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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1959, p. 18

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3A<m1! Tri wwwT AAA ?TA,~W MVl~oIAIV UT .i ~, '- Births IBROOKING - Mr. and Mrs. Ailan D. Brooking are happy to announce the birth of .their son Robert Allan, at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, January 22, 1959. A brother for Connie, Alannr' and Barry. 6-1 HARPER-Bill and Wllma Har- per (nee Wilson) are happy to announce the arrivai of their littie daughter Debora Ann in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, Friday morning, January 30, 1959, weighing 8 lbs., 6 ozs. 6-1 NORTHEY-Mr. and Mis. Les- lie Northey are happy to an- jnounice the birth of their son Carl Leslie, a brother for Lori, on Feb. 1, 1959, at the Red Cross Hospital, Minden. 6-1 OSMOND-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Osmond are happy to announce the birth of a daughter (Decirna) et Mernorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Jan. 31, 1959. Our grateful thanks to Dr. Hubbard and nurses. 6-1* PASCO-Don and June (nec Staîker) wish to announce the birth of their son Danny Ross on Jan. 27th, 1959, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. A broth- er for Dean. 6-1 Deaths SLLIN-At Mrs* Starr's Rest orne, Little 3rýitain, Ontario, on Tuesday, Feb. 3xr1, 1959, George Allun, i his 92nd ycar. Dear brother of William Allin, Lindsay, and Sam Allin, Toron- to. Uncle of Mrs. Howar'd Grils, 'loy and borne. Resting at the Morri,9 Funeral Chapel, Bow- Inanville. Service in the Chapel en Friday at 2 o'clock. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. Flowers gratefully declincd. 1 6-1 VELANEY, Alice Loulse - At M4emorial Hospital, Bowman- ,%,Ile, on Sunday, Februàry 1, 495Q, Alice Louise Delaney, be- 'ioved wife o! the, late Eri Albert tDelaney, age 76 years. Rested ,at Northcutt & Smith Funcral -Ilore, thence to Paul Funeral lHome, Powassan, Ont., for serv- Ice on Tuesday, February 3, at t p.m. Interment Boxwell 'Ceretery. 6-1 YýEO-At Mernorial Hospital, j3owmanville, on Wednesday, f"eb. 4, 1959, Infant daughter o! Pordon and E% t Yeo, aged one eay. Resting at the Morris Fun- 'eral Chapel, Bowmanville. Priv- -éte graveside service on Thurs- 'day morhing. Interment Bow- 'nanville Cemetery. 6-1 ~.In Memoriamn IONOGHU-In loving memory ,of a dear wife and mother who t assed away February 5, 1942. eW lest a mother with a heart o! gold Who was more te us than weath unteld, V,.itheut farewell she fell asheep With only mernories for us te keep. We have lest but God has gained wOne o! the best mothers the world contained. -Ever remombered by Uic Iamily. 6-1* ,OOLTON-In loving memony ef my brother, John L. Poolton, ,vho passed away Feb. 6th, 1957: Sesick- yourself, i so much Al pain, Alays helping others, no matter what came, 'ostop your suffening God - thought it best SSe took you home tao temnal rest. ,i;-Ever rem en'tbered by sister Zizanne and George Graham end farnily. 6-hf POOLTON-In hoving memory o! a dear husband, father and irandpa, Jack L. Poolton, who * assed away February 6th, 1957. 7ho eternal hope abides with al Where love endures tinte Uic î end, ~'he severed threads o! ie that faîl, Will meet again around the bond; Peloved o! ours, who lived te bless, This hope wil stay our loneliness. ;~-Sadly missed and ever ne- .tnembered by his wifc Bela and fan'ily.* itOWAN-In loving memory o! Oiy daughter, Ethel Rowan who I ied Feb. 10, 1948. tlli rnisscd, leved and longed for. u-Mis. J. Carter and family. WrRIMM-In leving and ever- Iasting mernory o! my dean mother and father, Sarah M. TWrimrn who passod te rost 16 ~ asago, March 5th, 1943, and ias Sarnuel Trimm who passed away 1l years ago, February 9th, 1948. '$hey are gene but net forgotten 'And, as dawns another year Wýhile they be in peaeetul sleep Their memory I shall always keep. zEver remembered by their ~ugliter Ethel. 6-1* *u-siness Opportunity WE need people te raîse Ohm-. Iiilla (thcy arceflot rabbitsY. 'rite Stoneheuse Chinchilla, 111 ieacdington Ave., Toronto 12. 44-tf * ~ '~TV~Z~ywork. $300 month- 1$r incoine for part-timne deliv- «rýes and collections. Must have cer or light truck. $1.600 cas dfeposit required. Reply givîingi merdrz and phone ta Ad-I ',Ïso: 91Z, c/o The Canadiani Eatesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow.I itanville. 6-14* Cards of Thaiks We would like to express sin- cere thanks to otir many friends for kindness shown during our recent sad bereavernent, - Gwen and Sam Black and family. 6.1* Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskin, Oshawa, wish to express their sincere thanks to their many friendsý for visits and kindness shown in so many ways, during Mrs. Hoskins' illncss. 6-1 My sincere thanks te friends, relatives and neighbours for numerous cards, flowers and calîs during my recent illness. Special thanks to Doctors Mc- Arthur, Irwin and Sturgis, nurses and staff of Oshawa Hos- pital Mrs. Cecil Hill. 6-If We wish to express oun thanks for the messages o! sympathy and beautiful flowers sent dur- ing our recent bereavement. Aise a special thanks to Dr. Rundle and staff at Memorial Hospital. Cecii Beflnan, Haines and Janie. 6-1 1 would like to express My sincere thanks to the friends and neighbours for the flowers and cards received during my stay in the Oshawa General Hospital, also to Dr. Sturgis and Dr. J. Diamond, nurses and staff in Room 3C, 329. George Blyth. 6-1 1 wish to express My sincere thanks to my friends and neigh- bours for cards and gifts sent me during my stay in Memonial Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Miklos, Dr. Arnold and to the nurses and staff at Bowmanville. George Harmen. 6-1 We would like to take this opportunity of thanking our ManY fricnds and also special thanks to al our neighbours o! Carlisle for many lovely f low- ers, fruit, cards, etc., and many other littie kindnesses during my ifiness. Thank you again. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hayward. 6-1* 1 would like to express Miy thanks to the nurses o! Port Perry Hospital, to ahi who so klndly remembered me with cards, flOwers, gifts and those Who visited me while in the hos- pital. A special thanks to Dr. John Diamond, Dr. Sturgis and Canon Chaperlin. Mrs. Effel Forder. 1 would liko ta express my sincere thanks to nurses and staff o! Memorial Hospital, to my relatives and friends who se kindly remembered me with cards, gifts and flowers; those who vlsited me in hospital and since comlng home; special thanks to Dr. Rundle and Rcv. Herbert. Mirs. Isabelle Childs. 6-1 I would like to thank thc nurs- es and staff o! Memorial Hos- pital for their kindness to me during my stay. Also thanks to Dr. Rundle and Dr. McKenzie; also many thanks to members o! Local 189, and the I.O.O.F. Lodge, and al kind friends who sent me flowers, fruit, cigarettes, cards and treats, and ail who called to sec me since coming home. Edwin M. Wood. 6-1* We wish to extend Our heart- feit thanks and appreciation for the many kindnesses, messages O! syxnpathy and beautiful flow- er tibutes rcceived from our many friends and neighbours, also Our gratitude to the paîl- bearers and flowerbearers and to the Rev. Dr. George Telford for his consoling words and hclp in our Sad bereavement o! a hoving husband and father. Mrs. A. F. Spencer, Mrs. H. C. <Mely) Hurhbert, Mr. and Mns. N. J. W. (Kathleen) Grose. ,6-1 Wanted to Buy GOOD used tant, 10 x 12. T7ele- phono MA 3-3338. 6-1* ALL klnds of live poultry want- cd. Top Toronto pnices paid at your doon for large or small quantities. We have oun own market. M. Fhatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phono colect to Bethany 7 r 13. 28-t! Two fo Fifiy Acres with Lake Frontage between Whltby and Port Hope. Private buyer. Write ADVERTISER 910 c/o The Canadian Statesman P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvllle, Ont. 5-2 Personal WHY FEEL OLD? Feel Years Younger. Ostrex Tonic Tablets revitalize thousands past 40. Only 60c. At ail druggists. 3-6 HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber geeds) mailed postpaid in plain seahed envelope with price ist. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Ce., Box 91, Ham- ilon, Ont. 1-52 Piano Tuning ARTHUR Collison. Telephone MArk.t 3-3900. 8-t Coming Events The Valentine Tea, planned for Feb. 14 and sponsored by the Guildettes has been ýcan- celhed. 6-1 Dance te Clara Nesbitt's Music- mnakers at Tyrone Hall on Sat- urday, February 7. Sponsored by L.O.L. Gents 75c, ladies 50c. 6-i * Bingo every Thursday - 20 regular games, two $25 jackpot games. No game under $4.00. Admission 50c. 'St. Joseph's Parish Hall. 4-tf Bowrnanville Skating Club's Seventh Annual Carnîval, at the Arena, February 2th and 2lst, 8 p.mý. Tickets on sale Feb. sth from Club members. 6-3 Valentine Dance, Solina Com- munty Hall, Saturday, February 14, 1959. Jim Fisher's Orchestra. Lunch and prizes. Tickets $1.50 each. For tickets cal MA 3-2447, MA 3-2486 or MA 3-2265. 6-1 Plan to attend W. H. Brown's Case Show in the Bowmanvllle Town Hall, Friday, Feb. 27th, at 8 p.m. An evening's enter- tainment for the entire family with refreshments. Admission Free. 6-2 Woodview Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twentyr games -twenty dollars; five games-. thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Shaw's Home and School Club will hold their Annual Card Party at the school on Friday, February 6 at 8 o'clock. Admis- sion 50c. Games for the child- ren. Lunch will be served. Corne and enjoy yourself. 5-2 Local 73, Cartwright, of the Ontario Farmers' Union, wel- cornes ail to an illustrated lec- ture on "Rabies" by Dr. Woolsey at Blackstock Township Hall on Thursday -evening, .February 5th. An appropriate' time for a most opportune subject. 6-1 Recreation Department's Chor- al Group presents "Stars of To- morrow Contest". Open to alI residents of Bowmanville in- cluding any students attending Bowmanville High School under 21 years of age as of January 1, 1959. Application formns avail- able from Recreation Office or Miss Helen Nelles, 76 Elgin St. 6-1 For Rent HOUSE for rent. Phone MArket 3-3573. 6-1 APARTMENT suitable for srnall family or rniddle-aged couple. MA 3-5805. 6-1* HOUSE, Mil Lane, three roorns and closed in porch. Oil heater, gas range. Phone MA 3-3771. 6-1 FIVE-roomed house and bath, hot and cold water, heavy wir- inAvailable March 1. Phone MA 3-3805. 6-1* SIX-ROOM semi-detached house, oil furnace; 84 Church St. Im- mediate possession if desired. Phone MA 3-3595. 6-1* MODERN three-roorn, private bath. Suitable for single or double occupancy. $55 a rnonth. 23 Temperance St., Bowrnanviile. 3-tf SMALL apartment, lst floor, over Stedman Stores. Reason- able rent. Possession at once. Apply to L. C. Mason, Barrîster. 6-1 * FOUR-ROOM heated apartrnent, two bedrooms, living-roomn,, kit- chen, bath. Built-in cupboards, tile floors, central, Imrnediate possession. No children. Tele- Phone MA 3-5822. 6-l* THREE-bedroom bungalow in Bowmanville. Garage, oil heat- ing, fireplace. Immediate pos- session. Please state number in family i reply and position. Write Advertiser 912, c/o Canad- ian Statesmnan, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 6-1 EIGHT acres more or less of fine garden land south of Crearn o! Barley Camp within the Town of Bowmanville. One hundred dollars per year. Has been worked for the past two years. Apiply to A. H. Gleo! 174 Ritson- Rond S., Oshawa, Ont. 4-3 Repai'rs REPAIRS and newinding, arm- atures turned to ail makes o! electric motors. Higgon Elec- tric, 38 Kig East, Phone MA 3-5438. 24-tf REPAIRS to ahl makes o! sew- ing machines. Free pickup and delivery. Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King W. Phono MA 3-7231. 44-tf REPAIRS te ail makes o! ne- trigerators, dornestic and com- mnercial; milking coolers. Hig- gon Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tl TV and ]Radio Service plus ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS LEN AND LOU'S TV MA 3-394Z AIirticles for :bale THREE-piece chesterfield. MA 3-3201. 6-1* BB GUN, good condition. Phone MA 3-3463. 6-1 SKLAR lounge, dark green. PLone MA 3-3363. 6-1* QUANTITY of cob corn. Phone MA 3-2038. 6-1 FIREWOOD ini stovewood lengths. Phone MA 3-2849. 6-tf BALED hay. Apply Mrs. M. Budd, MA 3-2942, Middle Road. 6-1 * TWO-piece gray Kroehler chest- erfield suite. Phone MA 3-2186. 6-1 WATER for sale. Delivered. Phone Clijf Pethick, MA 3-2736. 45-tf HAY for sale, 40e per bale, W. Eyrnann, Courtice. Phone RA 5-8288. 4-tf FRESH eggs, reasonable. De- livered i Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5250. 6-1* GOOD quality mixed hay, 50c per bale at farm. Telephone *MA 3-2403. 48-tf QUANTITY of baled hay. Phone Eber Millson, between 3 and 3:30 p.m. MA 3-2645. 6-2* TWO space heaters, Silent-Glow, *medium size, in good condition. Phone A 3-5809. 6-1 * GAINADAY ironer, like new, haif price. Mrs. R. L. Stevens. Phone MA 3-3090. 6-1 FOUR-burner electrie stove. Caîl after six or on Saturday to Louise Hancock, Newcastle 2731. 5-tf HAY for sale-Trucks or car- load delivery. Ross Oliver, Napanee, Ont. Phone 927 W 4. 6-3 * SAVE on lumber, direct from mil to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kînmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13tl KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf WATER, hard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf WATER Service-500 gallons or 14 ^0 gallons per load. Tele- phone MOhawk 8-4172 Whitby before 8:30 a.m. or after 3 p.m. 4-4 INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf USED washer parts, 1/4 h.p. motors, $5.00 up. Repairs to ail wringer type washers. Guaran- teed reconditioned washers. Paddy's Market, Hampton. MA 3-2055. 44 DO your own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo rnethod) fromn Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf BOWMANVILLE Home Im- provements features aluminum doors, windows, awnings and railings. We offer a variety of floor and wal tiles. For free estimates Phone MA 3-2753 or caîl at 22 Division St. 6-tf ADDING machines, typewniters, cash r e g is t e r s, calculators, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture. New and used. Repairs to all makes. Frank Office Equipment, 177 Church Street, Bowmanville. MArket 3-3986. 3-tf TRADE-IN allowance on chest- erfields, bedroomn and kitchen suites. 'i9sed refrigerators, wash- ers, chesterfields and single bookcase bed, dark walnut wîth spring and Serta mattress, six months old. Murphy Co., King West, Bowmanvxlle. Phone MA 3-3781. 6-1* TILEWORK CERAMIC WALLS Tilled Floors of ail description Vinyl, Plastex, Rubber, Jaspe, Marboleum. Flexichrome, Mastic led Quarry - Ceramic Supplled and Laid H. G. HEAL (-arfs ior sale 1947 CHEV. in good running condition. Phone MA 3-2108. 6-1 WRECKING 1950 Ford sedan. AU parts available. MA 3-5244. 6-1 * ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home cal Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf 1950 MER CURY, $250 cash or best offer, good condition. Gord. Kilpatrick, 24 Third St., Bow- manville. Phone MA 3-3364 after 5:30. 6-1* Livestock for Sale TWENTY young pigs, seven weeks old. A. Richardson. Phone MA 3-2979. 6-1 TWO shorthorn cows, polled and Scotch. Condition and pedi- grees perfect. Phone Oshawa RA 8-8974. 6-1 Seed for Sale GARY and Rodney seed oats, registered, or Commercial No. 1. MA 3-2581 - Leslie Coombes. 6-2 Help Wanted LADIES wanted for part tôrne work at home. Piece work. Ex- cellent rernuneration. Reply Advertiser 914, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 6-1 RAWLEIGH business now open in Durbara County and Bow- manville. Trade well establish- ed. Excellent opportunity. Ful tirne. Write at once Rawleigh's, Dept. B-140-189, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 6-1 ATTENTION! Make more rnoney than you thought pos- sible. Seli at high commission our guaranteed necessities, wel] known, to be used daily in: Hampton, Kendal, Leskard, Orono, Tyrone, and surround- ings. A custorner in every home. Start now in a profitable bus- iness of your own. Free cata- logue on request. Mrs. T. Gard- ner, C.P. 58, Station C, Mont- real. 6-4 REQUIRED Personable young lady 20 - 35 Consideration will be given to applicant who Is adepi ai figures and who has a pleasing telephone personaliiy Write Advertiser 915 e/o The Canadian Statesman P.O. BOX 190, BOWMANVILLE 6-1 MAN OVER 55 3 DAYS A WEEK Here's an excellent opportunlty for a mature man to make enough money ln only 3 days a week . . . to spend the other 4 days enjoying ]ifs. Because we pay our top men ln other cities up to $5,000.00 to $12,000.0 ln a year, this open- ing we have ln the Bowman- ville arca should be worth $4,000 to $9,000 You have freedom ln running your own work sehedule and reccive friendly personal help from our home office people who, appreciate your effort. What's more, you can get more pay and stilli have a happier life. We are a multi-millon-dollar concern with a national sales force of middle-aged men who are flndlng our work the m-st fascinatlng and best paying they have ever experienced. If you want te spend 3 days a week - taklng short auto trips in surrounding area to handle contacts wlth our customers, then we caui make it worth your whlle. For complet. Informa- tion write E. B. CANNING, 1PRESIDENT Panther 011 & Grease Mfg. Co. Box 711, Fort Worth 1. Texas 6-1 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS iN onces 1, Coulson H. Ruiter, Simnpson Ave., will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my naine on or after January lst, 1959, wit#iout my written consent. 6-3* Notice is Hereby Given that the Corporation cf the Town of Bowmanvllle wlll apply te the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at lis next session for specl legisla- tien validating and confirmlng BY-Law No. 1709 o! the Town cf Bowmanville, belng a by-law te provide for the borrowing o! $46,640.01 upon debentures te pay for the construction of certain works on a local lm- provement basis and deciarlng the sald by-law te bc legal, valid and blnding upon The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanvilic and the ratepayers thereof. The said works eonsist of sidewalks on High Street, Prince Street, Third Street, Simipson Avenue, Jane Street, Albert Street, Liberty Street, Fiett Street, and Orchardview Boule- vard, watermains on Frederick Avenue, Rehder Avenue, Third Street, Prespect Street, Waveriy Road, Concession Street, King Street East, Saint George Street and Edsall Avenue, and a sani- tary sewer on Prospect Street, in the Town of Bowmanville. The existing debenture debt of The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanvilie is $1,041,203.68 and ne part cf the principal or interest is in arrears. The rate- able property of the Town of Boîvmanviile according te the last revised assessmcnt roll is $7,219,000.00. Dated at Bowmanville, On- tario, this 16th day of January, A.D. 19519. The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, By Strike & Strike, Its Solicitors. 4-61 CONSTRUCTION ON THE Liberiy Sireel Siorm Sewer WILL START ON Monday, Feb. 9, 1959 by the A. E. Hockin Company Limited. For several weeks con- struction crews with heavy ma- chinery will bc working in this area. The contractor has assured us that every precaution will bc taken to safeguard the public while this project 1. underway. However, the cooperation of the public must be hail for com- plete safety. Parents are re- quested to keep ail chlidren away from ihis area and motorists are reminded to OBEY ALL SIGNS AND THE FLAG MEN. He to gîve you a better s o live and travel on. JACK BROUGH, Deputy Reeve, Chairnian Bowmanville Works Dept. 6-1 Lost BLACK cardigan, Friday noon, downtown. Phone MA 3-2425. 6-1 ROUND sterling silver pin with stone, Wednesday, Jan. 28, on Garton's bus or vicinity of King and Scugog Streets. Prized as keepsake. Reward. Telephone A 3-5806. 6-1 Mortgage Funds IMMEDIATEIbY available for first mortgage on irnproved town or rural property, $4,000, $3,000 and $2,000 in separate mort- gages. Five year open; interest 61/ %, payable seri-annually. Leroy Hamilton, Broker, Orono 1 r16. 6-4 Mortgages Morigrages AND 1Agreements of Sale1 R.R. 1 Hampton MA 3-2902 In the Estate of Edward Enic Frtad eodVrtae n 25-tf Downey, Deceased. FrtadScn otae n Ail persons having claimis Agreements of Sale bought, seid against the estate of Edward and arranged on City and Farmn Eric Downey, Carpenter, late o! Preperty and Summer Cottages, tho Town o! Bowrnanviile in the Conyo! Durham, who died on $2.000.00 and up. or about the h5th day o! Octob- OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE or, 1958, are required to send to CORP. LTD. TT1the undersigned at the drs FUEL OILbelow full partîculars of the 112 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa slTame on or before the first day Phene RA 5-3568 6-tf S TOVE OIL of March, 1959, after whîch date the assets o! the deceased wiîî Pets for Sale Automatie Metercd be distributed having regard 24-Heur Delivery Service only te the dlaims o! which the FREE to good home, Cohhie pup, A.H.ST RR CK Executors shall thon have five months. Phono MArket A.H T R O K notice. 3-2133. 6-1 DATED thia 22nd day o! AN O SJanuary, 1959. GERMAN Shepherd Police Dogs IMPEIALESS DELER The Sterling Trusts Corporation, -One reg. white femahe pup, $40 IrINPERIL ESO DELER 372 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, and also one reg. white female, Phone MA 3-5516 Sturrock St. Executors. twe years old, $100. Levely dogs. BOWMANVILLE by Apha I. Hodgins. App]y to Mis. W. G. Urry, 6-tthesw 8oIcAtw r z'in. -3 Pontypool. . i ±Ieail state for baIe FURNISHED cottage on West Beach, five rooms with glassed- in verandah. Phone MA 3-5815. 6-2 SOLID brick ranch style home, six rooms and bath, located on large lot on quiet residential street. Apply 9 Frederlck Ave., Phone MA 3-5147. 5-4 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraiseu L. M.'Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. L. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - 3. A. Barton MA 3-3098 Very attractive 4-room bunga- low, centrally located, hardwood floors. Full' basement. Bright sun room. Garage. Owner leav- ing town and will consider reas- onable pnice. 4-room bungalow on outskirts o! town. Garage, largo lot, 3- piece bath. This is truly a good buy at only $7,500.00. Requmes substantial cash. Bcautifully designcd and cx- tremely well built 6-room brick bungalow with 3-room base- ment apartrnent. Equipped with Pierson windows. Hardwood and tule floors. Lot your rent pay for this onc. 1 5-roomn bungalow on 2 acres of land with strcarn, near vil- lage. Heavy duty wiring. This is real value at only $9,500.00. 6-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members o! Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 100 acre farm with up-to-date 8 room. house. Oul furnace, bathroorn, modemn kitchen, L- shaped barns with running wat- or. This is an early farm with stream; 20 minutes' drive from Bowmanville. $16,000 with terms. We have dozens o! farms o! ail sizes in this area. Acreages suitable for market gardening and building close te Bowmanvilie. Cottage and store only $ 1,200 down. 7-year-old modemn I ½-storey on large corner lot in Bowman- ville. Asking $11,000 with $3,000 down. Profitable summer resont bus- iness near Peterborough. Must be sold at once due te ewner's health. Priced for quick sahe with excellent terms. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 Bowmanville 6-1 Work Wanted TRAINED practical nurse avail- able. Phone MA 3-7145. 5-2* PLUMBING, heating, caves- troughing; free estimates. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240 or Orono 1782. 6-tf CONCRETE and mason work. New work or repair. P. 0. Box 1083, L. Turner, Phone MArket 3-5820, evenings MA 3-5605. 25-tf TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Clecanouts -Deepening Compressor Work 500 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Ont. Phono RA 8-6974 5-2* Plasiering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 Klnig St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf Anger Construction Co. LTD. COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE BRICK WORK- BLOCK CHEMNEYS - CONCRETE AND CARPENTRY DOUG - MArket 3-3375 ROY - MA.rket 3-2273 27-tf Financiail Interesi Paid On GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATER TERM 3 TO 5 lIARS TH-E STERLING TRUSTS Cor»., 37Z Bar St.. EM 4-7495 6-1 Wanted LARGE baby crib, mattress and 1 play-pen. Telephone MA.rket 3-3793. 6-1* DEAD and cripplcd farm stock, pickcd up promptiy. Phono MA 3-2679. Mutrgw'll Fur Far= Tjrona .1 .. - k[eal Estate for Sale James Nixon REAL ESTATE BROKER Lot on ]ýo. 2 Highway west et Ma pe Grove, cernent basemezit, with sub-floor, roof and wefl, $2,000. 9-room solid brick, hydro, sew. er and water, basement, hot water heating, good lot on pav- ed street, close to school, imu mediate possession. $ 1,500 down. Incorne home. 47 Queen St. Bowmanville fiai MA 3-5682 Box 941 @-le Pedwell Real Esiate Large and small farms, hous. es, service stations, general stores, etc. Salesmen : Maurice H. Pedwell Phone Newcastle 3851 Wm. A. Heron Phone 12, Brookli E. Jeffery Phone 238, Colborne lf. C. PEDWELL, BROKER Newcastle Phone 3858 6-1 De With Real Est aie 200 Acre farm, 140 acres work- able, 50 acres wood, creek, .65.1 x 45' bank barn with running4e water, machine shed, hen house pig pens, garage, silo; 8 roornec house with ail modern conven- iences. Asking $20,000 with terms arranged. 100 Acre farm with 95 acres workable, suitable, for tobacco land, creek, L-shaped bank barn, machine shed, etc.; Il roomed house, hcavy wired, hardwood and tile floors. Price and terms arranged. 100 Acre farm. on large river and paved road with 100' x 32' bank barn, drive shed, hen house, etc.; 9 roomed frame home with hydro, etc. Asking $12,500. Terms arranged. 100 acre farm, near Rice Lake, 73 acres workable, 2 barns with water on tap, machine shed, pig pens; 8 roorncd frame home, heavy duty wiring. Asking $16.000. Terms. 50 Acre farm near Kendal with 100' x 30' bank barn, drive shed, garage; 7 roomed framfe house with 3-piece bath, hot and cold running water. Pnice $7,000. Terms. 6 Roorned house near Hamp- ton on 10 acres of land with 4- piece bath, furnace, etc. j1pice and torrns arranged. 5 Roomed unfinilshed bur in Newcastle with 4-piece.uUhr oul furnace, running hot t8nd cold water. Pnice and tèrrns arranged. 5 Roorned brick bungalow in Bowrnanville on double lot with ail modemn conveniences. Ga- rage. Asking $10,000. Terrns. 7, Roomed home located at Bethany on 4 acres of land with ail modemn conveniences, double garage. Price $8,000,with terrns arranged. 5 Roorned, almost new bunga- low west of Bowrnanville, on good size lot, with ail modern conveniences, divi aed basement with recreation roorn. Asking prico $12,000 with terrns arrang- cd. 6 Roomed home in Bowrnan- ville with 4-piece bathroom,. hardwood and tule floors, mod-, crn kitchen, running hot and cold water. Garage. Asking $8,500. Terms. Contact* John F. De With Realtor and General I1nsuranes Newcastle Phono 3341 Salesmen: Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanvlle MA 3-3950 Ross Davldson, Bcthany Phono 21 r 6 Dan Boehm, Garden Hill Phono 6 r 111 6-1 Various partial remedica have been tried. There is bail insurance, for instance, but at best it is fan from a complets answer to Just that one prob. lem. The Prairie Farm Assist- ance Act provides only meagre relief from drouth. The ÇuadJan Statenus CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CARS FOR SALIR LOI? - FOUEN - Sm c"s Ide. . . 40~gw UMubepaid by date o et lias U obage. an additionczl 25« wiU beo addc. A cbeflci25c wiIU b. mode lms arel«directed to tlis a ciS. NOTICE -COMMIO IVEMI A»P CARDS Or TRtANS de « word wlth a minimum et 81.00 Lor 25 words or leu 81.00 pet Inertioa $1.00plus ZOo a Une he w.. eKlcr Casaitisd et 8140 b« in wih aminmuci ons icb. Addltioal insertioneut he çcr', rates.) AU ClastMed Ade min! bu qeoui"eamtliet il 0oclock noon. Weduay BA ou as.tamps oromog Ss aad save mous>', aip i"i out for handy rehasm ,-' ~ 4 eq - 1 - 1 à" r -I --l - . 1 - ILT-JL. - - - lv%- . W4 . . r - . m £-- Cý-1- 1 r-%_ £-- C-"-l- 1 In--@ £-- pq i tqm% 98 qý . . à- Mm m >AGE rianTpru TM CAMArg« STATMOIL«. IKnWUAUVUZ&% CMAM tmmmAT, Pm. qqà

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