'---f M1 fl.&.~LflC~ - aflA flJ~flflSN~ sJ~ Y? 451fl.fl V ~ a~ .L fl~flQL~fl Z, t £10. 0t1% *UUW Story -of "Ma pie-Leaf'" Burn ing the Mortgage on Solina Cornmunity 'Halle Toronto Durham ClubI .*................. By Aleen Aked homneward. Arriving home MiMurashrmad sovr-.~~' To-night at the Durham Club coat, again faund a perfect-maple J* meeting in Toronto, I chose the leaf sticking ta bis shoulder. He1 minutes ai March 27th, 1941, ivas so interested that be sat -. which tell of how the song "The down at once, added other Unes~ Maple Leal Forever" began. At ta the well known sang. this meeting Mr. and Mrs. icsteyaspse e Geore W McLughin, shadifferent people who mentioned' wa, entertained the Club at the thîs tree under which Mr. Muir Sherbourne House; Dr. D. D. had sat. Every time I beard the; MacDonald became president as son g I felt something shauld be! Dr. L. B. Williams resigned; the do ne ta mark the tree. Then at "Maple 'Leaf" was the subject a flower show I met Mr. and for Dr. Williams' colored pic- Mrs. Southarn who insisted I tures; while Mr. Don Lindcen, ta corne ta see the tree, which was the delight af the audience, sang on their lawn at No. 62 Laing, the sang. Ave., just south of Queen St.,I From clippings which Mrs. Nothing was done about it until Fair kindly sent me I have fill- the Men of the Trees sent their ed in the details. The story afipeenaiet m n h the "Maple Leaf Forever" was nresnt ativonet me and7,ha given in a descriptive and patri- brsu l asueon Ocht.els937,e bins (wife o! EM ayor.D.Rob- story to the passing world, was bin (wfe f E-Maor ob-handed to me by Mr. Robson, bins ef Toronto): "Having corne then President of the Men af from the Village of Malton with the Trees, and I had the pleasure' niy parents, I enrolled as a of Itahnri atete. pupil at Gladstone, now called Peopattachingai talkthe' treA pcal tgdcrmn hsW the Alexander Muir School. were there. Rpe lnaisfirofe taspiall sntagd aceremon tisa There 1 was delighted ta meet firn the PoinRlerentvsfîeso an omnt albre Mi-. J. L. Hughes wha was a1 City Prlan ovicaldGovfnet mortgage ta indicate that all debts on their hall1 prentsier at Mlton M-.thon, also many clergymen -arn .paid. It will be recalled that their first hall wa paret'shom at altn. r.aur chunches were present on: 1952, using converted Sons of Temperance buildi Hughes turned ta me and said: this occasion. I basic structure. Norman Leach was the carpi 'This is Mi-. Muir who wrote the "i.C .Prelf-r h h omnt otiue oute ao.I sang "The Maphe Leal Forever", "r .R ucl rr hîh omnt otiue oute ao.I a copy ai which I mailed ta you Men. a! the Trees spoke in ap-; pleted in 1955 and fully paîd for by the tîme f ire a few months ago'. preciatian of Mrs. Rabbins and .jt on Feb. 4th, 1956. Immediately, plans were "Like a child I stai-ted ta ask Dr. Williams' address; emphasiz-1 Mi-. Muir questions, and in ed the vital need o! trees fan the'a new, larger hall on the same site. Charles 'W answer he told me that one maintenance af comfortable liv-ithe.carpenter for this job. Using the $ 16,000 autumn day he went for a wahk ing on this continent; conchuded'and the balance of the provincial grant, the new *lang.the waterfi-ont carrying his by quoting the words of Heni-y opened wi th a turkey supper Nov. 28th of the s evercoat on bis ai-m. On i-e- Vandyke: 'He that panteth a, turning home northward on tree is a servant of Gad. He'. Laing Ave., be sat down tô i-est doeth a kindness for genera-Me ral H pia breeze sprang up the beauti- he bas neyer seen shahl rise up IJI fully colored lcaves fluttered ta and cahl him bhessed'. eky R p r earth and one came ta i-est on "Amongst the out-of-town Frtewe iJn 6t the lapel o! bis coat. He picked. guests were Mn. and Mrs. Mil- Frthb. 1o:Jn.26t the leaf up, and as he sat look- tan Werry of Oshawa, Editar,'disos-------5 i ng at it heand the vaice o! and Mrs. Gea. W. James, Bow- (B sson ------------ someone in a neai-by bouse sing- manville. What was ta have Births, 5 male, 6 female -lil ing the National Antbemn. been a gesture o! the retiring Discharges--------------- - 62 "As he continued ta gaze at president's appreciation of the Major openatians - - , the maple leaf the lines a! the two water-front papers wasiMinai- operatians ----17 Lw sang we know so well, took marred by the illness of Mis. Emei-gency treatments 13 _.j shape in bis mi. Taking a Wilson o! the Port Hope Guide.J Visiting hours 2:30 ta 4:30 « littie book fi-arn bis pocket be Mrs. Don Linden assisted Mrs.1p.m. and 7:00 ta 8:30 p.m. ( m'ade note o! themn and then1 Geo. James o! the Bowmanville 1,utting on bis côat he cantinued1 Statesman." eîeo tto Sunday visitors with Mi-. and C World Doy f -f ayerMrs. Ehi Mairs were Mi-. and i 13 Mrs. Ted Mains, Susan and W Will e Hed Her Feb 13,Mardi a! Bramnpton.Mi Mi-. and Mrs. Finlay Harris CD The World Day of Prayer, adapted fi-rn one prepared by and Mrs. Da'nley, Belleville, vis- Feb.. 13, will be manked in Bow- the women of Egypt. ited Mi-. and Mrs. Jas. Harris. manville by services in St. An- Giving the address at the al- We are pleased ta report Mrs. drew's Presbytenian Church at ternoon service will be Mrs J. Dickey is feeling better. Mis M 3 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. D. C. Jack, wife o! the minister'Ernerton stays with ber at M Ail Protestant churches in af St. Andrew's Pi-eshytenian1 nights. town join in this annual event Chunch, Coboung. In the even- Mrs. B. R. Knight is keeping which is being convened this ing, Mns. Arthur Collison t)f Virginia Colley campany thno- - year by Mrs. H. G. Shaw of Bowmanville will give the ad- ugh the d.ay while Mihdred tea- St. Paul's United Chunch. Mrs. dness. ches. Virginia is improvîng but L. T. McLaughlin of St. An- The chair will be made up of must remain in bed anather L driew's, will Pct as leader of the mnembers fi-arn the chairs of week. - afternooft service. Represent'a- the chui-ches participating. Friends are pleased ta know «« tives o! the variaus Women's The Day of Prayer is marked that Mis. Percy Williarnsan is c Missionary Soc., will take part in by women's organizations in doing nicely following nmajor- the ervce wich bas been chui-ches throuixhout the ,,,rl.1Ai q (eAmin iCI ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin and ;Donna Gail were Sunday visi- tors of Misses Louise and Mar- jorie Mcntosh, Whithy. Master Rodney Irwin, visited his cousin Bob Scott, Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pethici andi Ruth were recent tea guests of Mrs. Geo. Ferguson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke an< femily, Mr. Oliver Hubbard and friend, Oshawa, were with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. On Friday last Mrs. W. E. Reid, Orono, and Mrs. Percy Hamilton, Millbrook, called on Mrs. F. Toms, 'who ahl visited with Mrs. Toms' sister, Mrs. W. Weatherilt, who is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- ton recently spent an evening with Mr-. and Mrs. Herb Stain- ton, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett were with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis and fam- ily were Saturday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Maila Vanvolkenburg's Cordova Mines. Mr-. and Mrs. Jim McLaugh- lin, Ralph and Brenda were Fri. dlay evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wernv. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin and family wene Satunday ev- ening visitai-s of Mi-. and Mrs. R. Dillabaugh. Oshawa. Mr. and Mns. P. Ellis and fam- ily ,were Sunday visitai-s with Mi-. and Mrs. A. Flintoff, Cour- tice. Mr. J. A. Werry, Mr. and Mns. H. J. McGill, Mi-. and Mrs. Allan Werry, attended the Confirma- tion at Christ Church, Oshawa, for Brian Borrowdale and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Borrowdale. Misses Sandre and $haron, visited with grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron. Miss Linda Yeo, spent Sunday with Miss Doris Staintan. Deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge of Hay- don on the sudden passing of their baby daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and famnily were with Mr-. and Mrs. R. Bottrell, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Weaving and Rickey, Thornhill, Mr. Herb Rogers, Bommanville, wvere vis- itors of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mo- are. Mr .and Mrs. Ralph Vutue m-ere visitors at Mr., and Mis. ]Russell Virtue*s, Tyrone. .Mr-. and Mrs. Clark Werry, Toronto, Mrs. E. A. Werry and Betty Jane were cahiers at Mr. a.nd Mrs. Allan Werry's. Mr-. and Mrs. Ray Dillabaugh. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Russel jUfin were Sunday evening *Vlner guests o! Mr. and Mws. 'allace Griffm 's. têiss Mary Jones ,Bowman- \was an over-night guest iL% bMary Griff in. Januýarý meeting of t.he --x1v - .ewoc. Isurgery in .uOflCw . AÂtokJit.a1 AnaL week. Women's Association was held Sympathy irs extended ta the at the home of Mis. L. Wearn family and friends o! the late with Vice-President Mrs. Wearn Mris. James Pari- who passed d pi-esiding. Devotional on "The away an Friday. Her sister Mrs. - First Comm'andment" wae given Levi McGill is also veny ponly - by Mrs. A. Brunt with Mrs. H. at hei- home in Peterborough. !r Stevens assisting. There is ta be Miss Rose Mountjay stayed n a cafetenia-style supper at tha day with Dr. Bowles while Congregational meeting comning Ms. Mackie was able ta spend k up soon. Reports were given by a day in Toi-onto with ber sister. sthe Secretary-Treasurer, Par- jM- n r.GatTopo Lsonage Board, Christian Fellow- spent Wednesday in Beaverton d ship and Community Friendsbip. with bis mother. d Misses Betty Jane Werrv and Davison and Gist General Susan Wearn favoured witb pia - Merchants have had a new wehl no solos and the meeting closed drilled and hope now to have a With the theme sang and prayer. good supphY o! watei-. Don't farget the card party A very successful community nsponsored by the Service Club sbOwer w~as held on Satu-day~ ci t.o be held at the Enniskillen I vening in Forrester's hall for r. Community Hall on Feb. 7, at IMr, and Mi-s. Percy Hulbert. n8 p.m. Euchre and Lost Heir,j przsand lunch. Everone wel-HA TO 9Croklncle Party Misses Gail and Cheryl Haw- The Senior Choir is ini the es, Whiitky, spent the weekend lime light again as it sponsored with Mr-. and Mrs. Clarence Yea tan old-fashioned Crokinole Par- and family. ety last Saturdny evening in the JMr-. and Mns. Kenny Rogers Church basement. There appar- land daughten Cathie, Ajax; Mn. -ently was no age limit for the land Mrs. Arthur Sullivan and -55 guests, as they ranged ahi the 1 daughters Paula and Connie, sway firn Young Master Robert Toronto, wei-e Sunday visitons Griffin ta iespected senior citi- wt i.adMs o aln Szens o! oui- communîty such as . andMW. W.dHor. oGaln -Messrs. J. A. Werry and N. E. 'ivrîi. L. S. Caverly, Bowman- Wr.ghnt. mnreomn ville, visited Mi-, and Mrs. Ken Mi- Jon Semo reommnd-Caverly on Sunday. ed friction caused by nibbing Mr-. and Mrs. Eric Phillips, ithe Crokinole disks on w0o1 son Paul and daughten Anita, material as an assuranice of1 Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. *pocketing 20 Point scores but IJ. A. Burrows. We naticed bis methad failed ta jMr-. and Mns. Jackson Wray, Put him amnong top scorens. The IMaxine and Deborah, Mi-. and iprizes presented by President O. Mrs. Sam Keane and Douglas, C. Ashton and See.-Tneas. RonjOshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ashton went ta Miss Betty T. Wray on Sunday. Knox. Toronto, for high lady Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cryden- iand Master David Stainton as man, Mn. and Mrs. Wihl Wilbur higb man. The low scores wene and Mrs. J. Hewson visited Mns. taken by Mrs. O. C. Ashton and Ada Tamblyn, Onono, on Thurs- Mr-. R. Ormiston who proved day. no better at blowing up the bal- Mn. and Mrs. Carl Wilbur, boons wbich were their awards Taunton, visited Mr. and Mrs. than they were at missing the W. G. Wilbur an Monday. Pegs on the Crokinole boards. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. A dainty lunch was served. Glenn Williams in the death a! Guests fi-rn Toronto and Bow- ber brother Wm. Lane o! Port manville wene very welcome. Perry. Do came again andi bring your The Women's Institute annual friends and neighboui-s for an Open Meeting and Family Night evening af fun, !elhowship and is being beld in the church base- refreshments for a mere pittance ment this Thui-scay evening on Friday, Feb. 13, when an- when Mr-. Albert Rundie o! theL other Crokinole paxty w ili Oe Ru ndle Garden Centre, Har- held in the church basement. mony, will be present te g ive a Regular C.G.I.T. meeting was talk and show films. 9 held in the church basement Congratulations ta Mr. and Feb. 2, at 7 p.m. with Pi-es. Doris Mrs. Geo. Arrnour who on Thur- Wright in the chair. Misses sday quietly celebrated their Cheryl ]Rowan and Donna Yel 4th W e d d ing Anniversary. lowlees were in charge of the Their many friends trust they worship period. Roll call was may be spared ta enjoy many answered with some contribui-mor years o! happiness togeth- tion for the Worship ScraP er. 1 sL Book. World Day of prayer ser- jMi-. and Mis. Arthur Loveil, c vice is planned for Saturday Dexter, Mich. spent the weekend morning. Feb. 14. Corresponden- witb ber brother, Sam and Mrs. ce was read by Sec. Linde Stain- Dewell. and also visited with ton. Mrs. Logan directed the se- Perecy Dewell's, and sister Mrs. cond session on the Mission Stu- Arthur Martin, Bowmanville, t4) dy which included a film "It help celebrate Mi-. and Mrs. Mar- Happens Eveny Day." and or- tin's 4th Wedding Anniversai-y. ganized groups for fui-then work Mi-s. Sam Dewell attended on "Neighbourliness" nt thej the funeral in Toonito on Mon- meeting Feb. 16. Meeting closed day of Mr-. Guernsey McClellan, Jwith Taps. la ie-long friend, of the laniily. eek, these1 A mortgage of $5,000 was pald off at the end of December, simulatedi11958, and the hall stili will receive a sizeable bequest from have been the estate of the late B. G. Stevens. The hall last year 7as bujit in1 was opened for 69 events and these directors expect [ing as the greater use this year. It has complete facilities for almost penter an-d any kind of function and the ladies of Sauina have gained twas com- a wide reputation for their service and food at large and adestroyed small dinner affairs. Rent of the hall is only $15.00. This Smade*forlIphoto shows, from left ta right: Secretary Ewart Leask, Varren was Wesley Werry, Wesley Hilîs, Chairman Charles Langmaid, insurance, Treasurer Ernest Hockaday, Harry Knox. Absent, Everett w hall was Vice. same year. OBITUARY MISS MARLGARET ALLEN Miss Margaret Frances Allen passed eway at her residence, "Drumralla", Beech Avenue, Bowmnanvile, on January 24, 1959 at the age of 91. Thougli in poor heulth for some time, Miss Allen's memory remained remarkably clear for her years, and she was able to assist Centennial bistorà'ans last year by recallîng evérhts and people of years gone by. She and her sister, Miss Clara Allen, who pnedeceased her on May 22, 1955, used ta be frequently con- sulted over the years for remin- iscences of this nature, both ha- ving excellent memories. Miss Allen w'as born nt the family borne on the Lakeshore in Clarke Township on August 28, 1867, and came to Bowmanville with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Allen, when the family moved bei-e in 1878. At that time, Beech Avenue had just been put through the estate of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. McLaugh- lin, "Rathskamory", which until then had comprised the entire block, running through to Cen- tre Street. The large brick res- idence. *'Drurnralla", erected by Mr. Allen, was the first house built on the newly laid out street. Miss Allen was a member of St. Paul's United Church and took an active part in the affairs of the church and the womnen's organizations as long as ber health permitted. She was the first president of the Girls' Aux- iliary formed in 1910, which la- ter ibecame the Evening Auxili- ai-y. Her intenest in her church, the younger people, and affairs of the town remained brig*I to her last illness. >Ç A sister, Mrs. R. C. fi shank of Saint John,,$q.B.., mr* vives. .114,P The funeral servijpt.a h at the residence on Mond January 26, ad a by Rev. HarolId Turitkillistm of St. Paul's Unite b~rh with arrangements byet1'ie .lrr. Morris Co. - Among those attending frolm. distance were Miss Allen'sýieu ces, Mrs. Carroll Cudlip, Il{.maS ton, and Mrs. Keltie Jones,esaù*ê John N.B.; nephews, Mr. Mrs. Allen Bail,* Toronto, Mr. and Mýrs. J. L. Allen, Coé bourg. Other friends and rd1Ao tives included Mr. James Fowâ ler, Mrs. Clark. Mrs. John Hydo. Miss Mary Galbraith, Mr,. Howd ard McClellan, Mr. Geoffrey Cudlip, Toronto>. Pallbearers were Mesar. ..ua Allen, Cobourg: J. G. Cudlip,- Toronto; James Fowler, Torontm Mark Roenigk, BowmanviUleg Howard McClellan, Toronto; Arý. thur Campbell, BowmanvUiý Honorary palibearers weM Messrs. Marven Rathbun, 13o*, manville; EZ. C. C. Southey, Osho. awa; Georgë McClellan, Toron- to; R. L. Mitchell,')Dr. V. H. Sto*. ey, F. F. Willan, BowmanvilIM Allen S. Bail, Toronto. Interment was in Bowmia ville Cemetery. Turn Old Furniluro Imi Caub with STATESMAN C L A S S1 FI Ejb S, Phone MArket 3-'3 ONE DOLLAR SALE ONE DOLLAR SALE ONE DOLLAR SALE QNE D 'OLLAR STULL ON!O m FR1. THURS. Sport Coats Buy a Sport Coal ai the regular price! Buy a Maiching Pair of SIacks for ony.. One SA Msi LAST THREE DAYS 7n- - ýLE &ire, Dollar!, ONE DOLLAR SALE ONE DOLLAR SALE ONE DOLLAR SALE MENS Slacks Buy one pair of Slacks ai th. regular price! Duy another pair for onIy, ONE Do Open Friday 'Tii 9 p.na. TAILOR?'.ý 16Simcoe St. Se 16Oshawa i ONE DOLLAR SALE_ ONE DOLLAR SALE- ONE DOLLAR SALE-- - -~' r -# -A; 1 pAgME limon" , Il "M e!AlqAnTAIC IMIMAvMýLlp- f"MAlm ý-- -