L~~1 ~ w - s-.. - -~ TRURSDAY, PEB. 5th, 1~5S ?WU CANAnTAN ft'PAWAIIAV UAWII AMUI? .?.U A~AU?~ PAGE TENU Report lh TAnity( annual congregational Chrhwas held on Monday ev- ennJan. 26. The minister, Be.Wm. K. Housiander, con- ducted a brie! worship service after which the congregational aua report was reviewed. Te reports indicated increased WIrnn you need heIp, w. zilp the.'. f asti Our policyholders know that when they cali for help, WC rcspoad in a hurry . - re- gardicas of the time cf day or kind cf weather. It's one cf our regular serv- ices to take good care o! Insurance details for our policybolders.And WC do i, 4ast. Cail us. ,-K 3 -5681 tint St. E. B. JAMES REAL ESTATE Residence MA 3-5493 Bowmanvllle GLEN 98 KING ST. W. rîcreased Givings :ongreg ationa I givings for the year 1958. Action was taken to increase' participation on the variaus boards and committees o! the congregation by placing a limit on the term of membership. After completing bis term of office the member wiil not be eligible for re-election for a period o! two years. The Session was increased by 12 members, bringing the mem- bership of the Session up ta 57. There were nine new Stewards elected anld six new Trustees. The constitution of the boards and committees is as follows: Session Honorary Eiders-J. H. Bate- mani, S. C. Allun, F. M. Cryder- man, W. J. Berry, A. W. Pick- ard. Elders-Ken Cox, R. R. Byers, Gordon McMurter, Sidney Mor- rison, L. B. Nicholîs, M. Crook, C. A. Johns, Lloyd Ayre; C. E. Allin, H. T. Hircock, Morland Anderson, Elmer Cox, Neil Mut- ton, Doug Rackbam, N. J. Allun, R. K. Squair; P. S. Passmore, Jack Dunn, Jack Emmerson, L. J. Wood, C. P. Barrett, Bert Mutton, W. A. Courtney, Clar- ence Bell, C. Taylor, Earl Os- borne, E. W. Bradley, Arthur Coveriey; W. P. Corbett, A. A. Merkley, Gardon Elliott, Wm. Bragg, Ernest Laird, N. B. Van- stone, R. Webber, S. G. McMurt- er, Reobt. Mutton, Russell Os- borne, Ross Richards, Dr. H. B. Rundie; Merle Slute, Wallace Munday, Thomas Buttery, Gar- don Martin, Claude Ives, Mac- Lean Rabb, Harry Akey, Clif! Trelwin, Cal Breen, Wallace Braden, Robt. Williams, O. Plummer. Committee o! Stewards Honorary Stewards - F. C. Vanstone, Dr. Gea. W. James, Dr. C. W. Siemon, F. R. Kers- lake. Stewards-S. R. James, R. J. Diliing, W. R. Rabbins, Thos. Turner, W. G. Lander, R. E. Hendry, L. D. Goddard; W. B. Reynolds, M. J. Elliott, Jack Brough, M. S. Dale, H. W. Je!- fery, A. B. Labb, F. M. Van- stone, H. V. Cryderman, A. H. Allin; W. R. Strike, J. F. Hey-' land, L. W. Dippeli, L. C. Mason, Harold Watson, Elmer Banting, Tom Rehder, Lou. Dewell, Keith Billett, Ralph McIntyre, Sam Black, Leslie Coombes. F.Board o! Trustees F.C. Vanstone, F. R. Kers- lake, S. C. Allun; Dr. C. W. Slemon, A. W. Pickard, »Dr. Geo. W. James, R. Walters; R. Ricka- by, R. Diiling, M. Vanstone; D. Morris, Dr. A. Sylvester; John M. James, Dr. K. W. 'Siemon. Foiiowing the congregational meeting an Officiai Board meet- ing was held when the Finance Planning and Property Commit- tees were elected. Mr. W. R. Strike was eiected chairman of the Finance Planning Commit- tee and Mr. A. B. Lobb was eiected chairman of the Prop- erty Committee. To round off the evening the ladies of the Waman's Associa- tion served a deligbt!ul luncheon ini the Sunday School Hall. Church Holds Annual Meeting I At Newtonville NEWTONVILLE - The con- gregationai meeting of New- tonville United Church was held in the Sunday School Hall on Tuesd3y, Jan. 20. The minister,; RAE DAIRY MA 3-M«4 Celebrates First Birthday Chrln LuseHllws n ya odonFb.3 15. h steduheofM.adMsRoHalf Netnil;gadagtr fMs m ilgno iNewonvlle nd r. ad Ms. Ry Hll o Bomanvlle lAdmiistrtor Rport Rev. R. C.- White, conducted the 1 meeting and led in a warship .,o ptlP te tD y Reots were receîved from, th ogniaios fth huch ro s in Y ear by 2 ,3 3 1i The Sessions - Number of families, 79; Persans under pas- SalyWlis diitao fteMmra optl toral oversight, 310; Baptisms, SalyWlls diitao !teMmra optl 17, Marriages, 4; Burials, 3; Re-, gave his annuai report at the annual public meeting o! the board ceived into the church, 22; To- o! directors o! the bospitai held in the Town Hall last week. It tal membership, 161. S. School a ol1s membership, 60; Amount rais- was asfolos ed $182. "The past year under the able guidance o! your board bas Woman's Missianary Society been bath very busy and financially satisfactory. Following are -Members 13; Amount sent t) a few statistics wbich may bc o! interest ta yau: Presbyterial, $145; Amount rais- Increase ed by Baby Band, $9.00. ! -11956 1957 1958 Ovcr 1957 Woman's Association - Mem- 1 bers, 26; Amount raised sî,ooo. i Admissions -2,2~08 2,251 2,591 310 Mission ary and Maintenance. Birtbs - --------- - 451 426 499 73 raised $211;, Treasurer's Repart'Patient Days- 14,190 15,169 17,500 2, 331 -Amount raised, $3,125. Elections: Sessions-Re-eleet-! Average number ed the Eiders; Stewards-Mur- o! patients daily ---- 3.9 41.5 48.0 6.5 ray Porter, Philip Gilmer, Clin- Average iengtb of stay (days) 5.3 5.7 5.7 - ton Farrow, re-elected. Trustees; Number o! employees as at December 31, 1958: -Re-elected. Fi ie6 3 6 S. S. Superintende 1Ftl-Sidney---- 5 3 65« Lancaster; M. & M. Treasureri Part tîme---- t-- 8 5 8 3 and General Treasurer - Mel-; Ratio o! employees ville Jones. Organist-Mr. and ta patients - Average----- 1.9 1.6 1.5 Mrs. Frank Gilmer, Assistant' Total Bed Facilities In Use Organist, Mrs. Roy Best. 1j ihteecpino h bttia ig h oa e The date set for the fali An- 1ihteecpino h bttîa îg h oa e niversary is Sunday, Nov. 8th facilities were in use most o! the year, o!ten resulting in an aver- at 10 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. flow a! surgical patients ta obstetrics and the corridor. Even the On motion it was unanimaus- obstetrical wing was compieteiy filied with maternity patients on Iv decided ta accept the 1959 rate for the minister's salarv, several occasions. The reports generallv showedâ From the foregoing It is apparent the work load o! al that Newtonville Church had departments in the bospital bas increased greatiy in the past year. had a busy and successful year. 'An example o! this is the operating suite. The number o! opera- tions perfarmed increased fram 1,827 in 1956 ta 1,972 in 1957;' and 2,346 in 1958. It bas been difficult, at times, ta maintain an ýCad m us W .A adequate sta ff a! nurses and aur director of nursing, M\rs. W. M. IMorrisn, is to bc commended for having a sufficient, if at times, Ho I s a nu aryja somewhat harrassed and overworked nursing staff ta ensure aur Increased Demands Apparent' 'M eetingOn January 1, 1959, Ontario entered a new era In hospital M eetingcare and while the plan bas not been in effect long enough ta The January meeting of Cad- evaluate the full impact on aur haspital, it is already apparent mus W.A. and W.M.S. met at the. home o! Mrs. MarwaadN McKe încreased demands wili be made an ail facilities. on Tuesday evening, Jan. 20. The We welcom-ed tbree new members o! the staff during the meeting was opened by all sing-, year, Drs. R. A. V. Arnold and E. L. Ewert ta tbe active staff, ing the theme sang and a hymn. 'and Dr. R. K. Miller of Oshawa ta the consuiting staff. Also President Mrs. T. Sameils led Dr S. Witzel o! Oshawa, a former staff member, wbo was in prayer. Mrs. Sweet convened - the devotional, the tapic being appomnted ta the associate staff when he entered practice in '!"The First Commandment -,Oshawa. Thou shaît have no other Gods 1 During the summer o! 1958, tbrough the courtesy o! the before me". Rail caîl was an- 'medical staff, our bospital and communities enjoyed the services swered by paying dues. i Mrs. Jim Gray read tbe cor- o! an intern, Dr. J. Tbompson. respondence -among wbich was In ciosing I wouid like ta extend my sincere thanks ta al a Christmas letter from the. who contributed in any way ta the bospital, ta the board chair- Huttons in Alberta. Minutes o! man, the committee chairmen, and ail members o! the board, the last meeting were read andjtemdclsaf h oe' optlAxlay h eat approved and the Treasurer temdclsaf h oe' optlAxlay h eat gave her report. It was decided nient heads, and ail the bospital staff, for their generosity, co- we have aur birthday box again operation, and bard work during the past year." this year as a means o! raising money. Mrs. Les Jobnston made * a motion that we order rem-1w p. 4q nants for sewing for the bazaar First ExecutibvÇ Meetig in June. We decided on holding 0fW A1ofrn eH I I At, Peterboro Recently IThe executive of the Bay o! Quinte Conference Wloman's Association met recently in thel new Christian Education centre o! Mark St. United Church, Pc- terborough. The meeting was opened with prayer by President Mrs. C. Ives, wbo then welcom- ed the ladies ta the first meet- ing o! the new year. The devo- tianal period was taken by Mrs. C. A. Bell, wbo chose a most timely topîc for ber theme, "The Roads We Travel." Mns. Bell, treasurer, gave a fine report o! the finances, and concluded it by favourable com- ments on the new financial re- port forms. The chairmen o! the standing committees pra- sented their reports. The var- i ous departments listed under Christian Citizenship was given by Mrs. J. Stoddard. who sug- gested that bath Presbytery and local W. A. chairman might a crokinole and pie social this tFniday ev'ening weather and froads permitting. A hymn a sung and meeting was closed. Program consisted a! a read- 'ing by Mrs. L. Johnston; piano solo by Mrs. E. MacKay: vocal solo by Mrs. Manderson and a contest an advertising slogans conducted b-y Mrs. McFayden. First pnize was won by Mrs. Jim Gray and Mrs. Larm2r won the consolation prize. A delicious lunch was served by Group. 1. A vote a! thanks was given ta Mrs. McKee for the use o! ber home. The rail cal next month is ta be answered by bringing a Valentine. make a scrapbook o! articles pertaining ta these. She aiso gave a iist o! films available on Christian Citizensbip which list will be duplicated and for- warded to the chairman o! each Presbytery W.A. Each o! the Presbytery W.A. presidents reported for ber Presbytery, and it was interest- ing ta note tbat several Pres- bytery W.A.'s bave divided into district.s fpr faîl rally meetings wbich have met with excellent resuits. Mrs. Ives reported from the Dominion Council committee on Devotions. It was feIt that prayer is not being emphasized as it sbould be; sa. in order ta enlarge aur prayer circle, and make a unified effort across Canada, each waman la asked ta pray for one minute at the noon bour eacb day, first, for the minister and the churcb;, second, for tbe W.A.; third, for others. The minutes a! the ex- executive meeting heid last Jan- uary in Brighton were read by Mrs. N. V. Turck. The date of the annual meeting o! Confer- ence W.A. was set for May 4th, at Brighton. Most o! the after- noon session was occupied with plans for the programme for this meeting. Mrs. A. A. Crawle, spoke ta the ladies concerning 4the mem- bersbip camipaign being institu- ted across Canada. A most helpful pamphlet bas been pre- pared by Dominion Council, and copies of it were given out ta the Presbytcry prcsidrns for distribution ta the locals. A request had been receivedj from two Presbytery W.A.'s for the Conference W.A. to ar- range a two-day leadership training course at Five Oaks, Paris, Ontario. A committee was appointed ta try to make arrangements for it in March, and aIl locais in Conference will be notified by letter as soon as plans are definite. The meeting closed with the reading of a poem, and the benedJction by Mrs. Ives. Maple Grove W.A. Groups Choose Names Maple Grove Woman's Asso- ciation met in the basement o! the Church on Jan. 20 with the President, Mrs. C. Milîs, pre- siding. Mrs. H. Bradley and Mrs. H. Brooks conducted a worship service. A summary of the minutes off the organization meetings held in December was read and ap- proved. Mrs. Lloyd Snowden was chosen as a representative on the Parsonage Board o! the chuich. Mrs. Russel Dean was the unanimous chaice for Vice President. Rev. H. Stainton in- stal]ed the >Officers, including those o! the three groups, whica are to serve for two years. Mrs. Stainton gave an înteresting, talk on prajects carried out 14 W. A. groups ta which she had belonged on other charges. The Presidents o! the three graups were called on to report on the progress made at their first meeting. Mrs. G. Beech tald of a tra- velling basket which had been started among her group whic'i had chosen as their name the "U and I Circle". She also an- nounced the group is planning a St. Patrick's supper. Mrs. Bert Snowden's group, to be called the "L.N.O." (Ladies' Night Out), have started a cent a meal project. Although Mr;;. C. Swallaw's group had not had a meeting until this week they have now chosen as their name "We Need You". Mrs. E. Foiev and Mrs. C. Swallow sang two lovely duets accompanied by Mrs. W. Laird. Lunch was serv- ed by the Executive. Kinettes HoId' Vice President's Tuesday, Jan. 21 It was Vice President's Night at the Kinette Club on Tuesday, Jan. 21. The club held its dinner meeting at the Flying Dutcb- man with, Vice President Helen Brown in the chair. A new member, Jean Colla- cutt, was presented with ber roster, pin, constitution, and by- laws by President Lillian Hoop- er, and welcomed into the club. Mrs. Robert Kerr, proprietress o! Goodbrand Fabrics, gave an interesting talk aon the different kinds o! fabrics, an~d brought several boits of cloth witb ber for demonstratian purposes. Mrs. Kerr traced the three main fab- rics,ý silk, cotton and wooI, from their origîn ta the !inislied pro- duct. She also told o! the mix- ture o! these fabrics witb flie new miracle fabrics. Mrs. Kerr gave valuable pointers on how ta choose the material best suit- ed ta tbe dress or garment being made. Thei speqker was lntroduced by Jean Williams and thankied bv Helen Brown, who presented Mrs. Kerr with a Kinette spoon. During the business period, there was discussion as ta an Easter project, but no definite plans were made. Attendoance was 94.5%o. The next meeting. on Feb. 18, will be the annual mothers and guests night. BUHKETON Join the "March o! Dimes". At the store of Mr. Alden Hub- bard there is a container on display for the purpose of don- ations for the "March of Dîmes. Please be generous whenever you are within reach o! these containers. Mr. Oliver Hubbard and friend, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mrs. Maud Brow'n, Scugoe Island, visited friends and re- latives in the village on Sun- day. A baptismal service was held! New Officers Installed At Trinity Evening Aux, Trinity Evening Auxiliary held their meeting mn the Sunday School roomn Tuesday, Jan. 20th at 8 p.m. The devotional was prepared by Marion Mutton andi presented by Helen Burgess and Veda Thompson and opened with1 the hymn "Standing at thel Portai. Helen read the Scrip- ture and hymn 425 was read in unison as a prayer. Veda gave reading for the New Year and we closed with "Jesus Like a Shepherd Lead Us". - President Jean McMurter opened the business with a short prayer. Ail secretaries gave their annual reports. We sent $600 to the Presbyterial Treas- urer and $32.50 to Miss Sandelis in Korea. We made 459 home, calis and 265 hospital calîs in 1958. The Explorers Tea and Ho :me Bake Sale for Feb. l3th was announced, also the World Day of Prayer on the samne date at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. in St. Andrew's hurch. Mr. Housiander installed the officers for 1959 as follows: President-Jean McMurter; Vice- President-Vera Allin; Sec'y- Jean Rabb; Treas.-Louella El- liott; Corr. Sec'y-Velma Gay; Supply Sec'y -Mary Jewell; Stewardship Sec'y-Helen Park; Citizenship Sec'y-Louella Web- in Burketon United Church on Sunday morning when the in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Smith was' given the name of Christofiher John. The baby is the grandson of Mr. and Mr-. Jack Smith and Mrs. V. Vick- ers, Oshawa, and great-grand- son of Mr. James Curran. Quite a ntimber of relatives and friends attended the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Ear] Oliver and family visited friend.s in Sunderland on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gatchell, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ste- phenson. Mr. Fred Carnochan, James and G2orgc, Port Perry, wer2 Sunday visitors of Mrs. Esther Carnochan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams and family, Bowmanvill, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Carter andfm ily, Whitby, visited with Mr.1 and Mrs. E. M. Adams on Sat- urday. WE GUARD YOUR FAMILY'S HEALTH Filling prescriptions ls a sacred trust 'and the vital, highly-skilled, "heart" o! aur service; but -%%e also maintain baby needs. first-aid, sickroom, and medicine chest supplies for you and your farnily's canvenience. Corne ln, let us help you, anytime.l ber; Missionary Monthly-Ivy' Coverly; Pianist-Bernice Cole; Lit. Sec'y - Ethel McKague; Press Sec'y - Eva McMurter; Group Leaders: 1-Mrs. Sadler, Jean Darch; 2-Hazel Davis, Ethel Watson; 3-Helen Burgess, Veda T hompson. Vivian Bunner read letters from ber niece, Elsie Buinner in Nortbern Rhodesia and also, showed pictures which Elsie had sent home. After the Benedic- tion a tasty lunch wvas served by the new executive. .edical Mirror 1Note to readers.: Tlanlcs for ai the nice letters. As inany ques- tions as possible is'ill be answered in this coluinn, but forobou reasons replies mus, bc brie!. Q. "Cifn you inýheHtf syphhlis?" -No name. A. No.. While instances of con- genital syphilis occur, "congeni-, tl" ineans that a condition is present at birth but flot neces- sarily inheritcd. What usuali>' happens in syphilis is that the baby becomes infected from the mother before birth. "Prenatal" syphilis might be a better term since it indicates without ques- tion that infection takes Place some time before birth. Q. "Should a persan with glau. coma give uip coffee?"-H.S. -A. People who are under treat- ment for glaucoma should follow instructions of the attending phy- sician. The doctor may or Mnay flot advise against coffre. An Iowa City physician lets his pa- tients drink, coffee, provided the total amouit of fluid cçnsumed isn't excessive. One strong cup of coffee, lie says, is more per- misibl thn sverl cpsof wcak cofi ce. Answvers do flot necessarily ree/fret Ille opinion oj ail docror. The diag- ,zosis and Ircalonent of disease is the ziuncf ion of the paf lent's personal, ph ysician. Questions directed te, Dr.l J. D. Ralsion,. Science Editors, P.O. Box 396, Madison Square Siation, N. Y. 10, N. y. wilt be incorporated in ihese columiswhen, possible. DSPENS1NG CHEMIS hi~ STORE SOWMANVILLE Jury'and LoveIl. 15 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-5778 i______________________ _________ S mAnT iromsTs! She lnows today'u trim moderms prefer liglt refreshment. She serves today's Pepsi. Neyer heavy, neyer too sweet, it refreshes without filling. Plan to serve it at your party. Buy it in the handy 6-boutle carton bMITH BEVEALGES LTD., 121 Church St., Bowmanvlb, Ont. HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 2King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5747 Shrove Tuesday PANCAKE DAY 3 tbsp. corn siarch 1 cup flour 1 tsp. salit Add gradually: 1 pini Glen Rae Dairy milk 1 egg, well beaien 1 isp. baking soda dissolved in waier S, jý,, PRI -CRI TMBBI)A'y, Fm. 5th, 1059 à 1 TM CAMADUN STATP-qMAN. MIVtANVTULr- ONTAAM