Ready for Young Canada Night ian Durham County's Great Famlly Journal VOLUME 105 20 Pages 50 WMAN VILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 1959 10e Per Copy NME Canadian Tire. Associate Store WI1 Opl 0en inSimpkin Building- The Hockey Mothers organization met last week at the Lions Centre and took eare of ail necessary mending on uniforms, so the three minor league town teams will leready for Saturday evening when they meet Port Hope teams. First game of this .Young Canada Night wil start at 7:30. The mothers, through several fund-raising projects, have also made worthwhile contributions ta the teams, buying hockey pants and other equipment including two sets of goal pads, such as those shown here being modelled by Tommy Hayes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hayes. The three ladies >re off icers of the association, f rom lef t to right: Treasurer Mrs. Bert Colwell, Presi- ,î.cent Mrs. Lloyd Nichols and Secretary Mrs. Howard Bradley. e' Glen Lai thambei WaGntsJ W. Glen Lander was elected £esident of the Bowmanvilie Chamber of Commerce for the qoniing year by acclamation at th1e annual meeting of the or- ganization whicb was held at ,-,.t- Lions Community Centre onThursday evening. Mr. Lan- 4t~r succeeds R. P. Rickaby, th-? ing president, wo has teoffiqe for two years.ý ers *hé received acclamn- in their elections -were: ~rs, E. T. Banting, A. H, -Stur- ~ck, W. H. Brown, R. P. Rick- by, W. G. Pascoe, C. Breen, K. athangue, M. S. Dale, A. L. ~ooey, B. L. Burk and W. A. ourtiiey.__ Mothers' MarcIh Collects $1900 [n 1 Hour Bitz SAnother successful March of e~imes wvas held in Bowman- '0 le on Monday, February 2, for the fifth consecutive yeam. -. The campaiga vas sponsored Kr Cthe15onedom t e tre ert Clubh15ond or te trecoept ,900 and it is expected that le total amount received will Occeed the $2000 mark. t, Club 15 wish ta thank the citi- Ins o! Bowmanville for their #enerous contributions also the eýanadian Statesman for their idvance publicity and the many é'anvassers who willingly braved ee cold, ibleak winds and icy #reets ta make the campaignaa gesounding success. SThe Bowmanville R ota r y Club's Ladies Nigbt was one of the most enjoyable events of the 1 eason. Itý was held on Wednes- day evenlng. Jan. 28th, at the ,,Ions Comnmunity Centre. Rex Walters, president of the club Welcomefd the members and their nuests. In his address be ex- Iressed the club's pride at the ~resence of four present and at,dttrict governors, Ed Rug- es, Cobourg, 'Bret' Bretell, ><riôo-New Toronto: Maurice orToronto. and Walter De- SBowmanville. Those at tbe bead table be- $ides Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walters tlere District Govemnor and Mrs. d Ruggles, Cobourg; Bill Stev- the club Seci'etary, and Mrs. 'eeEd Rundie, president cf rwh178 o! the Canadian Le- fin, and Mrs. Rundie; Dr. Char- ~sCattran, president o! the owmanville Kinsmen Club and ~r.Cattran; Ralph McIntrye. . sient>oft uw Bowman.viile nder to Head of Commerce More Mr. Rickaby, the president,< presided and opened the meet- ing with a wvelcome to ail those present. He paid tribute to the splendid work of the secretary- manager, Ken Morris, on be- half of the Chamber of Com- merce, and for bis great côntri- bution to the success of the Bowmanvilie Centennial cela- braitions. ý Presentation of the Presi- d¶< t's Trophy was, made by Mr.- Rie ýaôy to Mrs. Mlnerva Kerr, the proprietor of the Good- brand Fabrics shop, and to ber son Bob Kerr. This trophy is awarded an.nually to the store with the finest Christmas time (Continued on pagze seven) A by-law to protect the peo- pie of Bowmanville and their pets from. rabies was passed at the meeting of Bowmanville Town Council held in the Town Hall on Monday evening. The by-law, No. 1711, passed on Monday evening provides for the licensing and registration of dogs. It also forbids any dog or cat owner to allow their pets to run at large. The Town Council will appoint a dog-catcher and a pound keeper and will approve the location and construction of a pound. Every owner of a dog shal register, on or before the first day of January each, year, eacb dog owned by hlm and pay the license fee for each animal. A tag will be supplied by the Town Clerk for each dog registered, and he wilI keep a record for the purpose of showing the own- er's name and address and the serial number of the tag. (Continuedi on paee sevený Members1 LATE NEWS - FLASH! About 60 head of Pure- bred Hoisteins wvere saved when fire destroyed the large barn on the Muir farm ln Courtice. at 7 p.m. Wednesday. Kinsmen Working on Buick Draw An informai meeting of the Bowmanville Kinsmert Club was held on Tuesclay evening at Murray Larmner's residence, Sim- pson Avenue. It was a hive of industry as the members work- ed on preparing tickets for the car draw .Mr. Larmer is chair- man of the committee in charge of the dtaw for a 1959 Buick which wii ibe held on August 8tb. Tickets are now on sale. Plans were made to charter a bus to go to Lindsay this even- ing. More than 20 Bowmanville Kinsmen will atteAd the Kins- men Inter-Club meeting ta be hcld in Lindsa3, tonight. Deputy Minister WiII Address LODA Meeting Mr. James A. Roberts, D.S.O., E.D., Associate Deputy Minis- ter of the Trade and Commerce Department for the Government of Canada, will be guest speak- er at the General Meeting of the Lake Ontario Devclopment As- sociation to be held on Thurs- day, February l9th, at the Club AragonrinlaPeterborough, Oti- tario. Mr. Roberts was born ln Toronto and was appointed ta his present post in 1958. He is a past Regionai Direc- tof of the Canadian Chamnber of Commerce and past Presi- Lions Club. and Mrs. Mclntrye. There were more than 150 present at the delightfully ar- ranged function. Eacb Rotarian in turn întroduced bis dinner partnem and guests. "The toast ta the Ladies" wsas given by Ken Morris, and Mrs. Rex Walters responded. "The Toast ta Rotary International" was given by L. W. Dippell, and District Gaver- nom Ruggles gave the response. Mrs. Rex Walters, wife of the president o! the club. was the JmsA oet recipient o! a beautiful bouquet JmsA oei o! flowers. As favors each lady dent of the Canadian Expart- at the function received two sil- ers' Association. Mr. Robèrts ver coffee spoons with the Ro- was President o! James A. Rob- tar" crest. erts Limited: Past President if Excellent entertaiament was Halton & Pecl Trust & Savings gîven by a talented pianist fom Company and a partner la Rob- Toronto. An attractive novelty erts, Stanley & Company, con- act presented by two charming oerned with public relations young lady violinists also from and marketing. Tomonto, was enjoyed as well. Duing the war he command- A varied program o! music ed the 12th Manitoba Dragoons for dancing was provided by Ted with th e rank of Lieut.-Col., and TadrIor " dhis orchestra, AÏaz.1 (ContÀnuect on page even> Work A Iready Begun Final approval was receiv- ed on Tuesday for a Canad- ian Tire Associate Store to be constructed and operated in Bowmanville by C. Stew- art McTavish. Already, Gay Construction Company of Courtice have started work on their contract ta rebuild the former Simpkin factory on Church Street and con- vert it into the modern structure pictured on this page. Mr. McTavish, whose photo also appears in this story, is a native of Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. (Charlie) McTavish. At 35 years of age, his career has included widespread experience in merchandising and sales. For 12 years, he worked with his father, now President and General Manager'of Perfect Circle (Piston Rings) Com- pany of Don Milis, and was Assistant Sales Manager. For several mnonths he has been preparing for opening his own Canadian Tire store by working in ail departments of the Associate store in New- market. He was educated in Oshawa 'Schools and was taking engin- eering at the University of Toronto when he joined the RCAF as a fighter pilot flying Typhoons. He is married to a former Oshawa girl, Evelyn Gar- rard and they have two children, Chris 6 and Margot 21/2 years of age. He and his family are living in the former Colmer home on Wellington Street. Mr. McTavish told The States- man that he had looked-at'sev- eral locations before deciding to come to Bowmanville. After Don Ma rsden President Local Red Cross Branch The organization meeting oU the Bowmanville Branch of'the Canadian Red Cross Society was held Friday evening. in the Le- gion Hall with an encouraging number present. Mr ~Mardeis 1th*nked those. Pri»ent iI'tt rsupPort and. iantroduced ,the, "gwt -for- the evening, Mr. W. R. MpAdam, Deputy Commissioner, Ontario Red Cross, Society. Ile outlined the pumpose of the Red, Cross Society and the many projects which could be undertaken by the Bowmanville. Branch. The most immediate need o! the Red Cross in Ontario is for Blood Donors. Life-giving blood is now ptovided free o!-charge to everyone tbroughout the prov- ince. -The Red -Cross îs ini charge of this service and must have a constant supply of donors. Mobile clinics have been set up for this purpose and it is hoped that the Bowmanville Branc',i will be able to set a date for a future clinic ,and so iirsAime that this distrt* wi t doits part 'ta 7~lood. M r. McAdam also mentioned the great work to be done lix disastçr relief not only 1tin this .,commuriity but tbrough- out Canada and the wold. He spoke of the great work of the Red Cross in Europe and other countries and.o! how.. much the Canadian Red Cross in particu- lar bas done ta add to Canada's stature as a nationl. <Continued on nage seveni_ Ç/3ts and e£Peces HELP NEEDED - Garnet Goheen who operates the Handy Store on King Street would appreciate some assistance in locating a Brownie Starflash Camera taken-without the $9.85 payment-from his store shortly before Christmas. He believes some youngster who was anxious to have a camera may have picked it off the rack to ensure a good Christmas. If there are any parents whose young hopeful is sporting a camera and they don't know where it came from, would they please check. No questions will be asked if it is returned to Mr. Goheen. t-t t t t. CHEQUE ARTIST - Word was received this week by Bowmanville Police that a cheque artist has been operating in the London area. The method resembles one used in a factual play on TV recently. The cheques have the name. of an actual company, Keillor Construction Co. of St. Thomas printed on them, along with other details such as "payroll 49" and the amounts are filied in with a cheque-writer, making quite an impressive showing. They are payable to James Coulter of St. Thomas who will produce identi- fication. A man usually cashed them, but a woman also has been used. Merchants are warned to be on the look-out. + f t GLORIOUS TWELFTH - An urgent plea was received this week from Bowmanville Fife & Drum Band who already are practîsing for their appearance in the next July 12th Orange Parade. They need someane ta take on the colorful duties of beating the big bass drum and would alsa like ta have several more fifers. Cali Bud Fogg at 3-3688 after 4 p.m. and yau wiil be made most welcome. t t i. t i. DIFFICULT - On Monday, town council passed a new by-law making it n'andatory f or ail dogs ta be kept under contrai so they will not run at large. As soon as arrangements have been completed for a paund and keeper,' the pooches on the prowl will be picked up and taken there for disposai or reclaim by their owners. We understand the by-law-an import- ant ane in the effort to contrai rabies-took a peculiar twist remniniscent of some contract negotiations. It was made retroactive ta Jan. lst o! this year. Na explanation was availabie on how dag owners couid returu ta Jan. 1 ta tie up their canines. 1 t ,'t t t WARN CHILDREN - Lloyd Quinton, superintendent of the town works department, is quite anxious that all parents be wamned of the dangers which wili accompany laying af the new starm sewer.on Liberty Street. As it wili be quite deep, every effort wiil be made to cover the ditch each night and children wvilI be kept away as much as possible during daytime, but there wil be times w' ien youngsters could slde inta the ditch and do themselves considerable injury. Ht asks parents ta make a special effort- b warn. their yroungsters qL the danger. talking ta Industrial Commis- sioner Ken Morris and former Mayor Nelson Oqborne, be be- came convinced that the growth pattern of this area was now due for some immediate changes upward and that he could not only profit througb it, but could also make a sizeable contribu- tion with a Canadian Tire store here. Mr. McTavish also stated that he bas been familiar with this area for a long period of time, going back to his early years when his family rented the Dyer cottage at Bowmanville Beach for several summers. Also, as a high scbool student, 'he played football against Bowmanville teams and recalîs niany friends who stili reside here. The difficuit task of renovat- ing and rebuilding the former Simpkin plant was assigned to Wilson & Newton, Toronto archi- tects. Their plans cail for wreck- ing some of the walls, digging out the rubblo that piled up after the disastrous fire in 1955 and making rnany structural and architectural changes to the building which will convert it into a modemn retail store. Harry Gay, his construction foreman Doug Kerr and bis team will be responsible for the "on the ground" work which started early this week, even before fina! approval was received. Tt is expected that the work will be completed within two months, so the store will be open for CContinued on iage seven) 1 C. Stewart MoTs'vh Con siderable Work for Mont h Detai"led by Committee Heads At. Council Meeting Monda y Comm ittee reports- olitlining, the, work undertaken in Janu- amy were presented at the meet- ing of Bowmanville TFown Coun- cil beld in the Council cham- ber on Monday evening. His Worsbip, Mayor Wilfrid Carru- thers, presided at the meeting and ail members of Council were present. 1 Deputy-Reeve Brougb, chair- man of the board of womks com- mittee, reported that two meet- ings were held in Januamy. The annual Police report was sub- mitted by Police Chief Kitney, and after discussion o! varjous items .it was referred ta, the po- lice committee. It was decided to take no action on a request o! the Bell Telephone Company of Canada ta collect bis at the Town* Clerk's office. A request for a donation ta the Belleville McFarland Hockey team was not approved. Prepare Biliboard By-law Deputy Reeve Brough stated that on a motion by Councillor 0. J, Presson it was decided to bave the necessary by-law pre- pamed for the installation of lights, for the Fire Department at the corner of King and Divi- sion Streets. Permission was flot granted for an E. L. Ruddyr sign to be erected on Kinig Street, and -a sign by-law is to be prepared. It was decîded that wben the auditorium is rented it does not include the clerk's and assessor's offices or the committee room. Deputy-Reeve Bmough reported that a motion was passed that the Town Clemk fill out the no- cessary applications ta bavi himsel! appointed a Justice af the Ppace. A delegatIon appeamed before (Continued on page nineteen)_ /' Varcoe s Early Manday norning, with the temperature telow zero, Mr. and Mrs. William Epworth and their twa children were forced ta fiee their burning home near Varcoe'l Hall an the outskirts of Oshawa. Bowmanville firemen were hampered ii theiù efforts to-hait the blaze because o! a shartage of water. Nearby welsa were frozen over and the only water available was carried in the reserve tank on the truckc, The building and contents, inciuding everything the Epworth's owned, except their might attire an-d a few blankets, was destroyed in the fire that soorn bècame an Infera. Neighbours and-friends have organized a drive to help th. famUlY4 Architect's Drawing of New Canadian Tire Store Council Passes By-Law Ifo Keep Dogs and Cafs From Running at Large -if New Anti-Rables Meas3ure Fire Destroys Home Near Rot ary Ladies Night <An Enloyable Af faîr Atfended by Over 150