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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1959, p. 2

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F-~3AX W'. AAINSAEMN OMNTLE NAI HRDY A.21, New Board Elected Ni - Y-. v ¾. The six members of the 1959 committee. w@uld give the re- hospitals ln the area, as were# board of directors of Memorial port. our 1958 raes, Mr Hughes UND RMrhrdadasu-P Hospital who were elected at Mr. Hobbs alo spoke of the said in closirg. 1Rn a Uy wrd ad hea Council Chamber at the Town Cryderman as chairman of both MrhCyerarehiranoin loMgahy bs.esmet Hal n edesayevnxgthe building comrnittee, and th the property committee, report- Il e ing a social hour wus .njoyed.- A January 2lst, are: Ivan Hobbs, 'property committee. Mr. Hobbs ed that the dupllcating machine n i n ~ e Ie The prize wlnners et euchre M em oriaI ?a k / s n Glnhlm Hges Hrr V taedtht h bar hsre- ýurchased for the office staff were Comnrade Minnie Wiseman, Cryderman, Mrs. L. W. Dippeli, cognized the need for expan- ad resulted in a Saving for a . and Comrade Ami Piper. Prizes James Stutt, and Lou Dewell. sion of the hospital. During the printed forms. He spoke of thee for bingo were won by Comrade Alwere elected members o! year plans were worked out fine job the Women's Hospital Leg of.L ad e 'A uxîiiary Jean Firth, Comrade Edythe th B o the 1958 board o! directors with after careful investigation and Auxiiary had donc concerning RunW . omraeERthrOborgs teexception of Mrs. L. W. checking for an extension to linens. The auxiliary had re- Three niembers o! the ex- Cheques were received froni Comrade Ruby Palmer, Comnrade Dippeli who had been an a!'- Memorial Hospital. Now, they quested more cupboard space ecutive commnittee, Comriade the Dunbarton and Sunderlanid Rose Overy, Comrade Grace At the irinthly meeting o!Ari.ti.Rs Oeyvou1 pointed member o! that board have beén completed and are so0 several had been put ln the Dorothy Fair, Conirade Jean Auxiliaries to caver their share Murdoch, Comirade Susie Gra- the Memorial Park Association tee c scneo a as president of the Women's adequate for a modern exten- auxiliary room. Firth and Comrade Rose Overy, of the Zone Rally expenses. ham, Comrade Elda Brown, and held last week at the clubhouselteBz n n oeel Hospital Auxiliar3T. A. Nt sion. "The operatlng room had were installed i office by the On behaif of the Auxlllary, Comrade Beryl Hughes. A de- the vice-president, Mrs., Mar- iCoaas ssantookate Thompson, a member o! the Mr. Hobbs stated that a ineet- been poorly ventilated so an Past President, Comrade Ann the lst Vice-President, Comrade licious lunch was served by garet Jeffery, presenteýd-the tedrw 1959 board o! directors refused ing has been held withà the air coniditioning system was in- Piper, at the meeting o! the Helen Wallis, presented a lovely members o! the executive. past president, Miss Ada Dad. r.Mlde Pan hn1 to stand for re-electiofl because municipal counicils in the dis- stalled there last sumrmer. The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canad- copper rose bowl t,, the Past sont with a sterling silver Ms ee rcfrtk' of reasons of health. c. After the legalities ar ~tr r îae ihi~e a einhî omrade Ann Piper, brooch and earring set. Mrs. Jef- cag !teecntwiss~ The meeting was well at- cleared there wiil be a further fectiveness, and shared the Hal on Monday evening Jan. appreciation of!lier outstand- fNr ade o the assoation ihdbenii SeI0 hne tended. Ivan Hobbs,- the chair- meeting, and th construction cost," Mn. Cryderman said. "At The President, Comrade Flor- ing work durnîg her two years E V R preclation of Miss DasnsCX esgs hyhd.stdrV man, thanked the many people work is expected to stat intesuinmahe aslobogtec Knhcndtd the of office s President. Comnrade present for coming ta the m eet- near future. sf o t hic ery ro ao ," ohe add- i niition o a n e dtmeb r o e B t, th o e C n m nRecent guests of Mr. and M s. cellent wonlk as presidentsdur. h r il e ing, and said that their pres- The chairmari spoke of the cd. le told of tef htp-CmaeA Wolnik. Plans er, on behaif o! the AuxiliaryW.oH.BrtinsondweNesnMrownDaI- isthe asoeaprs her I Dt ence despite the bad weather good work done by Mrs. Dip- pn that had been placed on for the Burns Supper were com-_ presented an attractive gift forfFeewod taks he aske-Cdatteuk don was an indication of their in- pell as public relations chair- the drive at the ambulance en- pleted. Conade Ann Piper is Conrade Dorothy Fair, former of FAthuood. thanka. be s heakdteof-Ite odro the asuocititnicketv terest in the hospital and wvas man. He also spoke highly of trance, the nîlasterîng of the ecatening conveîîor for the 2nd vice-president, who recent- Mn.Atr eao !L-br fteascaint îeae ySihBvrgs h appreciated.the results obtain ' aeeitciln ubd al vn ly completed her term in that tus, foilowing his retirement at the arne help aiid co-opera-daw asm ebyM.E'î In reviewing the past year, Stutt, the grounds ehairman, in seRling coatintr, and the paint- Conunttee haimnwr p office. Bomn-teGoder otionithoo en, tewresd, gv Radr M.Hbspi rbt oteing Bowmanvlues Centennial n o h roF o h e orne iîatnlos ick, oatders given by Comrade Audrey combined with a Weil deservgd en to her during hen time intrthmeinadecos other members o! the board., side. FlrneIlarck uios ae She stated that 19 meet- vacation. Art is currently visit- office. He said they were a congenial er e Building Comnade Ada Dadson, Comrade ings were held during the year. ing his 90-year-old mother, The minutes o! the last iniet-drdPan ndMsHen group who worked well toge- 'We have three members o!f Rose Bate; telephone list, coin- The executive also held a nui- Mrs. Charles M,ýcMaho>n, in -Kin- ing wene approved as nead byPak ther, were co-operative, and the Women's Hospital Auxil- In reporting for the building rade Rose Overy,; birthday box, - e fjitmeig ihtely ak.e ot to Canada's the secretary, Mrs. Betty Pi- always willing to do the jobs lar dos uchforth hop tlCommiee asaid h ts hearînnme Conade Grace Murdoch; cloak- executive o! Branch 178 of the west coasi and back homne. per. The financial report was ig and the wcnderftsl work donc bers of this cornrittee are Dr. rvCoremoosrIa nospitalirClb el gve Hospital Operates i Black by the members is appreciatcd H. B. Rundie, Glenholme monthly social, Comnade Dorothy the successful spring entertain- its first meeting o! '59 on Fni- Helen Park, and committee ne- He tatd tatit ad ee a y te bar an th popi Huhes ad Ian obs, u~ ir Fair; special entenîanment, ment given by the auxiiary day with below average attend- ports were submitted.Weky R pr H ~ ~ ~te stae hti a ecnd a! the muarcxpadithe rpeobpsemnHoug he Ubchair-o!Comnade Millie Bates; canteen, under the direction of Comnade an ce due ta the dnifting candi- Mns. Yvonne Edmondson was good financial year, tescn ftemncpltM.Hbsmno h or.Iesoeo CoInrade Helen Wallis and Com- Mille Bates. This was first pre- tion o! the roads. named Bingo convenor for the F !Jn 92 year that the haspital had been stated. the many -meetings of the rade Georgina Carter; bulletin. sented for the auxiliary, and re- On Saturday evening a quar- month of February. Mrs. Ed- operated in the black. He cam- Financlal Report building committee and the Comrade rure tt;metngdo adwee agae conferences over the plans for AdepBt;m etigpated on the Legion Fainily tet o! cunlers fromn this district mondo adMr. arreAmsins4 ciale omtee, andsadth iat c ia repothMr. Hueal ira- teadto ote opt uceComnade Jean Firth; Night. Comrade Bate spoke o! attended a bonspiel. in Oak- Jeffer' accepted the joint con-Brts3mI,5eml- ci meed teewond o! th ian- i vinepo t r hes al ia- teadto atehsia kitchen, Comnade Audrey Bate the auxiliary's participation in wood. venorghip o! the Inside Proper-Dicags5 Mn. Hughes, chairman o! the nman a! the finance cammittee "The preliminary plans wene assisted by Conirade Rose Overy. the Decoration Day and Anm- Heartiest congratulations to ty Committee. The convenono aor o pfain _______________________told the meeting that the ther takesintadh Hspal Sedries The Treasurer, Comnade Ruby istice Days services. The mcm- Yelverton's matriarch Who is Outslde Property will be ap- Mnnoeain - 1 membens o! the committc . e Cmisonadhd a on- Palmer, read the financial state- bers also assisted in the Poppy wintering in Lindsay and will pointed at the next meeting. Eegnytetet HAFPN Swere Ivan Hobbs, chairman of c ption. These plans hav a ment. Comnade Audrey Bate Canvas. Zone Commander Rase be cclcbrating her 9lst binthday Plans were discussed for a isinhor2:0-:3 8Y te bord, anryCrydrma been appravcd by the Fine Mar- read the correspondence. Bate officially visîted the auîx- on Jan. 20th. Bazaar and draw to be hcld in'ad718:0p. - and Mrs. Bruce Mutton: He salsOfc. Teaciet_____ _________ said that it had been a plea.sure selected, B. Kamiken, Tarante, 3 to, wonk with them, and that no has achieved an outstanding chairman could ask for better reputation for his success i co-openation and backing than designing a nurnbcr o! hospitals "The hospital operated ini the "The plans were sent to Gor- black for 1958. 1 wii summar- don Hughes, chie! of haspital de- >', ize the annual statement pre- sgn for the National Health <;paned by the able secnetary- and Welfare Department, Otta- -treasuner. Ray Dilling, "Mr. wa. He agreed with thcmn al- Hughes stated. most 100 per cent, and said that Revenues Mr. Kamiker's skill wasbound Roor ret, bar4 nursngte have good results". Mn. Cry- - - Roni ent boad, unsngderman also spoke o! the meet- $157,321; Services, operating lng with the municipal coundils roomn, laboratory, d.lpensary, cancerning the new extension x-ray, dressings, etc., $107,888; t the hospital, and said the Grants, donations, etc., $25,018, oncl htaemd ap Total revenue, $290,229. with the plans. Dsburements Grounds Improved Salaries, $ 176,491, All other lne grounds commlttee re- c.. disbursements, $102.837; Total port given by the chairman, 3DO a# 1001.bocreate colour there during G eo.rge Wnslngen sold. ".ruis surplus May change the Centennial year. He spoke 06 1Con'# tell a lie, somewhat because of tome re- with gratitude o! the genenous Iv.lovd milk since ceivable and payable accounts donations made by individuals Wa wmliffle puy yet to corne», Mn. Hughes said. and organizatians. He also men- "sit stand. lb was anived at tioned the cane given to the by good management and gifts grounds by Mr. Wilkins and the o! .$9,176 *sta!i. OA ANU L A 'Your finance committee car- oiti Cm te EO rled out certain studies and NOIfAifg omUe made recomniendations during Police Chie! Bernard R. Kit-.... the year which were adopted ney, chairman o! the nominat- by the board and which I will ing committce, submltted the Bedford's,%ide-opeiig reax doors and flat, solid touch upon. !ollowing names as candidates: reinforced plywood deck make loading and "In____________________char R. Aider, r.W Cak, ______ges were revlewed and most o! Hanry V. Cyemn o e-uriloading efficient, fast and safe. ______________________them were raised to more real- ell, Mns. L. W. Dippeil, Ivan Istic levels. Rates for children's Hobbs, Miss Apha Hodgins, ,. roomns were lowened. Glenholme Hughes and James Fl,. Dar W..k Stutt. The secnetary-treasurer, 'W e o m n a i e d R ay D illin g , a cted as ch a irm an Mw V/A-TER ? during the election. The scru-E8/r.TOG TINA Dou <A lA mies ffecreien Apin ltM aand and Wallace Braden. The other I~. ~ is wre eviwedin ay nd members o! the nomlnatlng j ji.,*November and increases given committce were Mrs. L. God- a, s FIU/U0L< h iwofkeig'ndrdadJc ruh Sliding dloors on both sides of the cab promnote liwth the viewo!pitlng arthdJckBeuh k un wih oherhosptal hithe Membens o! the nominating district, and the rewandig o!f omte o h algya driver effiiency ... speed Up operations on stop- "A full tîme accounitant was are Chie! Kitney, Joe O'Neillàidg.dlvywr \ \ \taken on the staff. Ths asne and Wallace Braden. It a A d%\svings too. cessitated by preparatian o!f oc n aridta m budgets and coat figures re- Coggins be appointed again as eon\be yOU r8s quired by the govenniment ho.- auditor, with\lopital insurance scheme, and Is Mr. Hobbs stated ib wua well ustiied.pleasune ta sec Joe O'Neill at "This committee investigated the meeting. He pointed out that E asy... TO HANDLE AND PARK and lnstituted a pension plan for Mr. O'Neill had been a member employees which took e!fect on of the hospital board longer TER\January 1, 1959. The hospital than anyene else in Bowman- The Bedford hms a shorter turning radius and <'> '~ T N Rand the employces invaived ville, and had contributcd a -o contribute toward the pension, great deal of wonk for the hos-eayth.dIba-rcserigt tmksdrvn . - . ,with the exception o! past ser- pital. He called on Mn. O'Neill pak, tunig .... iasre 6vice pensions which arc paid for ta spcak. a~gIUJAgpesu- entirely by the hospital. Must Be Modern "Starting on January 1, 1959 "After 28 years as a mrnm the al inclusive ward rate per ber o! the hospDital board 1 have ___ Premident Ed. Rundleite chair. He announced that a Vigo Oiljoint executive meeting with panned for Thursday evening, SERVICE STATION plnar 29th, I.n th. Board Boom.TH eiIHVN U A CORNER 0F MANVEU S RD»1%e initiation teani cf Pres. EBRTSIVNBW ANBCKD8 ANDFIB CONCESSON Rundîs, it Vice Burna and T-E "-"DVSO f 3NRLMTR Phonoe MA 3-wl Sgt.-at-Arms Knlght prrforn- ZHEVAUALDVSOOF6 ed a very Imnpresaive ceremony Wir EVCECAT7 Doduiilommp Day Every Tu.uqday bouhtin JhnMembernS t-, IT EVCECATTOCAT .mmcornu out and S». Our Dlsplay of GUfU Dr. C. L. Ewerb, a psst proui- Complet* Lubrlcation nt a Reaionable ('ne dent o! Rosthern Branch, Sask., __ -UT_____________________________ who is now nesidlng in Bow- MTR i ~K ABOUT OUI S PECAL I'R ON TIRE manville, was Introduced tg STVEOU. VILBL [ A~QuAàIIIT members. RBO STOV OULaviuiBixM Tm Zone RaUlv wlll b. held In AT TUE STATION Whlbby Friday. Feb. 6tli. Ail PONTIAC BUICK VAUXHAIL CARS GMC TUK Il lý oclLegion membens are ask-St 1 OPEN YFaNSau. SUDbaTS ed to reserve tht. date and p 166 ~~King St.E. Bowmanville MA 3-3'i -JZ téattend as there will b.eeéc- tiarn nf ,,pw ffir-ors. Tffl"DAY, 3AN. 29th., IM TM CAWADUN STATESMAN. novIL4Nvnjý& ONTARIO IDAMP qpwd% 1 ý - i

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