__ a1 ?IA q'TUMy.EQ MqVl1!.OTAI mTRDAT!.Sh,15 SPIORTopICS By Frank Mohun MA 3-7234 B.O.C.'s If and when the Bowmanville-Orono Combines meet Napanee ini the league finals-can the Combines win? If they can, the Bowmanville-Orono outfit should be favourites ta capture the 1958-59 Ontario Intermediate "A" Championship. However, right now the odds are against the B.O.C.'s ever beating the Napanee Cornets. Saturday night, the two teams played on practically even terms, but it was the defending champs who took a 6-3 win.' The B.O.C.'s have lost six times this season-four times to Napanee, and it could be five after Monday night*s garne.j Although the locals appear able to hold as rnuch territorial play, the Cornets continue to corne up with a goal on a fast break. the sarne play that beat the B.O.C.'s last year. The answer to %whether or flot the Comnbines can beat Napanee hinges a lot on whether or not they can stop the Cornets' fast and nleyer. quick break. It %vouldnt hurt either. if the locals were to hand out A few more body-checks a la Sy-d Arnold. GOODYEAR HOCKEY LEAGUE The Goodyear Hockey Leagues regular schedule rame to1 a close Sunday. w.vth Don Mlasters ernerging as the sroring leader on 19 goals and 20 assists for 39 points. Bill Lyle edgred Masters oui as the loops top goal-getier, with a total of 20 goals. Both of tiie.ýe playcrs' tearns ended up out of thp playoffs. as the league- leading Fan Belts \vill tangle wilh Ille runnpr-tii Hose Roorn, in the first garne of the finals at 1:00 p.rn. Sunday afternoon. TOWN LEAGUE HOCKEY This reporter is wondering just what he started when in this column it said: 14t is doubtful if ton rnany players have ever riatcheci the 18 points equally divided between Don Masters and Dan Girardi in Goodyear League action." WeIl. lasi Thursday in the Town League. Clint Ferguson and Bob Sheridan carne close. writh a 16-point display. Ferguson scored five goals and assisledï on three others. while Sheridan lit the red light four tirnes and collected the same nurnber of assi s t . YOUNG CANADA NIGHT This -Saturday night Bowrnanville's Atomn, Pee Wee and Bantarn tearns will meet their Port Hope counterparts, starting at 7:30 p.rn., at the Memorial Arena. Because of ice comritments, ]Bowrnanville's night in connection with Minor Hockey Week, was forced ta be held a week later. We would urge everyone ta support our tearns, which will represent the town in the Little N.H.L. Playoffs. If you cant get to the games, the purchase of a draw ticket would be a big help. I Goodyear Hockey Lge. .Sunday's double header at the arena had.ngihing ai siake, ex- cepi the scoring race, and even that was practicallv a foregone conclusion. Don Masters picke-d up a goal and an assisita main- tain his ten point lead over tearn-mate Ted Fairey, who grabbed two assisis. Fairey coiiected six points while fillin.- in, during the second garne, but these- points will ot be count- eà. Bill Llye rapped in six goals and collected one assisL, ta take aver second spot. - In the opener, the Icague- leading Fan Belts jumped into a 3-0 iead and went an ta hand the third place Office a 7-4 set- back. Don Praut led the Fan Belt attack with 2 goals, xith Alex Alexander, Bill Coie, Bill Brunt, Bob Sheridan, and Bob - Johnsorn looking afier the rest of the scoring. Bob Marjerrisan 'was in an aIl four Office goals, collecting tWo goals and two Bill Lyle was the only Mais player ta show up for the sec- ,end game, so he barrowed a few other performers, and pri- ceeded ta en da prolonged las-1 ing sireak with six goals and ane assisi. Ted Fairey turned in a hat-trick performance, as thc cellar-rlwellers upset the second plac2 Hase Roomn 11-8. Bob Johns-on and Jack Bond added singles. three Hase Room goals, whilp Lloyd Hamnilton scored twice and single markers went ta Reg Wllets and ex-goalies Geore Heathr and Vince Vanstone. Final Team Standings W L T Pis Fan Beits 1 3 3 2. Hase------------- 7 5 4 18 Office - ---- 5 8 3 13 M ats -- ----------5 10 2 12 Final Scoring Leaders G A P, Don Masters (O) 19 20.39 Bill Lyvle (M)>-------- 20 9 29 Ted Fairey (O) 14 15 29 B. Marjerrison (O) -- 10 16 26 "Mort" Richards (H)-- 7 17 24 Don Prout (FB) 17 5 22 "Biick" Cowle (H) --- 13 9 22 Lloyd Hami lon (H) 11 i 10 21 Clint Ferguson (H) 9 6 1 - J. Marjerrison (H)_ 10 4 14 Bob Johnson (FB) 2 12 14 MEMORIAL ARENA Bowmanville Friday, Feb. 6 PUBLIC SKATING 8 - 10 p.m. Admission Aduits 40e Cbildren 25e SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 "Young Canada Night" Staris 7:30 p.m. PORT HOPE BOWMANVI LLE THREE CAMES -PEE WEE ADMISSION -BANTAN Cbildren - 10e WEDNESDAY, FEDRUARY 11i Intermediate "A" HOCKEY 8:30P.Ml. MINDEN 10 WMAN VI LLE ORONO COMBINES ADMISSION Adultz - 75e Students - 5Oe Children 12 and under - 25e Cornets Clobber BOC's ln Fast-Moving Fixture Here on Saturday Night The fast, clever-passing Na- panee Carnets proved their masteryv over the Bowrnanville Combines for thec fourth time in five meetings this season. Tak- ing advantage of every oppor- tunity, the Ontario Champions built up a 3-0 first period edge, and xeni on ta score a 6-3 win, which î:e:nt them Il points, ahead of the runner-up B.O.C.'q. The Combines came on far in tie final sianza, when they scored ail three goals. bui the ouistar'ding goal - tending ri! Parrishi: along with sorne poor shooting and had luck a'--ound the net. hadi given the Cornets a 4-0 bulge afier two periads of plaRy. Affer Haxve had made a ire- mendo is stop on Les Douglas' breakaway shot. the Combin;:s sat bavk and watched as Gabb-,' White picked uip the loose puek and cut in front of the net La~ score ai 6:26. Wiib Arnold off foý iritpping, Londrv made à fine rush dowýn the right boards-. pullcd the defence ox-er and fed a perfect goal-mouth pass ta Tar Brady litie over two minutes later. Typical of the trend of play. was Napanees third and final goal of the period ait th 14:00> minute mark. Atter the mRke- shift line of Germond. DeGrRv and Westfall had cone ('lors? scoring ?n three great chances, Walt Geraxv broke loose wih one defender back. to foot Hawe on an along the ice backhandpir. Jack McKeown ran the Na~- pane iead ta four goals. with the onlv tallv thal was counted n the mniddle session. The B. O.C.'s appeared ta have dctin- itely put ane over the goal-liiic, but the referees didn't seç il. Withi George Westfail Siting oui a slashing penalt * vpitkei up at the end of the second per- lad. Don Mercer slapped a blur- line drive int the mesh for his first goal of' the seasan. Mckeown gai that one back, a mninute late'- frorn a scrarnbl2, alter Hawe had blocked two cIa-ýe in drives. Then Brad *v picked t'he corner on a nice shal rid-wa 'v tbrough the final per- iod ta make il 6-1. .Jackie Ger- rnond's persistent digging paid off 29 second.% laier. and Syd Arnold conipeted the scoring ai 12:49. wben he was given a second chance after rnuffing Keiîh Wesi,'-- arlier set-up. IL was the eie enth siraight gam23 in which the speedy playing- coach has scored. IMixed League Bowling Jack Bond's bowlers took over firsi place in Friday night s Mixed Bowling League with a decisive, 7-0 shutaut win over Al Hieklings team. Bob Miiclîells outfit helped the Bond cause, ,when thcy. downed Moiley Etchers tearn 5-2, ta drap the lasers int sec- ond spot, t'nree points behind the new leaders. Arnold Sleep's cellar dwellers continue to find the going pien- ty tough. dropping a 7-0 game ta Art Spicr's tcam. Bob Mitchelî's 284 game nos- ed oui Bud Edmondson bx' a single pin, but Edmondson's 670 total took the high triple honours. For thc ladies-Do'. Edmondson grabbed the high single, with P mark of 234. Onie Etcher*s 582 triple was hi, i: that deparirnent, for the ladies. Team Standings W L Pts Bond -----__ 9 3 22 Etcher--------------- --- 9 4 lJ Mitchell ----- 6 6 14 Spicer ___ 6 6 13 Hickling 5 7 12 Sleep ---------«3 9 4 Games Arnold Slcep---------- 12 Onie Etcher 12 Pat Yeo ---il----- 1 Jack Bond - ___12 Mlorley, Etcher 12 Len Eldridge --- - 12 Bud Edrnondson ---12 Bob Mitch.--l ----- -- 12 Ave 211 208 205 149 196 196 193 195 Jae Nowlan ---- 12 19 ý Art S)'ice- ---- 12 191 Cecil Mu lion - -- - 12 19f) Joan Brunt ----------- 12 185 Al Hýcking ------ - 12 195 Dot Bond - -- ----- 12 183 Jim Richards -- -- 9 1 82 Cliff Evan.s ------ 12 1301 Duke Bruni ---- - 12 180 Essie Cox ---------- ---12 179 Bill Charles ------:-- 12 176 Mary Now --------- 12 17 5 Fred Luxton----------- 12 17 4 Carole Oke ý------ ----- 12 171 Audrev Sleep ------ 12 > 168 Pat Bariets------- - 12 166 Jim Cox ..- ----- -- 12 l6rý Gord Stringer 12 165 Rick Gould ------------ 12 162 Em. Siringer ---------- 12 1.59 Ruth Mitchell -- --- -- 12 157 Jean Evans ---112 1,57 Amy Winacott - ---- -9 154 Dorc Muiton ------ 12 1573 Marie Yea -------- - Il 151 Doreen Charles ----12 1521 Ron Muiton------- 12 150ý Kay Luxioi 12 149 Muriel Holrrryd ----12 148 Dot Edmondson --- 9 14 5 Joan Eldridge---- 12 14n Mary -l-ickling--- 12 134 Ruby Spicer .-------- 108 Evereti Winacoti -- 9 102 Ladies High Single- Dot Edmondson 234 Men's High Single- Bob Mitchell --- -- 284 Ladies Hliglo Triple - Onie Etcher ------ --582 Men's High Triple - Bud Edmondson ~.670 EASTERN ONTARIO Intermediate "A" Hockey League TEAM STAý (As of Febr Team Napanee --________ 19 Bowmnanville-Orono ____13 Minden -------------- _ _ 13 Cobourg-Port Hope 13 Trenton-* __ -- - 5 Kingston . 3 &NDINGS ýruary 1 vL 5 12 17 GA 104 84 92 142 137 189 *-Trenton has-dropped out and aIl scheduled games are autamnatic two points. TOP TEN SCORERS Scoring statistics do flot include Januany 10 game between Kingston and Trenton ai Trenton. We have been unable ta get scoring statistics for that garne that Trenton won, 10-7. The OHA. has no record of it, neither has Trenton. Since Kingston and Trenton scorers do not figure in the top ten. we have amittcd that garne. Cari anyone anywhere help us oui with ihat rnissing game? Player and Team Goals Les Douglas, Napanee 20 Tar Brady, Napanee - - 25 Jack White, Napanee 21 Bud McDougall, Cobourg -____25 Ron Rowe, Minden----......... 25 Pat Gilmnour, Napane ------25 Keith West. Bowrnanville-Orono 16 Syd Arnold. Bowman ville- Orono 25 Walt Gerow, Napanee ------16 Jim Freeman, Cobourg -------- -- 17 GOALTENDERS Player and Team Gantes Played Vancliff. Mnden Denker. Kingston Hawe. B.O.C. Parrish. Napanee --- --__ __- Shropsh ire, Minden - ___ Kemp, Cobourg-Port Hope Johnson, Kingston ----------- Carr, Trenton . - .----------- Sommerville, Cobourg-Port Hope Vanstone. B.O.C.----- --------- Bunc7. Minden - --------- Twa, Kingston Riviere, Trenton_________ Hooper. Trenton Dodds, Kingston- Cane, Kingston ------- - -- ----- Finney, Kingston -------- ----- 24 18 7 2 19i2 1614 1 1/3 3 2 2 Assists 41 29 30 22 19 18 24 13 21 18 Goals Allowed 2 4 77 104 83 34 11 117 99 7 89 11 13 30 21 34 Points 61 54 51 47 44 43 40 38 37 35 Average 2.00 4.00 4.01 4.33 4.61 4.86 5.50 6.00 6.09 7.00 8.()9 9.43 9.75 10.00 10.50 114.00 This report issued by Statistician Layton Dodge, 388 Ball St., Cobourg FLadies' Major Bowling 'Rernice Buday'q howle-rq wat- rcd no time in breaking lait week'q four-way fini pl1ace deadlovk, when the *v hand o ne. of the tour, Ena Fteber i"e'Arni, a 1-ol defel. 'Thle Win left the Budfay howlers aIl l one amnP the ctanding, as nt the two re,- mlining leaders- Onie Etcher edged Lydia Raies 2-1, and Jloyce Lvlp dropped ia 2-1 de- cision to Shirley BickpIl. Kay' Beauprie and Lorraine Martyn ,ti,(,igthetieçt their posi- tions wrtm'2-1 wins aven Doris JolI and Lola Wrigbl.t. pec-tive,- 1v. Down at the bottom of the ladider, Norrna Gay's bowlers çlovwnred Jiine Bakeris tcarn 2-1 to regîster theil' firsi victory of the second schedule. Onine ticher w-as the leader in both departrnents, with scores of 721 'and 322. Dell Vinson rolled a 672 triple, while Shirley Bickell bad 657 and Peggy Haynes 653. Other high single scores xvent ta Gladys Rahrn (283). Doris .Joll (278) and Mary Wilcox (266). Averages Onie Etcher -------------- 225 Jean Luxton __ - ------- - 204 Kay Beauprie ---- -----------199 Mary Wilcox. 197 Bernice Euday ------197 Shirley Bickel ----------- 193 Doris Joll ---- - ---- 193 Norma Narris ----------- - 193 Lydia Bates------------------ -191 Dell Vinson - -190 Ollie Patfield--------------- 188 Ena Etcher -----188 Joyce Tennani----------- 188 June Baker ----------- 188 -.Toyce Lyle ----187 Peggy Hlaynes 184 Wilma Bates _____183 Shirley DavIs ___ 182 Audrey Osmond 182 Jean Musial - ------ -- 181 Lorraine Martyn 181 Dot Brooks 180 Sadie Bucknell 180 Kay Stephens .---- -----179 Eva Whitehead _ _-179 netty Wesilake-------177 Norma Gay ----__---176 Donna Preston -------- - - 175 Myra Cooper ------------- 173 Vel Miller ------------------- 172 Helen Piper------ ------ 172 Eileen Halroyd 171 Joyce Major ------------- 169 Helen Vivian ---- --- ---- 169 Jean Harness -------- -- - 168 Ada Richards ---------167 Dore Mutton ---167 Marg. Perris .----------- 167 Nancy Bryans 166 7Helen Dunn -------- 166 Dot Crombie ----- -- 166 Audrey Biekell 166 Muriel Holroyd 165 Dolly Brooks ----- - 164 Grace Blackburn 164 Lîl Hooper ------ 164 Lou Lyle 162 Babe Brown ---- 160 Berniece Terry- 160 200 (jamesi Ortie Etrhr322, 230: (flad Rahrni 283, Donris .ç nll 278, Mary Wilcox 266, 202; Betty W~Iae257, 1,11 Enoppr 254, Peggy llaiyrit»s 249, 224: Do>. Brookx 240, 201; Rernire Rîîday 24.5, Nor-ma Gayv '242, Dell Viîion 240>, 2.t7: Shirley Rickell 237, 210; .foyve 'lennaîî> 227, Sadie Bti-kltli 22<1, 218:; Lorraine Martyri 226, Ada Rl(ih- ard.q 225, Jlean Harnest; 219, Kay Beauprie 219-200>. Marg. Pet-is 217, Inoy(-f Major 217, .Junp Bal- Pr 214, Gin Elli.s 212, Donna Preston 212, Eipen lolroy)d 210, .Jean Luxton 2018, OlIliv Pafîe 1 I 207, Lola Wright. 20.5, Ena Etci- e-r 2013. Ioan Englvy 201, Essiri Cox 20>1, Jean M ii 200<. 1 Hlgh Scores Ji -lh triple -Onu'lb -e hîgb single - Onie Et,.he-r high average- Teamf B. Buday O. Etcher K. Beauprie- J. Lyle D. .1o11 E. Etcher- L. B-ates S. Bickell L. Martyn L. Wright ---- N. Gay - ----- J. Baker.- -Onie Elci Standings. 7 7 ?322: r 2 25. 01898 101961 112.53 10864 10948 10,964 10()85-31 10-5601 10416 i10<14.5 10741 9.504 Hom e& School Bowling Our 200 League took a drap this week with only four rolling ovcr the 200 mark. Barb But- tonshaw with 219, Bonrne Mc- Donald, 218, Ruby Munday 216, and Shirley Davis 209. Alice Hodgson led the scorin'y wîth a total of .374, Barb had a cornbined score of .365 with Shirley in close pursuit with 363. Team Standings Sparraws---------------------- Canaries ------- ------ - - 5 W rens -- ---- ------ - -- 4 Robins ------------------------ -- - -- 4 Blue.jays ---------3 Bluebirds - ------------ --- 2 Averages B. Buttonshaw -- ----- 191 S. D avis ------------- ---- 189 0. Patfield ------ - ---------- 182 M . K ing ------------------- - 1'. F E. Etcher - --- 175 J. Lyle -----------------17 A. Osmnond ---------------- -- - -170 S. Bucknell -------------------- 167 B. McDonald --------------- 166 H. Ru-idle ---- ------ - 165 Juven le Legionnaires Continue Win Streak Wîth 2 Wins Last Week The Bowmanville Legian- naires, displaying a powerful attack. swept ta their tenth and eleventh wins of the season in Juvenile hockey action, last Wednesday and Thursday nights. Playin*g t home, the locals trounced Port Perry 10-1 in a game which was about as one- sided as the score indicates. Port Perry is the anly teamn to hold a victory over the Legionnaîres, this seasan. Bill Osborne and John Clark. each turned ihst trick performances ta pace the attack. Paul McCullough scored twice, and Bill Crossey and Bri- an Hughes added single mark- ers. Thursday night, the Legion- naires spotted the home tawn Whitby team a 2-1 first period lead, went ahead 5-3 in the sec- ond, and rammed in six third period goals to a single Whitby reply. Bill Osborne was the leader again, with another hat-tnick ta his credit. Dan Cattran, Ever- ett Lake and Gary McCullough each tired a pair, and Irv Guil and John Clark notched the ne- maining two. The Bowmanville autfit have scored 100 goals in 13 gamnes for a 7.7 average. Whitby and Cobourg wiIl m-eet mn the semi-finals, with the winner ta clash with the Legionnaires for the right ta gr Legion Bowling Jack Geddes' team increaseci their Iead ta eight points when they downed Frank Samis' crew 7-0 in a battie for first place, last Tuesday night. Bill Bates' bowlers rnoved past Samis into second place, by virtue of their 5-2 decision over Ernie Perfect's pin-droppers. Tommy Gnaham's outfit slowed sigas of moving up, as they up- set Jim Fair's team by a 5-2 count ta, move to within four points of second place. George Elliott was the ..op bowler in hoth divisions. rolling the high triple of 731, including the high single score of 276. Jack Ge Bill Bat Frank 11 Ernie P, .Jim Fai Toinmy Team Standings Pins eddes --- 12042 tes --------- 12062 Sa mis 11533 erfeci ---11311 ir 11970 Graham 11899 on in the Minor A Juvenile play-offs. Car Maintenance Mudgets Held Scoreless By Hard-Checking Bruins go' A: S'ýar ta,e a 6 'oritc- Toronto Ll-hir ~ ea'n. During tre f."st erod -r- local box.s appezired iro have tr- better ofb e p'ay ;bi* i: were ur.abýs ta gýý't t e -' past the Bru.n goahe ;.-h,: pla.ved an outstand:ng garne. Aflar 23 minutes of score-1 less hockey. the Toronto teara gaI their firsi goal and five more were scored during ti balance of the gamne. Toront) goals were scored by Lipic (2) Tisdall, Hodge, Myers and Trot- ter. This wvas the third garne in the week for the Bdwmanville boys On Tuesday ihey played Whitby Mid.gets in Whitby ta a 4-4 île. Bothwell (2) James and Jolinson obtained the-Bow- - Spoliaghtinq «LORI eî e e 8S-4 e. r- r:~ '-p.. ~ ~-, P. ... F'i:.'~ a ~ :rrîk a 6 'o - v ':o.-':-,s r-asiern- v --'-' ~'~'e ~'* n - r-r-- . Bn'-î- T *-- ~---a'-.~ Barseli. 0 0 rg the f Bocting 'il. 'I ry ve. Mon. Jo Fr1. RRAINE FOREMAN" Ecch Sert. Ev. BUILING ru urNI &DMISSION Weekdays 12 noon ta 10.30 p.m. ADULTS 50e Saturdays 10.30 a.m. ta 10.30 p.m. CHILDREN 25e 49 S* 0 0 ae* se e M ROBSON MOTORS SERVICE BETTER P aintn - Body Work Washin g - Polishing Prices quoted on any job hefore proceeding Ail Repairs Fully Guaranteed Robson Motors Limited PONTIAC, BUICK, GMC TRUCKS & VAUXHALL DEALERS 166 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 "*WHERE CUSTOMERS SEND THEIR FRIENDS"ll ATON Aduits - 35e THAT'S - AND HERE'S WHY 1. Mechanics are Factory Trained PLUS active members of Technicians Guild. 2.CM approved methods carried out. nment saves you money by pin-pointing trouble. Complete Automobile Service I.- -- - Il TEXYRSDAY, Y". 5th. 1939 BRRIR numdl nDrej. . - 1 9 "M CAMAD" STATESI,:Àkm, BCLWMANMLLF, ONTARIO Be.o« ce Star of the WeekI JACKIE GERMOND Uridoubtedly, anvone who wvas at Saturdav's Naqpanee-B.O.C. game will agree that Jackie Germond was the outstanding player on the ice. Size macle no differrnc'e, as thé pint-sized Germond waded right in to (Io hattlI with the likes of the 220 lb. Londry. .Jackiv was tlie most effective attacker on the (Combine roster, as lie and bis line-mates, Ted Degray and(j eorge WestfaII, formed a potent unit. Jackie (Urrnond's pvrsistent tact ics paid off in the third pr'riod, wlien bis tinassisted goal drew a large ovation frorn tiv spectators. TIhe goal was certaii a fitti ng tlîrnax to.Jarkie's Bowmanvillc Surplus Store award- Shorthanded Bantams Take Bad Beating 9-1 After Opening Scoring A Bo',tPaî,<c- tri a l v < fý- harn t ii- r w rth';r ting of the Bfl,;1ui NJI U1, AJJ-S!'ar tP-a:T s-'o A ri.,urn gaine isbein.- OJOPPI no an <-ýarl'/ j-i < J % i' i . 'o hb' plaved here. Ov«' ; 1yr ý t r r wr if Wh!' v r<),,,. cr oach(-' "Ifio k" Balso'i TiOc ýd; an 'Io i ii. ,r Ira.< ," <(j ar<ba(jO '.11-j'dit ý l~la'r.i~ '.,:In o'.' lv' n~ v. , w o'a i j] :1 rcgth for goI IF or i I. ar' ru" a '< i