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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1959, p. 2

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_____ 1k.. ~ TM CAflAnTAN EATESMAN, EOWIMM<Vnàà& ONTAR!O Propose Merger of Port Hopean Orono Telephone Companip e At the annual meeting oi the xnand note for $90.00 at live per Ci-ono Telephane Ca. Lixited cent. He hoped that if a mer- on Saturday afternoon, Jan. l7th ger came about that the Orono Mr. C. M. Jones, manager ai the Telephone Shareholder would Port Hope Telephone Co., pro- continue in the new compafly posed the possibillty ai a mer- and that they could aima invest ge af the Port Hope Telephone further In the company. C.and the Orona Telephone The new company, if formed, Co. This proposai was a renew- would purchase any Orono al of a aiilar offer which wasj shares for $100.00 if the share- made late i the year of 1957. 1 holder wished to seil, stated Mr. Mr. Joncs In makdig the pro- Jones. But Ibe would rather see posal outlined smre of the his- the shareholders remain wlth tory ai the two Telephone Com- the new Company. panies. He stated that the first The proposai also read that niove ai co-operation came in the new company would have 1935 when definite boundaries the rlght ta retain the narne of wcre set up. At this time he the Orono Telephone Company pointed out that the two cam- shouid they so desire. paniez had an equal numbz!r It would be their aim, he oi phones. In 1958, he stated, said, ta establish a dial system that the Orono company had rsn ta 685 phones while the Port Hope Telephone Company I with head office in Newton- Ini the 1968 comparison, Or- ono's revenue amaunted t 3, system's revenue totailed $73,- i a ke v 346.00. Newcastle, stated Mr. Janes, contributed $29,562.45 tu ORONO-The inaugural mect-1 thc Port Hope Company. He ing af the Orono Police Trus- aima pointed out that $19,000.00 tees was held Monday evening went back iuta the systern each with Rev. l3asil Long conduc- yearC ing a brief ceremony in whichi Mr. Jones related findings he read passages ai scripture frarn the building of the dial and offered prayer. system in NIewcastle when ne- The main therne far the gotiations started in 1949 with evening was organizin.g and set- completion in 1951. He stated ting the ground work for Vil- that only sixteen objected out lage projects during the year. ai two hundred contactcd inl A delegation representing the Newcastle in the project af Orono Odd Fellows Lodge was placing the dial system within aiso heard. the Village. The officiais ai the .B utefr rpre cornpany were amazed at the hee ad eot response. It was bei.eved that at tecontatri eDep ade thn least fifty, percent of the people Lands and Forests in seeking would seek the ten-party Unmethesaihenaihe am In Newcastte but it lz afart teestinsOr no f xCap that only a very small percen- ofaitIng a o. eplywthoa eek tage requested the ten-party or two. rpy ihi we Uine. The largest percentage .by orHw. M ecrotie far là on the one or two party H.M ýrc otie th Unme. Firefîghters' meeting which was The Port Hope Telephone held in Orono and was of the Company now has exchanges opinion that the Firefighters' at Newcastle, Newtonville, Wel- Association held very instruc- corne and Garden Hill. tive meetings which shoulc Mr. Jones then read tho pro- prove educationai to ail fire- posai whlch was offered in fighters. 1957 ta the Orono Telephone The consuiting Engineers cm- Comnpany and whieh in the ployed by the Village are to greater part stands today. have their report reàdy some- Mr. Jones proposed a merger time late in March, stated R. C. wherc one Orano share could Forrester and he gave a brie: bc echanged for one Port Hope progress report on their plans Telephane Ca. share plus a de- ta date. Also he stated that the new sub-division in the souti of the Village was now in the I hands ai the Department in To- ikd Uflronto for their tentative ap- proval. An engiipeerS' draft of A EALL the proposed water system for S teDivision will also be receiv. Liv eW V d this week and will be sont MD gp ~ on for approvai by the Wate: FED UIR? Resources. The cost ai the sys- Whon thq atm Iteublel y bacliche, temn, ho said, would bo on a lo- out dm d ut eliore distu4ratet cal improvement basis and not WW1,am vement tumte D>d'0 in any way financed by the Mia1 i. These conditions can b. Village. mS' e ,.ceu &Cid$ and w4AIes ini Fire Chief, Bruce Morcer, ad- *é hauand, Deus Kidne 1 Pilla dr-ssed the Trustees and hand- samlal l. kdeys ndail thé,r ed' in a suggested Iist of ne'. Mmtraacion of ftmcýdng hes.eicess equipment for the f ire depart- adS d Sel Thaï . 111 s hf. ment. The Trustees gave ap- brîglio, LSUSwnm* heri Wh, dnt proval for an expenditure 'of leu, te tr Dui 0 $400 and suggested as had bee-i NEWCASTLE BRANCH ln Orona as early as possible. This system would also. be ini- tercannected with the exchange at Newcastle and thore would be no toîl charge betweon either Village. The plan wauld even- tually caver al ai Clarke Township. It would, ho said, take about 2 years ta complote a dial system in Orona. Mr. Jones stated that If rnerger came about that five exchangos would likely cxist; at Oronc, Newtonville, Wol- corne, Garden Hill, and New- castle. Operators for long dis- tance calis would romain in Orona aand Garden Hill, he said. The Port Hope Telophone Ca. said Mr. Jones, now carrnes a. a J. C. PORTER, Manager boan o! $127,000.00 and that a* merger WOUld practicafly dou- ble the amount of thia boan. Suggested monthly rates in the brief were: Individual lino -Business $5.50, Reaidence $3.- 50; Two-party line - Business $4.00, Residence $2.85; Ten par- ty lin* or less-Business $3 .00, Residence $2.50; Eleven party Une or more - Business g2.55; Residence $2.55. The shareholders ai the Or- ana Telephone Conmpany set up a comnmittee of Messrs. R. R. Waddell, Lyai Lowery and Bob Morton to study the proposai. If the proposai, warrants fur- ther pursuance a general meet- ing af bath colnpanies will be called.-Times. fows Ask Trustees er Hall f or Centre f 9 )r it !r )t le mask Pnd two length of hase be purchased. The chief la ta submit his final request at the February meeting for approvai. Messrs. Wm. Riddell, Gardon Watson and Fred Grahami, re- pneseuting the Orono Odd Fel- iows addressed the Trustees asklng that their hall be taken over as a Community Contre. It ivas pointed out by the dole- gation that under the Commun- ity Centres Act the building wouid be deedod aver te the community and a grant would then be obtainable irom îlhe Province. Mr. Riddell stated that s $5,000 mortgage was leld against the hall but that they lad been assnred ai a $5.000 grant the moment the building was deeded- over ta the com- munity as a commuuity centrc. As a commnnity Centre the building would be administer- ed by a board under the direc- tion ai the sponsoring group, tle Orono Odd Fellows. Two members wonld be appointed iramn the Municipal Concil tW act an the Board. Th Trustees stated tînt they AcIl first like ta go aven île Atand consider thè matter prier ta a decision. Mr. Riddeil stated that the Hall wss at proeut holding lt.s awn lu rentais ta take caro 4.! the fiusuclng ai the operation. As a Community Centre tle building wonid ho tax free. The Chairman, R. Farrester, presented a suggested list oi works for ina comlng.yoar and aima recommended that each member ai the Board ho respon- sîble for certain portions o! île prajects ta ho undertaken. S. B. Rutherford will be In charge ai Sidewalks aud beanti- fication. In Sidewalks, iurther data is ta ho obtaiued'lu pîse- lng the fondation for a walk on Cob Hill. Cousideration will aima be given ta extensive ne- pairs on Centre Street and au Main street lu the north of the business section. Mn. Ruther- ford will aima conduct a beauti- fitation pregram wlthln the budget o! $125 whiLh will aima includo the planting of trees. Ho wiil alsa carry oni with the seeklng of a camp site in Orono. H. M. Mercer was put in charge ai Works lu conuection with the Municipal Building and the Pire Hall. Painting ai the roonis in the Mun icipal Building Is to be undertakon sud the hall floor aud stairs cani- peted by sinding and finish - rg M. Mercer is aima ta, ar- rangeM for a campenter ta study- improvements at the Pire Hall with the Trustees' use ai the upstair room was discussed. Mr. Mercer was aima put in charge ai arrangig for prices aud a plan ta iruprave iightlng on the Main street between Sta- tion and Dickson streets. Mer- cury vapour iights, as the ane in the north ai Orono are ta, ho considemed and tb.e cost amortized over a number ai years. The road division was passed ta R. C. Forrester sud here the Trustees are seokiug ta have four sections redone with chip- stone, being Milîson Hill, at the Cenietery. Station St. east and Cobbledick St. Oiling and a major repair on Church St. riarth where the moad does mot hold up under trafiic, will also bo souglit. Formester lis also ta cousult with the Consuiting En- gineers consîdering starm sew.- ers ou Churdli Street south. Sudh a prai oct would have ta be assisted by the proerty awn- ors who were niaiuly affected which wouid necessitate tho use ai tho Local Improvement Act. A new agreement for payment ai costs is zima undor f ire by Trustees who will approadli th2 Township on a diffement set-up. A suni o! $100 was set amide to suppliment the Street Name' sign pmoject started last year. The pmoposed program for the Trustees also inciuded a botter Building by-iaw, the passing of th-2 Recreational by-iaw and the painting o! parking flnem. R. C. Farrester was o! the opinion that the pragrain, if ail completed, and that plans now lu oedc such as planning by the' Engineers, were completed that it msy ho necessary ta, raise the miii rate by anc or two milis. Ho aiso pointed out that ln 1957 the mili rate for the Village had been lowered by two raills. It la expected to have a num- ber o! the reports ready for the February nmeeting.-Times. I4ORRISH We are pioasod ta repart that little Miss Sharon Wright who had tle misiortune ta break n leg siigi ridiug a few weeks aga is expected homo sometime this week. Sharon was a patient lu Port Hope Hospital but wvas laten moved ta Peterbomo Civic Hospital for funther treatment whîch was successini. Sharan bas beon qulte happy sud ratIer regrets having ta beave the many kiud nurses mie lias beaui. in contact with, but hem mauy iriends at Momish will ho pleas- cd te weicome hon home sgain. Another pupil ai the smre school came in contact with a troc wheu sleigl-niding on the sane ieli, nesulting iu a badly scatched face and aniy just missing au oye. Resut-No more si.eiglùng outside île school yard. This wam gaad news for anxiaus parents. Thank you Mrs. Wilson. A number o! ladies fmam this part attouded a misceilaneons shower for Miss M. Cowan hld at the home ai Mm. June Walk- or, Elgin Street, Part Hope.. on Saturday ovening, Jan. 31. This was a very happy afiair and iriends wore promeut irarn Or- ana, Morrisli, Welcame snd Part Hope. Miss Cowan la the grand- daugîter ai Mmm. M. J. Osborne sud eidest daughter oi Mr. sud Mm. Brooks Cowau o! Omono. Rogular Church Service was leld at 10 a.m. au Sunday, Pcb. i. There wam a very good con- grogation proeut. The Rev. A. Y. Harding o!ficlatcd. The jun- ior choir gave île usuai chosen selectian during île worship service after whicl Mr. Hard- ing thanked tle dhiidren for their constant attendance ai church and for thib holp in ailier parts of aur Sunday morn- ing evice, al ai which was much sppreclated by all pres- ont, thankm wenc aima due ta thib co-traiuena, .Mmm. Helen MeHalm and Mrm. E. Wilson. The pamable a! "The Wheat sud Tares" was the subject cf the Rev. A. W. Harding's ser- mon. Sunday Schooi was held ai il a.m. Ail assistant teachers wore prcont ta take aven. Mrs. Fred MConnell conducted île session. iliere were 39 presept- a very gaod number for se cold a monning. In aur report o! the W.A. meeting last week we forgat to say that it was decided the'-e would be no mare bazaas for a while. Tliere is ioo much work Also too muci cilsappointment. 1" Members Enjoy Potluck, Supper Priâ'r to Orono Con gregational On Tuesday evenlng, Jan 20, the annuai coingregational meet- ing o! the Orana United Chnrch was held in the Sunday Schooi Auditorium. Priar ta the meet- ing the elghty members w'io were prosent enjoyed a pot-luck supper which commenced at 6:30 p.m. The Rev. Basil Long opened the business portion of the mee t- ing with Mr. N. F. Porter as the secrotary. A printed shoot con- taining yearly reports of the varions organizatiaus of the church was distributed aud eacli report was individually accept- ed. W. J. Riddol, Treasurer, gave tho finaucial report ai the chumch. Ho stated that receipts for the year were up with a true balance existiug of $2,125,- 33. This campared wlth a bal- TYRONE Mm. and Mrs. George Aldread were Sunday guests ai Mr. aud Mrs. K. Lamb, Port Credit. Mrs. N. Collacott, Bowman- ville, spent several days ivith Mr. and Mrs. Larme Phare. Mr. J. C. Cook visitcd lis mothli, Mrs. J. C. Cook Sr., in tle Orangeville Hospital. Glad ta hean she is irnproving. Mms. J. C. Cook attended tle funeral ai her cousin, Mrs. John Kidd, Imglewood, aima visited Mr. snd Mrs. Ted MeBride, Bramptan. Her sister, Mrs. J. A. Pagne of Banff, Alta., returued home witlhone sister for a iew days en route ta Fiorida. Mm. Rud Mrm. Arthur Barber, Toronto, Mmm. W. Macdonald, 13owmauvile, were Sunday visitons ai Mmm. Florence Scott. Mn. sud Mmm. Isaac Murphy aud family, Mrs. Isaac Murphy Sm., Toronto, were Sunday guesai Mrs. Edith Murphy. Mm. aud Mmm. Eami Prescott. aud Mrs. Kenneil Hardy were Suuday guests ai Mm. sud Mmm. Ace Abbott, Oshawa. Mr. sud Mrs. Walter Murphy sud famiy, Mrs. Edilli Murphy, visited Mm. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Laughlin, Nestieton. Mmm. H. Wonnacott, Taronte, visited Mm. sud Mmm. E. A. Vir- tue, John Virtue accompaniedi Raîpli Shaw aif. Oshawa and vimited Ross Woumacott, Taront.o .West Gronp aof W.A. met at the homeofa Mrs. A. Hiils. Mr. A. Kuowitou gave the Bible eadiug sud leader Mmm. C. H. McQuinn gave th2 devotional aud presided for business. Plans wera made for quiltiug at the Suuday Sclooi rooni on 'Monday. Aima for a St. Patrick Tea. The Explorers met Mouday atter sclaol in the Sunday School routi Witli 13 present aud fivo visitons. Opened with Devotionai Study Book by Mrm. H. Staintan. Aiten ciasing ai meeting, gaines aud caudy wereý eujoyed. PONTYPO OL Our village seema ta have more than its share ai sickness this winter. To add ta a former long list, Mms. Clifiord Curtis, Mrs. Earl Gilbank an-d Mrs. Jim- mie Curtis were taken ta Hosp- ital recently. Wo sincerely hope they will soon hoe back with us again. We are again to lame another famuly fromn our village. Mr. sud Mrm. Bll Hackwood aud Shaaron will ho ieaviug about the end «! March. The Hack- woods have recently soid their property ta a Toronto tailor. Theso fine citizens wîll ho great- iy mnissed iu this community. Mm. Hackwood was a former Posi- miaster aud merchant hoee Th eir son Jim- who is witl île R.C.D. recentiy flew with bis unit ta Egypi. Mr. Chas. Rusk who has been seriously ill is now mnuch im- proved. Mr. and Mmm. Ozzie Whitmaee anec of $1,713.99 at the end of 1M57. Mr. RtddeUl aloa made comment on morne of the expen- ditures which were larger this year. Due to calder weather heating casta had mounted to over $950.00 alta repairs to the church and parsonage totalled $703.22. He spoke of the difti- 1culty ln the water supply for the church and parsoaqe. The Trustee Board reported that the church, parsoriage and grounds were In goo "d repair. They also reported repairs tao the well and outlined wark ta the chancel to clinlnate the seepage af water. Mr. M. H. Staples reported a Sunday School enrolment of 150 and polnted out a very good at- tendance of boys whlch at pre3- erit omtnumbered girls. Enrol- and boys were Sunday visiters with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Payne. Mr. aud Mrs. Lloyd Webb ai Newcastle paid aid fiondis a visit here on Satunday. Travelling on foot or by car lias been vemy nîsky wtl aur streets sud raads a glareofo ice. EVèen the daily meetings of the Sonate were paorly attended. George Brown reports he was unable ta corne ta, the village for a w'eek. Titis writer lad hlm car ont Saturday for the second trne la five weeks due ta toad conditions. Recently we were shown a clipping ont ai an aid nowspaper (we presume either Orono or Bowrnanviile) that canInt be 47 yoams aga. It was the Pantypoal Calumu telling about an Elec- tion Celebration when the Iste Jouas Tharuton (Tory) deieated D. B. (we presume the late D. Burke) Simpson. toels about the sad faces ai severai local citizens who had lost their votes. hi aima tolls ai île burnlng ai the effigy ai D. B. and how onie named 'Mvalley" lad beat the big dium. Ted Graham dlaims ho cast lis first ballot ln 1911 election wlien the late Jouas Thornton wass lected sa we pro- anme this clippiug was from a 1911 newspaper. Anather news item reports the passiug ai a Mmm. Curtis which is passibly Cliiif Cu.rtis's grandmother. Mn. and Mmm. Chas. Chapmnan, Mn. and Mns. Alf Mitchell sud Mn. sud Mrs. Harry Van Worin- gen attended the Wedding af Morris White (Pontypool) and Miss Rosalyn Ross (Toronto) in Toronto Sunday. Marris and hlm wiie have the best wlsles of this commnity for many yeams o! happy wedded life. We are giad ta see Ken Tallus homo from Hospital. Mr. Chas McNeiI aiso wss ta came homo but due ta a setback was kopt there for a while. c)à NA S4'ansd test-drive the moet talked about car in Canada!' e 44 miles prg allon door convenience ample luggaige spaco under bonnet dependable and5"cpc roomy Local Sales Repregentative STEW. D. PRESTON RA 8-1370 149 King St. W. OSHAWA RA 5-3557-8 44 Sales. Service and Spare Parts Outiets ln Ontario YOUITOO, C7ANGET A1C t* DER OIYAL Li Our Personal Loan servie la organized to meet the wide range of needs of a wide range of people. Personal Loana are available at any one of our more than 800 branche .. . for any worthwhile purpoaç.. for from ane to three yesrs .. A oan la readily repaid through regular monthly depoulta. THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE PROVDIN nomSIAizID PUNSONALLom %aN sUl ici SN 1"36 ]0 WMAN VILLE BRANCE s A. L. HOOEY, Manager -1 ment la expected ta Increaso Mr. W. W. Watt spoke on thêlq and mare teachers and claui- condition ai the basement ro;e- rooma wili b. needed. floor where rcd dust la 1la~ The W.M.S. and the W.A. re- gttlng on childreî¶'a clath6L pr ta showed an active ycar for Ho suggested a Vinyl Asbestos 9ath rganizatians. Mrs. Sta- tile floor ta caver the pre»ent pics commented hlghly of ther cernent floar. The recommenda- achievoments and pointed out tion of looklng into a new floor that for the first time the W. covering was supported by the MS. had ralsed over $1,000. meeting. The W.A. repart aima showed a The Rev. Basil Long wua financial Increase with recelpts ed ta continue hlm services totalling $1,912.84. Orono and an increase in sala~ Rev. B. Long spoke of the along with a bonus wau approf-:.ý excellent work belng donc by od. Rev. Long acceptod aa¶fM the Junior Congregation and ai thaiiked the cQngregation their assistance In the wark of their understandlng, co-op*, the church. tien and encouragemient. The activities 'of the Evening- Mr. Reg. Sutton was retur* Auxillary were outlined In de- cd ta the Sssion for a five ySU?.' tail and it was pointed out that term. Ivison Tamblyn, H. IL. mnany interesting meetings had Barlow, Fred Lycett and W. 3. been held duning the year. $410 Hoar were re-elected for three wssent ta Presbytery which years ta the Board of Stewards. wsan increase of over $100) Carias Tamblyn, Robert Hail- from the previous year. cock and J. C. Tamblyn were Mr. Gardon Cotter spoke returned ta the Board ai Trus- briefly ai the plight o! the Tyro tees for three yearm. group, whîch has for the pros- Christian Education commit. ent, been diabanded due to lack tee is Jas. Rickaby, Mrm. W.,E. ai attendance. Armstrong, Mrs. A. A. Drum-. Rev. Long praised the work moud, Mr. and Mrs. Gordurn ai the C.G.I.T. who had, durlng Cotter, M. H. Staplos aud R. E. 1958, a most excellent year. En. Logan. Ushers are W. B. Hoêr, rolmont in the group nurmbers Georgc Carson, O. W. Rolph. 25 which ia the highest for the W. J. Riddiell, Carman Camnijh, past ix yars.Gerald Rainey, Gardon Cotter, The report ai the Teenage-s Ch as. Armstrong, Marvin Lqh.n, group showed a total receîptai W * H. Carman, Wm. Armnstrong $413.72 raised during the year. A Jr., John Tamblyn Jr.. Wayne balance of $144.70 exists, as Bailey. Carl Rainev and Mal. compared with $17.81 In' 1957colm Mcienzi.-Tlmes. ~ Mr. Ford commented that h was grateful for being associat. ed with this group aud ho dis- Played their new crests? This' crest, It was stated had been designed by Vickie Cotter. The worlc conducted during ~ the year in the Baby Band aud Mission Band was commerided by the ministor..,>. In the report ai the Session ' there is shown a total rosident membership af 329, with-'non-. resident membership being 65. Twelve nev members joined during the year. The report also showed 36 baptisms, 9 niaz- rnages and 19 burlals through- eut 1958. Mr. John Ford recommended HPYTED Y. the use of a procossional an~d: AP H A recessional On sPecial occasions.!i Days et retirement can be full It was hlm opinion that this af pleamant activities . . . Golf, would add ta the services. The Fishing, Travelling. No more motion was seconded by Mr. L. alarm-clocks - just thé pleasant Hamilton and passed. prospect af years of leisure Mr. O. W. Roipli stated that stretçhing ahead. A pleasant î during the summer many visit- prospect indeed if you have ors and holidayers attended ser- planned for adéquate retirernent vice at the Orono, church and incarne. ho wondered If it would ual be Start planning 1,our happy re' suitable to erect a few signs i Arance Corthenpany o LCaad stating the tume o! service at 1 Afanc Cmpn o,,tnd the outrances ta the Village. tdy Mr. Watt iuiormed the mee&- ing that this was done especýa1- uafner aial~ ly inu eumrnonresort' areas -and Rpeettv ho was in favour ai much 'a niove. Rpeettvw The reconimendation was pass- DA 3:3 2U 53 Brown1 st. ed onto the Trustee Board to Bowmnvllle study and to make a report. I______________ ' by the chief, that one MbA imom qFý LULT r

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