IWP MWMAW 'ATERM. BOUfWMANVW3.U OflTAPMlrtHDY E.5h 99 .f S*S4S J~h' Thomas -Edisons Birth 111' Yrs. Ago to be M arked Feb. 8 m l4th February 8th to l4th is Na- tional Electrical Week, marking the ll2th anriiversary of Thomaýi Edison's birth. Edison brought I electricity out of the laboratory and into practical use for the 4 benefit of ail mankind. H w.orked untiringly to deveiap the first practicai electric light bulb, and with it, the equip- znent needed to bring it into our homes. Edison founded an in- dustry that bas become one of the nation's 'largest and most vital . . . -an industry that bas put the magie of eiectricity to work in a thousand ways that contribute to the strength and prosperity of the nation. An industry that continues ta play an in-creasing part in Canada's development-providing equip- :ment for four fifths of ail workc in manufacturîng for exampla. Yes, from farest and farm ta end-products "electricity builds jobs". So, during National Electri- cal Week this year, we salute the world's most versatile ser- vant - electricity. Electricity keeps you warm in winter, cool in the summer. It turns night into day at the flick of a swîtch. It brings you entertainment, cooks your food, does your washing and in sa many ways makes your life easier and more enjoyabie. Have yau ever thaugbt just how inexpensive ail these electrical servants are. The average-size living room can be vacuumed for about bal! a cent. With the flick of. a switch, electricity does a week s wash for the average family for1 less than a nickel. National Electrical Week bas been afficially declared by many of aur Premiers and Mayors- a salute to the 175,000 skilled Canad.ians of the electrical in- dustry whose produets and ser- vices are designed to serve the hîghly specialized needs of aur growing nation. List of 120 Deaths in Bowman ville Last Year There were 120 'dcaths in Bowmanvillc during 1958 as follows: Parker, Arthur Ormiston, Jan- January 3; Box, Margaret Janeý, January 3; Davis, Nuller Alfred, January 9; Burk, Nellie, Janu- ary 12; Percy, Beryl, January 12; Nichais, Leslie John, Jan- uary 13; *Richards, Caroline Mary, January 14; Britton, An- nie Agnes, January 14; Argue, Mabel, January 14; Stanbury, Mary L., January 18; Belîman,' Albert Edward, January 19; Mc- Lean, Wilfred Joseph, January 23; Blewell, Laura Adeline, January 16; Lingard, Lillian, January 17; Williamsan, Robert,' January 17; Fifield, Frank B, January 26. Thompson, Robert George, February 3; Dejager, Infant, January 30; X'eo, William Hen- ry, February 13; Talcott, Bea- trice, February 17; Rudel, Emily Martha -.S., February 16; Bird, Edward, February 21; At- cheson, Almira, February 25; MorrLson, David R. February 26: Nichais, Albert James, March 1. McMullen, Minerva Ezelda, March 1; Diliing, Herbert Hen- ry, March 5; Spry, Mary Ann, March il; Reuter, William John, March 12; McGill, Infant, March 10, Werry, Bruce Norman; March 15; Crowe, Margaret, ,March 19; Petre, Jane Anri, March 3; Buttonshaw, Infant, iMarch 22;'Leander. Mildred W. X., March 28; Rombough, Anne Il. A., March 28. Thaekery, Emily, April 8: Somerscales. Rôsée Violet, April 18; Sykes, Thomas L. O., March 18, Elliott, Wesley. March 22; Beliman, Mark Edward, March 29; Dexson, Louise Orme, 'May 3; Wagar, Anne Miriam, May 8, Smith Paul, Frederick, April 25; Shew,chuk. Victor, May 2; En- wright, Thomas Wildrid, Mav Il. Foley, Annie Laura, May 15; Coilacutt, Norman, May 20; H{enning Ross Edward, May 22; Macklin, Wiinnifred Sarah, May 26. Blunt, Charles Frederirk, June 10; Cowling, John, June 16; Williams, Llewellyn, June 16;, Bell, Jessie Lennox, June 17; Balson, John Wesley, June 6; Cale Nora Margaretta, July 3; Searle, Elizabeth, June 17; Truil, Ada, June 17; Mahon, Catherine; June 25; Lancaster, George Victor, June 28. Young, Edward Goldwin, July 10; Crockett, Isaac, July 10; Eagran, Anne Maria, July 12; Leaman, Henrietta, July 10; Emerson Allan L., July 28; Du- cie, Clara Frances, July 28; Ru- therford, William Tamblyn, July 27; Doyle, Infant, July 31. Whitaker, Mary Rebecca, Au. gust 10; Leiniere, Infant, Au- gust 10; Coulter, Minnie Mar- garet, August 10; Shaw Ronald Robb, August 5: Peterson, Ma- rie, August il; Patter, William, August 14; Argue, John Wes- ley, August 16; Black, Wesley Roy, August 20, Magee, Fred- erick, August 21;. Sherwin, Robert Edmund, August 22; Welter William Ambrose, Aug- ust 24. NichaIs, John Robert, Sep- tember 5; Woolley, Herbert William, September 6; Ailin, Ellen, September 10, Mercer, William, September 12; Ben- nett, Frederick Henry, Septem- ber 12; Abernethy, June, Sep- tember 16; Gay, Mary Agnes, September 22; Luxton, Louise, September 26; Needham, John Henry, September -28. Seymouf, Joseph, October 2; Cale. William A., October; 5; Blewett, Ruth Ella, October 9, Davis, Elizabeth, October 10, Zamolynski, Paul, October 15; Hooper, Myrtle Mildred, Octo- October 12; McLean, Infant, Oc- ber 16; Hancock, Norah Jane, October 12, McLean, Infants, October 14; McLean, Infant, October, 14; Fawler, Joseph Frederick, October 23, Porteous, Rhoda Louise, Octaber 25. r 'I ~HOME NOW!I Weak, worn wiring is a real fire hazard. Don't take a chance - let us instail safe, miodern iring in your home. Cali us today. LET OUR EXPERT ELECTRICIANS REWIRE YOUR HOME FOR SAFETY BERT SMO WDEN ELECTRIC R.R. 3, BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2359 You've spent ronsiderable time -and money-in making your home a pleasant and attractive place ta live. Make the most of it with the kind af lighting that shows your color and furniture arrangements to the best ad- vantage-and, of course, the kind of lighting that is good for your eyes. A dramatie new concept of home lighting is called "Inspira- tion-Lighting." Simply stated, the theory says you should plan for: (1) general lighting, (2) local iighting, and (3)~ accent lighting. By switching individ- ual fixtures on or off, you can thereby create the lighting mood you want. When you plan your iightiî g, look for the new concepts and Ideas available today. The trend this year is ta cluster fix- tures, available in luxurjous brass, a combination of rope and, Norih Nesilet on -Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson, Glenda and Susanne were Sun- day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lockyea.r, Brooklin. Mr. and-Mrs. Cecil Bradrburn, Joan and Ralpb, Janetvîlle, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emn- erson. Miss Anna Sameils, Bawman- ville, spent tbe weekend at borne with her parents,, Mr-. and Mrs. Keii Samelis. Mr-. and Mrs. Guy McGili and femily, Mr-. and Mrs. Syd. Stap- les were Saturday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Campbbell. Mi-. Ross Beatty visited Vic Malcolm Sunday. Sympathy is extended to frie- nds and relatives o! the late Mrs. Jim Parr- who passed away Jan. 3 1. Mrs. Lloyd Hunter was down to Orono ta visit Leonard Joblin on Sunday and report he is rnuch improved. A speedy recovery ta Mrs. Ivy Hooey wbo is a patient in Part Perry Menioriai Hospital. ELIZABETH VILLE Sunday Scbool and Cburcb services were held on Sunday with Rev. Wright in the pulpit. Due to the icy roads there were nat too many there . On Friday Mrs. Thickson had a Stanley Products party. In the evening Mrs. Woolacott bad anc. Mr-. and Mrs. Lea Fallis, Mill- brook, wîth bis giandparents Mr-. and Mrs. W. Beatty on Sat- urdiay. Mr-. and Mrs. E. Elliott, and family, Oshawa, visited in the McLauchlin, John, November 5; Bak:?r, Laura Beatrice, Nov- ember 7; Conwav, Catherine, November 18; Mut ton, Clarence David, November 22; Heanery, Thomas, November 27; Vesluch- owski, Walter, November 29. Lee Infant, Deceinber 1; Ba- ker, Kenneth John, December 4; Horvatb, Agnes, December 4; Rov, Alexander, December il; Mason, Charles Frank, De- cember 11; Finley, Ida Viola, December 20; Vivian, Ja- Charles, December 21; Forbes, James, December 22; Griffin, Regainald Russell, December 25; Msrtyn, Carnie A., Decem- ber 27; Soo Hoa, Quan, Deccmn- ber 29; Wigbt, Milton Howard, December 30; Bell, H. Melvin, December 31. brass, apal glass, and an excit- ing cluster o! three vinylite bubbles which create a Far East mood in decorating. Ini addition, there. is a wide variety o! the popular reel-type pull-downs. You can find light- ing fixtures ta blend and com- plement any decorating period. The term often used ta describe many of the new lighting fixture designs is "Transitional"~ which means the fixtures will blend with decorating af any periad or style. Onie graup, called "Cordette Casuals,'" includes fixtures for practically any lighting job. With this ca-ordination of iight- ing fixtures the home decoratar wilI, lave no trouble in combin- iiig the variotus phases of a lighit- ing pian tta make a homie more, cornfortable, convenient, and livable. village Sunday. Mr. anxd Mrs. Milford White and ibas xith bis sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. Douglas near Cal- borne on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Fallis, Miii- brook, with ber grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. Beatty Sunday. Miss Donna Mercer, Alan Mercer, Toronto, were home for the weekend. Ron Setterington, Centreton, came home this far with Alan and, went back witb him. Kenny Fowler had a ibirthday party on Saturday. He was six on Feb. 1. Mr-. and Mrs. Hawrad Quan- trili and Mr. and Mrs. Russel White attended the banquet at Harwood on Saturday nigbt. Mr. Hank White has arrived ta spend the next month witb bis daugbter Mrs. Russel White and Mr. White. He bas been with Mr-. and Mrs. McGahey, Peter- borough, another daughter. ENFIELD The Patbfinders met in the school Friday night. The pro- gram was a film on~ religiaus symbols presented by Rev. W. A. Logan. Due ta unpleasant road conditions the attenriarice xvas small. Oui- anniual congregational meeting was hel*d in the scbaol Tuesday night with a small at- tendance. Rev. W. A. Logan presided, W. Bowman gave tbe cburch treasurer's report; W. Pascoe gave the Patbfinder's re- part, prepared by Miss Louise I-artman; Mrs. Donald Prescott gave the W.A .report; Mrs. G. Howman gave tbe Sundiay Scho- ol report, prepared by Miss Mary Helen Boman, and W. Bowman gave the trustee's re- Port. W. Pascoe also gave the M. and M. report. Tbese reports showed all departments ta be in good condition, financially. A cammittee, composed of Mrs. G. Bowers, Mrs. W. Boivman, F. Samis and R. Simpson, were el- ectcd to oversee alterations ta the interior of the cburch. At the' class of the meeting tbe la- dies served lunch. Mrs. Bowers entertained with piano music. Mi-. and Mrs. W. Bowman and Miss Mary Helen Bowman at- tended the Weire-Sullivan wed- ding in London last week. They also visited friends in Hamilton and Toronto. A correction- An item of last week should have read: Mr. and Mr.'. W. Bowman visited at J. T. B3rown's, Newcastle. ,WAT E a Qo .: ~.****'~ r>Z~. ~ *NEW ELECTR1C WATER HEATER PRO.GRAM 0 FLAT RATE *SELECTION 0F TANK AND HEATER SIZES * LOWER RATES * DEFERRED PAYMENTS FOR OUTRIGHT PURCHASE- IF DESIRED Example - Fiat Rate No. 40 TANK (30 Imp. Gais.).8 with 750w Elements PER Including Tank Rentai & Electricity Used OT Rate reducticn will 'apply- to existing unit s now in service immediately. %i j Bowmanville Public Utilifties Commission MILTON ELLIOTT., Chairman GEQO VAN BRIDGER, Manager I M OTICE IF YOU ANSWER YES TO ANY ONE 0F THESE QUESTIONS:- CAIL .OUR NEIGHDOURIIOOD ELECTRICAL CONTRA CTOR IN YOUR HOME YES NO nis ne Frai un riý ne ne e nie un 1.Do your fuses bIow -or breakers trip -too often? 2. Have you replaced 15 amp fuses with 20 or 30 amp fuies? 3. Have you had any electrical work donc by an unquali- fied electrician? 4, Are there any bare electric wime? 5,Are there any pennies behind blown fuses? 6.Do the electric wires in your house get hot or the walls around outiets get warm? SPONSORED BY HiGO ELEC'TRIC NEW TELEPHONE LIMITED NO. MA 3m3303 nu30New NoVILLE L.. Choose Lighting Mood, Inspire ,Hm's DecorI FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS 38 ]duc st.E. il -- r il TISU "DAX, FM. sth, 1959 BOWNANVILLE AL