PAGE SIXL '%JXXrNBOW'ANVILE' ONTARI Donald Williams WilI Head, dvisory Comm itte Donald H. Williarms was re- Dadson. Mrs. Jonc Cale, Mrs. Expenses Pald By Head Officei elected chairman o! li e Bow- Frank Crowe, and Mrs. G. John- General 29 re- manville-Wcst Durham Advis- ston. -Mc. Vice presided during gistered at $18-00 ory Committec o! the Canadian tic nominations and elections. caci . 522.00 National Institute o! tic Blind He congralutiaîed Mr- Williams National and Divisional by acclamation at tlie annual on his acelamation, and said sr:e,2 eilr meeting held in tic Couine r liaIlie xva.; ver ' pieased tiaz, cd at $12.00 ecdi 348.001 Chamber aItich Town Hall un tic cçmmittee xvould again have Field secretarv and Tuesday evening, Miss Helen Mr. Williams as chairmari for, staff 1847 Cryderman was named lionor - 1959.--Home t-ac--r-.- 184.73 acy chairman. At thc opcning of thc mccl- Camp taignexpenses----- 218.51S Miss Cryderman and George ing Mr. Williams welcomesd 1 Entertiinment -- --- 20.05I Vice werc tic members o! tic everyone attending the meet-1 Eyc Servi ce No.1 .651I nomninating commitîe. Mr'. Vice inc. H-2 e-.pressed particula.: i Head office cherical staff1 gave the committees report,1 pleasure that Mr. aind Mrs. Joc, and expenses - 90.00, and also called for nominations O'Neill were back again, and Postage, printing, sa fro le foo, bt er ,res tated il vas good la have Mr. îioncry and supplies 1.141j none. IONeili as 'a comnmilîce chaie- Other Officers man. lic also specially welcom- Total-------- -------- $3178.63 Others el2eted by acclam-r ed Mt's. Jure Cale and Mrs. Combincd totals --- ---- $4,849.93 tion were îsî xic-clîairma'î, Marion Crowe. fnnilrpî Campaign canvass 1957 3,375.09 George Vice. secretarv, Miss was T e anuas fohaloxrpot Uic d Co'nties grant 250,00 Mars Jewcll. and Ircasure",t'aser JmsBel Jim ell Alo tc flloingFor Vear Eîîding March 31. 1958 commiltîe cliairnien: Education Cmag xess $171 and puL'icity. Mrs. Ronald I Hawthiorne; Seil vn Ciristnas cheer .... 75.Oa Mrs. Cifford Trewin assiti ntra:ncn - 1.5 1 c~'iEyc Serx'ice No. 1 . 3 8. 7 Mrs. Ross SLrike: Wcliare, M~ Isabel Davis: Recreation, Mrs. cSrvc o.i-- 95 Reia obi, vit Ms. A~-Genei'al Expense 28.84 misteai as assistant; Propertv. -M flacu Sr'ce 103 Hoxvrd Gbson FinnceJo~Poqta e, printing sta- tUorcrx' and supplies 20.015 O'Neill; othc'- members of tlirr I1 Relief 1,105.12 executive. Miss Dora Purdo't. Miss Lena Taylor, Miss Ada 'Total $1.671,3')0 .1333uneUUmUmeu ma@ a *UUE unoIU.unu una*ucmme.,. RltBan Arrid Trig Deodorant 1)endorant Roll-on for mien 89C 1.25 89tc12 SPECIALS SPECIALS 73e size 30ASA alt 9 31 & J BABY POWDER 30ASA alt 9 2 For 1.29 10 oz. Noxzema Cream 1.25 65e size HALO- 2 for 98c OGTPAEAN HAIR BRUSH 73e size J & J BABY OIL Bath for 89C 2 For 1.29 Vcu Botties 79e Brylcreemn 73e size 98C size Hot IVater and Comb F'ream 011 Lustre Creme Botties 69C 53C 79c 1.29 -1.98 Wampole's Phospho-plex Rests'tired nerves 2.50 - 4.25 Wampoles Extract 1.50-2.75 Tri-Vi-Sol 1.55-2.80-4.00 Seotts Emulsion 1-- .00-2.00 PoIy-Vi-SoI 1.95-3.45-4.90 One-A-Day Multiple' Tri-Vi-Tabs -- 1.50-4.25 Vitamins 14-.039-.5Haliborange 1.19-1.98-3.49 GERITOL Fast-actiiig Iron Tbnic 1.35 3.29 - 5.49 COWLING'S PHONE OE WE FIT MA 3-5695 LlDRUG TOR TRUSSES ROYAL MA 3-5589 PLAYING THIS SATURDAY, FEB. 7 (Twvo Shows start at 6 and 9 paîn.) and Mon. ta Wed., Feh. 9 - il at 8 pa. off1 COLUMBIA PICTURES presents A SAM SPIEGEL PRODUCTION WILLIAM HOLDEN ALEC GUINNESS e JACK HAWKINS THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI - Children 25c THUES. (To-day) and FRI., FER. 5 - 6 Ail-celer action features "Apache Territor y" with RORY CALHOUN and "The Black Knigh t" with ALAN LADD Last coniplete show at 8-20> Sat. Mat. (Feb. 7) -~Black Knight" and "Capt. V'ideo" r.Donald Il. Williams M.Bell pointcd out that lie fonds nccded in tus area t., carry on i.h2se-vices i'eqircd, $1.201) more, and tiat tii amount was cox'cred by hea I office.I George Vice, eampaign chai"- man, rcported tiat lie amount collected in tic campainws $3,382.63 plus $83,98 rneve !romn donations carlier iin tie year, inaking a total of $3,866.- 61. Education and Publiclty Tic report o! tic education and publicity commîtte was given by tiechcairnian, Mi7,. Ronald Hawthornc. Sic said that $78.92 was spent for ad-1 vcrtising tic campaign and tic annual meeting. Mrs. Haw- thorne expressed appreciation1 for the excellent coverage giv- en to lie eampaign, and to tie Lions Club dinner aI whici tic members of Bowmanvihhe-West Durham Commitîce were ion- oured guests.t Down $200 on Sale r lIn the absence o! Mrs. Ross Strike, Miss C. Dawson. Peter-1 borougi, tic home teacici'.1 rcported liat tic aniaunt re-t ceîved from tie Christmas Sale1 in Bowmanvillc was $368.70. rSic rcmarked tiat his amountt was down about $200 from thc r amounts rcceived aI Christmasé Sales in previaus years, but cx- t rplaincd il was not due to lackt of effort on tic part of the t commitîce, or to lie excellent t qualit ' of lhe liandwork of th i blind. Shi UIt tie smaller re-c turnm was tie resoît o! tic bad c - xvatier, pouring rain duriîîg e tic lwo days of thc sale. V Mms. Reila Hobbs, tic chair- n man, gave thie social commitîce i repart. Tiere wcre two meet- si ings o! thc commitîe cach c monîli from January to Décem- s ber, sic said. Sie tbld o! a 1( meating of tic Humouresque y Club ield ini Osiawa durin.g1tý lie winter, of people taken L-) h tic Choral SocietY Concert, and e STARK VILLE i JMr. and ?rs Perc 'v Farrow a xxere in Mîllbrook î'ccenîhx'. Mis. Lorne. Paedcn 1iS a Pa- S tient iin Memorial Hospital, %I t Rex'. and Mrs. R. C. Whitep fiad dinrier with Mm. and Mms. y Llew Hallowcll. Mc. Frank Westhcuscr, To- e ronto, xisited at home. Student leadhers attended a Starkville sclîool hast xveek and t werc gucsts at Mî's. j i La Stark's. O Mr. A. .1. Souci lias been vis- 01 iting at Mr. Laverne Souch's, Bowmanville. K Rex'. aînd Mrs. Robert Gay., Li Kipling, Sask.. -are liaving ho!- to idax's and ari'ived aI Mr. Herb ir Reid's last xveek. q Miss Colleen Falls and Mr.q jMaur'ice Halhowell, Toronto. spent tie weekend at Mi'. LlewM Hallowell's. ai Mrs, Albert Rogers. Oshawa. ai aI Mr. M. Sliutka's, Sunda.v. 0! rM. and Mrs. Brian CasveiL CI and Leslie. and Mî's. Lle\\ Ha:- loxvcll xisized Mr'. and Mrs. SE IHarold Little, Campbelîford. xvi Mr. E. Graham and Miss th Lucy Graham, Third LUne.,xerr 0ou diniier guesis xilî Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid, W Miss B. Porter, Oshawa, spent th j tic weckend with Mr. and Mr.x. TI Clifford Fon.k.b Mrs. R. B. EliotI and Miss- C- Rena White, Oshawva, spcîîlti or I wcckendj witi Mr. and Mr-." MomIey' Robinson, and Sutida.,, R. Iguests wce Mr. Deibert Fisih- eci leigi. Mrs. W. Carruthers and'M] Chiarles, Osaca, Miss Norcen IG. Prouse, Toronto, and Mr. and 'H. vill. e. vll qamç 1 The tnîrd meeting o!f'"Sew Ita axvw-a. Tlic Lukes li-ad -tea witi h cfl ?' krL No. F1 -- e he o!rs. ddik Se u- ta ern o tic MsudWden passi as he]d Tucsday evening at Friends at Kedron were sorrvi le heoars. ddik Se"r-to ernsstheMs W Mntjov.assinU U J y ix. in his home, o! Mr. Garfield L ~ U U E I Birds Eye Tie W.A. meeting was icld Trevail. Sympatliy o! tic coni-EN CWCL PED1OR GEj-I- 'ednesdav evening, Jan. 28, ai munits' goes out to Mrs. Tre- SYO N POPULAR SCIENE COAG JI~ e home of Mrs. Mary Luxon. vail and the iamil. UON E EDITION 2 56ez. tin, 2 for 53c -'i ,iLuq scrin urp i ,,'s givn mil J d sllep nf i tla al"'s ,,- 7Mrs. J. Stapîcton. Mrs. G. viled to lie World's Day of athcart gave a fine talk based Pra.yer Se'-vice iin Kedrun i Rev. J. Arthur Forbe's topic Church, Fridav, Feb. 13, 3 p.m., :;îving all 10 God". The Rex'. when Miss M. Luke. Oshawa, C. White conductcd tic Cil- will gix've tie qîcssac. tion of officers: Past Pres.- Mr. Ted Maid man, along witLi rs. T1. Stapleton: Pres.- Mrs. lis Scout Troop. caniped dur-. Cathcart: ist vice-pres.--Mrs. ng tie %weekend ini thc cabin Foster: 2nd vice-pres.- Mrs. i W. L. Mountjos' woods. LoN: Secretar- Miss Cati- Kil reun1 poea i 'e Stewar't: Treasurci' Mî's. oting People's Service. Sun- Mercer: Commritîce for sick- davex-ening aI Courlice. r%. ow;Paronae cmmitee Mr. an d Mrs. Ivari Henrx aiid rA.Lw Paronage c1-. omter IMr. and ]Mrs. Albert Woori ird LMrs. ors. 1TFlostr r xxere .Âe commiîîee for Coni- ditP -rsMiE. Cîoîx:Fral Se- munît,.,Centre r'iglit o!cari-I milane Ms LnCallsrinemSte- on Fridax..Higi ladx' was Mrs. 1 rdMs Lomiten Faîs: M.Ernott'-G. Glovjer, higi gentleman,M- comitîe. Mr. R EhioiA. Spencer. Low scores. Mr,. rs. H. Foster and Mias Cath- W. Woodward and Mr. E. me Stewart; Representative to Parks. Mrs. N. Wright held the ficial board- Mrs. H. Foster; lucky. number. 'ganist- Mrs. Lloyd Glass: Miss Bcverlev Burgess, Cour- rthda\, box-- Mre. 1-. Foster. ticexvas ox'er-nigiv gucst i)f Rev. R, C. Wlhite ponted out'."Mil canor N1oun'jov and a - at Ilie W.Anirtnz )f Ne't MItcuded cdurci service aI Ke- riville (Fourth W'ednesdlay ofJ dron. CMRT luUUL#I.*I BO(W A WU!PLAN 12 VOLUMES VOLUtME S No. 2 te No. 121 7* d~s'0~,%~ £ev THERE'S OnIy j Oz. tin, 2 for 27e Birds Eye STRAWBE RRIES 15 oz. pkg., 39c Sunkkst A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOtL' BOWMANVILLE- Wm. H. T MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grave KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN LINE ORONO - BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market Tate Groceteria Cornish Marketeria 1~ s' D a Adults 75e - Students 50c -l CAMAnTAM qTATV-quAz M"Al:?Tm Prmliný;nAv. rER. %fhý Mo PAGE Sm *month) and of Kendal (last deaths and 193 injuries oVéi Wednesday of rnonth) frequent- DIf f V ~ the two monlhs period. 1 g a nly are on the saine day and heBr c Ta l rC o e The purpose of the safe and Mrs. White cannot attend survcv to be 'l'ade tbj' coin both. It was decided to change H' îng 'ear is ta et etý Kendal's meeting ta the first H eadJ o If S a feiy u v cause of many o th ishaps Wednesday in the month. A dri-y which occur on farrns. and ff e~ C N IB3 ve for new members is being or trYh lo linate cifî afterwards entertained at the ,tree groups. The south is under For urhamrl 4 unty ---- Lions Communitv Centre, the Mrs. J. Stapleton, Kendal under1 picnic held in June, and the Mrs. H. Foster and the north i Bruce Taylor xvas namedi made in tlis province by th oe Garden Partv at the residenc2 charge of Mrs. Reg Elliott. The1 himno'teDra Fr-dprtet. irtc Jl ad of Mrs. Wateley. Oshawa. Mrs. group securing most new mem- cara fteDranFam eatet uîgJLI n Hobbs also spoke of the suc- bers is ta be feted by the other er'S1t uvyCmiteAuuttee28fr ci cessful Christmas Party. two groups.j at organîzation meceting hil dents throughout Ontario. He The property Committe Mr. and Mrs. Aylward Little in Orono rcccnt1v. Durhiarn dcscribed the various types of u wc chairman, Howard Gibson, r-c- and familv were Sundey guests Coutv armers m et at the accderns isted in the depart- UPA (EýEY, ported that two talking ma- of Mrs. Neya Little. Cornmunity liaI] to formi a coi-m- n' eotiihiicue kTPOL chines are in use. and added MradMr.Dc Wetotmiceo sithear Econ- mnsrpr hc îcue MTPOL that the record plaver is not be- Peterborough, visited Mr. and teOmcand tai ste rnch of'623finjriesau4i impocrsdea thdNYRA"O4 ling used at present. He empha.. Nîrs. Allen Foster, Sunday.h nai eatet o ] nuis 4ipcswv sized that every member of the AlnadRyFse ee~ Agriculture in conducting a'mnachinr'ry injîuring 40 aind kil!- property committee is whol2-, Delhi and district last \w-eek. The tnostrmacdn U ig1.Ohraciet ul heartedly behind the cause, and tovcoi lo oin 'ryfs The surves' xxviii begin 0on falis accounfted for 49 of the woud b nrse the com this theasar. Maî:ch Ist. 19,59 and contflu-. total, killing one and injuring said bie e that the cain.ts er ta Ma,-ch 1960. 48. Lirnbs cauglit in machn n2ry ing year. A. 0. Dalrymple, Bowman- totaicd 37, one accident of this Pupils Deerease ville, agricultural rcpresenta- kînd was fatal, and 36 cause i flLIIANY tive for Durham County, to!d serious injury. The number o! pupils has de- the gathering or the need to Seven people were înjurcd creased, Miss C. Dawson, Pete-fr a omtet sitth borough, the home teach2r, sta- Mrs. Fluena Davis quietîvfrmacmmte t sis h bv ljvrestock, the report showed, ted. She said that in this di- celebrated her 87th birthday government in making t he sur- tw,o b1v lightning, and 10 others triet in 1957 there were thre ls udv.Ms erg c e. twssgsted t ha t a in sundrx' accidents. One per-r 9 i pupils, in 1958 there were tw'o. BuieGayD is ndGncirnbeapl tdfra" son wis kilied as a result of __ whil at pre ent tiire s o î D avis of Eldorado, spent the dy township w;ihin the counity'10 being struck by aln o jes one. She spoke of two preiu with lier as well as other merï- present regular accid-2nt re- and 17 were injured in this ELECTRICAL C0NTAL puplswh îat ear wnt bers of the family. prsoth agricultural office manneî'. Highway accidents WRN -RE rAIs St. Catharines. Shie reported Mrs. Thomas Jackson is', in Bowmanville. killed 13 of the farm population - that they are enjoying their Civie Hospital, Peterborou.ah M.Dlvnl pk fteadijrd2.Ti ae stay there, and are fitting in and underwent a major suralcaÏ prelim;narvy accident survev. total of 268 accidents xith30 nicely. operation on Thursdav. Miss Daxvson alsu told of a Dennis Challice, Rosemont, boy, are 1l, who is learning spent the weekend with his mi- typing. She said lie is ther, Mrs. Richard Challic anxio'ts to get ahead and lias Rex'. R. R. Bonsteelan Hr- '. ahl th-c natural ambition of -4î*y Pr2ston motored to Toronto boy of his age. Miss Dawsunon Frav tlank ced all ho had helped Miss ild re S ss n. To on with the Christmas Sale, and Mis ilrdSsoTon, stated that the menibe-s of oI spent the weeken'd at her home,~-- ofte1here. Boxvmanville-West Dur'ham Ad-!r r Rs al.Wib i b visorv. Commitie2ar~e doîrig- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Ros wonderfl work.Carr on Thursday and Frida-.,4 219 Blind in Area Mr. George Waddell is homej Robcrt Padden. Peterboroughl. again from Civic Hospital. the field secretary, reported that in th? fiscal year ending 29 blind registered in the Bow- manville district, and 23 prov- Mr.VcoWggfMaka incial registrations in the are i. r.VcoWagfMrk m He stated that h2 and J. Carrick is spending a few days with her had ca!led on ecd of the 29 Io daugliter and son-in-law, Mr. offer assistance witli their prob- and Mrs. Sid Browvn. lems and the services of the Mrs. Joei Workman is stili CNIB. He pointed oVît that five critically ill in Memorial Hosp- j - or six calîs we-e made on each ital, Bowmanville. person by Mr.. Carrick and Miss Alice Nesbitt of Toronto himself. s ýpentthe weekend with her sis-BE TUYQ al y M e s r Three ('"aaes of Service ter iss Anne Nesbitt. BE T B Y Ilt e t Mr. Padden explaîned th Miss Myrtie Brown left on three classes of eye service. Monday for New Y'ork to take Ogilvie- Chocolate, White or No. 1 is for the registered blind. a course which would prepare Cherry Alniond - New Twin Pack Meaty go blind without treatment, and ardess on a plane. CANE MfrXELSm No. 3 is for those with myopia Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaney, k _________1_______)___Lamb____Legs__ who are in need of glasses. H2 Tyrone, and Mr and Mrs. Har- Tener Re told the home teacher, Miss old DeMille and family of Bow- : 4Oov Dawson, tiat she will have two manville were Sund-ay visitorsSY U229 Loin Lamb Chop ncw pupils in Bowmanville ini witlî Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk. CORN S P2I.h. Tin2 9 tic near future.- Rev. ane Mrs. Robert Gay of! Juicy 9 . Seven people took advanta'e Kpig, Sask., are here on vaca-I Catelli's 20 oz. tinlb oasf the ir wes ork. ymtr - a tion. Mr. Gay was in the village iatafr buy wok, M ae- Kon tra alngo redCooked Spaghetti I f r c Scotch Lamb Chops denî said. He added that the onSaurra alin o fied CNIB maintains the salesroon Mr. and M-rs. Raymond Gii- 1 Three-way Coînhination ta enable thc blind to biay a, mer, Stewart, Kathy and Ste- Habitant - 28 oz. tin Reast, Chops, Stcw cost the supplies they need.Th phen .Toronto, spent the week- ONIB lEbrary was used by seven end with lis parents, Mr. anid PEA SOUP - - 3 fr4 C Lm naB se b local blind. and four took ad- Mrs. Frank Gilmer. 3__for__4 9C__Lamb___in__aBasket____L_. vantage of thc concessions give.î Sna vstr iî r 1n j Btemlko oeyBc1et wf' 1 the blind by bus lines and rail- Mrs. Andrew Reiclrath were utrilorHnyB kwe S roads, Mr. Padden stated. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Grcenfield, Pillsbury - 16 oz. pkg. The chairman, Mr. Williamns BoNmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Pe im B C N P. thanked tic memb2rs Of tieý Jerry Adams, Toronto. 'Mie lat-' PANCAKE MIX -I fr3 5 Pemu A O k.39c cmitefrhsre-election, ter couple wcre on tieji- honey- 12 fr3 5 Swif t's in10oz. pkg. and expressed appreciation of moon and werc on their way to Old Tymne - 16 oz. jug the honour. He also thanked Qebec. rm m F AN S kg3c he nomînating committee for heir xork. Looking back ovcî' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grdon TA L Premiu he acieve-rents of the year and dauglter Ruth of Orono, wits2 3mcn Sie Mvr. Williams stated thiat tha xith Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bou- SitsPenun-Sie campaign was the outstandin"glihen on Sunday.Fo r I LNA y l. event. He paid tribute to the Weekcnd visitors with Mrs. F r Valenilnes Da y aimneieon M'eat Loaf 1b.59 xcellent work of George Vice, Geo. Ovens wcrc Mr'. and Mrs. wvlo xvas the campaign chair- Rod Gilmour and son Michael, Golden Heur f Swift's Premium - Sliced mlan, and commended aIl the Toronto CN M N HAT el members xvlo had given tihe n riay Fb.13 te ayN ELY EA ikg HE DCH ESE - 35 3upport so necessary to the suc- Praer ric e wiI3betheid a f1 J £BA Spk.H A C E S 5 ess a!yrsric ilb hl i the undertaking. He the ciurch basement at 2:30 p.m. TINY GUMS B 0. bTl aid 1iat aIl members werc Mrs. (Rex'.) White will be tiec2 iythe P 3 11. il99C Fl' ooking forward to another speaker.I Golden Heur - Hand-rolled vear's activity with tic objec- ive of making ihe lot of the Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jones and ASSORTED CHOCOLATES 9 local bîind and near blind so n Douglas o! Burlington spen entin Wy r8 9 asier. ie', eekenid with Mr. and Mrs. aetn Waj -1 lb. boxFrsPr d c Wil1lis, Jones. "FEATURE" "Place Packed" ______________ ïamnilton, sperît Snry wt wing to icy road6 Fon Fridayc 4r.Hate atiel Mr. Wallbridgre was unable to Aylmer 1