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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1959, p. 7

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w--~'- -. -w THUMHDAr, TPm. tt, 1959 THE CANADIAN STATESTIAN, BOWMAIWVILE, ONTLARUIO -and Mrs. Charlie Cawker1 o! "Foxcboro are vacationing in1 Florida.1 Mr.. H .E. Purdy, Campbell- 'V4Jie, was a Sunday guest with hér mother, Mrs. L. B. Williams.9 ,3&=. D. J. Jamieson is visiting h4r brother, Mr. Frank Kennedy, Who is iil in Owen Sound Hesp- Iil. Mr. and Mirs. E. V. Hoar are výeationing in Florida and will t1ben take a cruise te the Virgin Islands. Miss Anne Edsall bas returned fr'om an extended visit with ber sIster, Mrs. E. W. Boak, in Vie- t4ria ,B.C. Miss Haxriett Bartlett bas been visiting ber brother, Pro- àlssor Fred Bartiett of Queen's University, Kingston. .Mr. and Mrs. Alan Stnike at- tended a meeting o! the Ont- ario section o! the Canadian Bar Association in Hamilton last 3Véekend. 'Mr. an'd Mrs. Milton Tarnbiyn of Orono left Wednesday for California wbere they will visit their son, Mr. and Mrs. Gien eamblyn at Van Nuys. -'ý Mr. Elferd Cox, Toronto scul- ,tor, a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cox, Duke St., was on the tele- e.ýdien prograin P.M. Party re- ,~qt1y introducing a gaine which .jèhas invented. M.. nd Mrs. Wm. G. James anîd fejnily, Don Milis, visited bis parents, Dr. and 'Mrs. Geo. W. James, on Sunday. At dinner they enjoyed delicieus venison provided iby Mr. A. H. Sturrock. -r Miss Mary Aildread, R.N., bas s.ccepted a position as bead nurse on the opbthaimoiogy floor In tbe new wing of the Toronto General Hospital. She ,eomxnenced her dulies on Jan. Mr. John Cox, Duke St., Is In Oshawa General Hospital but is rnaking favourable. pregress. He enjoyed a visit this week frem bis son, Berwin o! Sudibury, and his son Elford o! Toronte is a ,frequent visiter. Second Cst. David W. Smith, R.C.M.F'., son e! Mr. and Mrs. Stan Smith, Bradshaw St. bas Srecently been assîgned duties in SNova Setia. Constable Smith Scompieted training in June, 1958 at Regina and was posted in Ot- Ztawa where be remained until ýtransferred te Nova Scotia. Miss Lynne Bagneil, in Tor- onto with the Ice Follies show, managed a few heurs' visit with b er parents ,Mr. and Mrs. W. W. »Bagneli, on Wednesday. She was accempanied by ber friend Miss -Saily Pnice o! Walla Walla, Wash-, also «L member o! the Z. cast. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Martyn :ST. JOHN'S * CHURCH (Anglican) Guinquagesima HOLY COMMUNION 10 and 11l- CHURCH SCHOOL MORNING FRAYER 7 - EVENING FRAYER Ash Wednesday .~10:00 - HOLY COMMUNION 7:30 - PENITENTIAL SERVICE ie!t by Plane Sunday from Mal - ton for Los Angeles, Calif., and' Hawaii. Mr. and Mrs. Martyn visited bis sister, Miss Ruth Mar- tyn at Les Angeles the first part e! this week, befere cèntinuing by plane te Waikiki, Hawaii, fer a vacation. The Yeutb Service Comm ittee o! Bowmanville Rotary Club bas made arrangements for 16 sel- ected Bey Scôuts te attend the Ice Follies show on Fnriday even- ing. This annual outing is us- ually te see a hockey game in Teronto, but it was decided to take in the ice show this year instead. Next Tuesday evening Dur- ham Chapter 181, Onder o! the Eastern Star, will bold its 31st birtbday party and Grand Of-. ficers Night wben distinguisbed visitons will include Mrs. Ethel Spean o! Duninville, Ont., Wer- thy Grand Matron, and Mr. Ro- bert Cooper o! Brampton, Won- tby Grand Patron. Mrs. Percy Vivian, wife o! Durbam County's Member o! Parliament, was elected presi- dent e! the Conservatives' Wives Association at a meeting in Ott7 awa recentiy. . Vîvian is pic- tured with Mrs. John Diefen- baker, wife o! the Prime Minis- ten. and other Association of- ficers at a tea given by Mrs. Diefenbaker later the same day. Recent visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Percy Hayward were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Champa, Cleve- land, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Raye West, Darlene, Raye and Barry; aise Mrs. Marg Baxter, Miss' George Fersyth, Oshawa, Mrs., Madeline Mormoyle. Friends will ie pleased te knew that Mr. Hayward is progressing favour- jably following hiis recent illness. 1Pictured in the winter issue lof Canadian Wool Grower and Sheep Breeder is Lloyd Ayre of Bowmanville as he helps pose prize winning sheep of G. Brien. Lloyd himiself was a big prize winner at the Royal, as was bis brother Boyd. Aise pictured in the same issue is the yearling Suffolk ramn of T. C. Glaspel and Son which toppeci the Sale of Stars Auction at the Royal at $375. Glaspeil and Son aiso had many prize wàirng sbeep. Members of Mrs. H. T. Hum- by's farnily gave ber a surprise birtbdiay party at ber borne in Burlington on Friday, Jan. 30, and ail went out to dinner at The Estaminet in Burlington. At.. tending were Mr. Humby, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roenigk from Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Roenigk and 'son Paul, Oshawa, the Hurnby's three sons, Bill, Tom and Mark and their wives and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Humby's son David, the oldest grandchiid. In the Bowmanville Digest, published weekly by the Bow- manville Corps of the Salvation Army we note that Captain Nor- man Coles accompanied Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers to the Ontar- io Training Schooi for Boys onj Sundiay afternoon, Jan. 25, when Mr. Mel Smith conducted al 'Sunday School of the Air" broadcast, which was beard the foliowing Sunday at 10.05. Cap- tain Coies introduced Mr. Car- ruthers who gave a short talk. This week Bowmanvillie officers of the Corps are attending the annuai Officer's Retreat at Port Hope, conducted this year by Commissioner Wycliffe Booth. Many from Bowmanviile are attending the Ice Follies at Ma- ple Leaf Gardens this week. In the cast of the glittering ice show is Miss Lynne Bagneli, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bagneli. On Wednesday evening two bus loads fromn Bowman- ville went up for the show, one sponsored by the Business and ,Professional Women's Club, and the other composed of members of the Past Chief Rangers Assoc- Ilation of the Canadian Order of Trinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Heusiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Ceilison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP "The Deluded Builders" 7:00 p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP "Stories of Hymns" 12:10 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville MORMING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. - English tEVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.m. - Dutch JNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE "Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 a-n. every Sunday, CFRB Contract for the Liberty te be left outside the present1z Street Storm Sewer was award- plans. ed te A. E. Hockin, Toronto. at j Councillor O. J. Presson was the meeting o! the Bowman- appointed te represent Townt ville Town Council held on. Council at a dinner meeting te Monday evening in tbe Town be held in Port Credit on Wed- Hall. The tender fnom A. E.1 nesday evening, February 11t,. Hockin was $24,224.70 and was'At this meeting representatives the lowest bld of!ered. of munîcipalities interested inj It was decided te rent the for- finding a solution te the pnob- mer Customs Bond Roomn in the lem of lake pollution will hold Library building owned by the 'a discussion. Bowmanviile Town municipality te tbe Bell Tele- Council decided te ask the Pub- phone Company o! Canada fer lic Utilities Commission and a $70 menthiy rentai, including the _Northumberland - Durham janiter service and hydro. Il. Heaith Unit te each send a re- was stated that the telephone presentative te this dinner company needs new quarters meeting.I because the present office i A letter received from the net large enougb. It was decid- board of directers cf Memerial ed te put new flooring and a Hospital requesting considera- i satisfactony iock on the Bond tien be given te the placing af!11 Roem &t a cost o! $1,752. The more lights around the hespi- 1 Telephone Company wiil sign tai. It stated that W. David1 a lease with a four year option Higgon, chairman e! the hospi- o! renewal. tai property committee, and1I Announcement was made that James Stutt. chairman o! the the new telephone numbers for grounds committee, would be the Town Hall are Market 3- pleased te assist in any study of 3335 and Market 3-3336. the situation. Tbe matter wvas It was decided te authorize referred te the public proper- the inclusion of the south-east ty committee with power te' corner o! Bewmanville in tbc act.I Centrai Lake Ontario Conser- A request from the Bewman-I vation Authority. The original ville Public Library Board for plan, because it followed the a grant o! 85 cents per capitaI beight of land, le!t this cerner was referred to tbe budget of the town outside the auther- meeting o! Bowmanville Town ity. It was explaîned by Ceun- Counci.l te be beid later this ciller O. J. Presson, Bowman- month.p ville representative on the Cen- An estimate of $1,000 for tbe tral Lake Ontario Conserva- financial requinements for the tien Authority, that it is net Planning Board, and a request good if a municipality shouid. frema the Trafic Advisory ceme under twe Conservation1 Board for $100 te cover the cost Authorities, and this eouldiof safety work and films, were bappen te Bowmanviile in the aise referred te the budget future if this section continued meeting.___________ Canadion Tore (Continued from page one) spring business. The Canadian Tire organiza- tien was started 45 years age and now bas roughly 170 stores tbrougbout Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. The stores are individually owned and openat- ed with Canadian Tire acting as suppliers o! a wide variety o! merchandise. They gained their original popularity by us- ng mail order catalogues for their products, a practice wbicb bas diminisbed recently as more associate stores have been open- ed in principal cities, and towns. The store bere wiil carry a complete Une e! cataiogued Canadian Tire items and wîll aise provide service identified i with these stores. Commissioner's Remarks "«There are four compelling reasons why the citizens ofi Bowmanviile should heartily welcome the new Canadian Tire Associate Store", says Industrial Commissioner Ken Morris. "First, by building on the site of the burned-out Sîmpkin Cab- inet Cornpany, an attractive commercial structure will re- place a building that has de- tracted from the appearance of downtewn Bowmanville". "Second, the new establisb- ment will make a significant annual contribution to the town's commercial tax revenue". "Third, additinal local em- ployment will be provided". "Fourth, the new store will make Bowmanville increasingly seif-sufficient as a shopping centre, adding to the convenience of our own citizens and helping to attract more trade from the surrounding countryside".- "The rapid growth in recent years of the Canadian Tire Col,- poration and its chain of As- sociate Stores can truly be term- ed a "'Cinderella story" in the annals of merchandising. It is a tribute to our town, and a vote of confidence in its long- term potential, that Bowmanvîlle has been selected as a suitable location for another unit in this fast-growing organization", con- tinued Mr. Morris. "1While weicoming tbis new store, I also extend a most hearty welcome te its proprieter and his family. It bas been my privilege to work closely with Stew McTavish on this project since mid-i958, and I know he will strengthen the corps of bus- inessmen who have contributed se substantially te the town's progress and ecenomic welfare". Fresident's Comments "Both as a merchant, and in my officiai capacity as Presi- dent of the Bowmanvilie Cham- ber of Commerce, I extend a warm welcome te Mr. McTavish and is new Canadian Tire As- sociate Store", says Glen Lander. "The recent announcement Foresters wbo made this their annual outing. On Frîday even- mng two bus loads wiil attend, arranged for by Mrs. H .T. Col- mer. In addition, many individ- uals bave made up on are plan- ning te go to-night and Friday. Mr. Ray Dudley recoived a wonder!ul reception on Fnidey evoning wben ho played a sole recitai for the Whitby Concert Association. and aise at Massey Hall an Sunday afternoon wrhen lie xas guest artist with the Toronto Symphonvy Orchestra, directed hy Dr. Boyd Neel. Mrs. Ray Dudley, accompanied ber busband te Canada for bis ap- peanance bore. While bore thoy visited his parents. Mn. and Mns. C. H. Dudley, Courtice, and cal- led on a number or Toronto tnîends. Th1ey left Tuesday te return to Bloomington, Indiana. Bewmanville residents will ho partinularly7 intereSted te know that the ne'v brochure publisbod by Celumibia Artists who man- age Ray's concerts, includes a- mong the pictures o! bis appean- 'nes- round the wonld. one o! the rehearsal in Tiinitv United Chuirch, Bowmanville, fan the Ccntennial Concert bore last :,ear, with eapt ion describing the event. Another intoresting photo shows .qRiv in his morning suit zind topper afler attending a ganden pe.ty at Buckingham Palace. -- = - £ that Grand Unien is te oerect a modern supermanket, coupledi with today's announcement byS Mr. McTavish, is tangible proof o! Bowmanville 's increasing im- portance as a shopping centre. I arn sure the mai oity o! local businessmen are grateful that these new enterpnises are te be located in the heart o! our shop- ping area,- thus maintaining property values and the town's tax -revenues. Encouraged by these important developments, it is te be hoped that our ostab- lished merchants wili supporti Town Council and the Chamnber o! Commerce in their efforts tLU introduce funther improvements aimed at strengtbening the town 's economy.". Red Cross (Continued from page one) This Branch plans te stant a Loan Cupboard service ta thisj area as soon- as supplies can be purchased. This service wil make it possible te obtain crut- ches, wbeel-chairs, hospitai bed and other sick roorn ne- cessities on a loan basis. Waten safety, first &,"d, 'home nunsing, sewing projects, were, among the subi ects discussedj by Mr. McAdam. Your Branci hopes te undertake many of these proiects as soon as funds permit.1 The !ollewing exocutive worel elected: President, Mn. D. Mars-1 den; lst vice, Mn. J. Bishop;I secretary, Mârs. A. Bate; treas- uren, Mrs. B. Burk: Public RF- lations, Mrs. Roy Spry, Mn. A. Mavin; Chairman Bloo<d iJonor Committee, Mn. J. Bishop: Chair- man Loan Cupheard, Mrs. W.1 Cawker; Chairman Water Safe- ty, Mr. W. Bagneli; Newcastle Representative, Mrs. W. Rudel; Tyror.e Representative, Mrs. Roy Spry. It is hoped that eacb o! the Service clubs in the area will appoint a permanent represen- tative te the Red Cross Society and that from this nucleus th:ý chairman and committees can be set up and preiects begun. Mr. McAdam stnessed the im- portance o! speed in organizîng as March is campaign month for the Red Cross across Can- ada and the campaign commit- tee will bave a great deal te do in a short tîme. The next meet- ing wil be held on Friday, Fb 13-a good omen!! Mn. Marsden closed the meet- ing with a vote o! thanks on behal! o! ah pnesent te Mr. McAdam for bis invaluable as- sistance. Glen Lande. <Centinued frei n aze one) window, Mýr. Rickaby stated. He pointed out that the Good- brand Fabricsbop window was particularly beautiful ths Christmas. He said that Bob Kerr deserved much credit for the design, and told. him that the iovely display bad been ap- preciated by ail who had seen it. The President's Trophy had been donated by E. T. Banting, a past president of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Rickaby said. He stated this is the third year it has been awarded lor Christmas windows o! outstand-' ing merit. Mr. Morris told of the deci- sion made several months ago to give Citations of Menit ti commercial and industrial en- terprises. "They must be goodi to win, and have been merited j by concerns that have eniarged their factories, remodeled their exteriers, or improved their 1 premîses during the year," the secret ary - ran ager explained. Citations of menit were re-I ceived by Mr. Banting on be- Gel Cash To-day For Old Appliances through STATESMAN C L ASSI1F1E D S Phone MArket 3-33113 S>ocal £Prsoal Town Decides to Rent the Works Department for the many things they bad accom- plished and their part in the Christmas decorations. The vote cf thanks moved by Mr. Morris wvas seconded by Mr. Banting. It was carried unani- mously. Foilowing the meetin'i a social heur was enjoyed. Ce!- fee and doughnuts were served. Deputy Minitser Couni Passes CContinued frem page one) The amount o! the license fee is as fellows: For a maie dog if only one is kept- $2.00; For each additional maie dog- $2.00; For a female dog if oniy one is kept- $5.00; For each addition- ai female dog- $5.00; Fôr a kennel- $10.00. Wbere a certificate o! a vet-1 erinary surgeon is- produced I-'. + - .........1. .4.. .. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE I I IJ~UUIjIttL1 O]IIL'rU SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK '$079t" ASPIRUN TMO A RK mpi G t"_ Compared to buying ASPIRIN Ini tins of 12 Tablets Family Size79 100 TABLETS 9 12 TABLETS 19C 24 TABLETs 29C FAST RELIEF f-ROM HEADACHE, DISCOMFORTS OP COLOS, NEURITIS, NEURALGIA, AND RHIUMAT1SM GET FAST RELIEF wif h GIN PILLS FOR MHE KIDNVEYS Rteg. sÎze 61;c 1D Economv 'mi ('le ihe Q& baby povider ihat PROOFS lTBabyr Nf 810 10 oz.. 9 HOSPITAL sinZ69 .4 J4oz. NURSERY SIZ! 9ft Z.BT. Baby Powder 'i1i Your Health is Priceless!.1 A periodic medical check is essential. Yeur physician is trained te detect the early start of disease which could cest yeu much in time and money. Why net visit him now during NATIONAL HEALTH WEEK I.D.A. Brand Iodized Throat Gargie - 50e-~O Iodized Throat Tablets 50c Money-Saving Specials! Evelyn Howard Theatrical- Reg. 89c Cold Cream ----- -69C I.D.A. Brand - Reg. 31c - 100 ft. roll 12 inches wide Wax Paper - - - - 28c, 2 Fr 55c Lustre Creme Shampoo Reg. 2.50 '- 10 ounce 1.98 Colgate Dental Cream Reg. 63e - Plus 2 cakes PALMOLIVE SOAF .63C I.D.A. Brand - Reg. 18c, 2 for 35c Paper Napkins - - - Vicks Vaporub 1.09 - Plus 15e size COUGH DROPS 1 .09 Roli 16c, 2For 31C1 iJ&J .!3by Powder Regular 73e 2 For 1.29 Lotion Deodorant - Reg. 9ge 11,1 I.DA. Brand - Reg. 1.15, 2.29, 4.89 Halibut Liver 011 Capsules 89c, 1.89, 3.49 VITAMINS Help keep the whele family in the best cf Health this winter by building resistance te colds and ether ills. Many well recommended vitamin suppiements are available at our store. Idarnalt--- 79c, 1.29, 2.29 Idafer Capsules ---$200 Liquid --__ 1.50 I.D.A. Cod Liver Oil Capsules------- 1.19 One-A-Day Multiple Vitamins 1.40, 2.50, 3.95, 7.95 Scott's Emulsion ______ 1.00, 2.00 N V MELOSOMDEO FOU , SUPER STRENGTH DRY-OR WET! .SiG BOx--3-PLY..81 tittot '.e 41 c with W AmmaPOýL E EXTRACT of Cod Liver Compound It'sTenIctlme.Winter's coughs and colds are lust around the corner. PieIp vour family te botter heulth this winter, build up their resistance to colds... give them Wompole Extract rogularly. .. start todoyl 15 OUNCES - $1.50 34 OUNCES - $2.75 ECONOMY SIZE r SAVES YOU v5 Get1 W IP E xtaclTO PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, Drugs We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 bal! of the Brookdale-Kings- way Nurseries, William Burk for the Toronto-Dominion Bank, Bert Syer on bebaîf o! Hîggon Electric, and W. G. Pascoe f or Goodyear Tire and Rubber Com- pany o! Canada, Ltd, Mr. Rick- aby made the presentations. Mr. Morris presided during the election of officers for 1959. Mr. Rickaby congratulated Mr. Lander, the new president, thi vice-president and directers. He then called upon the new pres- ident te take the chair. "I hope to carry on the job as it bas been s0 ably done by Mr. Rickaby," Mr. Landers said. "I wouid like to, see more merchants, particularly retail merchants, join the Chamber off Commerce. 'This organizatien works for the benefits of all merchants, flot just those who are members", Mr. Lander said, and stressed the fact it should have the co-operation and sup- port o! ail. He stated funther plans for a better Christmas prograrn will be made, and add- ed that the question of store hours will be studied in the near future. Vote o! Thanks t. B. & P. Ken Morris, tbe secretary- manager moved a vote of thanks to the Bowmanville Business and Professional Women's Club- wbich as a public service bad maintained the Welcome Wa- gon for the past twe year;. Members o! the B. and P. Club aise had acted as the judges for the Christmas decoration con- test of homes and stores, Mr. Morris said. He aiso expressed tbanks te the Town Council for the un- failing interest and support given te the Chamber o! Com- merce; to the Canadian States- man for the excellent coverage given the work o! the Chamber o! Commerce; to the Bowman- ville Planning and Develop-, ment Board for the splendid job it is doing; te the linesmen f» the Ontaro Hydre for donat- ing their free time for work on the Christmas streetlights; and te Lloyd Quinton, the Works Foreman, and the personel o! q - 1 <Contînued frein Page onel snowîng LIXat a femie og a'step in the over-ail Rabies Con- the Bth Infantry Brigade with ,been spayed, it wiil be iicensed troî pregram, but the most im- the rank o! Brigadier. He was at the same rate as a maie dog.potnsoadoe which awanded the Distinguished Son- The ewner o! any deg running yeur Council must corsider is vice Order and the Order of at large will be guilty o! a the formulation o! a by-law to Orange-Nassau (Netherlaflds). breach r,. this by-law. An animai centrol all dogs and eliminate Mn. Robents wîli speak te re- will lie considered running at strays. presentatives o! some fonty-two large w,\hen found on a highwayj ti ih hsi'mdta h communities who are members or ether public place, and nýi t is n itedCouthies ies C trai h o! the Lake Ontario Develop- unden control o! the owner. o eUnitCtees're p estin a b ment Association, as weil as There wili be a penalty o! law for the licensing, centrolling, representatives o! the Provin- net more than $50 for any per- impounding, and elimination e! cial and Canadian Governments son who contravenes the pro- pets. This iby-law is being pre- and members o! Industnial De- visions o! this by-law. sented in the hope that with veiepment Departments o! orapoa fi h aiu Banks, Railways and Invest- Tefloiglte ett municipalities cemposing your ment ! United Counties Council by Council will ezcept and pass At Mr. Elmer T. Banting, Presi- Dr. I. J. Woolsey, Inspecter in totunu ea o lea dent o! the Association, wi-l Charge o! the Bowmanville Div- ýytiens. u dly ralea outline the isadobeties ision o! the Heaith o! Animal is ns o! the Asseciation, and a report Branch o! the Depantment o! May we bave yeur serieut o! the achievements o! the past Agriculture, shows the serieus- consideratien o! a very import- year wiil be given by the Man- ness o! the situation resulting ant subject. Granted, thore wilI ager, D. W. Kingdon. There !rom rabies infection being be opposition te -control meas- wil be a panel discussion after spread !rem foxes to other ani- unres, but surely it weuld be oas- the speaker on promotionai ac- mais in the area. ler te face this opposition than tivities. It is expected that Bx55,te face the indignation which membrs f te pnelwil be Bomanill OtaBox,50 would be inevitable if someone -Charman Elmr T.Bantng;January. l9th, 1959 in the Counities wene unfortun- A. V. Crate, Dinector, Depant- Warden,1 ate eneugh te die o! the disease. ment of Planning and Develop- United Counties' Counicil, Yours very truly, ment; James A. Rober ts, D.S-.,..Northumbenland-Dunham Mun- I. J. Woolsey, E.D., Asseciate Deputy Minis- iîa ulig ter, Trade and Commerce: and iCopl uildiOnta, Inspector in Charge, S. L. Shippam, Secretary-Man- Coor, naio3w-manville Division. ager, Peterborough Chamber Dear Sir: cf Commerce. As yeu bave been made aware Displays of tbe Association 1,n many ways, a senlous out- Sir Wilfrid Laurier sat in the used for promotional work at b reak of rabies bas been oxpen- House o! Commons from 1874 Sportsmen's Shows will be1 ienced in the United Counties te 1919. held the office o! Prime shown, as weii as literature and during the last ten months. In Minister frein 1896 te 1911, the other data published by the As- 1f act, it bas Ïbeen se senieus that longes t continueus termi e! any sociation. we have had 239 1aboratory pro- Canadian Prime Minister. - 1 PAGE sEVM yen Case to date, a.nd 34 of these were in dogs and cats some of which had been properly vaccin- ated. In August the Cenadî,anl Departmeflt of Agriculture Heal- th Animals Division recogniifg the gravity of the situation, pro- ceeded with a program of vac- cination in Durham County of ail pets (dogs and cats) free of charge in an effort to place a protective barrier between bu- mans and wild animais, especial- iy the fox. Beginniflg February 2nd, the saine program will be carried out in Northumberland County. This vaccination ofpets is one !j

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