-- -- - ~ ,- ~ -e-.. ~ . - - - - . - - -. - ------...- . A .-' -~ -------------------- - - - - - -------~---.,--.------.- --- U~-r~A,'?~M~ . qqtRA - IPU U . - - PAM ! v ý& .~UI~1AJJ~ X a aa~ om, ITHEmx ANADIAN4 5TATESM"P, UOWMAIFVI.LE, uTAluM MRS. HAZEL VARCOE The funeral service was beld on Tuestiay, Jauuary 27 for Mrs. Hazel Marie Varca. wiio dieti in Cobourg General Ras- pital after a iengtiiy ilness. She was 63. Boarn and educated in Nor- waad anti Peterborough, Mss. Varcac was bbhetiaughter o! tbe late Thomas Morrison andi So- phia McNeely. Mrss.Varco. moved IotaRase- neatii as a bride 39 years aga anti lived witb ber iiusband. C. W. Varco. on tbc Varcac home- steati until 1936 when tbey movedt thte.village. Mss. Varcoe was a talenteti pianist and was an active meni- ber o! bbc Unitedi Ciurch. 5h. was a lite niember o! thie W. M.S. and a charter meniber andi vice-presideut o! bbc Cobourg Presbytery Woman's Associa- tion. She was also a mnember O! the Women's Institut. far Imany ycars anti bat serveti as secretary-tseasurer. Iu March, 1958, Ms. anti Mss. jVarcoe were honoureti by th2 IRoscncabh Agricultural Society for. 36 years'* service as secre- tary anti secretary-treasurer o! the socieby. Mss. Varcoe was also a dirnctor o! the. fais boa-d. Tii, funeral was heiti at thc McMiilan Ftr.crai Home, Rose- neatb, anti was couducteti by the. Rev. R. C. White, Newton- ville, assisteti by the. Rev. Gees- la! Lokiiorst, pastor a! Rose- neabh Unitedi Ciusch anti the Rev. McNealiy a! Toronto. Palîbearers were Kyle Bsown, James L. Timilu, O. J. Robins, Ross McCracken, Edigar Braith- waite anti Earl Waldie. Fiawcr bearers were: A. J. Campbell, Earl Braitiiwaite, Clark San- dercack, Clarence Parker. Douc Covie anti Fred Lewis. Survivinn are ber busband. on. daughter, Mss. Sam Black (Gwen) o! Bowmanville, two grantichiltiren, Terry and Jan- ice Black, a sister. Mss. H. W. Alkerton (Joy) o! Hamiltont, three half-brothers, Hartley anti Norman of Oshawa, anti Dewa-t. of Norwood. Burial was in Merrill's cerne- tory, near Roseneath. Criticizes Frost Regime Fcir Piling Up lits Debts GTN-ÀHG EEGNRAILUN- Ifr4ile ShàwingSupu OKADEIU. Ho %Supu APPLIANCES-ONE MAJOR ELECTRICAL Port Hp lawyer Russell incial Liberal candidate for To- APPLIANCE INSTALLED WITH CIRCUIT PRO- Honey last week told a Toron- ronto-Beaches. VISION FOR FIVE MORE. to audience that the Liberal "Our leader is flot offering WRN UL'E EL OSPWR T Party ini Ontario is now de- the people of Ontario a short ING FL 'RDSA HO EPW T veloplng a philosophy and pro- termn expedier.t. We are not go- MEET ELECTRIC SERVICE LEAGUE REQUIRE- gram under John Wintermey- ing to hold out vote-gettimgMNTPOVD CA CTY FR UUE er that will go to the root ofgimmicks and we are not goi.ng E SiPOI C AIYFR.UT E thing. "A progam r otdt criticize simply for the sake NEEDS. firmly and unalterably on the of criticizing. We are, in fact principles of Liberalism which eetnbikb rc in woul seve s achaterforfoundation-a far sighted pal- years to corne. icy and piattorm-to offer mea- Mr. Honey, the Liberal can- sures and changes that will not didate for Durham in the Fed- be imnplemented overnight; eral election of iast March that won't simply be adding spoke to a meeting held ini su:- bits and pieces to an existing port of Ronald Pickering, Prov- weifare structure; that won't be otfering just more money", Mr. Honey said.. OBITUARY Referring to the trequent changes in personnel of the MILS. CECIL BELLMAN Frost cabinet Mr. Honey tai bis audience that the continu- Ruth Winifred Haines Bell- ous appointment and retire- mnan passed away at Memorial ment of cabinet ministers gave Hospital, Bowmanville, on Mon- one the impression that hait day, January 26, 1959. Mrs. of the Conservative memnbers Beilman had been in poar of the legisiature are just wait- health for the past year and a ing ar'iund to b. discovered by TUs Mdedalim on Hoe on the West coast le bathed ln llght botb hV'f. Frost and the other hall are inside and eut. promuoted Joxntly by the local ellectrie utifltY She was a daugbter of the afraid they will be. and the builder as the "&House That Can Be Seen OnIy at late Charles Heriry Haines and $44 Million In Interest Nitht" to draniatize its %nique lighting Plan. the home drew Mercy Jane Willson and was In criticizing the financial born an the family homestead policy of the Frost government about four miles north of New- the speaker went baik ta Mr.E .i, ~G A market. Of Quaker persuasion, Frost's budget address ta the Ennif sk.il.len G rl vvlns County, Pennsylvania, eariy in h.e was Provincial Treasurer the 19tb oentury and settied and ie. advised the legisiaturePu lcS e lin o t s north of Npwmarket, receiving that the Provincial debt was a Crown deed for the land then $500,000,000 on which th e A Bowmanville High School Pupils from the seven high wiiy. til T roughout inher lfetme people ot the Province were Grade 10 student, Vickie Pick-' schools in the district took part Mr. Theilmanuminrltaie paying $20,000,000 interest an- ering, Enniskiiien, wvas the win- nteset - fthe I.A.P.A. ke. en a inerst ininer ad nuaily. Mr. Honey said that ner of the Oshawa-Aia sc contest won by Miss Pickering. keami bistr, inan tehiryndsînce that time under the Con- tian Industriai Accident Pre- Her subject was "Safety Takes tadiisto and b ehi soTh servative administration the ventio±î public speaking cantest Skill at Home". She emphasiz- tradtion andbellfs o TheProvincial debt bad double d ve h motac fag l..ociety of Friends or Quaker--. and we were now paying frorn' i he 4 i astwek noshwa hte fed tcmp or t yace ts angaoe Before hier marriage, MI-s. taxes the annual interest char- Ii h 4ya l agtroeapestb disi h Ileliman taugh npbi coi e aaln 4,0,0. H Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Picker- home, and the need for themn ath outAbrin ubl ew- charsge ta Ontari4,00was0 no12ing, Enniskillen. ta set a pattern which younger arketunthen atErned hewU- goi.ngin to debnt atrthe ate of Miss Pickering Will campete people can safely follow. maveîtheof Tto heetheen-$15,0in00 ery hrateerof inCobourg on February llth Miss Pickering was the wîn- lr itofTno wesemsan5,0a0o! h er udr otherstnthe division finals. The wîn- ner of the public speaking con- xnaoredinMdrsadwl aofteya nethFot ner there wili compete in th- test in Bowmanville High School an honour graduate. On gradua- governiment. I.A.P.A. InIernational Division-, last ytear. She is the leader ijf tion, she was engag2d as a merc- Counselling bis audience that Finals ta b. held in Oshawa in the Junior Debating Team at ber of the teaching staff of it was the duty of ail Liberals March. the High Schaol here. Bowmanvilie High Sehool where ta miake constructive criticisrn she taught for two years. Mrs. where it was warranted, hie Beilman i.s remembered by many said tba.t Mr. Frost has a un- of hier former students. ique- system o! bookkeeping Ne w Food Terminal ing profession upon bier mnar- 1 ernments. "In the iast 8 years riage. Her home and family be- 1Ithere h as not been a surplus in f A c iev n nt came bier' chief interests. She! Ontario, although the. FrostO e o c i v m i t was a member of Trinity Unit-1 okepn sytm ugss ed Church and the Women'siotherwise" be said. "As a re M:ssionary Society and Wom- suit of its 'system of keeping r A s o i t n an' Asocatin her, akig!the books the Frost gavern f r w an active part in these organiza- ment was able ta show what1 tions. they called a surplus last year The Ontario Fruit and Veget- Hamilton market from thec She la survived by ber bus- Iof $800,000. The truth la that! able Growers' Association which Woolverton farin in Grimsby1 ban CeilR.R. , Bwma- astyea th aoun o!monv ast week celebrated ts cen- as early as 1820.1 ville, and two chidren, Haines spent by the Province wasj eaya h nuicne- Vgtbegoeswr n of Walkerton, Ontario, and $60,000,000 mare than collect- tian held in the King Edward. cluded in the oid Fruit Grow- Jànie (Mrs. John Kessier) of ed" hie said. "One set o! books Hotel, Toronto, had ts begir.-i crs' Association up until 190,5,1 Earl Grey, Saskatchewan; also is for ordinary accounts and ning in the Hamilton district. I when they broke away and a brother Walter, at Sharon, one set is for capital account. Eighteen enthusiastie fruit i formcd their own association. and sister Gertrude (Mrs. Tam The revenue of Ontario is sut- growers met in the old Mech- 1 The split continued until 19471 when Mr. Robinson campaign- C( Y et Westan. Another fîcient ta pay the ordlnary ex. anics' Hall on Hamilton's James ldsc2sul o no.H s .ýredeceased ber. penditures but flot for ordin- Street North and organized th1elc ucsfly o no.H W funerai service was held ary expenditures along with Fruit Growers' Association af became secretary-treasurer of )on Wednesday, January 2Q, ..gt capital expenditures. When the Upper Canada. Toda teO-temegdascain nh orsFuea hpl governinent â'ys they had a taria Fruit and Vegetable Grow- New Food Terminal Bowmanville. and conducted surplus ai $800,000 iast year ers' Association bas 12,300 Perbaps the greatest achieve- by the Rev. Wm. K. Housian- tbey did flot mention the set mnembers from ail over the mient oft the, Ontaria ,Fruit and der. Mrs. Albert Cale was at -of books used for capital ex- province. Fortunately, records Vegetabie Grbýwers' Associa- the organ. There were many penditures whicb, b! taken into, of the movement bave been tion qas been the building cf beautiful floral tributes. account, sbowed the deficit of preserved fromn the beginnbng, the big Food Terminal on the PalibarerswereMes0r..- including the first cash book. Queensway just autside Toron- $60,000,000." I RobssrnsonI secretary- to. It was opened in July,19, fred Allun, Bert Mutton, Harry Pay As Ton Go Flnanelngt rteasurer since 1947, and asso- ts huge buildings bousing coid Bartlett, Bawmanvilie; Russell «"W. canutat expect aur people ciated with the farm movement storage fa'cilities, warehouJe Osborne, Newcastle-, John His, to go on carrying the stagger- for 38 years took ple3asure na 1 and office space. I-t is served Tyrone; and Tom Watson, New- ing interest payment on aur siiowing it ta those attending by twa rail lunes. There are market. provincial debt" he said. "What tih. convention. 1 almost 1,000 employees at the: Interment was in Bowman- is needed, and no doubt wbat Mr. Robinson before joining Terminai, working for aboutý ville Cemeter3r. will be don. by a Liberal ad- tbe growers' movement was a 40 wholesale bouses. There are ministration is the creatian of well known Hamilton newspa- terminais similar ta this in cen- abtetpreent pvncial dbt per man. Looking back into tres in the United States, but, Air, Rail or Steamshp h eipsetprvnca eb historiczl records Mr. Robin- "the on. beautifuj thing about T 1 C K E T S is frozen and paid over a per- son savs that even priar ta 1859 the Toronto Terminal is that it TO VETWHRE iod et 20 or 30 years." Al fu-1 there was an increasing inter- is owned by the industry," says Conultamturedial spendin wouid e est in fruit grawing in the Ham- Mr. Robinson, "not by the Conuitamotizd i eqal nstilmntilton and Niagara Peninsula railroads or sanie other autside J1 U R T & L 0 V E L L payments. It is time we con.- area. Peaches were sold on the interest." The. terminal does 15 King St. W. MA 3-57781 sidered a pay as you go basis flot handie just Ontario produce. Bownianville of iinancing-debt is to ex- Vîrtually ail the. citrus fruit pensive. I f'TTAI brought in tram the. U. S. goes - f +RY hru, g-f -, NE WTONVILLE: The Womans' Associati*on met in the Sunday Sehool room Jan. 28,with 21 members present. The Executive was in charge o! the devotional period. Mrs. W. Wood, Mss. H. Wade, Mrs. A. Wade and Mrs. W. Bougiien ta- king part. Mrs. Jim Caswell, sang a nîucii enjoiyed sala 'Goti Will Take Car. o0f You", accomp'anied by Mrs. F. Gilmer et the piano. Mrs. Harrv Warie welcomed the. ladies andi will act as presi- dent o! aur asg-anization for a second terni. It -,as agreedti t pay for 300 gallons of ail for thc chureh furnace. Ai-se approved that "Shut ln" boxes be rent et Thanksgivbng, insteati a! Christ- mas. Ms-s. M. Jones, Mrs. White, ïMrs. S. J. Lancaster were ap- pointed ta inquire about bwo-act ~plays which would b. approp- iate for aur graup. County See Con tests HE The Cohmeitont.wil b.e Judgiug optiinw b helti on Frîcday, February 2Otii lu the. Ontario Dparbmcut o! IAgriculture inu Bowmnanville. Seven prizes cach will b2ý awartiet in bath thc Senior and Junior Divisions, andi teamn members will bc selected foi- the. Competitian at the. Central Ontario Spring Show. Neighbouring Agriculturai. 1 Representatives, and assistants and saine o! thie Durhami Caun- ty 4-H Club leaders will assist Iwith tii. competition. A. O. Daîrymple, Agricultural Re- presentative for Durhamn Ceun- Sty, Rau Brooks, president a! the Durhamn Junior Farmers, and Bey Gray, president o! _t bhe 4-H1 Club Leacers ;iSSocia- t tion, are lu charge o! arrange- tments for the eveut. 9 Entries must b. into the. De- partment of Agriculture, Bow- mauville, witii a 50 cent cntry sf.. by Saturday, February 7th. lbI is exp-2cteti that ther. wil tbe between 25 and 50contest- oDntro 1 lîrham Cniunty 4-H Marketing Legislation and Junior Fanmer members Anoheraustadin ahiee-wiio were 15 years et age or Mr. 'Rrobttninn f e under on January 1, 1959, and ment,Mr-Rbno etwa who bave nat been members of tii. promotion of compulsery the. Central Ontario Spring marketing legislation under tuhe Show Team o! 3 at any tume. Ontario* Farm Products Mar- keting Act. "i1Atter 38 years in Tii. Senior Section is open the tarin movement," he saidtoalal Durlham County 4-H and "it is my firm conviction that Junior Farmer niembers who bbc salvation o! thc individual bave represented Durham Coun- rests in collective action. There ty as members . o! the team of bas been. a tremendous concen- 3 at any Central Ontario Spring tration o! buying power lu ra- Show, anti it is also open ta ail cent vears. The- big supermnar- members who were 16 years, ket chains are an excellent ex- et age or aver on Januaray 1, ample of this. The individual 1959. Ahl girls who are active grower is beipless agabnst this un 4-H- Agricultural Clubs and concentration. lu Junior Instibute are urged ta "'In addition, c.ntralized con- take part. tral o! marketing is nedeti ta Senior niembers o! the 4-H meet today's iiigb standards of and Junior Fariner Clubs are product qualiby .. . Today's con- urged te enter teams of four sumer demantis a tirm standard contestants. As It will b. the ut quaiity, and t's something first County Seed Jutiging Com- that 10,000 individual produ- 1petition, teain membe3rs niay bc cers just can't give. any age, arnd nay have been on "We've came a long way iu previaus Inter County Seeti the Fruit and Vegetable Grow- Judging teani)s. The score o! the crs' Association, andti iere's a four team members exclusive long way ta go yet," -Ms. Rab- etftth. coach will deciti, the inson said. winning team. A silver tray will John Brown Takes Over b2 donated ta the, winning coach Dr. John Brown o! Milton, by A. O. Daîrymple, the. Agri- who bas been assistant ta M--. cultural RepseseutatIve, anti Robinson, bas now taken ove-r the. post et secretary -treasurer cake lu honour o! the Associa- upon Mr. Robinson's retire- tion's Centenniai. ment. Wilfrid Carruthers nf Duriug the. convention, many Bawmanviile, anl executive subjects of interest ta fruit and member for several years, was vegetable growcrs were tiiscuss- eiectcd vice-presideut. Thie n% e d. Directors met on Moniay', presideut Is William Watson of i Jan. 12, wiien annual reports Bradford. were matie, resolutions tableti Tii. wives o! delegates wese anti causidcred, and electian o! entertaiued on Wednesday, officers took place. Jan. 14, the. conciutiing day o! the three-day convention. Tbcv taurcd tiie Food Terminal and Christie, Brown & Co. in the morning, witii lunch at the Pickfair Restaurant on thel A Lakesiiore. Iu the atternoon th_- bus tour took tbe ladies MA 3.3303 througn the new Don Milîs r area andi they enjoyed a tourfe of the. Frigidaire Division i General Motors o! Canada Ld.WANIAD were Mrs. Harry Jase, Mrs. EVC Howard Gibson and Mrs. Wil- frid Carruthers. In the. evening they joineti their husbands for a banquzt at the botel when a featu're was cutting the big birthday r week. The Medallion awarded *clhat ln addtion tolifhtinx. New Type of Vaccine. Gives 4-Way Protection Information has been receiv- ed trom the Connatrght Medical Rz!search Laboratories that a shipment will be inade ta the Ontario Departmnent. of Healtlh this week of a new producti combining poliomyelitis vaccine wîth the famniliar triple toxoid which prot2cted against dipto- theria, whoopîng cough and tetanus. A letter bas been forwarded to ail medical officers of health so that thev, may obtain sup- plies for their local health de- partmerit iir1runization pro- grammes. As well, practicing physicians may obtain this pro- duct, ftee of charge, fromn the Central Laboratory of- the On- tario Department of Health in Toronto. Great credit is due te the Laboratories for the prepara- 38. Teachers Hear Reports At. Tyrone appliances, wiring bas ieservè The second meeting of tbe' eeial Ioad of (ho future. Durham No. .1 Unit of the P'ed- eration ot Women Teachers of Ontario was held on Wednes- &y evenlng, January 28th, at Je President Tytere 3 ecespee The Grace was followed byl M the national anthemn and the Ii cond Tertoast ta the Qijeen. The Even- 1 ing Branch of the Tyran. W.A. Mrs. M. Porter, Mm-. F. Tuf- served a deliebous turkey dînner. ford, Mrs. C. Farrow were a ca- The president, Miss Myra Coop-, mmittee appointed ta purchase C7, presided at the business church tablecloths. meeting. Miss Moreiand thank - Meeting clased, follawed by a ed 'Miss Marion Davies and' bauntiful lunch., - h2r group for the dinner. Mrs. Officers are: President- Mrs. M. Kiileen read the treasurer'si Harry, Wade; lst Vice Pres.- repart' showing a balance of Mrs. Wiifred Wood; 2nd Vice $57.54. and moved its adoption, Pres.- Mrs. A. Wade; Sec.- seconded by Miss J. Musiale. Mrs. Wallace Boughen; Treas.- It was decîded that the Bow- Mrs. Don Vinkie; Assistant Sec. ; mg vi île group would be r"!- -Mrs. S. Lancaster; Press Sec. gwbnsilie for the March meet- -Mrs. C. Farrow; Pianist- ing. It was nioved by Mrs. E. -r.Fak i r Pbhilp, seconded by Miss M. Mrs.Fran Giler.Hall, that $25 be sent ta the3 Flower Caninittee- Mrs. 3. Goad Vili Fund. This tund is Pearce, Mrs. W. Fýrrow, MmS. ta assist teachers and exchange I G. W. Joncs, Mrs. R. Farrow. teachers. It was annaunced thaï Sunshine Committee- ivrs. a bookiet "Steps ta Higiier A. Wade, Mrs. J. Elliott, Mrs. M. Qualifications" bas been revis- Porter, Mrs. S. Staeey. 1 d, and copies are now avait. Shrub Committe- Mrs. S~.i able. Brown, Mrs. J. Elliott, Mrs. W. Announcement was also made Baugiien, Mrs. D. lliott . f that the. Annual Reading Con- Parsonage Commit e- Mrs. ference wil b2 heid at the Royal C. M. Joncs, Mrs. C. Brawn, Mrs.1 York Hotel on May lst and 2nd. F. Hendersan, Mrs. M. S'amis. Tii. tee will be $3.50 plus a small local cne. Miss Myra Cooper gave a se- i j .. part on the Faîl Conference bd Ju ging which was held in October at INorwoad. The theme of the con- ci iu g!~ and the importance o! al mre -eo. 2 teachers knowing the elo- 1 mntsoftheir profession wRs will be pr.scntcd on Award stresscd. Aniong the tapies dis.j Night., cussed were examinations. sal- Ten memnbers f-om thec can- aries, negotiations. untrained pztition will be selected, wiio tahr, adcpedadr- have not prevîously beern th tardcd children. - Miss Cooper tearniut three, ta represent tbc gave the report o! the super- caunty in thie competition te b,3 annuation committee at the- held at the Central Ontario Fail Conference. Sprig S'owPeteborogh. It was stated. that teaciiers Spring S ow etroruh. should not resign until th-y are Aprl 7h.absolutely certain et tea'chin.g Coaching practice for the time as obtained tram the se- IDurhamn County Seed Competi- cretary of the Superannuatian i tion ont Fehruary 20th will be Commision. Teachers were ad-! iieid on Saturday, February vised ta get certification o! pla- 7th tram 9.30 a.m. until nooi1 ces taugiit, lengtii o! time, birth i at tih. Ontario Departnient certificat. or verification, andi of Agriculture, Bowmanviiie. capy o! resiguation. Coaching will b. pravided oih Mrs. M. Killean introduced ail classes oif seeds, the identi- teachers tram South Darling- fication e! weeds, grasses andto tn who presenteti a clever skit clovers, bath the mounts and on Public Relations which had seeds. Coaches o! teamns may been useti at the 1958 Student secure setds, but will have ta Teachers' Conference. g o thii departrment o! agr- Miss Myra Cooper thankedj culture office for the. practice Mrs. M. Killeen andti he beach-I on identification. ers who toak part i tii. play. tion of thils new product and its introduction wvill be-a boon' to health departmeflts, practic- ing physiciafla and mothers, in that it will cut down the numn- ber of injections necessary. to, protect infants and pre-school, children against diphtheria whooping cough, tetanus and polimelitis. The number a% înjý-ictions required and the In-î. terval of time between thes*tý injections will be identical tG1 the schedule previously caýý-, ried out for triple toxoid, thst,. is four doses, the first threcê' being a month apart with the-1 fourth, six or seven months la-, ter. A booster does one yeari after the initial four doses wilV. be required to maintain pro-iý tection. Because of the presence o1g whoaping cou gh vaccine, thig, product will b. restricted -ia4 use ta, Infants and pre-schoote children. Poliomyelltls vaccin#Ft not- eombined with the other' produets will continue to bëd used among sehool age childrert1 and adults. m ~L SERVICE co.- IA.3-3883 BO INYLE IonDNML NOTICE TO ALL OWNERS 0F PETS in the Town of BOWMANVI LLE was passed by Town Council Monda y, Feb. 2, 1959 To control the sprecd of Rabies THIS BY.LAW PRO VIDES FOR THE LICENSING 0F ALL DGGS* Iorun ai large within the Corporation. This by-Iaw in effect 'immediate!y Ask me how Plymouth does it with a difference! 2EATURE SHOWDOWN CHART FEATURES Ply. Chev. Ford Total-Contact brake design to assure even operation, even YES NO NO wear. Torsion-bar front suspension for maximum driving control and YES NO NO uperior ride. Swivei seats to make car entrance and exit YES NO NO easier. Safety-Rim wheels to help prevent accident TES NO NO in case of a blow-out. Push- button drlvlng control available for easiest TES NO NO gear selection. Two wheel cylinders In each front brake for maxImum TES NO NO stoppîng power. Push-button beating, defrostint for simplest finger-tip climate YE5 NO NO control. Independent parking brake- separate from regular brakea TES NO NO -f-or maximum safety. Orilow ahock absorbers to provide best ride TES NO NO *nd casier handling. [lvloading trunk for - \ese loading TES NO NO and unloadlng. Constant-control power eteerjng available for znost positive TES NO NO turnicontrol. Palmer Motor Sales 20 King St. EAst Bowmanville MA 3-5487 ABY.LAW - No. 1711 Oum ý de à ue à ýv à ae mm a ý » a ý à %goum 9 m ~Kvm à »94% large crowds aUl througb opeant t he home la the buyer's amuram the bouse is wefl equipped wlth capacity to handle the growmng Mrs. H. Wac IW.A. for Seq