O.C.C.I. came ta challenge our teams here. In the Junior gaine John James was high scorer making 14 points. Wc won this gaine by a score of 37-20. The Bantani team %on but again the Seniors let us down. A good sized crowd camne out ta give the Bowrnanville teams support but let's hope ta see more out this Friday night. ta work today. Work is thc best antidote for worry, and brings with it the benefits of achievement, the speaker stat- ed. Lion Bob Kent moved a vote of thanks on behaîf f e iii tel- ow members te Mr. Tomp- son for lis stiulating and practical address. Albert Irhompson R Addressl

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