?WN (~AW AflTAM mq' A 'i'V@t# A ~.i mn-m-M A sa-vit iv v ,~,a',' 4JJ.IJ.~d~ ~JA1J. iLE'.JAJ PAGE SEVE~ .Mr. andl Mrs. F. Martin we 'tweekend visitors with Mr. a Mrs. Ralph Ames and Jill. 1' Miss Donalda Creasser spe the weekend with Mr. and M Ken Smit.h (nec Jean Rice) Kingston, Ont. Mr. Lloyd Ayre is in Calga attending the Annual Directc Meeting of file Canadian She( ]Breeders' Association. Due to lack of space, consii erable news of Counties' Coui cil proccedings has had to1 left over until next weck's issu Mrs. Norman Luxton is coi v'alescing in the Private Patier Pavilion, Toronto, froni a recei operatian. Mrs. Luxton will be patient for some weeks. The young fry are certain' getting their;money's worth o of skates and tobogganc th- alon wit cauionon icy sidi The orksDepartnent ha'ý bendigafn iib cf eo ing rio fro t)-.estrecîs. Lili a lotof ot pr rople, we expei the cail for copies of the No, 13 of The Statesman. Sîncer thanks to those who toak th time and trouble ho look theE up and bring them in. Mr. HarrY Allun. Edsall Ax'r was flot feeling quite up ta h usuai good health last ,veek bi is feeling fine again nlow. Ther is nothing he enjoys more tha a visit with old fricnds. Mr, Douglas Carruthers. Linè J '~ sayvisited bis parents, Mr. an Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, Scugc St., on Wednesday. Mrs. Cprrn thers is pt-ogressing favourabi following her recent illness. Two other patients who wer in hospital at that time are ais making satisfactory p r o gres though also still confined t their homes-. Mrs. Harry Free man and Mrs. R. Hutchinson. Mrs. W. C. Cockshott, Winna peg. Man. arrived Sunday- for visit with her mother, Mrs. E M. Jamieson, and aunt, Mrs. D H. Jamieson. Mrs. R. M. Jamie son is improving following he. recent illness. Mrs. Pat Proctor and Lindsey Brockville. spent tbe weekent with her parents, Mr. and Mns Harry Aluin, Edsall Ave. Mrs Proctor attcnded the Guide Des. sert Bridge at the Lions Centr. on Saturday aftermoon. The Durham-Ontario Denta' Association held its first Ladies Night last Wednesdav evening Jan. 21, at the Fiying Dutchman About 80 dentists, their wives dental nurses and boy friends were present for the dinner, en- tertainment and dance. Dr. John Phillips, Cobourg. is president of 14 the Association. Those attending ~'enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Mrs. Adelaide Sisson. Behany, ST. JOHN'S CIRURCH (Anglican) Sexagesima 8 and il1 HIOLY COMMUNION 10 and 11- CHURCH SCHOOL EVENSONG Trinity Uni ,nd rs. in Lry )rs be le. 4n- ýnt 'a >ut l s le- vce k e ýct ta )V. ýre ýse mother of Dr. E. W. Sisson, Bow- manville, feUl recentiy and ibroke ber hip. Mrs. Sisson who was 98 last j une, has been very active, helping daily with the house- work in the home of her dau- ghter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Hannah, with whomn she resides. Mrs. Sisson fell in ber home. She is a sister of the late Dr. J. C. Devitt. Mrs. R. Ames, vice-presi- dent, presided at a Home and School Association e xecutix'e meeting heid at thehome of Mrs. W. Cowan. Pine St., on Tuesday evening. Eleven members and one teacher were present. Plans for the meeting of Feb. 4, when Dr. W. F. Koerber. Toronto, wil be the speaker were discussed. Miss Vivian Sadler will be solo- ist. Program convenor is Mrs. W. Cowan. Members of the Vanstone fam- ilv ce lebrated Mrs. F. C. Van- stone's bir-thday cn Monday. Jan 26, wvith dinner at the Flying Dutchman and a social time foi- iowing at the Vanstone home, King Street West. Present xere Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Vanstone, Toronto: Mrs. Hartley Lewis, Mr. andi Mrs. p\4orley Vanstone, Mr. and Mj-s.'Bvron Vanstone, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker. ail of Bowmanville. Scotland's Famous Food Dish uDurhami In Club d- (Continued from p)age one) d sister Mrs. Shockdale that afler- ' g noon. Mrs. Bowen one of the or- âw u- ignators of the Durham Publice Y Speakin.g Contest usually pre-1 sents this prize. -e Mr. Walter Crompton 'f Pub o lic Relations Dept. of the îm- For the benefit of non-Scots, who may be interested ssperial Oil Co., remarked that it in the appearance of "haggis", this photo shows Mrs. Violet .0 was a hard job following suc-h a Somerscales serving somne at Robbie Burns' Night at the 1 e- finished speaker and if he were Legion, Saturday. Great rd is taken by Scottish cul- brighl would say littie but get prid 1- on with showing the films. The inary artists in preparing this national dish, the duty this a f irst of these coloured. movies, year falling upon rnembers of the Tartan Club, the Pipe q. "The Seasons," wvas taken by Band's special ladies auxiliaÉy. There have been varying D. artist Chrîstopher C h a p man opinions expressed as to the taste of haggis, some compli-, <whosc father designed the C. mentary and others not so enthusiastic. rN.E. Prince's Gale and the Roy- al Ontario Museum) during a yaofliving in a sback alonigM % àLake Simcoc's shores near Sut- r. and tM rs. Frank i'urdv .ton recarding the drama of the Areemc.stie Production Honored on 50th Anniversary -e Thi.s artistic production was' complehed by Jerry Moses of Many friends called ta offer For the recephion. Mrs. Pur- ithe Imperial Qil Co. and in 1953 'congratulations ho Mr. and Mrs. dy wore a black crepe dres-, won the outstanding Canadian Frank Purdy on the occasion of and lier oldesl daughtcr, AMY, film award. Wilh movement and their Golden Wedding Anniver.- (Mrs. Evercîl Winacott) pinned color, slorm clouds, raindrops, sary. A reception was heid on on a loveiy corsage of deep rase falling leaves and snow il toid Saturday aflernoon, Jan. 24, ut carnations. The groom of 50 sthe story of the seasons. In the the homne of their son and dau- years had a white carnation sdesigns of ice formations, waves ghter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. boulonniere, and bbcebrides-, leaves against the sky or in wa- Purdy. 202 High Street, Bow- maid, Mrs. Graham had a cor- ter pools, raindrops on leaves or manvilie. sage of pink carnations. 9a bee in a flower or a bird on Among the many loveiy bau- Bouquets of flowers decorat- a bough anc feit fat oniy great quets received by the couple cd the rooms. The tea table ;n bcauty but lonelinss- the only was a basket of chrysanth2- the dining room had a beauti- J signs of habitation were îree mums from the Town of Bow- fullv dccorated hhree-hier anni- stumps and a spiit rail fence. manville, and telegrarns of con- versary cake as centra picce, 'How the Raven Lost Its gratulation were received fro.- flanked by gold lapers . Mrs. Voice", was produced by Mrs. Prime Minister John Diefenba- James Iinble, formeriy of Bob- Budge Crawley, Ottawa, on Baf- ker, Premier Leslie Frost and caygeon, n0w' of Bowm anvilie, fin Island. 1h is an Eskimo leg- jDr. R. P. Vivian, M.P. During paured tea, and lwo of the> end told by using soapstone Es- thF afternoon, Ibe neighbou.rs grandchiidren, Linda and, Ka- Tn~a~ved igure of en adei i a presenhation of a iovely ren Purdy, assished in servjng. 1 iocre iure of pupentsndori-lie table lamp decorated in Grand-daugbters Joanne Smith, tanimviestarsof and w or b goid. The family's gif t, a purse Janice Purdy and Mrs. Mclf 195 Caadin Aard siîla hoof money, w'as made ah a fam- Painton were in charge of the 195 Caadin Aard siila toiiy party in the evening and guest book. the movie the 'Loon's Ncck- was prcsenbed by Mr. Howard In the cvcning, the famiiy I 'lace." Cowle. enjoyed a social lime when ail JThe Raven once couid talk Mr. and Mrs. Purdv's ciglht eighh children wcrc present, with men, tiien bunger came ta cbildrcn vere ail pr2>sent on and manv of the 16 grandchiid- the Northiand when the cari- both occasions, also Mrs. Fior- ren andl eigbt great-grandchjld- hou censed ho run: the Raven ence (Lulu) Graham of Bob- ren. finally begged one of ber cggs caygeon who was bridesmaid ah 'from a pihying seagull wbose the wedding 50 years ago an gcncrosity he rewardcd by steai- Jan. 27. The groomsman, Mr. A L GR V ing the allier thrce eggs- only Percy Finlev, a brother of the the forth cbokcd the Raven wbo bride, wbo naw lives ini Mimico thus losI his voice, perhaps be- but was a resident of Bobcay- lEvening Auxiliary cause he was hoo ravenous! geon ah the lime of the wed- The Mapie Grave Evening iBath pic-ures werc unusllal ding. w;as unabie to be present. Auxiliary met January 22, &h and artistic-aily photograpbcd; A uiumber wvho had intended the home of Mrs. Ken -Kuhnke., the Eskimo car'ing tld expres- caming from a distance were sively ych 50 simply Iheir emo- prevented bv the heavy snow- Officers for 1959 -wcre instal- lions - storm. However, there ivere le- by Rev. H. Shaintan, as fol- Mr. !P. J. Might thanked Mr. friends present from Bobcay- iows: President, Mrs. Steve 'Crompton and the Imperial .Oul geon, Lindsay and Toronto, Doyle, Vice-President, Mrs. J. Noble; Secretary, Mrs. P. Fli'n- The bride was Elizabeth Fln- toff; Corresponding Secreharv,i 1e duheroM.ad Mrs . ,M. Flintoff: Treasurerr, Wilin Fneyo Bobcaygeon W H. Brown: Christian Stew- and the couple lived in Bobcav'- ardship Secretary, Mrs. Cecil 'i't d C hurch 1 1geon for 15 vears, during which Mills; Christian Citizenship.Se- timeMr.Pury famedandcretary, Mrs. McMillan: Litera- Housiander, B.A., B.D. was in the meat business with turc Secrctary, Mrs. Ken Ku- his brother. The Purdy.family hnke; Mlissionary Montly, Mrs. Iison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. were early setlers in this area, Jack Hurrie; Supply Secretary, arriving around 1837 from the Mrs. Lloyd Snawden: Pianist, iUnited States. Mr. Frank Pur- Mrs. Arthuîr Burgess, omn rdy is a direct descendanh of theit-Fredhp Ms.T M- W RHPfounder of Purdy's Milîs, later Guirk: Auditors, Mrs. Bert of heShep"known as Lindsay. Snowden, Mrs. M. Edwards. In 1923 Mr. and Mrs. Purdy Th traurrcrtd bt moved ho Bowmanville and Mr. the allocation was met with a Purdy was employed in the balance of $14.00 in fbc x- WORSHIP Ilose Room ah the Goodyear pense account. Audilors' report Tire & Rubber Company plant soe ok nodr I Wiih Power" bhere from that time until hissh ed ok iorr.Fiof 1 WilhPower retiementin eeme,1956. Secretary, Ms .Fitf reireenh cembr, - callcd the rall, which ,was an- CHOOLswercd by payment offdues for I C. or hefilsquoin Wod-1959. A letter on supply work :LC ETOsw-orth's paemi on the beauties of was read by Mrs. L. Snowdeni. 'ýLCME O AL i nature. He was impresscd by Il was annaunccd thal Wor1d _____________ i Bruce Allin who showed that Day af Prayer ah Ebenezer chilciren, who attend the uitIle would be Feb. 13. There wil ------rcd schoal house. have the chban- be a Presby'berial meeting in ce of a real good educahion and St. Andrew's Churcb, Oshawa, lhe predicted a future for a boyl on Feb. 17. C R S I Nwio had so mucb abilily la ex- Ms tpe efe.Ms Mrs. apoi hoed con- CHU CHher husb and was prhasvene the<choir supper.k hag BomavileKitty Storce', daughler of Dr. of the worship service. Mrs. T. Bowmavilleand Mrs. V. H. Storcy, Bowman- Hoar gave a reading from1 ville. Mr. and Mrs. Allin came Scripture, and a meditatia n by with their son from their farm Mrs. T. McGuirk foliowed . AI north of Newcastle. chapter from the Study Book, Measies Cancei Music "Health and Welfare" was pres- 10:0 EngishNo musical programme was a- - edby' Mrs. K. Kuhnkc, Mrs. vailabie owing ho a suddcn ah - C. Milîs. Mrs. D. Baillcy and tac- 0fmeaiesw-hc-hkep Frd -. B. Snowden. Meeting clos- 7:30p.r. Dtchtackof eases hicl ket Fed d and Mrs. C. Mills conducîed R MORinGt SERVlICEl Grahiam, Jr. rieht off thlep-a i. pnlso. iv] d-SOcial & P)ersonal Phone MA 3-3303 I.D.A. Brand - Regularly Flydrogen Peroxide JIINDS floney and Almond CREAM Regular 98c I.D.A. Brand - Regular 55c, 1.10 Mineral i 01-- 43c, 87c Cod Liver 011 -- 90c, 1.50 Cre-0-Tone -1.50 Epsom Sait -- 15c, 2.5e Flaxseed (whole) ----- 40c Friar's Balsam - - - 25c, 45e Iodized Throat Gargle 50e Iodized Throat Tablets 50e Bronchida CoId Capsules 1.25 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY COMPETIToice, with LUSmeEaidNAScSEtiIb SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK YOUR DRUGGIST RECOMMEN DS MULTIPLE VITAMINS Each table? Lontains 7 essential vitamnins. Costa leu thon 4< a daiy. MULIPLU RR. A& VITAMINe VCmi j IN POUR COLOURS! PINK, BLUE, YELLOW, GREEN 4ViY. 4 8Raota, Silo ECONONY 8PACK SANITARYf NAPICINS PER PACKAGE# »ou, è.t Alex. Ne Deliver 20c, 30c, 50c - 16c, 24c, 44c HALO SHAMPOO Retular M8 NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM Giant 10 ounce 1.25 63c I.D.A. Brand - Regular 49e tube Shaving Cream --- ]Regular 69e tube BRYLCREEM Plus FREE POCKET COMB 69c OSc Cutex - Regular 1.08 valt4 Hand Cream - - - iluAAA iteodorant rSgusarieo,.- - YOU GET 4-WAY VALUE ON I.D.A. BRANDS 1. QuulitY 2. Quantity 3. Low Price 4. Guarmntee Aromatie Cascara 35c, 65c Boraclc Acid 20c, 30c, 45e Idafer Capsules ---_ 2.00 Idafer LIquid __ 1.50 Spirits Camphor -___ 25c Spot Remover -- 40e. 75ec, Tooth Paste -_____59c Toilet Tissue - 2 for 27c Wax Paper ____31e Wltch Hapel ----35e, 15e HEALTH 1 SACCHARIN TABLETS PAPER SALTS i Gr. 20c, 55c. 79c NAPKINS 59e 4 Gr. -____ 23c, 65e, Pgec1 Ie, 2 for 35c Reg. 63e size COLGATE DENTAL CREAM PLUS 2 CAKES IPALMOLIVE SOAP m1rY 17 -à 19 Richard Huanut EGG CREME SHAMPOO 1.25 Value 89C *Ueg. 'rra" Monl 39Oc Bronchida Client Rub - 59e Idaphedrin Nasal Drops 65e Idaphedrin Nasal Spray 95e Cod Liver 011 Capsules 1.19 Idamalt-- 79c, 1.29, 2.29 Idaphos-------1.50 Idasal Tablets - 39e, 89e Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 --- ---- ----- ÉU R&tcý-a v - ~~n~ - *1 THffUSDAyT, JAN'. zth, îoso visitor with Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. AshtoneciaIsSpeaker Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gim- p ca p a e blett and Sharon were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alldred. Lake Shore. Mrs. Frank Simpson, Nancy . and Connie. Columbus, were Saturday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gimblett. Mrs. Eric Burton, Oshawa. .~ spent the weekend with Mr. and -- Mrs. Cccil Burton and family. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Morton are enjoying a winter holiday in Lakeland, Florida. Mrs. Donald Carr. Ivan and Joanne,. Bowmanviile, Mr. and jMrs. Lloyd Beech, Jim and Al- vin, Burketon, were recent guests of Mrs. A. Beech. jMr. and Mrs. W. Crofts, Min- den, 'were wcekend guests *ci Mr. and Mrs. W. Hogg and fam- lly. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Cober. Hes- peller, were weekend guests of Mr. anid Mrs. Tom McGuirkI and famiiy. Sunday» guesîs with Mr. ani The Home and School Assoc- Mrs. Edward David were ber iation has secured an outstand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kidd, Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. Clare ing speaker for its February Kidd, Oshawa. meeting, wvhich wili be held in Ontario Street School next Wed- Mr. and Mrs. William Slaght, nesdeay night, Feb. 4. iBowmanville, cailed on Mr. and Mrs.. Ed Hoimes on Thursda.y Dr. W. F. Koerber is Inspec-1 evenin.g. lor of Special Classes for Scar- borough Board of Education. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allair. ,-- and from 1955 to 1958 wàs Chief terborough, were supper %ruesî s ýSprio fteDprm with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin fSpevior ofaihe Depr tet Holmes and family on Salur-ofSe Biar duc aion fonth day. smBad ebsbdln experience in teaching, particul- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holmes suf- arly in non-academic work. Hisr fered quite a loss last Wednes- subjeet on Wednesday eveningi da * aflernoon when mast of ilb"Dspin. their possessions were damaged Dr.ll b e Disciplie vd by a fire which gutted their B.D r Koerbern Uonecivedrs home. The children are stayingBA frm WsenUieit i with neighbours ah present, un- and his Doctor of Pedagogy. de-s tii their home is rebuiit. , gree from University of Toronto,v Sympathv of the comnmunitv 1w-as the organizer and first prin- is extended to one of our teachi- cipal of Variety Village, a v'oc- ers Mr. . Back o th detationai scbool for physically v oferMs So. Bak o dahhndicapped teen-age boys. Hes A fmil camuitynigt as ibeen a lecturer in psychoi- c- Aponsred y cMaple nGave ogy for Dept. of Education sum-J Women's Institute wili be held mrcussi uiir de at the school on Saturday, Jan. ation,. and from 1951 ta 1954 was ti 31, at 8 p.m. There will be principal of the Dept. of Educa- F euchre and dancing and fun for tion Auxiliary Educatian Sum- c, ail. Tell yaur neighbours and mer School. fi ladies please b'ing lunch. Chul- Dr. Koerber should have much tl dren under 12 free, but not ad- of intereslta tell parents and ir rnitted without their parents, teachers. A large attendance is N so get Ma ar.d Pa out for the hoped for on Feb. 4 ta hear Dr, S fun. A slight admission will be Ko erber speak on "Discipline", ti charged ta caver expenses. 1 Time of the meeting is 8 p.m. v Money-Saving VALUES, f J Scugog Street, MORNING SERVICE- EVENING SERVICE. SUNDAY SUHOOL AFTE "Back To God F' CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 8:30> amn. every McG regor, Your Local I.D.A Drug Store Burns" Supper (Continued from pnage one) sent, and introduced head table guests: Padre and Mrs. Herbert, Zone Commander "Dude" HiUls and wife, Port Hope; Legion President Ed. RuncUe and wif e, Mrs. Florence Knight, who is also President of the Ladies' Auxiliary. He expressed regret Ihat Hon. John Foote, V.C., Hon- orary President of the Pipe Band, was unable ta. be present dlue ta the storm. President Knight tbanked members of the TaTtan Cluib for their help in making this annual event a suc- cess. He also thaxiked the mecm- bers of the Ladies' Auxiliary %who had prepared and served the dinner. Mrs. Ann Piper. con- venr, epled on behaif of the ladies. praises Band In his ibrief remarks Zone Commander Hilîs heaped praise on the Bowmanville Pipe B.and. stressing that because of this band District «"F" is a standout in Ontario Legion circles. They are aiways ready and willing ta attend any function in this district, whether it be Legion or not. lie said. They are the bcst public relations we have. In mentioning Bobby Burns, lie s.aid. the writings of this great poet should be an inspiration ta us all in this present day. Com- rade His stated thal after bav- ing bis first taste of haggis he %vas now glad ta ibe called a Scotchman. The speaker was in- tro-duccd iby an aId friend if sports circles and also Legion work Pres. Ed. Rundie. Entertaininent Past President Ab. Mavin nia- ved a vote of thanks ta the speaker and then hook over as bhairman for hhe entertainment. Janet and Jackie Poôlton, Tor-1 ont, put the audience in a Scot- tish mood with their Highland Fling with Duncan Bradley ac- companying on the pipes. Janet followcd with a bighland dance, then brother Jackie Joined her in a sword dance. Miss Doris MIcCullough originally f ro m Skohland, now of Toronto, enter- taincd in a beautiful soprano songs, whch were appreciated by ail. The hurnirous part of the pro- gram was when Ernie Bruce, dressed in Highland costume with bagpipes paraded the hall before getting up on stage. He had everyone spitting their sd- es with is jokes and comedy routines using bagpipes, flute. fly sprayer and bottomless pan te produce music. He was ac- companied by Harold Rich on the piano. At the conclusion of the program the Pipe Band un- der the direction of Major Jackc Knight put on a show playing and doing their drills on the main floor. The loud and long applause of the audience showed appreciation te t.he members of this fine band. Ev'ening's entertainment con- tinued with a dance te the music of Ted Taylor and bis orchestra, Ajax. The Bowmanville Pipe Band are te be commended for the amount of work they do on this annuai event to keep alive the memory of a great poet, Robert Burns. Red Cross (Contlnued from page one) ized procurer of blood, the prime project will be the organizingo,0f a blood bank through donor*s clinies. The Bowmanville Brancb will register the don- ors, and make appointments for the mobile clinics, whîch are sent out froni Toronto, usuaIly twice a year. The set up is similar te the war year clinics. The blood ic tested and typed in Toronto. then sent back to the local hosp- ital. Memorial Hospital has al- ready b e en receiving blood through the Red Cross. Siuice there are ne blood bank f acili- ties in Bowmanville the blond is sent from Toronto to Oshawa, and then brought by car te Me. morial Hospital bere as required. Any iblood not used within thé prescribed time is sent back ta Toronto and processed into fib- rogen and blood plasma. Other committees of the new branch being formed bere sucli as Disaster, Water Safety and Sewing. will be organized. The work is aIl voiuntary, no re- numeration is received by local workers, 1 - -P 1-olion . . pperillur GRe. 3-57921 THE CAlqAnt« STATV-qU,&lv- iptmwmA N v , , ix- remA lum Phone MA