IWUMDAY, TEB. th, 1959 -I A MA n A % M WtDA$ mA"~V?~ A Ug :: 1kw eac"de4~u Gordon Âgnew, Edifor Il ewca st/e cSocial anc1 Liersonal Mrs. Chas. Thackra «v o! To- 1 Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Agnew of ronto visited with hiem moth-,m Peterborough were Saturdas' Mms. Frank Parker on Friday. j visitors with Mm. and Mrs. Gar- Mms. Carl Selby and Mr. Rus- don Agnnew. sell Osborne of Newcastle, Mm.ý Her many friends will be Earl Osborne af Bowmanville,ipleased ta learn that Miss B. S. and Mrs. Leslie Guv of Oshawa, Mclntosh has returned ta her rnatomed ta Beavqrton last Tues- home f rom hospital in Toronto day where thev attended the much improved in health. funemal o! their cousin, Mr. Nor Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Witzel man Stanley. and Bobby o! Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Milton Walker' with lier parents, Mm. an.d Mir3. of Riverside. sp2nt a few days' Charl2s Collins on Sunday. last week 'visiting with friendý , Mrs. W. H-. Wakelin af Part in the village. Hope, spent the weekend visit- Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hame: ing with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. spent last Thursday visiting ini Britton. Toronto. i1Mrs. Kathl!een BS'am and son Mr. zind Mrs. A. R. Randal A ! Billy of Concord, visited with Smithviile. visited with friends'Mr. and Mrs. Johin Voutlt and in the village on Sunday. familv on SaturdaY. Canadians Win Two In Pee Wee League Min or Hockey Week NEWCASTLE - The Canadi-1 ans took advantage off Minor Hockey Week hast week ta wia bath off their scheduled gainés in the local Pee Wee league played c-ach Tuesday and Satu-c- day at the Newcastle Memar- il Arc-na. In the first gaine on Tuesday night the Leafs came up with a win over the wings by a score of 4 ta I. Scott Rudél with 2 and Ronnie Farrow and Peter McCuliough weîe the scorers for the winaems with Rudeli picking up an assist. Ter- ry Walton was the loac scorem for thé Wings while Jin Ste- phenson a! the Leafs, was thE onIy player penalized fom hold- ing in a real dlean gaine. The Canadians took thé Ran- gers 2 tao 0la the second gaine with Donny Rickard seoring the finst goal on a pass tram Fred Alldîead. The only other goal. was scoîed by Wayne Pearcel Mrs. L. Dipp At Friendshi "fýWCASTLE-The Januamy x~i~tng ! heFriendship Clubi was held'i~n the Sunday School1 room af the Newcastle United. Church witha nineteen membersi in attendance. The membersI were welcomed by the nexv president of the club, Mrs. Alf. Grah amr'. Each member reported havi*ng received cards from hem un ahine Sister. The devoti'onal service wasi ln charge of Graup 1 under the leadership of Mrs. Ken Dean' and included a eading by Mr.. Helen Baskerville, Scripturýý reading by Mrs. Chas. Megit andi prayer led by Mrs. Fred Couch.* The speaker of the eveningl, Mrs. L. Dippeli of Bowman- ville. wvas iiitroduced by Mrs.1 Aif Perrin and gave a most Jn-1 teresting talk onl the ideal off parent-student elationship. The appreciation of the mcri- bers ta Mms. Dippell for her nost interesting talk was ex- MONEY i AVAILABLE FOR NORTGAGES RALPH S. JONES Barrister and Solicitor 65 Simncoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 Newcastle U Rev. M. C. Fisji( Mr. Norman B. 1 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY S 11:00 a.m.-MORNING M "Did Christ Co You are in'vited toa on a Pass froinErie Navior and Ricky Pearce, with Bill Scott scoring bis first shut-out af the season la the Canadians nets. .* *0 For the second straight tiine on Saturda.y momning, Bill Scotti came Up with a shut-out a! the season xvhen Way ne Megit scar- ed the onlv goal o! the gaine off the stick o! Fred Alldréad ta defeat the Wings 1 to O and move up inta 2ad place. The only penalty o! the gaine was given ta \Wayne Pearce foi: slashiag. Ia Saturday's second gaine thé Rangers outplayed the Leafs ta a score ai 3 ta 1 with Peter Lake (2) and Néil Vautt get- ting thé goals for the Rangers whilé Scott RudeIl scared the bace Lea! talv. Dennis Rud- maa (2) and Jin Stephensoni off thé Leafs were givén -penal- ties and Peter Lake was thé only Ranger player penaized. ehl Speakcs p Meeting prcsscd by Mus. J. Scott whc presénted hem with a lavely china cup and saucer as a me- mento off ber vîsit. Foliowing the meeting dcli- cious îefrshments of angel food cake with whipped creain was served toalah présenit. Mission Band's New Off icers Phono 3621 Pot Luck Supper Held Be fore Annual Meeting At Newcast NEWCASTLE - The annual congregatianai meeting o! the Newcastle UJnited Church was held in thé Sunday School au- ditoriumn on Monday evening Januar.-; 25th, when approxi- mately 100 members and adher- ents o! the chumch gathered wvith their suppcî and ahi sat down ta eat tagethen. Folwiag the supper ail jain- cd la a heamty sing-song led býv Ross Allixi aad a lovely vocal duet by Mrr. Ron Munro and Miss M\arîlynî Baskerville was much enjoyed by ahl. The y.ougerm2mmbers o! the cangaregatio1î then adjourned ta the boa-drd m where they were shown saine very iaterest- ing filins while the oldeî mein- bers conducted the business uf the dhurch. Mirmea.-raphed co- pies o! the annual reports were distiibUted ta the members shawiag in detail the work off the chuîch during the past year. Ten fune'-als were reported. ad 14 baptisins and 6 marriages were perfommed. Nine nt-, membzrs w~ere received into the le United church family and seven mcmn- bers weîc hast. The United I Church Observer was receivcd I by 101 families. The minister went th7ough the variaus reports o! organiza- tions off the chumch showing a most hcalhy position and ead- ing the year with a bank bal- ance in excess af that ai hast i yeam. The rctiring members of tha- Session and the bo&rd o! Stew-1 ards wcre ai re-elected for a period o! three years and Mr. J. C. Porter was elected ta au- dit the Church books. 1 Votes of appreciatian weie expmessed ta the Rev. M. C. and Mis. Fisher for' their leadershio duîing the past yeam and the hope wvas expresscd that they would remain with the congré- gation for saine time ta came. Mr. Fisher thanked the gather- ing for their kind xvoids and said he eajoyed the work in Newcastle. A vote ot thanks xvas also expresscd ta the chair leader Mr. Norman Williams and bis choir for their leader-. shi;p la sang. Mothers March Collects $230 During Poélio Drive NEWCASTLE - Mémbers o! the Friendship Club are maýt! enthusiastie in their praise of! citizens off the village for thel fine! manner ia which théy were1 îeceived on Moaday cveni.ngl whea théy made their annu.il canvass fori unds for the Can-1 adian Foundation for Poliainve-j litis. The merchants wemems co-opemative la plaeing adver- tising posters ia their stores and the canivassers wéîe generously. received on Monday eveain-g collecting a total off $230.,51 con- siderably more than last year. CanvLssems, aIl members of' the Frîeadship Club were Mes-1 dames Gardon Darling, Ken Dean, Stan. Powell, Béa Hoog- kamp, George Zweiî, Gea. Kim- bail. Jack Holmes, Ai! GraS.am, David Gray, Wm. Storks, -Johni Scott, Ron Hoekin, Murray Pa- terson, Chas. Megit, Norm Rud- man, John Noîthrup and Stan Brown.1 Evening Branch WilI Attend Service on Ash Wednesday NEWCASTLE - The regular meeting ot the Evening Bancn of *the Women's Auxiliary a! St. Georges Church was held in the Parish Hall on Wednes- day evening last. The opening prayers were followed by the minutes af the last meeting and the reports of the treasurer and Flowem se- cretar.-'. A t.iank you card was read froin Mrs. Helen Bowen for the Branch's emembrance. Mrs. Dewdney gave a reptort; of the Vest y meeting and m,,-1 St. George's C Annual Ves' I NEWCASTLE - The annual lin, s-ta,,lléd veês t-rymee êt i-n-g o! St. G e o rg &s 1 sale Church was held on ody NEWCASTLE - The Januan'; Jan. 26th in the Pamish Hall o! meeting of the Mission Band the Church. The meeting was was h2hd on Wednesday after- called ta aider by the Rector noon in the Sunday School Hall who payed for the continued of the United Church. It be.n" prospemity o! the pamish. Farncomb LeGreshey was re- the fimst meeting- o! the year, ehected Vestry Cheik and aiter the new officers weme instalhed he had ead the minutes of hast as folows: President, Brenda yeaî's Vestry the Rector gave Brown; vice-president, Gardon his report o! the events o! the Allin; secretaîyv, BeverleY Rick- past yeaî touching on the ne- ard and treasurer, Beth Powell. wiing and new lighting in- The meeting opened with ahi stahled in the chuîch. He thank- singing "Jesus Laves Me" and cd the congregation for their the Scmiptune lesson wvas read work for and support o! the by Gardon Ahlin. The Mission chuîch, making special mention Band Purpose and prayer were 1of the xvadens, the sidesmen, r epeateci in unison and Sandra the o rganist, th e choir, the en- Gouhd and Candv Storks r'-ivelope secretary and a11 who reived the collection. Mi-. behong ta the Vamiaus societies a! Brown prescnted a chapter or h hrh the Study Book, and the hyii 1 The baptîsins, weddings and ~Can a Little Child Like Me?'," funenals off the past year weîe was sung. aIl enunîemated and Mr. Dewd- Janice Rirkard xvas chosen loi ncy announced that Confirma- a Temerane tak.:j tion xii bc held on Wednesday, prepae a empeancetalk June (-3rd of this year. e presctda h eray M t m~tng a te ebuay r W. Harold Gibson. Warden's report followed by re- ports on Missions, the Sunday School, the Olive Wihmot San- I nited Church ford Mernoriai Trust, TeWl ~r, A ,Miniterthe Robemt McIntosli Memorial Williams, Organist Trust, the Centenamy ThanX_- Offeing Fund and the Rectom's Priva-te Fund. CHOOL Reports of the Altar Guild. the A!ternoon and Evening VORSHIP Branches o! the Womans Aux- iliarv weîe given and the Re-1 me Too Soon?" ports on the St. George's ad given by the Rector. attend these services The Rector appointed Mr. lMelvin Grahamn as Rector's jWarden and W. Harold Gibson was elected as People's Warden. The Rectcm named the follov.ing as Sidesmien: Ross Boyd, William ~ Morley, Saxon Grahiai. Crii - Ruthand, Lawrence Gaines, Ed. L CC) LTD . Neilson and Wallace Gibson. Sidesmen elected by the people I xere: Farncomb LeGreshey, Tom Wallace, Sami Breneton. Ceci] 5 NOW I EFFEFinhe 'v Bob Stephenson, Tom Spencer. William Thetford, AI-1 QUALITYfred Garmod and Fred Yates. .The Gr'eat Chapter is compas-i per 1led of the Wamdens. the Lay Dele- ~mMf pergates ta the Synod and Iwo oth- 2C gel. er appointinents. Those ap- pain ted were Tom Wallace and d Ceeui Finlev. The La. Dele- * i per gates elected ta the Synod ei * 2 gaL Tom Wallace andi 'elvin Ga Other officers for the coming Secretary-Mrs. Philip Williams; Mission Secretaryv-- Farncomb va RA 5- 1109 LeGres1ev ('lia imma namned the Mî.sses Cora Butler vicwed the financiai statemnent with the members iad generali business was discusséd. Final plans wvere made the Card Three m'S Party on Febiuaiy 4th.'eTheeMsmt ona As te îcxtmeetng atenight vrith Marg Péllon o! Osh- falîs on Ash Wéednesday, mem- awa and Mr. aad Mis. Glenn bers decided ta meet at the Larmer o! Blackstock, off the church at 8 p.m for the service Oshaw-a Picsbytery Y.P.U. ex- and have their business meet- ctvasges.Aopren ing ln the Paîish Hall aftér thée ctv sgct.As rsn servic-ýéein ws rogh rce a number of oui young a conclusion with a social timp faiming a Hi C group. Under the when refiéshinents were serve d supervision o! the convenoîs o! ta thé mnembers. the piograin Bruce, Jean Taylor and Joyce Taylor everyone en- J iyed alîelyrcréation périod. :hurch H oids Followiag this, Jean and Joyce Mmohurc H olds ayloraledein a woîship service. ngw ie of!fered by Maîg and Glenn tr M e in abu thé orgaaiziag o! a ou for aur young people and on and Naomi Horrocks ta the Ad- 'Feb. 19 a spécial meeting will be visory Board a! the Parish and hehd at 8 o'clock when aIl young the people re-elected Mis. Ted people o! the community arc Bélsey and. Mis. Ross Boyd. Mr. réquéstéd to be presat. Duîing George Bonathan was re-elected th social hour lunch was seivéd. audîtor for 1959. To close thé meeting the Friend- Mr. Harold Gibson spoke I ship Circle was iormed and al thanks ta thé officers and peopleI joineri in singing 6'Bhest Be thé of the congregation for thein ITié That Binds." work in thé past year and after The amtual Sunday School a furthén discussion ai thé bus- meeting was heid Thursday ev- iness ai thé church thé meeting éning with Rev. F. Reed presid- was adjoumned and a social-tiine ing. Atter the ré-élection of John enjoyéd as refréshméntà wer Knox as superiaténdéat hé took served. charge for thé remainder o! thé évenàng. Wheni a review o! the highlihtsad beén givén, niew idas for 1959 wcme pmsénted Let's Look Back man, r.M ra Vice adMis. Don Taylor wcîé appointed as a committée ta choce thé music 10 Yearu Ago in Newcastle for thé Sunday School annîvérs- February 3, 1949 amy in May. Murray Vice was At spcia metin a!couc-smcmetamr la thé absence of L. il h e al.m26tng fred WightBroome. During 1959 six sehol- was 'appointéd Chie! Constable Bcord apretataac e and Community Hall Caretaker Tcord r adtahesae at a salary (for thé two joabs) o éofffsanîue r ndcers are $1,900. Thé council had opéned AssatSuperaédns- 37 applications and accepted that Stan Milîson, Harvey Yelîow- o! -Mi. W'lht wha had servéd 13 lées, Pearl Leach: Sécretaiy - years as Gâovernor o! thé caun- Lloyd Broome; Tréasurer- Mu- ties jail la Cobourg. rray Vice; Pianists- Pat Knox, Messrs. Albert Pearce, Gea. Helen Knox. Pat Davis,. Gail Crowthér, Tracy Embhey, Doug Baker, Anne Werry. Dianné Walton, Ron Hockin and Neil Tink; Committee ta préparé siné- Britton atténdéd a Senior OHA. cial piograms- Mis. Tom Ba- game la Taranteo n Frlday even- ke, rMs. Chas Langmaid, Mis. ig. Bruce Taylor. Thé Newcastle Hockey Léague Committée for Missîon.ary Ed- (N.H.L.) %vas in full swing wîth ucation- Mis. Murray Vice, thé Tow,ýn Queen's on top o! the Mis. Stan Milîson; Committe heap. Other téas wes Elm for Tempémancé Educatioi'- hurst Jrs., Wyrich's and Jasco's. Mira. Raiph Davis, Mis. D. Flett; Référées wemé Frank MeMullen ICiadle RaIl Supt.- Mis. B. Tink. and Bryce Ward. Téaches- Nusery- Mis. in town and was féted for dia- man; Begianers'- Donna Vice, ner at thé Gatéway Lunch. Hé Mis. Joe Snowdea; Primay- xvas walkiag tram Vancouver ta jMr%. Frank Westlaké. Glady's Halifax, flot accépting any 'ridés. Yellowiees: Junior Girls- Mis. H-e had a nice beard when hé jC . Langrnaîd, Mrs. B. Tink; Jun- arnivcd hère. Whiié at thé iîor Boys- Don Taylor, Mis. néws office, thé hikér. Earî T.IWes Wemmy: Interrnediate Qirls V. Mitchell contactéd Mr. Gea.!-- Mis. Wes Yellowlees, Mis. Walton ta ha%,,! hlm sign bis; Don Taylor: Intermediate Boys book béaîing thé naines o! al - Bruce Taylor, Stan Milîson; reéves and miayans af thé tawns Jyoung Peoole's Class- Wes hé had passéd thîough. Heénev- HlsMus. B . Hoocv. 1 e accepted a ridé unless he was Yoîum correspondent, In renaît- retracing bis steps. I ing thé Congregational meét'ng I Thé United Church reports a made a mistake in naming thé success!ul year with 328 on the eiders and stewardsq. Thèse aie mémbership roll. Thé, repart ithé correct nlaires on th Board showd otal050expen hdure tari Stewi;rrts- Charles Langmaid 194 o!$4.50,whih hd benStan Milison. Ewart Leask. raised. Lloyd Broomé. Wes Hilîs, Wes Yelhowlees, Gardon Leask, Bru- We ahways have time énough, ce Tink, Ralph Davis. if wé will but use it aright.- Eiders- (Honoraiy) S. E. Wem- Goethe. iY, E. R. Taylor, Gardon Leask, Thé bas:s of aIll intcgritv and Lloyd Broome, Mis. Wes Yel- chrac¶er is whaievér !a'th we iowýlees, Cecil Pascoe. John have in auir own integrty.- Knox.j Roy L. Smsth. Mir. Wes Yellowlees, Mr. md li --Ili Li9nettes Elect New Di recto rate NEWCASTLE - The 1959-0 Directorate o! the Newcastle Lionettes Club took place at the January meeting of the club hehd in the diaing-moom o! the Queen's Hotel with ten mem- bers in attendance. Membeis o! the Directorate tram xvhieh the off!icers will bze chosen are Mis. D. Cunningham, Mis. Chas. Gilkes, Mis. R. Dick- inson, Mms. H. Kehsey, Mrs. T. Lewis, Mis. W. Storks. Mis. H. Toms, and Mis. P. Williams. It was decided by the mcm- bers ta invite members a! the Bowmaaville Lionettes Club to attend the Maîch meeting and instaîl the new afficers. The club agieed ta purchase hockey socks for the Lions Midget Hoc- key Teain. The members dis- eussed the eaavass ta be con- ducted by the club on behal! o! the Canadian Cancer Fundl later in the year. The moathly draw among the imembers o! the club was made3 with Mis. Pau lin e Storks emergiag as the wnem. Bulletin Praises Citizen s Newcastle-The current issue o! -The Ambitiaus Line" semi monthiy publication o! thc Lions Club a! Newcastle, has nathing but praise for the citi- zens o! Newcastle for their willingness ta 1ielp in an emer- gency. The bulletin says: 'Tt was gîati!yiag last week ta sce the way our Club taok the initiative ia providing clothing and shel- ter foi, a local !amily that was burned out. The response anci support given us by the citizens in this worthwhile campaign proves that they are willing ta hclp us in altruistie uadertak- Ings . . . a perfect condition for more ambitiaus projeets." We loo thought the citizens did a woaderful job unden the organization supplied by the Lions Club and though we hope this type o! emergency does not arise again, it is always ale to kaaov that you live in a town that has a hieait when an emer- gency does arise and a club that is îeady ta organize the cain- paign. SOLINA ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased bo announce that HARVEY PARTNER Plumbing & Heating has heen appolalod Local representative for IMPERIAL 944ac HEATING EQUIPMENT PHONE DG WNAN VILLE MA 3-2240 OR 01OM0 1782 For Free Estimaies TYRGNE - 24-Hour Service 000 The Orono News Telephone 127 E-ý VIGOR 0O1 NEW 10W PRICEH PREMIUM LSTOVE 0CIL FUEL CIL FOR DE Phone Osha'm 11 -I-nZ UAýNAMLAN 3TATE5XAXi. EDWMANVJI.I. . ONTAIlu Mrs. J. Yelowlees and Gladys visited Miss Ida Reynolds ini Toronto on Friday. The C.G.I.T. graup met an Saturday a f t e i noon in the church basement. The rail eaul was answered with the name o! a persan o! another race or rel- igion who has become famous. Eoilys Hockaday led in the wom- ship service and Mrs. J. Knox presented the chapter frain the study book. A film an Alaska was then shown. The girls are working on layettes to be sent ta Arabia. The Solin'a Woohettes met on Wednesday night in the Coin- munity hall. Each girl answered the roîl caîl with "One di!ficulty I've had with my skiit." Lead- ers showed how ta make hems. The next meeting will be Fea. 11 at 7 o'clock .Lunch was ser- ved. Laine Milîson, son o! Mr. and Mis. Stan Milîson had his ton- suls îemoved in Memorial Hosp- ital, Bowmanville, on Fiday. Mis. H .E. Tink spent the weekend with Mr. and Mis. Per- cy Dewell and faniily, Hampton. Several !rom here attended the annual meeting o! th Hol- stein Association and ORFEDA show in Toronto, hast week. Sally Langmaid was a Sun- day tea guest at Doug Flett's. Mir. and Mis. David Craig and Margie ,Tyrone, were tea guests on Suaday with Mi. and Mis. Wes Hihîs and chîldien. Mr. E. R. Taylor is confined ta bed with the shingles. Friends wish him a speedy ecavemy. Mr. and Mis. Bruce Montgom- eîy visited Mi. aad Mis. Bob Montgomery at Bexley on Sun- day. Mr. and Mis. M. Bird, Brook- lin, Miss Jean Cryderman and George Bittner, Oshawa, visited at E. Cnyderman's, Misses Marjarie and- Eileen CoUch, Bowmanvihhe, visited at Tom Baker's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Gilroy and sons, Cohumbus, visited at Rae Pascoe's. Mis. Rae Pascoe and chîldien weîe visitais at Glen Glaspehl's, Taunton. Mr. and Mis. Nelson Fiee, Taunton, visited Mi. and Mis. Frank Westlake, Si. Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Parker and Veina May, Oshawa; Mis. F. R. Cook, Mis. Reg Land, Ca- thy and Stephen, Bowmanville, visited at Frank Westlake's, Jr. Mi. and Mis. Frank Wcsthake Jr. and childieru visited at Frank Coake's in Bowmanvilhe. Mr. and Mis. 1. Hardy and Stanley weme Sunday visitais ai Mr. and Mis. Sid Coraish, Ham- pton. Mr. and Mms. Wallace Muaday and childien, Maple Grave, vis- ited at Lloyd Bîoomne's. Mr. and Mis. Stan Cowling and graadchihdren. Susan and Barbara Smith, Oshawa, weme Sunday guests at Ernest Hock- aday. Mr. and Mis. N. Leach, Taun- ton, visited at D. Flett's. Mr. and Mis. Harr Knox and sorns visited at Hilton Tink's, Eb- enezer. Mr. and «Mrs. Harvey Yellow- lees and daughtems weme Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mis. E. Laîmer, Blackstock. Dm. and Mis. George Werry and children wxere Sunday vis- itais at S. E. and Wes Werry's. Master Dean Pascoe, Hampton, is visiting his giandpaients Mr. and Mis. Harold Pascoe. Other ecent visitois weîe Mr. Roy Bennett and John of Ornee and Mr. and Mis. Charles Smith, Osh awa. Mr. and Mis. Stuart Craga and childien, Bowmaaville, were Sunday visitais with Mm. and Mis. Ross Cryderman and tam- ihy. 'M'e Women's Institute wil meet on Thuisday eveaiag, Fea. 1tBLÀCKSTOCK 1W.A. Meeting The January meeting of the Miss Ruthi Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Don Gordon and Debbie were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace R. Boughen, New- tonville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood. La- keficld, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns. Bowmanville, A-r. and Mrs. David Phasey and Wayne. Tyrone. visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mrs. Fred Bowen attended the funeral of her sister Mrs. Cora Ethel Stockdale, widow Edward Bentley Stockdale ii, Toronto, Jan. 24th. Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Miss Bertha Cain attended it was decided to exehange the use of church dishes with th2 O.N.O. Annual turkey supper will be held in March. Mrs. Romeril was presented with a small gift in appreciation of her work printing programs. Treas- urer's report showed a balance on hand of $662. Mrs. Herb Swain was'added ta the par- sonage committee. Prograin was in charge of Mrs. Bruce Ashton. Mrs. Lamne Thompson gave a piano solo, "Dreams". Mrs. Merrili Van Camp read "Faith" and Mrs. Earl Bradburn put on a con- test. Lunch was served by Mre. Ashton's group. The, curling club sponsored an aduit skating party Thurs- day evening. There was an average crowd and comfortabl3 skating and ail report a plea3- ant evening. Evening opened with a "Paul Jones" and gaines. Prizes. were won by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Truli. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Suggit, and Mr.i Gib Marlàw, the capable and courteous rink caretakers, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain, kept the booth well supplied with hot dogs, coffee and pop. Twenty-five pupils of the lo- cal high school attended a skat- ing party in Millbrook Friday evenin-1, sponsored by the Or- ana, Millbrook and Blackstock high schools. Glad ta repôrt that Mrs. Ce- cil Hill is well enough ta leave hospital. She is convalescing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stani Rahin. Sympathy is extended ta the family of the late Mrs. Jam2s Parr who passed away Friday evernng at the Port Perry Hos- pital. Mr. Glen Larmer is recover- ing froin what might have been a v2ry serious accident. While working in the woods hie was hit with a limb. After niedical treatinent an-d x-rays in Port Peràry H-ospital, he is recover- ing at home. Mr. Roy Ferguson and son Bill xisited a funeral parlari Dundalk on Sunday where their cousin is resting who passed aNvay in hospital at Victoria, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin and Mm. and Mrs. Dalton Dor- reli spent a few days in Syra- cuse duing the iveek. Mr. Pnd Mrs. Elmer Archer, Marilyn and Jim, Whitby, Mr. Vincent Archer, Bowmanville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer and Mr. Dever. Mrs. Goldyn Faint, Valerie, Vickie, Jane, Chrissie and Ca- thy, Toronto, were guests of Mm. and Mrs. O. Wright, Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy and family, and Mrs. Edîth Mur- phy, Tyrone, weme Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Laughlin. Friday evening, Jan. 30, thp O.N.O. Club held their annual banquet when they entertained th2ir ]iusbands. Past president Florence Collins welcorned the guests. Rev. P. Romneril said grace and the Woman's Associa- tion served a plenteous banquý!t of turkey and all the timmings. Gwen Belingal thanked the, W.A. for the splendid meal they had served and Mrs. L. Thompson replied. Connýe Swain proposed the toast to the husbands and Harold Kyte ra- plied. Jim Marlow proposed the toast ta the wives and Elainz- Bailey replied. Program con- sisted of solos by Jean Kyte, gaines, anj dancing with musie Ji PAGE rrri MEN the W'omieni's Teechers Fedema- tion of Durhami two Inispector- ate Banquet in Milibrook last week. Mr. C. V. Wilson and Archie McLaren hiave returned home aftem spending a nionth in Memi- anial Hospital, Bw'anville.. Miss Rate Foster, Oshawa, visited fiends ini Orono and wax the %veekenld guest of Mrs. John E. Armstrong. Mrs. Win. Davev broke her knee cap in a fall while visiting in Whitby and is in Memorial Hospital, Boixmanvjlle. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Burgess on their 3Oth Wedding Anniversary. Mm. and Mrs. Lewis Cryder. man, Mr. and Mrs. Wnm. Wilbur and Mrs. L. Hewison, Hanmpton. visited Mîrs. Fred Tamblyn last week. Mis. John Bigelow, Kirby- spent iast Thursday and Friday with Mrs. Cecil Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings, Mrs. Harry Bailey and Mary LYnn, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Parter were dinnem guests of Mr. and Mis. Alex Watson last Thursday. Mr. and Mr. Argue, Bethany, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. W. L, King and daughtems Marilyn ai-d Nancy spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Gary Vasey, Bradford. Mr. and Mis. Jimn Linton and Carol, Don Milîs, spent th-e weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Linton. Mr. and Mrs. Raymnondl Clap, Mr. and Mrs. Pemcy Wemmy, Gar- don and John, Tymone; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smiitfh, Suttan West-. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde and Miss Jean Aude, Toronto, visi- ted Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Mr. and Mis. Eldon Essery, Courtice; Mm. Bill Barmaball and daug'hter, Sharon, Bowmanvil]e, visited Mr. and Mns. Luther Bar. raball on Siinday. Mrs. Ray Carleton and Miss Bertha Cain attended a Teach- em's Meeting.in Port Hope on Monday evening. Mr. and Mis. Bmis Kittner, St. Mary's: Mm. and Mis. Jin Kittner, Lakeside, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. Mitchell on Sat- urday. Mis. Fred Tamblyn snent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Van Horne, Wlînitbv. Mrs. Alva Swarbîick lias me- tumned ta Bownanville after Visiting hier son Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Roughlev. Mr. end Mrs. Geo. Armstrnng, Timmins, visited his mother Mms. John E. Armstrong last week. Mr. Ru,ýsell Lower- hu.n- band of M. Ruthven Lo\vemy, Toronto, passed away on Mon- dav. Mr-. and Mms, Allan Hancork, Port Hone. spent Silldcii with Mi'. and Mrs. Pobert 1Hancock. Mis" Arlene Neals--. xas bri. des maid at the Westont-Stephi- enson wedding in the Manse at Enniskillen recently. Mr. S. E. Allin who b-as been a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvillie, for severai weekx, had a major openation an Wed. nesday. Mm. and Mis. Glenn Allin and family, Newcastle: Mr. and Mr«. Neil Rainey were supper guesti o! Mr. and Mms. Ervan Rainey on Sunday. The Aftemnoon Women'-. Aux- iliarv of Omono United Church for the next thîcee months will hold their meetings in the even- îng stamting this Thumsday, Feb. 5th at 8 o'clock. It is hoped the yaunger xvomen of the congre- gation may be able ta attend the [evening meetings. FAST RELIEF FOR ACHINO MUSCLES